Candida- The Silent Epidemic

Meanwhile, as I reported on another thread:

Last night we recorded an interview with Mark Givert of which is where I got my FAR infrared blanket. We'll be getting it up on sott asap and I'll be writing a short article about it to go with the podcast.

Mark flew down and stayed with us a couple of days and we were able to ask all our questions about the FAR infrared treatment. Mark, himself, came to it because of serious health problems and he was doing it long before it was "on the radar" and has since done a LOT of research. He is also involved with a number of professional researchers who are using the therapy for people with serious, debilitating illnesses, including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, etc. He told us about many cases that, unfortunately, did not make it onto the podcast but will later be included in a book that we are urging him to write.

When Mark began his therapy, the FAR infrared devices did not have temperature controls so it was basically a low level of heat. Apparently, this low heat is extremely effective all by itself. He told us about a woman who was in terminal stages of cancer who got in her FAR infrared sauna and stayed in it all day following which, she had a deep "detox reaction" and her cancer went into remission.

Since the FAR infrared acts directly on the mitochondrial energy production mechanism in the body, there are some people who can only tolerate a little of it because of their toxic overload. The minute their body gets a little energy from the infrared, the body starts detoxing and they have the Herxheimer reaction pretty severely, so they have to go slow and easy.

While cranking up the heat until you sweat is an added benefit, I'm glad to know that the lower temps are as beneficial because that means I can spend more time in the sauna which I am going to start doing today!

Another point about detoxing is that it is important to alkalinize the body. Sherry Rogers discusses this in her books, but Mark told us that one of the easiest ways to do this is to have a glass of water (or cup of hot water) with fresh lemon juice in the morning, and eat at least 50% green, leafy vegetables every day. He says that candida and other parasites cannot survive in an alkaline environment. The other 50% of your diet should be divided 30% grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc) and 20% protein. This is kind of a transition diet while detoxing with the sauna. He claims that once you detox sufficiently, you will naturally move to 75% green leafy vegetables (part of which he takes as fresh juices).

You also need oils and the best ones are Hemp, Flax, pumpkin, olive and some nut oils. NEVER vegetable oils!

You also need nuts for magnesium, Brazils, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia, cashews, etc. You also can eat avocados as they are an important omega 3 source.

Then he said that the best way to get probiotics is to eat them fresh and live and the way to do that is to make your own fresh sauerkraut and also a water made from quinoa. You wash the quinoa, then put a cup of it in a jar with two LITERS (corrected) of water, cover with a cloth and let sit in a warm place for a couple of days until it is foamy on the top. When the liquid goes cloudy and tastes like lemon water, it is right. Drink the water and add two more LITERS of water and do the same thing. You can do this twice with the same cup of quinoa.

Finally, he told us about something called "Miracle Mineral Supplement" for those plagued with candida, parasites, etc. Have a look here: and here:

This stuff is really cheap.
A really good short version of the whole problem:
by Lynn Hinderliter CN, LDN

Candida Albicans brings a mind-boggling list of of health problems in its wake.

Candida, a form of yeast cell, (more than 150 different strains have been isolated) is naturally present in our bodies at all times, and therefore its mere presence cannot identify it as an enemy: if you fall sick, there are few tests your Doctor can do which will definitely fix it as the cause.

If you have taken antibiotics frequently or for lengthy periods of time, have suffered from fungal infections of the nails, digestive tract or genitals, feel sick all over with no explanation, are bothered by memory problems, have taken birth control pills for more than 2 years, are really bothered by exposure to cigarette smoke or chemicals, feel worse on damp, muggy days, - consider Candida as the cause.

An imbalance, a state of dysbiosis caused by yeast overgrowth, brings about a disturbance in the natural order where the friendly organisms in our gut designed to control the level of Candida organisms in our body fail in their task.

This disturbance can be caused by

* antibiotic use
* chemicals
* faulty diet,
* allergies
* tobacco
* nutritional deficiencies
* steroids
* poor liver function
* birth control pills*
* stress

or a combination of any of these.

* (Estrogen/ progesterone imbalances increase Candida's tendency to attach to the cells lining the vagina, and therefore both pregnancy and oral contraceptives can increase one's risk. Oral contraceptives containing 75-150 micrograms of estrogen are most likely to cause the problem; low-dose products are seldom implicated.)

Antibiotics,may be the worst villains, since they cannot tell the difference between the friendly bacteria our internal balance requires, and the bad ones they have been taken to fight: they kill them all. The situation is aggravated by high carbohydrate diets, which feed the yeast organisms, allowing a population explosion.. When overgrowth occurs, several things happen:

* Firstly, C. Albicans is a highly allergenic bacterium. Clinical studies have shown that its presence in the intestinal tract can lead to "leaky gut" syndrome, where food antigens and toxins can be absorbed directly into the blood stream, leading to that "sick all over" feeling. This happens because over time, Candida can behave like a fungus, developing rhizoids that can grow into the wall of the intestine, and contribute to its gradual weakening and permeability: it is possible that this highly toxic state of affairs can contribute to conditions as diverse as asthma and CFS through its effect on the immune system..

* Secondly, the toxins produced (among them ethanol, acetaldehyde - which can damage organs, cause emotional disturbances, memory loss and mood swings, and formaldehyde) may act as immunosuppressants to prevent your defenses from doing their job. This may mean not only that you are rendered susceptible to re-infection by Candida itself, but also that auto-antibodies may form, and hormonal dysfunctions may follow (Witkin, Ph.D. Cornell Univ. Med. Coll 1985) together with a medley of seemingly unrelated health problems.

* Thirdly, the Candida may become systemic in nature. Having breached the intestinal lining, it now has access to the bloodstream and from there any part of your body, where it can set up its home and multiply. Some of the symptoms of systemic Candida are digestive problems, muscle aches and pains, fatigue, skin eruptions and rashes, and recurrent urinary tract infections.

Fortunately, there is now an inexpensive stool laboratory test (see bottom of page) which will determine the balance between yeast roganaisms and good bacteria, and can also determine parasite infestation.

The following are some serious illnesses which have sometimes responded favorably to treatment for Candida: they include MS, lupus, myasthenia gravis, multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis and cystitis, and endometriosis.

I hasten to add that I am not suggesting that they are cured by this means, but that some of the symptoms lessen in intensity.

Nor is it my intention to suggest that the serious diseases mentioned above such as MS, lupus, CFS, etc., are caused by Candida. What I see happening here, (and much of my information comes not only from my own clients, but also from Dr. Crook's wonderful books, The Yeast Connection and The Yeast Connection and the Woman) is an accumulation of insults to the body which result in illness.

Consider the changes that have occurred in our life styles over the past 50 years - increased exposure to chemicals and toxins, the almost casual intake of antibiotics and synthetic hormones, the decrease in healthy nourishing food and the increase in pesticides, preservatives, sugar, hydrogenated fats, food colorings - the list goes on and on.

How can we not expect our bodies to pay a toll? Lowered immune systems, alkaline/acid imbalance, and digestive disorders are high on the list of first responses to these health stressors, and Candida feels right at home in these conditions: once an imbalance starts, the body reacts in many different negative ways.

What does this mean? When a scientist reaches a destination, he needs to know the road he traveled by, and that it leads only from there to here. It is difficult for a trained scientist to accept that one road can lead to many destinations, or that one destination can be reached by many roads. Dr. Truss in his book The Missing Diagnosis says: " you may seem neurotic ... but do you experience ... depression, anxiety, irrational irritability, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, loss of self-confidence, inability to cope, lethargy, symptoms from contact with food and chemical odors, acne, migraine, headaches ... urethritis, cystitis, repeated vaginal yeast infections, premenstrual tension, and menstrual problems? .. These may be symptoms of a treatable illness."

It can be hard for an allopathic Doctor to accept not only that Candida can cause so many and such diverse health problems, but that its cause and correction are also multi-faceted.

Treatment of Candidiasis is truly not simple, but the first step is the proper diet avoiding sugars in all forms, even limiting complex carbohydrates usually thought to be good for you, (see bottom of page for a detailed list).

Candida is a yeast, and anything that might feed it must be avoided; this means cutting out all sugars (even honey), fruits, starches, vinegar and alcohol. No more maple syrup, corn syrup, white bread, soft drinks, or cereals. They should be replaced with vegetables and lean proteins. No more dried or fresh fruits, mushrooms, pizza or pastries. As and when the condition improves, some of these things may be added back in - but many people feel so much better without them, they want to keep the improvement permanently!

An interesting exception to this rule is Xylitol. Dr. Ward Dean states that this sweetener is not metabolized by humans OR yeast: "Yeast gobble it up, thinking they're getting sugar, and die". He considers it one of the best anti-candida strategies!

The next steps are detoxification, enhancement of digestive and immune function, balanced nutritional supplementation and herbal and medicinal anti-fungal agents . I usually recommend the following protocol:

* First, cleansing and detoxing.

* Second, attacking the yeast with a selection of herbs that have natural anti-fungal activity, such as Olive Leaf, Garlic, Pau d'Arco, Grapefruit Seed Extract and Oregano.

The more diverse your weapons, the better your chance of success.

* The wall of the Candida yeast cell is composed largely of cellulose, and it is vulnerable to digestion by Cellulase enzymes. It has no defense - it cannot change the structure of its cell wall. These enzymes should always be used between meals, otherwise they will be wasted digesting the cellulose in your food. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO TAKE THEM SEPARATE FROM FOOD . For more information about Candex, see Resources at right.

* Saccharomyces Boulardii is in effect a friendly yeast that fights Candida: it is much used in France, where they refer to it as the yeast- fighting yeast. If your Candida is connected to food allergies, this may be especially helpful for you; it releases IgA which helps heal the lining of the gut. Saccharomyces is helpful to prevent and relieve diarrhea, particularly when medication related.

* Third, rebuilding the colon and repopulating it with friendly bacteria such as Bifidus and Lactobacillus .

* Fourth, maintenance. I recommend HSOs/ Primal Defense, continued use of probiotics, and cyclical use of Candex.

* Fifth - aiding digestion: deficiencies of HCL or pancreatic enzymes can mean that you are not absorbing your foods properly. Improve your absorption, and there will be less to feed the yeast.

* There is also a connection with Gallbladder malfunction, since a healthy supply of bile helps keep Candida Albicans in check. Generally, there is some reason to suspect that Candida impairs the digestion of fats. This is why it may be a good idea either to limit diary, or to add a LIPASE enzyme as well. If you have Candida, and have had your gallbladder removed, and NOTHING seems to control the infection, consider adding a source of ox bile.

* Sixth - balance acid/alkaline. Interestingly, while many Candida sufferers have very acid pHs, some people suffering from recurrent Candida infections are found to have a highly alkaline body chemistry: this is usually in conjunction with a low metabolic rate, and can occur even if the diet is high in acid foods.

An acid pH in the body can also cause excessive alkalinity in the colon, which encourages the growth of yeast. In fact, one of the means by which acidophilus controls yeast overgrowth is by acidifying the large intestine.
In other words, disturbance of the pH balance IN EITHER DIRECTION, whether acid or alkaline, can facilitate opportunistic Candida overgrowth.

However, Candida is absolutely happiest when the acid environment of the body means that the stomach is paradoxically LOW in acid, or HCL. and the bowel is alkaline.

... Homeostasis is a state of balance, when the entire body is in harmony and functioning perfectly. Disturbance of this homeostasis leads to disease.

* Each step should be supported and enhanced by proper diet and supplements to support the immune system such as Moducare, Colostrum, OPCs, and B Vitamins. Add also a multi-vitamin and mineral, since many Candida sufferers compound their problem by not absorbing the nutrients they need for basic good health.

* Determine the cause of the Candida: whether it be diet, allergy, stress, hormones, medications - unless you find out what caused it and eliminate that cause, the problem WILL RETURN!!

Some people manifest their yeast problems not only internally, but by overgrowths of thrush in the mouth, disfiguration of the nails on hand or foot, and sometimes even malodorous rashes on the skin, under the breasts and around the genitals being favorite sites . I have come across a solution of Silver which is proving to be very helpful for such problems, as a gargle, or as a topical application.

I am amazed, too, at the frequency with which I find that people with really intractable Candida also have parasites. I would recommend testing for this (see the UroKeep Test for Candida and parasites) .

Dr. Morton Walker's book about Olive Leaf Extract points out that hospital acquired infections from pathogenic fungi, mainly Candida Albicans, increased from 6 to 11 percent between 1980 and 1990. Most anti-fungal drugs work by inhibiting the growth of fungi: this means some fungal cells survive in the body, becoming resistant to the drug treatment. Olive Leaf is a fungicidal substance which kills the invading fungus rather than just slowing it down - this means that fewer of the cells survive, and resistant mutations are also fewer. It also means less risk of relapse after ceasing treatment with the Olive Leaf.

There is a mistaken belief that people with Candida overgrowth need to adhere to a yeast free diet. In fact, there does not appear to be any connection between the consumption of food yeasts ( Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) and the overgrowth of Candida yeast. Dr. Jack Sobel, who has a list a yard long of qualifications to speak on the subject, says "There is no association between Saccharomyces in the diet and systemic Candidiasis .... I never put patients on yeast free diets, as they are painful, non-nutritional, extremely difficult to comply with, and ill-advised in my opinion". (my italics) (Interviewed by Dr. Passwater, Whole Foods Magazine July 99 p. 60)

If the Candida still persists, consider an elimination/ rotation diet to spot possible food allergies or intolerances, which may play a large role in this scenario. The Coca Pulse Test can be very helpful. The most common offenders are yeast, (and if yeast is an allergen for you, then it should be avoided) milk, wheat, corn, eggs and citrus.

Candida overgrowth is definitely an under-diagnosed problem in allopathic circles. Most nutritionally oriented Doctors who are addressing this imbalance have concluded that the way to diagnose Candida, is to treat the symptoms, and determine from the results whether or not the diagnosis was correct. This might seem an irrational approach, were we talking about strong drugs that could be harmful to the patient, but Candida can be tackled. and often conquered, using measures which actually contribute to overall health.

The advantage of the natural approach is that you are not only much more likely to control the yeast permanently, but you will also put your immune system back on track, able to help you resist other problems that may come your way.

Avoiding carbohydrates:

* Breads, pastas, baked goods, sauces soups and dressings thickened with flour, and/or sweetened with sugar, candy, chewing gum, and sugar in all forms (fructose, sucrose, honey, maple syrup)

* Dairy products such as milk and ice cream. Unsweetened yogurt, without fruits, is acceptable, some cheese and cottage cheese is OK.

* Fruits and berries

* Sweet vegetables such as corn, yams, sweet potatoes, peas, beans, carrots, beets.

* Many prepared foods. Read the labels! Even canned hams and imitation seafood can be a carbohydrate problem.

YOU MAY SUSPECT, BUT DO YOU KNOW? There is a simple test that can be done to determine whether you have a Candida problem: we have the kits here. The cost of the kit is $15.96 plus shipping, and you then send a stool sample off to the lab. You are personally responsible for the lab fee of $80.00. The results are sent directly to the Health Care Provider you select. I have often found that those with the most serious Candida problems also have parasites,

The article is, of course, promoting certain products. There are many good ones on the market.
Old Gastrointestinal Drug Slows Aging, May Alleviate Alzheimer's
(And Parkinson's and maybe because it is a heavy metal chelator...)

Montreal -- Recent animal studies have shown that clioquinol - an 80-year old drug once used to treat diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders - can reverse the progression of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. Scientists, however, had a variety of theories to attempt to explain how a single compound could have such similar effects on three unrelated neurodegenerative disorders.

Researchers at McGill University have discovered a dramatic possible new answer: According to Dr. Siegfried Hekimi and colleagues at McGill's Department of Biology, clioquinol acts directly on a protein called CLK-1, often informally called "clock-1," and might slow down the aging process. The advance online edition of their study was published in Oct. 2008 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

"Clioquinol is a very powerful inhibitor of clock-1," explained Hekimi, McGill's Strathcona Chair of Zoology and Robert Archibald & Catherine Louise Campbell Chair in Developmental Biology. "Because clock-1 affects longevity in invertebrates and mice, and because we're talking about three age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases, we hypothesize that clioquinol affects them by slowing down the rate of aging."

Once commonly prescribed in Europe and Asia for gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and shigella, clioquinol was withdrawn from the market after being blamed for a devastating outbreak of subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON) in Japan in the 1960s. However, because no rigorous scientific study was conducted at the time, and because clioquinol was used safely by millions before and after the Japanese outbreak, some researchers think its connection to SMON has yet to be proven.

The exact mechanism of how clioquinol inhibits CLK-1 is still under investigation, Hekimi said. "One possibility is that metals are involved as clioquinol is a metal chelator," he explained. Chelation is a type of binding to metal ions and is often used to treat heavy metal poisoning.

Hekimi is optimistic but cautious when asked whether clioquinol could eventually become an anti-aging treatment.

"The drug affects a gene which when inhibited can slow down aging," he said. "The implication is that we can change the rate of aging. This might be why clioquinol is able to work on this diversity of diseases that are all age-dependent."

However, he admits to being concerned about how people may interpret his results.

"The danger is that you can buy a kilogram of this compound at a chemical wholesaler, but we don't want people to start experimenting on themselves. Clioquinol can be a very toxic substance if abused, and far more research is required."

Notice that Cloquinol is an anti-fungal... perhaps the relationship between candida and heavy metal toxicity is the key? Kill the candida, and the metals are released?

From Wikipedia
Clioquinol is an antifungal drug and antiprotozoal drug. It is neurotoxic in large doses. It is a member of a family of drugs called hydroxyquinolines which inhibit certain enzymes related to DNA replication. The drugs have been found to have activity against both viral and protozoal infections.[1]

Antiprotozoal use

A 1964 report described the use of Clioquinol in both the treatment and prevention of shigella infection and Entamoeba histolytica infection in institutionalized individuals at Sonoma State Hospital in California. The report indicates 4000 individuals were treated over a 4-year period with few side effects. [2]

Several recently reported journal articles describing its use as an antiprotozoal include:

* A 2005 reference to its use in treating a Dutch family for Entamoeba histolytica infection. [3]

* A 2004 reference to its use in Denmark in the treatment of Dientamoeba fragilis infection.[4]

* A 1979 reference to the use in Zaire in the treatment of Entamoeba histolytica infection. [5]

[edit] Clioquinol and SMON

Clioquinol's use as an antiprotozoal drug has been restricted or discontinued in some countries due to an event in Japan where over 10,000 people developed SMON (subacute myelo-optic neuropathy) between 1957 and 1970. The drug was used widely in many countries before and after the SMON event without similar reports.[6] As yet, no explanation exists as to why it produced this reaction, and some researchers have questioned whether clioquinol was the causative agent in the disease, noting that the drug had been used for 20 years prior to the epidemic without incident, and that the SMON cases began to reduce in number prior to the discontinuation of the drug.[7] Theories suggested have included improper dosing, the permitted use of the drug for extended periods of time, [8] and dosing which did not consider the smaller average stature of Japanese. Researchers have also suggested the SMON epidemic could have been due to a viral infection with a Inoue-Melnick virus.[9]

[edit] Topical use

Clioquinol is used in the drug Vioform, which is a topical antifungal treatment.

[edit] Use in neurodegenerative diseases

Recent research at UCSF indicates that clioquinol appears to block the genetic action of Huntington's disease in mice and in cell culture.[10]

Evidence from phase 2 clinical trials suggested that clioquinol could halt cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease, possibly owing to its ability to act as a chelator for copper and zinc ions. This led to development of analogs including PBT2 as potential therapeutic compounds for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.[citation needed]

Recent animal studies have shown that clioquinol can reverse the progression of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. According to Dr. Siegfried Hekimi and colleagues at McGill's Department of Biology, clioquinol acts directly on a protein called CLK-1, often informally called “clock-1,” and might slow down the aging process. They theorize that this may explain the apparent ability of the drug to be effective in the above conditions, but warn against individuals experimenting with this drug.[1]

Also take note of this:

UC DAVIS STUDY: "Autism is Environmental"

(As in metal toxicity!!!)

I have always said there may be a small percentage of people with autism spectrum disorder (perhaps those with Asperger Syndrome) whose symptoms are a result only of their genetic makeup, with no environmental factors involved at all.

But a new study out of UC Davis' MIND Institute says that it's time to abandon science's long, expensive, and not very fruitful quest to find the gene or genes that cause autism alone, without any environmental triggers.

"We need to keep (environmental) studies going," Irva Hertz-Picciotto, the co-author of the study and professor of environmental and occupational health and epidemiology at UC Davis, said in a statement.

"We're looking at the possible effects of metals, pesticides and infectious agents on neurodevelopment," Hertz-Picciotto said. "If we're going to stop the rise in autism in California, we need to keep these studies going and expand them to the extent possible."

Autism is predominantly an environmentally acquired disease, the study seems to conclude. Its meteoric rise, at least in California, cannot possibly be attributed to that shopworn mantra we still hear everyday, incredibly, from far too many public health officials: It's due to better diagnosing and counting.

The autism epidemic is real, and it is not caused by genes alone: You cannot have a genetic epidemic. It really is time that we, as a society, accept that cold, hard truth.

"It's time to start looking for the environmental culprits responsible for the remarkable increase in the rate of autism in California," Dr. Hertz-Piccotto said.

The study results suggest that "research should shift from genetics, to the host of chemicals and infectious microbes in the environment that are likely at the root of changes in the neurodevelopment of California's children," the statement added.

The UC Davis Study, funded in part by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) found that the rate of autism among six-year-olds in California mushroomed from less than 9 per 10,000 among the 1990 birth cohort, to more than 44 per 10,000 for kids born in 2000.

This increase, "cannot be explained by either changes in how the condition is diagnosed or counted," the statement said, "and the trend shows no sign of abating."

(It is important to keep in mind that almost every child born in 2000 would have received many vaccines that contained the mercury preservative thimerosal, which was not completely phased out of most - but not all - childhood vaccines until at least 2003.)

Of the 600-to-700 percent increase in autism reported in California between 1990 and 2000, fewer than 10 percent were due to the inclusion of milder cases, the study found, while only 24 percent could be attributed to earlier age at diagnosis.

There was only one logical conclusion: some thing or things in the environment had to be at play here.

I have always said that all environmental factors should be considered in at least some subgroups of autism. This position has been met with considerable ridicule. I believe that opponents are afraid that, if we start looking at toxins like heavy metals, it might one day lead back to thimerosal. Likewise, if we consider live virus triggers, we may have to take another look at the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (which thousands of parents swear was the trigger than sent their children tumbling into autism).

Now, it's always been easier and more reassuring to tell ourselves that autism was almost purely genetic, that it was always with us at the rate of 1 in 90 men (1 in 60 in New Jersey) and that, gee, weren't doctors doing a great job these days of recognizing and diagnosis this disorder.

This pathetic groupthink has helped create hugely lopsided funding priorities in autism, where genetic studies get lavishly funded, while environmental ones are lucky to even pick up the dollar scraps left behind

"Right now, about 10 to 20 times more research dollars are spent on studies of the genetic causes of autism than on environmental ones," Hertz-Picciotto said. "We need to even out the funding."

I agree.

Yes, we must continue to look for the susceptibility genes that make some kids more vulnerable to environmental triggers - possibly through a diminished capacity to detoxify themselves.

But the sooner our best minds in science and medicine come to grips with the fact that these poor, hapless kids have been exposed to the wrong environmental toxins and/or infectious agents at the wrong time, the sooner we can find out how to best treat what really ails them.

It is illogical for us to oppose the study of, say, mercury exposures and autism, because it might somehow implicate thimerosal, and by extension, vaccines.

After all, heavy metal studies into autism could very well incriminate background environmental sources, but exonerate metal sources found in vaccines, such as mercury and aluminum.

And that would be a good thing for everyone.

Meanwhile, of course, to cover up their industrial crimes against humanity, everything gets blamed on smoking and second hand smoke, and now third hand smoke.

Yeah, right!
Went to a new naturopath this week and she suggested I take Slippery Elm in conjunction with the probiotics for my candida albicans issues. So after 2 days of taking the Slippery Elm (1 tsp dissolved in water, or you can get capsules) with the probiotics, I'm thinkin, WOW!, there's something good going on here. For the first time in years I had nice normal-seeming bowel movements, and the pain I've had in my guts for years seems to be gone. The doc also said you could take lactoferron--does the same thing as Slippery Elm.
There's quite a bit on information on the web regarding Slippery Elm, but here's a few snippets:

Slippery elm is a demulcent, emollient, expectorant, and diuretic. Demulcent means that it is soothing, softening, buffering, and has poison-drawing qualities. This herb has a number of health benefits. It helps to neutralise stomach acids, boost the adrenal glands, draw out impurities, and heal all parts of the body. The mucilage coats the mouth, oesophagus, and gastrointestinal tract with a slick residue. It soothes the inflammation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum and helps to provide a barrier between the ulcer and stomach acid. It soothes irritations or ulcerations in the stomach and intestines and is good for helping with gastrointestinal conditions.Slippery elm can help to soothe a sore throat, alleviate the pain of colic or stomach ulcers, and relieve inflammatory bowel conditions. Slippery elm helps with digestion and cleanses the colon. It is particularly helpful for easing a cough and soothing a sore throat as it coats the area and reduces irritation. Slippery elm is a tonic that benefits the adrenal glands, respiratory system, and the gastrointestinal tract. Used topically, slippery elm can relieve minor injuries such as burns, cold sores, razor burns, scrapes, and sunburn. When taken, slippery elm is easy on the digestive system. Slippery elm is said to be good for both diarrhea and constipation, as it softens and adds smooth bulk to the stool. Slippery elm also calms irritation as it gently coats the lining of the intestinal system. Slippery elm is frequently used by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In response to this popular use, a study was done to assess the antioxidant qualities of slippery elm and other herbal preparations, as antioxidants are thought to play a role in reducing inflammation. In the lab, slippery elm did display the antioxidant qualities that the study was assessing, resulting in the conclusion that slippery elm appears promising and should be further evaluated as a potential remedy for IBD. No such studies appear to be available as yet for IBS, though one can hope. Slippery elm is used widely for sore throats and respiratory problems. It protects, neutralizes, and buffers mucous membranes when taken internally. This helps to soothe scratchy and raw sore throats. Slippery elm has anti-inflammation and anti-irritant properties which relieve dry and irritated passage ways during the cold and flu season. Slippery elm also works as an expectorant. It increases bronchial secretion which loosens up mucous along the throat. This decreases the viscosity of sputum and aids the body in removing phlegm. Slippery elm is recommended for the following lung conditions: asthma, bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, hoarseness, tonsillitis, pleurisy, lung bleeding, and leukorrhea.
Kel said:
Went to a new naturopath this week and she suggested I take Slippery Elm in conjunction with the probiotics for my candida albicans issues. So after 2 days of taking the Slippery Elm (1 tsp dissolved in water, or you can get capsules) with the probiotics, I'm thinkin, WOW!, there's something good going on here.

Interesting. Thank you Kel. I found the following which seems to corroborate your "WOW" and it has to do with healing a leaky gut, something that I think I have. I will give Slippery Elm a try with my current probiotics, colloidal silver, etc, and see what happens. Just have to find it at a local store tomorrow.


I strongly suggest you and EVERYONE follow a leaky gut protocol. This means you go off food for 3 days and just take Slippery Elm gruel every 2 hours nice and thick. Inbetween this you take Pau D’Arco tea mixed with marshmellow Root. After the 3 days just fit in the Slippery Elm gruel around food and keep drinking the tea making sure theres proper time delays between food/drink etc. After a week or so you can just go onto having a little slippery elm tea etc.

This will help heal the gut dramatically and we all know what this means for health. I forget to say you need to on day 4 start adding serious amounts of Probiotics to the colon. This must be done on an empty stomach and the capsules should be only take with *500ml* of water or more else it simply will not hit the small intestine which its meant to. The Kombucha Tea is a most excellent set of probiotics alsoNow after day 3 start adding a good probiotic to increase good intestinal flora.


put two tablespoons of slippery elm powder in a 16 ounce shaker thingy. put two tablespoons of oregano. Fill it the rest of the way up to 16 oz with distilled water that has a little Sea Salt added to it. Shake it up, drink 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the late after noon.


Slippery Elm Gruel is a food that anyone can keep down no matter how sick they are, even if they vomit water. It’s a very healing food.
Start by making a Slippery Elm paste, because slippery elm will not mix with a lot of water, it will just float. To make the slippery paste, put powdered slippery elm into a cup and add a very small amount of water at a time until it is a paste consistency. You use this slippery elm paste to make slippery elm gruel by slowly adding water until thick gravy consistency
Thank you kel and saman for the tip
why didn't i think of that? i have been a fan of slippery elm for a long time and always have some in my medicine cupboard.
so far i have used it mainly for babies and kids with diarrhea ,it does a wonderful job
and have used it also to fix jaundice in newborns, just a tiny amount of it mixed with warm water smeared on your nipple before feeding.
instant results!
good for travelers diarrhea like 'Bali Belly' or 'Montezuma's Revenge' one or two doses are usually enough.
i will put some in my morning shake from now on
Happy detox everyone
While preparing my presentation about Candida I found this image which I think fits my 'story' quite well. Thought I'd share it:


source: _
Kel said:
Went to a new naturopath this week and she suggested I take Slippery Elm in conjunction with the probiotics for my candida albicans issues. So after 2 days of taking the Slippery Elm (1 tsp dissolved in water, or you can get capsules) with the probiotics, I'm thinkin, WOW!, there's something good going on here.

Thank you Kel for sharing . I was taking ( slippery Elm tablets with Pau D’Arco tea mixed with marshmellow Root in between ) with this for last 2days. I see a huge difference. for me, 1 day of fasting makes candida agitating and I feel its side effects of anger , irritation. Now it has been 2 days , I feel pretty good. I have to think , it is working.
I'd like to mention something important I found regarding die-off effects while combating candida.

I made a mistake when I began the anti-candida diet: when the die-off effects hit (in my case, worsening and spreading of skin rashes over body), I did NOT stop using antifungals (garlic, ginger, oil of oregano, coconut oil). In doing so, I was unaware that the release of the additional toxins from the dying candida stressed my organs of elimination, including an already toxic liver. I thought if I just grin and bear it, it would be over soon but I later realised I was moving faster than my body could cope with. My body was too toxic to deal with everything, which ironically promotes further candida growth. I know it's "suggested" to stop the antifungals when you experience die-off effects, but I'd like to stress the importance of this even more and I think it may actually be required to stop antifungals until the die-off effects cease. Otherwise, you might end up in an even worse toxic state than when you started!

Just my thoughts!!

Edit: when stopping antifungals, would be a good idea to stop probiotics as well.
Good points, Nathan. I had the same experience fasting which I mentioned here on the forum somewhere. I was unloading so much toxicity that my liver and kidneys couldn't handle it.

Steady and easy with breaks now and again is best. You can do a lot of "housecleaning" just by changing your diet and you need to do the diet for long enough that your body is clean enough to handle the overload that might come with anti-fungals not to mention the anti-fungals themselves! None of us got into this condition overnight and you can't get out of it overnight. I started on August 2nd last year and I'm still detoxing! You have to do what you can, within comfortable limits, to detox all the while doing the best you can to protect yourself from new toxicity from the environment. Since we know that the environment is toxic just about everywhere, the best we can hope for is to live a lifestyle, eat a diet, that is constantly assisting detox. Eventually, you will catch up with the overload and get to the point where, with diet and supplements, you can handle the daily load and be in a sort of carefully guarded equilibrium.
Here is a 2 months systemic candida treatment plan, although some people might need less or more time.

Systemic candida therapy of choice: fluconazole. Always check with your doctor; fluconazole has potential side effects. Fluconazole is reserved for those who are knowledgeable about the candida subject , have already been on the anti-candida diet for some time, and have already been on nystatin and/or other anti-fungal supplementation or treatment (see below).
-For autoimmune disorders and/or severe alterations of your immune system: fluconazole 200mg for 1 week.
-For a candida “detox” in general: fluconazole 150 mg 1 dose every 3 days, 2-3 doses total.


-1 hour before meals. Alternatively, you can take it 2 hours after meals. You can stop 3 weeks after all your symptoms have disappeared.
-Dose: 1/8 teaspoon 4 times a day for 2 weeks.
1/4 teaspoon 4 times daily for 2 weeks.
1/2 teaspoon 4 times daily for 1 month.
If your symptoms don’t disappear, maintain ½ teaspoon 4 times daily indefinitely.
You can take your nystatin with lemon, but do not take it at the same time you are taking your mineral supplements. If you forget one dose, take nystatin immediately when you remember, but do not take 2 doses at the same time.


30 minutes after taking your nystatin, take probiotics. This should be done every time you take nystatin, at least with 3 doses, wait other 30 minutes before you have your meal.
Probiotics will be taken for 3-6 months, or indefinitely if your symptoms do not disappear.

Complementary Measures

This is optional; it will depend on your symptoms and/or your dis-ease.

-1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water first thing in the morning for the 2 months.
-Flaxseeds and 1 TBSP of olive oil with meals.
-A large crushed clove of garlic in the morning, drink plenty of water afterwards.
-Colloidal silver, drink it and/or apply topically in fungal skin or nail infections.
-Topical coconut oil in fungal skin or nail infections.
-Wormwood tea. Drink during or after a meal. Make wormwood tea by adding 1 heaped teaspoon of the herb to 1 cup of boiling water and allow to steep for ten to fifteen minutes. You may sweeten the tea with a little bit of xylitol or stevia, and add some peppermint.
-Hydrogen peroxide 3%. Dose 10 drops in a glass of water for 1 week.
20 drops in a glass of water for the 2nd week.
1 teaspoon with water for the 3rd week.
1 teaspoon twice a day with water for the 4th week.
1 teaspoon 4 times with water throughout the second month.
This should be done before meals and at bedtime. If you have a 35% solution, dilute 1 part of it with 10 parts of water to make the 3%. You can put it to your tea or drink it with water with cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of 3% peroxide is equivalent to 12 drops of 35% peroxide.

Systemic candida therapy - Alternatives to nystatin and fluconazole.

Choose one and alternate it in monthly turns, that is, do not take the same one for more than 1 month at a time:

-Olive leaf extract. 6 to 10 capsules daily. In powder form, use 3 to 5 g daily, dissolve in water.
-Six to eight drops of Lugol’s solution (internal iodine solution) four times a day. Do not take this one for more than 3 weeks at a time.
-Oils of eucalyptus, oregano, thyme, cinnamon, tea tree or neem tree. Of any of these oils, use 1 to 2 drops four times daily.
- Pau d’arco (taheebo or lapacho) Use either extract or make tea: one tablespoon of bark or a heaped teaspoon of powder in a large cup of water. Bring to boil and let simmer or steep for 5 to 15 minutes; drink 3 cups a day. Paud’arco extract in capsules. Use 3 capsules of extract 3 times daily.
-Wormwood. Commonly used for Candida is Artemisia absinthium, but also Artemisia annua or Sweet Annie can be used. To avoid the bitter taste of A. absinthium stir a rounded teaspoon of powder in some cold water and drink immediately. Use a teaspoonful three times daily.

Additional information

You can put all the anti fungal remedies topically with DMSO wherever you have a skin or nail fungal infection, you can put a medical tape on top of it.

Remember that the diet is fundamental, and it should include a fresh vegetable broth. Refer to this and other sections on the forum for more information about diet and food allergies.

Test food allergies by taking your pulse before meals, and 30, 60, 90 minutes afterwards to see if there is an increase in pulse rate (increase of at least 10% if there is a food allergy). If you have an allergic food reaction, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda with water.

Don’t forget your other supplements and remedies. Remember that L-glutamine, B complex, magnesium, and other supplements are important to kill candida and heal your gut. Chlorella, spirulina, digestive enzymes are also important supplements. Refer to this and other sections on the health forum for more information on nutritional supplementation.

If you have pain or neurological irritation, take molybdenum 500 Mcg per day for 4 months. Bentonite Clay 1 teaspoon of powder or 1 TBSP of the liquid per day (especially if you have allergies). N-acetylglucosamine 1 teaspoon daily in your shake (heals your gut and helps with arthritic pain).

To clear nasal congestion, postnasal drip, and mental and nervous symptoms: put a dot of nystatin powder on your index finger, hold one nostril and sniff gently. Repeat for the other nostril. The number of sniffs, inhales or snizzles can be gradually increased to 3 in a row up to three times a day, depending upon how well it is tolerated.

Nystatin powder can be used to treat athlete's foot, nail fungus, and dry skin spots or rashes. The powder or cream can be applied two to three times a day. To make nystatin cream that can be rubbed into the skin, mix one teaspoon of nystatin powder into two teaspoons of a very mild cold cream or a coconut based cream. You can apply directly on affected areas with DMSO and others antifungals, you can also use a medical tape.

Nystatin enema : Enemas should be done no more than twice a week, with a rest and adjustment period of two weeks between treatments.
1. 2 quarts of distilled or filtered water at a comfortable temperature.
2. Clean out the bowel with one quart of purified water prior to administering the nystatin enema.
3. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of an ocean sea salt plus one teaspoon of nystatin powder into one quart of purified water (at body temperature).

Retained Nystatin Enema: Instead of mixing up a quart solution, mix one cup (8 ounces) using 1/4 of ocean sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon of nystatin powder. The smaller amount is easily retained.
1. After inserting the solution in the bowel roll onto your left side. Lie there for about five minutes to allow the solution to travel to the left side of your colon.
2. Now lie again on your back, but prop your bottom up on pillows, for five minutes allowing the solution to travel up the left side of your colon.
3. Roll onto your right side and lie there for about five minutes.
4. You are now free to get up and walk around. Retain the solution as long as you are comfortable and evacuate when you must.
If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel the solution, breathe very fast through your nose using your abdominal muscles as bellows. This usually helps the colon wall break up the gas bubble, allowing the spasm to pass.

Remember that some of these therapies are not suitable for pregnant women. For more information, check Overcoming Candida, Autoimmune Diseases and Other Infections by Walter Last and other references in this thread.
Something I just stumbled upon.

Looking at all those foods we need to avoid, and then comparing them to the commodities that make up the Ag and Soft commodities markets (I trade markets), the list is long with all these foods to avoid - have a look at this:

Orange Juice

I don't know about Soy, what is the situation with Soy.

The only other edibles on the list of traded commodities is Cattle and Hogs
Hi I would like to share what helped me with my candida problems. I was told that I had a candida problem back in 2006 when I had some iridology done by my chiropractor. I began to learn about the problem and took some herbs for it but I never really got that much better. I was at the point where I could not eat anything sweet, such as rice or fruit, without aggravating my symptoms. So in January I talked to my other chiropractor who does applied kinesiology and nutrition work and he muscle tested me for a candida problem. It did show up by his test and then he tested his products for candida and said that my body chose the strongest one that he had. It is called Mycocyde I and II:
He said that it is a very powerful product and that he hasn't used it in years with his patients. He advised that I take about 10 drops of Mycocyde I to open the body up, so to speak, for the Mycocyde II which should be taken 20 minutes after I, also 10 drops. He said to do this 2 times a day. I also take many other supplements from him including fish oil, magnesium, digestive enzymes, etc. so he said that I would most likely not experience die off and I did not. It was very powerful and I could feel the candida dieing when I would take it.
I was on this product for about 4 weeks and then he said that what was needed next was to improve digestion and he gave me these supplements:
Betaine HCL:
HCL activator:
Quantum Glutamine:
The glutamine really eliminated my sugar cravings. I was craving things like icing and donuts everyday and now I basically only, as far as sugary food goes, eat fruit and do not crave sugary things.
It took about two months but I felt great afterwards with a clear head and no more intense sugar cravings. I could also eat fruit and grains at anytime of the day and not feel sick.
This is what has worked for me but I would recommend that you speak with a doctor before using these products.
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