Buckwheat Crepes and Pancakes

foofighter said:
Is goat cheese ok to use though?

It shouldn't be too bad, unless you are in the strict detox part of your diet. It's the honey that you should be avoiding more than the goat cheese IMO. Sugar=Evil!
I tried out the buckwheat crepes, without eggs, for the first time tonight, and they came out a treat.
very nice with some grilled chicken and spices. Extremely filling :)
Mmm, I had the pancakes today myself My kids didn't care for them but I thought they were yummy. Thanks for the recipe!
From my daughter to Laura

Thank you Laura for the delicious buckwheat crepes recipe. Gabrielle :D

Thank Laura for the recipe, I use white floor before because I thought my daughter wouldn't like to try something new, I was wrong she love it. Maybe I was expressing my own fear. :-[

Well I am glad that you shared the recipe because I'm still on the anti-candida detox program (have been for 7 weeks so far) and I was missing eating crepes. :lol:
Sorry for the late reply, sometimes when I read a reply to me I always wonder if I should say anything or not, I start doubting a lot and worrying if what I say would be important or not, but I also don't want to be rude. So I decided to reply anyway..

Gawan said:
I tried it this morning, and well it's an easy to do and tastes simply great!

Oxajil said:
That sounds really good.. thanks for sharing.
I hope that one day I will be a pro cook like you guys! :-[

I think it's just learning by doing! ;)
Most often I really like to cook more intuitive that means, to put the colours of veggies/ingredients together I imagine would be fitting together (harmonious colours) and from time to time my flatmate gives me some tips in doing this or that.

Oh nice!, I guess some creativity comes into play as well.
Well fortunately my mom helps me with the cooking. Her dishes are very tasteful (Persian dishes), but unfortunately there is a lot of gluten in it and she uses a lot of white rice, I think that if she would switch the white rice to brown rice and the gluten products to non-gluten it would be very healthy and tasteful! Maybe I'll try that and if it works out well share it with you guys :).

I did make the pancakes the other day, but my pancakes are not round at all and they stick to the pan (I totally forgot using the spatula : P). My mom wasn't there then so I failed again, but there will be a day that they will be perfect... :rolleyes: Learning by doing, ye I think so too!

Perceval said:
Depending on how thick you like your crepes you can vary the above proportions. I use more or less 1 to 1 (cup) flour and rice milk, a little salt and a table spoon of grapeseed oil which makes a slightly thicker crepe. I mix with a fork (pretty easy) and pour into a clean pan, no oil, and have no trouble with sticking. The pan should be pretty hot, so that the mixture sizzles a little but not so hot that the mixtures bubbles. Immediately after pouring the mixture into the pan you should lift it and turn the pan so that the mixture spreads around to make a nice round shape (rotating wrist movement), but not all the way to the edges so that you have an easier time getting the spatula under. As soon as the edges harden a little you should lift all around the edge with the spatula (you'll need a very thin one that bends easily). Once the crepe has dried off (couple of minutes) (no liquidyness on top) scrape underneath to loosen the rest and flip. Depending on how dry you like it it'll be just a few minutes more till done.
I'll keep that in mind!
Oxajil said:
I did make the pancakes the other day, but my pancakes are not round at all and they stick to the pan (I totally forgot using the spatula : P). My mom wasn't there then so I failed again, but there will be a day that they will be perfect... :rolleyes: Learning by doing, ye I think so too!

Hey Oxajil
I tried making these for the first time last night. Few tips from learning how to do them.....firstly best start with a Tiny one to test out heat etc. First one I did I filled the pan and the heat was too low....it went a bit funky and I threw it out :-[
Got the temperature up more (the oil was smoking, its impossible to miss), and the tiny one I tried worked well! Got better with each one I tried. So the second tip would be, make enough mix to try cooking several :)
As per Laura's measures, 3 cups of alternative milk and 2 cups of flour made about 10.

I was breaking a new pan in at the same time, so I probably made it trickier for myself than it could have been. Turned out well in the end (they taste great!). My parents really loved them, served them with home made jam and blue berries :)
Had some cold for lunch today with ham in some and blue berries in the others. They taste just as good! I only had 4 and I was stuffed.
RedFox said:
Hey Oxajil
I tried making these for the first time last night. Few tips from learning how to do them.....firstly best start with a Tiny one to test out heat etc. First one I did I filled the pan and the heat was too low....it went a bit funky and I threw it out :-[
Got the temperature up more (the oil was smoking, its impossible to miss), and the tiny one I tried worked well! Got better with each one I tried. So the second tip would be, make enough mix to try cooking several :)
As per Laura's measures, 3 cups of alternative milk and 2 cups of flour made about 10.

Ah got it, Thanks! I will try soon again.

RedFox said:
I was breaking a new pan in at the same time, so I probably made it trickier for myself than it could have been. Turned out well in the end (they taste great!). My parents really loved them, served them with home made jam and blue berries :)
Had some cold for lunch today with ham in some and blue berries in the others. They taste just as good! I only had 4 and I was stuffed.
mmmmm :D
Oxajil said:
RedFox said:
Hey Oxajil
I tried making these for the first time last night. Few tips from learning how to do them.....firstly best start with a Tiny one to test out heat etc. First one I did I filled the pan and the heat was too low....it went a bit funky and I threw it out :-[
Got the temperature up more (the oil was smoking, its impossible to miss), and the tiny one I tried worked well! Got better with each one I tried. So the second tip would be, make enough mix to try cooking several :)
As per Laura's measures, 3 cups of alternative milk and 2 cups of flour made about 10.

Ah got it, Thanks! I will try soon again.

RedFox said:
I was breaking a new pan in at the same time, so I probably made it trickier for myself than it could have been. Turned out well in the end (they taste great!). My parents really loved them, served them with home made jam and blue berries :)
Had some cold for lunch today with ham in some and blue berries in the others. They taste just as good! I only had 4 and I was stuffed.
mmmmm :D

What I found helpful is using a mug maybe you are using it already. Before I used a dipper and this has been more complicated filling the pan with the mixture, to be careful that it is not dripping and "wrist rotatating" as Perceval described it, the pan. But with the mug I simply had more time and it went out all in all perfect.
I had my first experience with making the crepes today and it was a learning experience to say the least.

I followed this guideline, with a few modifications on my own.
Laura said:
Crepes made from buckwheat flour are really good. Just put some buckwheat flour in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of gluten free baking powder, a bit of salt, oil, and enough rice milk to make the batter the consistency you want. You don't need eggs or anything else. In fact, you can probably leave out the baking powder if you want.

Laura said:
I guess for about 2 cups of flour, you would use 3 cups of rice milk, more or less.

I skipped out on using the baking powder, and used 1 cup of buckwheat flour, 1 cup consisting of 2 eggs, the rest being 2% milk, and then the other 1/2 cup was water. I still included salt and a bit of oil. They didn't turn out all that great, as they were a bit rubbery, but at least they were slightly better than the buckwheat pancakes I tried making last week! Thankfully though, I went to the grocery store and purchased some rice milk, so I'm going to give it another go in the next few days and see how it goes.

My parents really loved them, served them with home made jam and blue berries
Great tip! I'll definitely try that next time around.
Had buckwheat crepes for dinner this evening.

I followed Perceval's recipe but I added some more rice milk to thin the mix. The crepes were still a little thick and spongy, but I think that was emphasised by my filling of minced beef (I thought they might be good fajitas).

Like others have said, they are very filling; it's been the first meal I've had for a long time where I couldn't finish everything I cooked! I have to say, I've come to love brown rice, and it has been a while since I had anything bread-like and wasn't missing bread at all. I think I'd prefer this minced beef recipe with rice, and I'm going to try other stuff in the crepes.

Thanks for the recipe guys!
DanielS said:
I had my first experience with making the crepes today and it was a learning experience to say the least.

I followed this guideline, with a few modifications on my own.


I skipped out on using the baking powder, and used 1 cup of buckwheat flour, 1 cup consisting of 2 eggs, the rest being 2% milk, and then the other 1/2 cup was water. I still included salt and a bit of oil. They didn't turn out all that great, as they were a bit rubbery, but at least they were slightly better than the buckwheat pancakes I tried making last week! Thankfully though, I went to the grocery store and purchased some rice milk, so I'm going to give it another go in the next few days and see how it goes.

EEEEEVIL cow's milk and eggs are what messed up your cakes.

Make them according to the recipe and they turn out perfect.

Adjust thickness of batter with adding more liquid or flour. This is NOT written in stone! You can make adjustments. If the first cake is too thick, add some liquid. If it is too thin, add some more buckwheat flour!

DO use the oil liberally because buckwheat tends to be a bit dry.

One thing you learn from eliminating wheat, corn, sugar, milk and eggs from your food options is that stuff works differently and you have to figure out the new chemistry. It's actually kinda fun.

We have also begun making buckwheat buns and bagels... same recipe only more flour, make a dough, cook in the steamer and then brown in the oven. (oil the buns before putting in the steamer and before putting in the oven.)

They will not be as good if you JUST steam them or JUST bake them in the oven. It takes this double process to make them good.

Remember, plenty of salt and oil makes buckwheat a lot more workable and palatable. Eggs and milk make it rubbery.
Laura said:
EEEEEVIL cow's milk and eggs are what messed up your cakes.

Make them according to the recipe and they turn out perfect.

Laura said:
Remember, plenty of salt and oil makes buckwheat a lot more workable and palatable. Eggs and milk make it rubbery.

I tried making them again today and only used the rice milk, salt and oil, they came out great! Had some of them with a banana, and the rest with blueberry jam, it was delicious!

I made them as well today and they turned out great, both my mom and my brother seemed to like it. I didn't like it though, I don't like the taste from the buckwheat flour :( I think it's because of that time I got nausea from the failed buckwheat bread I tried to make. The only way I like buckwheat flour is in a cake, because then I don't taste the buckwheat anymore... I think I'm gonna try making the crepes and pancakes with blanched almond flour next time.
Megapode said:
I'll try storing some and see what happens. The very worst result would be a science experiment!

Hi Megapode. Did you ever try this?

Now that I am addicted to them, I was thinking about making up a batch and finding some way to store them. It would be convenient to always have some on hand and ready, when the stove top is already busy with other meal items. I wonder if a fast nuke in the microwave would thaw/warm them without drastically changing their character?
See what we did with the pancake recipe:
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