I have been vaping more than smoking regular cigarettes which I almost quit some years ago. I only smoke regular ciggarettes when I have been having anxiety, but I have been vaping daily for a year or two now. I have also been using snus as well as smoking since I was 15 years old or so. My breathing was very weak these last 2 weeks, so I stopped out of fear, all tobacco/nicotine products, and now I feel normal with my breathing. I still have my appointment tomorrow. I think I may be allergic to something in these Vape Soul e-cigarettes, or at least I had a reaction to them because I bought some new flavors and after that I was choking for air. I never get a nicotine kick, I just smoke because it feels good to inhale, and snus because it adds flavor.
I'll stay nicotine free, at least for now.
I checked my heart a few times with EKQ. The last time was half a year ago, I think. It looked good.