The way I see Bolsonaro is similar to the way I see Trump, a perhaps questionable character that I would not want to be friends with
I understand what you mean, but I'm sorry, I think the real problem is not personal and the question of be friend of Trump or Bolsonaro is a very complex self-defense theme.
I can be wrong, but I guess you (all) may not understood well why Trump and Bolsonaro was legitimately elected as president, and because of that, both are systematically attacked in the most degrading possible moral ways, to be seen as the worst "individual leaders".
Both was elected not intended to be good presidents, but to be the Least Worst Option available, who "honestly" speech what they think, defend individual freedom, conservative behavior, economic growth of the people and the whole country, that is, exactly the values that the Globalist Agenda intends to be deconstructed.
Payed globalist / progressist supporters and followers call that individual self-defense as Nacionalism, like an pejorative extremism, and So, relativize with Facism, Racism, all bad moral propagandas to perform the "Demoralization Step", as bellow ..
At this point, I'm sorry again, but the real thing is a State of War issue where "
My enemy's enemy is my friend".
follow the whole process of subversion, which few people are aware of It, but all (target) people are involved.
Before try to understand why Lula is rising again from Jail by a clear MISTRUST JUSTICE deliberated and monocratic act, I need to remember briefly why Dilma Roussef was impeached:
Soon after Dilma was re-elected, the economic disaster of his administration broke out, and the people began to organize protests against her de-government. Then Dilma Roussef simple ordered to army suppress the protests by force, but the military refused to practice violence against peaceful people, and this refusal was followed by all other police, civil and military institutions.
With the majority of the people, military and police seeing Dilma wanting to act like a "Venezuelan Dictator", her government has become "morally unsustainable".
Bolsonaro always vehemently fought the left, he is a former army captain who has always been close to the military and police forces, so as a good opportunist he is, started be pushed to be the next president of Brazil, just being what he always has been, practically without campaign. He simply placed himself on that scenario, promising to fight the ideologies planted by the left.
At this time, Lula was practically surrounded on all sides to be rightfully arrested and politically discarded, and if Dilma or anyone else had managed to continue with the Agenda of Foro de São Paulo, Lula would end up being released by his partners, which unfortunately happened even under the Bolsonaro government, so that, the great power project can be resumed.
Why Lula rise again on this scenario, we can see as a Metaphor in next image, considering he was arrested (not dead by shot) and conveniently released to chalenge Bolsonaro and take the power again, that is, more of the same leftist Agenda over brazilian people !!
So, under all this political, economic and social complex context:
- Lula match with -- "My Enemy's Friend is My Enemy"
- Bolsonaro match with -- "My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend"
Not forget I'm looking at Brazil people, it's not merely a personal point of view.
For who want to understand more better "the Friends and the Enemies" of peaceful people taking of a potential target to be Divided and Conquered, please watch the video bellow.