stellar said:
luke wilson said:
Are some people going crazy or is it just me seeing things that arent there?
Has anyone noticed the number of psychoes lately? I hate to call them psychoes but people are starting to crack up and act in a psychotic way EG the taxi driver that went on the killing rampage in England and the latest case of the guy who killed a policeman and shot his girlfriend. Both ended up killing themselves instead of being arrested. Both cases happened within weeks of each other. Who knows how many more pyschoes are in the making right now waiting to blow up at any given time and take out there problems on innocent people...
I am curious, is this somekind of sign that some people are starting to crack up and we should be more careful or is everything fine and am just reading to much into this??
I do recall one of the C's sessions explaining that with the Wave nearing would result in the amplificaton of people's actions and reactions as well as occurances in nature.
Storms, for example would be greater, floods, volcanic activity,etc. Also those who who have sts tendencies would more obviously express them as such and those on sto path would be gaining more knowledge and awareness.
If anyone can pinpoint the particular session please do.
I think this might be the session you are referring to.
[quote author= from: 4July1998]
Q: (L) We have certainly been paying attention to the signs!
A: How so?
Q: (L) Well, the weather is completely bizarre. The fires,
the heat...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I notice that the tides are awfully high all the time
with no ostensible explanation...
A: And low, too.
Q: (L) Yes. I have noticed that particularly. (F) I have
too. Not too long ago I noticed that the tides were so
incredibly low for this time of year. (L) And also the
signs in people - these kids killing their parents, all
these people going berserk - you know...
A: Spike.
Q: (L) What do you mean spike?
A: On a graph...
Q: (L) Just spikes, not the biggie...
A: Spikes are big.