Blue field entoptic phenomenon

Re: Strange Phenomena

True, as far as it's concerned "the jury is still out on the question." Still these things didn't start happening for a long time after the recreational drug use began. So I don't see the connection.

Did you know Carl Sagan Smoked weed. He admitted it on Johnny Carson back in the seventies. He wrote all those books on the cosmos under the influence.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
Did you know Carl Sagan Smoked weed. He admitted it on Johnny Carson back in the seventies. He wrote all those books on the cosmos under the influence.
Are you writing books on the cosmos as well? If you want to damage your brain and your mind (and eventually your soul), that's your choice and responsability. It's your life.
Getting into theses substances is the result of an earlier damage too. You didn't answer about the diet, and bad diet-related inflammations are dammaging as well.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
True, as far as it's concerned "the jury is still out on the question." Still these things didn't start happening for a long time after the recreational drug use began. So I don't see the connection.

Did you know Carl Sagan Smoked weed. He admitted it on Johnny Carson back in the seventies. He wrote all those books on the cosmos under the influence.

Please re-read the forum guidelines. Discussions about illegal substances are against the forum guidelines. If you are unable to abide by the forum guidelines, your posting privileges will be removed. By the way, Carl Sagan was no intellectual giant and did a lot to harm the search for truth as it concerns extra-terrestrial (or hyper dimensional) life. If he's your poster child, you might want to look farther.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
Well I'm more than sure that my retinas are not detached, I've been experiencing these things for oh about twenty years. I don't have migraine headaches. A neuro disorder plausible, but I've had no other manifestations so I've ruled those out as well.
Well, I don't have any medical training and my knowledge in chemical biology, anatomy, internal medicine, neurology, etc., is rather limited. That is not to say that I haven't read a lot on these various matters, but I wouldn't feel comfortable self- diagnosing, let alone diagnosing others.

So I have to wonder why you feel qualified to diagnose yourself and hesitate seeking perspectives from well trained, qualified medical practitioners. As has been suggested, perhaps an attachment to a certain reason behind the phenomena is closing your mind to other possibilities and ultimately preventing you from taking responsibility for your health.

These things may be serious and, even though you've had them for quite a while, could indicate a form of neurological damage or degradation, which might require a specific strategy to remedy. Incidentally, not all disorders have more than one symptom. The absense of secondary symptoms only rules our conditions that are either traditionally comorbid with other conditions or always present with other symptoms.

Ultimately, the choice is yours on how you deal with this phenomena as is the choice on how you deal with sacred cows and attachments to certain notions.

Re: Strange Phenomena

I'll take all that's been said under advisement, and wish to conclude my part in this discussion. as far as the discussion on illegal drugs, my responce was offered as the result of a question. As I was being open and honest about my position.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
I'll take all that's been said under advisement, and wish to conclude my part in this discussion. as far as the discussion on illegal drugs, my responce was offered as the result of a question. As I was being open and honest about my position.

This is a research forum and the guidelines are in place for a very specific reason. Being 'open and honest' is not an excuse for breaking forum guidelines.
Re: Strange Phenomena

i experience these occurances as well. .the static vision usually only happens after i wake. .its as if my third eye's wakin up too. .slowly. i see the light sparks as well, mostly when exposed to outdoor light. . small flecks of light-almost bacteria like. .swimming. . floating- almost transparently before my eyes. . like some sort of living energy .whatever they are.. they're wonderful..relaxing.. and lovely.
Re: Strange Phenomena


well im not attached to some strange phenomena, just saying i've had it since forever and am really thankfull for the good advice on what could be the cause:) since I do suffer from migraine sometimes my diet is ridiculously bad and since i work as bar owner I am required to do the occasional drinking:P And since i've had a particularly rough teens i also havent skipped on the recreational drugs... sooo heh heh heh... so thats just made it worse i guess:) i am working on myself really hard and i really try to keep from wishfull thinking and am really trying to let go of the thought that I'm this super being from space sent on a special mission to Earth :cool2: . but c'omoon:D it's a really nice thought to let go of :-[

ouhjea my static wision doesnt leave when i go to sleep... so maybe that makes me speshul:)

thanks for the insight:)
What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

Does anyone else see or know of what these flashing speck sparkle like tiny-tiny things are that fill the air at daylight and at night, they travel pretty fast and look like they disappear as well but they fill the air that is surrounding everyone and everything. These things are not ON any objects only in empty spaces. What I can relate them to are the particles a person can see on a computer screen that are of the color of a white-gray sparkle flash when the computer is broken or when a television is broken and you turn it on and you see those gray and black particles on there, but what I am talking about is more "modernized" than that though, if that makes sense to you.

For example;

If I go outside on a sunny day and FOCUS my eyes and look towards the sky upwards mostly but also looking everywhere around in empty space I see these things flying everywhere- am I seeing photons? Is this something wrong with my eyes? I have pretty good eyesight and do not wear glasses yet.

At night if I turn off all the lights and look into empty space I see something similar but this time they are not moving and they are dimmer and stay in one place, not sure if it is the same thing.

Then when I read what Laura talked about with the C's about these strange random sparkle flashes coming into being instantly out of nowhere - These seem different then what I mentioned above because these are just ONE flash of sparkle that is random that I see almost every day as well- The C's said something like "to think good thoughts when these are seen" Maybe all this is correlated.

I am possibly thinking that all this might be a result of us living in a holographic universe, or something computer-like-electrical.

What do you all think-has anyone else experienced anything like I mentioned if so would you mind explaining in detail?
Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

Is it similar to this? _

I see them too, and in my New Agey days I thought I was seeing prana. ;) But I noticed that those dots would always follow the same path, and this hinted at blood vessels rather than any other 'paranormal' explanation.
Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

I began noticing them to a few months back. It was fascinating but I eventually ended up sharing Data's conclusion on the matter as I eventually noticed that they followed my line of sight.

Fwiw I did notice that they weren't floaters and that they resembled energy that collided and dispersed at 45 degree angles from one another at a really fast rate. Hope that helps.
Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

YES DATA THOSE ARE THEM! That is so cool that I am seeing my retinas white blood cells without a microscope!

Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

There are a couple threads now that discuss this topic.,21914.0.html,9655.msg70060.html#msg70060

Maybe they should be combined?
Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

here is more info here

Re: What are these flashing sparkle specks filled in the air? and other questions

Data said:
Is it similar to this? _

I see them too, and in my New Agey days I thought I was seeing prana. ;) But I noticed that those dots would always follow the same path, and this hinted at blood vessels rather than any other 'paranormal' explanation.

What a good find. Thank you. I have been looking for a physiological explanation of them for a long time.
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