Boston Marathon Bombs

Kniall said:
PerihelionX said:
The most interesting thing about Sandy Hook and Boston Bombings is that they brought a lot of people into the Conspiracy Theory house. Once they're there it's only a short jump onto the 9/11 and Federal Reserve bandwagon. This may signal the beginning of the masses "waking up" so to speak.

Ultimately the outrage from the masses will just be used against themselves, but it's something to keep an eye on.

For me it's the opposite. The Boston Bombings and their aftermath tell me that the mind-programming has progressed "to an even finer order of control", the "Conspiracy Theory house" has lost whatever twinges of credibility it previously had and that it's all over bar the crying for the populations of the US and most if not all the Western world.

I have also had similar thoughts. Also as I indicated before, many people may be shutting down even more into their illusion when they see the conflicting and outlandish seeming theories related to this bombing.
Breton said:
Kniall said:
PerihelionX said:
The most interesting thing about Sandy Hook and Boston Bombings is that they brought a lot of people into the Conspiracy Theory house. Once they're there it's only a short jump onto the 9/11 and Federal Reserve bandwagon. This may signal the beginning of the masses "waking up" so to speak.

Ultimately the outrage from the masses will just be used against themselves, but it's something to keep an eye on.

For me it's the opposite. The Boston Bombings and their aftermath tell me that the mind-programming has progressed "to an even finer order of control", the "Conspiracy Theory house" has lost whatever twinges of credibility it previously had and that it's all over bar the crying for the populations of the US and most if not all the Western world.

I have also had similar thoughts. Also as I indicated before, many people may be shutting down even more into their illusion when they see the conflicting and outlandish seeming theories related to this bombing.

But after some discussions I had another thought: many people in the USA who do not read any alternative news and know nothing about conspiracy theories, might just well be silently astounded by this latest behavior of their government around this Boston bombing.

For example the lock down and house searches, which can be observed in just the mainstream media, not just in alternative news, MIGHT be perceived as being way over the top by the ordinary public. The government may have overplayed its hand with this sort of thing. This COULD have the potential for waking a few people up to what is going on with their government. Maybe.

So I don't know if that is what PerihelionX might have been thinking, but if so, I think it is a valid point.
My comment was based on my personal experience and subjective assessment of social media buzz. Many people I know who wouldn't even consider a 9/11 conspiracy scenario are now suddenly interested in the discrepancies at Sandy Hook and BB. I think part of this has to do with political distrust of Democrats more than rational objectivity. However, when compared to 9/11, Sandy Hook looks like a hack job IMO. Also the youtube/social media buzz around Sandy Hook was significant. The whole drama of the batman Joker turned real life jarred a lot of people to look more closely. Whether this will ultimately mean people will wake up or force themselves into a greater stupor is uncertain to me, although I think it's possible it could go either way.
Here we go...from the NY Times:


Crazy as these theories are, those propagating them are not — they’re quite normal, in fact. But recent scientific research tells us this much: if you think one of the theories above is plausible, you probably feel the same way about the others, even though they contradict one another. And it’s very likely that this isn’t the only news story that makes you feel as if shadowy forces are behind major world events.

“The best predictor of belief in a conspiracy theory is belief in other conspiracy theories,” says Viren Swami, a psychology professor who studies conspiracy belief at the University of Westminster in England. Psychologists say that’s because a conspiracy theory isn’t so much a response to a single event as it is an expression of an overarching worldview.

As Richard Hofstadter wrote in his seminal 1965 book, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” conspiracy theories, especially those involving meddlesome foreigners, are a favorite pastime in this nation. Americans have always had the sneaking suspicion that somebody was out to get us — be it Freemasons, Catholics or communists. But in recent years, it seems as if every tragedy comes with a round of yarn-spinning, as the Web fills with stories about “false flag” attacks and “crisis actors” — not mere theorizing but arguments for the existence of a completely alternate version of reality.

Since Hofstadter’s book was published, our access to information has vastly improved, which you would think would have helped minimize such wild speculation. But according to recent scientific research on the matter, it most likely only serves to make theories more convincing to the public. What’s even more surprising is that this sort of theorizing isn’t limited to those on the margins. Perfectly sane minds possess an incredible capacity for developing narratives, and even some of the wildest conspiracy theories can be grounded in rational thinking, which makes them that much more pernicious. Consider this: 63 percent of registered American voters believe in at least one political conspiracy theory, according to a recent poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

While psychologists can’t know exactly what goes on inside our heads, they have, through surveys and laboratory studies, come up with a set of traits that correlate well with conspiracy belief. In 2010, Swami and a co-author summarized this research in The Psychologist, a scientific journal. They found, perhaps surprisingly, that believers are more likely to be cynical about the world in general and politics in particular. Conspiracy theories also seem to be more compelling to those with low self-worth, especially with regard to their sense of agency in the world at large. Conspiracy theories appear to be a way of reacting to uncertainty and powerlessness.

Economic recessions, terrorist attacks and natural disasters are massive, looming threats, but we have little power over when they occur or how or what happens afterward. In these moments of powerlessness and uncertainty, a part of the brain called the amygdala kicks into action. Paul Whalen, a scientist at Dartmouth College who studies the amygdala, says it doesn’t exactly do anything on its own. Instead, the amygdala jump-starts the rest of the brain into analytical overdrive — prompting repeated reassessments of information in an attempt to create a coherent and understandable narrative, to understand what just happened, what threats still exist and what should be done now. This may be a useful way to understand how, writ large, the brain’s capacity for generating new narratives after shocking events can contribute to so much paranoia in this country.

Maggie Koerth-Baker is science editor at and author of “Before the Lights Go Out,” on the future of energy production and consumption.
It looks like PBS Nova is gonna present their spin
science on the Boston Marathon bombing a week
from today (Wednesday)?

I wonder how that is going to turn out. :rolleyes:
Another worthless piece of disinformation which describes various beliefs. They never address the concept of a conspiracy theory which does not involve belief. This would be completely antithetical to their worthless conclusions.
Looks like an FBI mopping operation has just occurred. An associate of the alleged bombers who might have posed some embarrassing questions or possessed contrary information about the official narrative surrounding the brothers and the event itself has now been conveniently (for the FBI) shot dead ( allegedly he attacked an agent with a knife during an interview - such unbelievable Hollywood/ TV cop drama type tripe). Other peculiar/dubious/duplicitous/ factors or claims highlighted below.
FBI kills 'friend of Boston bomb suspects' during questioning in Florida

Man identified as Ibragim Todashev, who reportedly knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev as both were mixed martial-arts fighters

An FBI agent has shot and killed a Chechen man with alleged ties to deceased Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, in what was described as a “violent confrontation” in the early hours of Wednesday in Orlando, Florida.

Officials said the man, identified as 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, was being interviewed about his friendship with Tsarnaev when he tried to attack an agent with a knife. The FBI confirmed the agent sustained “non-life threatening injuries” before shooting dead his assailant.

Law enforcement officers reportedly visited Mr Todashev at his apartment late on Tuesday night. Mr Todashev, who had been living in the US for the past five years, spent some of that time in Boston, and came into contact with Tsarnaev through the mixed martial arts community. Authorities suspect the pair of a gruesome, unsolved triple murder, committed on 11 September 2011, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Brendan Mess, Raphael Teken, and Erik Weissman were found with their throats cut at an apartment in Waltham, Massachusetts; their bodies were covered with marijuana. Tsarnaev had previously described Mr Mess as his best friend, though the two had reportedly fallen out.

Mr Todashev was initially co-operative, but allegedly turned violent during questioning. Officials claimed he admitted involvement in the murders, and then lashed out as he was asked to sign a written statement, confessing his part in the crime.

The Orlando news station WESH-TV spoke to Mr Todashev’s friend Khusn Taramiv, who said he too had been interviewed. “[The FBI] were talking to us, both of us,” he said. “And they said they need him for a little more, for a couple more hours, and I left, and they told me they’re going to bring him back. They never brought him back.” Mr Todashev had been targeted by the FBI, Mr Taramiv claimed, because he was a Muslim. “He was not radical at all,” Mr Taramiv said.

Earlier this month, Mr Todashev had been arrested by Florida police for aggravated battery, after he allegedly assaulted a 54-year-old man and his 35-year-old son after a dispute about a parking space at an Orlando shopping mall. He was detained at gunpoint by a security guard after attempting to flee in a Mercedes.

The FBI had questioned Mr Todashev at least twice previously about his relationship with Tsarnaev, following the bombings at the Boston Marathon on 15 April, which killed three people and wounded more than 250. Mr Taramiv claimed Mr Todashev and his friends had been under heavy surveillance by law enforcement officials for a month. “They’ve been following us,” Mr Taramiv said. “Every time we go somewhere, there’s two, three cops undercover. We see them.”

The authorities have spent the past month investigating how the Tsarnaev brothers became radicalised, and whether they had any accomplices. In interviewing the Tsarnaevs’ friends and family, they have focused on people from Chechnya and the northern Caucasus region of Russia. It is thought Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have come into contact with militants when he travelled to the area last year.
Stranger than fiction. Two agents involved in Dzhokar Tsarnaev's "Arrest" have an unfortunate helicopter accident.
PerihelionX said:
Stranger than fiction. Two agents involved in Dzhokar Tsarnaev's "Arrest" have an unfortunate helicopter accident.

Yep, pretty suspicious: " the helicopter encountered unspecified difficulties and the agents fell a "significant distance."[...] The official blamed bad weather"

This one is up on SoTT now:
Another video from Mark Dice:

The Holocaust Beach Party in California (Petition Experiment):

As a social experiment, media analyst Mark Dice asks California beach goers to sign a petition to prevent the Holocaust Beach Party from being canceled due to budget cuts, calling the Holocaust a "Jewish festival" to see if people are so out of touch with reality that they don't understand or remember what the Holocaust was.

People, that is more then scary :jawdrop:

No wonder america is attracting so many comets...
Pashalis said:
Another video from Mark Dice:

The Holocaust Beach Party in California (Petition Experiment):

As a social experiment, media analyst Mark Dice asks California beach goers to sign a petition to prevent the Holocaust Beach Party from being canceled due to budget cuts, calling the Holocaust a "Jewish festival" to see if people are so out of touch with reality that they don't understand or remember what the Holocaust was.

People, that is more then scary :jawdrop:

No wonder america is attracting so many comets...

Most of North America, just want to be left alone. I don't think that to say what you said is really a responsible thing. We are not all guilty of ignorance or attempted global control. We are humans and almost none of us deserve 'attracting comets.'

(and that comment goes for the rest of the 96% of the rest of the population of the world.) Rather it be from idiotic wars or what not.)
Personally, I would draw no conclusions at all from a media analyst doing a social experiment. I even dislike social scientists who do them. That is, the ones who don't use responsibility and great care in setting them up and doing a de-brief of the participants afterward.

Besides, as Brasscheck notes in one of their recent mailings, there are many examples that can be referred to with the word "holocaust" and if a media analyst uses that word and combines it with "Beach Party" and calls it a "Jewish festival", well, the respondents are gonna take him at his word rather than ask questions. Social scientists have already demonstrated people's reluctance to assert themselves by questioning or challenging petition holders.
Before erasing photos I've downloaded I thought maybe they should be posted here. Hopefully that's ok.

What they basically tend to show is that many, many photos as well as video has been altered. As far as I can tell the actors/no actors arguments are many times based on said photos/video as evidence. It makes sense why these have been circulated. Talk about sowing confusion and dividing!

Most of these have come from mainstream media(via though a couple from 'strictly' athletic sites. I could likely track down all the sources if that is needed.

"LensCrafters". Someone had time to change the sign. Also, disappearing 'burn' mark.



Writing through thigh. Lots of fingers.


The disappearing arches.


Disappearing large tv monitor(above the runner's/winner's heads).




The most blatant example. Hoodie has no right arm, writing through man's thigh(see earlier photo above). Someone sitting casually under a collapsed overhang to left of photo.?


There are some photos that also have problems with shadows. An example:


And this one, used in the latest Sott article on this event:


From what I understand this photo was originally posted by a member on _cluesforum(of which I am not) and the point of the arrows was to show the direction of light according to the shadows cast, which seems to be off. This certainly could mean that the photo has been altered.

So I'm left with a big question. The above photo(a cropped version) was supposedly supplied by a '20-year friend' of Jeff's. I do believe it's on his face-book funding page. If it was indeed altered, in fact if any of the photos with Jeff have been altered, wouldn't somebody say "hey that's not my son/friend/partner" or whatnot? If the victims were all non-actors, truthful, real people, how could they see all the photos online(surely they have?) and still play along? How could they post them on their fundraising sites?

Imo, the famous wheelchair photo of Jeff looks nothing like the photos of him in the hospital or at the sports games he's been attending. Wouldn't anybody who knew him think the same? His own father?

Same goes for cowboy and any others involved. Is the 'hero' meme used to keep them quiet?

Another small oddity I don't think has been previously mentioned is how quickly the crews took down the timing lights near the finish line. In photos( :/) it happens while the injured are still barely being tended to.
what's the problem with the shadows in the photos? You obtain that kind of an effect using any fast-lens camera (wide angle).
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