ScioAgapeOmnis said:
every single thing we do is a risk. So it is not a matter of there existing a risk - because there never is a time when there is no risk, but just what is this risk.
Yes, science is all about risks and exploring the unknown. The Curies were poisoned by their own experiments. Aboveground nuclear testing has been linked to a spike in infant leukemia. What is different here is how the risk is spread. In the past it has ben the scientist/explorer who was at risk. The worst-case risk scenario is that a stable black-hole is formed that continuously feeds on Earth-matter until it is all been accreted
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Are these papers available online, and if so, do you mind providing the links?
These are just a few of the papers:
1.. Study of potentially dangerous events during heavy-ion collisions at the LHC: Report of the LHC Safety Study Group. CERN 2003-001. February 28, 2003.
2.. A critical look at risk assessment for global catastrophes, Adrian Kent, CERN-TH 2000-029 DAMTP-2000-105. Revised April 2003. hep-ph/0009204. Available at: _
3.. High energy colliders as black hole factories: the end of short distance physics, Steven B. Giddings, Scott Thomas. Phys Rev D65 (2002) 056010.
4.. CERN to spew black holes, Nature October 2, 2001.
5.. Review of speculative disaster scenarios at RHIC September 28, 1999 W.Busza, R.L. Jaffe, J.Sandweiss and F.Wilczek.
6.. Trous noirs et distorsions du temps, Kip S. Thorne, Flammarion 1997. ISBN 2-08-0811463-X. Original title: Black holes and times warps. 1994 Norton. New York.
7.. Centre de la Terre, Science & Vie N 1042. Gallate 2004.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
So, how do we determine where is the fantasy and where is the truth? Does your paper have physical evidence - if not, should it not too be called into question? And more importantly - what can *we* do about this if we have no proof one way or another?
The new Dominium model is a deductive syllogism with a very small number of primary premises. Yes there is proof for these premises. This a giant syllogism, which if you're interested, you might consider reading. However, I understand that this forum must be concise, and it would take a long time to lay out everything in one post. If after reading the model you have specific questions, I'll happily reply.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
And again, how do you intend to stop this experiment from happening? Why are you trying to convince this forum - we have nothing to do with this experiment, shouldn't you be going to those directly involved and presenting your papers to them? Or maybe call the media and try to do it that way?
Why not try to convince you? We are all interconnected, aren't we? The book is being sold, the abridged versionis being downloaded and shared, discussion is taking place. Will this be enough? Who knows. Six degrees of separation. If this model is correct, all six degrees need to be covered. If it is incorrect, the same should happen so that someone can actually locate a flaw with either its premises or deduction, so LHC can proceed