Cereal Grasses Juice

I mentioned before that Charles Schnabel claimed that he got the best results if the wheatgrass was harvested at 4 AM. Well, now I stumbled upon another man who claimed to had discovered perhaps a similar effect:

Tissue therapy is a method initially proposed by Filatov, that is based on a hypothesis of existing of biogenic stimulators (substances appearing in tissues exposed to unfavorable conditions) that stimulate inner powers of a treated organism. Filatov treated corneal opacity by human cornea transplantation. At the first, transplantation material was taken from humans who were having an eye surgically removed. Due to a shortage of supply, Filatov tried to use corneas from recently dead people. That did not lead to satisfying results. During experimental work he discovered that corpses' corneas, saved at 3-4 °C for several days, rather than used immediately, gave more positive results. Thus he succeeded in growing his practice in cornea transplantation.

As it seemed to Filatov in the time of engaging in that practice, the method also cured a number of diseases not connected to corneal opacity. He suggested that a piece of tissue placed in unfavorable conditions (cold and darkness) which still do not kill it, changes its metabolism for producing some yet unknown compounds, that serve saving it alive as long as possible. He named them biogenic stimulators.

Then he applied the same method to treating skin diseases, and (by 1933) he formulated main postulates of his doctrine of biogenic stimulators and tissue therapy.

All biogenic extracts have common preparation technique: original material is exposed to specific cold temperatures for specific durations, then extraction is performed, the obtained extracts are packed in ampules and sterilized.

Filatov's theory is that, when tissue has been removed from the body under aseptic conditions and allowed to stand 6 to 7 days at +2°C., certain disintegration substances are released. These disintegration substances act as vital stimulants when the tissue is implanted or its extracts are injected. This action is not a specific one for any particular organ. He believes that it is this stimulation, and not the vitamin content alone, which produces beneficial results.

The author studied the dynamics of the changes occuring in the content of basophilic substances (RNA) glycogen and fats in the tissues preserved by the method of academician V. P. Filatov. The total period of preservation may be subdivided into 3 stages. During the 1st stage of preservation (from the 1st to the 4th day) the quantity of the basophilic substances remains unchanged or decreased as compared to the control. The quantity of RNA is greatly increased from the 5th to the 8th day (the second, stage), while after the 8th day the amount of RNA shows a rapid reduction. If the tissue is taken from sick animals basophilia, does not increase during the process of preservation. The quantity of glycogen is sharply diminished from the very first days of preservation, while the quantity of fat rises.

By estimating the increased quantity of the basophilic, substances in the preserved tissue one may judge the readiness of the tissue for transplantation to the patients.

So the time window is quite short, from the 5th to the 8th day for maximum benefits.
I managed to find an article from Filatov that describes his findings. It's in Russian, but you can use Google Translate on your phone to translate it. And what he says is quite interesting. He says that for the plant leaves he was using a lack of light as a stressor, which corresponds to the Charles Schnabel's findings that he had the best effect from wheatgrass which was harvested at 4 AM, which means after several hours of darkness.

Filatov also says that after the stress procedure, he treated with heat all the tissues that he used, and that in fact heat treatment made them even more potent than a non-heated versions. Which means that we can cook the meat and still have this factor present.

In his therapy he was injecting people with this stuff, but he says that we can also use it internally, topically or in a form of enema.

He also says that he found these biogenic stimulators in all kinds of organic environments, like mud, soil, and even seawater. That sounds just what Rene Quinton discovered with his plasma.

Here is another description of this tissue therapy:

Tissue therapy

As it has penetrated ever deeper into the secrets of nature, science has brought to light remarkable processes which take place in the living organism on the borderline between life and death. Investigation of these processes has produced a new method of treatment by tissue preparations, which offers wide possibilities to medical practice. The founder of this method is the famous scientist, Academician Vladimir Petrovich Filatov.

The idea of tissue therapy grew out of clinical and experimental investigation of problems connected with transplanting the cornea.

Before Filatov it was believed that in order to transplant the cornea successfully, the fresh of a living person had to be used. As for tissue taken from a corpse, doctors conceded that it was possible to use it only if it was removed from the eye of the deceased immediately after death.

Death, as it known, does not signify a simultaneous cessation of life in all the cells of the human organism, some of the cells and even entire tissue continue to live and to fight for their existence. In view of this doctors did try to use the cornea of a corpse, believing, however, that it was necessary to perform the operation as quickly as possible.

Filatov does just the opposite: he takes tissue from corpses, but is in no hurry to graft it to the eye of his patient. He first keeps the tissue for several days in a cold place. Extensive clinical and laboratory research enabled Academician Filatov to establish that when tissue is separated from the organism and placed in an unfavorable environment, it is subjected to biochemical changes. Deprived of their sources of nutrition, the cooled tissue cells make a last effort to prolong their life and produce substances that increase the tissue’s power of endurance tremendously. These substances produces by living tissue on the verge of death Academician Filatov calls “biogenic stimulators”. The author of the theory of biogenic stimulators asserts that “appearance of biogenic stimulators under the influence of unfavorable factors of environment is a law of living nature in general. Biogenic stimulators are produced wherever there is a stuggle for life”.

The complete chemical composition of biogenic stimulators is still unknown but thanks to the work of Academician Filatov, scientists have learned to create the conditions under which they are produced, to obtain and utilize them for medical purposes.

In order to produce biogenic stimulators in animal tissue the latter is cooled, but not too much, so that it should retain its ability to fight for existence and not perish. As a rule the tissue is kept for five to seven days at a temperature between two and four degrees above zero Centigrade.

Other conditions are required in order to produce biogenic stimulators in vegetable tissue. Since plant tissue will perish if deprived of light for a long period time, Academician Filatov subjected leaves of aloe, agave, and plantain and the tops of sugar beets to a “blackout” and there by obtained from them preparations containing biogenic stimulators. Academician Filatov’s research fully confirmed the presence of biogenic stimulators in the tissue treated according to his method. On one occasion the patient brought to Academician Filatov needed an operation on both eyes. It was decided to perform the operation by stages: first to substitute the defective cornea in one eye, and then, in the other. But when the new tissue of the cornea on the eye which was operated on first had become assimilated it was found that the cornea in the other, unoperated eye, had grown more clear. It was then apparent that the biogenic stimulators introduced into the patient’s organism with transplanted tissue has exerted their influence on the defective cornea.

The theory of biogenic stimulators throws new light on the entire process of curing a patient by transplanting tissue . It was formerly believed that the only purpose of such operations was to replace one piece of tissue by another. Now, however, it has been established that it not the tissue itself which exerts a beneficial influence on the organism of the patient, but the highly active biogenic stimulators contained in it. These substances activize all the vital processes in the patient‘s organism intensify tissue metabolism and physiological functions and increase the organism’s resistance to toxious influences. It follows that biogenic stimulators do not act specifically on one or another tissue or pathogenic agent, but influence the entire organism as a whole and the nervous system first and foremost. For that reason transplantation of tissue may produce good results in the treatment of various diseases. In certain cases tissue transplantation may be substituted by injections of an extract obtained from tissue enriched by biogenic stimulators.

Biogenic stimulators may be obtained from wide variety of sources. In addition to animal and plant tissue, Academician Filatov obtain tissue therapy preparation from medical mud, silt from fresh–water lakes and other material containing the remain of animal or plant organism, which perished in the fight for their existence under unfavorable conditions.

It has likewise been established that biogenic stimulators are also produced in the human organism in cases of injury, under the action of ultra-violet or X-rays, during muscular fatigue and certain illnesses.

Biogenic stimulators are exceedingly stable. They do not lose their vitality even when subjected for an hour to the influence of temperature as high as 120 degrees Centigrade. They are soluble in water and are capable of distillation when the water are contained in is boiled. It is interesting to note that biogenic stimulators of vegetable origin influence vegetable organisms.

The doctrine of biogenic stimulators created by science has proved of immense value not only for medicine, but also for agriculture.

With the help of these substances it is possible to exert influence on cattle to raise the milk yields and secure increased fecundity, and also to influence the germination of seed and the growth of plants in the desired direction.

The Government has apprised Academician Filatov’s scientific work very highly.

Large numbers of scientists are successfully developing the scientific principles advanced by Academician Filatov and enriching them by new experience.

So it seems that we have two factors, one of life and one of death. And that both can be beneficial to living beings. The first factor is created in young living beings, during their fast growth, and the second in tissue of dead beings. I wonder if the second factor is connected with this:

(Pierre) In a recent scientific paper from this year, it was discovered there is a burst of gene transcription about 24 hours after a living creature dies. I would like to know why?

A: Related to the releasing of the energy field.

Q: (Pierre) Here they're alluding to the relation between the information field and DNA. There seems to be some kind of bond. And when the...

(L) I guess when the soul releases and everything, the genes and everything are like...

(Joe) A blueprint...

(L) They're turned loose and they do one burst of...

(Pierre) The disconnection burst. They disconnect from the information field because there are no more exchanges necessary.

Session 11 August 2018

Q: (L) Is it possible that these larger structures that are formed by different kinds of proteins take their shapes because it follows a certain natural law in the same way that the folding of proteins follows the laws of the different molecules that naturally induce the folding?

A: Indeed. And notice that it can appear as if "life" exists in the individual organs when in fact it is merely the antenna-like function of the protein.

Q: (L) Okay, so there are some proteins that can fold and jiggle, let's call it. They fold and then part of their function is to move in a certain way regularly or rhythmically. Does that relate to the idea that a heart can continue beating after it's been removed from the body, that it's a function of the ensemble of proteins that are making up the organ? It can continue to function as long as there is some... Some ability to receive some information?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) If it was just the action of the raw materials, the amino acids or whatever, why couldn't it function forever? Why does it stop?

A: Antenna! Attracts more than light! Life energy or what you might call "soul" is bound by antenna of a sort.

Q: (L) So if the soul so to speak leaves the body, there is some residual function that can continue kind of like a battery that's been charged, and then when that energy runs out, there's no more incoming? Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In other words, the trillions of these little appendages or little antennae on proteins are sort of like the anchors for the soul? Like the little antenna that collect photons?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Does that also go for all parts of the human body? Every cell of your body?

A: Yes

Session 23 March 2019

So the creature is dead, but its tissue is still connected with the information field. And during the process of disconnection, something beneficial is formed. But what is cold temperature doing? Is it just a stress factor for tissue, or is it also prolonging the process of disconnection and by that saturating the tissue with beneficial energy field?
Here is another confirmation about the effects of fresh fruit juice:

My favorite part is the people that look at this question, then give their hypothesized response, as if science is going to give you an actual answer.

Take it from the anecdotal. My favorite thing about smoking, is the follow up with orange juice. The second it hits my stomach, it further enhances that famous radiant feeling brought on by ca***bis.

It doesn’t make it “seem” like I’m higher. No, I actually am. You gonna believe the one that’s smoked for about 20 years, or the ones that just read about it?

No, I don't think that science can give us the answer to this question, even though the experiments with this plant have flourished in the last couple of years after the legalization in many countries. Science cannot give us the answer because our science is too materialistic and as such is blind to some things which cannot be explained in a materialistic way. The way that this behaves, its speed, effects and universality are not easily explained by materialistic science. But it does have its own rules, which I hope we are starting to grasp. It drove me crazy in my experiments because nothing made any sense. But this fresh food factor might be the explanation that I was looking for.
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