Boston Marathon Bombs

My take:

Generally speaking, I love the truth more than anything, so personally I suppose I too would like to know the answer if there were actors involved.

However, I have not spent much time on it, because even if I did conclude actors were used (which I have not concluded anything), it is not very useful information to use for another goal I have: trying to help people out there who have some ability to think, are not necessarily Authoritarian Followers, to see that their authorities can and do use false flag attacks on their own population. There are plenty of holes in the official story that can serve that goal just fine. There is plenty of historical precedent for such things that can be mentioned also that would be more useful.

If I would go on about "actors", and focus on these minute details, that would turn these people off.

I have seen this already happen in another discussion going on in the net - someone brought up about the actors, they discussed it, traded some information they found on the net about it, concluded that is an absurd story, and then fell into the trap of lumping all questioning of the official story as nothing more than unsubstantiated "conspiracy theories" made by loons.

So although many of them recognize that their government is capitalizing on traumatic events to take away their freedoms, because they see the evidence of the Patriot act and the NDAA act in front of their eyes, they have now lost the opportunity (for now) to also see that a campaign of false flags by their government are real because of this distraction.

Actor theories were brought up in Sandy Hook shooting, even going so far to say no children were even murdered. I remember someone promoting the idea that no planes hit the twin towers during 911 - that they were just doctored video footage, or holograms or whatnot. Then there was the theory that there was some "pod" on one of the planes that hit the towers and this "pod" shot something out into the buildings before impact. All of these more outlandish things distract from the plenty of other hard evidence that showed pretty clearly that the official stories were either suspicious or obvious lies.
I was at the ER the whole day yesterday and thought about these events. There is almost something surreal into this discussion. Having had the displeasure to see traumatic and severed limbs, and having had to cut bones myself with saws at the level where even bone marrow extracts are done just gives me enough experience to say that the pics are within the realm of possibility and how it is.

That someone is "doctoring" pics or that actors could have been placed or not just shows to me how deliberately obfuscating they want these events to be. Why?

However, I have not spent much time on it, because even if I did conclude actors were used (which I have not concluded anything), it is not very useful information to use for another goal I have: trying to help people out there who have some ability to think, are not necessarily Authoritarian Followers, to see that their authorities can and do use false flag attacks on their own population. There are plenty of holes in the official story that can serve that goal just fine. There is plenty of historical precedent for such things that can be mentioned also that would be more useful.

If I would go on about "actors", and focus on these minute details, that would turn these people off.

I can see how that will be the case.
I just got off of the phone with a vet from Afghanistan (two tours and a medic). I asked him the protocols of emergencies and showed him the picture of the lady being put on a gurney, before the guy who had his legs blown off (in theory or fact).

He said that in typical cases, they save the people they feel are ABLE to be saved, before the ones they think may die within seconds.

What Psyche says is very well on the mark medically as well.

Although until there is more evidence. I am still somewhat undecided about the 'actor' theory. However, that is some information that may or may not be helpful.
What makes me suspicious is that the guy is the one who is able to identify the terrorists when there is such a pile of evidence indicating that those two guys may have been patsies, but they weren't the real terrorists. Of course, this poor guy with his legs blown off could be a patsy too.
Laura said:
What makes me suspicious is that the guy is the one who is able to identify the terrorists when there is such a pile of evidence indicating that those two guys may have been patsies, but they weren't the real terrorists. Of course, this poor guy with his legs blown off could be a patsy too.

Yep, and after having one's legs blown off, I do wonder if any human could have the ability to also identify the persons involved... That is where I wonder what really did happen. I think we have the medical and mental aspect of people/blood loss/help involved, however therefore I remain wondering if he was 'suppose to be a hero.'
I wouldn't take too seriously the claim that he helped identify the perpetrators. In situations of stress, it shouldn't be too difficult to make a witness think something different than what he actually saw. Remember the Pentagon strike; at first witnesses said that they saw something like a small plane, either a private jet or a drone. Eventually, the story that it was Flight 77 was repeated so much that people began taking for granted that was what they saw, even when it wasn't.

In the case of Boston, the guy could have seen someone wearing a cap and carrying a backpack, perhaps even placing it on the ground. Then there was an explosion (and there is no way he could have known that the exploding object was the backpack) and it was suggested to him that the 'terrorist' had been close to him.

Imagine the dialogue: 'Do you remember anything suspicious, like a man carrying a backpack of some sort?' 'Oh yes, now that you mention it...' 'Anything in particular about his behavior?' 'Well, everyone was having such a good time, but that guy looked very serious!' 'Thanks, yes indeed we think that was the guy. Your testimony confirms it'. But it doesn't, really.
Windmill knight said:
I wouldn't take too seriously the claim that he helped identify the perpetrators. In situations of stress, it shouldn't be too difficult to make a witness think something different than what he actually saw. Remember the Pentagon strike; at first witnesses said that they saw something like a small plane, either a private jet or a drone. Eventually, the story that it was Flight 77 was repeated so much that people began taking for granted that was what they saw, even when it wasn't.

In the case of Boston, the guy could have seen someone wearing a cap and carrying a backpack, perhaps even placing it on the ground. Then there was an explosion (and there is no way he could have known that the exploding object was the backpack) and it was suggested to him that the 'terrorist' had been close to him.

Imagine the dialogue: 'Do you remember anything suspicious, like a man carrying a backpack of some sort?' 'Oh yes, now that you mention it...' 'Anything in particular about his behavior?' 'Well, everyone was having such a good time, but that guy looked very serious!' 'Thanks, yes indeed we think that was the guy. Your testimony confirms it'. But it doesn't, really.

Yeah, it's possible that the real perpetrators were seeding the area with a few people dropping backpacks, although that's not my favorite theory.

My original hypothesis, which I still prefer and which is based on known Israeli intel tactics, is that the two brothers were very possibly being manipulated by the FBI etc. There are numerous ways in which they could have been manipulated into going to the marathon and dropping backpacks at two locations. They could also quite easily have been manipulated into dropping backpacks with real bombs.
Perceval said:
Windmill knight said:
I wouldn't take too seriously the claim that he helped identify the perpetrators. In situations of stress, it shouldn't be too difficult to make a witness think something different than what he actually saw. Remember the Pentagon strike; at first witnesses said that they saw something like a small plane, either a private jet or a drone. Eventually, the story that it was Flight 77 was repeated so much that people began taking for granted that was what they saw, even when it wasn't.

In the case of Boston, the guy could have seen someone wearing a cap and carrying a backpack, perhaps even placing it on the ground. Then there was an explosion (and there is no way he could have known that the exploding object was the backpack) and it was suggested to him that the 'terrorist' had been close to him.

Imagine the dialogue: 'Do you remember anything suspicious, like a man carrying a backpack of some sort?' 'Oh yes, now that you mention it...' 'Anything in particular about his behavior?' 'Well, everyone was having such a good time, but that guy looked very serious!' 'Thanks, yes indeed we think that was the guy. Your testimony confirms it'. But it doesn't, really.

Yeah, it's possible that the real perpetrators were seeding the area with a few people dropping backpacks, although that's not my favorite theory.

My original hypothesis, which I still prefer and which is based on known Israeli intel tactics, is that the two brothers were very possibly being manipulated by the FBI etc. There are numerous ways in which they could have been manipulated into going to the marathon and dropping backpacks at two locations. They could also quite easily have been manipulated into dropping backpacks with real bombs.

I get the feeling that we are armed with sticks and slingshots, but we are up against adversaries who have highly advanced tools...
It seems most of the attention and media focus was on the site of the first explosion, near the finish line, with special attention given to the wheelchair male amputee and the guy in the white Cowboy hat.

Here are some pics of the second bombing site, these are in time line order.

New evidence leads to "Mysterious Bag Woman" at Boston bombing

Note the lady with black hair, sunglasses, white sweater. She is to the right and behind the trash bin. She appears to be alone. Later, instead of moving straight up to the fence, she proceeds around it to the right. This point is nothing major. Ignore the arrow here. (Google image)

Notice that the lady has moved up to very close to where the 2nd bomb detonated. She is holding what appears to be a purse(?) Nothing is on the ground in front of her. Lu Lingzi can be seen over this woman’s left shoulder. Lu Lingzi died at the scene. Lu Lingzi’s friend can be seen to the back and left of Lu Lingzi. Ignore the circles here. (Google image)

Note the plastic bag now in front of the brown bag woman. Note that the brown bag lady has left, however, her bag can now be seen on top of the white bag. (Google image)

The brown bag lady is still gone, but the bags are still there. (Google image)

Boston Bombing: The Official Story Proves Dzhokhar Is Innocent – a Photo Essay

See the third picture down. This is the pic the government says shows the Chechneyan dropping a bomb at the site in his backpack. Note the location of the supposed drop, approximately 3 feet behind the fence and next to the tree. Also, in this pic, we see Martin Richard, one of the deceased, circled in blue. To Martin’s right is his mother Denise. To his left, is his sister Jane. To Janes left is brother Henry. Behind Jane, is their father, Bill. Bill and Henry were not hurt in the blast. Denise suffered a brain injury and Jane lost a leg.

It was reported that this family just came from getting ice cream when the blast occurred, so this pic is very close to detonation time. Note that four of them are close to the fence and are leaning forward. Bill is backward a bit. The younger two kids are sticking their legs between the fence. Henry is merely leaning on it and likely stood up straight before the blast. The younger kids with their more entrenched positions, would likely have remained in such positions at detonation time. Denise is farthest to the right. Lu Lingzi and her friend are just to the right of this pic and not seen. Note Bill’s close proximity to the tree, where the government says the bomb was located. Due to their positioning in this photo, it is most likely that the shrapnel flew from a right to left direction along the front of the fence line. Note Jane’s protruding leg. (Photo)

This is the most important pic. Note that there is no damage to the right of the trash bin. If the bomb was next to the tree, there would be widespread damage to the area to the right of the trash bin (just behind the fence lined up directly with next to the tree) Also, note that it appears there are no injured between the trash bin and the tree although this is difficult to say as it is blurred in that area. It appears that the plastic bag and brown bag are gone. Note that the fence to the left has fallen on some victims. A blast from the right and behind it (tree area) would likely have spun that piece of fence in a clockwise direction or bent it around the sign post. Neither happened. It fell in the opposite direction. The middle piece of fencing is missing and was likely removed when the first responders appeared (Thrown in the street?). Two to three bars of the piece of the fence near the trash bin remain. (Google image)

Draw your own conclusions, but this evidence, to me, indicates that the blast came from the exact location of the plastic bag and the brown bag placed on top of it and NOT from back and by the tree as the government has told us. Thus, this evidence, in my opinion, makes brown bag lady suspect #1 and clears white hat Chechneyan as a suspect.

It has been reported by the Wall Street Journal and other sources that female DNA has been found on a fragment from one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon bombing.

From the Comment section:
If everything except the first explosion is real, then here’s another puzzling fact: CNN interviewed the same woman both at the marathon, and at the alleged shootout with the Tsarneav brothers in Watertown.

Look especially at 0:34-0:40 and 1:36-1:39. What are the odds that this woman was in both places by accident? Even more improbably, there’s video footage suggesting that this same woman was interviewed about Nancy Lanza in connection with the Sandy Hook incident.

Bloodless Femoral Arteries

A chief narrative of the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) is that Jeff Bauman was tragically maimed when the first “pressure cooker bomb” detonated at the finish line. The charge blew both of Bauman’s legs clear off, leaving him with the disturbing remains of apparently exposed tissue and bone.

This photo is a closeup of Bauman holding his leg with both hands as he is transported in the wheelchair. Note the two circles on his skin directly above his left thumb. Are these marks intended to identify where to affix a prosthesis?

Further, despite experiencing what must be tremendous pain and trauma, Bauman makes an unusually earnest and persistent effort to keep his head lifted off the ground, while appearing to be particularly concerned with what others are doing close by. Below while arching his head he is seen accompanying a woman close to him making what appears to be a hand signal to parties unknown.

According to CCTV video it took Boston’s Cowboy Hero Carlos Arredondo more than five minutes to preempt more qualified medical personnel, apply a tourniquet, and transport Bauman the equivalent of one city block to an awaiting ambulance.

In the Comment section:
PCGeek says:
May 7, 2013 at 11:08 am
Can someone send this video to the Stella Tremblay politician. This video proves without a doubt that Jon Patsavos (John Kerry senior advisor) has undergone minor plastic surgery and is now Christian Williams (hoodie guy beside Jeff Bauman).

Peter says:
May 7, 2013 at 2:29 pm
Read this, it confirms PCGeeks’ post regarding Jon Patsavos and William Christian. This article was published April 19th in Caroline Reinsch’s hometown newspaper:

Some background of the Cowboy Hero:
In the three weeks since he became known as “the hero in the Cowboy hat” for his swift response to help a grievously-wounded victim after the Boston Marathon bombings, Carlos Arredondo has shaken hands with President Obama, sat courtside for a Celtics-Knicks playoff game, made four hospital visits to the man he saved, Jeff Bauman, and met with the president of his native Costa Rica.

Today, Arredondo is back in South Florida — where he once lived and nearly died after setting a Marine van on fire after learning of his oldest son’s 2004 death in Iraq — to tape a Telemundo television special.,0,5886877.story
FWIW angelburst29,

those three womans who that website suspects to be "the same woman" seem to me, to be exactly that: Three different womans...

Yes all three look a bit similar but their speaking patterns and tone of voice are all quite different IMO. And also their faces look a bit different IMO.
In short I think it is BS.
There is a new report from James Corbett, dated yesterday regarding the connection of the suspects' Uncle Ruslan and CIA official Graham Fuller. I didn't see here any further mention of "Uncle Ruslan" Tsarni beyond what others quoted in this thread. Those quotes were:
After befriending Misha, Tamerlan gave up boxing, stopped studying music and began opposing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to family members, who said he turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. "Somehow, he just took his brain," said Tamerlan's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni of Maryland, who recalled conversations with Tamerlan's worried father about Misha's influence.
A Maryland man who said he was the suspects' uncle told CNN affiliate WBZ that Tamerlan Tsarnaev "got what he deserved." "What can I say for people who have been murdered? Sympathy," Ruslan Tsarni, referring to those who died in the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

So, there is the following from The Corbett Report to consider. (I note that The Corbett Report has been cited and viewed, in general, favorably, by various members on this forum). The report points out an interesting connection, but, as yet, I am unaware of any conclusions beyond the speculation that it so obviously inspires: _

- Uncle Ruslan gained notoriety in TV interviews for ferociously denouncing his nephews as "losers" full of hatred. "They do not deserve to exist on this earth," he said. Clearly, this is what the press wanted to hear.
- Conversely, as expected, the press scorned the suspects' mother for defending her sons.
- Official SEC filing from 2005 shows that Ruslan worked as a consultant for US gov't agency, USAID, an adjunct to the State Department that is ostensibly to promote "international development." It is said to be a known front for deep-cover CIA agents, and a memo is shown, from the CIA Deputy Director of Operations, regarding "Joint CIA/USAID Terrorist Investigations" in which the two agencies are cited as running a "training program for foreign police/security personnel." If real, this shows an obvious linkage of the two agencies in the area of "security."
- Mid-1990s, Ruslan Tsarni incorporated a company called The Congress of Chechan International Organizations, which, according to documents, was found to be providing material support to Chechan "terrorists," including a prominent preacher of violent jihad. If so, this would make Uncle Ruslan quite the hypocrite for denouncing the alleged actions of his nephews.
- The address, in Rockville MD, of Tsarni's company is the home address of Graham Fuller, formerly Vice Chairman of the Reagan-era CIA's National Intelligence Council - a top CIA official.
- The connection between Ruslan Tsarni and Graham Fuller is not loose. Tsarni married Fuller's daughter in the 1990s and lived in Fuller's home for a period of time, explaining the corporation's address.
- Among Fuller's positions in two decades with the CIA was that of National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia (which would seem to cover Caucasia). He has allegedly long made the argument at Islam is a potentially "useful" geopolitical tool for the US to manipulate for its own ends. This is supported with quotes and goes into some of Fuller's interesting connections, including to an imam who was run out of Turkey, wanted for promoting attempts to overthrow the secular Turkish gov't, and who won residence in the US after a legal battle that included a reference from Fuller. This guy now resides in the US and runs the Gulen Movement, which has >$20 billion at his disposal for setting up Islamic schools around the world. Fuller is shown speaking its praises.
- Fuller has admitted these connections but says that any CIA connection to the bombings is "absurd."
- According to former FBI translator and alternative researcher ( Sibel Edmonds (we know her from her nine eleven whistleblowing activity, who was put under gag order regarding what she learned) points out that the bombing suspects' uncle is the ex-son-in-law of one of the top CIA operatives in the northeast, who has deep professional connection to the Caucusus region. An apparently overwhelming coincidence, but not covered in the mainstream media. She says that Fuller, although "retired" from the CIA for fifteen years, remained a contractor to them. Edmonds also says that she has been speaking for ten years about interesting developments happening in the Caucusus region, and that she expected at some point, for this little-mentioned region to break into the headlines at some point.
- There is also mention that Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended last year a "workshop" sponsored by the "CIA-linked" Jamestown Foundation, a conservative think tank focusing on Asians nations of "strategic importance to the United States."

So, interesting coincidences leading to speculation, but nothing more yet, as far as I know.

Transcript of the video and sources here: _
The source for this report is Daniel Hopsicker...
Laura said:
What makes me suspicious is that the guy is the one who is able to identify the terrorists when there is such a pile of evidence indicating that those two guys may have been patsies, but they weren't the real terrorists. Of course, this poor guy with his legs blown off could be a patsy too.

Reading over this thread and looking at all the articles...all I can say is the same thing I told my niece when she asked me on it:

The only facts I can find?

There was a marathon race run in Boston.
Bombs went off.
The end.

The rest is such a bower birds nest full of 'shiny' its tough to tell what's of value, and what's just garbage, 're-purposed' to look good. :headbash:

Past a certain point, I'm not going to beat my head against it looking for more facts that are, from where I'm at, being erased, obfuscated, and hidden faster than I can dig for them.
Gimpy said:
...The rest is such a bower birds nest full of 'shiny' its tough to tell what's of value, and what's just garbage, 're-purposed' to look good. :headbash:

Past a certain point, I'm not going to beat my head against it looking for more facts that are, from where I'm at, being erased, obfuscated, and hidden faster than I can dig for them.

It's a bit much for me too. What I have noticed, though, is that the bombings seem to have affected many of my non-authoritarian follower friends, driving them away from asking the kinds of questions they would need to ask (about "authority," especially) in order to perceive the false reality in which we live. I don't imagine that that is accidental.

It has affected me too, in ways that I appreciate but that I do not enjoy, if you know what I mean. These are not fun lessons. I think, however, that it is time to find a new way of looking at "fun."
Kniall wrote: << The source for this report is Daniel Hopsicker... >> Yikes, I should've looked up that familiar-sounding name. Thanks.
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