Candida- The Silent Epidemic

Laura said:
I guess that what we are seeing is that there is no "one size fits all" case of candidiasis nor solution to same.

I would really like to get clear on the beans/legumes issue since some "experts" say you CAN eat them and others say don't touch them while taking the cure.

Dried beans are a major part of my diet - lentils, black-eyed peas, red beans, etc - and I have no idea what to replace them with.

The main objection to beans, as far as the 'experts' go, seems to come down to starch content contributing to overgrowth. Googling this afternoon, I came across a site that had a list of starch content for different foods here:

The list for beans looks like this:

THE STARCH CONTENT OF FOODS expressed as g/100g of food

Nomenclature: Tr trace
N present in significant quantities but there is no reliable information on the amount
( ) estimated value

Beans and lentils

Blackeye beans (dried raw) 47.5
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 18.0

Broad beans (frozen,boiled in
unsalted water) 10.0

Butter beans (canned,re-heated,
drained) 10.9

Chick peas (whole,dried,raw) 43.8
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 16.6
(canned,re-heated,drained) 15.1

Green beans/French beans (raw) 0.9
(frozen,boiled in unsalted water) 2.6

Hummus 9.3

Lentils (green and brown,whole,
dried,raw) 44.5
(dried,boiled in salted water) 15.9
(red,split,dried,raw) 50.8
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 16.2

Mung beans (whole,dried,raw) 40.9
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 14.1

Red kidney beans (dried raw) 38.0
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 14.5
(canned,re-heated,drained) 12.8

Runner beans (raw) 0.4
(boiled in unsalted water) 0.3

Soya beans (dried raw) 4.8
(dried,boiled in unsalted water) 1.9

Tofu (soya bean,steamed) 0.3
(steamed fried) 0.9


Beans and lentils part 2

Aduki beans (dried, boiled in unsalted water) 20.8

Baked beans (canned in tomato sauce, re-heated) 9.4
(reduced sugar, reduced salt) 9.7

Beansprouts (mung, raw) 1.8
(stir fried in blended oil) 1.1

Black gram (urad gram, dried, raw) 37.6
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 13.0

Blackeye beans (dried, raw) 47.5
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 18.0

Broad beans (frozen, boiled in unsalted water) 10.0

Butter beans (canned, re-heated, drained) 10.9

Chick pea flour/besan flour (43.8)

Chick peas (whole, dried, raw) 43.8
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 16.6
(canned, re-heated, drained) 15.1

Green beans/French beans (raw) 0.9
(frozen, boiled in unsalted water) 2.6

Hummus 9.3

Lentils (green and brown, whole, dried, raw) 44.5
(dried, boiled in salted water) 15.9

Lentils (red, split, dried, raw) 50.8
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 16.2

Mung beans (whole, dried, raw) 40.9
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 14.1

Red kidney beans (dried, raw) 38.0
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 14.5
(canned, re-heated, drained) 12.8

Runner beans (raw) 0.4
(boiled in unsalted water) 0.3

Soya beans (dried, raw) 4.8
(dried, boiled in unsalted water) 1.9

Tofu (soya bean, steamed) 0.3
(steamed, fried) 0.9

(apologies for the repeats)


Until you run across some real hard data, it doesn't make sense to reduce/remove your use of beans, imo. The above
is so you can experiment with it until something turns up. :)

Personally? I take one thing at a time or it just gets overwhelming.

Hope some of the list is good for ideas.

starting the candida cleanse a step at a time
From the School of Colon Hydrotherapy


This paper has some theory, circumstantial evidence, cases histories, personal experience, written resources, centers, ideas and approaches to candida. Something is here for everyone. I want the text to be a cut-to-the-chase approach to candida. As you notice in the outline, resources, books and links are at the end. For every question you have, I'm sure one of those resources will have the answer! You might end up going back and forth between. A friend called yesterday as I was finishing the paper and she told me about her approach to candida with her clients. She looks at it wholistically and helps people to love themselves back to health using a variety of techniques. What this means to me is that it's not just about diet and supplements. One hopefully will attain a higher insight into their condition and work from a grander perspective.










RELATED CONDITIONS Parasites, Autism, AIDS/HIV, Metal, Dental Mercury






To reverse candida takes time. When a loaf of bread develops a mold, we 'throw it out'. When the body develops a mold such as candida, we have to make heroic efforts to create an internal environment in which the candida can live is balance with the other flora - the original design.

Some people probably feel like 'throwing themselves out' when they get candida especially with mental and emotional side-effects like depression, insomnia, exhaustion, brainfog, memory loss, irritability, whining, anger, anxiety and mood swings that physical toxins create. And how about the itching that some people experience! One school of thought feels that the mental and emotional toxins create a toxic physical environment. That insight opens another approach to healing the candida.

Candida lives naturally inside our intestines in balance with beneficial bacteria. Twenty-six strains are known and one company in Japan, Rikken, sells them to the public. Candida produces 79 toxins according to Vitamin Research Products Inc journal (3/99Vol.13#3). Growing out of balance and healthy relationship to other microorganisms, the yeast/fungi create toxic metabolites that begin to degrade the intestinal walls leading to 'leaky gut' and inflammation. This deterioration of the intestinal walls allows the yeast by-products and other inappropriate food molecules to enter the blood stream. Once in the bloodstream, candida, it's by-products and other substances have access to the whole body.

People may have symptoms that appear totally unrelated to the candida such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, vaginal yeast infections, headaches with sinus involvement, histamine allergic reactions and thrush white tongue, to name a few. Remember, the mouth is the beginning of the GI tract and culinary sugars begin their work immediately on the teeth, gums and tissues through interaction with fungi. Sugar activates candida metabolism and some of its by-products are neurotoxins such as formaldehyde, alcohol and acetlyaldehyde. One's nervous system can become deranged during candida due to specific neurotoxins. Autism is one example of this.

Does Candida eat intestinal tissue? Gottschall says specific bacteria and fungi migrate from the large to small intestines to break down undigested complex carbohydrates. The by-products of the pathogens - the acids, gases and enzymes - will irritate the mucosa and lead to permeability and inflammation. That can eat tissue. Candida can also change forms and metamorphose from a benign, round yeast form into a filamentous fungal form. The candida grows hyphae or long root-like filaments that extend and penetrate into cell tissue of the intestinal mucosa. That directly 'eats' into the intestinal wall.

Candida is known 'to impair immune functioning by directly and negatively impacting the helper-suppresser ratio of T lymphocytes' according to Charles R. Caulfield in his article "Natural Therapies For Candidiasis Infections" that appeared in the San Francisco Sentinel, August 27, 1992. He places emphasis on the immune system. I feel that a weakened immune system may cause the candida or candida may cause the weakening of the immune system. It can work both ways. Remember that half or more of intestinal tissue is immune tissue and what you do to the walls of your intestines you are doing directly to your 'immune' system. Also, the immune system might respond to candida by-products and food molecules in the bloodstream by secreting histamines with the classic symptoms of allergies and intolerances.

Candida is resistant to antibiotics and lives in relationship to the intestinal environment. When the environment in the intestines changes in ways that do not promote the candida life and reproductive cycle, they will not continue to live in the same numbers.

Candida therapy starts with eliminating their energy foods from the diet, killing the fungus with various remedies, cleaning the intestinal walls, rebuilding the intestinal walls and rebalancing intestinal flora. As with any disease, candida healing also begins with an honest examination of one's emotional, mental and spiritual health.

The causes are many and varied and obviously cultural. Candida overgrowth can happen when bacterial/fungal balance in the intestines is affected adversely by drugs such as antibiotics, vaccinations, steroids, birth control pills; chemicals such as amalgam, mercury, other toxic metals, pesticides, aspartame, MSG, perfumes, industrial; diet including sugars, consistent alcohol consumption, nutritional deficiencies, overeating, and refined, canned, smoked, preserved and fried foods ; diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation or diarrhea, genital candida; and mental/emotional/spiritual imbalances.

Classic symptoms can hit suddenly or sneak up on one.

Gastrointestinal: indigestion, gas, bloating, inflammation, pain, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bad breath, dry mouth, coating on tongue, thrush.

Somatic and Allergic: numbness, burning or tingling; painful, swollen, stiff joints; muscle aches and tension, nasal congestion, head tension, headaches, blurred vision, tinnitis, shortness of breath, chest pains, weight loss dizziness, sinusitis, chemical sensitivity.

Mental/Emotional: depression, mental confusion, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, disorientation, impaired decision making, low energy, hyperactivity, agitation.

Skin: white fungal skin patches like dandruff, acne, athlete's foot, anal itch, diaper rash, psoriasis, dermatitis, impetigo, finger and toenail inflammation.

Sexual: vaginitis, discharge, itch, bladder infection, menstrual irregularities, pain, cramps, lowered libido, infertility, impotency, prostate problems.

Urinary: Frequent urination, burning and desire to urinate, fluid retention, edema.

Dr. Crook in his second edition of The Yeast Connection has an extensive 'symptom' test one can take to assess whether or not they have candida. See urls.


1. Suppress or kill the yeast with anti-fungals.

2. Deprive or starve the yeast by diet modification.

3. Cleanse the walls of the GI tract.

4. Rebuild the walls of the GI tract.

5. Rebalance bacteria/fungi in GI tract.

6. Identify and avoid drugs, chemicals, foods and other allergens such as car fumes, pollutants, insecticides, preservatives, emulsifiers and food allergens that you know trigger your candida and its symptoms. Also, avoid yeast spores released into the air by mold in areas such as bathroom, kitchen and around leaking pipes in walls. Remove the mold or move out to a dry sunny spot.

7. Build your body, immune, emotional, mental and spiritual health via a strong program of supplements including electrolyte and pH balancing, fluids, exercise, therapy and meditation.

It is beneficial for many to have a Naturopath ND, Chiropractor DC, Osteopath DO, Doctor of Oriental Medicine DOM or Medical Doctor MD coordinate your candida healing program. Many individuals present with candida symptoms and complications from candida and can use the help of a practitioner to coordinate a healing approach. The healing will come from a variety of techniques and practices not just 'one thing' and the protocol might change over time. Be prepared and the healing takes time!


Following is a list of various herbs and drugs which kill yeast/fungi.

Tea tree oil is an extract of a tree native to Australia. It is a remedy for many mucosal fungal infections. The oil is used internally for thrush and esophagus and externally for fungal skin and nail bed infections. Tea tree oil and Grapefruit seed extract may be used for the external treatment of candida-related skin conditions by putting 2-3 drops of each in a lotion or salve and spreading it over the affected area. Nature's Cleanse by Melaleuca company (1.800.282.3000) is one source of Tea tree oil. Citricidal is an antifungal from Grapefruit seed extract in liquid form. NutriBiotic produces an organic form.

Oregano extract is considered more potent and less harmful than nystatin to eradicate yeast . It is also considered to be more powerful and less toxic in killing staph infection. Purity Products (1.800.769.7873) has it in liquid form and other companies have it in tablets.

Pau D'arco
is an extract of the bark of a South American tree known to have potent antifungal properties. This substance has immune-stimulating and anti-tumor activity. It can be taken in many forms including teas.

is one of the most potent antimicrobial agents. It was used by Albert Schweitzer to treat amebic dysentery and by Louis Pasteur as an antibacterial. It has been shown to be effective against all but two of 26 strains of candida albicans. The March 1985 issue of Scientific American reported that garlic was effective against 200 varieties of pathogenic fungi. Garlic is one of the richest sources of the element germanium, a potent inducer of interferon and effective against certain cancers by modulating the immune response. Parsley and fennel can be taken concomitantly to offset the strong odor associated with its use. (Caulfield)

is a bee-harvested tree resin that is a strong antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral that can be used topically and internally. Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas(NHOHF)

Neem (azadiracta indica) is an bitter tonic, fever reducer, alterative, anthelmintic and antiseptic. According to Vasant Lad in The Yoga of Herbs, neem is is 'one of the most powerful blood-purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayurvedic usage. It cools the fever and clears the toxins involved in most inflammatory skin diseases or those found in ulcerated mucous membranes.' CAUTION: Not to be used with severe fatigue or emaciation.

Golden Seal
(hydrastis canadensis) is 'effective in all digestive problems from peptic ulcers to colitis due to its tonic effects on the mucous membranes. It is a powerful antimicrobial improving all mucous conditions, especially those of the sinuses.' (NHOHF)

(echinacea angustifolia and purpurea) is alterative, immune stimulating and antiseptic. Terry Willard, PhD in The Textbook of Modern Herbology says that scientific research indicates antibiotic activity, cortisone-like activity, promotion of wound healing, production of systemic interferon and stimulation of T-cell lymphocytes.

Other Anti-fungals: Diflucan, Caprilic acid, Nystatin, Fungilin, Oxy-Plus (contains food grade hydrogen peroxide), Nizoral, Colloidal Silver, Clove, 10-undecenoic acid derived from Castor bean oil, and Olive leaf extract. Earl Mindell in his Vitamin Bible writes that many natural and effective dietary anti-fungals are garlic, broccoli, cabbage, onions, home-made yogurt and turnips.

Flora Rebalancing (Bacteria, Probiotics, Soil-based Organisms, Colostrum)

Establishing balanced bowel ecology is a priority in any candida program. Dysbiosis or the imbalance of intestinal microorganisms requires taking friendly bacteria on a regular basis orally and/or rectally. Studies show that absorption is better rectally. Home-made yogurt also introduces the good bacteria and assists in restoring natural floral balance when candida and others are out of balance. Antibiotics in meat and dairy can have a negative impact on bowel ecology. Therefore, organic and drug-free animal products are a priority on a candida diet.

Lactobacillus is a group of friendly microorganisms known to transform milk into yogurt and cheese. They are useful in helping maintain the delicate balance of fungus and bacteria in the intestinal tract. Some brands are Nature's Biotic, Jarrowdophilus, Bifidophilus, Primadophilus and Megadophilus. Using these products is reported to gradually reverse fungal infections in the intestinal mucosa. Some individuals find help using one or a combination of colostrum early breast milk organisms with immune factors, soil-based organisms (SBO'S) which are transient, and/or resident organisms such as lactobacillus bifidus and acidophilus to name a few.

Some people have success treating candida-related skin conditions by taking acidophilus internally and Primadophillus powder mixed with Desitin externally on the affected area.

Candida Dysbiosis Information Foundation (CDIF) offers this insight on candida contamination:

". . . is it any wonder then that antifungal and probiotic therapy must continue for such a long period of time? Imagine a worst case scenario when the fungi have actually rooted into the person's intestinal walls, from which they continue to re-inoculate the fecal stream. It's not enough to reseed briefly or sparsely this 'continuous-flow culture' which is living and growing inside the gut lumen, but one must maintain and support the desired ecology sufficiently long enough for the intestinal epithelial cells to desquamate (shed, slough off, turn over) so that the fungi buried within them will be expelled. While this is going on, the contents of the fecal stream will continue to be reinfected in an on-going manner; thus, antifungal therapy must continue sufficiently long enough to guard against relapse, in order to allow the membranes of the GI tract to heal."

The program to overcome candida takes time and patience, a constant theme in the literature.

Anti-Parasite herbs

The most common candida scenario is to have it concurrent with other pathogenic bacteria and fungi such as Blastocystis Hominis, C. freundii and Claustridia. A complete candida protocol would call for a parasite cleanse in order to be thorough and even a liver flush to open up the liver and gall bladder ducts. Opening them allows any parasites including candida to be eliminated more easily. The free flow of bile from the liver/gall bladder will also prevent new parasite infection. Hulda Clark and Hannah Kroeger are the premier people and products for parasite and liver cleansing. Parasite killing herbs also kill candida.

Black Walnut
is used to rid the body of parasites such as tape worms and as an anti-fungal for candida yeast, ringworm, athlete's foot and thrush. CAUTION: Black walnut will stop lactation if nursing. Black walnut is only one of many parasite killing herbs. See Resources and Urls.

One woman used two weeks of the ParaGONE program from ReNew Life which can be purchased from the health food store or call 1-800-830-4778. It contains 16 cleansing compounds for clearing candida as well as parasites. ParaGONE is for cleansing parasites and ParaZYME is for rebuilding.

Essential and Short-Chain Fatty Acids

Gamma-Linoleic Acid
(GLA) is an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is often extracted from evening primrose flowers. It is also found in cold-pressed oils such as olive, flax, sesame and borage seed oils. Increasing dietary GLA helps prevent candida from becoming systemically invasive. GLA is also known to have other beneficial effects on immune regulation. Other therapeutic EFA's are found in hemp, black current and billberry and in trace amounts in nuts and seeds, avocados and coconuts. One source says that olive oil keeps yeast from converting to a fungus.

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are essential for the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Butter is known to be highest in the most essential of SCFA's, butyric acid. Udo Erasmus in Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill is the expert to read. Very often a person with candida will have to make friends with eating more 'healing' fats in their diet and restricting starches. Others might find their fat metabolism has been jeopardized and they can use supplemental fats and not so much dietary fat. Each case is unique.

Cleansing Agents

Psyllium seed husks
powdered and bentonite clear waste from the GI tract.

Daily Castor oil packs help break up waste in the intestines and liver.

is supposed to address parasites as well as candida. Yeast also lives IN mucus and MSM is a good mucus stripper.

Vitamins & Minerals

is a B vitamin which is essential for the metabolism of fats and proteins. It is believed to play some role in preventing candida from converting into its invasive form. Yamaguchi and colleagues have found that taking 300 mgs of Biotin three times daily and two teaspoons of green olive oil three times a day prevents the conversion of yeast to fungal form. At least six months are required to get a good result.

Balanced free-form amino acids.

Antioxidants such as Vitamin E, A, balanced B, I-Lysine and Pantothenic acid. Vitamins A and C help with the infection resulting from fungal micropunctures made into the intestinal walls.

Copper and zinc work together. Imbalanced copper levels directly tie to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and candida. Copper serves as a natural antifungal. People with candida, parasites or Epstein-Barr virus commonly have an excess of copper and mercury in their body.

Japanese scientist, Asai, found that an intake of 100-300 mgs per day of germanium improved many illnesses including candida. Research shows organic germanium increases tissue oxygenation.

One theory states that a deficiency of ionic calcium (and other alkalizing minerals) is at the root of candida and juvenile diabetes. Acidosis ensues and degenerative disease develops without these minerals. Years ago I read in NW Walker books that cooking calcium-containing foods renders the calcium 'inorganic' and this clogs up the organs, joints and tissues. He advocates foods high in organic sodium like celery and zucchini to help remove the pile-up of inorganic calcium. Rich Anderson of Arise & Shine company feels that organic goat whey is the best source of organic sodium.


Hannah Kroeger sells a kit homeopathic which includes cuprum, ipecac and homeopathic protozoa. One Tucson AZ MD has a homeopathic remedy she uses successfully with candida.

More Herbs

The purpose of a product called GI-Encap manufactured by Thorne Research in Idaho is to line the intestinal mucosa in order to protect it from the ravages of diarrhea, medications and malabsorption and all its accompanying pain. The ingredients include Plantain Banana, Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice root, Slippery Elm bark and Marshmallow root in gelatin caps.

Phellostatin is a Chinese herbal concoction for candida made by Health Concerns in Oakland.

Phellostatin ingredients are: Phellodendron bark, Codonopsis root, White Atractylodes root, Anemarrhena rhizome, Plantago seed, Pulsatilla root, Capillaris herb, Cnidium fruit, Houttuynia herb, Dioscorea root, Licorice root and Cardamom fruit.

Chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, is good for healing the gut. The grasses from wheat, barley, oats, rye and others are optimal. Alfalfa, ocean and fresh water algaes are also excellent. Chlorella, blue-green algae and spirulina are examples of fresh water algaes.

Bitters are great healers of the blood and GI tract and give candida the shivers. I juice fresh dandelion leaf because it is helpful for my mouth, teeth, potassium and liver restoration. Christopher Hobb's book, Foundation for Living, A Liver and Digestive Herbal, has a great bitters recipe.


Although all the herbs here are not specific anti-inflammatories, they have a beneficial effect directly or indirectly on the candida. It becomes apparent in a candida healing program one needs to purify and strengthen the blood and liver and that skin and intestinal/liver conditions are related. The herbs can be taken orally, rectally, externally, alone or in combination. Consult an herbal for preparation, quantities and appropriate application. This is true of the herbs mentioned elsewhere in the paper. The section on Intestinal Health also has additional herbal information.

Cayenne has a multitude of qualities which help relieve gas, stimulate and tonify the system, purify the blood, tonify tissue (astringent), relieve spasms and kill pathogens. John Christopher, master herbalist, says that cayenne rebuilds the tissue in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cayenne also stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and aids in assimilation and elimination.

Marshmallow root
(althea officinalis) is demulcent, mucilage, nutritive, vulnerary and protective. According to Christopher, marshmallow is high is lime and calcium and the root is high is oxygen and pectin. It is soothing and healing to inflamed intestinal mucous membranes. It has tremendous power to arrest putrefactive or dying tissue.

Slippery Elm bark (ulmus fulva) is demulcent, nutritive, slightly astringent and tonic. The slippery elm mucilage soothes, disperses inflammation, draw out impurities, heals rapidly and greatly strengthens according to Christopher. He goes on to say that it is efficient in absorbing noxious gases and neutralizing any acidity in the stomach. "It's action is so gentle that it can be retained by delicate stomachs when other substances will be rejected."

Comfrey leaf and root (symphytum officinale) is demulcent, cell proliferant, astringent, nutritive, tonic, hemostatic, alterative, vulnerary and mucilage. The herbalist Dr Shook writes that comfrey grows new flesh, stops hemorrhage and heals inflamed tissues remarkably.

Aloe vera
will help heal intestinal tissue damage.

Chaparral (larrea tridentata) is listed by Christopher at alterative, tonic and astringent. It is a potent healer to the lymph, cleanses the lower bowel and tones peristalsis in slow muscles. Michael Moore, in Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West, says it "slows down the rate of bacterial growth and kills them with its antimicrobial activity."

Oregon Grape (berberis aquifolium) is alterative, tonic, hepatic, tonic and laxative. Christopher calls it one of the best blood purifiers and liver stimulants. It promotes digestion, improves absorption, increases one's vitality and strengthens the lymph and skin tissues.

Thyme (thymus vulgaris) is tonic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, nervine, vulnerary and vermicide. It is beneficial for bowel problems and has a soothing sedative action on the nerves. It is non-toxic like oregano and is used to eliminate all infection, to destroy worms and remove foul odors.

Ginger (zingiber offcinalis Roscoe) is excellent for painful digestion, gas buildup, nausea and intestinal spasms. Ginger is contra-indicated for those who are already hot-natured because of its warming qualities.

Morinda or Tahitian Noni.

Oxygen Therapies: H2O2 or Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozone, Oxygen

A number of people report good results using a variation of oxygen therapies for extinguishing candida. A number of products are on the market which contain oxygen or H2O2.

Some use drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (3%) in a full glass of water. H2O2 is also taken in by injection or IV. One woman reported it worked very well until she ate complex carbohydrates again! OXY-PLUS product is food grade hydrogen peroxide and aloe vera. It helps relieve oral thrush. Some use H2O2 in their bath for candida skin disinfection. Oxygen and ozone may be rectally infused for candida.

Optimum natural sources of oxygen are deep breathing and focus on breath and consistent exercise. Breathing and exercise deeply oxygenate the tissues. Germanium and uncooked foods add oxygen to the body.


Hulda Clark's design, the SyncroZap or Zapper.

Dr. Becks Silver Pulser

Don Kraft's $49 version of the zapper.


Calbom and Keane in their book, Juicing For Life, state that 'digestive secretions like hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes and bile help prevent the overgrowth of candida.' Some people swear by enzymes. Enzymes can digest what you cannot. Indigestion and candida seem to go hand in glove. Enzymes can eat up accumulated waste albeit slowly.

One person had good results with:

Enzymes International Inc
Highway 51 South 58
Manitowish Waters, WI 54545
(715) 543-8401

Hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes can be part of an enzyme program.

Dr. Loomis says cellulose enzyme dissolved in water handles candida in the mouth. It is used successfully on thrush, as a douche for vaginal infections and to dissolve candida in the digestive track.

Electrolyte and pH balancing

Electrolytes (minerals and trace elements) and pH (acid and alkaline balance in body) are important to monitor and balance while healing candida. Their balance help to build a reserve within you and an environment in which healing can occur. Rich Anderson in his book Cleanse and Purify Thyself explains how to measure your pH and balance it.

Many formulas and plants are available that help replenish and build an appropriate electrolyte balance. For example, I use Synergy at, Green Vibrance at, wheat grass and/or Arise & Shine Liquid Minerals to replenish myself. One friend suggests an electrolyte product called Complex K by Dr. Thurston that helps in die-off situations. You can get it from NEEDS at 1-800-634-1380. Colloidal minerals and homeopathic cell salts are other sources of electrolytes.

Diet plays an important role in keeping indigenous flora in check. It seems that fungus, particularly yeasts like candida, thrive on sugar and over processed carbohydrates. Decreasing dietary intake of these types of food deprive the yeast/fungi of their energy food. Gottschall has a diet that does not feed them. The current areas of debate or difference on the candida diet protocol are grains, fruits, dairy and yeast. Be willing to read, question and experiment. Test each category and various items within each to see what your tolerance level is. Avoid what you know you react to.

"Finding your unique diet is a creative act and it changes as it goes along!"

Current debate #1 Grains or no grains.

Elaine Gottschall author of Breaking the Vicious Cycle, Intestinal Health through Diet, follows in the footsteps of Orion Truss MD. No grains or complex carbohydrates are allowed on the candida diet. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are complex carbohydrates. Gottschall is suspicious of FOS because she feels it will feed and aggravate the candida and other pathogens. Many flora formulas contain FOS. Some candida diets suggest a product free of FOS. Dr Crook author of the book The Yeast Connection allows grains.

Gottschall states transitioning to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) will get rid of pathogens be they yeast or bad bacteria. The diet nourishes the person and deprives the candida of its energy food. The homemade yogurt is her rich source of lactobacillus bacteria necessary for intestinal wall health . It begins to implant good flora and balance out candida.

Some do better with some grains, others do better with protein. For those who do well with the complex carbohydrates, beans and lentils and peas can be used daily and rotated to avoid allergic response.

Current debate #2 Simple sugars or no simple sugars.

Some people do okay with fruits, others do not. Lemons and their fresh juice are the exception. They disinfect the GI tract, dissolve old protein and purify the blood. Simple sugars to avoid are bottled, canned and fresh fruit juice; dried, stewed and fresh fruits; and honey. Stevia is not allowed on the SCD however some do well with it. One person said butternut squash was too much sugar for them while practicing the SCD diet.

On SCD and Candida from Breaking the Vicious Cycle:

"When it is suspected that yeast invasion is widespread (the oral infection, thrush, would be an indicator) it is wise to cut back on honey ingestion at the beginning of the dietary regimen. The amount of honey in recipes should be decreased by at least 75% and may be increased as the condition improves." page 27

Case history

"Simple sugars like fruit and honey seemed to be absorbed into my system rapidly giving me needed energy, with no symptoms whatsoever. Prior to SCD, the complex carbohydrate's allowed on the candida diet caused me immense problems with alternating diarrhea and constipation, bloating and gas. When I was on the candida diet, I did not associate these symptoms with complex carbs but rather I blamed the candida. I always keep a journal of symptoms and what I eat when I am sick. Now I can look back in it and the incidence of major GI symptoms are linked to the complex carbo
hydrates. It pains me I did not see it then."

Case history

"I have taken the honey out of my diet and am being rewarded for that. Fruit does not appear to bother me. I have taken out dairy, including yogurt, and now my bloating has cleared up.

I am trying to incorporate more bitter things in my diet and it seems to raise my energy level and do me good all round. For instance, I eat lettuce that is naturally bitter and I drink bitter dandelion tea from the health food store."

Current debate #3 Diary including Eggs, Cheese and Milk or no Dairy.

Current debate #4 Yeast and fermented foods or no yeast and fermented foods.

One premise says that eating yeast foods tires out the immune system since they mimic the candida.

According to Earl Mindell in his Vitamin Bible, the first step in treating candida albicans is to deprive the body of all yeast-containing foods. For example: cheese, leavened breads, sour cream, buttermilk, beer, wine, cider, mushrooms, soy sauce, tofu, vinegar, dried fruits, melons and frozen or canned juices.

Homemade ferments from cabbage, nuts, seeds and homemade yogurts are simple recipes to restore floral and fungal balance. These are the ferment exceptions. Some people are dairy or yogurt sensitive and will find it better to make other ferments or use a high quality positive bacteria daily. Many thrive on the home-made yogurt.

For those interested in pursuing home-made ferments, I have found the following books.

Handbook Of Indigenous Fermented Food by Keith Steinkraus, Publisher Marcel Dekker

The Permaculture Book Of Ferments Of Human Nutrition by Bill Mollison

People have had positive effects on candida with various diets. A few examples make the point.

Each morning on an empty stomach a friend squeezes the juice of one lemon and drinks it down and follows it with one tablespoon of minced garlic in olive oil.

According to a chiropractor friend with candida, one of her biggest manifestations was dry skin. She found lemon juice a great antidote to the candida. She makes salad dressing with lemon juice, garlic and olive/flax oil and uses it with plenty of green leaves!

'Eating pumpkin seeds and/or sunflower seeds first thing in the morning is great!
I snacked on raw carrots, pumpkin and sunflower seeds all day long. Raw is best!
Use cayenne pepper on everything.
Pomegranates are also very anti-parasitic in property.
Eating as much garlic and onion as possible is good, too.'

is a very healthy food for several reasons. Cabbage is very high in calcium and boron which acts synergistically with calcium. So it's very assimilable. It also has lactobacillus bifidus and acidophilus which help to replenish the friendly flora in the intestines. Overall, it's excellent for the digestive system and helpful for candida, too.'

Some clients have candida and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) so bad all they could eat was water and ground meat. Others advance successfully to meat and vegetables.

The Blood Type Diet by Dr Peter D'Adamo is outlined is his book Eat Right For Your Type. I feel it can be of supreme guidance in selecting foods that harmonize with you and avoiding foods that potentially have a deleterious effect on your blood and hence, immune system. The book also tuned me into to more of what my natural tendencies are and the personalities of the various blood types. Dealing with candida requires every trick in the book and I find rotating through the highly beneficial foods keeps my mind on 'positive focus'. Because I am grain sensitive, I restrict the allowed grains for my type and do them rarely. Each person can temper the diet to their particular condition and sensitivity. The author says that due to our unique nature and backgrounds, exceptions exist and sometimes abound! At you can purchase a cheap family blood tester for $10.


First things first. Are you hydrated or dehydrated? Are you drinking sufficient fluid every day to keep your self afloat and your immune system mobile? Does lack of hydration cause waste, by-products and parasites to stagnate and form a breeding ground for further inoculation, infestation and infection? I now thrive on a gallon plus of fluid daily mainly water, herb teas and raw juices after many years of dehydration.

"Making hydration a priority takes me away from my inappropriate focus on candida-unfriendly foods and habits and can reduce my appetite."


Bitters are best! Astringents are next!

Try fresh lemons squeezed in hot/cold water or tea. Try juicing green drinks like wheat grass, dandelion, escarole, endive, parsley, kale and chard. One friend suggested 2 quarts of carrot juice or carrot mixed with vegetables such as beet and celery daily for a week or two to see if there is a difference. However, some individuals do not tolerate carrot and beet due to high sugar content (high on the glycemic index) and/or pigment. In addition to the juices mentioned, Calbom and Keane add spinach, turnip and turnip greens, radish, parsley, beet greens, broccoli and ginger root. See their book for the combinations. The best juices for the candida people will be the greens, medicinal and aromatic herbs, lemons and limes.

Juices help us balance our 'electrolytes' because they are high in mineral and trace elements. The right juices are a fast track way to nourish ourselves quickly with live food and to strengthen our immune system.


I have gotten into herbs teas in the last few years whether I use tea bags, bulk herbs or wild-crafted herbs. Sometimes I brew only one herb like Neem (ayurvedic bitter and anti-fungal) which I use for an enema additive or peppermint which I drink for flavor and tonification of digestive system. Most often I have 2-4 herbs mixed at once. I keep a 2 1/2 quart pot going most of the time. See the list of herbs under Supplements and choose one or more with a specific purpose in mind for your candida. Some are very bitter like golden seal and you might prefer it in capsule. Chaparral is a local plant and has quite a pungent flavor however I craved it when I had a bad infection. I like the flavor. Pau d'arco tastes great almost like root beer. Echinacea is also tasty. Cloves, a strong anti-fungal, can be added to any tea for candida and flavor. Give some a try. Use some fresh mint or other herbs from your garden or start an herb garden.

Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Raw Foods

Is your diet at least 50% raw fruits and vegetables on any given day?

Is your diet at least 50% raw foods on any given day?

The raw foods help the elimination, make a better formed stool and increase energy for many people. Others are so sensitive or raw that beginning with steamed or cooked food is easiest on the system.

Diet clean-up takes time and may last six months to a year or longer. If you are struggling with eating disorders namely bingeing and overeating it means you don't have control over foods that cause your candida. It's important to get therapy and use behavior modification to overcome this. This process may take much longer than a year.

Cleansing, Rebuilding and Rebalancing

Enemas, Colemas, Colonics

"A sign that you are feeding candida more than yourself is excessive gas."

What effect do the colonics/colemas/enemas have on candida?

"As for candida, I discovered I had a serious infestation after recently undergoing my first professional colonics. The black water and black fecal debris coming out of me with its distinctive moldy fetid odor (like the polluted, long-neglected bird bath) really convinced me."

"The colon cleansing has helped the most in getting rid of the yeast problem."

"I get relief when I get a colonic and eat raw organic fresh vegetables. Mostly the green things."

"I worked on an autistic 6-7 year old child with serious candida a few years ago. The parents used nystatin among other things and we did the colonics to help with die-off and re-initiate peristalsis (muscle motion of the intestines)."

"I get great results with candida when I use colonics in conjunction with anti-fungals, a candida deprivation diet, an intestinal cleansing program and flora rebalancing. The colonic rinses out the die-off and toxic metabolites the fungi secrete and it can relieve some of the hairy symptoms quickly mainly gas and bloat and pain."

"With the candida program I need to keep things moving to get rid of the die-off. Laxatives, enemas, colonics, colemas help keep the flow going. It is most desirable to flush out the dead and dying parasites and candida. Not only can they (and frequently do) cause obstructions, but much of the wastes will be digested and absorbed into the body."

"I have a pretty severe case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and candida. I am working with a nutritionist who strongly suggested I take colonics as part of my program. I was the woman complaining of weak arms a few months ago. After I started the colonics my lymphatic system drained for four days straight. I was so tight lymphatically in the belly, my massage therapist couldn't massage my belly. Things are much softer since I have had the colonics. I was reading The Colon Health Handbook by Robert Gray and he says that if the intestines are clogged, the lymphatics cannot drain waste material properly into them. I have lost a lot of fluid that was trapped and now with the candida die off, I am getting more overall die-off feeling in the whole body rather than in my weak arms. So things seem to be working better."

"I am doing a heavy duty candida program and metal detoxification program that require weekly colonics. The cost is getting old and I am trying to decide if a colema board would be effective enough that I wouldn't need to do colonics weekly. I read about a unit called The Ultimate Cleansing Unit by Ultimate Trends. Their website is It sounds like a superior unit. Dr. Ann Wigmore and Dr. Bernard Jensen recommend it. Does anyone have any thoughts on colema boards? Have you found them very effective, and if so are there any other brands you would recommend?"

The answer is yes, colemas are very effective. Some people prefer them over enemas and colonics and say they get the best cleansing from the colemas. My article on Intestinal Hydrotherapies on my website has the names of many colema manufacturers.

Some people think colon hydrotherapy will "cure" a condition that has taken time to gain a stronghold in their intestines. Candida, parasites, food poisoning and inflammation can cause damage to the intestinal lining. The walls take time to heal. These clients might feel better after the treatment then experience symptoms again. The cleansing/rebuilding/rebalancing program creates an environment in which the intestines can heal. It's a matter of changing the environment. Robert Gray says remove what the parasites live in and they have nothing to hang onto. Cleansing programs remove some of them and/or their habitats. Intestinal and parasite cleansing together are more thorough in eliminating bugs in the lumen and bugs eating into and residing in the intestinal walls. Be patient.

For those who suffer from candida and constipation or slow transit, it is important to get the transit time down below 24 hours. I began psyllium and bentonite in December and continued for 8 weeks finishing with a 7 day fast. I took a 3 week break then another round of 6 weeks of psyllium and bentonite finishing with another 7 day fast. It has cleansed and created positive effects more rapidly that anything else I've done. My transit used to be 3-4 days and after the first 9 weeks I got the transit down to 2 days. After the second round of 7 weeks, the transit is sometimes close to 24 hours. That's fast feedback. I used 2-3 TBS of each daily and 3 TBS during the fasts. Do all you can to support your digestive system and get transit time down to 24 hours or less. Improving elimination helps get candida out of the bowel.

How does internal implanting of flora help if my symptoms are external on my skin?

Regular implants of acidophilus and bifidus can be taken after an enema/colema/colonic. The flora begins distributing internally from the intestines. It corrects 'dysbiosis', an imbalance of the living organisms that live in the GI tract. They also neutralize the deleterious by-products of candida and restore the health and integrity of the intestinal walls. Skin problems are a reflection of the state of the intestinal wall! As the walls heal, so the skin heals.

Candida, AIDS/HIV and the Intestinal Connection

Herbal suggestions for additives and implants

Candida is an opportunistic infection and present in many cases of HIV/AIDS. Jose provides excellent information on substances he and cited authors suggest for adding to the enema or colonic water in an effort to heal the affected intestinal membranes and lymph. His suggestions for enemas and colonics and the substances for additive or implant are prolific and worthy of keying out and testing. An additive is a substance(s) added to the enema or colonic water and it will run in and out of the intestines with the inflows and outflows of water. An implant is a substance(s) that is retained in the rectum after an enema/colema/colonic. The medicine of India, Ayurveda, calls additives in enemas, 'medicated enemas'.

"Some 40 to 60% of all the immune cells in our body are in the gut. Dr Andrew Korotzer PhD in the article 'The Gut Reaction To HIV' cites scientific magazines which say that 14% of the HIV replication occurs in the blood while 86% occurs in the mucosal membranes of the intestine tract and in the lymph nodes. These findings have implications in designing future treatments for HIV by focusing anti-viral therapy in areas where the highest concentration of HIV is found, the intestinal tract and lymphatic system.

The magazine Perfect Health News (PHN) (# 18, Spring Issue 1999) in the article 'Other Infections of the Intestinal Tract' reports that the large intestines (colon) is a nest for the growth and replication of many pathogens that contribute to immune dysfunctions and other symptoms. Published scientific research demonstrates that the gut can be heavily infected with HIV, parasites, candida albicans, tuberculosis, hepatitis viruses, CytoMegaloVirus (CMV) and mycobacterium avium complex (MAC/MAI). In view of the above, what treatments would target infections in the mucous membranes of the colon?

Marc Correa and Stanley Rebultan have a book on bitter melon enemas. In their view, medicinal or medicated enemas and colonics are therapeutic and bring positive results. The authors perform enemas with regularity and now are healthy and their HIV undetectable. Mark Konlle mentions in PHN anti-viral enemas made with garlic and apple cider vinegar, lemon balm (for HIV and herpes), chlorophyll (extremely good for hepatitis ), charcoal , bitter melon (for HIV), urine retention enema, ozone rectal insufflation, oxygen enemas and simple water enemas. We have a whole new field of experimentation for what is effective against HIV. I also suggest the following : - phyllanthus enemas - hypericum enemas - lactoferrin enemas - olive leaf extract or infusion enemas - hydrogen peroxide (well diluted ) enemas."
Information on Mark Konlle, an HIV community leader and writer, who runs Keep Hope Alive. Perfect Health News (PHN) is a publication from Keep Hope Alive.

Contributed with permission by Jose Garcia,, March 27, 1999

Phyllanthus niruri (Quebra Pedra) is a rain forest botanical used to clear obstruction throughout the system by promoting the elimination of mucous. It strengthens and fortifies the liver and gall bladder function by stimulating the production of bile. (NHOHF)

Hypericum perforatum (St Johnswort) is a sedative and pain reducer useful for neuralgia, anxiety, depression, fibrositis, sciatica, rheumatic pain and irritability and tension due to menopausal changes. (NHOHF)

Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) is a nervine which eases digestive tract spasms and is useful in gaseous dyspepsia. It helps in tension, depression, migraine, anxiety-induced palpitations and insomnia. (NHOHF)

It is very tough on the family when a child succumbs to candida. Parents share that their children eventually adapt to the new protocol and diet however it takes some strategies to make it work. Some make separate food for their spouse and other children. Others keep offending foods in paper bags in the refrigerator and get a lock for an offending cupboard so the child can't get in. Each parent develops the necessary sensitivity to help the child and maintain a balanced family life at the same time.

Thrush is a common form of candida in children. One woman has a three-month old baby with thrush on the gums. The thrush looks like little white spots or cottage cheese. She uses four drops of tea tree oil diluted in one teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil and rubs it into the spots on the gums. It helps restore the infant's gums to balance. She also either sterilizes or tosses the nipples on the bottles her child has been using.

Another possibility is to use four drops of clove oil in four ounces of water however the child may not like the taste of it. Lemon juice is also good as an antiseptic but babies are not overly fond of lemonade. A weak tea of the oregano leaf or clove bud may be put in a bottle so that each time the baby drinks it coats her mouth. The water needs to be sterilized until the thrush disappears.

Another excellent formula for thrush of the mouth is Propolis With Herbs by Twin Labs. It is a glycerine tincture containing golden seal, marshmallow, licorice, echinacea, myrrh, black walnut leaves, garlic and capsicum plus the propolis. It too can be diluted in bottle water.

One mother uses lavender, tea tree and clove oil in a diffuser to reduce bacteria and mold in the air. She also burns a myrrh and lavender combination incense when her children have viral infections (one part granulated myrrh and one part lavender).

Thrush is not the only manifestation of candida in children. Antibiotics and vaccines can set up an environment for other forms of infant candida and an expectant mother can pass it on to her baby. "When Barry's mother gave birth to him, she had a Candida infection. This meant Barry was born with an internal fungal infection. When he drank his mother's breast milk, the candidiasis became seated in his intestines and blood."

Candida Parasite Connection

"For almost two and a half years I was very ill. My immunity was lowered and I was plagued with every infection that was going around and had a difficult time recovering. I had constant bladder infections, nose and throat infections, chronic fatigue, constant constipation, bloating, weight gain, depression, hormonal problems, loss of hair pigmentation, dry skin, and allergies. After months of my research, I discovered Candida. I treated myself successfully and felt great! No sugar, low carbs and antifungal herbal supplements. I decided to eliminate sugar and get off of the herbs. Immediately my symptoms returned. I discovered that many with re-occurring candida have an internal parasite problem. I went to the local health food store and purchased the parasite herbs to cleanse myself. It's five months later and I have not been sick again. I am exercising, feel younger than I have in years and am free from all symptoms. I have given up sugar entirely."

See Supplement section for additional information.

Here are some links for parasite killing herbal remedies:
Black Walnut/Wormwood Plus at Herbal Alternatives website
Paragone and Parazyme available plus others.
Pat Lee offers Clark's books and formulas.

Candida and Dental Mercury Connection

Candida converts the element mercury to methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic. Mercury chelation might deliver more mercury to the system temporarily allowing the candida-methyl mercury conversion. Bacteria should die in the face of mercury but instead converts it for its own survival. For more details on dental mercury read Dr Huggins book It's all in your Head.

Candida and Autism.

Metabolites of candida and claustridia are found in urine samples of children with autism at Dr. Shaw's Great Plains Laboratory. I worked with a six to seven year old child, neurologically delayed and originally diagnosed with autism. She tested high for candida and clostridia in her GI tract. Her parents used colon hydrotherapy,

and nystatin, worked with Shaw and were aware of the SCD diet.

Candida and Toxic Metal Poisoning

Metals are also tied in with candida. Hair analysis is one method of discovering them.

Candida and AIDS/HIV See paragraphs in Intestinal Hydrotherapies section.

Herxheimer's response is a reaction to yeast die-off. Another name is the "healing crisis". Over 300 symptoms are related to candida. Symptoms may be aggravated when yeast is being destroyed through the use of Aqua flora and/or any anti-fungal remedies. Yeast wants to survive and will fight to live. When you win the battle, the crisis is over and you feel better. One client reported that she had a mild headache for several days and then suddenly felt much better.

"Many individuals who have a heavy parasite infection have a tremendous die off reaction. I believe my initial elimination diet and candida supplements helped ward off a serious die-off reaction during my parasite cleanse. I felt tired, sleepy, had minor skin eruptions, felt queasy at times and noticed cramping. These are good signs that my body is killing and ridding itself of parasites. Enemas relieve the die-off symptoms by washing out the dying parasites, candida and their toxins. However, if your die-off reaction becomes intense it is best to start slowly and eliminate some of the herbs from your diet for a while."

Sickness and cleansing can be taxing on all the organs and our systems slow down. Clearing toxic chemicals, accumulated intestinal wastes, parasites, candida, pathogenic bacteria or viruses is likely to produce slowed bowel transit time until we achieve some of our cleansing goals. During this time, it's important to lighten the burden on our bodies by eating lighter meals, avoiding foods we have trouble with, drinking more fluid and cultivating patience. The Herxheimer reaction is a severe response to cleansing whatever way it is accomplished. Die-off reactions can be uncomfortable and the Herxheimer reaction can mean major discomfort.

What do you do if you have an aggravated die-off? You have a choice. You can one, temporarily discontinue taking the product(s) causing the die-off, or two, reduce the dosage of the product until the body can eliminate the toxic waste or three, stay on the daily dosage and roll with the discomfort. Specialists suggest taking aspirin, AlkaSeltzer Gold or baking soda to reduce the symptoms. Many individuals experience no such effect.

A nurse who was cleansing described her experience this way. "These physical complaints became familiar to me while killing parasites. Surely the response is common where many organisms are to be killed! After several days of excessively aggressive zapping, I once experienced heart irregularities, leg pains and severe die-off symptoms. Certainly, I needed to heed those symptoms. Temporarily cutting back or discontinuing treatments may seem the logical answer if my response is the result of zapping, taking herbs, hydrogen peroxide or antibiotics. Perhaps not always. Doing coffee enemas has also been my answer for attaining relief."
Biofeedback Wellness in Ontario Canada tests for:
Food Sensitivity (166 items) $61.50
Organ Testing & Printout $40.00
Organ Balancing $40.00
Remedies if supplied $ 8.00
Candida Test (only) $20.00
Candida Test with other tests $12.00
Mineral Testing $25.00
Mineral Testing with other tests $15.00
Phone: 905-206-0525 Fax: 905-206-0519
Tests for candida immune complexes and also intestinal permeability with anti-casein and anti-gliadin antibodies through AAL Reference Labs. Excellent information.
Great Smokies Laboratory. Candida Antibody · Yeast Culture & Sensitivity · Anti-Candida Antibody tests. They also include all the natural products to balance your intestines.
Great Smokies analyze the microorganism balance in the intestines for the public. One fellow learned he had no Lactobacillus Acidophilus in his sample at all despite intense supplementation with probiotics. I have had clients whose tests come back from Great Smokies and they too have no Lactobacillus Acidophilus! This is not uncommon.
GS Lab test results can indicate digestive and absorptive intestinal capacity; stool pH; short-chain fatty acids; and presence, absence and volume of bacteria and yeast. A yeast amount of 4+ is substantially greater than normal.
My Anti-Candida Diet And Natural Treatments
John V Dommisse MD, FRCPC provides his candida protocol. He is a nutritional, metabolic and psychiatric physician in Tucson AZ and editor of The Natural Medicine Newsletter.
Candida Wellness Center
(1-800-869-1613 or 1-800-644-1612)

Howard Loomis, DC.
21st Century Nutrition
6421 Enterprise Lane
Madison, WI 53719
608-273-8110 or 8114 fax

Hannah Kroeger's Herbs & Products: (Rascal)
5684 Valmont Rd. Boulder CO 80301
1 800 225-8787 (Wholesale)
805 Walnut St. Boulder CO 80302
1 800 206-6722

Self-Health Resource Centre (Hulda Clark)
757 Emory St. #508
Imperial Beach CA 91932
(619) 429-4408

Candida Research and Information Foundation
POB Drawer JF
College Station TX 77784-5146

Colon Health Handbook by Robert Gray

Achieve Maximum Health: Colon Flora, The Missing Link in Immunity, Health and Longevity by David Webster

Palma Christi by Edgar Cayce instructs us on castor oil packs and their significance.

Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall

The Missing Diagnosis by Orion Truss MD

It Could Be Allergy And It Can Be Cured by Phillip Alexander
Encyclopedic and source of orthomolecular knowledge. SCD diet can be adapted to fit and additional information on vital topics is covered: environmental factors, candida associated allergies and intolerances, the importance of rest, oxygen and sleep as well as what medications to use and how to tell your doctor what to do.

The Yeast Syndrome by Dr. Trowbridge mentioned using enemas. "I cleared a yeast infection that had reached the fungal stage using his diet, some of the suggestions in his book and a product called Aqua Flora."

O2xygen Therapies by McCabe.

A Holistic Protocol for the Immune System by Scott J Gregory says candidiasis is "Due to poor food combining (mixing sugars and proteins, starches and proteins, carbohydrates and sugars...) and therefore digestion is interrupted."

Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Dr. Russell Blaylock has done research on aspartame and a few other substances which he considers to be neurotoxins.

Conquer Candida And Restore Your Immune System by Jack Tips discusses the hydrogen peroxide treatment in depth.

Guess What Came to Dinner Last Night by Anne Louise Gittleman highlights damage by parasites, mentions laboratories that test and remedies.

Your Body Knows Best by Anne Louise Gittleman

The Parasite Menace by Skye Weintraub

Coping With Candida Cookbook $7.96
Rotated Allergy Recipes $8.95
The Rotation Game $16.95
Sally Rockwell
P. O. Box 31065
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 547-1814

School of Natural Healing by John Christopher

SCD Url and Listserv Info subscribe

Details about how to order the book from the publisher are on this website:
William Shaw PhD, Great Plains Laboratory Director
Dr. Shaw's work is important in the field of autism and its relation to candida and clostridia. Dr Shaw has video of his work which covers abnormal yeast and bacteria abnormalities common in autism, the abnormal chemicals produced and the harm done, the different therapies for controlling the yeast and bacteria and the improvements expected with the therapies. Shaw lists adult diseases in which yeast and Clostridia bacteria may be a factor: schizophrenia, alzheimers, lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, HIV infection, colitis, depression, PMS, vaginal yeast infection, MS, interstitial cystitis. Childhood diseases affected by bacteria, yeast and fungal metabolites: autism, ADD with hyperactivity, ADD, seizure, child psychosis, pervasive developmental disorder for a few.
Dr. Crook's self-scoring candida symptoms test.
An exceptional site regarding Candidiasis Syndrome.
Very comprehensive and includes relationship to allergies, psoriasis, CFS, diarrhea.
Excellent explanation of 'dysbiosis' or the imbalance of intestinal microorganisms.
Stanford University's research projects on the subject.
Educational site by an endoscopy medical practice which has some fantastic scope pictures from the esophagus on down through the gut. A visual education. I clicked on the picture of esophageal candida.
A more technical look at candida and other pathogens.
More information on intestinal flora for those who like the scientific background.
Introduction to hormone disrupting chemicals. Candida apparently thrives with hormonal fluctuations and excesses. Certain foods and toxins are said to cause an overabundance of estrogen in our bodies. Candida has been named as contributing to many female problems, such as endometriosis and other blood clots within the reproductive tract. It's possible the same factors that contribute to candidiasis, also contribute to gynecological diseases.
Beating Candida, Curing Environmental Illness by E. Butler, Chapter 5, Antifungals
Cure For All Cancers
Although it's called "The Arthritis Fund" it goes into detail on candida, causes, treatments and doctors who treat candida. It lists a four step protocol that must be adhered to in order to get well.
Also, there is an interesting article on Molybdenum which detoxes copper. Molybdenum helps eliminate dead yeast that is still in the system. The dead yeast can still cause toxic symptoms!
Tremendous candida resources by links.
The Candida/Aldehyde detox pathway and the Molybdenum Connection. Plus info on intestinal related conditions, supplements such as molybdenum and pantethine and relationship to brain fog.
The Candida/Aldehyde detox pathway and the Molybdenum Connection

As it relates to Candida, those of you who have read the work of Dr. Orion Truss, or who have seen quotes by others from his work, will already have been alerted to his assertion that much of the harm done by Candida results from its waste product, acetaldehyde, which in turn can affect the metabolic, neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Further, that few chemicals can create so much havoc in the body as acetaldehyde can. It may interfere with the receptors for acetylcholine which is supposedly the major neurotransmitter in the corpus callosum.

Formaldehyde, obviously then, is related to acetaldehyde in the aldehyde chain of chemicals.

Dr. Stephen Rochlitz worked with cross-crawl brain integration exercises with dyslexic patients with formaldehyde taped to these patients right brain hemisphere, and sometimes the left.

Acetaldehyde is a fungal waste product.

Dr. Stephen Cooter, in his book "Beating Chronic Disease", ProMotion Publishing, San Diego, California, states that "Candida is responsible for flooding the system with an accumulation of toxic acetaldehydes. Acetaldehydes are known to poison tissues -- accumulating in the brain, spinal cord, joints, muscles and tissues."

Dr. Cooter then goes on to describe how he learned from a chiropractor, Dr. Carol Cooper [this name came up on this List way back] that molybdenum -- a mineral -- not a medication, but a nutrient, had a blanket reputation for breaking down yeast by-products into forms that the body could excrete. Coincidentally, Dr. Cooter read the monogram by Dr. Walter Schmitt "Molybdenum for Candida Albicans Patients and Other Problems" through Dr. Cooper. [Interestingly, these are all chiropractor, Drs. Roschlitz, Cooper, and Schmitt.]

I'm beginning to see a glimmer of some possible connections here. Dr. Roschlitz's work, and Dr. Walter Schmitt's, although slightly different, seems similar to me to the principle of Dr. Nambupridad's work with NAET, and perhaps then, holding the substance, when the body is worked on through one of their modalities, might not seem so strange after all. I think I see a common denominator here. Worth exploring? Perhaps....

Back to Dr. Cooter and Dr. Schmitt: "Molybdenum is chemically responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde cannot be excreted from the body; it accumulates. Acetic acid can be, though, and the body naturally removes it or changes it into acetyl coenzyme A, a major player in the body's energy system.... Acetaldhyde accumulations in tissue are responsible for weakness in muscles, irritation, and PAIN."

And now for the good part (g), directly quoted from Dr. Walter Schmitt:

"Chemical aldehydes are best known as fragrances." [Shall I repeat that?] "Chemical aldehydess are best known as fragrances.... Ethanol, or drinking alcohol, is also precessed to acetaldehyde. ...the body has an enzyme which breaks down the aldehydes to less toxic substances. This enzyme is aldehyde oxidase, or sometimes, aldehyde dehydrogenase. Aldehydes encountered dietarily or environmentally or produced in the body must be handled by aldehyde oxidase metabolic pathways.

Acetaldehyde is a paraticularly toxic substance which, in addition to being produced by threonine and ethanol, is a product of the metabolism (i.e. fermentation) of carbohydrate in yeast -- hence the Candida connection. Acetaldehyde is thought to be the major source of tissue damage in alcoholics rather than ethanol itself. The conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid" for this reaction to occur, threonine to acetaldehyde to acetic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, NAD (niacine amide) is required, and aldehyde oxidase is dependent of riboflavin, iron, and molybdenum. These forgoing nutrients could be helpful to Candida albicans patients, and others who are sensitive to various fragrances and airborne odors. Those patients with aldehyde sensitivity are incredibly sensitive to any type of fragrance.

By coincidence, (or is it?) there's a little squibb in the newsletter from the Environmental Health Association of Dallas on fragrance. "Perfume today is not made from flowers but from toxic chemicals..... More than 4,000 chemicals are used in fragrances. Of these, 95 percent are made from petroleum. Some toxic chemicals found in fragrances: toluene, ethanol, acetone, formaldehyde, limonene, benzene derivatives, methylene chloride, and many others known to cause cancer, birth defects, infertility, nervous system damage, or other injuries.... Exposure to scented products can cause exhaustion, weakness, 'hay fever', dizziness, difficulty concentrating, headaches, rashes, swollen lymph glands, muscle aches and spasms, heart palpitations, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, asthma attacks, neuromotor dysfunction, seizures, and loss of consciousness." This was reprinted from No Perfume Means Healthier Air brochure, Breath of Fresh Air Battleaxe, Oakland, California.

And from another source comes another connection -- from Dr. Robert Atkins' newsletter: Dr. Atkins is writing about Pantethine which he prescribes to his Crohn's Disease and Colitis patients, with acknowledgement to Dr. Melvin Werbach for Dr. Werbach's study that demonstrated that people with colitis have markedly decreased Coenzyme A activity if the mucosal surface of their colons, even when the blood levels of pantothenic acid are normal. Dr. Atkins concluded, based on his success with these patients of his, that Pantethine bypasses the block in converting Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) to Coenzyme A. But also, that Pantethine is a growth factor for lactobacillus bulgaricus and bifidobacterium that we know help control yeast overgrowth (and Dr. Cooter also speaks of it in his book). Candida, according to antibody studies done at the Atkins Center, is involved in more than 80 percent of all cases of Crohn's and Colitis.

And for autoimmune problems, Dr. Atkins states, " For all conditions that a doctor might prescribe prednisone -- allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, and olther autoimmune diseases, pantethine can be safely, effectively substituted. I routinely use it for all of those conditions on hundreds of my patients, and it's valuable in weaning them off steroidal drugs, or certainly in allowing a lower dose....

By upping body levels of a body enzyme, pantethine counteracts brain fog, certain allergic sensitivities, and some consequences of alcoholism. (And here it is --) ... In people with candidiasis, the enzyme fights off a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde, which is thought to cause brain fog, often-suffered but rarely diagnosed.... Acetaldehyde also is suspected of being responsible for some symptoms of alcoholism, including alcoholic heart muscle disease. The pantethine-stimulated enzyme also detoxifies formaldehyde, an all too frequent offender for chemically sensitive individuals."

In summary, Dr. Atkins is saying that Pantethine, without toxic consequences, can reduce cholesterol, counuteract oxidation, stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria, and fight allergies, inflammation, autoimmune disruptions, and alcoholism.

In case you wondered, Dr. Cooter and Dr. Schmtt suggest 300 micrograms of Molybdenum in three divided doses per day, and further suggests staying on it for at least 4 months.. Dr. Atkins suggests 450 to 900 miligrams daily of Pantethine with an equal amount of Pantethenic Acid.

Hmm, receptors of acetylcholine, which helps us to 'think with a hammer', disrupted by candida infection.
Kombucha might be helpful too...

Kombucha yeasts fight Candida, they do not encourage it

Worry about Candida or other yeast infections? Not so! Kombucha is a different kind of Yeast-Fungi. There are pathogen (harmful) and apathogen (harmless) yeasts. Kombucha is of the harmless kind.

Since kombucha is called a "mushroom" by many people, and a "fungus" by others, and since it is a yeast as well as a bacterial ferment, there are those who will automatically warn all candida albicans victims - those with chronic candiasis or any other kind of yeast infections - to stay away from Kombucha.

However, this is not right. The Schizosacharomycodes, that is in the Kombucha culture, is a yeast that is not in the family of candida, so it can be actually antagonistic to the troublesome yeast that infects so many people.

Kombucha is likely to be very beneficial for the following reason. Candida albicans is a yeast which competes with your bowel microflora and produces nothing in the way of benefit to the host organism. It occupies the body's defenses which have to be mobilized to oppose it. While this is going on your immune system can not effectively deal with other infections. Kombucha, on the other hand, is a community of microorganisms that do have a beneficial effect on the host, namely by producing glucuronic acid. The yeasts in Kombucha compete with the candida yeasts and gradually replace them. They reproduce vegitatively or by fission rather than by producing spores. This means that instead of having an enemy inside you, you have a friend.

In addition you will also have some of the organisms which will colonize your gut somewhat and continue their good work. Provided that your batch is not contaminated with mold, there is nothing in Kombucha that can harm you. It is true that certain people may have a sensitivity to it, but that can be alleviated by reducing the dose. So that is about it. Nothing mystical! Nothing magical! and nothing harmful.

Prof. Rieth, Hamburg, Germans leading expert in Mycology confirmed me: There is absolutely no risk in drinking Kombucha as regards of yeast infections since the Kombucha yeast are apathogen. You can rely on his judgment that is based on careful research work. There is a large amount of scientific papers which proof, that there is no danger and no concern against the preparing of your own Kombucha beverage. Prof. Rieth told me, there is very little knowledge of mycology (fungal diseases) even at doctors and many wrong allegations are made.

The German "Bundesgesundheitsamt" (the top Public Health Office in Germany like the FDA in the USA) says: "Kombucha is not injurious to health". I hope that this is of value to some people who are worried by the fear and anxiety spread about KT by the tabloid media in particular.


Nystatin is a prescription anti-fungal medication which works against a wide variety of yeast and yeast-like organisms. Nystatin is poorly absorbed from the intestinal tract so it can be safely used. The medication is virtually non-toxic as is well tolerated by most people even on prolonged administration. Nystatin is produced by a bacterium called Streptomyces Noursei.

However, Herxheimer reactions are fairly common with Nystatin therapy. Herxheimer or "die off" reactions are related to the release of yeast toxins when the yeast is killed by Nystatin. Nystatin breaks the cell membrane of yeast, causing it to release it's various antigens which can cause allergic reactions. Herxheimer reactions may cause flu-like symptoms and/or an aggravation of the yeast related symptoms that you have had in the past. If the symptoms are mild, stay on the following Nystatin dosage protocol. Each time you increase the dose, there may be some temporary aggravation of your symptoms. If the symptoms are too intense, then back the dose down.

Nystatin dosage protocol for adults (Mix the Nystatin in 3 ounces or more of water)

Week One: 1/16 teaspoon, 3 times a day
Week Two: 1/8 teaspoon, 3 times a day
Week Three: 3/16 teaspoon, 3 times a day
Week Four: 1/4 teaspoon, 3 times a day

Children take the same dose, but only twice daily. Some people have to increase their dose to 1/2 teaspoon, 3 times a day in order to reduce the level of yeast. A therapeutic trial of at least three months is recommended before deciding whether or not Nystatin is helpful for you.

If 1/16 teaspoon is not tolerated, start with a "dot" dose on the end of a toothpick. If a dot dose causes symptoms, you may have to clean your bowels with a laxative such as Milk of Magnesia (1 - 2 Tablespoons) or an enema. If the dot dose is still not tolerated, dilute it in 12 ounces of water and take one drop, gradually increase every couple of hours to two drops, three drops, etc. Do this for three or four days, or more, before attempting to raise the dose.

Ideally, Nystatin should be taken 20 - 30 minutes before a meal, but it rally doesn't matter a great deal when you take it - it can be taken with or without food. Some patients who feel nauseated with Nystatin do better by taking it with food.

If you have Candida in your mouth or throat (thrush), mix 1/8 teaspoon Nystatin in a cup of water and swish and gargle for one or two minutes, then swallow. This will help eliminate the yeast in your mouth and throat. You only need to do this for ten days, then you can just swallow it to help eliminate the intestinal yeast.

Maintaining good bowel function while taking Nystatin is very important. If you tend to be constipated, and herbal laxative or a fiber supplement such as psyllium seed or flax seed may be beneficial.

Some people get less of a Herxheimer reaction with Nizoral. Nizoral is absorbed quite readily, but can be potentially toxic to the liver. If Nizoral is used, a blood test has to be done two weeks after being on the medication and then monthly thereafter.

Some patients get benefit with over the counter products such as caprylic acid or oregano oil which can be helpful at eliminating intestinal yeast.

You should read "The Yeast Connection" or other books on yeast by William Crook, M.D. to learn more about Candida. Not everyone has to follow as strict a diet as recommended in Dr. Crook's book. This depends on your level of sensitivities to yeast and other factors, and should be discussed with Dr. Buscher or one of his nurses if you are not sure what to do.

Foods you can eat while on a yeast restricted diet

Vegetables: asparagus, avocado, beans, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green pepper, greens (beet, collard, kale, mustard, spinach & turnip), legumes, lettuce, okra, onion, parsley, parsnip, peas, potato (sweet and white), radish, squash (acorn, butternut, summer & winter), tomato (fresh), zucchini.

Cereals, Grains (whole grain): barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, wheat, unleavened breads.

Fruits: Apple, apricots, blackberry, cherry, grape, grapefruit, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raspberry, strawberry.

Meats: beef, chicken, deer, duck, egg, elk, fish, goose, lamb, moose, rabbit, salmon, tuna, turkey, veal, wild birds

Beverages: distilled or bottled water, fresh juiced vegetable or fruit juices

Nuts, Seeds & Oils: almonds, brazil nuts, butter, cashews, filberts, pecans, pumpkin seeds

Oils (cold pressed): almond, apricot, avocado, corn, olive, safflower, sesame, sunflower

Foods you must avoid while on a yeast restricted diet

All types of sugar and sugar-containing foods: boxed cereals, cakes, candy, canned fruits and vegetables, cookies, fruit drinks, ice cream, kool-aid, pies, soda pop

Fruit Juices: Either canned, bottled or frozen, Including apple, grape, orange, pineapple, tomato juices (exception- freshly prepared juices)

Vitamins and Minerals: B-complex vitamins, brewers yeast, selenium products (unless labeled "yeast free" and "sugar free")

Antibiotics: Antibiotics are indicated in treating certain infections. However, most infections are caused by viruses and do not respond to antibiotic therapy.

Alcoholic Beverages: beer, brandy, champagne, rum, vodka, whiskey, wine, etc (all fermented beverages, e.g.. extracts, tinctures, cough syrups, and other medications)

Yeasts, Breads & Pastries: all raised dough, crackers, flour enriched with vitamins from yeast, frozen breads, hamburger and hot dog buns, pretzels, rolls

Vinegar containing Foods, condiments or sauces: catsup, mayonnaise, olives, pickles, salad dressings, sauerkraut, and meat sauces such as barbecue, chili pepper, green pepper, horse radish, tomato, mince pie preparation and many others.

All Cheeses: including fermented dairy products, cottage cheese, natural, blended and pasteurized cheeses, buttermilk and sour cream

Ferments and Molds, Malted Products: malted milk, mushrooms, root beer, soy sauce, truffles

Nuts: Peanuts and peanut products usually contain mold. So do pistachios.

Melons: Porous skin of cantaloupe is especially apt to be contaminated with mold. However, careful washing before cutting may help

Dried Fruits: Some batches may be mold-free, but others will have commercially acceptable amounts of mold on the fruit while drying

Please Note: After reading this partial list of foods containing yeast products you now have a much better idea of the rather formidable task ahead of you. It is absolutely imperative while on the rotary diversification and avoidance diet that you carefully look at all the labels on the canned and packaged foods and consult the list above constantly, or you will continue to suffer needlessly the consequences of allergic reactions.
A big thank you to Laura and others here posting all this great information.

I have a family member that has been going through a 3 year nightmare with health issues and I am hoping that we are now on the right path to finding help and resolution of some kind.

The family member began with strange symptoms we thought was associated with menopause.

They had internal burning sensations all over, mental fog, panic attacks, neurological problems. Months later other issues arose, mainly IBS like symptoms, bloating sever pain, bathroom trips 8, 10, 12 times a day. We have been to half a dozen doctors, allopathic, chiropractic, homeopathic. Tests - ultrasound, lower GI, blood tests for several cancers , blood tests for thyroid, celiac/gluten problems, blood tests for you name it, elimination diets, tried dozens of things.

Back in July the family member found a doctor in Seattle and within a couple days we flew up there to have more blood and stool tests performed.

The path we are on now is Candida overgrowth. The family member has been on Nystatin now for about 30 days and has another 30 days at least to go, is on the candida diet and additionally has dietary restrictions with the candida diet to known food allergies.

I don't know that we have found a solution yet, but the family member seems to be getting better and I just hope that we are on the right track now.

Anyway here are some links to more information to add to the mix. A lot of it is similar to what has already been offered. The one thing that may be additional is some information on the food allergies and DNA testing that covers different immunoglobulin type reactions. I mention the DNA testing as it may help a person determine what additionally may be a problem even with what is accepted as OK within some of the candida diets. For instance not only are bananas on the do not eat list, but bananas came back as off the charts as an allergen for her. Also several other foods were off the charts from the DNA testing - eggs are entirely out, all dairy is out, no cayenne, no ginger, no nutmeg, no vanilla, no aloe. Back in July she was just going to start an aloe treatment regimen before we went up to the IBS treatment center.

The specific DNA testing may show if certain beans are a problem. One's that are not a problem I would think would be OK. But then again it may depend on the severity of the condition and the starch content. In my family member's case and the specific doctor, beans and legumes are OK if the DNA tests did not show a problem. She loves pintos and black beans, but they cause too much abdominal pain (never used to 3 years ago). She does however have edamame in salads and just a snack at times and hummus seems to be OK.

Her are some links to add the collection:

IBS Treatment Center - Dr. Stephen Wangen

Causes of IBS - Yeast (Candida)

Introduction: Lab Testing for IBS Triggers

Standard Food Allergy Profile

More About Food Allergies: IgE and IgG

DNA Microbial Profile: Measuring Intestinal Bacteria, Yeast (Candida), and Parasites

Example Test Results - IgG and IgE food allergies

Innate Health

Food Allergies and Intolerances; and Intestinal Microorganisms and Parasites.

antibodies (immunoglobulin) Types E (IgE), G (IgG), A (IgA)

Selected Research Articles on IBS, Food Allergies, and Related Issues
This is for X-man:

If your family member is allergic to bananas, that is a big sign of a latex allergy. My mother was diagnosed with this allergy a few years ago, and she is not supposed to eat bananas, or any kind of fruit that has a stone pit in it: peaches, cherries, mangos etc. If this is the case, and its severe, a medic-alert bracelet or necklace with the warning of latex allergy may be needed in case of emergencies, as there is a lot of latex in an ER/hospital environment.

Just an FYI in case you didn't know.

Gimpy said:
This is for X-man:

If your family member is allergic to bananas, that is a big sign of a latex allergy. My mother was diagnosed with this allergy a few years ago, and she is not supposed to eat bananas, or any kind of fruit that has a stone pit in it: peaches, cherries, mangos etc. If this is the case, and its severe, a medic-alert bracelet or necklace with the warning of latex allergy may be needed in case of emergencies, as there is a lot of latex in an ER/hospital environment.

Just an FYI in case you didn't know.


Thanks Gimpy.

She loves and eats bananas fine, but the DNA testing showed a problem, so no bananas. She was tested for latex allergy and a bunch of heavy metals testing and a slew of other things along the way. The info is very interesting though and I will keep it in mind. I know of a few people who do have latex allergy and it is horrible for them. said:
It is essential that as the yeast overgrowth is being treated probiotic bacteria are consumed to take the place of the yeast colonies.

ad said:
Acid proof probiotics survive exposure to stomach acid and arrive in the small intestine at full strength. Studies show that greater 99% of unprotected probiotics are killed when exposed to stomach acid (pH 1.6) for one hour, a typical time spent in the stomach. Unprotected probiotics are very ineffective in the intestinal tract!

I have used enteric-coated probiotics for a decade. The enteric-coating is necessary
for therapeutic use, as stomach acid kills most bacteria. The liquid, powder, and nonenteric-coated capsules are suspect, as the hydrochloric acid kills most bacteria. The enteric-coated capsules pass through the stomach into the small intestine before releasing the full dosage of beneficial bacteria. There are a number of these products available in health food stores and on the internet.

I have experimented with foods for most of my life. A simply diet of natural, unrefined, seasonal foods, eaten in moderation has proved best for the body. I recently walked 25k per day, for 32 consecutive days, which gave me an opportunity to measure my energy levels under controlled conditions. I discovered an increase in energy when I didn’t eat at least two hours before sleeping. The times of eating and sleeping seems an important factor in good digestion and resting the organ systems. Another factor of my overall health and energy levels has been to drink plenty of water. I found it wasn’t only the food selection, as much as the time and amount I eat that determines the bodies health. Of course, a disturbed inner state of being has always been expressed by disease. This insight into health was noted by Jesus two millennia ago.

Mark 7..New International Version said:
14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him. He said, "Listen to me, everyone. Understand this.

15-16Nothing outside of you can make you 'unclean' by going into you. It is what comes out of you that makes you 'unclean.' "

17 Then he left the crowd and entered the house. His disciples asked him about this teaching.

18 "Don't you understand?" Jesus asked. "Don't you see? Nothing that enters people from the outside can make them 'unclean.'

19 It doesn't go into the heart. It goes into the stomach. Then it goes out of the body." In saying this, Jesus was calling all foods "clean."

20 He went on to say, "What comes out of people makes them 'unclean.' 21 Evil thoughts come from the inside, from people's hearts. So do sexual sins, stealing and murder. Adultery, 22 greed, hate and cheating come from people's hearts too. So do desires that are not pure, and wanting what belongs to others. And so do telling lies about others and being proud and being foolish.

23 All those evil things come from inside a person. They make him 'unclean.' "
Found some pics via


Candida Albicans in yeast form. It does not attach to the intestinal walls, nor invade the skin, as readily in this form.


Under malnourished conditions, or in a low PH environment, Candida can convert from its normal budding form to its mycelial form in which the cells are elongated and attached at the ends, allowing it to grow into different areas.


The Hyphal, or Mycelial form creates a biofilm barrier which is much more resistant to antifungal drugs.


Candida from yeast to invasive plaque


Candida penetrating living tissue
I've had some success removing a yeast rash (don't know if this is the right term) on my leg with a Hulda Clark zapper (home made I might add :) ) I'm wondering if it would be successful to use the "right frequency" e.g. the Candida frequency given by H.C. in her book, or maybe the ones by Rife, with a zapper or other "frequency-device" to kill the overgrowth. Has anyone tried this?

I'm certainly planning to modify my zapper so that I can get the right frequency - it's worth a try i think...

Edit: Oh, just remembered that H.C. did mention that the zapper doesn't reach the gut very well...
This thread should be read in conjunction with several other threads, those about magnesium, adrenal fatigue, soy, niacin as detox, toxoplasmosis, etc. I've set them all as sticky topics so they will always be at the top.

Seems to me that there is a lot of overlapping and multiple ways to come at the subject, but candida may be at the root of it all.

At some point in your life, you get sick and take antibiotics. That imbalances the gut flora. You have candida overgrowth. That leads to candida turning fungal and making holes in your intestines and colonizing different parts of you body depending on your genetic predisposition. Then you start having auto-immune problems because of leaky gut. You also stop absorbing nutrients properly and get deficiencies such as magnesium which is too low in the diet anyway.

Meanwhile, toxicity is building up from environmental stuff, and voila! You are a very helpless person because you can't regain control of your health!

Cunning maneuver, eh?

So, seems to me that one must detox in a number of ways, but carefully. Start by cutting out simple carbs, taking probiotics and oral magnesium and vit B complex, and using an infra red sauna regularly. Then add in the detox cocktail from "Detoxify or Die." Then add the transdermal magnesium and bath soaks to get more magnesium in the body. Then, once you are a bit detoxed, feeling stronger, go after the candida.

I can tell you that the die off reaction can be horrible. So you want to be ready to endure it.
Candida and cancer always concurrent

There are a large number of works that document the constant presence of the mycetes in the tissues of cancer patients, especially in terminal patients.

In recent years, we have observed a crescendo of voices addressing this terrible fungus to the point of defining it as 'the most important and most urgent problem that oncology has to solve'.

The following figures concerning the coexistence of Candida and cancer have been collected by several authors:[53]

* R.L. Hopfer: 79%
* U. Kaben: 80%
* W. T. Hughes: 91 %
* T.E. Kiehn: 97%

The percentages observed are truly impressive, especially when considering the difficulty of seeing Candida in the organic materials to be examined. This was also reported by R.S. Escuro, Z. O. Karaev, and T.J. Walsh.[54]

The positive results quoted allow us to confirm that Candida is always present in the tissues of cancer patients. Not only that, but Candida species represent today, according to several scholars, the first cause of morbidity and mortality in patients affected by neoplasias of the hemolinphopoietic system.[55]

O. Uzun even analyzed all data from 1974 to 1999 concerning the presence of candidosis in patients and the prognostic factors including predictable elements of mortality and came to the conclusion that the global rate of mortality in cancer patients varies between 33% and 75% and that this is independent of the type of infecting Candida.[56]

The phenomenon is usually interpreted as a consequence of the weakening and of the exhaustion of the organism because of neoplastic lesions. Conversely, we have to believe that the aggression of Candida takes place in the carcinogenic sense after the superficial pathogenic phases - that is, the classic epithelial candidosis - in several stages:

a) rooting in the deep connective tissue (in the various organs)

b) expansion with evoking of an organic reaction that attempts to encyst the fungin colonies, with the outcome being the formation of neoplasias

c) growth both in the surrounding tissue and remotely (metastasis).

d) progressive exhaustion of the organism with consequential global organism invasion. This is the stage that is most commonly observed and that is considered 'opportunistic'

e) exitus

In summary, Candida is not a post hoc but an ante hoc cause.
Laura said:
I would really like to get clear on the beans/legumes issue since some "experts" say you CAN eat them and others say don't touch them while taking the cure.

Dried beans are a major part of my diet - lentils, black-eyed peas, red beans, etc - and I have no idea what to replace them with.

I am not sure if I can be of great help with this question but at least four possible tests come to my mind, which could give some information on food tolerance:

- Blood test type IGG4, which includes immediate and 72 hours delayed reaction of the immune system to certain foods. It does not react if the immune system is not involved but would probably react in case of a leaky gut. The cost is relatively low. I paid EUR 26 for a test cycle. Others may need several cycles in case there are reactions to several food groups, which must be narrowed down.
- Bio resonance test ProNutri. It was originally developped in Spain and tests the current tolerance to abt. 450 types of food by taking measurements at acupuncture points. Signal input is via frequencies played through a headset. I don't know if this is available in France.
- Kinesiological test, double blind in order to exclude any believes of participants.
- Reiki test: Reiki practitioners could try and test their food with holding a hand above it. I am occasionally trying this and get some weak response here and there but I am not sure how far I can get with this method.
Here is a french article here : Le cancer est-il provoqué par le champignon Candida Albicans ? (Is cancer cause by Candida Albicans mushroom ?)

Site of Dr Simoncini : (italian site)

English article :

I hope I do not double post.
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