Body positivity and fat acceptance movement

Yes, and it takes the idea that people ought not to be shamed or judged because of their appearance, and twists it into the complete opposite extreme, where being overweight, for whatever reason is good, and if you think otherwise, then you're part of one of those "isms".
Exactly. This is what worries me, because this behaviour seems to me to have a underlying formula for all of these "woke" movements.

It's almost that it happens with such repetition, it's like they are trying to normalise or condition people to make it easier to change their beliefs on command.
I was thinking that it is a manifestation of terrible ideas that were spread from top down over the past decades, such as that people should be freed from so-called repressive mechanisms of conventional morality and beliefs about family, society and so on, and where the whims of the individual take center stage.

It brought to mind the following session:

Session 14 April 2018

(L) Alright, things are moving fast... That's what they said, right? Okay. Does anybody want to take that tennis ball and lob it back?

(Pierre) What are they referring to specifically?

A: Dionysius syndrome activated! Earth reacting! All on track!

Q: (Pierre) Dionysus is usually about hedonism, isn't it?

(L) Not exactly, it was about frenzied... just chaos. Chaos!

(Pierre) About parties, orgies, and pleasure?

(L) No. It was about death and destruction and even cannibalism. They would find a victim and cut him in pieces and eat him! Ok, so I suppose that you are specifically referring to the political behavior of the US, the UK, and France and their attack on Syria?

A: Yes and so much more.

Q: (Pierre) Their first reply goes beyond the Syrian conflict. Like the whole human population is starting to embrace this syndrome.

(L) So, we need to explore the Dionysian thing a little more to have more understanding of what that could possibly mean. Of course, what's going on right now might put a different understanding on the ancient reports.


(L) It wasn't so much about hedonism. It was about...

(Joe) General mayhem.

(L) Yeah, it was about being driven crazy. It was madness.

(Andromeda) The Maenads...

(L) It was just MADNESS!

(Pierre) When did it reach its highest point?

(L) I dunno. It was still going on in ancient Rome. They passed laws against it.

(Pierre) But Ancient Rome around Julius Caesar's time, or later?

(L) Yeah, and I think even later. It may have even gone underground.

(Joe) It kind of erupted periodically.

(L) Yeah, it was a indulgence, going mad, chaos, death, destruction, mayhem...

(Artemis) Hedonism, and then the next step is going mad.

(Pierre) Maybe a question would be: Is the main cause for this rise in Dionysus Syndrome cosmic?

A: Partly. We told you that the STS forces [Gauss meters squeals when spelling out "forces"] would become desperate as the change approaches. Consider the madness of the so-called "liberal" faction in the USA and elsewhere.

Q: (Andromeda) So that's an example of the Dionysus Syndrome.

(L) Oh yeah, I mean think about it! I've seen some videos of those {liberal snowflakes} people acting freaking just absolutely NUTS!

(Artemis) It's their indulgence, bad habits, hedonism...

(L) "And don't say anything mean to me"...

(Artemis) And snowflakery, and, "don't judge me"...

(Joe) It's an entitlement syndrome where you feel in the moment that you're entitled to express it and get it and have those needs met. No restraint.

(Andromeda) Is that what you mean by the Dionysus Syndrome?

A: Close
Oh, nice.

If you want a god of sex, wine and smashing the gender binary into little tiny pieces you might want to try Dionysus. God of the stranger, the Other and religious ecstasy, Dionysus travels the countryside with his* consort Ariadne, followed by a continuous rolling orgy of nymphs, satires and mortal women. Called Maenads, these women gave up their families and positions in order to follow him, surrendering themselves fully to that animal state the ancient Greeks believed all women possessed. Armed with thyrsi, giant fennel staves, these women were drunk, sexually aggressive and, when sufficiently roused, liable to rip apart and eat anything that crossed their paths, from lions to their own sons. Failure to offer him worship and appropriate respect would bring him to your town, at best to lure the women away as Maenads, at worst to turn them loose on the men.

“Seizing his left arm at the elbow and propping her foot against the unfortunate man’s side, she tore out his shoulder, not by her own strength, but the god gave facility to her hands. Ino began to work on the other side, [1130] tearing his flesh, while Autonoe and the whole crowd of the Bacchae pressed on. All were making noise together, he groaning as much as he had life left in him, while they shouted in victory. One of them bore his arm, another a foot, boot and all. His ribs were stripped bare [1135] from their tearings. The whole band, hands bloodied, were playing a game of catch with Pentheus’ flesh.” Euripides Bacchae

Oh, nice.

They’re certainly ramping up the Dionysus type behavior. Sam Smith’s new song sort of celebrates getting urinated on by men wearing leather briefs…. Maybe it’s the logical conclusion of what Madonna started, however it’s certainly in everyone’s faces at this point.

Hedonistic behavior taken to it’s logical conclusion.

Not just psychological and emotional, but some people really have physical issues... they are ill, and weight gain is a symptom of that illness.
!!!! Thank you, Laura! There are two conditions I know òf which untreated can lead to obesity, hypothyroidism and the absence of a gallbladder.
These conditions are not rare, but are treated very lightly or not at all. Is it possible that social ideologies that accentuate accepance of dysfunction are just psychological manipulation preying on chronic ignorance?
Oh, nice.


Camille Paglia talks a lot about Dionysus in her book “Sexual Personaea”. She cites Sade’s book “120 Days of Sodom” as a work of genius satire that openly explores the depths of the human condition, rather than the perverted ravings of a psychopath.

The argument is based around what is the nature of man without culture. Paglia often argues that rape is not the result of a toxic culture (toxic masculinity), but the result of a lack of culture.

From the Jungian perspective, the Dionysian aspects are ones which need to be acknowledged and integrated into the personality if one is to become whole and master of oneself. Hence the part about Dionysus coming to the village to cause havoc if he hasn’t been properly worshipped and given tributes.
From the Jungian perspective, the Dionysian aspects are ones which need to be acknowledged and integrated into the personality if one is to become whole and master of oneself. Hence the part about Dionysus coming to the village to cause havoc if he hasn’t been properly worshipped and given tributes.
yep, but people these days seem to be stuck on the identification. As with any other drive, Dionysius represents, or could represent, an opportunity to decide upon it, after admitting to oneself that such drive exist within, but that hasn't happened, and because of the pleasure that convincing oneself of one's greatness represents, added to the pleasure of hedonism, there's truly no incentive to make the above happen.

The trouble with a life of debauchery, is that it eventually ends and the hangover in some cases can be tragic, lives wasted in the pursuit of pleasure, all forms of it. It truly is a moment of moral bankruptcy in the West.

And the trouble with some of these fads, and tendencies is that they do not represent the worst of it, some of the small news items that have made the news lately are beyond redemption and possess no humanity. For example, a group of three women in Venezuela sexually abused and then murdered a small child, the women were all family members of the child, something similar just happened in Argentina, where a mother and her girlfriend, abused and murderer the mother's child.
yep, but people these days seem to be stuck on the identification. As with any other drive, Dionysius represents, or could represent, an opportunity to decide upon it, after admitting to oneself that such drive exist within, but that hasn't happened, and because of the pleasure that convincing oneself of one's greatness represents, added to the pleasure of hedonism, there's truly no incentive to make the above happen.

Exactly. It's one thing to contemplate these things and to recognize and accept our impulses. It's even okay to act out certain elements of those impulses in real life - preferably in a safe, healthy way - as opposed to suppressing and denying basic aspects of being incarnated in a 3d vehicle.

It's totally another thing to go, "Yeah, pride week! Let's be like a psychotic god and his troupe of demonic she-beasts! WOO!! PARTY ON DUDEXES!"
Exactly. It's one thing to contemplate these things and to recognize and accept our impulses. It's even okay to act out certain elements of those impulses in real life - preferably in a safe, healthy way - as opposed to suppressing and denying basic aspects of being incarnated in a 3d vehicle.
Absolutely, and the really interesting aspect of it, is that when you act them out in a healthy manner, they tend to regulate and they become more parts of you and less "impulses" that just hit you, if that makes sense. It's as if, without that healthy and as conscious as possible outlet, they become toxic.

It's totally another thing to go, "Yeah, pride week! Let's be like a psychotic god and his troupe of demonic she-beasts! WOO!! PARTY ON DUDEXES!"
And if you oppose it, or protest it, you're a biggot.. and it keeps on getting more and more extreme. I was just watching a video in which someone was talking about some people of renown in Pride (I think last year) and the person noticed that none of them were actually gay, which is ironic.. being gay today isn't hip enough for pride, everyone was some form of trans-pan-something else. 10 years ago gay people went to pride, today... gay people aren't hip enough for pride, go figure.
10 years ago gay people went to pride, today... gay people aren't hip enough for pride, go figure.

And every year we have a few more alphabet letters added to "lgbtq" or whatever it is. Maybe there have been more added since I was forced to learn this. Let me check..

Ok - it looks like we now have "lgbtqia2+" and those of us that don't know what all these letters stand for are all bigots for not knowing the intricate details of what each of these represent.

Oh, and also all the titles that go with each of these - you must keep up to date with, and know the exact differences and intricacies of, otherwise you are also a bigot.

Also - businesses must also update their website dropdown lists and databases to accommodate these as well, costing time and money. Also - governments, businesses, military and other employers must also have quotas to employ the correct number of "diverse" employees. The more you employ, the more brownie points you get. Never mind about employing the right person for the job.

It's almost like a competition : "I'm the most special person now, since I identify as x, and now you must address me as y and learn my language and invented ideas. I'm specialler than anyone else ! and that makes me soooo important."
Exactly. It's one thing to contemplate these things and to recognize and accept our impulses. It's even okay to act out certain elements of those impulses in real life - preferably in a safe, healthy way - as opposed to suppressing and denying basic aspects of being incarnated in a 3d vehicle.

It's totally another thing to go, "Yeah, pride week! Let's be like a psychotic god and his troupe of demonic she-beasts! WOO!! PARTY ON DUDEXES!"

Laura talked about this in the The Wave series, way before this whole madness went mainstream and out in the open. But it's obvious that the PTB are intentionally corrupting the real meaning or purpose of "sexuality" (right-brain and left-brain unity) in order to prevent any sort of unification of the masses and much more. Since the C's mentioned that the Dionysius syndrome is due to 4D STS getting desperate as we near change, that would mean that they see the proper understanding of this area of human experience as a threat.

The principles of Nature and the Cosmos that were studied and honored by these ancient peoples were later embodied as Bacchus/Dionysus, which concealed the true meaning and protected the tradition for a time. The Bacchic culture embraced three general principles that were, in modern terms, celebration, creativity and chivalry. Throughout history, whenever the mystic traditions have been revived, these three themes become dominant in the society.

The celebration of the Bacchants has been redacted to drunken revelry. Nothing could be further from the truth of the original meaning, though it is entirely likely that later, ignorant perversions occurred among the followers.

The original principle was that the celebrants achieved elevated states of consciousness by music, singing and dancing, often in processions or highly stylized spiral movements. The original purpose was to use their bodies as circuitry, or part of the machinery of the megaliths.

In addition to the elevated states of consciousness achieved in the spiral dances accompanied by music and singing (not drunkenness with wine), it is thought that preparation or charging for these ceremonies was accomplished via “mystical sexual union”. The redactors have corrupted this to wild orgies, naturally.

In short, the Bacchanalian celebration was to directly experience an altered state of consciousness, which brought about unification with the Cosmos and Nature, and even had the potential for transcending time and space in a direct, material and experiential manner. In the sensual, physical unification with the Cosmos, we see the profound activation of the right hemisphere of the brain in direct experience of the world via the sensory perceptions as distinct from imagining the world according to supposedly authoritative measurement and description.

In a Bacchic culture, the mutual need and inseparability of the sexes was exemplified by the principles of androgyny and the hermaphrodite, or Apollo and Artemis, the twins. The Androgyne represented the idea that every woman and man have both a male and female aspect and the hermaphrodite represented the idea that each man or woman was merely half of a functioning unit in terms of polarity, or circuitry that could somehow be unified to accomplish creative functions. The hermaphrodite was a macrocosmic symbol of the male/female unified Cosmos, and the androgyne is a microcosmic symbol of the male/female unity that can occur within each individual.

The goal of Bacchic culture and the secret teachings of the mystical traditions were harmony, balance, and unity between men and women and between the male and female aspects within each person.

The mystical literature tells us that the feminine principle corresponds to the intuitive, creative, intimate, immediate, unitive, nourishing, sensuous, spontaneous aspects of our consciousness. The masculine principle reflects logic, labeling, theoretical, legal, boundary consciousness, rule-following, mission-oriented, competitive characteristics. In this categorization, we can easily see that we are not referring to biophysical maleness or femaleness, but rather to the left and right modes of consciousness within all peoples.

So, when it was said that the female energy consorted with the wrong side and lost knowledge and power thereby, we can now see that it was a rewiring of the thinking, by giving dominance to the part of the brain that literally inhibits creativity and access to universal energies that can be accessed by anyone. It was by taking the direct knowledge of the Cosmos via empirical observation, i.e., knowledge and replacing it with the wishful thinking, conceptual, imaginary mode of a Creator God outside of the Cosmos, and thus only accessible via intercession, that we lost our connection. But, we can’t be throwing the baby out with the bathwater here. We have to remember that science is a child of the right hemisphere, but is reared by the left hemisphere. In fact, without both aspects in proper balance, very little can be achieved. The King rules the material realm by virtue of his union with the Queen.

The direct, sensual experience of the world, unclouded by preconceptions or anticipation, is precisely what constitutes scientific empiricism and objectivity. It is at the root of the Cassiopaean motto: “knowledge protects”. But knowledge only protects if it is utilized.
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