Boston Marathon Bombs

For me, the "actors" theory is toast, Thanks to Joe and the SOTT team. This was another false-flag to increase control of the population through fear. There may be some interesting questions left to ask... like how complicit the Tsarnaev brothers were, how much did they know, and what did they think the consequences of whatever level of involvement they had would be. Generally, I believe they were "assets", or perhaps patsies would be a better word, IDK. The Boston Bombings' "modus operandi" does not seem that different from 911 to me at this point.

We will probably never know everything. The JFK assassination is still being debated after all. As others have said, it is important to see the overall course the PTB have laid out, because the end-game is approaching.

I know this quote attributed to Karl Rove has been on here before but I am posting it again because I think it is important and we should take it as a warning...

We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

The next false flag? Perhaps a mini "strawman" revolution that can easily be quashed? In any case, something is coming. We should arm ourselves with perspicacity and knowledge as much as possible.
cholas said:
Someone had time to change the sign.

..."had to"?

Can you think of no plausible reason why the Lenscrafter sign is different in the second image?

Maybe the letters were loosened and dislodged by the blast, so that when more shattered glass later fell or was knocked out in higher floors, some of the letters moved?...

cholas said:
Also, disappearing 'burn' mark.

Maybe more glass fell on it later? Maybe more glass was later brushed on to it from elsewhere? Many possibilities!

cholas said:
Writing through thigh.

His left leg is forward cause he's in a kneeling position and it's obscured from our view at this angle because it's behind his right leg?

cholas said:
Lots of fingers.

Both hands are together as he pulls off his jacket?

cholas said:
The disappearing arches.

Do those two photos look to you like they were taken from the same position? The 3 arches from the Public Library are clearly obscured at ground level by that temporary stand over the finish line.

cholas said:
Disappearing large tv monitor

Yes, it must have been removed during the time that the pro runners finished and the amateurs were still coming in two hours later. You can still see the stand on the left of this screenshot (two poles):


cholas said:
The most blatant example. Hoodie has no right arm, writing through man's thigh(see earlier photo above). Someone sitting casually under a collapsed overhang to left of photo.?


The most blatant example of what? Which person wearing which hoodie? The guy on the ground with the grey hoodie and sunglasses? HOW can you determine that he "has no right arm" from that far away and with the image blurred by smoke and other victims??


Cholas, your System 2 is actively looking for signs of suspicion where none is merited!

It's funny cause I don't remember anyone spending one thousandth this amount of time or energy scrutinising the images the FBI said pinned the Tsarnev brothers to the scene...

No, please don't. Stop! Enough already!

kniall. Seems to me that there are photos that have been doctored. Just an observation.

I'm not sure your explanation can cover for this. But I'm certainly not an expert.

I'm , btw, not trying to advance the 'actors' side of things. More like simply posting images that seem to have been altered. Maybe yes(they have) maybe no.

I could be wrong but it seems that many arguments are based on photos/video that has been doctored. Great way to cause confusion/infighting or so it seems.??
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's "thick Russian accent" in court:

I'm just wondering why there is not one single picture or video of how he looks and behaves now?
The only thing I could find are the court drawings of him...

As I said on Facebook about this video and the Boston Bomb story:

"I've seldom seen such a sloppy cover up... It almost seems like the PTB are amusing themselfs by putting stories out there that get so ridicules and wich those mainstream people swallow without any questions. How funny it must be for them...

Sort of an inside joke? Maybe something like: "Who can invent the most ridicules story and can get away with it"
Pashalis said:
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's "thick Russian accent" in court:

I'm just wondering why there is not one single picture or video of how he looks and behaves now?
The only thing I could find are the court drawings of him...

As I said on Facebook about this video and the Boston Bomb story:

"I've seldom seen such a sloppy cover up... It almost seems like the PTB are amusing themselfs by putting stories out there that get so ridicules and wich those mainstream people swallow without any questions. How funny it must be for them...

Sort of an inside joke? Maybe something like: "Who can invent the most ridicules story and can get away with it"

I saw a short segment of a video of him in court, there wasn't much to see, but it was from a Russian news channel, which is interesting, because no US news channel appears to have aired any video from inside the court. Very interesting.
cholas said:
kniall. Seems to me that there are photos that have been doctored. Just an observation.

All the better to incite the 'actors' theorists.
That was my thought as well, Perceval.

I don't know but it seems that the best way to sow great confusion would be to:

1) doctor a few photos/videos. This keeps the 'it's all fake' people defending themselves.

2) Throw in a couple 'actors'. Maybe just 2? The guy in the yellow hat and the big girl in brown sweatshirt, for example. Although it might be better to have an 'injured' one with fake blood....even more confusion. This keeps the 'actors' folks defending their view.

3) Also have real injuries. Satisfies the majority.

Leaves 'truthers' arguing and 'normal' folks thinking the minority are nuts.
Did y'all catch Russ Baker's article on the Boston bombing report? He has some interesting things to say about Russia there:

Makes me wonder of the Russians knew the FBI were going to use Tamerlan as a patsy, and covered themselves by 'warning' the US. Could also be a subtle way of saying "we know what you're up to." Any thoughts?
Approaching Infinity said:
Did y'all catch Russ Baker's article on the Boston bombing report? He has some interesting things to say about Russia there:

Makes me wonder of the Russians knew the FBI were going to use Tamerlan as a patsy, and covered themselves by 'warning' the US. Could also be a subtle way of saying "we know what you're up to." Any thoughts?

Just had a read of the article - not the linked full report. In addition to what you said, and I agree, it makes me also wonder at the breadth of information that the Russians can leak at anytime exposing the lies - not just in this particular case... They of course would be reluctant for many reasons (operational) to unnecessarily tell-all. The American machine on the other hand must be so inundated with covering their tracks - official redaction's, multiple government agencies, counter claims, attacking anyone and everyone, disinformation, scripting to MSN etc., that they really need Russia to be the new villain more so than ever to distance themselves from anything the Russians may decide to lay upon the world presses doorstep. The Russians are no information slouches in the knowing game, and I could not fathom the information that they really know. Indeed they would know "what you're up to" in regard to the misguided FF operations of the the America, Israeli, and the French etc. With the Tamerlan's, along with connections to American democratic NGO's operating abroad to influence and oppose, they would know a great great deal - they are patient chess players, too.
Apparently, a movie is in the making about the heroic capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The article goes into some details, as to an amicus curiae intervention presented to the Court in Boston by Dzhokhar's Aunt, an Attorney, for wrongful prosecution and the Death penalty.
It's a long article with a short video at the end.

Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case By Paul Craig Roberts

Movies are used to set official stories in stone, and a movie is going to be made about the heroic capture of a badly wounded 19 year old kid, not old enough to buy a beer, who, despite being shot up and severely wounded, is alleged to have written a confession in the dark on the side of a boat under which he was hiding to escape execution. Apparently, the 10,000 troops who violated the US Constitution and searched the houses of a shutdown Boston without warrants are going to be credited for "saving America from terrorism."

I find it difficult to believe that a shot-up kid, who had to be put into intensive care when he was discovered, who was hiding from execution under an upturned boat, spent what little energy and life force he had left writing a confession in the dark on the inside of a boat. What convenient instrument to write with did he happen to have on hand?

[...] One wonders how much the Boston Marathon Bombing movie makers have been paid for setting the official story in stone. As one correspondent asked: "I'm wondering how they are going to portray Boston cops as heroes as they kill the older brother and then surround an unarmed teenager who is hiding under a boat. They start firing...they put a bullet through his face but the damned kid won't die! Heroic Senator John McCain then explains how Miranda rights don't apply in his case. Suddenly it's discovered that while hiding in the boat he's written a confession on the inside of the boat with a Sharpie..." (Article continues - short video at end.)
Thought this was interesting. Almost sounds like a MIB scenario, but then who knows, could just have been black ops types up to no good.

The FBI has released an interview with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombers, conducted before the 2013 attack. In it, he denied any Islamic extremist views and claimed four mysterious men tried to contact him two years before the bombings. The recently released interview summary, called a 302, was carried out in April 2011 by the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force in Boston (Boston JTTF). The JTTF approached Tsarnaev after Russian intelligence officials alerted US authorities that Tsarnaev posed a threat to national security.
The interview describes an unnamed source who was approached by four “handsome men in suits” who identified themselves as FBI agents. The men did not provide any kind of identification, business cards, or contact numbers, and they were described as having no discernable accents.
According to the interview, the men said they wanted to “talk to Tamerlan,” and said that they would be back the following day. The source said they never saw the four men again. Tsarnaev said he did not know why the men were looking for him, or who would be upset with him.

If you add in the fact that Tamerlan was convinced he was being 'mind programmed' via voices in his head, it sounds like the whole thing was stage managed (as we've already detailed). In this case all it would take would be Tamerlan and Djokar, the messed with patsies, and a couple of pressure cooker bombs placed by someone else (again, as we've already detailed)
The family of a Chechen man who was fatally shot in his Orlando apartment in May 2013 while being questioned about the Boston Marathon bombings has filed a wrongful- death lawsuit against two FBI agents and two Massachusetts state troopers.

Troopers, FBI sued in 2013 death of Chechen in Florida

Friday May 25, 2017

A 15-page civil complaint was filed Monday in federal court in Florida by the estate of Ibragim Todashev on behalf of his parents.

The complaint names FBI agents Aaron McFarlane and Christopher John Savard, state troopers Curtis Cinelli and Joel Gagne, and the United States of America as defendants.

Savard is an Orlando police officer and member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force who operates as an FBI agent as a JTTF member, the complaint says.

McFarlane shot Todashev seven times as the 27-year-old was trying to leave his residence after hours of questioning, and the other defendants conspired to cause his death, the lawsuit alleges.

“Todashev’s death on May 22, 2013 was the result of excessive force by FBI agents,” the complaint said.

That claim differs sharply from prior statements by law enforcement officials, who have said in reports that Todashev, a mixed martial arts fighter, hurled a coffee table at McFarlane and charged him and Cinelli with a metal broomstick before McFarlane opened fire.

And, the authorities have said, Todashev had earlier confessed to participating in a 2011 triple murder in Waltham with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Marathon bombers, who died in a clash with police days after the deadly blasts.

But in the complaint filed Monday, lawyers for Todashev’s estate said that investigators coerced him into making a false confession.

An FBI spokeswoman said Wednesday night that the bureau cannot comment on pending litigation.

State Police spokesman David Procopio said his agency does not comment on pending lawsuits, either.

“We expect that a vigorous defense of our personnel will be presented in court,” Procopio wrote in an e-mail.

A report in 2014 from a top Florida prosecutor quoted Todashev as telling investigators that the Waltham killings had occurred during what was supposed to have been a robbery. “Okay, I’m telling you I was involved in it, okay, I, I, had no idea [word redacted] gonna kill anyone,” the report quoted Todashev as saying.

Government reports and court records show that the authorities suspected Todashev and Tsarnaev in the Waltham killings.

On Sept. 12, 2011, Brendan Mess, 25, once a close friend of Tsarnaev; Erik H. Weissman, 31; and Raphael M. Teken, 37, were found in Mess’s apartment with their throats slit and their bodies sprinkled with marijuana.

Lawyers for Todashev’s estate wrote in the civil complaint that he had voluntarily spoken with investigators on multiple occasions before his death.

“The agents used intimidation, deceit, and other improper means against Todashev, his friends, and family — including interference with the immigration status of Todashev’s friends and family — to coerce Todashev into falsely confessing to crimes he did not commit,” the complaint said.

According to the lawsuit, Todashev condemned the Boston Marathon bombings during one conversation with investigators, calling the attack “horrible and unnecessary.”

Family of Ibragim Todashev Lawsuit Against United States, FBI Agents, Mass. Troopers
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