The Living Force
Je suis aussi très triste de voir ce qui ce passe et surtout de voir que les gens ne voient pas ce qui ce passe et croient ce qu’on leur raconte, à la télé, dans les journaux…C’est dur de supporter ses mensonges et surtout de ne pouvoir rien faire. Hier J’ai été voir ma sœur qui est sur Lille, elle a deux fils qui habitent Bruxelles, un qui travaille dans l’événementiel, il risque de se retrouver sans travaille en ce moment puisque la plus part des événements seront annulés. J’ai essayé de lui expliquer, comme je pouvais, de ce qui se passe réellement, mais hélas, elle a son esprit fermé à ça comme une grande majorité de l’humanité. Quand elle m’a dit « il faut en prendre et en laisser» ou « je ne veux pas savoir et continuer à vivre ma vie » J’ai fait quelques respirations, je l’ai regardé et je lui ai dit avec des larmes au cœur « Tu as peut-être raison » et on a commencé à discuter de chose et d’autre de la vie courante. C’est ce que je vie avec mon entourage.
Il y a, c’est sur, de l’ignorance, mais il y a aussi la peur de la réalité.
J’ai mal au ventre, je pleure pour eux, pour tous les humains qui se trompent de chemin, je ne peux rien faire, c’est dur à vivre, je peux seulement dire que « c’est leur choix »et en même temps j’ai peur pour eux.
Je voudrais aussi que les comètes arrivent, que les volcans se réveillent tous en même temps maintenant, et que le changement se fasse.
I am also very sad to see what is going on and especially to see that people do not see what is happening and believe what they are told, on TV, in newspapers ... It's hard to support his lies and especially not to do anything. Yesterday I went to see my sister who is in Lille, she has two son who live in Brussels, one who works in events, it may be left without work right now since most of the events will be canceled. I tried to explain, as best I could, what actually happens, but alas, she closed her mind to it as a great majority of humanity. When she told me "you have to give and take" or "I do not want to know and continue to live my life," I made a few breaths, I looked and I said to her with tears in heart "You may be right," and began to discuss something else and everyday life. This is what I live with my entourage.
There is over, ignorance, but there is also the fear of reality.
I have a stomach ache, I cry for them, for all people who are mistaken path, I can not do anything, it's hard to live, I can only say that "it is their choice" by and same time I fear for them.
I would also like comets arrive, as volcanoes awaken all together now, and that change happen.
Il y a, c’est sur, de l’ignorance, mais il y a aussi la peur de la réalité.
J’ai mal au ventre, je pleure pour eux, pour tous les humains qui se trompent de chemin, je ne peux rien faire, c’est dur à vivre, je peux seulement dire que « c’est leur choix »et en même temps j’ai peur pour eux.
Je voudrais aussi que les comètes arrivent, que les volcans se réveillent tous en même temps maintenant, et que le changement se fasse.
I am also very sad to see what is going on and especially to see that people do not see what is happening and believe what they are told, on TV, in newspapers ... It's hard to support his lies and especially not to do anything. Yesterday I went to see my sister who is in Lille, she has two son who live in Brussels, one who works in events, it may be left without work right now since most of the events will be canceled. I tried to explain, as best I could, what actually happens, but alas, she closed her mind to it as a great majority of humanity. When she told me "you have to give and take" or "I do not want to know and continue to live my life," I made a few breaths, I looked and I said to her with tears in heart "You may be right," and began to discuss something else and everyday life. This is what I live with my entourage.
There is over, ignorance, but there is also the fear of reality.
I have a stomach ache, I cry for them, for all people who are mistaken path, I can not do anything, it's hard to live, I can only say that "it is their choice" by and same time I fear for them.
I would also like comets arrive, as volcanoes awaken all together now, and that change happen.