I recently attended a private showing of a videotaped lecture given by David Hudson. The subject, as many of you are aware, is Modern Alchemy. Having studied ancient alchemical texts to some extent, I was aware of the processes described by Hudson. But, research in other areas made me aware of other significant factors that ought to give one pause when considering any use of this Monoatomic Gold, as Hudson labels it.
Circumstantial evidence points to the existence of a secret fraternity unknown in its entirety to the human race. Other so-called “Secret” groups (Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Templars, Priory of Zion, etc.) have been merely red-herrings created and destroyed by the true Alchemical Fraternity and yet, from time to time, they replenish their membership from some of these groups. When the time comes for a selected “Initiate” to enter upon his labors for the order, he conveniently “dies” the “Philosopher’s Death” and a box of rocks or another body secured for the purpose is buried in his place.
This secret group possesses Great Knowledge. The average Ph.D. only holds about 1% of the level of knowledge of these initiates! They manipulate our lives and experiences like puppet masters. They also leave clues here and there to lead potential members through a complex maze for purposes of possible recruitment.
According to some sources, the number of members is fixed and in order for one to pass on, another must be put in his place. Because of the frequent lack of qualified candidates, some of the members must extend their life-spans for many hundreds of years. This may sound pleasant to those who are addicted to life in the flesh, but to those who possess Great Knowledge, this seems to be actually a burden.
The difficulty modern man has in knowing these things is directly due to ignoring the Atlantean origin of Alchemy. Khem was an ancient name for Egypt and, according to legend, alchemy was brought there by the Atlanteans. Alchemy and chemistry are reminders in our language of the scientific knowledge of the ancients.
The ancient sources say that Moses was an adept and the knowledge was retained by the Jews after the decline and destruction of Egypt at the time of the Exodus. The legends tell us that Solomon and Pythagoras were adepts and there is a persistent rumor that Alexander was an initiate who failed because of his inability to withstand the temptations of power. Certain Arabian adepts passed the knowledge to European initiates at the time of the crusades and it is said that an enclave exists in certain mountain areas of the Iberian peninsula.
There have been a number of “well-known” Alchemists who were clearly not, in fact, in possession of the secret of the “Great Work,” but who, nevertheless, capitalized upon the legends and rumors. The rules of Sect seem to include the strict injunction that all Servants of the Mysteries must renounce all personal credit and all writings on the subject containing legitimate clues must be produced anonymously or credited to someone else. It is said that many great works of literature were written thusly and contain ciphers and clues for the hopeful candidate. Among these works are the Bible and the purported works of “William Shakespeare.” The number 33 is consistently related to these ciphers and many have mistaken this for a direct relationship to Freemasonry, including the Masons themselves.
Most, if not all, of the great religions of antiquity were symbolic representations of the alchemical work. The true story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth has never been unfolded to the world because the Sect immediately saw to it that the new religion was poured into the mold of the old ones to preserve the secrecy of the hidden knowledge of the “Great Work.”
Historical research will show that the writing, assembling, translating and propagation of that book which we call the Bible was controlled and directed by the Sect. Much knowledge is given there, indeed, but only to those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear.”
Now, the “Great Work” as described by David Hudson is, in one sense, correct. During the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries a considerable number of alchemical adepts traveled around Europe, appearing and disappearing at will. According to tradition, these adepts were immortal and kept themselves alive by means of the “Elixir of Life” which was one of the goals of alchemy. That such mysterious men did exist there can be little doubt, as their presence is attested to by scores of reliable witnesses.
The alchemical philosophy teaches that “Like attracts like.” When a candidate has developed virtue and integrity acceptable to the adepts, they will appear to him and reveal those parts of the secret processes which cannot be discovered without such help. Those who cannot progress to a certain point with their own intelligence are not qualified to be entrusted with the secrets which can give them control over great masses of humanity and likewise subject to their will the elemental forces of Nature. The alchemists wrote that the study and contemplation of the metaphorical “Philosopher’s Stone” along with the chemical work was a necessary component to elevate the mind and prepare the soul for transmutation.
“By invigorating the Organs the Soul uses for communicating with exterior objects, (i.e. gaining knowledge) the Soul must acquire greater powers not only for conception but also for retention, and therefore if we wish to obtain still more knowledge, the organs and secret springs of physical life must be wonderfully strengthened and invigorated. The Soul must acquire new powers for conceiving and retaining… That this has not been the case with all possessors, was their own fault, as they contented themselves merely with the Transmutation of Metals… For know this of a truth, whosoever abuseth this tincture and lives not exemplarly, purely, and devoutly before men he shall lose this benefit, and scarce any hope will there be left ever to recover it afterwards…. those who study only the material elements can at best discover only half the mystery… alchemy is a mystery in three worlds – the divine, the human and the elemental… alchemy in the hands of the profane becomes perverted…”
And, as another of the great alchemists observed: “Man’s quest for gold is often his undoing, for he mistakes the alchemical processes, believing them to be purely material. He does not realize that the Philosopher’s Gold, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Philosopher’s Medicine exist in each of the four worlds and that the consummation of the experiment cannot be realized until it is successfully carried on in four worlds simultaneously according to one formula. Furthermore, one of the constituents of the alchemical formula exists only within the nature of man himself, without which his chemicals will not combine, and though he spend his life and fortune in chemical experimentation, he will not produce the desired end… the subtle element which comes out of the nature of the illuminated and regenerated alchemist. He must have the magnetic power to attract and coagulate invisible astral elements.”
The alchemical literature abounds with stories of alchemists who blew themselves up, who suffered horrible diseases, who came under the power of demonic influences because their material abilities surpassed their spiritual development.
And here, we address the issue directly and ask several questions:
1. Why, after spending purportedly 5.5 million dollars to isolate and patent Monoatomic Gold, has David Hudson’s obsession for knowledge suddenly stopped short of self-experimentation? (I know, he says his wife won’t let him, but that begs the question with something like he claims to have discovered , especially if he is as convinced of what it is as he claims to be.)
2. If David Hudson possesses the “Philosopher’s Stone” why is he asking for money? The literature tells us that one part in one hundred thousand will transmute base metals into gold. Doesn’t it work?
3. If The Sect has existed these many thousands of years with the knowledge and use of this substance, and if they have kept it a continual secret, assassinating, if necessary, entire groups of people to protect the secret, why is it suddenly being allowed out now? Is it possible that this revelation is engineered by negative forces because it may be used to control masses of people?
There has been an advertisement in MUFON newsletter promoting this series of lectures, which claims that this “discovery” is a fulfillment of prophecy… Well, this may be true. But, there is ANOTHER PROPHECY which may apply here. “And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error… But he who endures to the end will be saved. … for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect.. See, I have warned you beforehand… ” (Amplified, Zondervan)
You have been warned! [Knight, 1995]