A colleague from CMS experiment sent me this e-mail an hour ago.
He also wrote that public seminar was going to be held at CERN about this discovery probably tomorrow, with a webcast. But that it's still only for physicists and a password would be required.
And actually quite a few people (scientists) had contacted him for receiving password and webcast link before one of them reminded everybody that today is April Fools day, even at CERN.
to mods: Maybe it would be better to put this post under 'Tickle me' board with topic title - 'April Fools at CERN'?
News: 1 April 2010
High energy collisions reveal a paleoparticle
Physicists working on the LHC results have announced their first discovery: a hideous particle from the prehistory of the Universe
The news is historic, or rather "prehistoric" to be more precise! It has taken two physicists studying the collisions at 7 TeV in the centre of mass on 30 March only two days to make an astonishing discovery. From their precise analysis of four events, Alain Grand and Ricarda Owen have found evidence of a new, massive neutral particle thought to have existed in the very early Universe. "It's awful", explains Alain Grand, still shocked by the discovery. "It left horrible tracks inside the detector that made the physicists on duty at the time feel quite sick". No wonder. The particle consists of two strange quarks and one top quark but no beauty or charm quark. The physicists have nicknamed it the "neutrinosaurus" because of its repulsive appearance and prehistoric origins.
Hints of the new particle had already been glimpsed in two events at Fermilab but the statistics were too low to be published. The four events observed at the LHC generated an exponential increase (22=4) in the statistics, allowing the physicists to announce the discovery unequivocally.
The discovery of the particle, which had hitherto been postulated only by an impassioned physicist doing a bit of theory in his spare time, has the potential to turn current theory on its head and to send the entire theory community back to the drawing board. "One important consequence is that all the particles we know today must have had a prehistoric twin", says Ricarda Owen. There will have been a protonosaurus ancestor for the proton (not to be confused with the many-protoned brontosaurus), the electron will have descended from the electronosaurus, and so on. It remains to be seen whether these paleoparticles had antimatter doubles, such as antineutrinosauruses and other antiparticulosauruses. "That's what we're going to be concentrating our efforts on finding now", says Alain Grand. "If they existed, we expect them to be the exact opposite of the paleoparticles we've found so far, in other words extremely elegant". Whatever happens, the discovery has opened up paleoparticle physics as a unique and exciting new field of research!
He also wrote that public seminar was going to be held at CERN about this discovery probably tomorrow, with a webcast. But that it's still only for physicists and a password would be required.
And actually quite a few people (scientists) had contacted him for receiving password and webcast link before one of them reminded everybody that today is April Fools day, even at CERN.

to mods: Maybe it would be better to put this post under 'Tickle me' board with topic title - 'April Fools at CERN'?