Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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thorbiorn said:
The balkanization is a possibility, and then after that the whole planet will be subject to various trade agreements that will make the notion of sovereign governments even more hollow than it already is?

Have you been watching the news lately??!

Russia is not gonna be Balkanized or any other Western-ized!
Niall said:
thorbiorn said:
The balkanization is a possibility, and then after that the whole planet will be subject to various trade agreements that will make the notion of sovereign governments even more hollow than it already is?

Have you been watching the news lately??!

Russia is not gonna be Balkanized or any other Western-ized!
From the link I posted, it seems they will try. I am not sure they desist altogether because they loose a few pawns in the Middle East. For the Russian Federation there is another option than getting Western-ized, let's call it China-seized. For more on that there is a thread in the Russian section,39613.0.html One could imagine that if the West can't have Russia their way, they will try to make sure the Russia Federation can't have their country their way either. One way would be to encourage China in the Far East, although I admit that it does not appear US-China relations are getting any warmer.
A transmission tower has been damaged by an explosive device - power line feeding electricity to Crimea. Prior, back on October 6, unidentified attackers damaged the tower of Ukraine’s Dzhankoi-Melitopol electricity transmission line feeding power to Crimea.

Tower of power line to Crimea exploded in Ukraine’s Kherson region

Unidentified perpetrators have exploded a tower of the power transmission line to Crimea in Ukraine’s Kherson region near the border village of Chongar, Ilya Kiva, deputy head of police in the southern Kherson region, said on Tuesday.

"A transmission tower has been damaged by an explosive device," Kiva told the UNN (Ukrainian National News) agency. He said that the "tower was part of the power line feeding electricity to the occupied territory" [Kiev regards Crimea as occupied territory].

According to him, law enforcement officers have found that another transmission tower was mined. "In fact, one tower has been exploded and one mined," Kiva said.

Rescuers have been working at the scene. The investigation is underway.

The line assault followed a warning by supporters of former Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Lenur Islyamov and Ukrainian parliament members Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov on September 20 that a Crimean food blockade would disrupt free passage of trucks carrying supplies. This was supported by extremist group Right Sector, outlawed in Russia.

Chubarov also told journalists that electricity supply to the peninsula could soon be at risk, noting this could happen in October.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry opened a criminal case over damaging the Chongar transmission tower, as well as the Dzhankoi-Melitopol power line under the Criminal Code article "intentional destruction or damage to power facilities," envisaging punishment from three to ten years in prison.

Crimea and the peninsula's Russian federal city of Sevastopol declared independence in March last year after a referendum in which nearly 97% of Crimeans and some 96% of Sevastopol voters chose to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the reunification deals that same month.

Despite the referendum's convincing result, Kiev refuses to recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

Humanitarian missions deliver over 1,700 tons of aid to Donetsk republic

DPR’s parliament speaker said earlier that three humanitarian organizations — the ICRC, People in Need and Doctors Without Borders — have been granted permission for work in the republic’s territory

MOSCOW, October 20. /TASS/. International humanitarian missions have delivered more than 1,700 tons of foodstuffs, medicines and construction materials after receiving permission for activity from authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, a local accreditation committee has said.

"In the first half of October, the International Committee of the Red Cross has delivered to the DPR a total of 77 trucks, each carrying 20 tons of cargo," a spokesman said.

Some 1,240 tons of this assistance have been distributed by the organization’s representatives and around 300 tons of various humanitarian cargos will be handed over to the citizens in the coming weeks, the ICRC has said.

The Czech charity organization, People in Need (PIN), sent two convoys with 30 and 179 tons of aid to the DPR earlier this month. The assistance has not been distributed so far.

DPR’s parliament speaker Denis Pushilin said earlier that three humanitarian organizations — the ICRC, People in Need and Doctors Without Borders — have been granted permission for work in the republic’s territory. However, checks into the activity of the latter are ongoing.
There was this news from CyberBerkut. There pages are not so easy to scroll, there is just a general link for all pages, so if the readers discovers this some time from now it may no longer be on the front page, as it is at the time of posting: said:
23.10.2015 Avakov and Gerashchenko cover up to supply weapons from Europe To Middle EastWe, CyberBerkut, declare that we have disclosed arms trade corruption schemes, which the Ukrainian authorities are involved in.

This week we've hacked email of the head of Polish arms company "Level 11" Paul Witold Kzhykovsky. The materials we've obtained became the basis of our study and today we are ready to share its results with you.

According to these documents, "Level 11" supplies military products to Ukraine through the state-owned scientific and industrial association "Fort" located in Vinnitsa and integrated in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police Major General Viktor Pisarenko has been the head of this institution for more than 10 years.
In the e-mail conversation of the "Level 11" head we have also found the contract for the supply of 265 pieces of ZU-23-2 23mm twin-barrel anti-aircraft guns for $14 million euro, which allegedly are destined for the needs of the National Guard of Ukraine.

It's just an ordinary contract. The question is what is the purpose for such amount of anti-aircraft guns in the structure of the National Guard of Ukraine? Let us leave this question to Ukrainian journalists.

It appears that "Level 11" attracts subcontractors to complete the contracts. In case of "Fort" the subcontractor was "Blessway ltd.", which is registered in Cyprus and run by a certain Vasily Babitsky. Here's the document which unveils the discussion between general Pisarenko and Mr. Babitsky concerning ammunition delivery to Ukraine.
Ukraine is not the only business partner of "Blessway ltd." In one of the weapon supply contracts signed with Saudi Arabia, among other items, we have found 265 pieces (!) of ZU-23-2 23mm twin-barrel anti-aircraft guns. We have already seen this number somewhere, haven't we? Were these weapons sent to Saudi Arabia instead of Ukraine?
I looked into this story, one can read more about the guns here: It is interesting that Saudi Arabia does not yet have these originally Sovjet made designs at the moment, but others in the Middle East and North Africa do:
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel (captured from Arab Armies), ISIS, Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Yemen. In case these weapons do not show up in Saudi Arabia where might they show up?

Here is a story about a couple of militants being killed in Syria, who turned out to have links to the Ukraine: said:
October 24, 2015 []

Translated by Kristina Rus

Oleg Petrovsky

While pro-Kiev media compete with each other in the horrifying forecasts of the fate of Russia in its participation in the operation to destroy the "Islamic state", the world was stunned by the news of the appearance of Ukrainians among the terrorists.

The press service of the Defense Ministry of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) reported that in the liberated villages of Kafr- Azhus and Kafr-Delba were found the remains of two militants, sporting the symbols of Ukraine.

"A detailed study of the skin of corpses showed the presence on one of them of a tattoo on the shoulder of the right arm in the form of a stylized coat of arms of Ukraine, with an upward sword in the center"... "Dead militants were of European appearance. One had "straw" color hair, light blue (grey) eyes, fair skin with traces of old pigmentation on the shoulders, characteristic of one-two month old sunburn. The other had brown hair, bright blue eyes, light, not tanned skin, indicating his recent arrival to the region"...

The most notable is the fact that "both corpses had uniform of mixed type with a predominance of elements of NATO ground troops used in desert and semi-desert areas... On the left shoulder in place of the stripes they wore khaki chevrons, depicting the Trident amid a stylized bicolor flag with horizontal bands.

The environment in which these corpses have been discovered suggests that the militants wore their symbols openly, showing that they belong to the ethnic group of Ukrainians"

Investigation about the circumstances of these specified findings have been started. But now "the analysis of the data showed the presence of openly operating Ukrainian militants in the ISIS terrorist group".

Regarding Ukrainians being fitted with NATO gear there was also this from a long article about Poland and NATO: said:
Piskorski: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe
October 19, 2015 -
Mateusz Piskorski, Geopolityka -
Translated for Fort Russ by J. Arnoldski
In a survey conducted over the same period by Millward Brown, 49% of participants expressed a lack of confidence in the security guarantees provided by NATO in the event of an armed conflict. The proportion of skeptics is clearly growing with increasing international tension, primarily that surrounding the immediate vicinity of Poland, i.e., Ukraine.

The involvement of the North Atlantic Alliance in the latter country is a clear manifestation of NATO’s departure from the scope of tasks for which implementation has been established.

Ukraine is not a member of the Alliance, and does not possess any prospects for membership for at least several reasons. At the same time, Poland is one of the most essential adherents to the NATO program aimed at training the Ukrainian army in line with NATO standards and procedures. It’s interesting that these courses are funded in part by the budget of this organization and in part by the Polish Ministry of National Defense.

The training of the Ukrainian Army is taking place in accordance with the procedures and principles of the alliance, although Ukraine does not have prospective membership at least on the basis of official announcements by NATO representatives. This clearly indicates an effort to establish a cordon of countries connected technologically, militarily, and politically with the state playing a hegemonic role in the bloc - the United States.

The North Atlantic Alliance in this context becomes an instrument for the realization of the strategic tasks of American policies. These are interests, we’ll add, realized partly by taxpaying member states such as Poland. NATO, with the US at the head, is leading a large-scale training and arming not only of the army, but also the so called volunteer battalions, composed of extreme Ukrainian nationalists, formations accused of committing a whole series of war crimes during the so-called anti-terrorist operation in the south-east of Ukraine.

In Yaroviv near Lvov, 230 US paratroopers will lead the local training center, which will be attended, according to the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Arseny Avakov, by the Azov, Kulchysky, Jaguar, and Omega battalions. This means that the Americans, in the framework of the NATO program, will train paramilitary units which in fact have the character of terrorist formations practicing state terror sanctioned by the authorities in Kiev.

On the symbolic and ideological level, these units represent a clearly anti-Polish, neo-Banderite identity.

The civil war in Ukraine, triggered by Washington and de facto led by people directly subordinated to American services, such as head of the Security Services of Ukraine, Valentin Nalivaychenko, is not only an element of the geopolitical concept of destabilizing Eurasia, preached for years by, among others, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
If Ukrainian soldiers or members of the Ukrainian paramilitary units are trained by NATO soliders, is it any wonder they show up in a place like Syria on the side of IS and wearing NATO outfits?
Odessa and child kidnappings ....

Odessa: A Fate Worse Than Death

When I first got to Donbass, I heard the rumors about girls being plucked off the streets of cities under fascist control and never being heard from again. I was a soldier then, and tried not to think about it much. The NAF was not in a position to liberate Mariupol or Odessa, so I felt there was nothing I could do. Now, I have the proof that the rumors are true, and I have to share this information with you and with the world, to get the truth out about what the fascists are doing to our people, and why we will die before we surrender.

And why you should too…

There have been at least 31 documented cases of good looking teenagers, (some as young as 11 years old) who have disappeared off of the streets of Odessa in the last year. Not street urchins or orphans, but kids from normal families, or rather, what used to be normal families, because how can any family ever be normal again after a child from that family is kidnapped by nazis, and the best you can hope for is they only want the organs. But judging from the age and the looks of these kids, the nazis who stole them from their families, want to do to those kids what they will do to all of us left alive, if we let them… Make us into slaves.

The governor of Odessa Oblast (state) is Mikael Sakashvili. He was appointed by Petro Poroshenko and granted Ukrainian citizenship, in spite of being wanted on criminal charges in his former country of Georgia. Sakashvili and his wife, Sandra Roelofs, have long been rumored to be major players in the international illegal human organ trade, based in Israel. Roelof’s wikipedia page states that “SOCO” the privately financed “charity” she founded, has, since 2007, “been actively taking care of reproductive health and child welfare in Georgia.” Probably the same way they have been in Odessa. Odessa Oblast is under the military control of “Azov” battalion, one of the most ruthless, criminal and openly neo-nazi units in the AFU. Members of the Odessa police not only allowed the mass murder at the Worker’s Union Hall to take place last year, they were active participants in it. What help do you think they will give to these missing children or their families? Criminal government, criminal army, criminal police. THAT is what it means to live under Fascism.There has been no action or comment by Odessa authorities about the mass disappearances of children in Odessa. A single case has been solved – a criminal gang, driving around Odessa in a BMW, one member dressed in a police uniform, kidnapped an underaged girl and demanded a $20,000 ransom for her return. According to the news report, while waiting for the ransom, the gang repeatedly “raped the underaged girl in unnatural ways”. The gang was captured, and the girl rescued when they tried to collect the ransom. Note the BMW, note the police uniform, note the fact that the gang thought the family could actually pay a ransom of $20,000. They picked the wrong kid, that time, one with a family whose power and connections to the government were stronger than theirs.

Not just the children and their families, the entire society of Odessa has also been terrorized. Because if the nazis can take the kid down the street, they can take yours too. Think for a moment what that would be like. The Horror…
angelburst29 said:
Not just the children and their families, the entire society of Odessa has also been terrorized. Because if the nazis can take the kid down the street, they can take yours too. Think for a moment what that would be like. The Horror…

That's horrific indeed. :(
Windmill knight said:
angelburst29 said:
Not just the children and their families, the entire society of Odessa has also been terrorized. Because if the nazis can take the kid down the street, they can take yours too. Think for a moment what that would be like. The Horror…

That's horrific indeed. :(

Sure is. It's been going on since the neo-Nazi coup. There have been a number of articles about child kidnapping throughout the crisis.
It is clear from hints and implication in the following conversation that US foreign policy has no one centre of command, it has been outsourced and privatized: said:
Ukrainian Wikileaks: McCain and Saakashvili are plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia [transcript]

October 28, 2015

Ukrainian Wikileaks

Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus

"M.": Mikhail Saakashvili, ex-president of Georgia, Odessa region governor

"K.": David Kezerashvili - former head of financial police and minister of defense of Georgia. Wanted for embezzling state funds

"G": Anton Gerashenko - people's deputy of Ukraine in faction "People's Front", secretary of Verkhovnaya Rada committee on issues of legal basis of law enforcement. Advisor to the minister of interior, Arsen Avakov, resident agent of US special services

"R.": Ramzan Machelikashvili - cousin of Ruslan Machelikashvili, infamous field commander of Islamic State, callsign Seyfullakh. Commander of special anti-aircraft unit, received special training in the ATO zone. Anti-aircraft specialist sent to Syria.


M. Let him come in!

M. Sit down, David! Everything should be done on time, as we discussed. You understand the importance of everything! Wait a second, I will turn on anti-surveillance.

McCain confirmed the plan, everything is in place so you know. We got cover from the US Senate. In Syria, Russians must be hit, or else if Russians and Americans fundamentally agree, they will really dump Ukraine. Donbass is on conservation, project Transnistria is suspended. If it goes on, we are done! We should speed things up in Syria!

Have you prepared our guys?

K: Yes, everything is done. Today, they fly to Antalya and then go to Syria.

They received good training and will tear everything with their spirit. These are our Kistintsy (Georgian Chechens living in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia), tough guys. Ramzan Machelikashvili was appointed a commander, all four obey him. They shoot from all weapons, they are anti-aircraft professionals. They are waiting for specific instructions.

M. Give Ramzan this phone number and cell phone. Upon arrival it is necessary to send a message, there is Warren's man from the CIA, he will greet and take the guys. Turks are warned and will let them through. In short, this agent of Steve Warren knows everything and speaks Russian. After, Ramzan should give him this phone.

M. Yes, yes, will turn it off.

K. It's all clear, but what about equipment and weapons?

M. Wait, wait! I have to pick up the call from Gerashchenko .
M. Hello Anton! Our guys are leaving today. Is it all ready?

G. Mr. Mikhail Nikolayevich! It is loud over there!

G. Now I can hear! Avakov (Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine) transported everything, there are five anti-aircraft [PZRK - rus.] "Willow" [Verba" - rus.] and "Needle S" ["Igla S" - rus.], full ammunition and equipment. Large anti-aircraft guns are on the road. As soon as they pass the border, your chieftain, what's his name, Ash-Shushani will meet them, the guys will be on the case.

M. Excellent! Excellent! Well, talk to you later.

M. David! All you need is already in place and when they cross the border they will get everything. There they will be greeted by Tarhan Batirashvili. You know who he is? He has great influence in the Islamic State, all Chechens pass through him, his nickname is Ash-Shushani. Also ​​Ramzan's cousin, Ruslan Machelikashvili will also meet them. He is a ruthless thug, Americans told me.

So, the whole group will be in Latakia, in the Al-Nusra zone, the goal is to shoot down American plane. They will get flight information, there is a local Kurd there for that. The plan is turning out very cool! American plane will be shot down by Russian military. This will be told by the Prisoner, that the target was shot down from PZRK. The scene will be amusing, the whole world will talk about it.

After this group will go to Hasaka, it is a city near the Kurds and there they will destroy a Kurdish village, the Russians will do everything. In return, the Kurds will shoot down a Russian plane with Stingers. The goal is to pit the Americans and Russians in Syria. The Turks will be grateful, they promise to rouse the Crimean Tatars.

After it is done in Syria, you will see, if Americans don't bring troops to Ukraine and all our projects will begin operating. McCain is waiting for our actions. Otherwise, Obama will not raise his ass, elections are coming soon and he will do nothing. You see, Poroshenko also began to wag his tail in front of Putin.

C. I don't know, Misha! It's your plans, you know better. I'll explain everything to the guys and will send them on the way. It's great that Tarhan Batirashvili will meet them, he knows how to fight and will supervise everything. At one time I accepted him into the Army. His mother is Kistinka, and a Georgian father.

M. What I said, do in time, give each one of the five $10 thousand. Give $20,000 to Tarhan's father in Ahmet.

K. I already paid the guys, and my people will pass $20 thousand to Tbilisi.

Machelikashvili is waiting in the reception, want to have a couple words with him?!

M. Sure!

Sveta! There's a man with a beard who came with David, named Ramzan, let him in.

S. Of course, Mikhail Nikolayevich

M. How are you Ramzan! How are things?

R. Batono Misha! We are ready to execute all the tasks.

M. Very good! The peace in the whole world depends on you! I and Dato will support you and your families in everything.

R. Thank you very much. David is very helpful. After completing the tasks in Syria, we will bring you back to Georgia, this is our next task. We will blow up the entire Georgia, if necessary!

M. Thank you Ramzan, this time will come, but for now we should take care of Ukraine. Dato will explain, everything is ready. Our guys will meet, Ruslan is your cousin, Aslan Margoshvili, Tarhan Batirashvili and others. You will be in good hands. Say hello to the guys and be careful. Take care of yourself.

R. You make me feel better, Misha batono. I did not know that the brother will meet, we will do everything 100%. I thought Tarhan died, I heard he was blown up along with El-Baghdadi. Insha Allah, he is alive.

M. Ramzan, take it! This is a dagger from me.

R. May Allah protect you, batono Misha! We will not disgrace ourselves and do everything, I swear to you!

K. Ok, Ramzan, wait in the waiting room, I will come out soon!

M. Ramzan is a tough man, right?! Tell me, are the Swiss accounts already available ?!

K. The court has closed my cases and the accounts are available, just need to submit documents to the bank. Adeishvili was very helpful. His guys did everything at the court. I sent them some, and will have to send more.

M. Kama still has to be paid. You said that you transferred the shares to Kakha's people [Kaladze, Minister of Energy of Georgia] and it was closed. What is f#cken wrong with everyone to throw my money away like that!

K. Don't yell! I told you, 35% I gave from the port and oil infrastructure. From gas I gave 10%, and added 10% for Bezhuashvili. Otherwise they didn't agree. And in court they did everything, for Meishvili, Shavliashili and Levna Murusidze I must send fifty, I gave nothing to them yet, first just to pay the judges who were on my case. I told you everything in advance. If not, I would get a judgement like Ugulava, and would block access to the accounts.

M. F#ck their mother, b#tch! This f#cking Magis sold Kolomoisky the video. Penguin caught it and they posted the frames with Bacho f#ggots. For this reason, all the planned actions had to be stopped, against Gazprom and in defense of Rustavi 2. I said a thousand times, remove this Kardav or pay the money to this bastard. Ilham too can be offended and cut off our debt in SOCAR. It must be solved somehow. When are you going to Zurich?

K. I will send our guys, tomorrow I'll go to Kiev and from there to Switzerland. After going to Baku, there I will tackle SOCAR issues.

M. Watch out for our Pankisi guys, so they are happy. This is the most important thing right now. As soon as we pit Moscow and Washington, then smoothly will move to Kiev. Ok, later!

M. Wait, wait. Glad I remembered! Tina asked, in Sagarejo, that her relative needs help with elections. Our guys are doing everything, and Tina will involve the military but Azersky Muganlo is crucial. Our deputy, Azik, he will contact you and when you will arrive to Baku, he will come, give him the money to bribe Muganloisk muftis. Also ask the Baku elite, to help me in this regard. There is a bitch Iniashvili, she should not win elections, California Senators support her, but I don't care.

Do you understand what to do ?! Prior to going to Kiev meet with Adeishvili, and he will explain all the details.

K. Yes, let Zura explain everything, there are so many things, I can get lost, I need his help.

M. Good. As soon as you send the guys, let me know, I have to inform McCain, he is waiting!

K. Ok, Misha! I must go, a lot to do.

And if one looks at said:
Ceasefire chronicles: Fierce fighting in Donetsk, "Aidar" battalion pulled fresh reserves
the situation of the cease fire has, at least temporarily, dropped the "cease" in order to "fire".
thorbiorn said:
It is clear from hints and implication in the following conversation that US foreign policy has no one centre of command, it has been outsourced and privatized: said:
Ukrainian Wikileaks: McCain and Saakashvili are plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia [transcript]

October 28, 2015

Ukrainian Wikileaks

Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus

So, the whole group will be in the region of Latakia Al-Nusra, important Americans shoot down the plane. About flight information will get out there eating local Kurds for it. Very cool plan turns out! American aircraft would be shot down by Russian military. This tells the prisoner that shot down the target with PZRKa. Funny scene is, the whole world will speak.

I noticed that it was first posted on the 21/10/2015 and Russia bombed Al-Nusra badly in Latakia in the last day or two if I remember correctly. Who knows what is left of these mercenaries and their evil plans, if the wikileak is true, that is.
Aeneas said:
thorbiorn said:
It is clear from hints and implication in the following conversation that US foreign policy has no one centre of command, it has been outsourced and privatized: said:
Ukrainian Wikileaks: McCain and Saakashvili are plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia [transcript]

October 28, 2015

Ukrainian Wikileaks

Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus

So, the whole group will be in the region of Latakia Al-Nusra, important Americans shoot down the plane. About flight information will get out there eating local Kurds for it. Very cool plan turns out! American aircraft would be shot down by Russian military. This tells the prisoner that shot down the target with PZRKa. Funny scene is, the whole world will speak.

I noticed that it was first posted on the 21/10/2015 and Russia bombed Al-Nusra badly in Latakia in the last day or two if I remember correctly. Who knows what is left of these mercenaries and their evil plans, if the wikileak is true, that is.

Well, if Wikileaks knew it, surely the Russians knew it too. According to some reports they also managed to kill an Al-Nusra big boss a few days ago.

I'd like to know how the wikipeople got that conversation. There's no doubt those thugs would come up with such a plan or worse, but the rule of thumb that 'it sounds too good to be true' (in this case that it was leaked) makes me a bit skeptical.
There's something in all of this (world's geo-policical 'great game') that ruffles more and more my feathers, as years go by and changes take place. And it might be a question to address the C's again, in the sense that they have already stated in the past that we live under a one world government.

And, as i say this, keeping in mind that in 1976, one my my college political science teachers told our class the exact same thing, thinking: if that is the case, are we also being manipulated at this level where changes are implemented, always seemingly right at the edge of total chaos, in order to keep the 'great game' going? Is this Putin (and i not only believe in him, but moreover feel like he comes like a saviour in a time when i thought the end game was near) intervention, something that was already planned strategically? By this one world government? Meaning, is the ONE WORLD COVERT GOVERNMENT above the Consortium, and other groups? The same way countries were split in two ideologies purposefully, between the Capitalist block and the Communist block, after the second world war, and the way today the power and money is shifting from the West to the East openly?

i'm not certain how i would formulate the question but i feel it might be a good question: As in " Are we once again being 'manipulated' with this seeming 'hope', or has the balance of power really, truly, honestly 'shifted'. Or, am i the only one to feel this way?
romochar said:
There's something in all of this (world's geo-policical 'great game') that ruffles more and more my feathers, as years go by and changes take place. And it might be a question to address the C's again, in the sense that they have already stated in the past that we live under a one world government.

And, as i say this, keeping in mind that in 1976, one my my college political science teachers told our class the exact same thing, thinking: if that is the case, are we also being manipulated at this level where changes are implemented, always seemingly right at the edge of total chaos, in order to keep the 'great game' going? Is this Putin (and i not only believe in him, but moreover feel like he comes like a saviour in a time when i thought the end game was near) intervention, something that was already planned strategically? By this one world government? Meaning, is the ONE WORLD COVERT GOVERNMENT above the Consortium, and other groups? The same way countries were split in two ideologies purposefully, between the Capitalist block and the Communist block, after the second world war, and the way today the power and money is shifting from the West to the East openly?

i'm not certain how i would formulate the question but i feel it might be a good question: As in " Are we once again being 'manipulated' with this seeming 'hope', or has the balance of power really, truly, honestly 'shifted'. Or, am i the only one to feel this way?

If you read the C's transcript, you might see that they have also said for a long time that the ptb would fail in their endeavours, due to wishful thinking. They said in the last session that they had not expected a Putin to come in the picture. Also that the wave is already here.

So I think that your question is one from an era gone past. It is just that we have woken up to a world where there is hope and that certaily is a big change. It is almost too hard to believe and yet the evidence is there for all to see. All empires come an end.

Your concern could elicit many replies, so it might be better for it to be shifted into another thread, so as not to hijack this one. Perhaps a thread about questions to the C's-
Windmill knight said:

Well, if Wikileaks knew it, surely the Russians knew it too. According to some reports they also managed to kill an Al-Nusra big boss a few days ago.

I'd like to know how the wikipeople got that conversation. There's no doubt those thugs would come up with such a plan or worse, but the rule of thumb that 'it sounds too good to be true' (in this case that it was leaked) makes me a bit skeptical.

I could have investigated the claims better. Below is some information that I gathered when I looked at the original page: which did not have more information. However there is an interveiw with a representative, Krnic Sergey Nikolaevich (Кірник Сергій Миколайович), who claims to be a representative of the Ukrainian Wikileaks that has collected the information. The link is and it is in Russian, form this I get that they claim to have some technology including laser-vibrational that can pick up sound at a distance, also they claim to have contacts so they know what goes on where and when. What they have published shows, as the interviewer notes, is that "Mikhail Saakashvili, ex-president of Georgia, Odessa region governor" is often the target. Krnic Sergey Nikolaevich explains they have some contacts and know when he is doing what. Krnic Sergey Nikolaevich admits he has something against Mikhail Saakashvili personally. Politically, Krnic Sergey Nikolaevich, appears from the interview to be in favour of a united Ukraine free of Russian and American influence.

When I looked up Krnic Sergey Nikolaevich in Yandex, using the name written in Ukrainian, it turns out he is claimed to be a former member of the Ukrainian secret service, see for eksample: He says he is born in Lvov in 1981 and gives the impression of being some mild version of a Ukrainian nationalist. He ends his short talk on the above website with "Слава Україні! Героям слава!" that is "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the heroes", a phrase well known among the present rulers of Ukraine, and the heroes include the Ukrainian nazi Stephan Bandera!
Hope all this clarifies.
@Aeneas - you are right and i am sorry for not thinking of that, thank you for your reply and for straightening that out.

Your concern could elicit many replies, so it might be better for it to be shifted into another thread, so as not to hijack this one. Perhaps a thread about questions to the C's-

i agree with you and did not mean to create noise in this important thread, sorry:
If you read the C's transcript, you might see that they have also said for a long time that the ptb would fail in their endeavors, due to wishful thinking. They said in the last session that they had not expected a Putin to come in the picture. Also that the wave is already here.

So I think that your question is one from an era gone past. It is just that we have woken up to a world where there is hope and that certainly is a big change. It is almost too hard to believe and yet the evidence is there for all to see. All empires come an end.

Again: Thank you!

I agree that it is hard to believe and that is why i was being skeptical, which is not in this case productive, i understand.
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