Cassiopaeans Be Careful

I have been studying here for just over a month now. About 3 weeks ago while driving home from work, it seemed like the wheel was yanked to the left while my attention was momentarily distracted. Had I not kept one eye on the road with a quick correction, it would have been a head on collision.

There was evidence/impressions of some one/thing not being pleased about what I was learning here and I had been making changes in my perspectives on issues.

So yes, it is real and people need to always keep an eye open to possibilities.

Right now, I fully believe it is possible for certain persons(souled beings) to have the foresight/vision necessary to do this. An attack like this does have an action plan somewhere, which also means that plan can be interrupted if a person knows how to see the plan. This is not wishfull thinking on my part. More like living in the moment, within the illusion. Creating the outcome you want vs. allowing others to dictate what affects you.
Hi Mac,

a wish for a fast recovery from the shock and trauma from me as well.

Just to add to the "prison" theme, the street where my girlfriend lives has recently had installed a large number
of floodlights, not ordinary street lamps but floodlights, on and around the apartment building she lives in. Now
the street is quite busy for night life but still it feels like prison lights and the first impression I got was "I'm being
watched real close" both me and my movements.
Aragorn said:
This whole process of changing our car went suddenly so fast and so smoothly that it almost felt like some sort of 'divine intervention'. :)

I've had a series of experiences recently that seemed almost divinely directed as well. I've been living with my girlfriend/lifepartner down in the US for a few years and have been rather careless with the amount of time I was spending there - we're both Canadian and my partner has a work visa for the US but I don't, so I'm obligated to only spend 6 months of the year down there and last year I overstayed by a long shot.

When I tried to return to the US after spending the holidays back in Canada with my family, I was denied access. This has turned my life upside down and I've been trying to figure out my next step. I knew I had to set up a life here in Canada, at least temporarily, before trying to gain access to the US again (they told me I could try again in a few months but needed to show more attachment to my home country), but I had no idea how I would do this. But then, within a few days I had a roommate, an apartment and a prospective source of additional income. This all followed me writing down goals of what I was hoping to accomplish this year (I'm a bit late on the resolutions :)), which included a place to stay in Canada and additional income.

I was glowingly happy about this for a few days, incredibly optimistic, but then yesterday it's like I had an emotional crash. I started getting paranoid about how this was all "too easy" and that I might be being lead into a trap. I started to get really worried when my roommate wasn't returning my calls (totally logical explanation for it after the fact) and just was feeling really emotionally off and out off balance. I did POTS before bed and woke up this morning a little more centred, with a bit more perspective on the whole situation - I need to proceed, but with eyes wide open. I think this thread has really helped to bring that point home, so thanks for the contributions everyone.

Mac, I hope you recover quickly. It sounds like you're well on your way and have your head firmly on your shoulders about the whole incident.
Dugdeep, any chance your girlfriend will decide to come back to Canada to be closer to you? Sounds like if you two could pull that off, you'll be in a much better position than before (that of, not living in the US!).
Heimdallr said:
Dugdeep, any chance your girlfriend will decide to come back to Canada to be closer to you? Sounds like if you two could pull that off, you'll be in a much better position than before (that of, not living in the US!).

Hi Heimdallr. Believe me, this is something I struggle with constantly. The problem is that my girlfriend is actually really thriving down there. Before we left she was kind of in a dead end job, was borderline depressed and not very productive. This job she has down there is really great for her - building her confidence, stretching her to grow in different ways. Although, I can't claim to have only altruistic motivations - I guess I wouldn't be down there if I didn't enjoy it on some level.

I often wonder if there is that big a difference between Canada and the US as far as being behind the veil is concerned. Does HAARP only come into affect on the other side of the border? Canadians generally seem just as asleep to me as Americans do and our politicians seem just as pathological. The C's recent session mentioned numbers of psychopaths in the US and I wonder how different the figure would be for Canada. But maybe this is only cognitive dissonance; me coming up with justifications for being down in the US when I could more easily be in Canada. Honestly, I don't have a good answer on this issue.
Mac said:
M.A.O. said:
I walk lightly but carry a big stick, of constant vigilance. I try and beware of the clock to setting my movements or plans. I have found that when I get behind (to timing of the clock) I will rush creating possibility's of problems for attack!
Allowing a leeway, is a good buffer! And most of all, be safe and think before you jump! And excuse me again if i seem to preach!

Interesting that I was at that exact place at that exact time. I was being "right on time" going to work. Might be best to decide at the last moment to be just a little early or late. Then the prison guard vectors would have missed their target. ;D

Yesterday, a friend shared this story with me and I’d like to pass it on to all of you:

My friend enjoys hiking in the hills not only for exercise but to enjoy nature and to have the opportunity to rejuvenate his spirit and soul. On this particular day, he came to a familiar fork-in-the-road and knew that the easy route was to the left and that going right was the long and very challenging route. In an instant, he decided to turn right knowing that his reward would be an extremely good workout.

Moments after heading up the path, he heard a loud crackling sound and turned to witness a tree falling. He told me that in all his years of hiking in those hills and in all his life, he had never before seen a tree fall. What’s more, the tree had fallen across the path in the almost exact place that he would have been crossing had he taken the easier route.

My friend and I had only been swapping stories but what I heard him say was that something told him to turn right and he listened and trusted his intuition and instinct and that by trusting he may very well have saved himself from a terrible accident. What I also got from the story was that taking the difficult, more challenging route may be the route where the best lessons can learned. His story reminded me of how important it is to listen and trust my intuition and instinct and to accept and respond to what I feel.

I am also glad you're feeling better. Sounds like you're on the road to a great recovery.
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Is your car totalled or are you still able to use it? Have been in three car accidents myself, it is very scary. Having been injured in two of them. Thank goodness for chiropractors & message therapists. The advice given here in this thread is priceless.

On my way home from where ever I am, usually call my husband and let him know I am on the way. He always end the call with
"Be watchful, look both ways and lock my doors."

A speedy recovery to you...
Bluestar said:
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Is your car totalled or are you still able to use it? Have been in three car accidents myself, it is very scary. Having been injured in two of them. Thank goodness for chiropractors & message therapists. The advice given here in this thread is priceless.

On my way home from where ever I am, usually call my husband and let him know I am on the way. He always end the call with
"Be watchful, look both ways and lock my doors."

A speedy recovery to you...

My car is totaled. I'm now in a hurry up car shopping mode.
My hip is still sore but doctor says it will heal ok.
Dealing with insurance companies, car salesman, doctors, etc is gobbling up what little off work time I have. Everybody is friendly, smiling but none of them are on my side.

The accident has rocked my world. Maybe things that I am perceiving now were there before but weren't clear to me. There seems to be alot of "case building" going on in the company I work for. In 2009 the local branch of the national company kept at least even. The past month or 2 things have really slowed. They seem to be finding small faults with people, then connecting dots, "just in case"

I hope you will completely recover Mac. I actually experience myself an attack but of a more subtle kind. Yours was very rough. :scared:
My car is totaled. I'm now in a hurry up car shopping mode.
My hip is still sore but doctor says it will heal ok.
Mac:One jobs I that I had was driving a boat (35 ft. with a crew of 3) in the open waters in a straight, in sea water. Which means the currents were very different to that of fresh water.
The gentleman whom gave me the insight and instruction to navigating in this element attained that speed, was the enemy and slow was my friend.
With this knowledge and so many items to consider were, and such as:
1. Other boaters and there lack of skill and knowledge and what condition they were in, as well as there boat.
2. Junk, floating in the water, aka logs, remnants of other boats, abandoned ropes, migrating sea life, that could foul the prop, or capsize a boat. Leaving one stranded floating helplessly on the open seas.
3. The currents and there effects. The wind, the rain, the visibility, and even human error. Just to name just a few of the problems.
That one could and can encounter, at a moment's notice.

Hence low and slow allowed more latitude for control, to avoid problems and navigate from issues before they would become problems. In a safe and timely manner. As the margin for error was very slim, and the results could be detrimental, and and possibly life threatening. With that advice I did well, to keep from become a static in the waters as in life.
I have noticed an odd shift in the air, it seems tragedy is happening all around. I have a friend who's mother just passed away, and reading about everyone's relatives getting injured or dieing, car accidents... it just seems like a malicious force is plucking people left and right.

I wonder what's up?
Mack- I am glad to hear you are on the mend!
Puck- you are right. There seems to be something in the air. We all need to pay close attention to our surroundings at all times.
Mac, the most important is that you're safe. Hope you heal soon. Sometimes it's "good" that the bad things happen to the material objects rather than to us or some close persons.

Yesterday I had a dream that could (or not) be related to this "something in the air". Maybe more experienced members could interpret it better: I was walking down a road in the dark and I saw a guy being savagely attacked. It has been killed by a big man. As I approached to help, I noticed that the man (the attacking) was abnormally big and kind off read his mind that he was waiting for me to kill me. I decided to run away but there were some other "big men" around in the dark. I woke up at that moment and the first idea I had while awakening was that it was a sort of 4D attack. Hope it is just a dream with no real signification..
:shock: Get well soon! What has happened to you is horrible. I've never experienced an accident like this and I hope I won't. But concerning those paranoid thoughts, I guess, I have a quite different opinion. Maybe I am just a naive newbie but please, hear me out. :/

I am missing the other possibility, that it's just bad luck. Sure, there might be someone godlike, who controlls the complex chain of events, the automatism of 'chaos'. But it's always suspicious to me, when people interpret the 'chaos', bringing law to the 'chaos'. Isn't it wishfull thinking in the sense of "I am so important, so essential that someone really, really powerfull must have tried to kill me in a case like this!". I mean, it would be horrible to die by chance, wouldn't it? Life without sense, without importance, without purpose, without magic? That is too hard to bear.

I like to see things the same way you did, that it`s symbolic, but I am suspecting myself, when I do. I know that chaos is a higher form of order that just appears chaotic, when seen without understanding. Watching chaos is like looking at a highly complex, amorphous form like a wall of clouds or a knobby, monstrous piece of wood seen in most expressive light: Just because it looks like an alligator or some kind of insect cripple, does not mean that it's grown exactly that way to be seen like this, to imitate other beings, for instance. Symbolism is also connected to the process of associating, of bringing order to the world, of finding matches between inner patterns and outer patterns. At least this is what I think to have learned from nature. I hope that is the lesson we should learn from associative, amorphous structures, textures, forms and well, events? What do you think about this?

I am just trying to be most critically. If you prove me otherwise I am happy and gratefull, because I would also like to live in a symbolic world where everyone and everything has a certain purpose and a certain importance. All I am saying is: Be also carefull not to walk right into the trap of wishfull thinking.

Edit: I changed a phrase that was not appropriate here, sorry :P
floetus said:
:am just trying to be most critically. If you prove me otherwise I am happy and gratefull, because I would also like to live in a symbolic world where everyone and everything has a certain purpose and a certain importance. All I am saying is: Be also carefull not to walk right into the trap of wishfull thinking.

Maybe to see the purpose and importance of each life form and event we have to look to the soul wich is the start and end of everything. osit

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