Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

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Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts at slide 108)

We will read start Chapter 3: Language, Music and Truth up to the section titled 'Language & Manipulation' on page 113, for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT).
See you all then!

Below are the links for the threads we looked at during our discussion:


The poem Look At Us that placematt shared with us by John Trudell:
Howdy folks, here's the final synopsis of our reading of From Paul to Mark by Laura.

It begins in the middle of chapter 8's subtitle: Savior of the World: Jesus' True Identity? on page 498 where it says "To those who were in authority...".

Chapter 8: Christ Under Caesar

Savior of the World: Jesus' True Identity

With the secret plotting of Caesar's conspirators in force through means of isolating him from his bodyguards, ritual, and cloaked steel, they put their plans into motion.

The day before Caesar's passing, he had supper at Marcus Lepidus' house and on the topic of death, he explains that he favored a death that is sudden and unexpected. This perhaps is what's alluded to in the Gospel of Mark as the Last Supper. In addition, the timing is indeed remarkable being that he brought this up on the previous day, which points to a sort of sensing of what's near and in the air (garden of Gethsemane).

Caesar was warned by his wife Calpurnia and his close friends of strange omens and dangers of going to the senate session. With all these signs, he still proceeds forth after some convincing of Brutus.

Despite the goodwill and mercy that Caesar has shown his conspirators, many would not let go of their past grievances against him and have done their dirty deed.

On his funeral, a tropaeum consisting of a wax effigy draped in Caesar's bloody toga was placed as a symbol of Caesar. He was loved by many Jews, and for several nights, paid their homage to him. Four months later, a comet appears lighting up the sky for seven days, with many seeing it as the ascended soul of Caesar. Perhaps this is what Paul has seen in his visions, how he came to know the true Christ.

The Reception of Mark

Chronologically speaking, Mark was definitely the first Gospel. As a coded allegory, it contained many truths on the nature of Paul's teaching, the history of Rome, and the identity of the real Jesus on Earth and beyond. It was certainly spread around, but it didn't last long.

Along came Matthew, Luke, and John which were created to overshadow mark, obfuscating and twisting the truths hiding in mark and writing them in a prose that made these texts seem "more complete" than Mark. This most likely had an effect on Gentiles and Jews alike as it captured the minds of many as they grew more popular, leading them further astray.

The effect was to win back the Gentiles and Jews that Caesar, Paul, and Mark won over. We discussed that the three Gospels following Mark perhaps aimed to instill in the minds a more materialistic viewpoint, altering spiritual truths found in Mark. We note that it connects back to the earlier chapters of FPtM where Timothy Ashworth/Paul brings up the law of spirit vs the law of man.

It was not all dark, as small groups kept Mark and Paulline teachings afloat over the course of history.

Marcion Redux

There was a time where Paul's trail in history was missing, until Marcion arrives on the scene. In his luggage, he carried a collection of Paul's letters along with a prototype Gospel—the First New Testament, and with it, a Paulline renaissance! The beacons are lit once more for PaleoChristianity as the controlling forces sought to make Matthew as the founding myth of Christianity.

Chapter 9: PaleoChristianity

PaleoChristianity means the "original, early, or first Christianity"—as practiced by the earliest of Christians. In Paul's travels, he addressed groups of individuals who had a "gift of the spirit" with potential to network and do great work with others to the benefit of their groups and humanity as a whole.

For Paul, he knew an end was coming and worked tirelessly towards achieving his goals. We spoke about the idea of memento mori—to know that death can come at any time, and that one can use it to make the most out of our precious lives here on Earth.

There is a distinct difference between the Zealot Christians and the Pauline Christiansthe former believed that a physical messiah would come to rule the world that would benefit them materialistically and the latter focused less on the material, to have the space to "see the unseen". For "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God"alluding to the Zoroastrian idea of a restoration of the "Edenic order of things" at the end times.

The Holy City

Caesar, although a military man, had great mercy for those he conqueredoffering clemency and a restoration of their rights as a people. This caused a strong reaction with psychopathic people and rulers at the time.

It's noted that Caesar's legacy continues with his followers and military men settling in various places such as Sinope, North Africa, Corinth, Narbonne area, and perhaps even Spain as Laura says.

Ironically, through Caesar's passing, the current psychopathic rulers of Rome were completely overthrown, and it may have not been as complete if Caesar were to have lived. As Laura notes the wise words of Obi-wan Kenobi: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine".

Caesar's seen resurrection as a comet further cements Caesar's legendary status as a deityborn as a humble human just like everyone else yet was able to achieve so much in the minds of many and was known as a remarkable man full of mercy (his "famous mercy - clementia").

Caesar was a true populist sheltering the people from psychopathic tendencies and showing them a new mode of living, and how to treat one another. To restore the Fall, mercy with one another is a key element. He embodied the ideas of heaven for all on Earth, teaching politicians and slaves, and with that light, sanctified Rome leading to the creation of its heavenly name, de Civitas Dei, "The City of God".

Post Write-up

This was an incredible read and am looking forward to reading Laura's next book on this topic with y'all!

We will continue next week with Harrison Koehli's translation of Lobaczewski’s Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (Introduction and Chapter 1) If we'd like to prepare another chapter or two for next week, feel free to share.

Here's the link to the translated chapters:

See y'all next week!
Last edited:
Hello everyone,

Below are the links for the June 18th Am-Eu Reading workshop.

Video and Audio and link to the folder.

And Pecha already wrote the synopsis below for our final Workshop for FPTM.

Howdy folks, here's the final synopsis of our reading of From Paul to Mark by Laura.

It begins in the middle of chapter 8's subtitle: Savior of the World: Jesus' True Identity? on page 498 where it says "To those who were in authority...".

Chapter 8: Christ Under Caesar

Savior of the World: Jesus' True Identity

With the secret plotting of Caesar's conspirators in force through means of isolating him from his bodyguards, ritual, and cloaked steel, they put their plans into motion.

The day before Caesar's passing, he had supper at Marcus Lepidus' house and on the topic of death, he explains that he favored a death that is sudden and unexpected. This perhaps is what's alluded to in the Gospel of Mark as the Last Supper. In addition, the timing is indeed remarkable being that he brought this up on the previous day, which points to a sort of sensing of what's near and in the air (garden of Gethsemane).

Caesar was warned by his wife Calpurnia and his close friends of strange omens and dangers of going to the senate session. With all these signs, he still proceeds forth after some convincing of Brutus.

Despite the goodwill and mercy that Caesar has shown his conspirators, many would not let go of their past grievances against him and have done their dirty deed.

On his funeral, a tropaeum consisting of a wax effigy draped in Caesar's bloody toga was placed as a symbol of Caesar. He was loved by many Jews, and for several nights, paid their homage to him. Four months later, a comet appears lighting up the sky for seven days, with many seeing it as the ascended soul of Caesar. Perhaps this is what Paul has seen in his visions, how he came to know the true Christ.

The Reception of Mark

Chronologically speaking, Mark was definitely the first Gospel. As a coded allegory, it contained many truths on the nature of Paul's teaching, the history of Rome, and the identity of the real Jesus on Earth and beyond. It was certainly spread around, but it didn't last long.

Along came Matthew, Luke, and John which were created to overshadow mark, obfuscating and twisting the truths hiding in mark and writing them in a prose that made these texts seem "more complete" than Mark. This most likely had an effect on Gentiles and Jews alike as it captured the minds of many as they grew more popular, leading them further astray.

The effect was to win back the Gentiles and Jews that Caesar, Paul, and Mark won over. We discussed that the three Gospels following Mark perhaps aimed to instill in the minds a more materialistic viewpoint, altering spiritual truths found in Mark. We note that it connects back to the earlier chapters of FPtM where Timothy Ashworth/Paul brings up the law of spirit vs the law of man.

It was not all dark, as small groups kept Mark and Paulline teachings afloat over the course of history.

Marcion Redux

There was a time where Paul's trail in history was missing, until Marcion arrives on the scene. In his luggage, he carried a collection of Paul's letters along with a prototype Gospel—the First New Testament, and with it, a Paulline renaissance! The beacons are lit once more for PaleoChristianity as the controlling forces sought to make Matthew as the founding myth of Christianity.

Chapter 9: PaleoChristianity

PaleoChristianity means the "original, early, or first Christianity"—as practiced by the earliest of Christians. In Paul's travels, he addressed groups of individuals who had a "gift of the spirit" with potential to network and do great work with others to the benefit of their groups and humanity as a whole.

For Paul, he knew an end was coming and worked tirelessly towards achieving his goals. We spoke about the idea of memento mori—to know that death can come at any time, and that one can use it to make the most out of our precious lives here on Earth.

There is a distinct difference between the Zealot Christians and the Pauline Christiansthe former believed that a physical messiah would come to rule the world that would benefit them materialistically and the latter focused less on the material, to have the space to "see the unseen". For "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God"alluding to the Zoroastrian idea of a restoration of the "Edenic order of things" at the end times.

The Holy City

Caesar, although a military man, had great mercy for those he conqueredoffering clemency and a restoration of their rights as a people. This caused a strong reaction with psychopathic people and rulers at the time.

It's noted that Caesar's legacy continues with his followers and military men settling in various places such as Sinope, North Africa, Corinth, Narbonne area, and perhaps even Spain as Laura says.

Ironically, through Caesar's passing, the current psychopathic rulers of Rome were completely overthrown, and it may have not been as complete if Caesar were to have lived. As Laura notes the wise words of Obi-wan Kenobi: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine".

Caesar's seen resurrection as a comet further cements Caesar's legendary status as a deityborn as a humble human just like everyone else yet was able to achieve so much in the minds of many and was known as a remarkable man full of mercy (his "famous mercy - clementia").

Caesar was a true populist sheltering the people from psychopathic tendencies and showing them a new mode of living, and how to treat one another. To restore the Fall, mercy with one another is a key element. He embodied the ideas of heaven for all on Earth, teaching politicians and slaves, and with that light, sanctified Rome leading to the creation of its heavenly name, de Civitas Dei, "The City of God".

Post Write-up

This was an incredible read and am looking forward to reading Laura's next book on this topic with y'all!
Hello everyone,

Below are the links for the June 25th Am-Eu Reading workshop which has now switched to discussing the Logocracy articles.

Video and Audio and link to the folder.

Below is the synopsis.

Introducing Logocracy:

Without an understanding of hyperdimensional reality and how that influences our world, a new State system that's of actual benefit to humanity isn't possible as pathological people who gain positions of power and authority are connected to and used by this hyperdimensional power structure to cause suffering and drain people's energy widescale. This also makes it impossible for people to adopt a healthy attitude towards a new State system as they inevitably tilt towards corruption. We need healthy individuals who want to help their country and to serve in positions of power.

The example of Russia and Poland. Poland had an external enemy in the Soviet State in which to contend against, yet Russia had an internal enemy in the same Soviet system, and for some reason or another, Poland, having escaped the clutches of Soviet pathocracy, has now adopted a Western style of pathocracy and have learned very little, if anything, from their lessons under Soviet occupation. Whereas Russians seems to have learned a lot from Soviet era rule which gave birth to a spiritual and religious revivification of sorts. This has caused the country to have given birth to exemplary leaders like Putin, Lavrov and so on. IOW, they have a healthy State system run by capable human beings who actually care about their people.

Lobaczewski spent time in the USA learning about democracy and eventually returned to Poland with this new knowledge to update his work and theories. He did not believe democracy would help the people regain their psychological health back, although some commented that democracy might work if psychopath's didn't exist in nature. It isn't the style of government of the people by the people as it's touted to be because it relies too much on people who are generally, nowadays fairly ignorant on matters of leadership and government. The Western system is in decline and state of crisis is already in effect.

Chapter 1 – Introduction:

Our current system is going against nature. Artificial meat factories produce more CO2's then run of the mill meat factories, then there's the normalization of pedophilia and transgenderism which is going after the most vulnerable people in society. These are just two examples of how pathocratic/evil democracy has become. Even normal gay and lesbians are being grouped together with the LGBTQ+XYZ movement and there's a good chance they will experience some of the moralistic snap back that will eventually happen as a result of this backwards ideology. As this anti-human ideology permeates Western society, it's an indication that the system will fall soon. But then again, any system that operates on wishful thinking does.

Our education system has also been downgraded and dumbed down. There was discussion of how if teenagers use Google, it alters the structure of their brain because they are spoon fed answers, take it on faith, and don't put in the necessary effort, work or research to come to their own answers and conclusions. They are unable to think for themselves, although this is a common malady amidst society because of all the propaganda and indoctrination.

Manufacturing companies are being bought up by companies like Blackrock and Vanguard and our way of thinking and understanding's are changing irreversibly. Feeble and naive psychological egotism and overt emotional thinking on the part of the general public allows criminal and pathological people to take over due to the former's ignorance and willful blindness of the latter. They are easily swayed by those who are clever and act only for their own self-interest. If a society is not aware of this, a society is infected by this pathocracy and this failing on the part of people to counteract this betrays a serious lack of knowledge which leads to widescale suffering.

That's why it's essential that there's reviewing and networking with our intellectuals in many areas to come up with a better system that incorporates this knowledge and information. Logocracy is a new socio-politcal system consistent with scientific knowledge to the extent scientific knowledge accurately reflects human nature. Ideally, it should not impose externally derived doctrines onto the people.
FWIW, while reading Chapter 2 of Logocracy about the legal structure, i was reminded of this article by Pierre from 6th March 2016, in which he, together with the people around him, by way of questions and answers figures out the organization of an ideal society. It also features a segment on laws and regulations. I thought i would share the whole article here:

Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts at slide 135)

We will finish Chapter 3: Language, Music and Truth for our next meeting on Saturday 8 July at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT).
See you all then!

Below are the links for the threads we looked at during our discussion:

~ In Time of 'The Breaking of Nations' by Thomas Hardy ~
Only a man harrowing clods
In a slow silent walk
With an old horse that stumbles and nods
Half asleep as they stalk.
Only thin smoke without flame
From the heaps of couch-grass;
Yet this will go onward the same
Though Dynasties pass.
Yonder a maid and her wight
Come whispering by:
War’s annals will cloud into night
Ere their story die.

Threads on Nostratic language & Kantek:

Slide show on Soviet Architecture compiled from a thread on it by The Cultural Tutor on Twitter

More examples of modern architecture replacing old buildings
Credit @Culture_Crit

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