Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Donetsk Ministry of Transport has overhauled 30 trolleys and 11 trams with Russian aid.

Russian aid helps restore public transport in Donetsk

More than 40 trolley buses and trams have been repaired in the Republic since the beginning of the year at the expense of humanitarian aid from Russia. This was reported today by the press service of the Ministry of Transport of the Donetsk Peoples Republic.

"Humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation for the trams and trolleys of the Republic has permitted carrying out reconstruction work for the electric transport in the year's first quarter. In order to increase transit capacity and increase the city's transport network, 11 trams and 30 trolleys have been refurbished."

Further, the TTM (Tram-Trolley Management) of Donetsk, Makeyevka, Gorlovka, Yenakiyevo and Khartsyzsk have all received humanitarian assistance. In addition, thanks to the materials received from the Russian Federation, window openings in many industrial environments have been restored.

"Preparatory work is underway to replace 7,900 meters of overhead trolleybus power line, and 5600 meters of overhead tram power line. It is planned to repair 1830 meters of the tram rail tracks, and to replace/repair 17 high tension transmission towers, according to the Ministry of Transport.

At the ministry they figure that the repair and maintenance work on city electric transport will ensure the smooth functioning of the public transit complex of the DPR, and meet the needs of the population in passenger traffic.

It was reported earlier that Igor Martynov, mayor of Donetsk, visited the plaza of the of the capital's main terminal, where employees of Donelektroautotrans "began to restore the contact network of tram route number 1,"DMZ - the railway station."

Translator note:

The news release says nothing about why the repairs needed doing, though almost certainly, in the case of replacing industrial window embrasures, it was a matter of repairing what the Kiev forces damaged by their artillery shells. My conclusion: The DNR with Russian help fixes what Kiev with US help destroyed.

The first Ukrainian school of sergeants, who will gain education experience under the NATO armies standards, has been opened in Kiev.

Ukraine trains killers under NATO standards

50 servicemen will be taught on the basis of the Azov regiment training camp, and will be the first who will get enhanced physical and psychological training.

It is reported that the education process will consist of a theoretical and practical parts, will last three months and will be complete after the exams are passed. Then, one group of the military men will be sent to fight in Donbass, while the other will stay as instructors in Kiev.

As Pravda.Ru reported, education of the Ukrainian military was started by the American instructors in 2015. By now the Ukrainian government should pay $19m for the Ukrainian Armed Forces' soldiers studying how to put a gun on safety, open closed doors, use portable radios for cipher talks and at least not to die because of non-lethal injuries.

The first training, which was seen by the New York Times correspondent, is usually carried out by untaught military cadets themselves.
A Monument to Ronald Reagan Proposed in the Center of Kiev

The initiative was explained by the fact that the politician "was a staunch defender of the independence of Ukraine and other countries affected by the Communist system".

It was proposed to install the monument to the former US President Ronald Reagan in the center of the Ukrainian capital. A related petition appeared on Thursday on the official website of the Kiev City State Administration (KCSA).

"We urge the permanent commission of the Kiev City State Administration on the establishment of memorials in Kiev to advise the leadership of the KSCA to establish, in the capital of Ukraine, a monument to an outstanding personality, and one of the most successful US presidents - Ronald Reagan," reads the petition.

The author of the initiative - head of the Ukrainian Society of Economic Freedoms Maryan Zablockiy - believes that the monument must be installed in the government quarter on the site of the dismantled monument to the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Ukraine Dmitry Manuilsky.

On the need for the installation of the monument to the former US President in the center of Kiev, the author of the petition said that, "Reagan, up to the end of his days, was a staunch defender of the independence of Ukraine and other countries affected by the Communist system". In addition, he said, "Reagan is best known for his ideology of free enterprise, the adequacy of public expenditure and strict control over it by society, and the stimulation of the creation of new jobs and investment".

According to Zablockiy, the idea of placing the monument was supported by the American "Ronald Reagan Heritage Project", however, it is proposed to install it "at the expense of concerned citizens of Ukraine and the United States."

Ronald Reagan was US President from 1981 to 1989. Last year, as part of the Ukraine policy of decommunization, Ukraine asked to rename Moscow bridge in Kiev after him.

Ukrainian war criminals* shell Kiev Region; condominium building in flames.

Shelling sets apartment buildings on fire in Kiev region of Donetsk

Kiev junta "punishers" shelled the civilian population of the Kiev region of the Donetsk People's Republic's capital city. Fire broke out in the explosions.

The press service of Donetsk city administration reported on the bombardment. "Today the Kiev region took fire from the APU. one of the blasts hit a residential building on Putilovskaya Grove, resulting in a fire. Data on casualties are yet to be reported," the mayor's office reported.

The French government criticized Kiev for failing to implement the Minsk peace agreement on Ukraine’s reconciliation, Le Figaro reporter.

French FM Ayrault is Angry at Kiev for Sabotaging Peace in Donbass

During his visit to Moscow, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Kiev must stick to its promises and start making concrete steps toward the implementation of the Minsk peace accords.

"The government in Kiev must implement reforms and introduce particular amendments in its constitution on the special status of Donbass and the electoral process in the region. We hope that the results will be achieved by the end of this year," Ayrault said, according to the French newspaper.

This is the first time when the French government has taken the side of Moscow in the Ukrainian issue, Le Figaro said.

In the past, most Western countries blamed Russia for delaying the peace process in Eastern Ukraine. The belief was that Moscow doesn't put enough pressure on Donbass militia, who according to the West, were under the Kremlin's control and were allegedly responsible for ceasefire violations in the region, the newspaper said.

But on Tuesday, the French Foreign Minister openly admitted that it is Kiev that's sabotaging peace in Donbass.

Ayrault also condemned the actions of new Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman who proposed to create the Ministry of the Occupied Territories, the term Kiev uses to call the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. The top French diplomat warned Kiev that this step will delay the implementation of the Minsk deal, Le Figaro said.

The Russian Foreign Minister also criticized Groysman's initiative, fearing that with the new ministry Kiev will try to conquer the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics by force and would certainly escalate the situation.

Southeastern Ukraine has been suffering from a crisis triggered by a military operation launched by Kiev authorities against local militias in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk in April 2014. The regions have refused to recognize the pro-Western government in Kiev that came to power in 2014 in what they consider to have been a coup.

In February 2015, Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine worked out a ceasefire deal in Minsk later signed by Kiev and the Donbass militia. Despite the fact that the agreement was reached a year ago, both sides have been repeatedly reporting violations of the deal.
From RT, news of the two Russian nationals each convicted in Kiev's kangaroo court. The two men, Yevgeny Erofeev and Aleksandr Aleksandrov were sentanced to 14 years in prison. There is also talk of an exchange for the Ukrainian, Nadezhda Savchenko (check her out on SOTT)

Two Russian citizens, who were detained in Ukraine last year, have been sentenced to 14 years in prison after a district court in Kiev found them guilty of terrorist activities.

Evgeny Erofeev and Aleksandr Aleksandrov will remain in custody until the sentence comes into force in ten days, the court ruled on Monday.

The defendants were indicted on six articles of the Ukrainian Criminal Code, including “participation in a terrorist act or a terrorist organization,” “waging an aggressive war” and “actions that led to the death of a person.”

The prosecution demanded the Russians to be sentenced to the maximum term of 15 years behind bars.

In the Ukrainian judicial system, the sentence for multiple crimes isn’t cumulative, with the convict serving his term in accordance with the most serious article.

Both Russians denied their guilt of crimes attributed to them, the court said in its sentencing.

Erofeev and Aleksandrov, who are claimed to be Russian military servicemen by Kiev, were detained by the Ukrainian security forces near the village of Schastie in south-eastern Lugansk Region on May 16, 2015.

The duo was allegedly fighting for the self-defense forces of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic.

Erofeev was injured in the arm, while Aleksandrov received a wound to his leg prior to the arrest.

The same gunfight saw one Ukrainian soldier killed and three others wounded.

Russia’s Defense Ministry has confirmed that Erofeev and Aleksandrov were Russian citizens, but stressed they weren’t members of the country’s military at the time of the arrest.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, the head of the Russian Parliament’s Committee for Civil and Criminal Law, blasted the sentence, saying that “it had nothing to do with compliance to legal procedures, the norms of international law and objectivity.”

Yury Grabovsky, the lawyer for one the defendants, was kidnapped on March 6 and found dead in small town some 100 kilometers from Kiev several weeks later.

{here is the story on SOTT - Murdered: Lawyer for Russian fighter kidnapped, 'drugged, wired to a bomb' in Ukraine}

The investigators believe that the abductors used an ankle bracelet rigged with explosives to prevent the attorney from escaping before murdering him.

In addition, a fire broke out in the office of the case’s presiding judge, Nikolai Didyk, on April 8.

Lawyers for Nadezhda Savchenko, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison in Russia in March, said that they were going to discuss a possible exchange of their client for Erofeev and Aleksandrov in spite of the fact that the Ukrainian pilot says she is against it.

The woman was found guilty of murdering two Russian journalists near Lugansk in Eastern Ukraine in June of 2014, as well as illegally crossing the Russian border.

When the Ukrainian Right Sector thugs commit blatant outright murder, it's no problem, there are no arrests, there is no trial - no consequences and certainly no western press - they just carry on.
voyageur said:
From RT, news of the two Russian nationals each convicted in Kiev's kangaroo court. The two men, Yevgeny Erofeev and Aleksandr Aleksandrov were sentanced to 14 years in prison. There is also talk of an exchange for the Ukrainian, Nadezhda Savchenko (check her out on SOTT)

Without Charge or a Trial: Dozens of Russians Languish in Ukrainian Prisons

Russians Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov, whom the Kiev court the day before sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment for alleged terrorism, won't submit an appeal. This was reported by their lawyers. There are dozens of Russians in Ukrainian prisons today, whom the authorities have accused of committing political crimes.

Evgeny Mefedov cut his veins in the courtroom, trying to attract attention. But he is not Ukrainian fire-coordinator Savchenko. And European human rights defenders don't mind that a Russian citizen is sitting in a Ukrainian prison without a sentence already for two years, cutting his hands, and refusing to eat. And the decision to release him on bail was not executed until now.

On the day when bail was posted, the Odessa prison was surrounded by "Right Sector" activists. The journey home from prison for Evgeny could become the last of his life. Evgeny was warned about this also by the head of the detention center. So he continues to sit under the protection of prison guards in a cell with Antimaidan activists, who on May 2nd, 2014 managed to not burn to death in the House of Trade Unions.

None of those among the supporters of the Maidan who threw Molotov cocktails, was taken to court. Evgeny, working as the taxi driver in Odessa, carried products to Kulikovo field by request. When it all started, he was brought by the crowd, pressed by nationalists, inside of the House of Trade Unions. He miraculously escaped from a burning building, inhaling carbon monoxide, and was immediately arrested by the police. Kiev then did whatever was needed to prove that there are the Kremlin agents in Odessa. The Russian passport of Evgeny Mefedov proved to be very helpful here.

Resident of Volgograd Oleg Khlyupin was forced to torture and to slander himself. Ukrainian mass media spread around information about the capture of an employee of the Russian special services. It was all lies, because after elementary checking of the alleged contacts in the Russian military office, in reality the numbers are from Volgograd clinic phones. Oleg went to the Luhansk region to pick up his elderly and nearly blind father in Russia, who lived under bombardment.

The taxi driver carrying Oleg from the border brought him to the location of the neo-Nazi "Tornado" battalion. From here they started to make from him a Russian spy. "Multiple fractures, a broken rib cage, seven ribs," says Oleg, "a punctured lung... I could have been made to stay there forever, either in prison or killed in a pit."

Thanks to the efforts of the Russian authorities, said Oleg, he was free. At the same time dozens of Russian citizens remain in Ukrainian prisons.

But how to make come back those who the existence of which the authorities of Ukraine simply deny. Vladimir Bezobrazov two years ago was grabbed and thrown in jail in the resort village near Odessa. He arrived there on vacation with his mother and young son.

He inadvertently said something. In the cafe he advised the waiter who complained about low wages, to go to work in Donetsk. The phrase was overheard by an officer of the Ukrainian border guard service. That evening, recognition in the recruitment of militants for the DPR and LPR was beaten from Vladimir.

Vladimir gave a confession because he was promised otherwise his relatives would be killed. When his relatives left Ukraine, he refused to confess, and received five years probation in prison. But he was never released. The person disappeared. Nobody knew where he was for a long time. The official response of Kiev - they hadn't released a prisoner named Vladimir Bezobrazov in Ukraine. Finally, they found him, in Kharkov.

"In the center of the city stands the building of the SBU, and in the side path is seven or eight cameras, several of them female. They are taken for a walk once in three months in this hole, where even light is not visible. There were people who were kidnapped and thrown into a secret prison; Some of them had Elizarov apparatus on their feet, and without medical help they became disabled," says human rights activist Tatiana Buiko. In this secret prison and Vladimir. This was reported by the people who came from there, who were exchanged with the authorities of Novorossiya. The son has not see his father for 2 years. The boy's grandmother looks after him.

Why was Vladimir sentenced to probation, languishing in a sort of unofficial, illegal jail? He is not on the lists on the exchange, according to his mother.

A writer from Odessa has counted all the dead at the House of Trade Unions on Kulikovo field

A Total of 397 People Died at the House of Trade Unions

Odessa historian and writer Alexey Ivakin, for the past two years, has been making inquiries into the dead and missing citizens who were participants of the clashes on May 2nd, 2014. Some died in the fire at the House of Trade Unions, some were shot or beaten with reinforced steel on the streets – Ivakin counted them all. There were 397 people, including those who rallied for Russia, and their opponents. Now the historian is preparing to publish a nonfiction book and a series of stories about those tragic events and the participants.

It should again be noted: among the dead in Odessa on May 2nd were pro-Russian activists from Kulikovo field, and their opponents – Ukrainian nationalists. Another significant caveat: some of the victims of the "Odessa grinder" died from beatings, wounds, and injuries sustained on May 2nd, but not on the day of the tragedy, but later, in the hospital. Dozens of volunteers from both sides of the conflict helped Alexei Ivakin count the victims. As a result, the statistics can be considered to be the most complete. However, the Ukrainian authorities have not yet officially reacted: most likely because no one wants to add fuel to the fire on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy.

Among those killed were members of the "Right sector", firefighters who tried to extinguish the fire on Kulikovo field, policemen from the Greek streets that hosted the clashes, security agency officials who worked in the House of Trade Unions, employees of the state emergency service of Ukraine who lead people away, bystanders, and activists of Russian-speaking organizations. Some of the victims have not been classified – name-surname and passport data is known, but "who" they fought is not clear.

Those hot on the trace of the Odessa tragedy repeatedly reported that the number of victims, in fact, was not 48, as was stated in the official statistics, but it is much more. Oleg Tsarev, the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, spoke of more than one hundred victims. Deputy of the Odessa regional Council Vadim Savenko counted 116 victims from the confrontation. The Kiev newspaper "Segodnya" reported that the number of victims is "three times more than the figure presented in the official statistics".

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to violate the truce in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The village of Zaytsevo is in the line of fire, where the most recent shelling has damaged the school building and the local administration, as well as residential homes. The details were reported by RT correspondent Murad Gazdiev.

Craters Left by Unexploded Rockets and Phosphorous Bombs: The Ceasefire in Donbass (RT Video)

The RT crew visited the village of Zaytsevo in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, which in recent days has been in the line of fire. Firstly, the reporters didn't notice anything unusual or dangerous: a football field next to the local school, a playground, horizontal bars and gates, a nearby field, where local residents are planting.

But the trouble is that a football may accidentally fly there, where there is an unexploded rocket from an RPG-22. Judging by the markings, it was manufactured in 1989. It fell on one of the sites of the village a few days ago. Apparently, the grenade is faulty, so the engineers have to work hard to defuse this missile. It could explode right on the spot.

Banned phosphorus bombs were used during the shelling of the village. They detonate in the air. As a result, the substance is dispersed and ignited upon contact with the air. The body of the bomb burned a hole in the ground with a depth of approximately six feet. The edges of the crater are covered with white bloom - traces of phosphorus.

"In the past few days there has been a lot of shooting, the #15 school is completely broken. Kids don't receive an education," complained one of the residents.

This village is on the front line. The Ukrainian military is located just 400 metres to the West. Zaytsevo has now become a kind of target: six houses were destroyed in the recent shelling.

The crew inspected the houses damaged by shelling. By the nature of the destruction, you can get an idea of the types of munitions that were used. The journalists wanted to get closer to the houses that were shelled by the Ukrainian side recently, but it is still unsafe. In the east of Ukraine, blue vests with the inscription "Press" are more of a target than a means of protection.

Daytime in the village is quiet. As the locals said, the fighting usually starts closer to night. Of course, both sides of the conflict do not allow themselves to violate the truce in the presence of OSCE observers. It should be noted that many of the houses have been left by their owners: doors locked, windows shuttered. Some houses are completely destroyed. In Zaytsevo, there are still dozens of local residents: they simply have nowhere else to go.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that he expected the new armed OSCE mission will be deployed in Donbass.

Poroshenko Expects Donbass OSCE Police Mission in 'Nearest Future'

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Friday that he expects the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to deploy a police mission in the nearest future to control the ceasefire in Ukraine's eastern Donbass region.

"In the nearest future I expect the deployment of a new, armed OSCE mission to control the ceasefire, guard withdrawn weapons…and ensure control of uncontrolled parts of the Ukrainian-Russian border," Poroshenko said.

Pianist Valentina Lisitsa Performs Again in Donetsk

"We can now confidently say that the festival "Prokofiev Spring" today received serious proportion. The headliner of the festival is Valentina Lisitsa. Four concerts will take place in the cities most affected by the fighting. Today she will give her first concert in Donetsk. She will perform accompanied by the Philharmonic "Viola" chamber orchestra and will play solo," said the general Director of the Donetsk state academic Philharmonic society Alexander Paretsky.

As Valentina Lisitsa admitted herself, it is very exciting and a pleasure to perform in Donetsk again. "I feel how wonderful the listeners are here," she said.

On 22nd April, the Donetsk philharmonic will hold a solo concert with Valentina Lisitsa. And on April 23rd, the birthday of Sergei Prokofiev, the Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet will host a concert of the great composer's works.

The festival "Prokofiev Spring" on April 24th at the concert hall of the Donetsk Philharmonic will feature performances from the Symphony orchestra and soloist musicians from Moscow.

Meeting Of All Diplomats From Macedonia Is Cancelled In Vienna

Zoran Zaev’s demanding for the unconstitutional delaying of elections, and for the withdrawal of President Gjorge Ivanov’s declaration to pardon all politicians, is the reason the leader meeting in Vienna, scheduled for Friday, has been canceled.

The information was published by Republika weekly. Without further detail, it was said that the meeting is canceled.

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, along with the three MEPs Eduard Kukan, Richard Howitt, and Ivo Vajgl, were supposed to host the four Macedonian political leaders, Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Menduh Thaci, and Ali Ahmeti, for a new round of negotiations to resolve the political crisis in the country.

Thursday morning it was announced that the ‘house of EU’ in Vienna has already started preparing the hall for the meeting for solving the political crisis in Macedonia, and unofficially the MEPs are expecting all invited to attend the leader’s meeting, which would take place even if some of them are absent.
angelburst29 said:
Meeting Of All Diplomats From Macedonia Is Cancelled In Vienna

Zoran Zaev’s demanding for the unconstitutional delaying of elections, and for the withdrawal of President Gjorge Ivanov’s declaration to pardon all politicians, is the reason the leader meeting in Vienna, scheduled for Friday, has been canceled.

The information was published by Republika weekly. Without further detail, it was said that the meeting is canceled.

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, along with the three MEPs Eduard Kukan, Richard Howitt, and Ivo Vajgl, were supposed to host the four Macedonian political leaders, Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Menduh Thaci, and Ali Ahmeti, for a new round of negotiations to resolve the political crisis in the country.

Thursday morning it was announced that the ‘house of EU’ in Vienna has already started preparing the hall for the meeting for solving the political crisis in Macedonia, and unofficially the MEPs are expecting all invited to attend the leader’s meeting, which would take place even if some of them are absent.

Is Brussels Taking Sides? EU Does Not Want to Declare SDSM Leader Is Responsible for Cancelled Vienna Negotiations

The European Union refuses to divulge which one of the 4 Macedonian party leaders is responsible for the failed Vienna talks which were to end the political crisis in Macedonia.

When asked who sabotaged the negotiations, spokesperson of Commissioner Johannes Hahn-Maja Kocijancic, again avoided answering by reiterating the statement of Hahn and the 3 Euro-parliamentarians.

Kocijancic also failed to answer whether the European Union is tolerating the opposition's behavior in relation to its violation of the Przino Agreement and its refusal for elections to be held on June5.

The only political leader who clearly stated that he will not be attending negotiation talks was Zoran Zaev, who put forth two conditions-Elections not to be held on June5 and a complete revocation of President Ivanov's abolition decisions.

The joint statement by Commissioner Hahn, Richard Howitt, Eduard Kukan and Ivo Vajgl stated that the remain firmly committed to helping Macedonia and the political parties.

"Still, we must point out that the responsibility for accomplishing democratic progress and advancement in the country's Euro-Atlantic path depends on the parties themselves. It is their turn now to define the path that leads forward", the report stated.
(VIDEO) OSCE Mission Exposed: Hiding the Truth in Donbass

DONi Donbass News Agency -


The OSCE claims to be a neutral observer of the conflict in Donbass and its staff should report first hand on daily events. But is this really true? Are the OSCE reports reliable, accurate and objective, as those should be?

So, have you heard about the dramatic situation in Zaitsevo, the civilian village located close to the frontline in Gorlovka, Donetsk People's Republic?

Over the past weeks and months, Zaitsevo, and it's over thousand residents have been targeted in daily basis by the Ukrainian armed forces with several weapon systems of all possible calibers.

Heavily damaged village has been for months without electricity and gas supllies. Because of the daily aggressions, it has been difficult or even impossible to provide for residents of Zaitsevo with humanitarian aid. At the same time the independent relief efforts were made to patch some of the most urgent needs among the population living in truly hellish conditions.

The war in Donbass continues, but the fact is, that the OSCE monitoring mission and the daily OSCE reports keeping silent about the events, especially in Zaitsevo, which the local defenders say, is attacked daily and heavily by the Ukrainian army, Right Sector troops, Tatars and even western backed mercenaries.

The DONi News team was following closely the work of the OSCE and especially the Head of the Monitoring mission, Alexander Hug in Zaitsevo. We had been documenting life in Zaitsevo and the DONi News Team had also been targeted by the Ukrainian forces while visiting this village, it's vicinities and the defensive positions of the Donetsk Army.

This exclusive documentary will reveal our findings concerning the Donetsk battlefield in the middle of the civilian populated area, giving us some needed answers about the OSCE actions and also raising up new, serious questions about the hidden war in Donbass.
angelburst29 said:
thorbiorn said:
A few days ago there was a leak of radioactivity from the plant in Zaporizhia

This article is back dated 12/30/2014:
Russia Slams Kiev for Switching to US Supplies of Nuclear Fuel

Also back dated 12/30/2014:
Is Ukraine Hiding A Huge Radiation Leak At The Largest Nuclear Power Plant In Europe?

Russia's Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Kiev authorities continue to follow the course of the rejection of everything Russian.

On the Brink of Disaster: Why Ukraine Is Preparing a Second Chernobyl (Photos)

Now they have decided to gamble on cooperation with Western companies, primarily American ones. It was decided to completely stop the previous contacts with Russian nuclear scientists, including critical facilities such as NPPs, which required professional maintenance.

Fuel from another continent A few years ago, the Ukrainian leadership was talking about a possible transition from Russian nuclear fuel shipped under US contracts. Back then, the idea of strong partnerships with overseas suppliers was tied to the narrow self-interests of lobbyists in Kiev. With the arrival of the openly Russophobic authorities, this theme has received new a development. In 2015, it became known that Westinghouse - an American energy giant - was embarking on the development of a large part of the Ukrainian nuclear power market.

Ukraine declared its readiness to accept fuel that will be loaded into unit #5 of the Zaporizhia NPP. Head of Westinghouse Danny Roderick, in an interview with Ukrainian media, spoke about the prospect of introducing the materials to all Ukrainian power units. For the implementation of this task, as was noted by Roderick, they will run a plant in Sweden, whose capacity is under-utilized.

Of course, the question of choosing a supplier for power plants, even nuclear, can be attributed to normal commercial relations and competition between companies. However, not everything is so unambiguous. Experts immediately warned that the fuel produced at Westinghouse is not suitable for the reactors in Ukrainian nuclear power plants, which were designed with a focus on the use of rods produced in Russia.

At one time a joint Russian-Ukrainian project was even developed to build a plant for the production of nuclear fuel in the Kirovohrad region. But the government of Yatsenyuk came to power, and it was one of the contracts that was torn up first. What was a purely industrial project immediately became a political issue, and then fell victim to anti-Russian sentiment.

According to one Russian expert in the nuclear field, candidate of technical Sciences associate Professor Igor Mikheev, Ukraine today "obediently follows the lead of the Americans." The expert is perplexed as to why Europe doesn't offer suggestions to its "allies". "Hope for Western wind? But it may not be so lucky, and it will carry radioactive dust to Poland, the Baltic States, or Norway. They want a new Chernobyl?" – asks Mikheev.

Nuclear bomb His concern about what is happening in the nuclear industry of the neighboring country was stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry a year ago. The comments of the Press and Information Department noted that "the desire of the Ukrainian side to dramatically expand the use of existing units with American fuel, whose reliability is not verified (no power unit of Ukraine has worked with a full load of American cassettes), cannot but cause alarm".

As was emphasized by the Russian Foreign Ministry, no self-respecting specialist can predict the "behavior" of these devices on the results of four tests. In addition, the statement expressed concern about the American company's plans to hold on to the Ukrainian units' activities in order to increase their capacity by 10%. "The implementation of such plans without the consent of the general designer of the reactor – Russian design Bureau "Gidropress" – is the equivalent of conducting a dangerous experiment," emphasized the statement of the Foreign Ministry of our country.

As an example of such a failed experiment, the inconsistent application of the equipment from the French company "Framatom" in the Russian-designed Paks NPP reactor (Hungary), which led in 2003 to a radiation accident, was cited. By the way, they had Russian specialists to eliminate the effects.

In an interview with TV channel "Zvezda", Director of the Center for Energy and Security Studies Anton Khlopkov stressed that the use of native and non-certified fuels, which in the past created problems for the safe operation of nuclear power plants, is a challenge that cannot be ignored.

"In the current circumstances, Ukraine's decision to begin replacing Russian fuel with fuel produced by an American company is a political decision," said the head of the center. However, he said that just five years ago, Ukraine, working with the same US fuel in test mode, was forced to suspend one of its units because of problems, and to turn to Russia to urgently supply replacement native Russian fuel.

We are talking about the south Ukrainian nuclear power plant where the Americans tried to "push" the rods of the fuel cells, which begin to warp directly in the reactor. With the help of specialists from Russia, the situation was brought under control. Because of problems with the fuel of Westinghouse, its use declined in the Czech Republic. After several dangerous situations, they decided to unload poor-quality raw materials from the reactors and load fuel of Russian production.

Currently operating in just Ukraine are four nuclear power plants with 15 generating units, which produce about half the electricity of the country. However, despite the importance for the state, the attitude towards the nuclear industry in the country remains shallow. As a result, the number of incidents has multiplied. The most recent example can be considered the November 2014 shutdown of one of the units of the Zaporizhia NPP due to a damaged transformer winding power supply section.

The authorities hastened to refute the information about excess background radiation at the station. However, this incident caused a stir both within Ukraine and in European countries. In particular, the German magazine Der Spiegel printed an article that analyzed the situation in the nuclear power industry of Ukraine. The article noted that since the end of the 1990's, there were at least five serious incidents at Ukrainian nuclear power plants. In addition, the station in Zaporizhia is located about 200 kilometers from Donetsk, which is not far from the area where the Armed Forces are actively fighting, but it is also fraught with potential incidents.

"Cash cow" for global business The same Anton Khlopkov drew attention to the fact that Ukraine is involved in the supply of nuclear fuel for international businesses, which a fairly large market with an annual turnover of no less than $600 million. The fact that large companies are ready to compete for this market says that interest comes not only from American contractors, but also French and Japanese ones too.

The expert from the Austrian website Contra Magazin Marco Maier noticed that the French company AREVA, which constructs energy facilities, and the Japanese-American Toshiba-Westinghouse, a manufacturer of equipment for the nuclear industry, successfully lobbied their interests in Kiev recently. Maier is sure that the foreign company will supply rods for nuclear reactors to Ukraine.

However, as was noted by the Contra Magazin author, the use of western equipment at Ukrainian stations is a "dangerous game". "Western technology is incompatible with Soviet nuclear power plants," emphasized Mayer, adding that "the new rods with the old Soviet reactors, in technical terms, are potentially dangerous". Referring to expert data, the author notes that experiments with the reactor cores of Toshiba-Westinghouse MOX-fuel (mixed oxides of uranium and plutonium) risk "causing powerful accidents in Europe, which will become the third after Chernobyl and Fukushima".

"But Kiev politicians seem to be absolutely indifferent," reflects Mayer. "The main thing is that, having refused the Russian rods for this type of reactor, they can annoy the "evil Russians". In addition, in the event of a major accident, the proximity to the territories of the militia facilitates the opportunity to blame "terrorists" in Donbass".

The Ukrainian authorities, it seems, really don't care much about the opinion of experts. They only care about opportunities for profit. Not so long ago there was information that the Ukrainian Finance Ministry, headed by former employee of the US Department of State Natalie Jaresko, had prepared a list of enterprises for privatization for pittance. Among them is the operator of all NPPs in the country - NJSC "Energoatom".

At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities transferred the rights to build so-called "dry" storage for spent nuclear fuel to the American company Holteс International. This large-scale nuclear waste dump is to be built in a symbolic place – on the territory of the exclusion zone at the Chernobyl NPP. The boundaries of this zone are located just 100 kilometers from the capital and the most populous city of Ukraine – Kiev.

Time to sound the alarm President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Mikhail Kovalchuk called a spade a spade. In his view, today the great powers use colonization technology against weaker and less developed countries, replacing the military colonization that took place in past centuries.

"Why rattle the sabre and use it to conquer other people's territories if you can accomplish the same thing without firing a single shot? Before those who were colonized were mainly backward states, but now the emphasis is on developed countries," said the head of the Kurchatov Institute.

The Russian side's concerned over what is happening in the nuclear sector of the neighbouring country is not accidental. And it is not in their desires to maintain relationships just to keep contracts. Russia remembers the Chernobyl disaster - a largest man-made disaster that affected large parts of the current Russian territory.

Concerns over nuclear safety in Ukraine has recently been expressed in a special statement by the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In it, they drew attention to the violation of technological requirements in the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, shown in the transition to the unauthorized use of American nuclear fuel. In addition, members drew attention to the fact that, despite repeated promises by the European Union, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, after a shutdown in 2000, a permanent sarcophagus of the fourth power unit has not been established, and the stopped reactors have not been decommissioned.

"Most of the existing power units in Ukraine have developed or will develop a fixed period of operation. Despite this, the government of Ukraine, in violation of international norms and safety measures of the IAEA, has adopted a decision to increase the power of several nuclear power plants without the involvement of the designer of the reactor in the plant," said the statement of the Russian Parliament.

"Construction of a pan-European storage of nuclear waste has begun in the Chernobyl zone. Meanwhile, the continuation of Ukraine's domestic conflict, the lack of political and economic stability in the country, and the presence of an unlimited amount of armed groups all pose a risk of the uncontrolled spread of nuclear waste materials in Europe and worldwide. Particularly disturbing is the threat to commit acts of terrorism at Ukrainian nuclear power plants".

In this regard, the state Duma urged Ukraine and the EU "to remember the lessons of tragedies at Chernobyl and the Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" in March 2011, to comply with international obligations in the field of nuclear safety, to abandon the political environment in assessing the state of nuclear safety in Ukraine, and to take all measures to protect Europe from the threat of man-made disasters at Ukraine's NPPs, including preventing the creation of a source of uncontrolled spreading of nuclear and radioactive materials in the center of the continent".

To summarize all of the above, all the experts emphasize that Ukraine, not in theory but in practice, can actually threaten a second Chernobyl. Why the authorities are leading to this, nobody can understand, perhaps neither can the politicians themselves.
This nuclear madness is an ACTUAL potential other man-made disaster waiting to happen (like Chernobyl and Fukushima) while the pathocrats are spewing nonsense at this moment about "man-made 'global warming'"!
Poroshenko calls Ukrainians to learn English

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has called Ukrainians to learn English language, a language of global communication.

"Ukraine is open to a modern world, and a modern world is open to Ukraine. All we must know English, which is language of global communication. Learn English – grow fast!," Poroshenko wrote on his Facebook account on Saturday.

On April 23, United Nations celebrate English Language Day. April 23 was chosen as the date for the English language because it is the anniversary of William Shakespeare's birth. The event was established by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 2010 seeking "to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization".

Ukraine has sent a diplomatic note to the German Foreign Ministry over the visit to Russia-occupied Crimea.

Kyiv sends protest note to Germany following visit of occupied Crimea by German politicians – diplomat

Ukraine has sent a diplomatic note to the German Foreign Ministry over the visit to Russia-occupied Crimea of the head of right-wing party Alternative for Germany (AfD) Markus Frohnmeier and AfD member of the European Parliament Marcus Pretzell, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrij Melnyk said.

"We sent a note of protest to the German Foreign Office in terms of illegal visit of the German politicians to Crimea," Melnyk wrote in Twitter microblog.

He also said that now members of AfD party are threatened with a ban to enter Ukraine.

In a comment to German Weekly Spiegel Melnyk said that the German government must "take all necessary steps to prevent such violation of the Ukrainian legislation in future."

As media earlier reported, on April 24, German, Czech and Austrian parliamentarians came to Russia-annexed Crimea to participate in Yalta International Economic Forum.

Petro Poroshenko has been advised to transfer the Kharkov region to Russia in order to repay the three-billion dollar “Yanukovich debt.”

Korotchenko: "Ukraine could give Kharkov back to Russia to pay off its $3 billion debt"

Such a proposal was put forth by the main editor of the journal National Defense, Igor Korotchenko, live on a Russian political talkshow. He also wrote on his Twitter:

According to Korotchenko, Kiev authorities could quite legally give Kharkov back to Russia following a referendum in the region. In return, Moscow could forgive Ukraine of its debt taken on by Yanukovich in 2013 in the amount of three billion dollars, the return of which has now become a subject of the post-Maidan rulers’ speculations.

Korotchenko has no doubts on the positive outcome of such a referendum. After all, Kharkov is a Russian city which in April 2014 almost became the Kharkov People’s Republic.

He also recalled how Greece was offered to transfer some of its islands in order to pay off foreign debt. European politicians did not criticize such an initiative, but on the contrary considered it to be perfectly reasonable.

Internet users have responded to Korotchenko’s with thunderous responses. Some have offered to “bring back home” to Russia not only Kharkov, but also half of Ukraine. As we can see, the idea of Novorossiya still hasn’t left our minds, despite its diligent elimination from broadcasts.

The Ukrainian army is using white phosphorus projectiles.

White phosphorus bombs for Zaitsevo public schools (Photos)

In the town of Zaitsevo with a pre-war population of almost 4000 inhabitants, about 1 600 civilians cower under Ukaine's almost daily bombardments. Among them are about 500 children and nine veterans of the Second World War, very old with lots of the very elderly. Recently, a couple that we had visited in February got hurt, a grandmother of 80 years and her husband, hit in the arm and head.

Last week, the Ukrainian army used white phosphorus projectiles precisely in this area, yet these weapons are prohibited by Protocol III of the Geneva Convention in the war zones where civilians are concentrated, which certainly is the case of Zaïtsevo.

We rendezvoused with a company of Italian and Russian journalists to observe the situation of the large village of Zaïtsevo. Surrounded by the Ukrainian lines overlooking the town, its situation has been bad for many weeks, especially since the arrival of Nazi fanatics of Pravy Sektor who have at heart to terrorize the population.

These criminal weapons were invented by the Anglo-Saxons, Britons and Americans during World War II and were used at several levels, in so-called strategic bombing but the reality of terror on German cities, then in Korea, Vietnam and recently in Iraq and the Israelis in Gaza. Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainians who are supported by the US and many European countries have not hesitated to use these terror weapons.

Injuries caused by such weapons are horrific and the damage extensive, calling to mind the survivors of the great bombing of Dresden in February 1945 and other Japanese cities.

At Zaïtsevo at least three projectiles were fired last week on a school and the civilian area not far from the positions of the Republican insurgents. It is not possible that the Ukrainian military command does not know there are civilians in the area, as the lines are very short (between 300 and 1 km), the more so since the systematic advance of Ukrainian Nazis into the supposedly neutral zone as it was defined by the Minsk agreements guaranteed by Russia, Germany and France and signed by Ukraine.

These violations get no reaction either from the Western journalists who are silent, nor governments, including that of France, which guaranteed the Minsk agreements. The famous OSCE observers are also silent about Ukrainians encroaching on the neutral zone of the front and they close their eyes to the concentrations of prohibited and banned weapons and missiles, as is the case precisely of white phosphorous weapons.

A projectile fired by Ukrainians on Zaïtsevo landed about ten meters within Republican positions, in disregard of the nearby residential buildings. It did not explode, sinking of a meter into the ground.

Another smaller, like a rocket, with aluminum fins has been recovered and shown to us. half of it was still intact containing a pink product, highly flammable, the famous white phosphorus (soldiers recover this stuff to light their fire).

The origin of the weapons is not yet known, the recovered ones (a third one also fell on the village) were sent back for analysis and for presentation to the OSCE and the UN.

The experience of war criminals and the horrible crimes committed by Ukraine in the Donbass, crimes which are also perfectly well known by the Red Cross, shows that all information is kept secret and will not be disclosed for reasons of the West's support for Ukraine in its deadly war in the Donbass.

It is high time that consciences awaken in France and throughout Europe since the scandal that is here is probably one of the biggest recent decades, that is to say Western support to a country committing war crimes, political repression, political murders and using prohibited weapons against civilians not to mention the horrific abuses against the population as evidenced by too many accounts of the residents of Donbass.

We are betting on it that our Italian colleagues have the courage to do their duty, and they have also questioned, in our presence, people tortured in Ukrainian jails and they hope the editors of the major Italian newspapers will not make a barricade of shame to hide the truth from the public. The hope is slim. Meanwhile, civilians continue to die, be injured, or martyred. When will it be that when the French wake up from the absurd morbid fantasy of Russian aggression in the Donbass? When they all know the crimes committed by Ukraine, it will be sad to know that for months we have been shouting the truth aloud.

Note: the pile of projectiles on a photo in this reportage is the "harvest" of everything fired on this school over the last five days.

Settlement of the conflict in Ukraine’s east, the Donbass region may be possible if the U.S. influences Ukraine’s Coup leader Pyotr Poroshenko, envoy of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) to the Minsk peace talks Denis Pushilin said on Saturday.

Obama Not NATO Can Influence Ukraine’s Coup Leader Poroshenko To Stop The War !

In a comment on President Barack Obama’s statement on the situation in Donbass, the envoy said: “I cannot see how NATO could influence here. Probably, it would be more correct if Obama sent his message regarding settlement of the conflict to Poroshenko.”

“I am for possible variants of settling the conflict,” the Donetsk News Agency quoted him. “The basic document, which regulates the settlement, is the so-called roadmap, which was supported not only by the Normandy Four but also by the UN Security Council – the Complex of Measures signed on February 12, 2015.”

If the document is not observed, the situation in Donbass may worsen, he added.

On April 22, at a meeting with the UK Prime Minister David Cameron in London, Barack Obama discussed the situation in Ukraine’s east, the Donbass region. The U.S. president said: “We have to resolve the conflict in the Ukraine.” At the same time he said: “We have to continue to invest in NATO so that we can meet our overseas commitments.”

A peace deal struck on February 12, 2015 in Minsk, Belarus, by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France envisaged a ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and people’s militias starting from February 15, followed by withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of military engagement and prisoner release.

At a meeting of the Contact Group on settlement of the situation in Ukraine’s south east, on January 13, the parties agreed yet another ceasefire would begin on January 14, however the militia and the military continue accusing each other of truce violations
Nuland to come to Kyiv on Monday to meet with Ukrainian leaders, civil society

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland will arrive in Ukraine on Monday, April 25, where she will meet with the country's leadership and representatives of civil society.

"On April 25, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland will travel from Hannover, Germany, to Kyiv, Ukraine, to meet with senior Ukrainian government officials, political party leaders, Rada members, and civil society representatives," reads a statement posted on the website of the U.S. Department of State.

She will discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues, including reform priorities and Minsk implementation.

On Tuesday, April 26, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andriy Parubiy will meet with Nuland in Kyiv, the press service of the Verkhovna Rada reported.

OSCE does not confirm shelling of its mission near Lugansk

Earlier today a spokesman for LPR people’s militia Andrey Marochko said that Ukrainian forces shelled the patrol of OSCE’s SMM near the checkpoint in Stanitsa Luganskaya

MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) does not confirm that its representatives were shelled by Ukrainian forces near Stanitsa Luganskaya.

"The ·OSCE· SMM cannot confirm reports by the media, alleging an SMM patrol was fired at near Stanytsia Luhanska today. The SMM patrol was in the area this morning. At 10:52hrs, while positioned on the bridge, the monitors heard several bursts of small arms approximately 400m to the south of their position," the mission said on its Facebook page on Monday adding that "the monitors assessed the fire as not targeting them, and left the area to assess the security situation better."

Earlier today a spokesman for people’s militia of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Andrey Marochko said that Ukrainian forces shelled the patrol of OSCE’s SMM near the checkpoint in Stanitsa Luganskaya.

At the meeting of the Contact Group at the start of January the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This is the seventh attempt to fully observe the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s south-east. At recent meetings of the Contact Group in Minsk the participants expressed regret over continuing violations of ceasefire regime in Donbass.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. The package of measures also envisages weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.
Here is something pretty insane from the Russian Insider (if true) - truly bizarre:

Donetsk Blog, April 25: Radioactive Equipment from Chernobyl - Ukrainian Military vs Nationalist Radicals - Human Shields

snip said:
Moreover, according to the Republican authorities’ sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, Kiev has been delivering to the conflict zone equipment from the Chernobyl area. The equipment is believed to have undergone restoration at Ukrainian repair plants. The removal of the radioactive residue, however, has proved to be impossible. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian army units have apparently already received this equipment, with no Ukrainian soldiers or their commanders warned about the dangers to their health and wellbeing.

Satellite images of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP show that the cemetery of contaminated equipment located there is almost empty. Earlier, the hacker group "CyberBerkut" published documents, according to which about a half of Ukrainian military equipment had been located, at a given time, in the Chernobyl zone.

There is other mention of Right Sector thugs bumping off Ukrainian solders and vice versa.

Kiev is also massively delivering nationalist battalions to the front line. According to DPR intelligence sources on the ground, over the past three days in the Donetsk area alone, about 500 radicals from the Right Sector arrived, one of the most right-wing radical organisations in Ukraine. Local residents reported that the nationalists had been accommodated on the territory of a former children’s camp surrounded by minefields. The civilian personnel of the camp had been sacked prior to the radicals’ arrival.

Apparently Kiev is sending radicals to the east to strengthen the Ukrainian units on the contact line, whose morale decreases with each passing day. According to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the number of deserters from the Ukrainian army is close to 2,000, of which the Office has managed to prosecute just around 300 men.

However, the right-wing radicals’ methods of increasing the morale of Ukrainian soldiers usually ends in armed clashes between them. According to DPR intelligence sources on the ground, over the last week in the north of Donetsk alone, seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and over 20 wounded in such clashes. The nationalists suffered up to 20 men killed and about 25 wounded.
voyageur said:
Here is something pretty insane from the Russian Insider (if true) - truly bizarre:

Donetsk Blog, April 25: Radioactive Equipment from Chernobyl - Ukrainian Military vs Nationalist Radicals - Human Shields

snip said:
Moreover, according to the Republican authorities’ sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, Kiev has been delivering to the conflict zone equipment from the Chernobyl area. The equipment is believed to have undergone restoration at Ukrainian repair plants. The removal of the radioactive residue, however, has proved to be impossible. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian army units have apparently already received this equipment, with no Ukrainian soldiers or their commanders warned about the dangers to their health and wellbeing.

Satellite images of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP show that the cemetery of contaminated equipment located there is almost empty. Earlier, the hacker group "CyberBerkut" published documents, according to which about a half of Ukrainian military equipment had been located, at a given time, in the Chernobyl zone.

There is other mention of Right Sector thugs bumping off Ukrainian solders and vice versa.

Kiev is also massively delivering nationalist battalions to the front line. According to DPR intelligence sources on the ground, over the past three days in the Donetsk area alone, about 500 radicals from the Right Sector arrived, one of the most right-wing radical organisations in Ukraine. Local residents reported that the nationalists had been accommodated on the territory of a former children’s camp surrounded by minefields. The civilian personnel of the camp had been sacked prior to the radicals’ arrival.

Apparently Kiev is sending radicals to the east to strengthen the Ukrainian units on the contact line, whose morale decreases with each passing day. According to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the number of deserters from the Ukrainian army is close to 2,000, of which the Office has managed to prosecute just around 300 men.

However, the right-wing radicals’ methods of increasing the morale of Ukrainian soldiers usually ends in armed clashes between them. According to DPR intelligence sources on the ground, over the last week in the north of Donetsk alone, seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and over 20 wounded in such clashes. The nationalists suffered up to 20 men killed and about 25 wounded.

I think understanding the mind of the psychopath is as important as observing their activities. Political Ponerology gives much insight into the layers of control achieved by isolating the steps within the pyramid. The face of extreme evil is hidden to those at the bottom (us?). Ark once said something that I often think about when it comes to psychopathy:

Session 28 November 2009
Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is
happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with
each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.
A: Yes
Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world. Okay, somebody else's turn to ask questions.
Confirmed: Emergency declared as Kiev soldier kills comrades, flees from checkpoint

Official Kiev confirms “Russian Spring” report on the “self-destruction” of a UAF checkpoint and soldier’s escape.

In today’s briefing, Alexander Motuzyanik, the speaker of the Poroshenko Administration on ATO-related issues, indirectly confirmed “Russian Spring’s” report from last night on yesterday’s state of emergency among the ranks of the occupational forces in Donbass. It was revealed that at one of the UAF's checkpoints two soldiers were shot, the commander was hanged, and one more soldier disappeared in an unknown direction.

The ATO headquarters acknowledged that three Ukrainian soldiers were killed yesterday, but the speaker decided to ignore the circumstances of their death. As in all past briefings, any losses of the Ukrainian army were written off as violations of the Minsk Agreements and the Donbass militia’s shelling of UAF positions.

We cannot precisely confirm the information that this drafted “incognito-hero” was looking for a way to come over to the side of the Donbass militia. Realistically, it is totally possible that we are dealing with a drunken scandal which led to casualties, as such a situation is typical among Ukrainian occupation forces in Donbass.

However, the fact remans: three of Kiev’s servicemen were killed and one more has gone missing.

The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika, stated in his report to be presented to the Federation Council that supporters of Right Sector, a Ukrainian organization banned in the Russian Federation, have attempted to organize mass riots on the territory of Russia.

General Prosecutor: Right Sector attempts at coup d'etat in Russia thwarted; report to follow

“Access has been blocked to social network pages on VKontakte through which supporters of the Ukrainian nationalist group Right Sector have attempted to organized mass riots and unsanctioned public actions with the aim of launching a coup d’etat in the Russian Federation” the General Prosecutor’s report reads according to RIA Novosti.

On April 27, Chaika will present his report to the Federation council on the state of order and the rule of law in Russia in 2015.

The Canadian government will hold discussions on the potential extension of its training mission in Ukraine in the upcoming months, Joint Task Force-Ukraine (JTF-U) Commander Lt.-Col. Tim Arsenault told Sputnik on Tuesday.

Canada to Discuss Extension of Training Mission in Ukraine - Commander

Arsenault noted that a potential extension of the training program is not something he could answer definitively at present.

"It is something that the Canadian government will be working on in the months to come," Arsenault stated when asked whether the Canadian authorities are planning to extend the Ukraine training program.

He added, however, that Canada will remain committed to the peace and stability in Ukraine in the years to come.

The primary focus of the Canadian instructors in Ukraine is to provide tactical training to soldiers, including to military police, but also medical training and activities to counter improvised explosive devices, according to the Canada’s Department of National Defense.

Kiev is responsible for screening the participants in Canada’s military training program in Ukraine, Arsenault added.

He added that the Canadian and Ukrainian militaries have enjoyed a mutually-beneficial relationship for more than 20 years, and Kiev has been well aware of Ottawa’s requirements.
Normal Ukrainians Defend Lenin Statue Against Radicals (Video)

For better or for worse, Lenin is an indelible part of the history of this part of the world

Last Saturday, residents of the small village of Limanskoe near Odessa had to defend the monument devoted to Lenin from demolishment by radicals belonging to the Azov battalion.

People in military fatigues appeared in broad daylight, flung a rope around the statue's neck and pulled it with a bus. As a result, the upper part of the monument came crashing down.

Locals were indignant over this destruction and began to beat the scoundrels, calling them “Fascists!”

The radicals had no choice in the end but to ran away.

Such actions are part of the full-scale struggle against the Soviet past that flared up in Ukraine last April (so called de-communization).

Well, it seems as if this is the most suitable job for the Azov battalion (a constitutive part of the National Guard, if you can believe that), expunging all historical memory that does not sit with their ideology
voyageur said:
Here is something pretty insane from the Russian Insider (if true) - truly bizarre:

Donetsk Blog, April 25: Radioactive Equipment from Chernobyl - Ukrainian Military vs Nationalist Radicals - Human Shields

snip said:
Moreover, according to the Republican authorities’ sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, Kiev has been delivering to the conflict zone equipment from the Chernobyl area. The equipment is believed to have undergone restoration at Ukrainian repair plants. The removal of the radioactive residue, however, has proved to be impossible. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian army units have apparently already received this equipment, with no Ukrainian soldiers or their commanders warned about the dangers to their health and wellbeing.

Satellite images of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP show that the cemetery of contaminated equipment located there is almost empty. Earlier, the hacker group "CyberBerkut" published documents, according to which about a half of Ukrainian military equipment had been located, at a given time, in the Chernobyl zone.

When I read the link you Posted above, Voyager, my mind went into over-drive, which is a problem I have every now and then. A few things had come to mind - as to the possibility of the Ukrainian Military using "contaminated" equipment and I wanted to give it further thought before posting anything ....... because what I was thinking was even more insane.

The first trigger was, " no Ukrainian soldiers or their commanders (were) warned about the dangers to their health and wellbeing".

Remember back in early January, when a deadly virus was reported in Ukraine - that directly affected a large number of Soldiers? They blamed it on a U.S. lab and named it, "California Flu". Yet, none of the population came down with this virus? Then, there was a media black out, even though 20 Soldiers had died and over 200 were hospitalized? Radiation sickness? Which then prompted restoration to remove most of the radioactive residue? Then they wonder why so many Ukrainian Soldiers went AWOL or refused to fight?

Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass - DPR Army and Intelligence

Friday, January 22, 2016 - More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. Donetsk People's Republic intelligence has reported that Californian Flu is leaked from the same place where research of this virus has been carried out. The laboratory is located near the city of Kharkov and its base for US military experts. Information from threatening epidemic is announced by Vice-Commander of Donetsk Army, Eduard Basurin.

Leak of deadly virus in Ukrainian side was published first time on 12.1.2016:

"According to the medical personnel of the AFU units (Ukrainian troops) there were recorded mass diseases among the Ukrainian military personnel in the field. Physicians recorded the unknown virus as a result of which the infected get the high fever which cannot be subdues by any medicines, and in two days there comes the fatal outcome. Thus far from the virus there have died more than twenty servicemen, what is carefully shielded by the commandment of the AFU from the publicity", said Basurin in daily MoD situation report.

Outbreak of deadly virus continues and Friday 22.1.2016 Vice-Commander told new information from epidemic:

"We keep registering new facts of growing the epidemics of acute respiratory infections among the Ukrainian military. Just since the beginning of this week more than 200 Ukrainian military have been taken to civil and military hospitals of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. It is important to repeat that the DPR intelligence previously reported the research being carried out in a private laboratory in the locality Shelkostantsiya, 30 km away from the city of Kharkov, and involving US military experts. According to our information, it is there where the deadly Californian flu strain leaked from," Basurin said.


And this reported December 2015 - just before the California Flu outbreak:

Trust Issues: US Supplies Ukraine With Junk Military Equipment

December 1, 2015 - The US was found to have sent mostly outdated military equipment to Ukraine, as trust issues and corruption continue to degrade Ukraine's military supply.

Although the US Congress recently approved $300 million in lethal aid for Ukraine as part of its National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the country continues to receive mostly outdated and used US military equipment, according to the Washington Post.

However, the outmoded equipment could be the result of Ukrainian military corruption, and not only incompetence in the US military bureaucracy.

Previous shipments of meals ready-to-eat (MREs) previously ended up on online auction sites such as eBay according to reports, while more sensitive high-tech equipment, which faces export controls in the US, runs the risk of being captured or similarly sold off. One infantry unit of 120 men received a single bulletproof jacket from the US, according to the report.

"If the Americans are going to send us equipment, don’t send us secondhand stuff," one Ukrainian special forces commander said.

The Washington Post report mentioned equipment such as Humvees with worn-out tires and plastic doors. Both a lack of funding and preparation have been blamed in the US.

The US sent around 100 Humvee jeeps to Ukraine, although most of them appear to be meant for spare parts, according to an official interviewed by the publication.

The Ukrainian military has also lost sensitive equipment such as an AN/TPQ-49 lightweight counter-mortar radar, which was lost during Kiev's retreat from the town of Debaltsevo, according to the New York Times.

The US plans to send more equipment to Ukraine as its frozen conflict with Donbass independence supporters continues, although the Obama administration has so far refrained from sending deadly weapons, which have been referred to as "lethal aid."


And going back to the article above, Earlier, the hacker group "CyberBerkut" published documents, according to which about a half of Ukrainian military equipment had been located, at a given time, in the Chernobyl zone. That's insane!
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