Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

Belgian police are in a more Heightened security alert after Syria fighter calls his mom, and ask her to stay away from the city of Antwerp,link:
angelburst29 said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:

You have been and are huge value as a member to me. Not only in personal experiences but also things that were not discussed further in this network but you did. I am very thankful for your sleuthing skills. I have very small bandwidth in a country setting and do not have the ability to do what you have done. I Thank you for all you have done along with all the members and staff that has done a gigantic job .

It's good to hear from you, Horseofadifferentcolor! I look forward to reading your Post's and often wonder "how you're doing" if I don't see you for any length of time? I may be a "city dweller" now .... but it has never taken "the country" out of me. As far as I'm concerned, growing up in the country - were "the Good ol' Days"! I'd do it again, in a heart beat - given the opportunity. But there are also memories that it was a "hard life" physically, in taking care of the animals, with additional responsibility but the rewards were more gratifying. I'll take "Starlight" verses "neon" any day! So, keep in touch with the Forum, so we know you're - OK.

Thank you angelburst29, I have just been trying to keep up with threads and have not posted much. The world is going crazier at a rate faster than I can read :cry: No rest for the weary trying to live off the land but I'm not gonna complain. Any morning I wake up and think I would be happier doing other things I kick myself, do my morning chores, and come in and read Sott while eating breakfast and that puts me in my place for the rest of the days work.

This last bombing( well all of them) has been really hard to process and very hard to understand. It gets more and more difficult to digest this information and I am always incredibly thankful to everyone here. A family to be proud of :hug2:

I just read through this thread. 15 pages of posts in roughly two hours. My eyes burn.

I want to thank everybody who has participated in the discussion. Other than skimming a few articles to glean a rudimentary understanding, I'd been meaning to dig into the Brussels story at some point, but found my reaction to be one similar to Luc's: "Argh! Too much! I'm dealing with enough already!" (I recently wrapped up several weeks of more tax nonsense, among other things.)

I think working through primary material as editors is a great way of "putting somebody on the step behind you". -There's no better way to know a subject and sharpen the mind than to sort through it well enough to be able to describe it effectively to an audience. And being part of the audience in this case, I can say, "Good step!" I'm glad to be feeling around it with my toes.

Interestingly, I think even after reading through all of this, I'd be hard pressed to describe this drama to a third party with anything approaching authority on the subject. The specific names and influences and situations swim away, leaving me only with the broadest of details, which do little but allow one to offer half-baked explanations to a listener.

With this in mind.., it's probably time for me to jump into another research subject of some kind. Gotta stay sharp. -Or sharper than I feel I have been lately.

On another note...

I posted a link to a vaccine story on one of my social media pages recently (about the British doctor who came forward with allegations of corruption) and was hammered again by reactionary responses. All the same features of denial and accusation and protection of personal illusions were apparent. -But with a new element. Unlike other times, I actually felt the under-rumblings of threat from my immediate community; that it is growing less safe to proceed with open discussion on such subjects; that steps are indeed being taken to eject me or cast me in the role of a sick/delusional person or even a villain among my face-to-face social groups. This can affect job prospects and similar, so it's something to consider.

I bring this up because I noticed here, as others have done in this thread, that the polarization between those who want to know, and those who want to cleave to Official Reality is growing increasingly vivid.

Anyway.., thank-you again for the work done in this thread, and to the SOTT editors for their daily efforts on the main page. It is appreciated! I would feel quite lost otherwise.
A police operation reportedly linked to the deadly March attacks has taken place in the Brussels district of Etterbeek, local media reported, adding that at least 50 police officers, including snipers and deminers, were deployed.

Police operation & evacuation in Brussels, snipers & deminers called in – report

The police searched a building in the area, a Reuters journalist at the scene said, adding that forensics experts were seen entering the building. The building’s resident were also reportedly evacuated.

Emergency services have been seen in the area, Belgian RTBF TV channel reports.

RTBF reported that at 1.30pm local time (11:30 GMT) the deminers left the scene, but the area remains cordoned off.

No official comment concerning the operation has been released.

Reuters journalist at the scene said no arrests were made during the raid.

The operation comes less than a day after the detention of a major suspect in the Paris terror attacks, Mohamed Abrini, in the city of Anderlecht. Abrini is believed to be the "man in the hat" pictured with the attackers at Brussels Airport last month, just before two bomb blasts rocked the site, VRT cited various sources as saying.

Belgian police are been searching a building in the central Brussels district of Etterbeek and have evacuated its inhabitants Reuters has reported.

Belgian anti-terror police raid building in Etterbeek

The building, an apartment complex with a shop on the ground floor, was cordoned off by police and forensics experts were seen entering the building.

Police said snipers had also been deployed to the scene.

On Friday, police detained two key suspects in the terror attacks on Paris and Brussels as part of their ongoing operations.

CCTV images showing Mohamed Abrini two days before the Paris attacks were released as an international arrest warrant was issued.

Paris attacks suspect among five arrested in Belgium

The last known suspect for the Paris terror attacks was arrested along with four other people linked to the Brussels airport and metro bombings, Belgian prosecutors have said.

Mohamed Abrini was arrested in the Anderlecht area of Brussels.

Investigators are still to determine if he was the so-called "man in the hat" seen on CCTV at the city's airport with two suicide bombers on the day of the March 22 attack in the Belgian city.

Grote politieactie met scherpschutters in Etterbeek afgelopen (Photo - Video)

English Translate: A police operation is currently underway in the Brussels district of Etterbeek, local media have reported, adding that at least 50 police officers, including snipers and deminers have been deployed. Local residents have also reportedly been evacuated.

The police are currently searching a building in the area, a Reuters journalist at the scene said, adding that forensics experts have been seen entering the building.

Emergency services have been seen in the area, Belgian RTBF TV channel reports.

Grote politieactie met sluipschutters en DOVO in Etterbeek

English Translate: The Kazernelaan in the Brussels commune of Etterbeek was closed around 12:45 for a police action. Dozens of officers from special units were present.

Witnesses said several residents were evacuated.

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