CERN - Large Hadron Collider Experiment

It seems to get "fired up" tomorrow.
from _
Large Hadron Collider: Best- and Worst-Case Scenarios
By Alexis Madrigal September 09, 2008 | 7:34:09 PM

OMG! Have you heard that huge atom smasher in Europe powers up for the first time tomorrow?

Of course you have. You've also heard it repeated over and over that the Large Hadron Collider is the biggest, most expensive scientific instrument in history and that it's going to change our fundamental understanding of the universe.

Well, great, but what does that mean?

We break down how five major physics theories -- and the theorists who've spent their lives developing them -- may be impacted by the discoveries that could emanate from the LHC. We also provide answers to all your LHC FAQ in 140 characters or less, so you can send them to your friends on Twitter.

Basically, the collider is a series of tubes intended to guide protons as superconducting magnets propel them close to the speed of light. You can think of the LHC as the Disneyland of physics experiments. A host of different detectors have been designed to test which theoretical physicists' math fits the real world.

Over the last few decades, physics has followed a path of increasing strangeness. Theory after theory about the fundamental nature of the universe has arisen: string theory, universes composed of multiple universes and many dimensions, and matter we can't see and can hardly detect. Now, that generation of theoreticians will have their ideas put to the test deep underground on the border of France and Switzerland.
Here's how the LHC could bolster or banish five of those theories:

The Big Bang Theory

Best Case:
The Large Hadron Colliders' ALICE experiment successfully creates quark-gluon plasma, a substance theorized to have existed just milliseconds after the Big Bang. By generating temperatures more than 100,000 times hotter than the sun, scientists hope to watch as this particle goo cools and expands into the particles that we know. That could help scientists answer why protons and neutrons weigh 100 times more than the quarks they're made of.

Worst Case:
Scientists inadvertently make a micro black hole, and the earth is quickly erased from existence. Just kidding: scientists at CERN and elsewhere have ruled out the possibility that the LHC will create any kind of doomsday scenario. The black holes that the LHC could theoretically create don't even have enough energy to light up a light bulb. On the other hand, the U.K.'s Astronomer Royal put the odds of destroying the world at 1 in 50 million (which puts it in the realm of possibilities but still not as likely as hitting the lottery).

String Theory

Best Case:
Scientists detect certain types of supersymmetric particles, aka sparticles, which physicist Michio Kaku calls, "signals from the 11th dimension." This would show that string theorists have been on the right path and that the universe really is made up of the four dimensions we experience and then seven others that unite the forces of nature.

Worst Case:
String theory's basic assumptions are violated. The LHC will be the first particle accelerator capable of allowing scientists to study W bosons, the elementary particle responsible for the weak force. If they don't scatter in certain ways, it'll be back to the drawing board for a generation of string theorists, or as one physicist told New Scientist, "If we see these violations, people will start working very feverishly on some sort of alternative that will produce these violations."

The "Our Universe Is Not Alone" Theory

Best Case:
If scientists find a long-lived gluino, the postulated supersymmetric partner of the gluon, one group of scientists argues that it can be seen as a "messenger from the multiverse" and will lend support to the theory that our universe is just one of many. (Keep in mind though: not everyone is buying this interpretation.)
Worst Case:
Our universe really is alone. Or even worse: it's lonely.

The Dark Matter of the Universe Theory

Best Case:
Astrophysicists currently believe that 96 percent of the universe is made up of dark matter and energy that we can't see and can barely detect. Dark matter alone is estimated to compose 26 percent of the universe, only we have no idea what it's made of. It has been postulated that the neutralino is the best candidate for dark matter. Many physicists hope that the neutralino -- which, if it exists, will be relatively easy to produce -- will make an appearance in the debris inside the CMS or Atlas detectors, confirming the theory of dark matter.
Worst Case:
Proudly, physicists announce that they've observed dark matter's unmistakable signature inside one of the LHC's detectors. But over the next few weeks, the reality sinks in that they've actually made a measurement mistake. Some physicists don't think that the LHC will be precise enough to measure any dark matter that it's lucky enough to create.

The Standard Model of Particle Physics

Best Case:
With the standard model so well elucidated, perhaps a curveball is in order. Sean Carroll of Cosmic Variance notes, "There is almost a guarantee that the Higgs exists, or at least some sort of Higgs-like particle," so perhaps the best scenario would be finding the Higgs-like particle rather than the Higgs itself. That wouldn't be such a radical break from the model such that all previous work is too highly devalued, and at the same time it could open new physics frontiers.

Worst Case:
The Higgs boson -- the long-postulated particle that is supposed to give mass to particles -- is finally confirmed. Sure, discovering the Higgs at the LHC would be neat, but it would basically just confirm a lot of what physicists already know, without really pushing the science: Boring. Some scientists have even said that their worst case scenario for the entire collider project would be finding the Higgs and just the Higgs.
From the above mentioned link:

CERN announces start-up date for LHC

Geneva, 7 August 2008. CERN1 has today announced that the first attempt to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on 10 September. This news comes as the cool down phase of commissioning CERN’s new particle accelerator reaches a successful conclusion. Television coverage of the start-up will be made available through Eurovision.

The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, producing beams seven times more energetic than any previous machine, and around 30 times more intense when it reaches design performance, probably by 2010. Housed in a 27-kilometre tunnel, it relies on technologies that would not have been possible 30 years ago. The LHC is, in a sense, its own prototype.

Starting up such a machine is not as simple as flipping a switch. Commissioning is a long process that starts with the cooling down of each of the machine’s eight sectors. This is followed by the electrical testing of the 1600 superconducting magnets and their individual powering to nominal operating current. These steps are followed by the powering together of all the circuits of each sector, and then of the eight independent sectors in unison in order to operate as a single machine.

By the end of July, this work was approaching completion, with all eight sectors at their operating temperature of 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (-271°C). The next phase in the process is synchronization of the LHC with the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator, which forms the last link in the LHC’s injector chain. Timing between the two machines has to be accurate to within a fraction of a nanosecond. A first synchronization test is scheduled for the weekend of 9 August, for the clockwise-circulating LHC beam, with the second to follow over the coming weeks. Tests will continue into September to ensure that the entire machine is ready to accelerate and collide beams at an energy of 5 TeV per beam, the target energy for 2008. Force majeure notwithstanding, the LHC will see its first circulating beam on 10 September at the injection energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV).

Once stable circulating beams have been established, they will be brought into collision, and the final step will be to commission the LHC’s acceleration system to boost the energy to 5 TeV, taking particle physics research to a new frontier.

‘We’re finishing a marathon with a sprint,’ said LHC project leader Lyn Evans. ‘It’s been a long haul, and we’re all eager to get the LHC research programme underway.’

CERN will be issuing regular status updates between now and first collisions. Journalists wishing to attend CERN for the first beam on 10 September must be accredited with the CERN press office. Since capacity is limited, priority will be given to news media. The event will be webcast through, and distributed through the Eurovision network. Live stand up and playout facilities will also be available.

A media centre will be established at the main CERN site, with access to the control centres for the accelerator and experiments limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. This includes camera positions at the CERN Control Centre, from where the LHC is run. Only television media will be able to access the CERN Control Centre. No underground access will be possible.

For further information and accreditation procedures:


'Big Bang' machine ready for launch

Scientists are to "switch on" the most powerful particle accelerator ever built in an attempt to answer some of the biggest unanswered questions in physics.

The £5 billion Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will smash protons - one of the building blocks of matter - into each other at energies up to seven times greater than any achieved before.

In the flashes from the collisions, scientists expect to reproduce conditions that existed during the first billionth of a second after the Big Bang at the birth of the universe.

No-one knows precisely what will come tumbling out of the primordial soup of disintegrating protons.

The LHC could help scientists explain mass, gravity, mysterious "dark matter" and why the universe looks the way it does.

It could also give them the first evidence of extra spatial dimensions, and even create mini-black holes that blink in and out of existence in a fraction of a second.

The LHC, a colossal machine housed in a 27 kilometre (17 mile) tunnel buried under 100 metres of rock, straddles the borders of Switzerland and France between Lake Geneva and the Jura mountains.

Beams of protons will be accelerated in opposite directions through the ring-shaped tunnel, which is supercooled to just 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (minus 271C), the lowest temperature allowed by nature.

Concerns have been voiced - in particular by German chemist Professor Otto Rossler - that black holes created by the LHC will grow uncontrollably and "eat the planet from the inside".

But those involved in the project insist they have reviewed all the evidence and concluded that it poses no risk to the universe.

Large Hadron Collider due to be switched on at 5pm AEST

TODAY could be a good day to ask for an early finish from work. According to some, the beginning of the end will happen at 5pm Melbourne time.

The timing isn't based on a religious theory or some wild premonition.

What has many people worried - including some Herald Sun readers here and here - is a scientific experiment happening in an underground bunker below the Swiss Alps.

At 5pm, the switch will be flicked on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a giant particle accelerator built by European science organisation CERN, in an effort to replicate the Big Bang.

In today's test, scientists will attempt to beam protons around a 27.3km track.

Eventually, it is hoped that two proton beams could be steered in opposite directions around the LHC at close to the speed of light, BBC reports.

Scientists want to manipulate the beams to cross paths and collide, potentially revealing fundamental insights into the nature of the cosmos.

Opponents fear the $A9.3 billion machine, which will generate temperatures of more than a trillion degrees centigrade, could create a black hole that could swallow the planet.

One theory suggests that after a series of random earthquakes, Earth would start to crack up; molten lava would wash over the land and the seas would start to boil; mega-hurricanes and cyclones would level buildings and forests; and eventually, mountains would crumble as Earth's crust continued to disintegrate.

Another theory is more simple but arguably more terrifying: Earth would be destroyed in an instant (about 1/20th of a second), simply vanishing from space. Within a few minutes, the rest of the solar system would allegedly follow.

But after commissioning a series of safety reviews, CERN scientists have scoffed at such notions, with Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University telling the British Telegraph that anyone who thinks the earth will be destroyed by the machine is a "t--t".

Eminent scientists agree, with Prof Stephen Hawking describing the LHC as "absolutely safe", telling the UK Telegraph the experiment is vital to the survival of humanity.

The LHC team hopes to find the theoretical Higgs-Boson Particle, or the God Particle, but Prof Hawking isn't confident, and has bet 100 pounds they don't find it.

The particle is thought to have given mass to all other particles and such a discovery would help gain a better understanding of things like antimatter, parallel universes and dark matter.
Well, so far, I'm still here... the sun is still shining, I hear a bird chirping outside... the radio is playing some classical piece, and Ark is in sight.

Hope your reality is holding together also!
Everyone dead by teatime

The Daily Mash
Wed, 10 Sep 2008

The greatest experiment in the history of physics will begin this morning, followed shortly after by your horrifyingly painful death.

As the Large Hadron Collider is activated scientists believe they will have less than four seconds to spot the mysterious Higgs Boson particle before their bodies explode, atom by atom.

A black hole will open up in what used to be Geneva, spreading rapidly across Europe, angrily devouring Belgium and reaching the outer London boroughs by 3pm.

Cambridge physicist Dr Tom Logan, explained: "At this point you will be stretched out slowly until you resemble a very thin piece of spaghetti about 250,000 miles long. It will hurt like f*#$."

He added: "A lot people will probably want to know what happens to their favourite celebrities such as Frank Lampard, Shilpa Shetty and Princess Anne.

"They will be stretched out slowly until they resemble a very thin piece of spaghetti about 250,000 miles long. I imagine Princess Anne will cope better than Frank Lampard."

Professor Bill McKay, who has called for the experiment to be abandoned, said: "If it's a Higgs Boson particle you're after I've got two in the fridge. Seriously - a fiver the pair."

Some scientists believe the imminent black hole could create a gateway, or 'wormhole', into an alternate universe. Dr Logan added: "Hopefully this one will be free of Peaches Geldof, fame-hungry little trollope that she is."

Meanwhile Apple has launched a new advertising campaign urging everyone to download a few more songs from iTunes before it and everything else ceases to exist.

Seriously, they didn't do any of the "dangerous" stuff today, they just fired it up and did a few practice rounds. Apparently it won't be for some months until they get serious.
Daily Mail said:
...As the Large Hadron Collider is activated scientists believe they will have less than four seconds to spot the mysterious Higgs Boson particle before their bodies explode, atom by atom. A black hole will open up in what used to be Geneva, spreading rapidly across Europe, angrily devouring Belgium and reaching the outer London boroughs by 3pm.... At this point you will be stretched out slowly until you resemble a very thin piece of spaghetti....

Laura said:
Seriously, they didn't do any of the "dangerous" stuff today, they just fired it up and did a few practice rounds. Apparently it won't be for some months until they get serious.

What a relief. I've yearned to be thin all my life, and for a minute I thought I'd missed my chance.... ;)
A very humorous list :)

But on a serious note, should we be afraid of the LHC and did the C's
have say about the LHC? I may have missed something, but I do recall
from this thread and other threads on this subject that some are really
afraid (of the LHC) and some are not. Interesting that the LHC is in
Southern France of all places. Maybe the LHC will actually open a
conduit/portal? Who really knows but at least we can be objective
and wait and see?

I mean, considering many pending events already mentioned, from
Nuclear bombs, fascist/psychopathic movements, cometary bombardments,
and the arrival of the Nephalims... it seems that maybe the LHC is "small
potatoes" in that respect?

Just wondering,

if you go back to previous posts you wil find reasons to be afraid and not to be afraid. I found the most convincing argument NOT to be afraid was, that the PTB would not have let this project go ahead, if they had any uncertainties as to its outcome. Because they want is to take over our BBM, not to destroy it ... although I believe, they wouldn't mind turning Princess Ann into a 250'000 mile spaghetti ...
nicklebleu said:
I found the most convincing argument NOT to be afraid was, that the PTB would not have let this project go ahead, if they had any uncertainties as to its outcome. Because they want is to take over our BBM, not to destroy it ... although I believe, they wouldn't mind turning Princess Ann into a 250'000 mile spaghetti ...

I might be way out but i do not think that is a reason why the psychopaths will not do it. In fact, i would even say that it is a reason to be afraid.

They want to take over the BBM and in doing so they might destroy it. And that scenario can easily serve theirs 4d masters.
Namaste said:
nicklebleu said:
I found the most convincing argument NOT to be afraid was, that the PTB would not have let this project go ahead, if they had any uncertainties as to its outcome. Because they want is to take over our BBM, not to destroy it

I might be way out but i do not think that is a reason why the psychopaths will not do it.  In fact, i would even say that it is a reason to be afraid.

They want to take over the BBM and in doing so they might destroy it. And that scenario can easily serve theirs 4d masters.
I think there are 2 good points here. One, we know the PTB don't want to do anything that will jeopardize their control or especially their own survival. Two, we also know psychopaths and STS in general are known for their wishful thinking and hubris, so they tend to do self-destructive things without realizing it. In fact if there's anything constant about STS it's the wishful thinking factor, which ultimately "gets them every time".

If high level PTB already possess knowledge of what the LHC can and cannot do, which I think is highly likely, they most likely are allowing this to exist because it will not endanger their plans - or so they think. Sure they may know exactly what LHC can and cannot do. They know it won't destroy THEM (whether it destroys us is open though), and they probably know it won't give us any knowledge they don't want us to discover (like UFT) etc (unless they actually want us to discover something they wanted to keep from us until now, maybe to dramatically change technology right before the wave or something?)

Having said that, even if the PTB know exactly what the LHC can and cannot do from a technological standpoint, that says nothing about their assumption/wishful thinking about more indirect and more abstract consequences - since the future is fluid/open. Wishful thinking being the "staple" of STS we can pretty much guarantee that things will not go according to "plan" - no matter who's the planner. STO doesn't plan for that reason - they remain open and flexible so as to remain objective and not try to control the universe. The C's said that the PTB are very clever in terms of their machinations/plans for our future, and yet, who can be more clever than the universe? What's that saying about the best laid plans of mice and men...

This website puts it really nicely:

Been reading both the new C's Sessions thread and this CERN thread, and wasn't sure where to comment, but anyway:........
I was reading today's post by Lazlo Toth on his/Father-Sarducci's/Don-Novello's blog site (WTC Demolition) titled "What Do We Do...?", and signed off with "Your frustrated friend at the end of time," and just reflecting on and absorbing all that's coming to pass before our eyes at such an exponentially accelerating pace. Close friends acknowledge they've been feeling 'it' coming and now being upon us. It appears to me that most humans, and even non-humans, feel the 'critical mass' of collective incomprehensible-ness and the impending peril, though it is being felt at very different degrees. And being processed and incorporated into individual awarenesses at widely varying degrees, according to expectations, programming, cultural orientations/biases, and environments.
We who seek information and Truth, read the 'signs of the times' as they are revealed, are overwhelmed with what adds up to something even beyond 'high strangeness': "god machines", "cold war" rerun, psycho-demoness-dictator, beheaders/cannibals in the next seat, coming October "spike" ala McKenna, pig-human-hybrid-farms in Kansas, soldier-mummies, berserk gynecologists, Frankenfoods, Haitian mud-biscuits, weather engineering, no sunspots, Iran in the crosshairs, israeli-reincarnated nazis, cattle-mutes, and phenomenal crop circles,...the list is endless. Some see the 'veils renting', the 'bleed-throughs'. The ordinary somewhat-ponerized deniers are holdin on white-knuckled, clenched-teeth to their smiley-faced inebriated/medicated state of work/perkiness/work, silently screaming inside. The monotheist xtian nutballs are probably fillin up their SUVs for the trip to Alaska for the 'rapture' or whatever.
And the self-actualizing "Work"-ing 'normals' are experiencing the frustration of the paradoxes of "Doing" and "Being" as well as "Caring/attachment" and "Free Will". I'm feeling all of it myself. However, I'm not feeling fear or panic or whacked-out on meds or feeling deeply powerless or depressed. I'm trying to hold to a fine line of centeredness between the dualistic thought-forms of self-judgment, and of self-limitation.
This is where the difficulty with some of the scientific orientation over the years (8 years following Cass) has now come to a head for me personally. The CERN LHC is the clear representation of what, to me, is a completely dead-end pointless path and the ultimate masturbatory exercise of the messed up Western scientific mind. Looking for GOD??? (That's what an E. Indian Los Alamos physicist atom-smasher dude also told me 10 years ago) Discover the UFT? Opening a Portal??? Discovering how the universe came into being??? And this is going to help the Earth and humanity HOW again? Sorry, I forgot, please remind me. (The lead "scientist" reflected on how as a kid his greatest thrill was blowing stuff up with his chemistry set!) The way it looks to me is that WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED. Just even the last thirty years of quantum physics tells us we're only gonna find what we expect to find 'cause of the fact that we are 'looking for it'. Since the Tao of Physics (and thru subsequent publications) and years of research by Vedic scholars, and scores of other research areas, tell us that the information and the knowledge we seek has ALWAYS BEEN HERE, in the surviving indigenous and old matriarchal cultures, curiously enough, primarily in the language of "myth". As for "the Creator", WE ARE IT (hello)! We are also being 'gifted' with ongoing unveiling of 'secrets' and 'codes' and personal practices - the arts/sciences protected by oral traditions for thousands of years, as well as "the Circle Artists", and forms of "higher selves" (C's). The problem is that most of the knowledge (the deeper levels) has always required initiation(s). This has largely been unaccessible for centuries because of Western man's untrustworthiness, greed, laziness, but these revelatory/mythic/scientific/creative/alchemical teachings have been available for at least 45 years now, available to those willing to suspend prejudices and brave the harsh cleansing of false programs which these initiations entail. This kind of trek has not been undertaken though All Life screams at Western man that the whole western 'modern' scientific program-meme is wrong wrong wrong and the result of a turning away from Earth, Life, and true-Human-ness long ago (out of fear no doubt). Nevertheless, 'we' persist in searching "our traditions" (Greek, Latin, European, and a taste of Sufi) of alchemy, science, intellectualism, mental gymnastics - and reject the "superstitious" practices of our pre-monotheistic ancestors, such as Ceremony, Puja, Sacred Arts, Energetic Healing, Astrology, Earth Medicine, Birth and Death Processes, En-chant-ment, Conjuring, Foods-of-the-Gods, Communing with all species, Geomancy, and all the many traditional life-practices/paths that are natural and compatible with this planet and density. Mostly with the excuse that these practices can be used/taken-over by "the dark side", black magic, self-service/delusion (propaganda/reverse-projection of the phony religions). Or some may say that the 'power' has all been sucked out of the sacred places/earth-grid; but then why do the 'Circle Makers' do their work in those places in UK and elsewhere? But this seems to be just a failure to take risks. Failure to assume a state of humility. The world-treasure holders of many traditions have been more than willing to accept any seeker/student from anywhere on the planet, from any race or society. They've always known 'what time it is'. They have always known how to recognize a sincere person qualified to begin the process and with possibility of following through, walking the road, as distinguished from the ego-driven cultural-colonialist-scholar-types. Western man has failed to learn what was needed and there for the asking all the time. From the Naga-babas of the Himalayas or the shamans of the Amazon, the list is long. We can not collectively deal with the multi-dimensional threat because we have not individually acquired a true understanding of Free Will and Power. The indigenous traditions perform their "medicine arts" NOT with a certainty of their "power" to affect a certain outcome, but because "it's what they do". Pure and simple. Original caretaking instructions. They are not "trying to control the universe". Starting with step 1 and puttin one foot in front of the other, and proceeding with discipline day after day, generation after generation. Doing for All, with Love and Beauty, and by Doing, one is become inseparable from All, devoid of 'little I', and the relevant Truth of the moment in space/time is revealed to both the Doer and All beings present. Originally, anything could be done collectively by as many as desired, and the 'medicine' was just that much more potent. Despite the slaughter of millions, the systematic targeting of Medicine people, the Truth and Knowledge survives. That's miraculous. And real. (and suppressed)
I have seen so many times in this life how traditional people keep themselves sane and 'normal', serving others in selflessness, by doing their "superstitious mumbo jumbo" (periodic give-aways/potlatch, etc.). They also maintain a certain amount of control over the health of their immediate environment. They could NEVER PROVE to a scientist that x results in y, rather they would be extremely irritated at the arrogance of demands to supply "proof". Scientific arrogance and intellectual self-absorption, as merely the flip side of insane religiosity, has brought about the depth of hell experienced almost everywhere on the planet except for the "Disneyworld" areas. Pioneers like Tesla, Reich, etc. don't discover 'secrets' by smashing and blowing stuff up. Healing is not 'discovered' by torturing other sentient beings. This whole mindset of being lost in the wilderness, up a creek, is BS, and pure laziness.
Why is a society called "civilization" when it has to obliterate forests to wipe their arses???? How many have ever even looked at such a basic thing? Ahem, uh, excuse me, but isn't this a WATER PLANET????
Well, so "it's over now"..... nuthin to be done.....There's still all the time in the world to Start From Where You Are. Look around. Watch what the birds are doing. (As Laura wrote, the birds are still singing. It's not a joke, or a small thing.) I'm gonna shut down this rant now :mad:, but when the Blackwater goons come for detention camping trips, or the Nine-foot Lizzies come calling :scared:, I will spit in their faces. As Peter Tosh sang, "destruction of the soul is fantasy".
I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at the center within yourself and I within mine, we shall be as one. (Crazy Horse, Shaman and Chief of the Lakota Sioux)
Bholanath said:
Been reading both the new C's Sessions thread and this CERN thread, and wasn't sure where to comment, but anyway:........
Hi Bholanth, because you haven't used any formatting or paragraphs your post is very difficult to interpret, please be externally considerate. It is not immediately clear exactly what your point is...? :huh:
Pob, I'm neither a writer nor scholar. I'm sorry for not being "externally considerate". I'm more of a traditional artist in my orientation, and was just feeling very very PO-ed at the overload of what Bruce Levin is referring to in today's article Has American Society Gone Insane? :-[
My feeling, especially from last 40 years of immersion in 'aboriginal' and far eastern cultures/societies, is that not only American, but pretty much ALL of so-called western civilization, has always been totally insane from top to bottom from the get-go. Guess that was "the point". My personal POV. Personal experience of cultural genocide transmitted through person to person interaction, life stories, colonialism-caused psychic trauma in individuals and societies.
I greatly appreciate the work of Sott and Cass in deconstructing the lies of false history and made-up mythologies. (check's in the mail today!)
I spewed the spontaneous rant out of long-standing frustration over the idea put forward by C's that (to paraphrase) "all ritual only feeds directly to 4D STS". It just doesn't 'ring true' to me as a blanket pronouncement/dismissal of my own and friends' experiences.
Also I have never personally experientially understood the ultimate value of scientific/intellectual inquiry toward gaining wisdom or self-knowing, beyond very elementary levels of mental de-programming. LHC is, to me, the penultimate example of this folly, as well as the idea of correcting problems with the same mind-set as what created them.
Such a waste on every level, this buying into the nature/earth-bad, god/heaven-good and we-are-separate-and-observe-and-dissect...way of life.
It appears (to me, and associates) that there is a developing melt-down of the ancient denial (at least in some portion of humanity). Let Her rip!
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what any of what we've been doing is worth........ :/
I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at the center within yourself and I within mine, we shall be as one. (Crazy Horse, Shaman and Chief of the Lakota Sioux)
Sleepy people have a greater chance of having sleepy results whether it be science or more esoteric things. Science includes esoteric things and esoteric things can be studied scientificly. Ark is a scientist who looked at esoteric things even before meeting Laura and Laura is an author of esoteric history books who was looking for science even before meeting Ark (there was even a physicist at the board before Ark). The Work is very much something that occurs down at the individual level so a really bad global situation does not mean there isn't a lot of success down at the level of a lot of individuals. The end result for many could be a lot of short and sweet stays in 5th density before moving on to 4th density.

The LHC perhaps does not justify the cost but it's really not a bad thing. If it was being used to confirm hyperdimensional physics models that would be a very good thing. People via Einstein already know time is stranger than common sense might think. If all the hyperdimensional degrees of freedom in physics were as well accepted and talked about as Einstein's relativity, maybe more people could relate to our esoteric reality.
Being one of the "sleepy people" and pursuing "esoteric things" (doing the Work?), I'm afraid, is a concept I haven't seriously come across. But, hey, maybe it's popular in some circles. On the other hand, maybe it's actually the most prevalent mode.

Mastery of esoteric history is both a respectable calling, and valuable to society. So also is "looking at" or scientifically studying "esoteric things".
But, not only is the scientific point of view not universally considered singularly most important, but is, in other world-views, a definite obstacle to the actual living/being in what is here referred to as "the Work" (or the Path, the Road, the Dharma, the Tao, etc.). This is just making a distinction between "knowing about" a "thing" and dropping all separateness. Dropping the separateness renders irrelevant such concepts as "success" and "individual-collective" responsibility dualisms. No status, comfort involved. No map, guidebook either.

I personally prefer to concern myself with this moment in this density.

Many people and societies, myself incl., feel it (LHC) is definitely "esoterically" a "bad thing".

Einstein....time....common sense....hyperdimensionality. I'm afraid the world is much bigger than 'our' totally lost white 'civilization', and much wiser too.
'We' just assumed our brilliancy, others' stupidity, 'cause we can waste 'em, dem primitives and their simple superstitions.
...and the kingdom became dead and desert, for they lost the voices of the wells and the damsels that were therein. (The Elucidation)
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