Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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There was this report: said:
In NATO occupied Svatove Lugansk Peoples Republic warehouse housing several thousand rockets for MLRS and other military equipment were set on fire accidentally when a Ukraine Army Officer accidentally fired several RPG rounds into a fuel storage container. Information coming in, there are 2 dead and many wounded. Around 20,000 locals have been evacuated to Kharkov as a result. The accident comes on the anniversary of when the Nazi’s were driven from Ukraine by the Victorious Red Army during The Great Patriotic War called World War 2 in the West. Enjoy Video, play loud comrades !!!!
I remember the first report that came out, they talked about 4.5 tons of ammunition, that is about what you can put on an old small Ukrainian truck. When I saw the video however, I knew that this was not 4.5 tons. I once was about 4-5 km from an exploding military amunitions depot. Rockets and artillery grenades were flying accross the whole city, up to 10-15 km away. They stopped counting the dead when they reached about a hundred people, and that did not include military personel!
Alexander Dugin has some reflections on what takes place in Russia, Novorussia and Syria: said:
Dugin breaks year of silence: "We are at a new impasse"
October 20, 2015 -
Vyacheslav Altukhov, Novorossiya -
Translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski

“Alexander Dugin: War in Donbass will be imposed on us by Washington and Kiev”
Time will show if he is right, at least South Front reports that 2000 fighters from Azov, Dnipro and Lviv battallions have contrary to the Minsk agreement moved up to the line of contact with tanks and heavy weapons: and it is reported they are not under control of the Kiev government. Also there was this: said:
Death trafficking: ISIS militants are transported through Odessa to Donbass
October 30, 2015
Alexander Maslov

Translated by Kristina Rus

With the beginning of operations of the Russian military-space forces in Syria, militants of the "Islamic state" began to leave the combat zone in an organized manner and get transported via Turkey to Ukraine and further to Mariupol. Only in the last two weeks, this traffic amounted to about three thousand people. Its curators are U.S. citizens. Goal — joint "Ukrainian-terrorist" offensive on Donbass and the sweep of people's republics.

Towards a "second front"

Dzhokhar Dudayev battalion, Sheikh Mansura battalion... The names of "volunteer" formations which fought and continue to fight on the side of the Kiev junta against the rebellious Donbass are well-known.
It appears that Alexander Dugins thoughts about a second front are quite possible, unless the ISIS sponsors come to reason, which they probably won't.
thorbiorn said:
There was this report: said:
In NATO occupied Svatove Lugansk Peoples Republic warehouse housing several thousand rockets for MLRS and other military equipment were set on fire accidentally when a Ukraine Army Officer accidentally fired several RPG rounds into a fuel storage container. Information coming in, there are 2 dead and many wounded. Around 20,000 locals have been evacuated to Kharkov as a result. The accident comes on the anniversary of when the Nazi’s were driven from Ukraine by the Victorious Red Army during The Great Patriotic War called World War 2 in the West.

Kinda symbolic that. You could almost say Ukraine shot itself in the foot. I hope there aren't any more deaths or injuries. Then there's this from way back from a string of 'markers':

A: [...] Long message to follow. Pause: Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear.

This one appears to have multiple applications.
thorbiorn said:
I remember the first report that came out, they talked about 4.5 tons of ammunition, that is about what you can put on an old small Ukrainian truck. When I saw the video however, I knew that this was not 4.5 tons. I once was about 4-5 km from an exploding military amunitions depot. Rockets and artillery grenades were flying accross the whole city, up to 10-15 km away. They stopped counting the dead when they reached about a hundred people, and that did not include military personel!

Yes, I think it is a comma error. When I first read it on RT it said 3500 tons (at least that is what I perceived to have read at the time), which fitted with the video. Then I noticed in other reports that it said 3,5 tons, which does not explain what one sees on the video, nor the damage described. 3,5 tons is just a couple of trailer loads.

Now looking again I found a link that mentions 3,000 tons, which is actually 3000 tons, but which can be written as 3,000 tons. If it was 3000kg and one wanted to express it in tons, then it would be 3 tons or at the most 3,0 tons if one had information that warranted the one decimal.

The link for the 3,000 tons is _
It is noted that, according to the Ministry of Defense, about 3,000 tonnes of ammunition was stored in a warehouse.

According to Luhansk Regional Military and Civil Administration, nine five-storey buildings, six four-storey buildings and 20 three-storey houses were damaged as a result of the explosions.
The error can easily appear if one journalist makes a mistake with regards to the comma and then that info is copyed-pasted by other journos afterwards.

The loss of 3000 tons plus, could mean that the Ukrainian soldiers in the next conflict will have to just pretend that they shoot and say loudly "bang" for those willing to listen. This is what they did earlier in the year during training due to lack of ammunition.

I agree with Herondancer, that it is rather symbolic of Ukraine shooting itself in the foot yet again.
Azov Members Arrested in Moscow
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

10 members of the neo-nazi "Azov" battalion were detained for the smuggling and sale of weapons today in Moscow, reported Lifenews, citing a source in law enforcement.

It is reported that among the captured soldiers of the battalion were a few Russian nationalists, who had lived in Ukraine the past six months.

"The Russian representatives were importing weapons of nationalist movements which have joined the" Azov "after the events on the Maidan. They were mostly traded combat pistols and rifles that were imported from Kiev to Moscow, and then spread to other regions of Russia "- a source told the channel.

A clamp down on all groups succeeded after several special services operatives were able to infiltrate the gang as buyers.

"Several addresses in Moscow were found , where members were of the group "Azov", basically they are citizens of Russia, who joined them" - said the source.

The operation to arrest them was conducted by the FSB and the Interior Ministry of Russia GUUR.

Alpha troops seize Praviy Sektor base and "kidnap" Yarosh

On Sunday, November 1 in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the leader of the "Right Sector" Dmitry Yarosh was reported to have been kidnapped by the Security Services of Ukraine. This was reported by Ukrainian edition, citing information from social networks.

As detailed, Yarosh was abducted during a special operation from the base of the "Right Sector" in the village of Pokrovsky Velikomikhailovka in the district of Dnipropetrovsk.

"Russian Conversation" writes that it is known only that in the early morning on the base there was a fight between the "SS" special unit "Alpha". At this time, the main "pravosek" was kidnapped and taken to the base in an unknown direction.

The option to arrest Dmitry Yarosh was immediately eliminated due to the fact that he is a people's deputy of Ukraine. By law, his detention can only occur with the permission of the Verkhovna Rada, which means it can be regarded as kidnap.

Assassination Attempt on Kadyrov Foiled

Law enforcement agencies in Chechnya were able to prevent an assassination attempt on Ramzan Kadyrov, said TK.

The young plotters were from Argun, with local police arresting them the day before the planned date. "The detainees were preparing a terrorist act against Kadyrov. Despite this, the head of the region said they were just young people and were subsequently given a chance to redeem themselves," - said the TV channel.

Earlier it was reported that Kadyrov, during a meeting with a young Chechen man who was passionate about the Wahhabi ideology, was able to guide him to the right path.

"Almost every day I meet with young people in an informal atmosphere. On Sunday, after more than five hours talking with a large group of inhabitants of Argun, it turned out about 20 people declared loyalty to the Wahhabi ideology - wrote Kadyrov on Instagram.

According to the head of Chechnya, "worshiping a false Imam" inspires young people to "hatred" and choosing the path of Wahhabism."
angelburst29 said:
Assassination Attempt on Kadyrov Foiled

Law enforcement agencies in Chechnya were able to prevent an assassination attempt on Ramzan Kadyrov, said TK.

The young plotters were from Argun, with local police arresting them the day before the planned date. "The detainees were preparing a terrorist act against Kadyrov. Despite this, the head of the region said they were just young people and were subsequently given a chance to redeem themselves," - said the TV channel.

Earlier it was reported that Kadyrov, during a meeting with a young Chechen man who was passionate about the Wahhabi ideology, was able to guide him to the right path.

"Almost every day I meet with young people in an informal atmosphere. On Sunday, after more than five hours talking with a large group of inhabitants of Argun, it turned out about 20 people declared loyalty to the Wahhabi ideology - wrote Kadyrov on Instagram.

According to the head of Chechnya, "worshiping a false Imam" inspires young people to "hatred" and choosing the path of Wahhabism."

I really admire Kadyrov's approach with the young men he encounters, talking to them and really trying to find out how they took a wrong turn. So many of them feel marginalized which leaves them vulnerable to extremist influences. I believe it's the same tack Putin took with him, turning Kadyrov into an ally instead of an enemy. Hope of the world, indeed.
herondancer said:
I really admire Kadyrov's approach with the young men he encounters, talking to them and really trying to find out how they took a wrong turn. So many of them feel marginalized which leaves them vulnerable to extremist influences. I believe it's the same tack Putin took with him, turning Kadyrov into an ally instead of an enemy. Hope of the world, indeed.

Yes, that's quite remarkable and almost unheard of these days. Reminds me of some of those legendary leaders of antiquity that could be quite magnanimous, like say Julius Caesar *ahem*. :halo:
herondancer said:
angelburst29 said:
Assassination Attempt on Kadyrov Foiled

Law enforcement agencies in Chechnya were able to prevent an assassination attempt on Ramzan Kadyrov, said TK.

The young plotters were from Argun, with local police arresting them the day before the planned date. "The detainees were preparing a terrorist act against Kadyrov. Despite this, the head of the region said they were just young people and were subsequently given a chance to redeem themselves," - said the TV channel.

Earlier it was reported that Kadyrov, during a meeting with a young Chechen man who was passionate about the Wahhabi ideology, was able to guide him to the right path.

"Almost every day I meet with young people in an informal atmosphere. On Sunday, after more than five hours talking with a large group of inhabitants of Argun, it turned out about 20 people declared loyalty to the Wahhabi ideology - wrote Kadyrov on Instagram.

According to the head of Chechnya, "worshiping a false Imam" inspires young people to "hatred" and choosing the path of Wahhabism."

I really admire Kadyrov's approach with the young men he encounters, talking to them and really trying to find out how they took a wrong turn. So many of them feel marginalized which leaves them vulnerable to extremist influences. I believe it's the same tack Putin took with him, turning Kadyrov into an ally instead of an enemy. Hope of the world, indeed.

I admire it too. I also like the way a commenter on a related site put it:

We see this remarkable quality of Russians—to try to salvage the soul and mind of their enemy. Zakharchenko and Putin exude this in dealing with the deadliest enemies under certain circumstances. Now, Kadyrov.
Source: _

I also think it's remarkable that we even have to find it remarkable. In this day and age when there is so much information and high technology... To think that two or more people meeting on common ground, asking questions, sharing views and talking about values held in common can reveal that they are really not a threat to each other...well, it just shows how much we've lost of our essential human nature, and, perhaps, how easy it is to lose it.
Buddy said:
I admire it too. I also like the way a commenter on a related site put it:

We see this remarkable quality of Russians—to try to salvage the soul and mind of their enemy. Zakharchenko and Putin exude this in dealing with the deadliest enemies under certain circumstances. Now, Kadyrov.
Source: _

I also think it's remarkable that we even have to find it remarkable. In this day and age when there is so much information and high technology... To think that two or more people meeting on common ground, asking questions, sharing views and talking about values held in common can reveal that they are really not a threat to each other...well, it just shows how much we've lost of our essential human nature, and, perhaps, how easy it is to lose it.
It seems to be a time when the wheat is being separated from the chaff. On the other hand I think that such actions have always been remarkable and not just in our time and age. When one looks at history, most of those getting in to positions of power have not had those real human qualities, but have instead done everything to divide and conquer people.
It is nice to see that some are standing up and that act is encouraging for others to do likewise. Putin has been a great example that undoubtedly has inspired others.
Idiot's can't behave themselves!

Yatsenyuk's deputy hit Timoshenko's deputy on the head with a bottle at the Ukrainian parliament

Friday November 6, 2015 - Translated by Kristina Rus

A fight broke out between the deputy/volunteer battalion commander, Andrei Tetruk (elected from the People's front of Arseniy Yatsenyuk) and deputy Alexandra Kuzhel (from Batkivshchyna of Yulia Tymoshenko) in Verkhovnaya Rada of Ukraine. A former participant of the ATO hit a female colleague on the head with a bottle during the discussion after the meeting of parliament.

Press-service of "Batkivshchina" reported the incident:

"A shameful incident took place after the plenary session, right next to the reception room of the head of the Verkhovna Rada, in the presence of other deputies.

According to a witness, people's deputy Sergey Vlasenko, Teteruk made offensive remarks about members of the faction "Batkivshchyna", personally grossly insulted Alexandra Kuzhel and hit her on the head with a glass bottle.

According to Vlasenko, deputies present had no time to react to prevent an attack on the colleague.

Another witness of the incident, MP from "Batkivshchyna," Vadim Ivchenko said that Alexandra Kuzhel is in bad shape – the ambulance doctors diagnosed a concussion.

As reported by Ivchenko, the police questioned witnesses of the incident, including people's deputies Stepan Kubiv, Sergey Vlasenko, Sergey Yevtushko and Andrey Teteruk", — stated the report.

Teteruk has already issued a public apology.

"The course of events can be terribly unpredictable. While chatting with Alexandra Kuzhel a conflict occurred accidentally, for which I publicly apologize.
Believe me, despite the emotions that are raging today, I am sincerely sorry," - wrote Teteruk on Facebook.

Luhansk republic envoy claims Kiev forces return withdrawn weaponry to contact line

MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Ukrainian Armed Forces have returned the weaponry withdrawn earlier to the contact line in Donbas, the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) envoy to the Contact Group Vladislav Deinego told Russian News Service on Friday.

"After withdrawing weaponry of less than 100mm caliber, Ukraine is returning the weaponry pulled out before to the contact line. Part of it was just hidden. We are registering movements of columns, including those with heavy weaponry, to the contact line. These columns do not cross the line for now but they are concentrated in close proximity to the security zone where they should not be stationed. We must understand that crossing the line is the issue of several meters," Deinego stressed.

He also said that shellings of DPR territory by Ukrainian forces have intensified. "In LPR we also have violations of ceasefire but systematically it happens near the Donetsk airport, Peski, Spartak and other settlements. Fire is opened mostly from small arms and grenade launchers, but heavy weaponry is also used sometimes though it should have been withdrawn back in winter," he explained.

Deinego said that provocations by Ukrainian forces are mostly "connected with the actions of units not controlled by Kiev." "However, this does not remove the responsibility from Ukraine," he added.

The process of withdrawal that started on October 3 and is expected to be completed in 41 days is monitored by representatives of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC). They send reports on the withdrawal progress to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM).

On Thursday, Ukrainian Armed Forces said they have launched the final stage of weaponry withdrawal - pulling out mortars of less than 120mm caliber. The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk republics have also started withdrawing mortars.

Ukrainian army brigade is preparing a coup in Kiev

November 6, 2015 - 72nd OMBR is sending cannons to Kiev, demanding the nomination of Gennady Korban to Ukrainian president, reported the press service of LPR with reference to its sources in the 72nd Separate mechanized brigade (72 OMBR) of the Armed forces of Ukraine.

"Soldiers of the 72 OMBR who have deserted from their places of permanent deployment are gathering in Kiev to hold a rally against Poroshenko and his officials. Among the demands of the military to Kiev authorities is to pay all the back payments and release the curator of the crew of the oligarch, [Kolomoysky] Gennady Korban. Otherwise, the military is ready for radical actions, including the overthrow of the Kiev authorities. The rally is planned on November 8 at the building of the Verkhovna Rada in Kiev", — stated in the LPR report.

The reason for this decision was the dissatisfaction of the military with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, as well as the arrest of the head of the party "Ukrop," Gennady Korban [Kolomoysky's right hand - FR].

"He (Korban — ed.) personally gave financial assistance to officers and soldiers of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade, allocated no less than EUR 50 000 from his own pocket, resulting in the command staff and Korban developing not only a business relationship, but also a strong friendship. And now, knowing this, Igor Kolomoisky promised in the event of a march on Kiev to give the brigade commander of the 72nd mechanized brigade the office of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, clarifying that in any case, Gennady Korban will be the president of the country," - reports the press service of LPR.
Regarding the explosion of the ammunition depot in Svatovo that devastated the town, I found this link from Colonel Cassad in Russian, that says that it was 3500 tons of ammunition that exploded: _

The interesting detail is that 4 MLRS "Hurricane", which is multiple rocket launcer were destroyed. Apparently Ukraine had a total of 100 before the 'civil war', of which only about half were deployed at the front and then they further lost 10-12 in the conflict. Losing 4 is quite significant as they are not replaceable. So the Ukrainian enforcers are losing essential parts of the war machine which they have used to terrorize and kill civilians in Donbass. Here are some photos from the explosion site and the rocket launcher:


Article from Southfront

Interview with Russian journalist, Dmitriy Steshin, who talks about both Syria and the Donetsk region.

snip said:
Are we winning in the war against Western propaganda?

–Judging by the fact that leading world agencies were reduced to buying the video recordings from two modest Russian journalists, Kots and Steshin, they simply haven’t had another sources for the story. The Ministry of Propaganda thoroughly screens journalists and is right to do so. Because given the example of Graham Phillips (a British journalist who refused to work with leading British media due to the difference in opinion over what is happening in Ukraine), it’s obvious enough how Western media work. And one shouldn’t think that if one were to send a bunch of low-lifes with cameras and one honest journalist, the world would believe the honest one and bureaucrats’ eyes would open and governments would start coming apart at the seams. Western media piggies are lined up by the trough so tightly that no outside snout will penetrate. The honest journalist will simply not be allowed on the air. It’s very simply done. Therefore Syrian authorities simply closed the information spigot. There are Westerners working in Syria, but they were very constrained. Russian journalists had it easier. But they wouldn’t let us into Maalyulya, where Sasha and I went without a special permit. They gave us coffee, thanked for our support, but let us through the checkpoint only after several phone calls. Someone vouched for us.


–The Russian Airbus A321 catastrophe over the Sinai–do you think it was terrorism? What should we expect if that scenario turns out to be true?

–I have no doubts its terrorism, a bloody message sent to Russia. An attempt to worsen our relationship with Egypt where our “honeymoon” had begun once again. Pardon my cynicism, but the only positive aspect of what happened is that we started to evacuate our crazy and tired citizens from a war zone which due to misunderstanding and dishonesty is considered a tourist zone. Russia should not keep 80 thousand potential hostages in a country which was ruled by Islamic extremists for several years. They haven’t gone anywhere after the coup–there are millions of them in the country.

The war in Syria is only part of the world war. What’s next? Where else will things flare up?

–I want only one thing: no matter where else things flare up in the Middle East, I want the flames in Syria to go out. So that it becomes an island of safety, and Latakia becomes our tourist heaven where even in late October it’s 35 degrees Celsius.
Will the recent horrific events that just took place in France, finally wake up the general populace in our connected World - of the same atrocities and worse in other parts of the Globe - perpetuated by the same evil forces?

Donetsk is not PARIS: In Krasnoarmejsk found bodies of 286 girls

DONETSK - Prime Minister DNR's, Alexander Zakharchenko, criticized the international media who are silent about the horrific crime that was discovered in the town of Krasnoarmeysk, in Donetsk.

In fact, even earlier, was reported missing 400 women in this city, and they were aged 18 to 25 years.

Now found a mass grave with 286 bodies of missing girls, and for many of them still do not know anything.

Krasnoarmejsk is the place where he acted Ukrainian battalion "Dnepr-1," said Zakharchenko and added that on 14 October this year, the girls disappeared without a trace.

"We found 286 corpses of these girls, and each was shot in the head." Zakharchenko said, explaining the brutality of this inhuman crime.

Western media do not write about this horrible crime, and once again demonstrates the injustice in the world. While in Paris, which also took place a terrible crime, all the world's major news media, crime in Donetsk or even in Syria do not receive so much attention.
I am agree with what you wrote angelburst29 :
Western media do not write about this horrible crime, and once again demonstrates the injustice in the world.
While in Paris, which also took place a terrible crime, all the world's major news media, crime in Donetsk or even in Syria
do not receive so much attention.

to paraphrase Chateaubriand:
Westerm media have double standards: they approve, for an idea, a system, an interest, a man, that they blame for another idea, another system, another interest, another man.
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