Circadian Biology determines health, not food! DHA, Blue light and nnEMF

Laura said:
Keep in mind that experiments have been done with putting people in situations where their bodies dictate the wake/sleep cycle and it generally turns out to be very different from the circadian cycle. We may not even be geared for the day/night cycle of this planet, or at least this planet with the rotation it currently manifests.
Sorry, but I don't understand how this point negates the importance of becoming in-tuned with the circadian cycles of the earth. People can go underground and their cycles change, but from what I can see the results of the Aschoff experiements don't imply that this was not detrimental for the body. Most people have messed up circadian cycles now anyway, without having to go into a bunker. The clear aim is to allign one's own biology with the earths natural cycles (which differs on different points of the globe). The point I am trying to make is that a person can probably survive with a messed up circadian rhythm, but they are not going to achieve optimal health. And I reiterate that no dietary changes can supplement proper circadian functioning.

T.S Wiley's "Light's Out" is still on my bookshelf, and I havn't managed to read it yet. However, just working from this quote:
Our internal clocks are governed by seasonal variations in light and dark; extending daylight artificially leads to a craving for sugar, especially concentrated, refined carbohydrates that, in turn, cause obesity. More seriously, lack of sleep inhibits the production of prolactin and melatonin--deranging our immune systems and causing depression, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
If the authors operate from the assumption that circadian biology is only governed by light cycles, they have only got 50% of the story correct. The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates circadian signalling in response to light only in high light cycles (spring and summer). Interestingly, when light levels become lower our SCN actually no longer works from light. Skin surface temperature receptors act as light would, and the circadian cycle is actually regulated by temperature. It's no good relying on light in the winter time, because unless you live on the equator, the circadian cycle is going to totally out of sinc. The only way to achieve circadian regulation in low light cycles is to activate the leptin-melanocortin pathway via very-low carbohydrate consumption and cold stimulus on a regular basis. Unless one is cold-adapted and is in ketosis in the winter, they are out of sinc with their biology. From an evolutionary standpoint, this clearly makes sense.
Let's look at it from an electron perpective and not a macronutrient perspective. Our mitochondria use electrons to generate ATP (not fat protein or carbs) via electron chain transport. In high light cycles, we absorb electrons from UV and IR light from the sun - we don't need high energy dense foods. In the cold, we are lacking electrons from the sun, so what was mother nature's answer to this? Cold. Cold increases the flow of electrons in the mitochondria. Rapidly stimulates leptin sensitivity and allows us to survive in ketosis in the winter by burning fat from White Adipose Tissue as free heat energy - not ATP. Therefore, we produce no free radicals as metabolic byproducts. In nature, cold signals no carbohydrates in nature, so this is the only time we would naturally be in ketosis. Ketosis uncoupled from cold can cause problems, and I believe this is why so many on the forum have not reaped the benefits from Keto. Many of the benefits of CT have been covered here on the forum, but how important CT is in ketosis has been missed. Circadian biology is not just about light, it is about temperature as well.

Added: ketosis provides the most electron-dense food source = fat. This is make up for the lack of light.

There is another instance where the authors are partly correct about carbohydrate consumption in high light cycles, but maybe they don't understand the "why" of it, so they essientially miss the main point. Carbohydrates are good in the summer, because the high omega-6 PUFA content of the diet builds up in the tissues, which by autumn time is slowly transfered to the cell membrane to change it's consistency. This has been shown in mammals. The membranes change to being primarly made of n-6 PUFA's because of the fluidity they can provide. It basically acts as a cellular "antifreeze" to prepare for the winter cold and supports thermoregulation during hibernation.

What if Diabetes was not actually a disease? Mammals become insulin resistant in the summer. The surges of insulin trigger large stores of fat as white adipose tissue, which can later be burned off when in the cold. Diabete's may in fact be an evolutionary protective mechanism to protect agqainst winter, not a disease. Whereas the reason we see diabete's so much is not only due to the food we eat, but primarily because we are no longer exposed to cold temperatures which reverse inculine resistance. High light cycles also trick our body to thinking it is summer all of the time, but blue light also destroys DHA in the retina. The articles above emphasise the importance of DHA for mitochondrial energy production. This is all directly tied to circadian biology.

Apologies if this was slightly disjointed, and if it doesn't seem appropriate then I will refrain from posting about it further and continue experimenting with it myself.

whitecoast, Nienna and SeekinTruth,

Thanks for sharing your experiences, and I'm glad to hear that nutritional changes have helped you guys as much as they have. The point of my post was to go further... not to dismiss the achievments of those who have seen benefits, but to simply shine light on the facts that nutritional adjustments are limited in their disease-reversing capabilities. For some people, nutritional changes may be enough. But for others, this simply isn't the case. However, I am a firm believer that the human body does have the capacity to fully reverse every possibly neolithic disease, and essentially regenerate. But to do this, we need to go further than diet alone. That is the point I am trying to emphasise. Perhaps I have become a little "one-track-minded" with this, but since I'm training as a nutritional therapist, I really want to get to the bottom of how to reverse disease. Because I am probably going to be dealing with people suffering on a daily basis, and I don't want to be handing out half-truths.
Along with Laura's sharing of her experience (which, being scientifically minded, is a great case study for you in a situation of lack of empirical data and studies), there's also the fact that these diseases themselves are named neolithic, i.e., back when agriculture came in, before man made EMF, electric lighting, cell phones etc., came into existence, people started suffering from all the problems that Weston Price pinned on the species inappropriate diet we've all come to know and hate.

Having said that, I do think there's a lot to be said for the work of Jack Kruse and related theories and I'm sure we'd all like to live in more natural conditions than we do now.

However, I am a firm believer that the human body does have the capacity to fully reverse every possibly neolithic disease, and essentially regenerate. But to do this, we need to go further than diet alone. That is the point I am trying to emphasise. Perhaps I have become a little "one-track-minded" with this, but since I'm training as a nutritional therapist, I really want to get to the bottom of how to reverse disease. Because I am probably going to be dealing with people suffering on a daily basis, and I don't want to be handing out half-truths.

And that's a wonderful thing! :) Your enthusiasm shines through. And I think your desire to help everyone here who is suffering with health problems is 50% of what flavours your posts. But in your posts, there's been a few places where you've admitted that there's things you don't know or understand, so at the moment, based on what you've been able to take from your studies, you have a belief, and that's what the other 50% is made up of - a kind of 'Catholic Zeal'.

This is your quest, Keyhole, and as such, what you need to do is keep working to fully understand all this stuff. Remember Gurdjieff's arrangement with Ouspenski? Ouspenski was not allowed to discuss Grudjieff's system with anyone until he fully understood it himself (never did, but hey ho). Why? Because in his attempted explanation of it he'd get it wrong - at best, telling people false information and at worst putting them off ever having anything to do with the Work.

So study it, and study it for you. It's your passion; it's you who has a strong conviction that this might just be the Holy Grail; but do your research and try to think with a hammer.

Keyhole, go back and re-read the opening paragraph of your first post:

Ok, so I have been doing a load of reading over the past month or so. The research has led me to the very definite conclusion that no amount of dietary changes can fix disease. Working on the gut without attempting to alter the environment is basically a big waste of money and time! Why? Because the permeability of gut is regulated via our circadian biological cycles. Probiotics won't fix a messed up circadian clock.

As you should now see, working on the gut is NOT a "big waste of time and money" and we have and do take circadian issues into account as much as possible. You might have read the threads about this already where it is made clear that the optimal conditions for healing the gut include sleeping in total darkness after going to bed as early as possible and minimizing one's exposure to the wrong/bad kinds of lighting. We are not ignorant of those issues, they are taken into account.

However, you may also notice that the PERFECT situation does not exist for anyone. Some people work the night shift or swing shifts; some people are not in a position to make dramatic changes in their lives of any kind and so we encourage them to do what they can with what they have.

For you to say "it's a waste of time and money" for you people to do anything unless you do this-here thing I've discovered (reinvented the wheel?) is grossly misrepresenting the situation and is not very helpful. I hope you will not be taking that approach to your profession!

Also, again, please notice the issue of neolithic diseases. Think about that for awhile. MOST of what is wrong is due to diet and diet can correct most of it. Indeed, there is a lot of help that can be given by getting in sync with a good planet cycle - that's almost common sense - but it is NOT the be-all and end-all that you seem to think it is!
Hi Keyhole,

Interesting research!

Keyhole said:
The clear aim is to allign one's own biology with the earths natural cycles (which differs on different points of the globe).

How would one go about doing this? And (perhaps a silly question:) does this factor in extreme earth changes? Also, it's very difficult to avoid all EMF sources. Consider today's society where WiFi is available in almost all kinds of places: stores, libraries, universities, schools, kindergartens (!), trains, and so forth. And we can avoid using our cellphones, but sometimes one has to make a call! What to do if a university loads you up with work, and you have to make late hours in order to get it all done in time? While Kruse may have a point, it's also important to know what realistic changes people can make. Obviously, living in a hut in a forest would not be the answer! After all, the 4th way of learning involves interacting with this world and learning from it, etc. And as Laura said, a perfect situation does not exist for anyone.

Also worth considering I think is that some of these biological pathways or systems in our bodies may not work optimally in all of us. For example, you say: "The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates circadian signalling in response to light only in high light cycles (spring and summer)." What to do if someone's hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus does not operate correctly due to genetic faults or due to other factors too complex for us to understand?

Besides diet and circadian biology, another very important factor is the mind and emotions and how they affect disease. (Meditation for example can even alter gene expressions!) If someone is eating the right diet, and has aligned one's own biology with the earths natural cycles, but still experiences stressors from the environment (stress from work, etc.) one can still develop a disease/or experience difficulty with curing one's disease.

Regarding dietary changes, it has cleared up several health problems I had. One of them being pain in my right knee that would flare up at times, sometimes so bad that I could barely walk. After changing my diet, it disappeared. It only comes back slightly if I'm having too many carbs. Diet plays a big role I think, after all, it concerns the fuel our cells need. If we don't take in the right fuel, how well will our mitochondria operate, to name one example?

Also exercise.... Don't forget exercise! We live such sedentary lives! How many of these people who are plagued by illnesses actually do simple things as walk at least 10000 steps everyday? Year after year of neglect can only culminate in system failures... You get up in the morning, walk around your house, sit down for hours, maybe get in your car and drive places, walk for a little bit inside other buildings then go back home via your car... Maybe every now and again you'd go for a hike or do some other exercise but this are rare events... Wash, rinse repeat for decades on end... The result surely is nothing short of inevitable. Combine with poor diet, high stress, poor psychological environments, polluted environments, dysfunctional circadian rhythms, over reliance on chemical substances and the result becomes pretty much guaranteed. Add into that mix some shady genes inherited from the previous generation and you are truly buggered well and proper.
There is truth to the fact that light influences the metabolic cycles in the cells and the internal clock may be altered by changes in light and EM frequency, however I think it is different for different people as some people develop sensitivities to light more than others thus light having a more important impact on their systems than other people.

For instance, if you are to look at people living close to the Ecuador, where light and heat variances remain pretty close in terms of degrees and light exposure throughout the year and brown dark skin has more resistance to light still get sick from autoimmune conditions also. If you are looking into this, those are factors to consider too.

also consider that a person can develop food sensitivities almost instantly after eating something rotten (shellfish) or more than the recommended amount of something like (almonds) independently from EM or light exposure.

I personally am a night owl, and rest like a baby in daylight better than night-morning meaning that counting stress as a factor, sleeping during the day is much more restful for me and experience less stress thus reducing artificial stress coming from routine.
I don't discount the removal of EM radiation, blue light exposure and breaking the Circadian cycles as factors to improve a condition.

Consider these factors as they come to mind as important:

Is the research looking into only people who suffer from diseases and have an already weakened immune system, thus making them more sensitive to these influences?
Is the research also including people who live around the Ecuador.
Is the research including also people with darker skin, since dark skin is much more resistant to light.
Is the research including the migration of individuals outside their normal circadian cycle into another circadian environment in contrast with specific disease.
Is the research including how harmful chemicals also affect gene expression and therefore protein synthesis and energy levels.

I think it plays a part in making people more sick, but dietary changes take place after a long time, since going back to a "normal" circadian cycle doesn't bring about the reconstruction of cell membranes by changing from a bad diet to a good diet for example.

If i understood correctly i think the research is pointing to the activation on and off signals in the cells at wrong times and the brain releasing chemicals or metabolic processes when there is no need for release and blocking others when there is need thus creating energy imbalance and over/under activation of signals at wrong times. I still don't see how diet doesn't play a big role in healing in many ways.
Laura said:
As you should now see, working on the gut is NOT a "big waste of time and money" and we have and do take circadian issues into account as much as possible. You might have read the threads about this already where it is made clear that the optimal conditions for healing the gut include sleeping in total darkness after going to bed as early as possible and minimizing one's exposure to the wrong/bad kinds of lighting. We are not ignorant of those issues, they are taken into account.

However, you may also notice that the PERFECT situation does not exist for anyone. Some people work the night shift or swing shifts; some people are not in a position to make dramatic changes in their lives of any kind and so we encourage them to do what they can with what they have.

For you to say "it's a waste of time and money" for you people to do anything unless you do this-here thing I've discovered (reinvented the wheel?) is grossly misrepresenting the situation and is not very helpful. I hope you will not be taking that approach to your profession!
Ok, this is a fair point. I can understand how saying "it's a waste of time and money" may have come across, and that it was quite insensitive to those who have made real progress with dietary changes. On top of that, the statement simply wasn't true. So yeah, apologies for going overboard with that. If you think changing the title of the thread would be a good idea then go ahead, because I don't want to give any members (or onlookers who are not well-versed in nutritional info) the wrong impression and potentially draw them away from changing their diet. As you said, the statement wasn't very helpful at all.
Laura said:
Also, again, please notice the issue of neolithic diseases. Think about that for awhile. MOST of what is wrong is due to diet and diet can correct most of it. Indeed, there is a lot of help that can be given by getting in sync with a good planet cycle - that's almost common sense - but it is NOT the be-all and end-all that you seem to think it is!
To a large extent I agree with the idea that diet can go a long way. I think it is a big step in the right direction, and EMF etc is not the "be-all and end-all". Then again, there are emotional, psychological and spiritual elements to regaining health that I tend to neglect. However, of the idea that most of what is wrong with regard to neolithic disease is nutrition - at the moment I will have to respectfully disagree with that. IMO, the upsurge in the last couple of years is too expansive to be explained by nutrition mostly and the data speaks for it's self. But I'm not seeking to necessarily argue that point or prove/disprove anything. Perhaps I could just use this thread to collate some information that I have personally found to be fascinating, and that also may spark the interest of other members.
T.C.]This is your quest said:
Keyhole said:
The clear aim is to allign one's own biology with the earths natural cycles (which differs on different points of the globe).
How would one go about doing this? And (perhaps a silly question:) does this factor in extreme earth changes? Also, it's very difficult to avoid all EMF sources. Consider today's society where WiFi is available in almost all kinds of places: stores, libraries, universities, schools, kindergartens (!), trains, and so forth. And we can avoid using our cellphones, but sometimes one has to make a call! What to do if a university loads you up with work, and you have to make late hours in order to get it all done in time? While Kruse may have a point, it's also important to know what realistic changes people can make. Obviously, living in a hut in a forest would not be the answer! After all, the 4th way of learning involves interacting with this world and learning from it, etc. And as Laura said, a perfect situation does not exist for anyone.
Right, well from what I understand currently, the job is to first of all assess one's own level of exposure. The answer is not to go live in a hut. This is not all about doom-and-gloom. From what Kruse says, those people with high-level exposures to EMF and blue light are not utterly screwed - if they conduct their lives in ways to offset the damage. There are very definite things someone can do to essentially reverse any of the damage. I can't explain this in one post, because to understand the HOW and the WHY, people first need to understand the context. This will take a long time, and most people don't have the time to trawl through Kruse's monster-sized blog posts (which are relatively difficult to understand most of the time). Fortunately, I do have the time to do this, and it is a great interest of mine. So I will attempt to collate the data, place it in an understandable format and provide context - hopefully without butchering the content too much.

To give you an idea of what the average person can do to offset the risks:

-Increased non-native EMF and blue light exposure = you must dedicate longer to Cold Therapy (at least 40 mins per day 3-4 times a week), eat more DHA (seafood) to replenish depleted stores, get more sunlight and grounding, and drink a LOT more water.

-Less non-native EMF and blue light exposure = CT is not essential, average seafood intake is adequate, sunlight and grounding are still important.

Oxajil said:
Also worth considering I think is that some of these biological pathways or systems in our bodies may not work optimally in all of us. For example, you say: "The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates circadian signalling in response to light only in high light cycles (spring and summer)." What to do if someone's hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus does not operate correctly due to genetic faults or due to other factors too complex for us to understand?
I guess I can't answer this conclusively because I simply don't have the knowledge to do so. Although, genetic expession is supposedly pretty much 100% dictated by epigenetics. Epigenetic expression is also a constant process occuring in the body. Hypothalamic suprachiasmatic circadian regulation is a feature of mamallian biology that has been passed on to the human species as a whole. We simply wouldn't have been able to exist without it. And consider that any small change in one's life can alter gene expression (thoughts included). Therefore if there were some sort of genetic defects that prevent it from functioning properly - it is probably due to environmental factors (including diet) and should theoretically be fixable via epigenetic alterations induced by lifestyle changes. Similar to MTHFR methylation single nucleotide polymorphism etc, these are apparently minor issues which can be bypassed quite easily via CT and seafood.

Oxajil said:
Besides diet and circadian biology, another very important factor is the mind and emotions and how they affect disease. (Meditation for example can even alter gene expressions!) If someone is eating the right diet, and has aligned one's own biology with the earths natural cycles, but still experiences stressors from the environment (stress from work, etc.) one can still develop a disease/or experience difficulty with curing one's disease.

Regarding dietary changes, it has cleared up several health problems I had. One of them being pain in my right knee that would flare up at times, sometimes so bad that I could barely walk. After changing my diet, it disappeared. It only comes back slightly if I'm having too many carbs. Diet plays a big role I think, after all, it concerns the fuel our cells need. If we don't take in the right fuel, how well will our mitochondria operate, to name one example?
Yeah, the mind and emotions is something I have a tendency to overlook. So that's a good point and always should be taken into consideration. Totally agree that stress in any form is going to do damage to the system, considering Gabor Mate and other's work along those lines.

I'm glad to hear the diet has helped you out in this respect. I would mostly agree with what you are saying here, however I do see it slightly different now. I don't think it is quite as simple as eating good food for good mitochondrial health. It's important to have context here however, especially when looking at how the mitochondria actually functions. I will gather some data. It will be long and dense, but you may be interested to read what is available.

Felipe4 said:
There is truth to the fact that light influences the metabolic cycles in the cells and the internal clock may be altered by changes in light and EM frequency, however I think it is different for different people as some people develop sensitivities to light more than others thus light having a more important impact on their systems than other people.

For instance, if you are to look at people living close to the Ecuador, where light and heat variances remain pretty close in terms of degrees and light exposure throughout the year and brown dark skin has more resistance to light still get sick from autoimmune conditions also. If you are looking into this, those are factors to consider too.

also consider that a person can develop food sensitivities almost instantly after eating something rotten (shellfish) or more than the recommended amount of something like (almonds) independently from EM or light exposure.

I personally am a night owl, and rest like a baby in daylight better than night-morning meaning that counting stress as a factor, sleeping during the day is much more restful for me and experience less stress thus reducing artificial stress coming from routine.
I don't discount the removal of EM radiation, blue light exposure and breaking the Circadian cycles as factors to improve a condition.

Consider these factors as they come to mind as important:

Is the research looking into only people who suffer from diseases and have an already weakened immune system, thus making them more sensitive to these influences?
Is the research also including people who live around the Ecuador.
Is the research including also people with darker skin, since dark skin is much more resistant to light.
Is the research including the migration of individuals outside their normal circadian cycle into another circadian environment in contrast with specific disease.
Is the research including how harmful chemicals also affect gene expression and therefore protein synthesis and energy levels.

I think it plays a part in making people more sick, but dietary changes take place after a long time, since going back to a "normal" circadian cycle doesn't bring about the reconstruction of cell membranes by changing from a bad diet to a good diet for example.

If i understood correctly i think the research is pointing to the activation on and off signals in the cells at wrong times and the brain releasing chemicals or metabolic processes when there is no need for release and blocking others when there is need thus creating energy imbalance and over/under activation of signals at wrong times. I still don't see how diet doesn't play a big role in healing in many ways.
Again, thanks for sharing you experiences Felipe. The body of questions you have put forth can't be answered in one post alone. As I said already a few times, I will collate some information and gradually post it up on this thread bit by bit. It should hopefully answer your questions.
First, I want to make clear, Keyhole, that I appreciate what you're doing. It's important data to gather and analyze, and you're doing a good job. Just want to make that clear. But it's also important to think critically as to what it all means.

I'm just going to throw out a few things for you to think about in no particular order.

One big problem with Kruse's approach, I've mentioned in the eating more carbs thread: how do we deal with the totally disastrous state of the bodies of water on the planet to eat more seafood for DHA? From Fukushima radiation to the decades and decades of dumping industrial toxic waste and the burning of fuels from industrial plants to vehicle exhaust all settling into the bodies of water (which may have a more detrimental effect considering homeopathic principals than all the rest of the contamination we have to deal with).

Consider what Kruse, et al are saying: it all comes down to electrons. Well sure that's the ultimate mechanism for generating energy. BUT, it's not like it doesn't matter what you eat to get those final electrons. If that was the case, we'd be able to eat anything at all because every physical thing is made up of the same atoms containing electrons. We'd be able to eat rocks, for example. But we're not designed to do so.

It's analogous to putting diesel in a gasoline engine. They're both hydrocarbons from the same crude source, but an engine designed to run on gasoline is just not going to work on diesel and vise versa. Diesel is so "dirty" that it would foul up the spark plugs right away (if the spark plug was designed to give a hot enough spark to ignite diesel fuel). So diesel engines don't even have spark plugs. They work by extremely high compression - the compression is so high that the ignition is obtained without a spark plug (check the compression ratios of diesel engines vs. gasoline engines).

When you learn about the difference between the main fuel to metabolize - sugar vs. fat - the whole metabolic process is very different. Not only is fat twice as energy dense, but the amount of harmful byproducts that are generated from the process of burning sugar is huge (as you know better than anyone because you're studying the details so closely). Now think of what that means over a lifetime of generating free radicals/reactive oxygen species, etc. The body has to deal with this constantly.

As was mentioned, the first thing that happened when the "agricultural revolution" of the neolithic came about was that human stature became smaller, with smaller brains, less strong bones and teeth, and all the modern diseases exploded. There was none of the EMF or blue light, circadian mismatch issues at that time. Bone specialists can immediately tell if human remains are from hunter-gatherers or agricultural societies. Bones being the strongest tissues and teeth being the strongest bones in the healthy body are suddenly diseased with the introduction of agriculture (particularly grains). THIS is the big clue that something went radically wrong right at the start of this "agricultural revolution."

Just wanted to give you a review of some of the things to think critically about in terms of how important WHAT we eat proves from human remains records to all the experiments forum members have done and shown remarkable results. How quickly my father's and my prostate problems reversed and not reoccurred is just one example among so many on the forum from dietary changes.
Oh, I forgot to mention that neither my father nor I had any change in our EMF or blue light exposure when treating our prostate problems successfully with diet - we continued to have this one negative factor in our lives but the diet and supplements fixed our health issue anyway. I was exposed to A LOT of blue light before, during, and after the problem and resolution being in front of a computer many hours of the day.
Keyhole, read "The Big Fat Surprise". That will tell you exactly why they has been such an upsurge since the 80s.
Hey SeekinTruth,
SeekinTruth said:
One big problem with Kruse's approach, I've mentioned in the eating more carbs thread: how do we deal with the totally disastrous state of the bodies of water on the planet to eat more seafood for DHA? From Fukushima radiation to the decades and decades of dumping industrial toxic waste and the burning of fuels from industrial plants to vehicle exhaust all settling into the bodies of water (which may have a more detrimental effect considering homeopathic principals than all the rest of the contamination we have to deal with).

I actually think there is sufficient evidence to show that radiation is Hormetic. Here's a review:
Hormesis is the stimulation of any system by low doses of any agent (Luckey, 1980a). Large and small doses of most agents elicit opposite responses. A dose that elicits a response which separates positive from negative effects is the threshold dose; it is the “zero equivalent point” (ZEP) for that specific parameter. Low dose is any dose below ZEP. Dose rate is also important. Taking one pill per day may be life-saving; taking 365 of most pills in one day would be lethal.
Radiation hormesis is the stimulation, often considered to be beneficial, from low doses of ionizing radiation. Large doses are harmful. The difference is quite clear in those dose-response curves which involve both biopositive and bionegative effects. At any given rate, the physiologic response to ionizing radiation is directly proportional to the logarithm of the dose (Luckey, 1991).
Over 3,000 scientific research papers show that low dose irradiation is stimulatory and/or beneficial in a wide variety of microbes, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates (Luckey, 1980a, 1991, Muckerheide, 2001). Using the parameters of cancer mortality rates or mean lifespan in humans, no scientifically acceptable study was found which showed that less than 10 cGy was harmful. Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc. (Box 843, Needham, MA 02494) offers $1,000 for one report in English with scientifically acceptable evidence of harm (increased cancer death rate or decreased average lifespan) from low dose irradiation in normal (not immune deficient) humans or laboratory animals. This is opposed by several thousand studies which produced confirmed and definitive evidence of stimulation and/or benefit.
The best of the good includes the pioneering research of Dr. K. Sakamoto (Fig. 2) and associates who showed that low dose irradiation of the torso was the most effective treatment for malignant lymphoma (Sakamoto, 1996, 1997). Exposure of either the head and neck or the lower half of the body were without effect. They had previously established this selective area for low dose irradiation using decreased cancer death rates in mice. Sakamoto's concept was confirmed by a survey of 14,137 lymphoma patients treated with low dose, total body irradiation. “Data indicate that half of the patients in stage I (indolent lymphoma) are cured (with a 15 year follow-up) by radiotherapy alone. Addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy does not indicate any improvement in overall outcome.” (Gustavsson et al., 2003).
A decades long epidemiologic study in China showed peasants living with three times the levels of natural radiation are more healthy in almost every characteristic than peasants living with lower levels of radiation (Luckey, 1991). The immunologic research of Liu and associated in Changchung provided understanding for some of the effects of low dose irradiation (Liu, 2003). China's current nuclear power program, with 10 nuclear power plants under construction and 100 more planned, indicates China rejects fear from low dose irradiation (Aurengo et al., 2005).
When compared with non-irradiated controls, cohorts exposed to low dose irradiation show statistically significant increased physiologic functions (Luckey, 1991). Lightly irradiated rodents were more fertile than controls through several generations (increased ovulation in dams, increased number, viability and growth rates of young, and faster physical development of young) with no evidence of mutations in the young exposed in utero. Irradiated colonies were maintained in good health through 21 generations.
Low dose irradiation activates the immune system in several ways: faster wound healing, and increased resistance to toxins, infections, and tumor cell injections (Luckey, 1991). Lightly irradiated animals survived doses of radiation which killed all unexposed controls. Lymphocyte production was increased by low dose irradiation. The search and destroy function of lymphocytes is facilitated by destruction of the radiation sensitive T repressor cells; this allows other T cells to be more efficient (Hellstrom and Hellstrom, 1979). When compared with strict controls, cancer mortality rates were significantly decreased (almost 50%) in accidentally irradiated nuclear workers (Luckey, 1991, 1997a).
Low dose irradiation produced statistically significant increased average lifespan of laboratory animals and humans (Luckey, 1991, Ina and Sakai, 2004). Japanese bomb survivors exposed to low dose irradiation have statistically significantly longer average lifespan than those of control populations (Mine, 1991). When compared with the control population, the risk of non-cancer deaths in 22,777 Japanese atom bomb survivors increased only when the dose exceeded 155 cGy (Shimizu, et al. 1992, Pierce and Preston, 2001).
The ultimate good is: ionizing radiation is essential for life. All the criteria of an essential agent are met by low dose irradiation (Luckey, 1991, 2004).

When ionizing radiation is lowered below ambient levels, a wide variety of animals either do not survive, or become weak and perform poorly (Luckey, 1991, 1999a, Ruda and Kuzin, 1991). This is evidence that a radiation deficiency developed. Ionizing radiation uniquely prevents these syndromes. Low level irradiation increased the growth (replication) rate in protozoa (Luckey, 1991). Ionizing radiation promoted photosynthesis in both the presence and absence of light (Conter, et al. 1983, Luckey, 1980b). This suggests that radiation is a major source of energy for the abundant life at deep sea fissures and microbial metabolism underground in the deep hot biosphere (Gold, 1998). Supplementation with low dose irradiation lowered the cancer death rate, reduced infectious diseases, and provided a longer, healthy life in humans (Luckey, 1997b).

Another common misconception about seafood is that it contains a load of murcury. Two problems with this:

1.Murcury acquires in apex-predator fish, which interestingly usually have the lowest levels of DHA when compared to smaller fish such as sardines or shellfish like oysters.

2. Also interesting is that fish contains high amounts of selenium (and coincidentally lots of iodine in it's natural form?). It's important to examine the biochemistry of murcury when it is coupled with selenium in the body. Murcury and selenium have an antagonistic relationship with one another, and on a number of occasions selenium has been shown to nullify the effects of ingested murcury.

1. The available data on the influence of selenium on the toxicity of methylmercury and of methylmercury on selenium as a nutrient and toxic agent are reviewed. Selenium as selenite has a relative protective effect on acute and subacute toxicity of methylmercury in the rat and the quail. The protective mechanism is far from clear. Of special interest is the fact that selenium-treated animals may remain unaffected, even when they have attained tissue mercury levels otherwise associated with toxic effects. Selenite causes some increase of tissue mercury levels in methylmercury-exposed animals. On the other hand, methylmercury induces a remarkable enhancement of organ concentrations of selenium in animals given selenite. The interaction between selenium and methylmercury is in many ways different from that between selenium and inorganic mercury, and also from that between selenium and other metals. Due to the considerable interspecies differences in the toxicity of methylmercury, the available data do not allow conclusions on interactions in man. Practical implications of a possible protective effect of selenium on methylmercury toxicity in humans are discussed. link :

2.Selenium (Se) supplementation in the nutritionally relevant range counteracts methylmercury (MeHg)
. Since Se tends to be abundant in fish, MeHg exposures alone may not provide an accurate index
of risk from fish consumption.
Molar ratios of MeHg:Se in the diets and Hg:Se in tissues of exposed
individuals may provide a more accurate index. This experiment compared MeHg toxicity in relation to
MeHg exposure vs. Hg:Se molar ratios in diets and tissues. Diets were prepared using low-Se torula yeast
basal diets supplemented with Na2SeO4 to contain 0.1, 1.0, or 10.0 mmol Se/kg (!0.01, 0.08, or 0.8 ppm
Se), reflecting low-, adequate-, or rich-Se intakes, respectively. Diets contained either low or high
(0.5 mmol or 50 mmol MeHg/kg) (!0.10 or 10 ppm Hg). Sixty weanling male Long Evans rats were
distributed into six weight-matched groups (three Se levels " two MeHg levels) that were supplied with
water and their respective diets ab libitum for 18 weeks. No Se-dependent differences in growth were
noted among rats fed low-MeHg diets, but growth impairments among rats fed high-MeHg were
inversely related to dietary Se. After 3 weeks on the diet, growth impairments were evident among rats
fed high-MeHg with low- or adequate-Se
and after 10 weeks, rats fed low-Se, high-MeHg diets started to
lose weight and displayed hind limb crossing. No weight loss or hind limb crossing was noted among
animals fed high-MeHg, rich-Se diets

3.Toxicity of mercury (Hg) can be reduced by coadministration with selenium (Se), and this has been explained by the formation of a complex between a specific plasma protein and the two elements, which are bound to the protein at an equimolar ratio. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the specific binding protein in order to clarify the detoxification mechanism. The coadministration of82Se-enriched selenite and mercuric chloride into a rat produced a82Se- and Hg-binding peak on a gel filtration column as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with detection by inductively coupled argon plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP–MS). The specific binding protein was also detectedin vitroby incubating82Se-enriched selenite and mercuric chloride in serum in the presence of glutathione. The molar ratio of Se/Hg = 1 was maintained in binding not only to the specific protein but also to other proteins under any condition. Inin vitroexperiments, it was shown that although the two elements could bind to many plasma proteins, the affinity to the specific protein was extremely high and it showed a binding capacity of 500 nmol Hg or Se/the specific protein in 1 ml of serum. These results suggest that the two elements form an equimolar complex at first and then bind specifically to the protein. Further, the binding of the two elements to the protein was inhibited by the addition of polylysine to the reaction mixture, suggesting that the two elements interact with the protein through basic amino acids in the molecule and also that the protein may be one of the heparin-binding proteins since the heparin-binding sites mainly consist of basic amino acids. link:

SeekinTruth said:
Consider what Kruse, et al are saying: it all comes down to electrons. Well sure that's the ultimate mechanism for generating energy. BUT, it's not like it doesn't matter what you eat to get those final electrons. If that was the case, we'd be able to eat anything at all because every physical thing is made up of the same atoms containing electrons. We'd be able to eat rocks, for example. But we're not designed to do so.
This wasn't actually my point when I mentioned looking at it as electrons. Of course, different foods are provide different nutrients etc. And all in all, fat is the most energy dense. However, going from his blog, certain foods have certain electrical properties. DHA is one example, which he explains as the most important dietary nutrient along with iodine. According to Kruse, DHA essentially insulates the mitochondria to prevent it from becoming "leaky". DHA is a PUFA, and oxidises easily. What is the only antioxidant that protects DHA? Iodine, and that is why iodine is so important (apparently). The rest of the benefits of Iodine actually stem from its ability to protect DHA from oxidation. What is most interesting is that DHA, Selenium, and Iodine are all found in lower life sea creatures, and simply cannot be acquired adequately by eating land mammals. That is a clear fact, therefore he makes the point that humans physically could not evolve on a land based - meat based diet. We need seafood.

So apologies if I was not clear, I do think diet is important, just not the end of the story. Completely agree that agriculture was probably the worst thing mankind could have possibly done and which caused a gradual decline in health, however the past 100 years have seen an insane increase in level of disease occurrence.

Added: Just saw this
Laura said:
Keyhole, read "The Big Fat Surprise". That will tell you exactly why they has been such an upsurge since the 80s.
Haven't read the book, but I have read it about. I presume they suggest the cause is due to low-fat guidelines becoming pandemic? I agree that this is probably a contributing factor as well. I am not totally dismissing the importance of fat and I do understand that fat is very important, probably the most important.
In the last 100 years is when the vegetable and seed oils exploded on the market, as well (See "The Oiling of America"). And then more and more totally insane "food" (and personal products, furniture, etc., etc.) came on the market over the decades, and the beyond-wrong food guidelines, etc.

But, what I was asking about the bodies of water (and I'm aware of the selenium and mercury relationship, and other issues you brought up) is that it has really become a huge unknown at this point. The Gulf oil spill disaster and all the Corexit and other chemicals that were used to make the spill break up and sink. Kruse actually lives in that area where the bottom feeding seafood is really questionable in my mind. Low levels of radiation are one thing, but since Fukushima, there's a continuous whole new level being spilled into the ocean and then circulating all these years - is this in fact leading to a beneficial hormesis mechanism or the straw that breaks the camel's back. I don't think anybody honestly knows just what the repercussions are going to be with this or many of the other issues with toxic bodies of water, etc., etc. I'm not comfortable with making broad statements about the safety of eating high amounts of seafood without any qualifications or cautions about these issues (at least until MUCH more concrete data is available showing what actual effects it's having on people's health - especially those who consume high amounts of seafood).

Another thing; how did humans of the ice age survive and thrive all over the Eurasian continent. OK, there was the mega-fauna they hunted that later, around the Younger Dryas event, went extinct. Was their fat composition very much different with much more omega 3 composition (and thus DHA) than any modern land animals? I don't know if anyone knows these details, but we ARE the "children of ice age" and many didn't have access to any bodies of water with enough DHA rich sea food, but thrived anyway. And they lived tens of thousands of years without the neolithic diseases, whereas after the agricultural revolutions within a few generations, all the known problems began (and continue to get worse and worse not only because of everything else we've discussed, but the inter-generational epigenetic situation getting worse and worse - i.e. the longer humans eat the wrong diet, the worse downstream generations' health gets, in addition to all the new, more recent assaults on health).
Docosahexaenoic Acid - DHA

The majority of the work cited in the next few posts are by world leading expert on DHA - Michael Crawford, along with research partner Stephen Cunnane. Their main case is that DHA was THE driving factor behind brain development in all earthly species. Interestingly, DHA is not available in any significant amount on a land-based diet, yet is available is abundance in marine/shoreline environments. The human body can synthesize it's own DHA via Alpha Linolenic Acid, however the conversion/synthesis rate is low - amounting to >5%. This process turns out to be extremely energy-innefficient and makes it impossible to construct a large brain. A constant supply of brain-specific nutrients (Iodine, Iron, Copper, Selenium, DHA) was needed to fuel human encephalization. This not only applies to growth, but also to maintenance and achievement of health for the adult human. We need a constant supply of nutrients and DHA to be able to function properly, and without this our health goes downhill (as we already know with iodine deficiency). Very important information below!

Here is some information I have compiled from a paper published by Crawford and C Leigh Broadhurst.
The role of docosahexaenoic and the marine food web as determinants of evolution and hominid brain development: The challenge for human sustainability

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (all-cis-docosa-4,7,10,13,16,19-hexaenoic acid, C22:6o3 or C22:6, n-3, DHA) is a major feature of marine lipids. It requires six oxygen atoms to insert its six double bonds, so it would not have been abundant before oxidative metabolism became plentiful. DHA provided the membrane backbone for the emergence of new photoreceptors that converted photons into electricity, laying the foundation for the evolution of other signalling systems, the nervous system and the brain. Hence, the o3 DHA from the marine food web must have played a critical role in human evolution. There is also clear evidence frommolecular biology that DHA is a determinant of neuronalmigration, neurogenesis and the expression of several genes involved in brain growth and function. That same process was essential to the ultimate cerebral expansion in human evolution. There is now incontrovertible support of this hypothesis from fossil evidence of human evolution taking advantage of the marine food web.
Throughout 600 million years of animal evolution, docosahexaenoic (DHA) has been used for photoreception, and ultimately for growth, and function of the brain (Crawford and Sinclair, 1972). As of this date, no other molecule has been found in place of DHA in the photoreceptors from dynoflagellates to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The brain in mammals is 60% fat, which requires DHA and arachidonic acid for its growth and function. In the mammals thus far studied, there is little variation in the DHA and arachidonic acid composition of the brain. The variable is the extent to which the brain and its peripheral nervous system evolved in relation to body size and dietary structure (Crawford et al., 1976a).
...the nutritional value of fish and seafood is not protein but the cluster of brain-specific lipids including DHA and trace elements which are difficult to obtain from the land-based food web. This fallacy is amply illustrated by the rhinoceros. This animal reaches a body weight of 1 tonne 4 years after birth. The rhinoceros obtains all the protein it needs for this prodigious rate of body growth from the simplest food resource, namely grass. What it does not do is obtain the essential fats needed for brain growth. It can only build a tiny brain weighing no more than 350g. The fish-eating dolphin, by contrast, has 1.8kg of brain. Clearly different principles are involved in brain growth compared with body growth. The priority of the body may well be protein, but that of the brain is brain-specific fat.

Docosahexaenoic acid in the brain

Of special relevance to brain fats, DHA is found in high concentration in signalling systems, where it has a specific functional role. Neural cells have a particularly high membrane content of DHA. In different mammalian species brain size varies, but the DHA content does not (Crawford et al., 1976a, 1993), which suggests a high degree of evolutionary conservation. DHA is rapidly and selectively incorporated in neural membranes and is concentrated at synaptic signalling sites (Sinclair and Crawford, 1972; Suzuki et al., 1997). It is the most unsaturated of all cell membrane fatty acids (Jump, 2002). DHA is synthesised from a-linolenic acid, which occurs as a byproduct of photosynthesis, and thus is present in green foods. However, the process is strongly rate limited (Sinclair, 1975; Sprecher, 1993; Sprecher et al., 1999).

The evidence base for selective advantage from a coastal habitat

The land food chain is poor in preformed DHA, which is strongly limited in its biosynthesis. Land-based DHA is restricted to the eating of very small mammals, birds, and bird and reptile eggs. The marine food web, by contrast, is very rich in DHA. Its origin is photosynthetic, unlike the omega 6 fatty acids which dominate plant energy storage for reproduction in the seed oils on land. The history of early hominids on land would have represented a relative deficiency state compared with the coastal habitat, where hominids would have had access to both land and aquatic resources. This habitat would have provided a significant advantage over hominids reliant on inland produce.

Experimental evidence on the requirement for the o 3 fatty acids for the brain supports this view of evolution. It starts with deficiency studies in rodents that demonstrate a loss of learning ability (Lamptey and Walker, 1978), encepalomalacia in chickens (Budowski et al., 1987), visual loss, hair loss, skin lesions and behavioural pathology in primates (Fiennes et al., 1973; Neuringer et al., 1986), and visual and cognitive loss in rats (Catalan et al., 2002), with randomised trials in human infants (Birch et al., 2000, 2010; Carlson and Werkman, 1996; Martinez and Vazquex, 1998). The difference between breast- and bottle-fed infants may be due to several interacting factors; however, the fatty acids seem to play an independent role (Cunnane et al., 2000). Suzuki et al. (1997) demonstrated the selective uptake by the synapse for DHA, which is key to neural transmission and the establishment of neuronal pathways and hence learning. It has been suggested that this process of selective uptake of synapses during activity would reinforce the synapse, and is a hypothetical explanation for the establishment of neuronal pathways and hence the learning process through repetition (Crawford et al., 2008). Repetition of an action or word sequence will activate a sequence of synapses. We know that the DHA-rich outer discs of the photoreceptor fall off during activation. Then the DHA lipids with rhodopsin will co-migrate to restore the segments in the photoreceptor. This restoration will be particularly active during sleep. This idea is consistent with the fact that a key characteristic of o3 deficiency is reduced learning capacity. Dr Joseph Hibbeln of the National Institute of Health USA, assessed the nutritional status of the mothers in a study of over 14,000 pregnancies in the Avon District of South West England. The children born to the mothers were followed up to 8 years of age when their neuro development was assessed. These studies demonstrate a clear link between seafood and fish consumption by the mother during the pregnancy to verbal intelligence quotient and social behaviour (Hibbeln et al., 2007). In the human species, most brain cells divide prenatally and the studies in preterm infants have all been positive. Hence, it is unsurprising that a systematic review on term infants described conflicting results on cognition (Simmer, 2000).
Both the selective advantage of the marine food chain in providing elements missing on land for neurogenesis and the conditions of existence at a shoreline habitat are now obvious from the science. The function of DHA is today becoming clearer, with evidence that it is involved in neuronal migration and neurogenesis (Brand et al., 2010; Yavin et al., 2009), vision (Benolken et al., 1973; Neuringer et al., 1986), electrical signalling (Crawford et al., 2008) and as a precursor for neuroprotectin D1, an antioxidant (Niemoller et al., 2009). It has also been shown that DHA acts as a ligand for nuclear receptors and stimulates the expression of over 107 genes associated with energy use and brain development (Barcelo Coblijn et al., 2003a, b; Kitajka et al., 2002, 2004; Puskas and Kitajka, 2006). These studies have indicated that DHA is essential to brain development and gene function (Anderle et al., 2004; Weisinger et al., 1999). They add an important new dimension to the evolution of the brain in the sense that it would not only be an advantage in the classical Darwinian sense but also act as a biochemical driver of brain evolution. Hence, natural selection would have operated side by side with the environmental stimulus of the marine food web in forcing brain development. The advantage of preformed DHA in the diet to brain development would have been its contribution to the nourishment of the mother, the embryo, fetus and infant, generation after generation. DHA is poorly available from the land food chain but is abundant in the marine food web. Hence, the likelihood is that the evolution of Homo sapiens was coastal, with access to aquatic recourses rich in DHA and trace elements similarly required such as iodine and selenium (Broadhurst et al., 2002; Crawford et al., 1999). There would be a significant survival gain along with enhanced brain development and cognition associated with a rich source of DHA. With the extinction of several thousands of species over the last century and our closest relatives, the great apes, on the brink of extinction, there can be no doubt about which species is surviving today.

My interpretation of the evidence is that it would have been impossible for a hominid to evolve into H. sapiens as an inland hunter and gatherer. Some argue that hominids could have obtained their DHA from the brains and marrow of the animals they killed. It is clear that these researchers have never hunted for survival and tried to extract the brains from the large herbivores which would have been the food source. Even with modern bone saws it is a formidable task. Unless you have dry ice or some form of refrigeration, the brain would rapidly deteriorate. Indeed, there would only be about 300–400g of brain beside some tens of kilograms of protein-rich meat. Moreover, it is not so much the men but the pregnant women and young girls who most need the DHA and trace elements to ensure the continued epigenetic upward pressure on cognitive development of the embryo, fetus and newborn. Regardless of whether or not the men were successful in their killing, the women could walk along the shoreline gathering seafoods in abundance, even when heavily pregnant or breast feeding, with little or no effort, and doubtless accompanied by their children. As for obtaining the DHA from bone marrow; well, there is precious little there.
The uniqueness of docosahexaenoic acid

Since the evolution of the cephalopods and possibly as far back as before the Cambrian explosion in the dynoflagellates with their eye spot, DHA is found as the principle structural component of the visual system, synapse and neurones. It is present in more than 50% of the photoreceptor membrane lipids, which include di-docosahexaenoic acid molecular species of phosphoglycerides in the cephalopods, fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammals and ourselves. This richness of DHA in the photoreceptor is shared with the synapse and neurones. There are two molecules that differ from DHA by only two hydrogen atoms (the o6 and o3 docosapentaenoic acids, DPA – see Figure 2); one of these is a precursor for DHA. Yet, neither was used throughout this 500–600 million-year period of evolution. Thus, biology seems highly sensitive to the slight difference of the one double bond between DHA and the DPA molecules. The presence of DHA’s full complement of six double bonds is for some reason an important priority in neural membranes, and from the evolutionary record would seem to have been conserved in this capacity. This is the most compelling evidence for the absolute essentiality for DHA in the brain. It is a far superior order than any randomised clinical trial, which cannot hope to test the significance of 500 million years of conservation which was tested by natural selection and genomic change over the whole stretch of invertebrate and vertebrate evolution. This evidence combined with the experimental evidence, especially in gene instruction, adds to the case for a coastal origin of hominid cerebral expansion.
Another remarkable feature of DHA is its oxidation product, neuroprotectin D2. Described by Bazan (1989), it is a powerful anti-oxidant with the potential to protect against oxidative damage, which could explain the low incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in fish-eating populations (Bazan, 1989; Niemoller et al., 2009). Nature’s preference for DHA in the brain is strikingly demonstrated in large, vegetarian land mammals, in which DPA is the dominant o3 metabolite found in non-neural tissues and is thus abundantly available (Crawford et al., 1969). Yet, even in these mammals neural membranes still conserve the DHA-rich composition. During the evolution of land mammals, this retention of composition was associated with economy in brain size. There was a logarithmic decline in relative brain size as they evolved larger, protein-rich, bodies based on food structures, with only the precursors linoleic and alinolenic acids found in plants (Crawford et al., 1993). The slow rate of desaturation of the fatty acids, especially in the insertion of the last double bond (Figure 1), explains the difficulty of accumulating DHA from land food resources. In the marine food chain, the photosynthetic systems produce a profile of the simpler o 3 fatty acids, with some producing DHA itself. The animals which browse these substrates are eaten by small sea animals, which are then eaten by bigger animals, which themselves get eaten. At each step, the DHA proportion is stepped up, but that of the 18 and 20 carbon chain lengths is diminished. This principle of biomagnification is the same as we reported in human fetal development: figuratively speaking, the placenta eats the maternal blood and the fetus then eats the placental product, which is deposited in the liver and then eaten by the developing brain (Crawford et al., 1976b; see Figure 3). A study of the human placenta indicated that the process was nature’s preferential selection for DHA and not its synthesis from precursor. There is very little precursor in the fetal circulation and beyond: biosynthetic conversion would be academic.

A role for the land-based lipid arachidonic acid

Both ArA and DHA are needed for the growth and development of the brain and its function (see Figure 2; Crawford and Sinclair, 1972). Prior to the collapse of the giant reptiles, flowering plants had been evolving. By the end of the Cretaceous period, the flowering plants and those with protected seeds developed in abundance. Green plants provided alpha-linolenic acid. However, the oils stored in the protected seeds was (and still is) largely o6 linoleic acid, the precursor for ArA. The synthesis of ArA is more readily achieved than that of DHA. Data we obtained over the years on 42 mammalian species showed that the ratio of ArA and its chain elongation product (C22:4o6) to DHA is between 1 and 2 to 1. The marine mammals, like the dolphin, with large brain–body weight ratios are none the less lower than H. sapiens. They are constrained not by DHA but by the paucity of ArA in the marine food web (Caraveo-Patin et al., 2009). H. sapiens, by contrast, would have obtained ArA from birds, eggs and land mammals. Arachidonic acid is the precursor for adhesion-type prostaglandins as well as the prostacyclin which is important in vasodilation and anti-thrombus formation (Min and Crawford, 2004). It is plausible that ArA contributed to the physiological changes which led to the egg adhering to the placental wall, angiogensis and the vascularisation of the placenta, resulting in complex, successful modern placental mammals. Whatever happened, it is clear that the advance to placental mammals resulted in a leap in relative brain capacity compared with the previous egg-laying systems. Arachidonic acid is the major fatty acid in the inner cell membrane of the vascular endothelium. Hence, the availability of o6 fatty acids in abundance after the emergence of the flowering plants and protected seeds would have facilitated the development of the vascularisation of the region of egg adherence, leading eventually to the placenta. A littoral ecosystem would therefore have provided an evolving primate with access to both ArA and DHA, and hence would have had the best of both worlds. This harmony of brain-specific fatty acids would have been accentuated by the fact that warm-water fish in the rivers, lakes and sea are also a significant source of ArA (Broadhurst et al., 1998). This double advantage would have been important to a small evolving primate long before it was sufficiently intelligent or co-operative enough to take on hunting large game animals. Sea and lacustrine food and fish would have been incredibly abundant and simple to catch.
For example, the museum in Heavenly on the Nevada–California border describes the Native Americans who lived around Lake Tahoe as never bothering to make boats as all they had to do was to wade into the water to catch the fish by hand! Another simple reason for the coastal origin lies in our teeth and the discovery of how to use fire, which was quite late in human evolution. Our teeth lack the skin-tearing capability of the carnivores and even omnivorous species such as baboons. At its simplest level, evolving a large brain requires a high energy input. During fetal development, the brain uses 70% of all the energy supplied to it from the mother for brain growth and after birth it still uses 60%. Until fire and cooking became a part of the system, food was eaten raw. We eat vegetables raw, but these have a low energy density and lipids are virtually absent. However, seafoods are still eaten raw, for example oysters, clams and sushi. Seafoods and fish would have been a simple solution to providing energy, micronutrients and brain-specific lipids simultaneously. If this is doubted, just think of walrus or elephant seals, which become enormously fat eating this type of food. The sum of this evidence puts the evolution of H. sapiens firmly at the marine and lacustrine coastlines (see Table 1), with access to preformed DHA from the aquatic resources, not to mention fresh water to drink from the estuaries and creeks. Support for this conclusion comes from incontrovertible evidence of extensive exploitation of the marine food chain by our ancestors around 180,000 years ago. The evidence contains culturally significant ochres and decoration of tools at a time coincident with the emergence of modern humans (Klein et al., 2004; Marean, 2010; Trapani, 2008). In that sense human evolution would have had the best of both worlds.
Here are some exerpts from a paper titled "Energetic and nutritional constraints on infant brain development: Implications for brain expansion during human evolution" by Dr Crawford and Dr Cunnane :

The human brain confronts two major challenges during its development: (i) meeting a very high energy requirement, and (ii) reliably accessing an adequate dietary source of specific brain selective nutrients needed for its structure and function. Implicitly, these energetic and nutritional constraints to normal brain development today would also have been constraints on human brain evolution. The energetic
constraint was solved in large measure by the evolution in hominins of a unique and significant layer of body fat on the fetus starting during the third trimester of gestation. By providing fatty acids for ketone production that are needed as brain fuel, this fat layer supports the brain’s high energy needs well into childhood. This fat layer also contains an important reserve of the brain selective omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), not available in other primates.

Certain nutrients must be present in the diet to assure optimal mammalian development, maturation and reproduction. These nutrients include a number of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. ‘Brain selective nutrients’ is a term that was coined to signify those nutrients that are needed for optimal brain development and that would therefore have facilitated human brain evolution (Cunnane and Crawford, 2003). Of course, it does not imply that these nutrients exist only in the brain or that they have no role in other organs. Brain selective nutrients can be divided into three groups: (i) brain selective minerals, (ii) brain selective fatty acids, and (iii) brain selective vitamins. There are at least five brain selective minerals: iodine, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. There is probably only one brain selective fatty acid: DHA. The brain selective vitamins are less well studied but there are probably at least two: vitamins A and D. At present, none of the indispensable (essential) amino acids are known to be a brain selective nutrient.

Three features characterise brain selective nutrients (Cunnane,2010):

(i) A minimum amount of each brain selective nutrient is required in the diet on a regular basis to permit normal development of the human brain. If these nutrients are not present in the diet in sufficient amounts, brain development will be suboptimal in proportion to the degree of their dietary deficiency.

(ii) There is a cluster of brain selective nutrients, each with a separate and distinct role in brain development and function. Inadequate intake of any one brain selective nutrient results in specific symptoms regardless of the sufficiency of the others. Severity of the symptoms of deficiency of a brain selective nutrient depends on the body’s ability to conserve it in the face of its deficient intake. The best known brain selective nutrients are DHA, iodine and iron, so, for the moment, they form the nucleus of this nutrient cluster. Iodine and iron both control different aspect of energy metabolism (see Iodine and iron: The two main brain selective nutrients, below). Docosahexaenoic acid is important in neuron-to-neuron communication (see Docosahexaenoic acid: The brain selective omega-3 fatty acid, below) and its synthesis is iron-dependent.

(iii) A generous supply of brain selective nutrients supported, indeed, was probably essential for, hominin brain expansion. The corollary is that inadequate intake of the cluster of brain selective nutrients would have been a significant impediment to human brain evolution.
Inadequate intake of brain-selective nutrients is more severe in some geographical regions than others but, on a global scale, it is a massive public health problem. Low intake of brain selective nutrients is much less prevalent in populations regularly consuming fish and shellfish, a point crucial for the link between brain selective nutrients, shore-based diets and human brain evolution (Crawford et al., 1997; Crawford, 2010; Cunnane, 2010). The extensive prevalence of suboptimal brain development in humans subsisting on diets providing inadequate amounts of brain selective nutrients underlies the ongoing developmental vulnerability of the human brain; this vulnerability was clearly not eliminated but rather probably increased as the brain expanded during its evolution.

Docosahexaenoic acid: the brain selective omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid is an integral part of membrane phospholipids of neurons throughout the brain. Synapses, the contact points between neurons, are particularly enriched in DHA. It is in this structural role that DHA participates in processes linked to learning and memory, but the specific molecular mechanism by which this occurs is still poorly understood. Learning and memory are almost always compromised under clinical or experimental conditions causing lower brain DHA. These conditions may be genetic in origin, i.e., low DHA synthesis in Zellweger Syndrome, or may be induced by experimental dietary depletion of omega-3 fatty acids. All stages of the life cycle seem to be affected, though more so during vulnerable periods such as infancy and old age.

There are three reasons why DHA is probably the only brain selective fatty acid:

(i) A specific and irreplaceable lipid component: The unique specificity of DHA in photoreceptor function is well known throughout the animal kingdom. No other polyunsaturated fatty acid, not even DHA’s two closest homologues, the omega-3 and the omega-6 docosapentaenoic acids (22:5n-3 and 22:5n-6, respectively), can replace DHA in the highly specialized photoreceptor membrane (Crawford, 2010). The specific requirement for DHA is best known in the photoreceptor but the analogous situation occurs in the neuronal synapse.

(ii) DHA synthesis is insufficient: Humans possess functional forms of the enzymes used to make DHA from shorter chain omega-3 fatty acids so in theory can make some DHA endogenously. However, numerous studies show that humans are capable of converting less than 0.5% of the precursor omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid, to DHA (reviewed by Plourde and Cunnane, 2007). Infants are reportedly better able to synthesize DHA from its omega-3 precursors than adults, but the brain of a six month old infant not consuming pre-formed DHA still accumulates about 50% less DHA than the brain of a breastfed infant (Farquharson et al., 1992; Makrides et al., 1994; Cunnane et al., 2000, Fig. 3). Since the brain of human infants accumulates so much less DHA if pre-formed DHA is not provided in the diet (or milk), the synthesis route alone is clearly not able to meet the brain’s DHA requirement. Thus, the developing human brain unequivocally needs to be provided with pre-formed DHA.

(iii) A complicated route to DHA synthesis: DHA synthesis depends on an alternating series of desaturation and chain elongation of enzymes that are catalysed by a number of different cofactor nutrients, including iron, zinc, vitamin B6, and magnesium (Plourde and Cunnane, 2007). As a result, in all mammals (not just humans), DHA synthesis depends on the nutritional adequacy of these cofactors as well as on the amount of precursor omega-3 fatty acid in the diet. As explained in point 2 above, assuming for the sake of argument that the low rate of DHA synthesis (0.5%) was adequate to meet the DHA requirements of the adult, the dependence of this pathway on multiple nutrient cofactors still makes DHA synthesis a much less reliable way to get DHA into the body than consuming it directly. The need for iron in this pathway combined with the extremely widespread prevalence of iron deficiency in the world today makes it even less plausible that the increasing requirement for DHA for the evolving human brain would have been provided by its synthesis route as opposed to obtaining it pre-formed in the diet.

Baby fat: the brain’s DHA and fuel reserve

At birth, body fat contains very low amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids; at most 1-2% of all the fatty acids present (Farquharson et al.,1992). However, this small depot includes significant amounts of DHA, which, when multiplied by 500-600 g of fat normally present at birth, represents a reserve of about 1000 mg of DHA (Fig. 3). Docosahexaenoic acid accumulation in the brain during the first six months of life occurs at a rate of about 10 mg per day, and in the whole body at about 20 mg per day. Hence, pre-formed DHA in body fat at birth represents a supply for the infant that could last for at least 50 days in the absence of any other source of DHA (Cunnane et al., 2000).

Some DHA synthesis occurs in the infant and, if breastfed, maternal milk is also a major source of pre-formed DHA. This redundancy in the availability of DHA (in fat stores, milk and some synthesis) serves to virtually assure sufficient DHA accumulation by the developing brain. Premature or low birth weight infants have a much lower reserve of pre-formed DHA because they have much less body fat at birth, which contributes to their risk of neurodevelopmental delay. Chimpanzee infants have no body fat and hence no known reserve of pre-formed DHA.

...the ‘shore-based paradigm’ fully accepts that the hominins destined to become humans probably obtained much of what they ate by gathering, but gathering foods found mostly on or near the shores rather than fruits, vegetables, grains and tubers as commonly suggested. Foods gathered on the shores included not only aquatic and marsh plants but also fish, shellfish, amphibians, crustaceans, eggs, etc.

The new paradigm: a shore-based habitat and diet.

The shore-based paradigm proposes that one or more australopithecine populations in eastern and southern Africa came to occupy a habitat and consume a diet that provided solutions to both the energetic and nutritional constraints on primate brain size and function. This paradigm has four principal features:

(i) Ketones and ketogenesis: Increasing energy and structural lipid (e.g., cholesterol) requirements of the expanding brain were met in large part by ketones.

(ii) Subcutaneous fat: The evolution of neonatal body fat probably occurred before evolution of the bigger brain (see previous section: Body fat: The infant brain’s unique energy reserve). Subcutaneous fat not only supplies the fatty acids that are substrates for ketone production but also stores key structural fatty acids for the developing brain, particularly DHA.

(iii) Brain selective nutrients: A diet providing a richer and more reliable source of brain selective nutrients was needed for optimum brain development and function in adult life. These nutrients include not only DHA but also several brain selective minerals and vitamins. for brain structure and function, Iodine and iron, Docosahexaenoic acid).

(iv) Shore-based habitat and diet: A shore-based habitat and diet provided a secure and abundant food supply richer in brain selective nutrients than any other diet (Cunnane, 2005). Sustained access to a shore-based diet occurred before significant brain expansion and tool-making started. Access to a reliable food supply also provided an opportunity to develop more fixed habitats in which fat deposition could gradually evolve in the human fetus and neonate. Some brain selective nutrients contributed to relieving the metabolic (energetic) constraint on the developing brain, i.e., iodine and iron. Others helped relieve the nutritional constraint, i.e., DHA, zinc, copper and selenium. Some brain selective nutrients played both roles, i.e., iron and copper, which are essential structural components of enzymes needed for efficient energy metabolism (Fig. 4). Evolution of neonatal body fat also contributed to relieving both of these constraints. It provided a reserve of DHA for neuronal membrane structure but also other saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that are good ketone precursors, which could be used both for the synthesis of other brain lipids and as an alternative brain fuel to glucose. For 40 years now, attention has been drawn to the importance of DHA in human brain development and evolution (Crawford and Sinclair, 1972; Crawford and Marsh, 1989). Indeed, the idea that DHA is a brain selective nutrient is now widely endorsed. Notwithstanding the fact that DHA is the poster nutrient for successful brain development and function throughout the life cycle, it alone could not have stimulated brain evolution in hominins without a concomitant increase in availability of either the full cluster of brain selective nutrients or a way to reliably ramp up brain fuel supply as the brain expanded.

Brain selective nutrients in the shore-based diet

A shore-based diet provided a richer supply of brain selective nutrients and thus helped relieve the nutritional constraint on hominin brain expansion because foods available on or near shores are generally excellent sources of DHA, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Shore-based foods include a large variety of nutritious plants, shallow freshwater fish such as catfish, crustaceans, shellfish, amphibians, and eggs of birds nesting on or near shorelines. Most shore-based foods can be obtained
without needing either highly developed cognitive and manual skills or manufacture of cutting stone implements or other fishing technology.

Most if not all nutrients known to be important for the developing brain are present in higher amounts in foods found on freshwater and marine shores than in foods not associated with lakes, marshes or waterways. The daily requirements for brain selective minerals can therefore be met by less shellfish or fish than by any other food groups, including pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, or meat (Cunnane, 2005). Thus, any amount of fish and/or shellfish contributes very significantly to meeting the dietary needs of humans for brain selective nutrients (Broadhurst et al., 1998; Cunnane, 2005, 2010). Conversely, the less one eats foods found along the shores, the harder it is to get sufficient intake of iodine, selenium, iron and DHA.
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