Didn't we already do that doomsday thing > December 21, 2012.
Ummm - time loop?
Course, it never hurts to up the fear porn w/ a Hindu god that's all about destroying in order to create a
new world . . . and dancing in
a ring of fire as well as upon a dwarf demon.
"Shiva has many forms, which are visible in his Panchavaktra form with 5 heads, a combination of all Shiva energies : Aghora (resides in the creamation grounds), Ishana (most often appears as the shivalingam), Tat Purusha (meditating), Varna Deva (the eternal Shiva) and Saddyojat or Braddha Rudra (the old wrathful form). The last also forms the connection to the Rudraksha mala - a rosary made of the dried fruits of the Rudraksha tree.
Another form is the Nataraj.
Shiva Nataraj's dance represents both the destruction and the creation of the universe and reveals the cycles of death, birth and rebirth."
A statue of Shiva engaging in the Nataraja dance at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland
From Wiki:
A cobra uncoils from his lower right forearm, and the crescent moon and a skull are on his crest. He dances within an arch of flames. This dance is called the Dance of Bliss, (Tamil: ஆனந்த தாண்டவம்) aananda taandavam.
The upper right hand holds a small drum shaped like an hourglass that is called a ḍamaru in Sanskrit. A specific hand gesture (mudra) called ḍamaru-hasta (Sanskrit for "ḍamaru-hand") is used to hold the drum.
It symbolizes sound originating creation or the beat of the drum is the passage of time.
The upper left hand contains Agni or fire,
which signifies destruction. The opposing concepts in the upper hands show
the counterpoise of creation and destruction or the fire of life.
The second right hand shows the Abhaya mudra (meaning fearlessness in Sanskrit), bestowing protection from both evil and ignorance to those who follow the righteousness of dharma.
The second left hand points towards the raised foot which signifies upliftment and liberation. It also points to the left foot with the sign of the elephant which leads the way through the jungle of ignorance.
The dwarf on which Nataraja dances is the demon Apasmara (Muyalaka, as known in Tamil), which symbolises Shiva's victory over ignorance. It also represents the passage of spirit from the divine into material.
As the Lord of Dance, Nataraja, Shiva performs the tandava,
the dance in which the universe is created, maintained, and dissolved. Shiva's long, matted tresses, usually piled up in a knot, loosen during the dance and crash into the heavenly bodies, knocking them off course or destroying them utterly.
The surrounding flames represent the manifest Universe.
The snake swirling around his waist is kundalini, the Shakti or divine force thought to reside within everything.
This also parallels the cords of life worn by the Brahmins to represent the second rebirth.
The stoic face of Shiva represents his neutrality, thus
being in balance.
An essential significance of Shiva's dance at Tillai, the traditional name of Chidambaram, can be explained as:
First, it is seen as the image of his rhythmic play which is the source of all movement within the universe. This is represented by the circular or elliptical frame surrounding the Lord.
Secondly, the purpose of his dance is to release the souls of all men from the snare of illusion.
Lastly, the place of the dance, Chidambaram, which is portrayed as the center of the universe, is actually within the heart.
Dancing is seen as an art in which the artist and the art s/he creates are one and the same, thought to evoke the oneness of God and creation.
In the compact spiritual texts of divine knowledge, the holy Geeta, there are three basic Guṇa: Satvic, Tamsic and Rajsic. These combine with each other, and the life forms are created as a result of this divine activity. These life forms remain devoid of prana (breath), until the Divine entity infuses them with life. The Geeta says the division of the Divine entity is ninefold, of which eight can be known by humans, but the ninth is eternally unexplainable and hidden and secret. These eight divisions are the elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash, Mana, Buddhi, Ahamkara.
Nataraja is a visual interpretation of Brahman and a dance posture of Lord Shiva.
It is the representation of reality at the time of cosmic destruction. We being life forms, cosmic destruction would mean the disappearance of all life. The half moon shown in the head of Nataraja is a symbol only. The fall of the moon would result in cosmic destruction.
I'm thinking that if anything of consequence happens, it'll be because of this:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Psychopathically yours,
Karl Rove