We had the 3rd Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop yesterday (2nd May 2020), with
@Keit and
@yumi, discussing Chapters 5 & 6 of the Wave volume 1. Thank you all for attending, we had a lot of complex topics to discuss and it was super interesting!
Here is the link to the
video of the session, and
audio. Here is the link to the
folder to access future sessions as well.
The following are some notes from the discussion:
Chapter 5
- Perpendicular Realities - wheel within the wheel with seven spokes, mental exercise to visualize, curves unto itself on a sphere, eventually goes back and meets itself - Reshma shows us a toroid, a tube that is infinitely expanding. Center is 7D.
- Crossing paths and colinearity - colinear paths eventually cross, realms within realms, a division vertically in density, horizontally in dimension - people in their possible life paths are embedded in larger realms, intersection of these realities is at the point of the Wave. Cosmic crossroads at passage of densities.
- Resh: Getting the right group of people at a particular point in their lives, their combined knowledge and energy is something that can be synthesized together and help evolution to 4D, similar to a tribal unity, 7 is the optimal number, each person is representative of an alternate reality, power & knowledge can increase exponentially once the 7 spokes of the wheel are in place.
- Gurdjieff A, B, C influences, B influences: piercing reality behind A influences - and meeting certain people can utilize knowledge to move further on. Esoteric circle and 200 conscious people.
- C's definition of Perpendicular reality, one's life path is connected to others in the wheel of
similar life paths, getting the seven people in the right slot.
- Zoya: Our choices create the situations which bring us together into the circle that will allow us to create the momentum needed to move forwards.
- Resh: You cannot do this alone - finding colinear people. Not being able to perceive reality objectively, a group is required
- Significance of number 7. 7 densities. Not set in stone in a sense. Could be a multiplication, and so on. The qualities of the individuals may be more important than the number - a right energy match [maybe related to our FRV?]. Making a decision to work on something together, like a key fitting a lock. Some may be at a higher knowledge/awareness level than others but can help bring others up to their level/ Trying to put someone on the step behind you. When you can't find other like-minded people, Networking is the best option.
- C's answered Laura in the way that she asked the questions. Humans need ritual because it ascribes meaning (w.r.t. number 7). Whatever will happen will happen naturally.
- "Everything that was, is, and will be changed or new again"
- Laws of reality that you cannot change, Free Will, each moment consists of past, present and future, there is a possibility to influence these situations, at each moment there is a loop. The wave is a conversion point where the future merges with the present and the past.
- "Going back into the past, I woke up at 8 AM yesterday and I want to wake up at 7.30 AM instead"
- Writing letters to the past, difficult experiences in the past, sending comfort to my past self
- Changing the perception of our past by making better choices.
- Sending comfort to the past self can give us comfort now
- e.g. Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban- saved by the Dementors by his future self, later scene shows him traveling back in time and performs a charm to save himself in that same situation.
- Nodes of choice, karmic lessons, returning back to these nodes to learn lessons, processing the past.
- Jordan Peterson's Past Authoring program, dividing life into seven divisions, pull out anything in those epochs that still have an emotional tag, and write about it - describe what happened, what was your part in it, if you had to do it again what would you do? If there is still something hurtful in the past, needs to be dealt with, "Feelings buried alive never die".
- Recapitulation exercise by Castaneda - writing about every moment in your life.
- Incarnating in 3rd density is to learn lessons, learning how to control our emotions.
- Karmic wheel and repetitions of lessons, similar situations will be presented which provide a chance to do things differently, create a positive spiral.
- Reacting emotionally, Stephen Covey - taking the time before reacting, awareness, repetitive activities at work, driving, we are daydreaming and not present, escalation and reactions to events, where the body takes over.
- Louise Hay Heal your Body - how emotional issues are correlated to organs in our body, karmic issues related to human health, detoxification.
- Coming into life with past life issues manifesting as health problems, e.g. a migraine which didn't respond to anything except palliative medication, previous life was traumatic, bludgeoning to death.
- Spirits of trauma want to keep eating, recreation of the same situation, Generational Trauma, Olga Kharitidi, Shamanic experiences in Siberia.
- Rashi experience with parents, reduced her exposure, family pressure, cut her cords and experienced relief, difference between Indian and Aussie families, being close-knit vs. out of the house at an early age, Unholy Hungers, defining the line with parents.
- Session 21st July 2002- "What is it about sleep that recharges soul?" - OP recharges from a soul pool, souled beings from sexual center, solar plexus, higher energy of creative energy, direct contact with 7D.
- "Gravity is God", light takes 8 minutes to travel from Sun to Earth, but gravitational pull is instantaneous.
- Session 30th March 2002 - Light is an energy expression of gravity, utilization of gravity "generates" light, consciousness precedes light as an energy expression, light is produced by the utilization of knowledge. Laura says: Gathering knowledge is one thing but utilizing it, through forum, networking, tweets.
- Apostle Paul and the substance that came out of him and went into his disciples when he preached.
- From ECHCC, Sun is a window, but source of its energy is unknown, Is Sun utilizing gravity to radiate light as an STO function?
- C's - "Collecting and dispersing gravity waves", "Gravity is the central ingredient of all existence".
- Star Wars - the Force, Jedi knights do not use the force, they utilize it, gravity is not created, it is out there and can be used
- "Through unstable gravity waves, you can access not only other densities, but also everything else"
- Instability and points of change, "unstable" being a good thing
- Laura: "Knowledge and Awareness are the keys to forming a conduit, and we think that the conduit is a perpendicular reality or something similar to Riemann's cut or a wormhole", it's not just reading books, it's utilization and awareness.
-Tesseract GIF
- G said that Knowledge should match Being, Mouravieff said that this accumulation of Knowledge, you can be a knowledgeable person, but you do need life experiences to grow your being. Creating of a conduit as an esoteric circle of people with different life lessons but a similar understanding. Their Knowledge is matching their Being, at which point "magic happens" and a momentum is created.
Actions must match words, in a community of people, our lives morph with this understanding.
- Everyone does not necessarily have to be at the same level, but all having the same aim to get there faster.
- Staying in wonderland and not being committed to reality, not going back to Kansas. You don't get back on the bus, and have to stay back in 3D.
- Paper on Fluid Dynamics, internal unstable gravity waves. Mechanism for moving between harmonics and frequencies.
- Depression when accumulating enough knowledge and assimilating into our being, inner bankruptcy and hardship.
- Realization from knowledge accumulation involves breaking inner illusions, shock to lower emotional centers, sadness and relief
- Knowledge and information won't affect the person if there is no conscience, and the billboard will fall to wake the person out of their sleep and realize the terror of the situation.
Chapter 6 - Animal Psychology
- Tertium Organum, moving between densities involves a perception shift, for all densities 1-3.
- Experiments with kittens - animals don't perceive depth as humans can, an animal watches a car move past and they cannot handle the input and can be traumatising, deer in the headlights phenomena
- Kant - phenomenal world: things as they appear to us, noumenal world: things are they are, both cannot be reconciled. We do not have objective perception, a network is required to help us piece things together. Plato's Cave and the shadows.
- Kant & Quantum Physics. The observer affects the outcome, not an objective picture disconnected from observer. Ouspensky- animals don't have Theory of Mind and self-awareness, except for some animals (elephants can recognize their reflection in a mirror). They don't have abstract thinking
- Sheldrake. Dog's psychic perception, knowing when owners are home, ESP not limited to humans and may not be the proof of higher cognition. It's available to 2D as well, seems to penetrate all levels. Some animals can see at night, may have been provided the ability out of necessity. Animals of different abilities, one of the sessions a cat was said to be a 3D candidate. Owner and animal interaction develops our 2D companions to raise their vibrations. Rashi & Sid's two cats sit quietly. Some animals could possibly provide protection to owners, psychically. Animals as wave reading consciousness units, at a lower level. Snails - 1D consciousness, pleasure and pain perception, 2D has a space perception.
- Sensation, representation and concept. Sensation is primary input, representation is another level of abstraction. Words, symbolism is abstraction. Carpet example, geese steps on a watermelon rind, but doesn't understand to raise its leg, dog will move the carpet it sleeps on, cat understands its body perfectly. Geese has no understanding of the change interaction with the outside world.
- Zoya's clinic, cat came in with injured leg, suffered it stoically, no understanding of suffering. Leg amputated, and cat adapts to three legs without issues. Humans have the additional component of suffering, grief, not just physical, but an additional level of understanding of consequences. Human mind is burdened by the external world, the expectation of the body functioning normally is violated. Example of a free-spirited character, a difficult incarnation was provided, he got amputated and experienced pain, anger, jealousy - developed humility as a result. He was provided empathy and comfort and from that learned humility.
- Cryptogeographic being, in Wave Chapter 52. Psychopaths have an animal gaze, instincts, no emotions that cloud their minds, subdued or non-functional emotional center. They lack insight. Psychopaths & OPs- middle level between animal and human. Good at copying and are not creative, steals from others, kissing up and kicking down in the corporate environment.
- Hare and Cleckley, psychopaths have an issue with misspelling words, like scapegoat - "escape goat".
- Sid's experience with psychopaths copying creative ideas. Resh: any pyramid organization, you will encounter these people, they steal ideas from people at the bottom. Create chaos because no understanding of consequences.
- Character disordered people. Ouspensky, people with different apparatuses perceive the world differently. We superimpose our mentality on others, Resh's experience with character disordered people, society propagates values of turning the other cheek, etc. They are a drain on the soul, exhausting to deal with them.
- Society says to find a middle ground, but the psychopaths in power maintain this thought process to hide the existence of psychopathology.
- Psychopaths don't experience complex emotions, but suffering changes DNA. Short-wave cycle allows for faster learning. Psychopaths represent a trigger for these difficult emotions in people for learning.
- Archetypes in the zodiac are animals, primary forces in nature, being born under horoscopes associated with different character tendencies. Various cultures have their own horoscopes.
- Buddhist concept of letting go of attachment, which brings suffering, G speaks of the same idea (non-identification). Laura wrote about non-possession. We are attached to not only things, but identity, their jobs and so on.
- Cell's response to irritability. Retains memory of irritation, cell is mainly water, Ark spoke about programming water. Crystalline shapes in water (Masaru Emoto's
The Hidden Messages in Water).
- Resh's experience in Vibrational Medicine, Homeopathy, dilutions and succussing with time, low dilution as constitutional remedy (less strength), more dilution for acute remedy (higher strength). Information theory, affects nervous system, sends messages to the body, requires proper matching of remedy with ailment.
- Rashi's experience in homeopathy, husband had no faith, wife had belief and was helped. Husband was not helped. Sid's hayfever was cured with homeopathy.
Next week's workshop will be on
Chapter 7 and 8 of the Wave Volume 1! We will meet again on
9th May 2020 at 10:00 AM UTC.