Boston Marathon Bombs

Megan said:
Gimpy said:
...The rest is such a bower birds nest full of 'shiny' its tough to tell what's of value, and what's just garbage, 're-purposed' to look good. :headbash:

Past a certain point, I'm not going to beat my head against it looking for more facts that are, from where I'm at, being erased, obfuscated, and hidden faster than I can dig for them.

It's a bit much for me too. What I have noticed, though, is that the bombings seem to have affected many of my non-authoritarian follower friends, driving them away from asking the kinds of questions they would need to ask (about "authority," especially) in order to perceive the false reality in which we live. I don't imagine that that is accidental.

It has affected me too, in ways that I appreciate but that I do not enjoy, if you know what I mean. These are not fun lessons. I think, however, that it is time to find a new way of looking at "fun."

Perhaps this was one of the main goals; to create a sheer amount of contradiction, confusion and obscurity that it would take an inordinate amount of time to get to the bottom of anything regrading this event, besides the usual false flag stuff. I mean, does it really matter exactly what happened, and who, precisely, was responsible? What new things will we really come of knowing that kind of information? I don't think very much, to be honest, certainly when taken relation to the amount of time it would take digging through all the junk that I could rather spend getting through the many books I have lined up and Working on myself in more direct way. In the media, both mainstream and alternative, it's more like a grand circus than anything else to me, almost as if the lesson is that there is no lesson, osit, at least for those of us that know or have a good idea about why these things are happening.
I think there's definitely something out of the ordinary with this bombing and this Jeff Bauman character. I'm not sure what it is and it currently seems most plausible that he had legs and they were blown off, but something about these pictures just doesn't add up to me. I found this site with a lot of pictures and a time analysis:

Boston Bombing: The Unlikely Antics of Boston’s “Cowboy Hero”

by James Tracy, Memory Hole

Carlos Arredondo has been widely praised by an array of corporate news media as among the most valorous figures of the Boston Marathon bombing. He was “heralded as a true American hero,” the International Business Times gushes, having allegedly “risked his life to help the victims of the two explosions that rocked the Boston Marathon.”[1]


A resident of Bangor Maine who tragically lost his son in the Iraq War in 2004 and thereafter turned to peace activism, Arredondo and friend John Mixon were at the Boston Marathon to support participants running in honor of Maine’s fallen Iraq War veterans. Following the blast, the two say they crossed Boylston Street and began tearing down the snow fence and scaffolding to get to the bombing victims. “Arredondo vaulted it and tried using his clothes and towels to stanch the victims’ bleeding but they were hurt too badly,” Maine’s Portland Press Herald reports. “Both men helped get one of the spectators, missing both legs, into a wheelchair that race medical staff had brought. ‘I kept talking to him. I kept saying, “Stay with me, stay with me,” Arredondo said.”[2]

Followers of the story will recall that while in the hospital and through a narcotic-induced stupor Bauman uncannily came to and provided a stark recollection of the Tsarnaev brothers as the bombers. “He woke up under so much drugs [sic], asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’”Bauman’s brother Chris told[3]


{ So this picture shows the cowboy man holding his artery to stop the bleeding--is this even possible? If it is, it does seem odd to me that there's no trail of blood }

In the above photo Arredondo is seen allegedly holding onto an artery as he helps rush Jeff Bauman to an awaiting ambulance. Newspapers report “After jumping the security fence to help on Monday, Arredondo rushed to help the young man whose legs were so badly damaged. He asked the man his name – Jeff Bauman – and then told him, “Stay still. The ambulance is here.”

The Washington Post ran an even more sensationalistic account that wholly excerpted Arredondo’s efforts at moving the fencing and scaffolding:

Carlos Arredondo ran across Boylston Street, jumped the security fence and landed on a sidewalk smeared in blood. In front of him, two women lay motionless. Another woman walked around in black-powder smoke, looking down at the fallen bodies. “Oh, my God,” he said she repeated, dazed. “Oh, my God.” Arredondo had been a Boston Marathon spectator, carrying a camera and a small American flag. He dropped the flag. He took four pictures — focusing on a young man crumpled on the sidewalk. The man had a blank expression, and a leg that was only bone below the knee. Then Arredondo put the camera away. He asked the injured man his name. “Stay still,” he remembered saying, in accented English. “The ambulance is here.”[4]

There’s a major problem with the above scenario. The photos taken that day of the overall scene and Arredondo’s activities therein suggest that he went about his purported heroic exploits in a much more time-consuming–and perhaps somewhat less noble–fashion.

This CCTV video at 2x indicates that at exactly 3:05 Arredondo commences his valorous gallop with Bauman to the waiting ambulance. This is over six minutes after the initial ordnance was detonated.[5]

What exactly was Boston’s “Cowboy Hero” doing in the interim as Mr. Bauman lay suffering on the nearby sidewalk?


Arredondo can be seen here on the left waiting by the fence before donning his hat and springing into action as the wounded lay before him. Bauman appears to be behind the black woman dressed in dark pants, white shirt and red jacket


Rather than rushing to assist the man who allegedly lost both his legs, as we are told he “instinctively” did by the Washington Post, Arredondo now pauses here to attend to the fencing.

The official casualty count of 264 injured cannot be readily demonstrated in these photos, unless perhaps a far greater percentage of casualties could be evidenced where the second bomb detonated further down Boylston Street and away from the finish line.


Here is another shot of Arredondo still far more preoccupied with the fencing and scaffolding than the injured and maimed.


With the fence finally dismantled Boston’s “Cowboy Hero” now has his back entirely turned away from the fallen.


Arredondo the Boston Cowboy Hero is seen here continuing to wrestle with the scaffolding.


As Arredondo assists with the fencing, a severely maimed Jeff Bauman is left unaided on the ground.


Arredondo the Cowboy Hero now appears to be leaning against the scaffold framework and possibly partaking in another slight breather.


Meanwhile no one is assisting the severely injured Jeff Bauman.


Army Reservists are among those who appear to assist Arredondo the Cowboy Hero in his struggle with the scaffolding, while the injured and maimed continue to be left unattended.


Here the fencing and scaffolding are wholly removed. Yet Arredondo has still not proceeded to assist Mr. Bauman. Further, while the entire area is swarming with uniformed emergency medical personnel, the would-be severely injured and traumatized Bauman is left unattended.

A high resolution version { Link: _ } of the photo above shows the precise time on the overhead timers for the marathon (over the road) as 4:12:06. This is 2 minutes and 23 seconds after the blast (timer reading 4:09:43 at time of blast). This is a very long time for the many bombing victims with reportedly lost limbs and devastating shrapnel wounds to be left unattended while potential responders who have been presented as unyielding and chivalrous defenders of the massacred struggle with fencing.

The series of photos suggests how it will be several more minutes before Bauman is taken to the ambulance. Why is it that proper medical personnel in the interim didn’t attend to the grievously wounded man? Perhaps this is nothing a dramatic photo shoot couldn’t take care of.


Boston’s Cowboy Hero Arredondo adjusts his hat as he finally locates and rescues Jeff Bauman, prior to accompanying him in the wheelchair.

The last photo { Link: _ } which shows the timers is where they are being removed (why?). The time shown is 4:14:26 which is close to five minutes after the blast. In this photo Arredondo may be seen bending over where the injured lay, yet he is mostly obscured.

Thus in contrast to mainstream media’s account of Arredondo’s heroism, it appears that six minutes transpired before Boston’s Cowboy Hero escorted Bauman to hospital.


And finally a key photograph successfully captured that will strongly imbue the severity of the Boston Marathon bombing into the public mind.

In summary, in spite of there being ample personnel attending to the wounded at the bombing, and despite apparently having both legs blown off, Jeff Bauman was left completely unattended for at least 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Then, after going so long without attention it is not even medical personnel who attend to him. He is instead in the care of a civilian in a cowboy hat who, after several more minutes, puts him in a wheelchair to wheel him to an ambulance. Why didn’t medical personnel take over at some point in time?

Why didn’t the ambulances go to the actual scene where the injured lay? If the police vehicles can come and go, then why couldn’t the ambulances?

Is Carlos Arredondo really the hero US news media portray him as? Are such news outlets perhaps perpetuating a misconception? Did Arredondo really jump the fence and rush to assist Bauman? Or was this perhaps a contrived scene where Arredondo fulfilled a particular predetermined role? Was the apparently maimed man who would later play a key role in identifying the Tsarnaev brothers as the alleged evil culprits deliberately left unattended for a photo shoot? Why otherwise would Bauman be ignored by everyone including his valiant rescuer for so long?

Moreover, why have the major and even certain alternative media failed to forthrightly examine what appears to be an increasingly curious and implausible event?


[1] Connor Adams Sheets, “Meet Carlos Arredondo,” {Link: _ } International Business Times, April 15, 2013.

[2] David Hench and Glenn Jordan, “It Was All Innocent People, Just Defenseless,” {Link: _ } Portland Press Herald, April 17, 2013.

[3] Asjylyn Loder and Esmé E. Deprez, “Boston Bomb Victim in Photo Helped Identify Suspect,” {Link: _ } Bloomberg News, April 19, 2013.

[4] David A. Farenthold, “Boston Marathon Bystander Carlos Arredondo Says He Acted Instinctively,” {Link: _ } Washington Post, April 16, 2013.

[5] Further, the same CCTV video suggests that more than one trip may have been necessary to produce the desired shots, including one involving an awkward interruption midway through after Bauman may have lost a lower appendage. _!

-James F. Tracy and Andrew Whooley. Mr. Whooley is an independent researcher originally from New Zealand who resides in Perth, WA, Australia.

Certainly it's plausible and easy enough that the media capitalized on the event to continue to cement the identification with america and the icons of "american heroes" in the minds of the public, so it doesn't necessarily have to be a conspiracy of some sort for those stories to be nonsense (which seems pretty likely), but I think the very worthwhile question is why in the name of god are there medical personnel attending to everyone but Jeff Bauman while his legs have been blown off, with some just standing around, and, if the above article is accurate, leaving him there for minutes? In the photo with the blood and the orange bag, there's someone with gloves on looking at the person with some cuts on his legs and at least one other person in yellow who looks potentially like medical personnel, and clearly whoever took the picture and isn't helping either. Perhaps it's just severe incompetence which, considering the average person these days, is entirely feasible.

The official story, as usual, appears to be complete and utter nonsense, but it does seem to me like the narrative of these photos also doesn't entirely add up.

Then there's this:

Internet Helps Boston Bomb Hero Pay for Health Insurance

Jeff Bauman, who lost two legs in the Boston Marathon bombings earlier this week and helped identify the attackers, is without health insurance... and the Internet wants to help.

Bauman has become a national hero for helping authorities identify the suspects involved in the attacks. From his hospital bed, he was able to pinpoint the suspects at large — one of which looked at him just minutes before a bomb went off.

But now, news has surfaced that the 27-year-old is without health insurance to pay for his care, an online funding campaign has been set up in his honor. According to, he was working part time at Costco and planned to go back to school soon. He is among the small percentage of Massachusetts residents (1.9%) without health insurance, the site notes.

Friends of Bauman have set up a crowdfunding page called "Bucks for Bauman!" on, looking to raise money to help pay for his surgery and medical expenses. Since the site launched on Tuesday, the site has raised $205,674 by 5,125 people — just $100,000 shy of its goal.

*We have created this fundraiser to raise money to help support our dear friend, Jeff and his family," the webpage says. "As most of you know, Jeff was severely affected by the tragedy that had taken place at the Patriots Day Boston Marathon this year. Throughout this difficult time we want to help in every which way we possibly can to get Bauman back on track as soon as possible."

"Medical bills are going to start rolling in, let's get a head start on helping out Bauman and his family!" it adds. "Every dollar counts!!"

When Bauman awoke in the hospital after the bombing, his brother told Bloomberg he asked for a pen and paper and wrote, "bag, saw the guy, looked right at me." A graphic image of Bauman being wheeled from the scene, missing both legs, went viral earlier this week.

This isn't the only crowdfunding campaign set up to help victims. A mother and daughter, who were near the finish line at the Boston Marathon when the bombs went off, also lost both of their legs. The viral campaign has already raised $400,000 and is $100,000 away from reaching its goal.

Image via Bloomberg via Getty Images

So we've got the instant donation thing setup, which is interesting and typically a red flag in my mind. It's also relatively unlikely, considering that (according to the article) 98.1% of the population in Mass has health insurance and Costco offers health insurance after 180 days averaging 20 hours a week (_ ). Unlikely, but also entirely possible, so certainly no smoking gun there. And then he's waving flags at an ice hockey game on May 4th:


But apparently he just checked out of the hospital today:

CHELMSFORD (CBS) – Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman, who lost both of his legs in the attacks checked out of the hospital on Friday and headed home.

Bauman went from Boston Medical Center to Spaulding Rehab Hospital and home in less than a month.

He became one of the faces of the marathon tragedy when his picture was beamed around the world minutes after the bombings.

Bauman’s family released a short statement Facebook saying Jeff, his family and friends planned to “celebrate this milestone and continue the healing process” in private.

“We are overcome with joy that Jeff is now well enough to be home,” the statement added.

Bauman had been at the finish line to cheer on his girlfriend who was running the race.

Bauman is credited with helping investigators zero in Tamerlan Tsarnaev as one of the bombing suspects. Bauman has said he noticed the suspect acting out of place shortly before the bombing. Bauman was able to provide investigators with a description.

It's very possible I'm not seeing something, but this story just doesn't make much sense at all, especially with him "being credited with IDing the 'terrorists'". To me, it smells quite bad, but I just can't tell where the smell is coming from or what it is exactly.
Very interesting, Foxx.

It is odd that Marlborough man is allowed to touch the thingy/artery/whatever it is of Bauman with his bare hands. There is a physician with gloves just standing there and looking where? Isn't hygiene one of the first things that should be observed? This goes beyond severe incompetence, I would think.
The so-called hero is wearing a badge, but the medical personnel aren't. What kind of badge is it?

Cowboy is quite photogenic with his hat as a nice prop. Maybe they chose this kind of character, because of the nostalgia that he triggers in the American psyche? Cowboys against Indians and all that?

What were they doing to that fence and why? No victims were in the vicinity and as far as I can tell there was plenty of space for the paramedics.

Just wondering and speculating. :)
Laura said:
What makes me suspicious is that the guy is the one who is able to identify the terrorists when there is such a pile of evidence indicating that those two guys may have been patsies, but they weren't the real terrorists. Of course, this poor guy with his legs blown off could be a patsy too.

Anyone find it a curious coincidence that his name is Jeff Bauman (as in Dr GreenBaum)? He's certainly become high profile very quickly, & I have to agree with Guardian-there are definitely anomalies that are not easy to explain & worth keeping an open mind about. As a network, we've a better chance of pulling on the many loose threads of the Boston Bombings.

In terms of the Work, it has also been very interesting to see the interactions between members of opposing viewpoints on this thread, how easily attached we can get to our notions, & how we seek to defend those sacred cows. Bringing together everything that we know from the Transcripts, the Work etc it is important to keep in mind that there could very well have been a 4D element contributing to the high strangeness of the day, while we are trying to figure this out purely in terms of our 3D perspective. And it is worth keeping in mind our mecahanicalness and automated emote control when we are heavily invested in a belief.
Laura said:
What makes me suspicious is that the guy is the one who is able to identify the terrorists when there is such a pile of evidence indicating that those two guys may have been patsies, but they weren't the real terrorists. Of course, this poor guy with his legs blown off could be a patsy too.

Don't know how much of an incentive it would be, but since he has no medical insurance and such a serious injury, would it be possible that he could be offered the best medical care there is, including fame in exchange for a "small service"?

edit: grammar.
In the pictures posted above, Arredondo is clutching that flag like no tomorrow...kinda hard to climb over a fence to rescue people, clutching a hat and a flag. Here's another picture of Arredondo, sans hat, with the bloodied flag that got lots of airplay. What happened to the hat, at first glance are we supposed to think this is a different person? Initially I did. The clock behind him says 5:30, more than two hours after the wheelchair rescue. So he hung around for a while...


Bloodied flags seem to be a bit of a theme. The photo with the flag-printed picnic chair got a lot of play initially too; in this one there's even some bunting underfoot. When I first saw a similar image the day after, I thought the Adidas advertisement "all in for Boston" in the upper left was kinda creepy; this ad also appeared in the window of the storefront behind the bomb location. From what I can gather, the Boston area and beyond was indeed "all in" on the subsequent response, there has been very little public unease with or criticism of the police response/lockdown. Regardless of what injuries were exaggerated, Arredondo was a useful source for image management and was in the right place at the right time--with his flag.

I have just watched the fifth part of 'The Nazi's warning from history', where the Polish were encouraged to deal with the jews themselves. A group gets bludgeoned to death and then one man takes out his accordion and starts playing the national anthem. :shock:
This reminds me of the Americans waving their flags and showing their patriotism after the police had declared that the streets of Boston were safe again. And how they rejoiced that the young men were dead. This really brings it home to me that 'l'histoire se répète'.
Arwenn said:
Anyone find it a curious coincidence that his name is Jeff Bauman (as in Dr GreenBaum)? He's certainly become high profile very quickly, & I have to agree with Guardian-there are definitely anomalies that are not easy to explain & worth keeping an open mind about. As a network, we've a better chance of pulling on the many loose threads of the Boston Bombings.

In terms of the Work, it has also been very interesting to see the interactions between members of opposing viewpoints on this thread, how easily attached we can get to our notions, & how we seek to defend those sacred cows. Bringing together everything that we know from the Transcripts, the Work etc it is important to keep in mind that there could very well have been a 4D element contributing to the high strangeness of the day, while we are trying to figure this out purely in terms of our 3D perspective. And it is worth keeping in mind our mecahanicalness and automated emote control when we are heavily invested in a belief.

Interesting that surname Tsarnaev (or Tsarni) "already" known to us - the word Tsar (Sar) has come primarily to mean Sargon and his dynasty. Remember "Deep level punctuator"? Remember Abrahamic Sarrai (Helen-Nefertiti-Sarrah)?
Certainly, it's possible to mention Aryan-Caucasian aggression. Or how "to manage" it.

More interesting that Tsarnaevs as Chechens have a Khazar-Jews origin, and, to put it briefly, this family can be mountain Jews.
Probably, this factor has been involved too, as well as survived and healthy two brothers.
Mariama said:
I have just watched the fifth part of 'The Nazi's warning from history', where the Polish were encouraged to deal with the jews themselves. A group gets bludgeoned to death and then one man takes out his accordion and starts playing the national anthem. :shock:
This reminds me of the Americans waving their flags and showing their patriotism after the police had declared that the streets of Boston were safe again. And how they rejoiced that the young men were dead. This really brings it home to me that 'l'histoire se répète'.

It can be histeria colectiva. A very dangerous virus. I remember some scenes from a book a read about the Spanish Civil War where normal people, like everybody, can become completely irrational, savage, dancing on dead people, putting other people (if they think they are guilty of something) in pieces, dancing like possessed by the evil. Germans were also in a sort of trance, when the Nazis where making their parade and they remind me very much these people you are talking about. Terrible when you think about it.
Found a video where marines are trained into a heavy 'special effects' training camp. They can also replicate explosions and wounds, blood and surgery up to a very disgusting level, by using a special fleshy 'suit':


There's a guy on an Italian blog that says he's sure it was all faked in Boston. What stuck me was that there was also a woman that just after the explosion seems to not have blood around, and then when she's on a wheelchair, suddenly she's bloody red. Pretty much like the other guy who lost his legs.

One thing that I don't get for sure is how one with such injuries can stand the pain... I'd likely pass away and wake after days into a hospital bed full of tubes if anyone cuts away my legs. Or do I miss the miracles of an extreme pain shock? Just weird.

Edit: Oops, here's the original article. the link above was a translation.
What about the other victims of the Boston Bombings? Why are they not getting nearly as much national media coverage? Is it partially to incite those kooky conspiracy theorists into claiming that everything about Boston is a fake? That would help drive anyone who would possibly question what really happened, into becoming disgusted and going into the camp of those authoritarian follower types who will never venture off the ranch.

Jeff Bauman has emerged and the main poster child. He is THE HERO because, despite his life-threatening injuries, he was able to identify the suspects. There is so much incongruity about Boston that brings even the word "sloppy" to mind, and there is something that just does not jell right about the growing Bauman mythos.

The "fake actors" theories present at Sandy Hook and Aurora theater shootings were apparently a real boon to those who would create divisiveness and doubt in the 'reality-based community'.

False flags within false flags, lies within lies and honey pots.

The PTB are not infallible, they are not gods, they just think they are. Their fear and desperation will drive them to make mistakes, mistakes that hopefully will hasten the arrival of that triple bad day as they finally make contact with reality, (which they seem to despise).

Session 16 July 2009 said:
A: Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.
If this poster's videos/photos are not altered, he/she has some very good and somewhat rare samples. Imo, it's certainly worth checking out. There are things here that just don't add up. (concerning activity of guy in bright yellow hat) (very convincing....can't believe it's not altered at 3:01) (concerning girl in brown sweatshirt)

Also, a loop of the officially released video which can easily be played one frame at a time: compared to this early official one(what WAS this person filming?):

Notice in the above that the flags go limp by 1:00 and yellow-hat-guy is in the center of the carnage at 1:30, for reference to other video.
cholas said:
If this poster's videos/photos are not altered, he/she has some very good and somewhat rare samples. Imo, it's certainly worth checking out. There are things here that just don't add up. (concerning activity of guy in bright yellow hat) (very convincing....can't believe it's not altered at 3:01)

I watched these two, but I'm not even sure what the video maker is trying to suggest. Perhaps you could share exactly what is so convincing about these videos?
Oh, and BTW, on the sidebar I found this. Pete Santilli promoting the 'crisis actor' theory...

Approaching Infinity said:
Oh, and BTW, on the sidebar I found this. Pete Santilli promoting the 'crisis actor' theory...


I'm fairly sure the sidebar comes up with other videos based on keywords, and does not correlate to other
kinds of associations necessarily.
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