Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

Kinda strange to see CBC doing some actual journalism.

The Loblaw grocery chain overcharged customers by selling underweighted meat across 80 stores for an undisclosed period that ended in December 2023, a CBC News investigation has found.

On top of that, over the past few months, CBC News visited seven major grocery stores in three different provinces and discovered packages of underweighted meat in four of them: two Loblaw stores and one Sobeys-owned location, plus a Walmart. Calculated overcharges per item ranged from four to 11 per cent.

Maybe it's time to start bringing your own weigh scale shopping if you buy meat in a store? This 4 - 11% hidden tax on food could really add up over a 365 day period.
Kinda strange to see CBC doing some actual journalism.

Maybe it's time to start bringing your own weigh scale shopping if you buy meat in a store? This 4 - 11% hidden tax on food could really add up over a 365 day period.

Same thing
has been discovered with meat that was underweight here in Sweden a couple years ago, at the dominating food chain giant ICA.

Another 'favorite" was to change dates on mince meat which was about to pass the original date, by re-marking it with a new/later date. It happens now and then, but in 2007 it turned into a large scandal via mainstream media. It then repeated again in 2008 (possibly even later, no doubt).

The "excuse" was, explained by the Swedish National Food Agency, the staff likely wasn't enough educated how to date-mark meat correctly.

Uhm. Sure. 🤡

Another trick is to put a Swedish flag onto imported meat, so that customers think it is Swedish (which usually has a lot higher price tag, albeit also still healthier since we use far less antibiotics compared to meat from the continent).
When Trump talk about annexing Panama and Groenland and start an economic WAR with Canada and why not offer us to join the US swamp, Justin Trudeau promise to resign but in the mean time, shut down parlement after visiting Trump in Florida. What the hell is going on!
Lisa Miron on mind matters bring some insigth.

Justin Trudeau promise to resign but in the mean time, shut down parlement after visiting Trump in Florida. What the hell is going on!
Our only hope is that Canada 🇨🇦 shares two colors with Russia 🇷🇺. We just have to figure out how to get the blue color! Maybe we can get it through the USA 🇺🇸?
  • Red: Represents hardiness and valor.
  • White: Symbolizes purity and innocence.
  • Blue: Stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
That's it, we need to get justice back! We've completely lost it!
Our only hope is that Canada 🇨🇦 shares two colors with Russia 🇷🇺. We just have to figure out how to get the blue color! Maybe we can get it through the USA 🇺🇸?

That's it, we need to get justice back! We've completely lost it!

I have serious doupt about that.

Session 16 September 2017
(Pierre) He cannot go in the right direction. At this point, he has no way of winning, so it's going to be a Deep State scenario from now on. And you know what that means for people.

(PoB) Could it still be that the Democrats and all the crazy lefties can steal it in the way that he would be impeached?

A: Why impeach a perfectly good puppet?

Session Date: May 13th 2017
US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Panama and Groenland someone.
My question is what does a puppet tell another puppet when they meet. What their master his plan is for them to follow. Are we finally seeing what was covertly planed overtly exposed.

A war is a war, be it militarily or economically it bring suffering but eh! all this can be forgoten if you join us said Trump.

Trump is bullying Canadian like a Mafiosi Don is what he is doing and Trudeau just closed parliement. Doesn't this seem coordinated for you.
I guest we will wait and see.

The same as usual: a circus show, lies, deceit, manipulation, etc. I mean, the usual stuff... 🙄
Your post made me laugh, not because it's funny, but because of the sarcasm and irony of this situation. It's mostly infuriating.
Don't lose your laugh, when facing demon it as tremendus power and effect.
I really enjoyed this long-form discussion with Dave Greene and The Black Horse.

First section covered the history of Trudeau's prime ministership from 2015 to 2019 "the golden boy period" dogged by constant low-level scandals to the 2020 to 2022 during the Covid tyranny, where pastors and restauranteurs were thrown in jail for defying mandates, where Health Canada advised parents of children with Covid to confine them to their rooms and slip food under the door. Since Canadians have a more agreeable temperament generally technocracy tends to become more widely implemented and enforced, but in spite of that lockdowns were a mistake there's still as a consequence of the trust in authority a huge sunk-costs cognitive bias (a sentiment also reflected in the mass immigration policies that are starting to be toned down now). Then there was the trucker convoy rebellion which lead to a souped up version of the War Measures Act being used to throw people and jail and disperse lawful protests and freeze bank accounts. This transitioned him to his third phase where he is pretty much universally hated, even going to progressive strongholds like Tofino in BC and getting booed there. Essentially he just no longer announces where he goes. Canadian banks, some of which are quite dominant in Latin America, took a publicity hit as a result of the bank account freezes. In spite of this Trudeau tends to be hated more as a person than as an avatar of progressivism. In spite of the ascendency of Pollieve and the western agricultural, oil, and mining interests, within ten years there's a good chance of the Liberals being in power again. His idea going forward is that Ottawa's control largely stems from the ideals of the blue state technocracy, with centralized control of media (I know the CBC is bad, plus the federal government's hostility to social media for news, but I learned today also that the government pays a large chunk of salary to journalists in official media and that's part of the ways they maintain narrative control). Providing that can be dismantled with the backfoot of the Laurentian elite in Ottawa there's a good chance that going forward the country could devolve to major political regions, including Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta/Saskatchewan. There's no telling where BC will go with this, since they (and Ontario) have a political environment just so enamored with ideological progressivism that is' hard to see how they will adjust to a new regional power distribution. What I also liked is how much Black Horse highlighted how local politics work in a Parliamentary system versus the US republican system, which can sometimes serve as a barrier to entry for online political activism, since that very much is more of an ideological battle, but that's a separate issue from stepping up to represent a riding.
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