It's not that you don't know how to feel, it's that you are afraid of your feelings. You don't know what to
do with them when you have them. They bring up a sense of powerlessness within you, so you associate
feeling with a sense of, "Oh, no, I blew it." You have a boundary in your belief system that states that
when something comes up that is emotional and brings pain or anger, then it is not good. It is time to
stop tiptoeing around things and avoiding your emotions.
Anger serves a purpose. All of you want to get finished with it: you want to sweep it under the rug and
act as if it is no good. You act like it is rotten vegetables, throw it out, and bury it in the back garden as
if there is no purpose to it. We are emphasizing that there is a purpose to fear and a purpose to anger. If
you would allow yourselves to express and experience your fears, which might lead to the expression of
your anger, you would learn something. Those of you who want desperately to avoid fear and anger, and
who are really afraid of these feelings, have something great to learn through these emotions. They are
techniques that move you beyond your personal boundaries of identity and behavior, and you are simply
afraid to experience this.
Most of the time, all you want is to be accepted. You feel that no one will like you if you do certain
things or feel certain ways, so you don't give yourself permission to have those certain feelings. That is
where the anger comes from. You have anger because you make judgments about what you can and
cannot do. If you do not give yourself permission to feel, you cannot learn. Feeling connects you with
Feelings serve a variety of purposes in human beings. We encourage all of you to please trust and
cultivate and rely on your feelings. Understand that your feelings are your ticket to ride into
multidimensional realities, where you must go if you are seriously playing this game. In
multidimensional realities, you learn to hold and focus many different versions of yourself at once.
Feelings can take you to these places, particularly feelings that you trust. Many of you are very
suspicious and masterful over your feelings. You will not allow certain feelings to come forward, or you
judge them when they come up instead of observing where they take you or what they do for you.
Because you have a fear of something, you keep yourself from experiencing it because you put up a wall
that says, "If I go there, it is bad." You put the brakes on. In actuality, your fear will eventually energize
the experience into your realm of development because all thought is drawn into form based on the
emotional influence behind it. So sometimes the greatest thing to do is to simply say, "What the heck, I
will go there. I surrender." Then deal with being there and don't worry about being centered while you
are in your feeling center. If you intend to go into your feeling center and always be in control, you are
not giving yourself the range of movement that is needed to ride the emotions that knock down
boundaries and belief systems.
Anger has its purpose. Anger is not purposeless and pain is not purposeless. They all lead you to
something. You can make an intention to go into your feeling center and learn how to be centered there
while you explore the opportunities. If you say, "I am going to be centered there," it sounds as if you
won't allow yourself any movement within it. Instead, just intend to have a centeredness. A centeredness
does not mean that things don't fluctuate; it means that you allow things to fluctuate. Whether a boat is
ready to tip over or is in calm water, you allow it. You ride it, then you get out of the event either a calm
ride or a rough ride. Your emotions are not just food for others, they are food for the self. This is how
you nourish yourself and create your identity. This is your identity as frequency through your emotions.
Emotions feed you and feed your call letters into existence.
You are going to deal with each of your boundaries, simply because that is what you do not want to do.
You would love to say, "Golden stardust, eliminate all that has limited me. Boom! I am free!" Ideally, it
would be so simple. That is a classic example of wanting to recircuit and bypass the feeling center. You
have certain emotional beliefs or feelings that assist in making these boundaries outside of yourself, so
when you break a boundary, you have to deal with the emotion that put the boundary there in the first
place. Through your emotional body you are connected to your spiritual body. You may want to bypass
something that is difficult, yet you have to feel your way through it.
You want to sweep difficult things under the rug and say, "I don't want to do these," when the difficult
things are your gemstones. Even if you discover you have 101,000 boundaries, do not feel frustrated.
Simply say, "This is interesting." Look at the boundaries you have set up and, instead of swearing at
them, simply observe them and see if you can discover how they came about. See what purpose they
served-what grocery store you shopped in when you bought those items.
As soon as you acknowledge and recognize and are willing to release something, it moves. When you
cling or have fear or think, "I like that boundary; that serves me very well," then you limit yourself.
You must learn to love your emotions. As long as you describe something as difficult, you are making it
difficult. No one else is. You are resisting and judging the changes coming about. You are feeling that
you do not know what is going on, and you wish to be in control. Control is something very convenient
and very handy. It must be applied at the right place at the right time, like super glue. Super glue in the
wrong place doesn't do much good. Did you ever super glue your hands or lips together? You must learn
to exercise control in the way you use super glue. If you screw up with super glue, you get stuck and you
can't do anything. Control is the same way: you get stuck with it, and it sticks you to something that you
don't need to be stuck to. You must be very selective about what you decide to control or not control.
The old human pattern, or the paradigm that exists, says, "You must be in control."
You, as members of the Family of Light, are having an awakening. You need your emotions. You must
become friends with your emotions because, through feelings, you can climb the ladder to the
multidimensional self and the twelve-chakra system and explore what you discover. Through feelings,
you can tell if something is going on or not. The logical mind will disinvolve itself when something is
going on if the body is not plugged into feeling. Feeling registers frequency change. Logical mind does
not register frequency change.
You are experiencing an awakening of frequency change. You are being led to change many portions of
your life and to give up many things. Don't resist the changes and feel out of control because you don't
know what is coming and it appears that your emotions are getting in your way. Your emotions are
simply wanting to show you something; you don't like it because you think your emotions are interfering
or will embarrass you.
Get clever. Next time you come into one of these emotional situations, say to yourself immediately,
"Alright, I know what is going on; I'm not getting caught in this one. I know there is something here for
me to learn, and something for me to change. I believe that I am guided and that I am following a
blueprint, so I will check out what is in this for me by not judging it and by going with the flow. I
request that all my changes come in joy and safety and harmony. That is my decree. Everything in my
evolution I am intending is covered by that: I experience joy and safety and harmony. So I will go with
this energy and see what is changing for me and what I need to give up."