Cassiopaeans Be Careful

Ana said:
Maybe to see the purpose and importance of each life form and event we have to look to the soul wich is the start and end of everything. osit
Those are strong words. :/ To be honest, I don't even know what exactly 'soul' is. I have a rather sketchy idea of what it might be. Could you please describe in your words, what a 'soul' is like and how I can recognize or feel it? Or maybe you could describe a situation, where you were feeling it :)

Don't put me the wrong way. I do see the purpose and importance of each life form, because life itself is a beautiful miracle and it hurts to think, someone could possibly want to destroy it, just because its in his way, wrong time, wrong place or because it's weak or small or less important. When you are feeling life, you just know why it has a purpose. It just has, because you can feel it! That's pretty subjective, isn't it?

It's strange: the weaker(at first) life appears to me, the more I can feel it, like plants and trees or insects. :) Sometimes I want to own their respect, which is kind of two-faced. I mean, unfortunately we have to kill beings for survival. Nevertheless there seems to be a connection between all life forms. Life is strong in every form.

EDIT: I am editing this post all the time, sorry. :P
floetus said:
I am missing the other possibility, that it's just bad luck. Sure, there might be someone godlike, who controlls the complex chain of events, the automatism of 'chaos'. But it's always suspicious to me, when people interpret the 'chaos', bringing law to the 'chaos'. Isn't it wishfull thinking in the sense of "I am so important, so essential that someone really, really powerfull must have tried to kill me in a case like this!". I mean, it would be horrible to die by chance, wouldn't it? Life without sense, without importance, without purpose, without magic? That is too hard to bear.

Have you read any of Gurdjieff's or Mouravieff's 4th Way books? Or even in Laura's books, The Wave series? In these books is mentioned how once one is on the path of objective knowledge, in cleaning the machine and trying to see things as objectively as possible - in other words, to get out of 3D and into 4D, the General Law kicks in. The more you learn and Work at clearing your programs, etc., the harder the General Law pushes back at you. And then you also have the 4D STS who wants everyone to stay in 3D and be their food source.

Also, there is what the Cs said

Session 941119 said:
Q: (T) About two weeks after I saw the video tape where I
heard this information, a guy pulled up out of nowhere driving
a souped up Camaro... (J***: No! It was the night we were
watching it!) We had watched it before and we were talking
about it and decided to watch it again. So, Gary and I had
decided to go outside to take the dog around the block and
we had just gotten back and put the dog on the porch and we
were standing outside smoking a cigarette when the guy in the
Camaro pulls into the driveway with steam coming out from
under the hood. He asked to use the hose. I told him yes. He
gets out wearing jeans, tee shirt and scraggly blond hair. He
says: "I overheated. I'm coming back from Gulfport and was
going back to Ocala and was on the interstate when his car
overheated. Now, 275 is a little ways from my house and he
came all the way, passed a gas station and convenience store,
turned off the main drag and then onto my street to get
water... then he started talking about how the new electronic
ignitions are designed to shut down when the car exceeds a
certain speed so he had installed a special racing ignition but
ever since his car had been overheating... we had just finished
watching this movie about electronic ignitions and we were
flabbergasted... What I want to know is who has the power
and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/
consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all
trouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a
"nobody." Number two, it is no trouble at all for
aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized
attention to anybody. Number three, T*** has been targeted
and so has J*** and others because you are on the right
track. Number four, This area is currently a "hot bed" of
activity and extremely rapidly expanding awareness.

floetus said:
I like to see things the same way you did, that it`s symbolic, but I am suspecting myself, when I do. I know that chaos is a higher form of order that just appears chaotic, when seen without understanding. Watching chaos is like looking at a highly complex, amorphous form like a wall of clouds or a knobby, monstrous piece of wood seen in most expressive light: Just because it looks like an alligator or some kind of insect cripple, does not mean that it's grown exactly that way to be seen like this, to imitate other beings, for instance.

It is true, we all have self-important programs that we need to keep in line and overcome. And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, no matter what shape it takes. So we have to be vigilant for those things that are out to get us. Remember PepperFritz.

Anyone that is trying to become an STO candidate is also going against the General Law and that is why we stress strategic enclosure. The less we are showing on the radar, the freer we will be from the General Law.

floeus said:
Symbolism is also connected to the process of associating, of bringing order to the world, of finding matches between inner patterns and outer patterns. At least this is what I think to have learned from nature. I hope that is the lesson we should learn from associative, amorphous structures, textures, forms and well, events? What do you think about this?

Symbolism is a big part of what we are trying to learn. Another excerpt from the C's.

Session 941126 said:
Q: (L) In terms of these Earth Changes, Edgar Cayce is one
of the most famous prognosticators of recent note, a large
number of the prophecies he made seemingly were erroneous
in terms of their fulfillment. For example, he prophesied that
Atlantis would rise in 1969, but it did not though certain
structures were discovered off the coast of Bimini which are
thought by many to be remnants of Atlantis. These did,
apparently, emerge from the sand at that time.
A: Example of one form of symbolism.
Q: (L) Well, in terms of this symbolism, could this be applied
to the remarks you made about the two little boys who were
missing in South Carolina.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the symbolism was that you were reading the
event from 3rd density into sixth density terms and then
transmitting it back into 3rd, and while the ideation was
correct, the exact specifics, in 3rd density terms, were slightly
askew. Is that what we are dealing with here?
A: 99.9 per cent would not understand that concept. Most
are always looking for literal translations of data. Analogy is
novice who attends art gallery, looks at abstract painting and
says "I don't get it."
Q: (L) Well, let's not denigrate literal translations or at least
attempts to get things into literal terms. I like realistic art
work. I am a realist in my art preferences. I want trees to
look like trees and people to have only two arms and legs.
Therefore, I also like some literalness in my prognostications.
A: Some is okay, but, beware or else "California falls into the
ocean" will always be interpreted as California falling into the
Q: [General uproar] (F) Wait a minute, what was the
question? (L) I just said I liked literalness in my prophecies.
(F) Oh, I know what they are saying. People believe that
California is just going to go splat and that Phoenix is going to
be on the seacoast, never mind that it's at 1800 feet elevation,
it's just going to drop down to sea level, or the sea level is
going to rise, but it's not going to affect Virginia Beach even
though that's at sea level. I mean... somehow Phoenix is just
going to drop down and none of the buildings are going to be
damaged, even though its going to fall 1800 feet... (T) Slowly.
It's going to settle. (F) Slowly? It would have to be so slowly
it's unbelievable how slowly it would have to be. (T) It's been
settling for the last five million years, we've got a ways to go in
the next year and a half! (F) Right! That's my point. (T) In
other words, when people like Scallion and Sun Bear and
others say California is going to fall into the ocean, they are
not saying that the whole state, right along the border is going
to fall into the ocean, they are using the term California to
indicate that the ocean ledge along the fault line has a
probability of breaking off and sinking on the water side,
because it is a major fracture. We understand that that is not
literal. Are you telling us that there is more involved here as
far as the way we are hearing what these predictions say?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are we understanding what you are saying?
A: Some.
Q: (T) So, when we talk about California falling into the
ocean, we are not talking about the whole state literally falling
into the ocean?
A: In any case, even if it does, how long will it take to do this?
Q: (LM) It could take three minutes or three hundred years.
(T) Yes. That is "open" as you would say.
A: Yes. But most of your prophets think it is not open.
Q: (J) Yeah, because they think they have the only line on it.
(T) Okay. So they are thinking in the terms that one minute
California will be there and a minute and a half later it will be
all gone. Is this what you are saying?
A: Or similar.
Q: (T) So, when we are talking: "California will fall into the
ocean, which is just the analogy we are using, we are talking
about, as far as earth changes, is the possibility that several
seismic events along the fault line, which no one really knows
the extent of...
A: Or it all may be symbolic of something else.
Q: (L) Such as? (J) All the fruitcakes in California are all
going to go off the deep end together. (L) Symbolic of what?
A: Up to you to examine and learn.
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute here! That's like sending us out to
translate a book in Latin without even giving us a Latin
A: No it is not. We asked you to consider a reexamination.

floetus said:
I am just trying to be most critically. If you prove me otherwise I am happy and gratefull, because I would also like to live in a symbolic world where everyone and everything has a certain purpose and a certain importance. All I am saying is: Be also carefull not to walk right into the trap of wishfull thinking.

Yep, this is true, we all need to be careful because wishful thinking will get you every time. But we have also warned everyone here that nobody is a nobody and once you start to awaken the General Law will try to stop you and put back to sleep by diverting you in one way or another.

If you have read any of Laura's books you may have come across an episode where she had a really terrible car crash. The car came out of nowhere and the driver of the other car said that her car came out of nowhere. This is the Matrix, General Law, or 4D kicking in to take someone out of action, so to speak.

So we must all be vigilant, keeping our eyes and ears open, always. Nobody is a nobody and we all have to watch each others' backs.

Hope this helps you a little bit. :)
Nienna Eluch said:
Hope this helps you a little bit. :)
Thank you Nienna :) As I said before: "Maybe I am just a naive newbie but please, hear me out. :/" And yes, I have read the wave-books! But were I reading correctly? Of course not! :P I guess my first reading was supposed to teach me detecting false reading. While I was reading I picked out those construction elements that fit my own puzzle best, which is, of course kind of stupid. But now I am waiting for 'Search of the Miraculous', which I ordered a few days ago. This time it will be a different kind of reading. From now on i am trying to see things with the believers eyes and afterwards I try to reflect the collected data most critically, also by the use of my networking skills. Be patient with me. :P
:nuts: Ok, I really had and still have difficulties to understand the Cs quote you gave me. What is the message? Look for the grammar and not for the words? Is it the grammar of events, the essence of what a certain event means on a higher, more abstract level, the wholistic quality of it, that applies to more than one specific event or thing? So it's more like a certain it, that will definitely happen, don't matter how exactly or when, because it's due to the cosmic rules of nature, that something like this must happen next, the grammar of a language, that we merely begin to .....? Sorry for the noise!

After reading it the fourth time, the image of an autistic genius kind of person, (savant?) came to my mind: something like sense aesthetic way of seeing things. You know the one who can solve most complex mathematical formulas by feeling the composition of it or something that way. Puh. I guess it's still out of my league. 99.9 percent won't understand this concept! Great! I am feeling like a kid that just turned three years old, but wants to get four right now, by force! :headbash:

.....understand (thousands of years later)
floetus said:
I like to see things the same way you did, that it`s symbolic, but I am suspecting myself, when I do. I know that chaos is a higher form of order that just appears chaotic, when seen without understanding. Watching chaos is like looking at a highly complex, amorphous form like a wall of clouds or a knobby, monstrous piece of wood seen in most expressive light: Just because it looks like an alligator or some kind of insect cripple, does not mean that it's grown exactly that way to be seen like this, to imitate other beings, for instance. Symbolism is also connected to the process of associating, of bringing order to the world, of finding matches between inner patterns and outer patterns. At least this is what I think to have learned from nature. I hope that is the lesson we should learn from associative, amorphous structures, textures, forms and well, events? What do you think about this?

I am just trying to be most critically. If you prove me otherwise I am happy and gratefull, because I would also like to live in a symbolic world where everyone and everything has a certain purpose and a certain importance. All I am saying is: Be also carefull not to walk right into the trap of wishfull thinking.

Hi floetus, I think what you've written above is quite on target. The idea is not to see symbolism and patterns in EVERYTHING - it is to learn how to discern when there are signs that certain forces are at work, and those certain forces always leave signs. If one falls into the trap of seeing shadows everywhere, or deep symbols where there is only mechanical happenstance, then they border on madness and they do not See.

In other words, "just because it looks like an alligator or some kind of insect cripple, does not mean that it's grown exactly that way to be seen like this".

Critical thinking is crucial - and as ones ability to perceive increases, with critical thinking, it becomes quite obvious when a branch has grown to look like an alligator and when the branch is an alligator, so to speak.

Without critical thinking, you are lost - with critical thinking, you can incorporate your understanding and perception to develop an objective view of the world, which does, on occasion, include an alligator. ;)
floetus said:
Ana said:
Maybe to see the purpose and importance of each life form and event we have to look to the soul wich is the start and end of everything. osit
Those are strong words. :/ To be honest, I don't even know what exactly 'soul' is. I have a rather sketchy idea of what it might be. Could you please describe in your words, what a 'soul' is like and how I can recognize or feel it? Or maybe you could describe a situation, where you were feeling it :)

The soul can not be described to the mind as an external or separated object because the mind is the soul. (Divine cosmic mind)
In other words it is not about thinking of the soul it is about being the soul.

I would say there are two ways of Knowing, Thinking and Being and the most perfect form is Being (STO) the true awakening, otherwise the soul is lost in oblivion (STS) a knowledge based on assumptions and separation, the residence of chaos.

Well that is how I see it for now :D
anart said:
The idea is not to see symbolism and patterns in EVERYTHING - it is to learn how to discern when there are signs that certain forces are at work, and those certain forces always leave signs. If one falls into the trap of seeing shadows everywhere, or deep symbols where there is only mechanical happenstance, then they border on madness and they do not See.

Without critical thinking, you are lost - with critical thinking, you can incorporate your understanding and perception to develop an objective view of the world, which does, on occasion, include an alligator. ;)
:grad: You are speaking about evil signatures, which can be read as well as the signs of the good. Interesting. So the B-influences would be the good signatures, right? Now that I think about that, it makes perfectly sense to me. If you knew how exactly the wind blows in general, you would be able to see it coming, long before it's actually there: The Signs of the Times, so to speak. Once he acknowledges the wholistic, cosmic scenario of truth, once he takes the final step back, he will be able to see with eyes unclouded. Wow :wow: But he definitely needs some more time to do that! :P

Thank you Anart, I have always been inspired by your words! :love:

Ana said:
The soul can not be described to the mind as an external or separated object because the mind is the soul. (Divine cosmic mind)
In other words it is not about thinking of the soul it is about being the soul.

I would say there are two ways of Knowing, Thinking and Being and the most perfect form is Being (STO) the true awakening, otherwise the soul is lost in oblivion (STS) a knowledge based on assumptions and separation, the residence of chaos.

Well that is how I see it for now :D
:grad: So it's the (w)holistic view you are speaking about. That's what our lost ancestors must have known: the (w)holistic connections, that can be felt in a state of flow... or groove. I often have difficulties to let go. Then life feels like a dammed stream of energy, that is held back just because I (my ego, I guess, the damn thing) is afraid of getting wet. The need for clinging to a piece of flotsam, for keeping the head above water, for keeping your feet firmly on the ground, for keeping the engine running, identifying here, identifying there, would be the reservoir dam in that picture, filled with the most delicious sauce. We all know it's painfull ingredients. And of course, this time there would be real alligators as well :) (Pipe-Breathing starts working by the way)

But I need this opposite state of bad-tasting freedom, I always have, at least for my work, for my dissociations. A drawing would look lifeless as well as a musical play would sound lifeless, if the artist was not in the state of flow. I think every true artist knows that. Even Walt Stanchfield, the long-time Disney animator and teacher, may he rest in peace, speaks about: Drawn to Life. When you are studying his lectures you are starting to seefeel, so to speak. To be honest, I am afraid of what might happen if that very dam breaks through completely, if all your obstacles are flushed away, if the stream of life floates right through you, as if you were not there. :/ I am wondering how true artists taste like.

And Mac, thanks for sharing your experience. It definitely helps me seeing things :)
floetus said:
But I need this opposite state of bad-tasting freedom, I always have, at least for my work, for my dissociations. A drawing would look lifeless as well as a musical play would sound lifeless, if the artist was not in the state of flow. I think every true artist knows that.

Agree but I think that sometimes this “state of flow” as you say, is just delusions of grandeur plunged into pure subjectivity that do not add not an ounce of truth and objectivity to our reality, So as always the fruits will tell.
Ana said:
Agree but I think that sometimes this “state of flow” as you say, is just delusions of grandeur plunged into pure subjectivity that do not add not an ounce of truth and objectivity to our reality, So as always the fruits will tell.
:-[ You are right! True humbleness seems to be the key, based on seeing, feeling, critical thinking, knowledge, craft, external consideration and energetic balance. That's quite a bit, isn't it? Oh, and 'identifying with sth.' is a bad thing, isn't it? This one always gets me into trouble.
Glad to know you're ok, Mac.

About your muscles: I heard a way to make your muscles feel better:
In the shower, first use totally cold water, then very hot. This is supposed to help relieve pain in muscles.

Mac said:
The driver who hit me was prison guard that had just gotten off his shift. The witness, driving behind him, who saw him loose control was his coworker another prison guard. This second prison guard was the first person I saw after I struggled myself out of my car. A man wearing a badge.

It occurred to me perhaps the General Law sees the Fellowship and Laura's work in general as possible "jail break". To many of the livestock might wake up.

I especially liked this aspect of looking at the whole accident.

Take care!
Nook said:
About your muscles: I heard a way to make your muscles feel better:
In the shower, first use totally cold water, then very hot. This is supposed to help relieve pain in muscles.

:scared: That sounds brutal to the body and muscles, Nook! I don't know if i am oversensitive or what, but if i do the above, yes, i wouldn't feel pain in my muscles, but everywhere, even psychological pain! ;) Did you ever try it?
Quote from: Nook on Today at 08:57:54 PM
About your muscles: I heard a way to make your muscles feel better:
In the shower, first use totally cold water, then very hot. This is supposed to help relieve pain in muscles.

I found this works well and also and promotes faster recovery for healing. Cold packs and heat therapy alternated 1 or 2 days for control of swelling and promote of circulation. I would also take a good quality fish oil for the ability for control of swelling and to limit the damage of inflammation from passing to other vital organ's.

When you are injured or experience soreness or chronic pain, you may receive conflicting advice about what to do. Apply heat? Apply cold? Here's an overview of how to use temperature in the healing process.

What is a cold pack?

Popular and effective in treatments to ease pain and swelling from minor injuries, cold packs come in many different varieties. Some are sacks of gel that turn into ice packs in your freezer; others are packets designed to turn cold instantly with a simple squeeze, no refrigeration or freezing required. You can also make your own cold pack by wrapping some ice or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel.

When should you use a cold pack?

Anyone who has ever sprained or twisted an ankle or pulled a muscle knows that cold is your friend. Bruises, insect bites, and repetitive strain injuries such as tendinitis, also respond well to treatment with cold packs. Cold therapy can help people with muscle spasms, whiplash, and various forms of arthritis as well.

How does a cold pack work?

Cold packs are very effective at reducing swelling and numbing pain. An injury swells because fluid leaks from blood vessels; cold causes vessels to constrict, reducing their tendency to ooze. The less fluid that leaks from blood vessels, the less swelling results. Cold also eases inflammation and muscle spasms, two common sources of pain.

The sooner you apply an ice pack to a sprain or strain, the sooner it can do its job reducing pain and swelling. For chronic problems such as low back pain or muscle spasms, ice whenever the symptoms start up.

How long should you use a cold pack?

A general rule of thumb is to ice an injury over a period of 24 to 72 hours. Apply cold packs for periods of up to 20 minutes every two to four hours. When your skin starts to feel numb, it's time to give your body a break from a cold pack.

What precautions should you take when using cold packs?

Prolonged, direct contact with cold can damage skin and nerves so always be sure to wrap your cold pack in a towel. If you have diabetes, poor circulation, or blood vessel disorders such as vasculitis or Raynaud’s disease, talk with a health professional before using a cold pack.

When should you use a hot pack?

Heat can increase blood flow and help restore movement to injured tissue. Warmth can also reduce joint stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms. As with cold packs, heat packs have a role in easing pain from both acute and chronic injuries, such as sprains, strains, muscle spasms, whiplash, and arthritis. Doctors often suggest using cold packs for the first day or two, and then switching to heat if the symptoms persist or become more chronic.

In fact, for some folks, nothing soothes a sore back like a hot pack. In a study published in the journal Spine, investigators at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey found that the continuous application of low-level heat eased low back pain better than two common over-the-counter painkillers.

How long should you use a hot pack?

Apply a hot pack wrapped in a towel for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Some physical therapists recommend alternating between heat and cold for people with painful muscle spasms or chronic problems such as arthritis.

When shouldn't you use a hot pack?

Although you may feel tempted to apply the soothing warmth of a heat pack immediately following an injury, resist the urge. You should treat any new injury with cold for a couple of days before switching to heat. Heat actually may do more damage than good until most of the swelling is gone.

How do you make your own hot or cold pack?

Fabric hot packs, filled with rice, can be whipped up on a sewing machine. These packs can be heated in a microwave for about three to five minutes, until comfortably hot, and used as you would use a hot water bottle. Use regular white rice, not instant. And make sure you use an all-cotton fabric, as synthetics are not suitable for heating in a microwave. These handmade hot packs can also be stored in the freezer and used as cold packs too.

Hot packs, heating packs, and other warming devices are available online or at drugstores.

-- Sarah Henry is an award-winning health writer specializing in parenting and social issues. She was a staff writer for the Center for Investigative Reporting for more than a decade, and has also reported on health issues for Hippocrates, Time Inc. Health, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times Magazine, and television programs such as "60 Minutes" and PBS' "Health Quarterly."
My primary doctor gave me a cold/heat method that worked well for an injury several years ago. He suggested it again during a visit last week following the accident.

Cold at night to reduce swelling and inflammation,
Heat in the morning to draw blood into the area to promote healing.
I use a rubber ice pack, and an electric heating pad.

In the earlier injury I had a huge hard bruise that wasn't getting better. Using this method the bruise and swelling just melted away. It has really helped this time as well.

Almost seems the world is closing in on me. The accident, the hassle of getting a new vehicle, dealing with insurance companies, failing appliances at home, a full working schedule leaving me little time to participate on the forum. And now trouble at work. It's a pathological company, the branch where I work manifests this. But suddenly the focus, in the period following the accident,seems to be on me. So many rules. But perhaps I am focusing on myself too much.

floetus said:
:-[ You are right! True humbleness seems to be the key, based on seeing, feeling, critical thinking, knowledge, craft, external consideration and energetic balance. That's quite a bit, isn't it?
Yes, too many things at once.. :D

floetus said:
Oh, and 'identifying with sth.' is a bad thing, isn't it? This one always gets me into trouble.
I would not say it’s a bad or a good thing but a choice requiring work and sincerity as is everything else, osit

Mac said:
Almost seems the world is closing in on me. The accident, the hassle of getting a new vehicle, dealing with insurance companies, failing appliances at home, a full working schedule leaving me little time to participate on the forum. And now trouble at work. It's a pathological company, the branch where I work manifests this. But suddenly the focus, in the period following the accident,seems to be on me. So many rules. But perhaps I am focusing on myself too much.

Hi Mac :),
Changes seems to be preceded by chaotic states where we fall physically, mentally and emotionally and where our environment starts to give us clear signs of decay and need for change. So maybe you are experiencing a period of dark in the path of growth.
Mac said:
Almost seems the world is closing in on me.
Mac, darkeness passes, and as soon as this temporary but still difficult time passes, you will feel very good. Keep faith in your self :flowers:

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