Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

It's interesting that they came out with that just after we published articles and comments questioning why these "bombers" only attack civilians and not the supposed source of their anger.
Joe said:
It's interesting that they came out with that just after we published articles and comments questioning why these "bombers" only attack civilians and not the supposed source of their anger.

Excactly. That crossed my mind too; it is kind of encouraging in a roundabout way.
Joe said:
It's interesting that they came out with that just after we published articles and comments questioning why these "bombers" only attack civilians and not the supposed source of their anger.

Hi Joe,


I truly believe it's more than simply coincidence. And I'm putting my energy & emotion behind that belief! Lets all do more and more ... and put that numbness and disillusionment behind. And lets all be more kind to one another (self reminder) -- and transduce nothing but love/ truth.

And now they're 'agreeing' with our follow-up report about the terrorists working at the airport, but twisting it to blame ISIS, not ICTS!

ISIS supporters work at Brussels airport

At least 50 supporters of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) are currently working at Belgium’s Zaventem Airport, which was rocked by suicide bombings last week, local media have reported, citing airport security officials.

These radical group sympathizers “have a security badge and can get into the cockpit of an airplane,” Nieuwsblad newspaper reported, citing an open letter from airport security.

“In the past, [the authorities] revoked the badge of a number of people because they sympathized with ISIS. But clearly not everyone. Especially in the shops, cleaning services and luggage services,” airport police said.

According to the officers, anyone can walk into the airport, even those who have a criminal record.

"For us it is clear that the terrorists, with the help of their spies, tested the safety of our airport screeners before taking action," the letter said.
angelburst29 said:
I'm completely "open" to any suggestions or opinions anyone might have or would like to discuss, in my participation on the Forum.

There's always room for improvement and any constructive dialog is welcomed.

I have taken note of this quote and suggestion from Laura and will work within that framework.

"But do notice what is important: to read and consider not just the article, but the source, and the perspective. Taking the time to select what is important and maybe comment on it. Because it really is overwhelming volume. On the other hand, what we are getting a sample of is the overwhelming volume of articles online that are being put out to drown the public in confusion. Notice luc's reaction above. That's the reaction that the media masters want to evoke: total numbness. "

Dear angelburst29

Just wanted to say thank you. You are pulling in the information from so many sources that I have neither the time nor skills to accomplish. This is a step in the process I find the most overwhelming. I find this particularly true on major tradgedies, I look for your posts because I will find many references examining a given storyline with updates as it plays out. For example, a thread on aviation disasters. As well as Russian and Middle East developments. Often you make comments have allowed me to glean a greater comprehension on unfamiliar topics and why certain incidents relate. The Forum and Sott have made it possible to fit the pieces of my worldview together as objectively as possible. The information here is a like being at a gluttonous buffet for the mind sometimes. It's almost necessary to fast from it once in a while but one begins to lose ground quickly and it can be hard to catch up again. I commend yours and the many other fact and disinformation collectors that make this forum such a valuable resource of information. I am learning so much I don't think would have been possible otherwise. Laura's suggestion that the Forum, at some time because of dire circumstances, could possibly be be limited to certain individuals gave me a genuine sense of how afraid being cut off from rational thinkers would be. It would be frightening. I hope we are sharing for many years to come. The ability to exchange and gain knowledge and understanding is truly a blessing. My deepest gratitude to all who's hard work keep us informed.
Charade said:
angelburst29 said:
I'm completely "open" to any suggestions or opinions anyone might have or would like to discuss, in my participation on the Forum.

There's always room for improvement and any constructive dialog is welcomed.

I have taken note of this quote and suggestion from Laura and will work within that framework.

"But do notice what is important: to read and consider not just the article, but the source, and the perspective. Taking the time to select what is important and maybe comment on it. Because it really is overwhelming volume. On the other hand, what we are getting a sample of is the overwhelming volume of articles online that are being put out to drown the public in confusion. Notice luc's reaction above. That's the reaction that the media masters want to evoke: total numbness. "

Dear angelburst29

Just wanted to say thank you. You are pulling in the information from so many sources that I have neither the time nor skills to accomplish. This is a step in the process I find the most overwhelming. I find this particularly true on major tradgedies, I look for your posts because I will find many references examining a given storyline with updates as it plays out. For example, a thread on aviation disasters. As well as Russian and Middle East developments. Often you make comments have allowed me to glean a greater comprehension on unfamiliar topics and why certain incidents relate. The Forum and Sott have made it possible to fit the pieces of my worldview together as objectively as possible. The information here is a like being at a gluttonous buffet for the mind sometimes. It's almost necessary to fast from it once in a while but one begins to lose ground quickly and it can be hard to catch up again. I commend yours and the many other fact and disinformation collectors that make this forum such a valuable resource of information. I am learning so much I don't think would have been possible otherwise. Laura's suggestion that the Forum, at some time because of dire circumstances, could possibly be be limited to certain individuals gave me a genuine sense of how afraid being cut off from rational thinkers would be. It would be frightening. I hope we are sharing for many years to come. The ability to exchange and gain knowledge and understanding is truly a blessing. My deepest gratitude to all who's hard work keep us informed.

Very much appreciated Charade and Thank You.

The information may seem overwhelming at times but I think, we need to take into consideration, the consequences of the World around us and how it affects us personally, in our daily lives. Our World is very much interconnected with communications and air travel. A disruption in either one or both could happen in a heart beat.

Another thing to consider, especially those of us living in the United States, the need to reconcile with the fact that our Government and certain high profile Agencies including the Military Industrial Complex have perpetuated (undeclared) war and war crimes in other Countries bringing death and destruction. You can't set the World on fire, reaching all four corners of the Earth ... and not expect ... to get burned! What goes around - comes back in equal force. We may not be fully aware of it, but we're now reaping "the consequences".
Our economy and living standards are in complete shambles. The same modalities used in other Countries, to wreck death and bloody destruction have now crossed our Borders, into our cities and our home towns. Do you seriously think - another Country will come to our recuse? The Government and the elites have their underground cities to escape. We are the one's that will be facing "the music" when SHTF.

It may be in our best interests, to at least keep up with local news, as well as, World events. Communications are still open and the information we read or hear today, may help at a later date, in keeping ourselves and our families safe. Remember, it's not "where we are" but who we are and what we "know" that really matters.
angelburst29 said:
Charade said:
angelburst29 said:
I'm completely "open" to any suggestions or opinions anyone might have or would like to discuss, in my participation on the Forum.

There's always room for improvement and any constructive dialog is welcomed.

I have taken note of this quote and suggestion from Laura and will work within that framework.

"But do notice what is important: to read and consider not just the article, but the source, and the perspective. Taking the time to select what is important and maybe comment on it. Because it really is overwhelming volume. On the other hand, what we are getting a sample of is the overwhelming volume of articles online that are being put out to drown the public in confusion. Notice luc's reaction above. That's the reaction that the media masters want to evoke: total numbness. "

Dear angelburst29

Just wanted to say thank you. You are pulling in the information from so many sources that I have neither the time nor skills to accomplish. This is a step in the process I find the most overwhelming. I find this particularly true on major tradgedies, I look for your posts because I will find many references examining a given storyline with updates as it plays out. For example, a thread on aviation disasters. As well as Russian and Middle East developments. Often you make comments have allowed me to glean a greater comprehension on unfamiliar topics and why certain incidents relate. The Forum and Sott have made it possible to fit the pieces of my worldview together as objectively as possible. The information here is a like being at a gluttonous buffet for the mind sometimes. It's almost necessary to fast from it once in a while but one begins to lose ground quickly and it can be hard to catch up again. I commend yours and the many other fact and disinformation collectors that make this forum such a valuable resource of information. I am learning so much I don't think would have been possible otherwise. Laura's suggestion that the Forum, at some time because of dire circumstances, could possibly be be limited to certain individuals gave me a genuine sense of how afraid being cut off from rational thinkers would be. It would be frightening. I hope we are sharing for many years to come. The ability to exchange and gain knowledge and understanding is truly a blessing. My deepest gratitude to all who's hard work keep us informed.

Very much appreciated Charade and Thank You.

The information may seem overwhelming at times but I think, we need to take into consideration, the consequences of the World around us and how it affects us personally, in our daily lives. Our World is very much interconnected with communications and air travel. A disruption in either one or both could happen in a heart beat.

Another thing to consider, especially those of us living in the United States, the need to reconcile with the fact that our Government and certain high profile Agencies including the Military Industrial Complex have perpetuated (undeclared) war and war crimes in other Countries bringing death and destruction. You can't set the World on fire, reaching all four corners of the Earth ... and not expect ... to get burned! What goes around - comes back in equal force. We may not be fully aware of it, but we're now reaping "the consequences".
Our economy and living standards are in complete shambles. The same modalities used in other Countries, to wreck death and bloody destruction have now crossed our Borders, into our cities and our home towns. Do you seriously think - another Country will come to our recuse? The Government and the elites have their underground cities to escape. We are the one's that will be facing "the music" when SHTF.

It may be in our best interests, to at least keep up with local news, as well as, World events. Communications are still open and the information we read or hear today, may help at a later date, in keeping ourselves and our families safe. Remember, it's not "where we are" but who we are and what we "know" that really matters.

You have been and are huge value as a member to me. Not only in personal experiences but also things that were not discussed further in this network but you did. I am very thankful for your sleuthing skills. I have very small bandwidth in a country setting and do not have the ability to do what you have done. I Thank you for all you have done along with all the members and staff that has done a gigantic job .
Horseofadifferentcolor said:

You have been and are huge value as a member to me. Not only in personal experiences but also things that were not discussed further in this network but you did. I am very thankful for your sleuthing skills. I have very small bandwidth in a country setting and do not have the ability to do what you have done. I Thank you for all you have done along with all the members and staff that has done a gigantic job .

It's good to hear from you, Horseofadifferentcolor! I look forward to reading your Post's and often wonder "how you're doing" if I don't see you for any length of time? I may be a "city dweller" now .... but it has never taken "the country" out of me. As far as I'm concerned, growing up in the country - were "the Good ol' Days"! I'd do it again, in a heart beat - given the opportunity. But there are also memories that it was a "hard life" physically, in taking care of the animals, with additional responsibility but the rewards were more gratifying. I'll take "Starlight" verses "neon" any day! So, keep in touch with the Forum, so we know you're - OK.
angelburst29 said:
It may be in our best interests, to at least keep up with local news, as well as, World events. Communications are still open and the information we read or hear today, may help at a later date, in keeping ourselves and our families safe.

Two recent developments give me pause - am I being paranoid or situationally aware?

Metro Lines Could Be Shut Down for Up to 6 Months
Top metro officials warned Wednesday that entire lines of the Metro could be shut down for up to six months to repair the system.

WASHINGTON, DC -- Think your commute is bad now? Metro Board Chairman Jack Evans and General Manager Paul J. Wiedefeld warned of the possibility of extended Metro closures at a conference on Wednesday, March 30, saying that entire lines may need to be shut down for up to six months at a time to repair the system, according to The Washington Post.

An additional $1 billion a year funding is needed for Metro, according to Evans.

The officials delivered their remarks at a summit conference of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments on the future of Metro.

While Metro has previously conducted repair work at night or weekends, it closed down completely on March 16 for emergency track safety inspections following a cable fire near the McPherson Square Metro station.

While Evans said that the Blue Line may need to be shut down, any of the lines are subject to possible closure. Red Line commuters have the best chance of it remaining open since it has already had substantial repair work conducted on it.

A spokesperson for Wiedefeld said that the decision for lengthy closures hasn't been made yet, but will likely be announced within four to six weeks, WTOP reported.

[from a different article re the shutdown:]
There are scant details on how WMATA will handle shutting down a whole rail line. We don’t know which line, or lines, will close. We don’t know when this will happen—if it’s a one-time, one line thing, if several lines will need to be shut down repeatedly, or if only parts of lines will need to be shuttered. We don’t know exactly what kind of work needs to be done. We don’t know how the agency plans to ferry riders in lieu of Metrorail. (All of which makes WMATA’s announcement earlier this week, which was about the possibility of a shutdown, feel like a canny PR move: By introducing the worst-case scenario, it will make itself look pretty good when it finally reveals something concrete.)

CIA 'K-9 test' gone wrong or something else?

What on earth was the CIA doing putting plastic high explosive charges on schoolbuses and in hidden places in a Virginia public school in a "test" of K-9 dogs reportedly belonging to the Agency itself?

The story of the secret "test" broke because an alert mechanic doing a routing check on one of the Loudon County School District's schoolbuses found a package of what turned out to be plastic explosive, packed in plastic-wrapped "shaped-charge" packages, down in among some of the rubber hoses and electric wires around the engine.

It had allegedly "fallen" from where it had originally been placed and was missed by the dogs and their handlers, and remained where it was stuck for two days, while the bus delivered some 26 young children to and from school on eight bus runs totaling 145 miles of driving.

I called the CIA's "public information" office on Friday to ask for clarification as to why the CIA, which does not have a domestic policing function, would be operating, and testing, a K-9 bomb-detecting unit, given that such tasks in the US would appropriately be handled either by state and local police agencies, or by the FBI or the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). The office, though it was mid-day, was not answering its phones, and only had a voice mail recording, on which I identified myself as a reporter, left my contact information and requested a response on deadline. No surprise: I was not called back with an answer, and do not anticipate receiving one from an agency that is infamous for its secrecy. (The standard CIA response in my experience, when I've received one at all, is: "We have no response to that question.")

Still, even for a notoriously opaque and obtuse government agency, this is a truly bizarre incident that cries out for answers.

A 6 month shutdown would probably work out to sometime in October - an ominous October surprise in the works - right before Nov presidential election? And what, pray tell, is the deal w/ the C4 on schoolbuses and in a public school in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area?!! Are these elements of a major false flag in the making? Do other schools & their buses have C4 nefariously installed? Will the shutdown of the metro keep pitchfork/torch wielding citizens from storming the WH & Congress when the global financial collapse ensues - along w/ exploding schools & buses? I don't suppose there's been a movie w/ this scenario featured . . .
JEEP said:
A 6 month shutdown would probably work out to sometime in October - an ominous October surprise in the works - right before Nov presidential election? And what, pray tell, is the deal w/ the C4 on schoolbuses and in a public school in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area?!! Are these elements of a major false flag in the making? Do other schools & their buses have C4 nefariously installed? Will the shutdown of the metro keep pitchfork/torch wielding citizens from storming the WH & Congress when the global financial collapse ensues - along w/ exploding schools & buses? I don't suppose there's been a movie w/ this scenario featured . . .

I don't think of it as being paranoid, JEEP, more in line with - trying to keep informed on happenings in and around Washington, D.C., our Capital. Shutting down the one line for the Metro, for any length of time, seems excessive and poor planning for a Metro line that serves "a high traffic area" into the Capital. What the situation suggests to me, the Metro has been lax on periodic maintenance or funding, or both. It would be interesting to keep track of how this situation plays out, along with any other odd developments, in and around our Capitol?
Laura said:
If you want to continue the discourse you'll have to be a member. It's not how we imagined it, but it's the reality we are facing.
(I dug out and looked at the packet.) How does one go about applying for that? (Is it an e-mail to info@ ?) :?
Skyalmian said:
Laura said:
If you want to continue the discourse you'll have to be a member. It's not how we imagined it, but it's the reality we are facing.
(I dug out and looked at the packet.) How does one go about applying for that? (Is it an e-mail to info@ ?) :?

In this thread you have all the information to become a member.,18141.0.html
loreta said:
Skyalmian said:
Laura said:
If you want to continue the discourse you'll have to be a member. It's not how we imagined it, but it's the reality we are facing.
(I dug out and looked at the packet.) How does one go about applying for that? (Is it an e-mail to info@ ?) :?

In this thread you have all the information to become a member.,18141.0.html
"close SOTT to public view at some point in the future"
Guess the question then is, would 'Red' ('Listener') be too low a level?
Skyalmian said:
"close SOTT to public view at some point in the future"
Guess the question then is, would 'Red' ('Listener') be too low a level?

I wouldn't think so.
A month before the Brussels attacks, a "foreign fighter surge team” consisting of the FBI and Homeland Security met with their Belgian counterparts - to discuss "security".

U.S. Officials Met With Belgians on Security Concerns Before Attacks

WASHINGTON — A “foreign fighter surge team” of experts from the F.B.I., the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security met with their Belgian counterparts a month before the Brussels terrorist attacks to try to correct gaps in Belgium’s widely criticized ability to track terrorist plots, American officials said.

The half-dozen experts focused on long-term structural fixes to the Belgians’ failure to share intelligence effectively and to tighten porous borders, but not on providing information about suspected Islamic State operatives. The recommendations, even if accepted, would not have prevented the attacks at the Brussels Airport and in the city’s subway last month, the officials said.

But the gaps addressed in two days of meetings, held at Belgium’s request at the United States Embassy in Brussels, underscore the urgency and the frustration senior American officials say they feel as they prod many European allies to embrace the kind of counterterrorism lessons the United States learned after the Sept. 11 attacks. The American experts have also visited Greece and are expected to travel to France and Germany in the coming weeks, Obama administration officials said.

The team was part of a little-noticed White House plan announced after the Paris terrorist attacks in November to help Western European allies shore up their defenses and borders to avert the next big attack that European and American terrorism officials feared was inevitable.

President Obama, speaking at a summit meeting on nuclear security in Washington last week, alluded to the deployment of the “surge teams” to Belgium and emphasized, “We simply cannot afford to have critical intelligence not being shared as needed — whether between governments or within governments.” (Article continues.)

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