Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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LPR: Kiev replaces soldiers with Right Sector radicals at checkpoints

The Ukrainian military are carrying out the rotation near the contact line in Donbass, replacing soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with volunteers from the extremist organization Right sector at checkpoints, reported Andrey Marochko, the official representative of the People's Militia of the Lugansk People's Republic.

‘According to our intelligence, at checkpoints near the locality of Stanitsa Luganskaya there is observed the rotation of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the battalion of the Right Sector known for its brutality against the civilian population,’ said Marochko.

According to him, also in the area of ​​the locality of Kremennaya of the Lugansk region, in the sanatorium “Ozyotny”, there is based the battalion "Shakhtar" of the National Guard of Ukraine. Marochko pointed out that, in addition to replacing the AFU soldiers with radicals from nationalist battalions, the Ukrainian military continued the engineering work on equipping their positions on the contact line.

The representative of the Defense Ministry of the Republic believes that, in this way, the AFU continue to consider the force method of solving the problem in Donbas as the main one and to ensure the success of the operation carry out actions for engineering equipment and strengthening their position on the contact line.

Ukrainian punitors using infantry fighting vehicles shelled southern outskirt of Gorlovka

The Ukrainian military using infantry fighting vehicles shelled the locality of Zheleznaya Balka in southern outskirt of Gorlovka this afternoon.

‘The Ukrainian military started shelling the locality of Zheleznaya Balka at about 15:20 from the infantry fighting vehicles,’ informed the Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

He added that the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had fired from their positions in the locality of Novgorodskoye occupied by Kiev, using grenade launchers and small arms as well.

Earlier it was informed that over the past day the Ukrainian units had shelled the front-line territories of the Donetsk People’s Republic 327 times.
LPR: Ukraine, Together with NATO, Prepare the Transfer of Saboteurs to the Republic

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
7th April, 2016


The Ukrainian secret services, with the participation of NATO specialists, are preparing to transfer sabotage and reconnaissance groups to the territory of the LPR.

This was stated by the Minister of State Security of the LPR - Leonid Pasechnik.

"The LPR Ministry of State Security has information that, currently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have started to actively prepare sabotage and reconnaissance groups to invade the territory of our Republic. The Special Forces of Ukraine received training at the "Yavorov" range, which is located on the territory of the Lviv oblast, and NATO trained their instructors," he said.

"Also there is information that on the territory of Georgia, in the village of Ahmet, upstream of the Ilto river, is a training center for mercenaries who are trained for combat operations on the territory of Donbass. The facility is strictly protected and protected by a high fence," said the Minister.

Pasechnik noted that the mercenaries who are training at this center are strictly forbidden from using any means of communication, and the contingent consists mostly of criminals from Georgia, Ukraine, and countries of the former CIS.

The training of mercenaries in the center also involves instructors from NATO countries that are armed with Belgian weapons and vehicles of the Land Rover brand .

"In addition, there is a group of soldiers in the Lugansk village of Stanitsa who are fluent in Georgian, English, and Polish. These troops move freely around the village, visiting the shops and markets. This information was confirmed by the interception of radio traffic in English and Polish", said the head of the Ministry of State Security.
Geezus! It just gets crazier and crazier. The whole world is having a nervous breakdown.
Laura said:
Geezus! It just gets crazier and crazier. The whole world is having a nervous breakdown.

Not the whole world, Laura. Just the AngloZionist Empire of Chaos, to use The Saker's and Pepe Escobar's terms. It is losing everywhere and facing disaster and ruin, so it's getting much nastier.
Even though the vote in Holland the other day only involved a fairly limited percentage of voters: said:
According to preliminary vote count, the EU-Ukraine deal was rejected by 61.1% of Dutch voters whereas 38.1% backed the agreement. The turnout was 32.2%, or slightly over the 30-percent threshold needed for considering the vote to be valid.
It has affected some of the people in Ukraine, one person posted this poem which has been shared by 80 people and has many comments in Russian: Below original text is a screenshot of a supposed original, which I doubt, but in any case the translation is better than anything a machine can do. Click the picture to enlarge it. said:
Ради Европейского будущего мы вышли на Майдан.
Ради Европейского будущего мы потеряли Небесную Сотню.
Ради Европейского будущего мы лишились Крыма.
Ради Европейского будущего мы получили войну на Донбассе.

Ради Европейской Украины мы сделали свой выбор два года назад, вы - сегодня!

Не Порошенко хотел безвизовый режим, безвизовый режим ждали 40 миллионов украинцев.

Когда после подписания Соглашения об Ассоциации нам стали чаще отказывать в шенгенских визах - мы удивлялись.
Когда после начала действия Зоны Свободной Торговли, мы открыли свой рынок для Европы, но так и не приобрели Европейский - мы удивлялись.

Теперь все встало на свои места.
Спасибо, что набрались смелости и прямым текстом послали нас нахуй.


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Today citizens of the DPR celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the proclamation of the republic (Photos)

Magnificent celebration dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the Donetsk People’s Republic was today in the DPR’s capital. It was reported by the journalist of Novorossia Today from the place of the event.

Be reminded that Donetsk People’s Republic was proclaimed in Donetsk on 7th April 2014. On 12th May on the base of the results of the referendum held on 11th May was proclaimed state sovereignity.

It is necessary to point out that Kiev follows actively the life of the republic, and all Ukrainian mass media recourses criticized absence of the event of the DPR proclamation. Authorities of the republic arranged not short celebration with the march, but concerts with performance of patriotic songs, and dancing groups also, and the event was arrange at the weekend.

‘Thousands people came to the celebration of the republic proclamation, citizens suffered a lot because of Kiev regime that unleashed civil war in Donbass nearly 2 years ago. We celebrate this day in conditions of war shows that we never refuse of our land, never forget our history, and we will improve our city and educated our children, and plant roses each spring, keep into the memory that Donbass is not only region of miners, however, region of roses also.

The Hague Refuses to Adjudicate Ukraine for Crimes Against Donbass

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

9th April, 2016 - The International Criminal Court in the Hague has refused to open a case against Ukraine for the war in Donbass. This was declared by the Prosecutor of the ICC on Friday, responding to the request of the Russian lawyer Igor Trunov.

The claimants accused the Ukrainian government of crimes against humanity, as well as the use of weapons of mass destruction that resulted in the deaths of civilians, among whom was an employee of the Red Cross. However, the Prosecutor's office saw no reason to instigate proceedings.

"I submitted to the court crimes against humanity and the use of weapons of mass destruction on the territory of Ukraine.

I received a reply from the Prosecutor stating that the alleged violations do not fall under the jurisdiction of the court. The Prosecutor established that at present there are no grounds for the further study of the issue," Trunov said, as was quoted by the Russian media.

The Prosecutor in the letter explained that the ICC is governed by the Rome Statute, the feature of which is that the court may exercise jurisdiction in respect to international crimes only if the court's jurisdiction is recognized by the state in whose territory the crimes were committed.

The Prosecutor stated that "in relation to the described situation, none of the conditions have been met".

"None of the conditions have been met in relation to the described situation. The alleged violations do not fall under the jurisdiction of the court, the Prosecutor established that at present there are no grounds for further consideration of the question", stated the answer of the Prosecutor.

At the same time, the Prosecutor stressed that the court granted the information's storage in the archives, and the decision on the application may be reconsidered if new facts give reason to believe that the alleged violations fall under the jurisdiction of the court or if a statement is given by the UN Security Council. He also recalled that the ICC complements national jurisdictions, rather than replaces them.

As a reminder, earlier Petro Poroshenko had the foresight to worry about the draft Law on amendments to the Constitution, according to which Ukraine has postponed the ratification of the Rome Statute in the coming years.

In the latest event in the collapse of Ukraine, Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Transcarpathia have demanded autonomy from the Ukrainian nationalist state.

Strategically important Transcarpathia demands autonomy from Ukraine (Maps)

MPs demanded that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman grant autonomy to the region. The statement was adopted at the plenary session of the local parliament.

"We demand the recognition of Transcarpathia as a special self-governing administrative territory. The necessary amendments to the Constitution of the country must be made without delay", - the document says.

Stalin's Gift Transcarpathia is the region that was last to join Ukraine. It was a part of Hungary, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and then Czechoslovakia until 1945, when Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin incorporated it into the Soviet Ukraine after World War II. Representatives of local communities (Orthodox congress of Carpathian Ruthenia, headed by Archimandrite Kabaljuk and Professor Lintur) asked him to include it in the USSR as an independent republic. This proposal was rejected by the Soviet leadership.

Special people Most of the region's population is Carpatho Rusyns who consider themselves separate people to the Ukrainians. Rusyns as an ethnic minority are recognized in Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and Romania. There is a major Ruthenian diaspora in the US. The Ukrainian government has consistently pursued a policy of Ukrainization of the local population. However, the region has a strong desire for autonomy and independence. Besides Rusyns in Transcarpathia, there is a large Hungarian community living there, and a smaller Romanian one.

Hungarian factor Neighboring Hungary supports the push for autonomy by Rusyns and Hungarians living in Transcarpathia. The "Jobbik - For a Better Hungary" party is the most active in this regard. They call on the Hungarian leadership to protect the interests of the Hungarian minority and Rusyns that are historically associated with Hungary. Jobbik MPs Márton Gyöngyösi and Adrienn Szaniszló participated as observers in the elections in Donetsk and Lugansk. In the context of the weakening of the Ukrainian state, Hungary cannot stand by and will strengthen their influence in the Carpathian region, including supporting the movement for autonomy. This is entirely in line with the national interests of Hungary.

Economic factor The main cross-border trade flow between Ukraine and Europe goes through the Carpathians: both legal and illegal; smuggling is thriving in the region. Much of this criminal business is in the hands of the local Baloga clan, one of whom formerly headed the administration of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. Representatives of local oligarchic structures are also interested in autonomy from Kiev.

From an economic and geopolitical point of view, a small Carpathian region is of strategic importance for Ukraine. Within this region are the key gas pipelines through which Russian fuel is delivered to Europe. Therefore, Ukraine will have to salvage control of the region at any cost. At the same time it is an important trump card for the local elites and the supporters of independence. Europe is also interested in controlling this pipeline system.

Who's next? Transcarpathia is not the only region of Ukraine that could demand autonomy. Ukraine is an artificial country made by the Soviets from disparate pieces cut out from different states. Strong separatist tendencies can be found in the Odessa region (Southern Bessarabia), which is home to a large Romanian (Moldovan) community. The Chernivtsi region is home to a large number of many who are also displeased with the rule of nationalists and oligarchs in modern Ukraine. Both regions were part of Romania in past. Unsuccessful European integration of Ukraine, corruption, the collapse of the state, rampant Ukrainian nationalism, chauvinism, and xenophobia all contribute to the revival of pro-Romanian sympathies in these regions. One should not forget about the eastern regions of the country that are populated mainly by ethnic Russians.
Kiev Junta is Preparing to Shoot Down Planes Over Crimea

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
9th April, 2016


The Kiev junta is preparing to shoot down planes over Crimea. Two S-300 systems were installed in the Henichesk district, Kherson region. Residents, as well as the military, reported that these systems are on alert and are supplied with everything needed to ensure the smooth operation of these SAMs. Officially, the regime claims that the deployment of the systems is supposedly designed to protect the territory of Ukraine on the border with Crimea. However, this is not true, according to Kherson politician Aleksey Zhuravko.

Activist warned, with reference to its sources, that there is a high probability that the S-300 can be used for provocations similar to the downed Malaysian Boeing over Donbass. The politician wrote this on his social network, attaching a photo of the area where the SAM is deployed.

"From serious sources: SAM is not installed to protect the territory of Ukraine, but to commit provocations against the Russian Federation. The whole situation with the advent of SAM in the Kherson area reminds me of the preparation for the implementation of the scenario according to the example of the downed Boeing 777 flight MH-17 over Donbass. According to a high-ranking military source, these systems will not be operated by local Kherson troops, but by the Ukrainian military personnel brought here from another area.

I am extremely worried about the situation on the border with Crimea in connection with the arrival of SAM systems. I want to warn everyone that today's bloody Kiev government is ready for anything and will stop at nothing. If a plane is shot down in the skies over Crimea, you know that the responsibility for this will fall on the current leadership of Ukraine: the President, the government, and Parliament," said Zhuravko.

"I appeal to the entire European community, including europarliamentarians. Please work pro-actively and prevent new casualties," said the politician, summarizing his message.
Televised announcement from Ukrainian Prime Minister confirms he will resign on Monday.

Yatsenyuk Goes - Finally!
Yatsenyuk Announces Resignation (Video - English transcript)

I have taken the decision to resign as Prime Minister of Ukraine. On Tuesday, April 12 my request will be submitted to the Parliament. The political crisis in the country was created artificially. The desire to change one person blinded politicians and paralyzed their political will for real change. The process of changing the Government turned into a mindless running in place.

We cannot allow destabilization of the executive branch during a war. This would be inevitable, if after this resignation a new Government of Ukraine is not selected immediately. The Parliamentary faction of the Block of Petro Poroshenko has nominated Volodymyr Groysman to the post of Prime Minister. Having done everything to ensure stability and continuity of our course, I declare my decision to transfer the obligations and responsibilities of the Head of Government of Ukraine. This Government is the best in the history of Ukraine. Both of the last two Cabinets were unique. They were the first manifestations of New Ukraine. I thank those colleagues who have acted honestly and selflessly.

Over the past two years of war, my fellow party members from People’s Front faction have been a pillar of support to the Government in Parliament during difficult unpopular, but necessary reforms.

I thank People’s Front for its support. Please support my decision and continue our joint work together. People's Front remains in the coalition because today it is the only way to defend the state. I thank our nation, society, civil society activists, volunteers; I thank each and every one of you for your endurance and patience.

As of today my goals are broader than the authority of the Head of Government. New electoral law. Constitutional reform. Judicial reform. Coalition control over the direction of the new Government. International support of Ukraine. Ukraine’s membership in the European Union and NATO. This is only a part of my program.

The core of our problems is not purely political. It is ethical. As in our everyday lives, politics is the result of morality - our ethical standards. If dignity and morality require changing the political rules, then changing these rules is certain to occur.

After an unnecessarily protracted government crisis Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk has finally announced he will resign.

This opens the way for Poroshenko’s close ally and political associate Volodymyr Groysman to form a government.

There is wide speculation about what trade-off Yatsenyuk was able to secure for agreeing to go.

The political reality is however that his support in Ukraine collapsed months ago. The one thing that has kept him in office has been the backing of the US.

It seems that Poroshenko’s recent visit to the US - where he met with Obama and Biden - was principally to secure US approval for Yatsenyuk’s removal.

To what extent Yatsenyuk will continue to remain an important figure in Ukrainian politics is debatable. He was never popular to start with and over the course of his time as Prime Minister such popularity as he had has collapsed.

It is possible that in time Yatsenyuk will come to see this for himself, in which case a comfortable post in some university or think-tank in the US may be what lies in store.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Announces Resignation (Video)

Earlier, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk's government survived a no-confidence vote, which provoked various factions to leave the ruling parliamentary coalition.

Recently, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko nominated Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and his party fellow Volodymir Groisman for the new country's prime minister. The news about Groisman's candidacy came a few days after Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko announced her willingness to become Prime Minister herself and lead a "government of technocrats".

In February, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc said it considered the work of the government in 2015 unsatisfactory, and supported the vote to dissolve the government. President Petro Poroshenko also called for resignation of Yatsenyuk, but the parliament failed to pass a no-confidence motion against the government.

In February, Yatsenyuk described the ongoing political crisis in the country as "artificial" and urged the Ukrainians to continue on the course of reforms.
Breaking! Yatsenyuk Announces Resignation. Ukraine On the Brink? France Recognizes Novorossia? Apr 10 Posted by Lada Ray

This is the latest from Kiev: prime minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk just announced his resignation. His resignation will be discussed in the Rada on April 12. Last time he attempted this, it was rejected. Will it be accepted this time?

I have to say that the first word that comes to mind is: FINALLY! Not because something will improve in Ukraine after Yatsenyuk’s resignation. Not at all. It is likely to get worse before it has any hope of getting better. Unfortunately, this US/EU project called ‘ukro-nazi oligarchic and Russophobic Kiev junta’ has plunged the territory formerly known as Ukraine into disaster, destroyed its economy, currency and created enemies out of people who used to call themselves brothers. But the bottom still has not been reached. There is still some way to fall…

Yatsenyuk has been trying to resign since last year, while Rada refused to let him go. Not because he is indispensable; just the opposite: he presided over the wholesale destruction of Ukraine’s economy. It was his job and this is what he was hired to do: this entire ukro-nazi Kiev junta is a demolition crew in order to leave ruins where Ukraine once was. Failing the creation of a full fledged aggressive anti-Russia (like Hitler’s Germany once, but much closer), the next best thing was to leave Ukraine in a shambles, making Russia spend resources to rebuild it (all this discussed in detail in Ukraine ESRs and Predictions).

Recently, IMF again confirmed that the new tranche of IMF loans to Ukraine is being ‘postponed.’ Translation from the bankster slang: Ukraine will never get any more IMF loans, for as long as this junta is in power. The initial IMF loan promise to Ukraine was about $16 bln. By all estimates, Ukraine needed at least $33 bln to survive. Last time IMF had disbursed a $3 bln (if memory serves) tranche was over 7 months ago. Since then, IMF was forced to recognize Ukraine’s debt of $3 bln to Russia as a sovereign debt, something Kiev vehemently denied. This effectively made it impossible for the global banking consortium to disburse any more loans to Ukraine. IMF rules state that a country in default of sovereign debt cannot receive loans. If they broke their own golden rule it would signify breakdown of the entire Western banking model. At this point, if IMF gave Ukraine another loan, then Russia, as creditor No. 1, would take precedence and IMF money would be immediately paid to Russia. In other words, Ukraine wouldn’t get anything anyway.

In truth, the recognition of Kiev’s $3 bln debt to Russia as sovereign was just a pretext to begin dumping Ukraine as the failed project to create anti-Russia on Russian borders. I predicted this outcome since early 2014. See more in PREDICTIONS, Ukraine Earth Shift Reports and Ukraine archived articles on FT.

Poroshenko went around the world begging for loans wherever he could: US, Turkey, even Japan. He got something like several hundred million, with heavy strings attached, plus a ‘guarantee for $1 bln’ from the US. Guarantee means that IF anyone wants to give Kiev money, then US would act as guarantor. No takers so far.

The situation in the economy is dire. As many observers note: for oligarchs, Kiev politicians and military there is less and less left to steal.

Here is an interesting fact: since 2014 Kiev coup ALL Ukraine oligarchs lost huge percentage of their wealth. All, except one: president Poroshenko by many estimates increased his fortune by seven times. He started at his presidential post with $600 million. Now his fortune is worth several billion dollars. Watch my video/audio report on YouTube:

Billionaire Poroshenko’s Fortune Explodes 7-fold (LadaRayLive 13)

Most of those who were rich and powerful before the coup lost money and assets at a huge rate (read ESR3: OLIGARCH WARS). In fact, most Ukraine oligarchs mentioned in ESR3 aren’t billionaires any more; they have now been downgraded to mere multi-millionaires.

However, there was another person in power who benefited tremendously during the time of a wholesale destruction of Ukraine. In fact, he is called Thief No. 1 and his name is PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This one isn’t an oligarch and he doesn’t need assets, like Poroshenko or Kolomoysky. He just wants lots of dollars, plain and simple. During the past two years, and especially during his PM tenure, he stole over $1 bln. Moreover, in the same period he also acquired Canadian citizenship.

This brings us to the direct reason why Yatsenyuk is in a hurry to resign. He sees the writing on the wall: economy destroyed, no one is willing to give Kiev loans. Soon Ukrainians all over the country will begin rioting again. It is clear that anti-Russia project failed and this artificially created and maintained country has no future. It is also clear that Transatlantic bosses have begun ‘flushing down’ Ukraine.

Yatsenyuk was installed by US to demolish Ukraine’s economy. He achieved his purpose. US, represented by Joe Biden, Rada and Poroshenko want to keep Yatsenyuk around. Someone has to be designated as a scapegoat when sh*t hits the fan. Yatsenyuk is already the most hated politician in the country, with basically zero% rating. With nickname ‘blood-thirsty rabbit’ for his role in Donbass ATO and support of killing Russians, he is perfect for the role.

Yatsenyuk knows he needs to get out while he can. Rats continue abandoning the ship.

RT vid shows tariff hikes in Ukraine while Yatsenyuk was PM:

Read my article with telling videos: Kiev Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar (Saakashvili, Avakov, Yatsenyuk and Idiocracy Plus)

Who will come after Yatsenyuk? This is an interesting question. It can be US citizen and present finance minister of Ukraine Natalie Jareska, who is being pushed by the US. Or it can be the ‘bloody pastor’ Turchinov, who first authorized ATO and shelling of peaceful people in Donbass. More acceptable to some is the figure of the Rada speaker Groysman. (I have written about connection of Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko and Groysman to global Zionist organization Chabad and American Zionists in Earth Shift Report 6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE?)

For a time US tried to install as Ukraine PM the current Odessa governor and wanted ex-Georgia president Saakashvili. He was the rumored frontrunner until he made enemies in the majority of Kiev elites (read much more about what games are being played by Saakashvili and his US bosses in the latest Earth Shift Report 8: BLACK SEA AGENDA).

These are potential candidates for the new PM position, Groysman being the current favorite.

However, I say who cares who will be next? Whoever they install in this post will be yet another puppet of the same forces; he/she will forward he same agenda and will also use this position to siphon the little wealth that still remains in the country.

Incidentally, it was Yatsenyuk who authorized the transfer to the US of Ukraine’s gold, including priceless Scythian gold (Gold of the Skiffs).

The wholesale looting of Ukraine continues. What will next PM steal? Not much is left – they have to hurry.

Sadly, my 2014 prediction, ‘before Ukraine starts turning back to Russia between 2016 and 2018 its economy would be completely destroyed’ is materializing fully. Yesterday I listened to an update from Natalia Vitrenko, head of now banned Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine. According to Vitrenko, per capita GDP of Ukraine is now about 140th out of 180 tracked countries, behind Papua New Guinea. In 1990, when Ukraine was together with Russia, its GDP was No. 10 in the world. Further, Ukraine is now No.1 in the world in per capita mortality rate. All this happened in the past 2 years.

Meanwhile, Kiev propaganda keeps telling Ukrainians that Russia is about to collapse and disintegrate, that Ukraine army is about to retake Crimea and that US is behind them 100%.

I had already predicted all there was to predict about the future of Ukraine. Now it’s time to sit back and watch the future unfold. See: Predictions, Ukraine ESRs and new Trends & Predictions page on

I won’t repeat all these predictions. I’ll just say this: the sooner the still remaining in the country sane Ukrainians wake up (many normal ones were forced to flee ukro-nazis), stop listening to Kiev MSM/political propaganda and begin seeing the situation in their country for what it is, the less pain and suffering they will have to go through as a result, when sh*t does hit the fan.

I know, I am asking for logic, reason and clear thinking where there is none. Ukraine will have no choice but to wake up, and it will be a painful awakening. Due to how zombified the population has become, the awakening will only happen when US and EU dump Ukraine. The process of ‘flushing down’ has already begun. It will intensify in 2017.

Yatsenyuk wants to get out before it becomes visible to all. He bought himself Canadian citizenship and his private jet is on standby. Same is true for Poroshenko and other Ukraine criminals. But the majority of the population won’t be able to escape. There is simply no place for them to run…

Moreover, I can tell you that the name of ‘Ukraine’ as a state will cease to exist within 10 years, possibly as little as 6 years. There was no Ukraine before 19th century (I wrote about that in ESR2: UKRAINE – TRUTH, LIES, FUTURE HOPE) and the situation will revert to its historical equilibrium in time.

I personally vote for Novorossia as the new name.

France Recognizes Novorossia?

As a matter of fact, French TV channel ITELE for the first time ever aired a map of Novorossia, in which they included: Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson oblasts.

The above oblasts is what is traditionally included in Novorossia.

However, something is telling me that the Novorossia that is coming will be substantially bigger in scope… Just kidding. I know for a fact it will be much larger than that! Consider it one of my predictions!

See various maps and possible divisions of Ukraine in ESR2, ESR6 and ESR8.

You may know that my personal view and prediction is that most of today’s Ukraine will within 1-2 years turn towards Russia and that only Russia can pacify, rebuild and keep what is now Ukraine whole. Of course, it will be under another name…

Despite the emphasis on predictions I think Lada Ray has some insights FWIW.
Poroshenko says ready to work with any PM but hopes it will be Volodymyr Groysman

Ukrainian president said he will not dissolve the current parliament

KIEV, April 10. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Sunday he is ready to work with any new prime minister but hopes it will be speaker of the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) Volodymyr Groysman.

"On Tuesday, we are to have a coalition and a decision on the prime minister. I expect it will be Groysman," he said in an interview with Ukrainian television channels, adding he he is ready to work with any prime minister.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said earlier on Sunday he is stepping down as Ukraine’s prime minister. "I am resigning as prime minister and I would like to stress with dignity my national liability before the state. I see my competences wider than those of a head of government," he said.

He said the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) will consider the issue of his resignation early next week. "The resignation will be handed in to the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, April 12," he said.

Poroshenko will not dissolve the parliament

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Sunday he will not dissolve the current parliament.

"I respect the Ukrainian parliament. I want no confrontation with either the parliament or the government. I have no other parliament for you and will have no whatsoever," he said in an interview with Ukrainian television channels.

Yatsenyuk’s resignation unlikely to change Ukraine’s policies — Russian lawmaker

Frants Klintsevich said Yatsenyuk has had an adverse impact on relations between his country and Russia and "anyone who succeeds him will have to act in about the same system of coordinates."

MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Resignation of Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is unlikely to change anything in the domestic and foreign policy of that country, a Russian senior lawmaker said on Sunday.

"I don’t think this resignation will bring about any visible changes in the domestic or foreign policy," Frants Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the defense and security committee of Russia’s Federation Council upper parliament house, told journalists.

He said Yatsenyuk has had an adverse impact on relations between his country and Russia and "anyone who succeeds him will have to act in about the same system of coordinates."

The Russian lawmaker said he expects the new government of Ukraine to announce its commitment to the Minsk agreements. "It is absolutely obvious that any reforms in Ukraine are impossible without peace settlement of the conflict in Donbass," Klintsevich said.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk said earlier on Sunday he is stepping down as Ukraine’s prime minister. He said the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) will consider the issue of his resignation early next week. "The resignation will be handed in to the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, April 12," he said.

In his words, the political crisis in Ukraine has been deliberately instigated. "The desire to change one man has stricken politicians blind" and "the process of the government overhaul has turned into an unreflecting running in place," he said explaining his motives.

Following Yatsenyuk’s statement, President Petro Poroshenko said he is ready for any prime minister but would prefer to see Vladimir Groisman, the current speaker of the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) in the premier’s office.

Ukraine’s ex-PM Sergei Arbuzov says ready to head Ukraine’s government again

Yatsenyuk’s resignation, according to Arbuzov, can hardly ever change the political situation in Ukraine

MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Ukraine’s former Prime Minister Sergei Arbuzov said on Sunday he is ready to return to Ukraine to head its government after Arseniy Yatsenyuk steps down.

"Today, I am ready to return to Ukraine with my team and programs of economic revival. But it will not work in the current environment in the country, under these authorities, with these people who are bogged down in scandals and blood," he said in an interview with the Russian News Service radio station. "It was possible before the maidan [Kiev’s central Independence Square, or Maidan Nezakezhnosti, the venue of grass-roots protests that gave its name - ‘maidan’ - to protest movements across the country - TASS], when the programs worked and indices were within the norm despite a difficult economic situation."

Yatsenyuk’s resignation, according to Arbuzov, can hardly ever change the political situation in Ukraine as people "from the maidan who deceived those protesting in the maidan" are still in power and "are trying to revive the economy by means of maidan slogans."

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said earlier on Sunday he is stepping down as Ukraine’s prime minister and the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) will consider his resignation on April 12.

Sergei Arbuzov was governor of Ukraine’s National Bank in 2010. In 2012, he was recognized as the best National Bank governor in Europe. Also in 2012, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister in the Nikolai Azarov cabinet. In late January, 2014 after Azarov’s resignation, Arbuzov was appointed acting Prime Minister to stay in office for about a month, until the shift in power. Now, Arbuzov heads the the Centre for Studies of Economic and Socio-cultural Development of CIS Countries, Central and Eastern Europe.

Ukrainian expert: Yatsenyuk’s resignation obviously approved by West

It may mean that the Verkhovna Rada has reached an agreement on a new parliamentary majority, a political analyst told TASS

KIEV, April 10. /TASS/. Resignation of Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has been obviously approved by the West and may mean that the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) has reached an agreement on a new parliamentary majority, a Ukrainian political analyst told TASS on Sunday.

What Yatsenyuk’s resignation may mean

"His resignation may mean several things. First, there is a new coalition in the Verkhovna Rada of about 230-240 votes which includes (Yatsenyuk’s) People’s Front and most likely it will keep and even expand its quotas in the government," Ruslan Bortnik, the director of the Ukrainian Institute of Political Analysis and Management, said. "Apart from that, Western partners are likely to have approved this resignation."

He said the West’s consent may indicate that it wants to "preserve Ukraine’s entire political system" on the backdrop of offshore scandals and dropping ratings of President Petro Poroshenko and the coalition parties after their failure to send Yatsenyuk to resignation.

What will be further

Following Yatsenyuk’s resignation, the Verkhovna Rada is likely to finally form a new constitutional majority which however will be far from ideal. "We will have a coalition of two forces (People’s Front led by Yatsenyuk and pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc) with pary switchers from other political forces," Bortnik said.

He said the majority will be "very formal and unstable," even if it has 230-240 votes when 226 votes are needed to pass resolutions. In his words, the reason for that is the fact that lawmakers are ignoring sessions. Moreover, he noted, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction has a considerable internal opposition of at least 20-40 lawmakers who don’t vote with the rest of the faction. The People’s Front will start to collapse as it has only pressure groups but no leader without Yatsenyuk, the expert noted.

Such a formal coalition, in his words, will only create problems in lawmaking activities, hence "there will be another coalition - a market, minute-serving one which will be formed ahead of voting these of those issues." "The parliament is going to turn into a kind of a marketplace," Bortnik said.

Temporary respite

In any case, a new prime minister and his cabinet will be only a temporary solution to the political crisis in Ukraine, the expert noted. "The new government, and even [parliament speaker Vladimir] Groisman [a key candidate for prime minister] will not be able to resolve the problem of the conflict over liquid economic resources and remedy the confidence crisis of pro-Western parties. So, the new cabinet will give the authorities only a temporary respite," he said.

As a result, according to Bortnik, will have to face early parliamentary elections. "It will take about six months for the people to get to know the new prime minister better but in any case only early parliamentary elections will be able to undo this knot," he stressed.

Legal immunity

The expert noted that Yarsenyuk is likely to enjoy legal immunity until the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. "Yatsenyuk is sure to be the one to blame in rhetoric. As for legal liability (for his economic mistakes over the period of his premiership), this subject is obviously part of the agreement on his resignation," Bortnik noted, adding he means "Yatsenyuk’s and his team’s legal liability."

He said Yatsenyuk has been granted such immunity by President Petro Poroshenko but "after early parliamentary elections, after the change of power, criminal cases will evidently be opened over many actions of the former prime minister and attempts will be taken to bring him to responsibility."

Will he flee or not?

It is not ruled out that Yatsenyuk might flee the country out of fear of criminal prosecution. "He will not flee under the current coalition, but he will eventually do it under the next coalition," the political analyst said. "As long as the People’s Front is member of the coalition, as long as the system is controlled by President Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk will stay in Ukraine. And later on, he is likely to share something in between the fate of Pavel Lazarenko (Ukraine’s former prime minister convicted in the United States for financial fraud) and the fate of former President Viktor Yanukovich," he said.

'Part of Big Game': Yatsenyuk May Still Lead Ukraine Despite Resignation

Although Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation as the prime minister of Ukraine on Sunday, this could be part of a bigger political game and he might still stay as the country’s leader, Ukrainian political blogger Dennis Schedrivy told Radio Sputnik.

One thing to know is that when it comes to Ukraine, nothing is really certain, the Ukrainian blogger explained to Sputnik.

"I think we should all realize that this is part of a big game. This isn't the first time Yatsenyuk tried to [resign]," Schedrivy told Radio Sputnik.

Although he might have submitted the application for resignation, the Ukrainian parliament and President Petro Poroshenko still have to approve Yatsenyuk's resignation for it to be effective, the blogger added.

Another key moment to remember is that nothing in Ukraine happens without the approval of foreign powers, in particular the United States which essentially controls the Ukrainian political sphere.

"The level of external control of the country is unprecedented and whatever happens inside Ukraine has to be in line with what the external control wants in Ukraine to happen," Schedrivy explained, saying that until the US government approves Yatsenyuk's move, nothing is really certain.

Volodymyr Groysman, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, was mentioned in local media as the next possible prime minister. Schedrivy said if Groysman ends up replacing Yatsenyuk, President Poroshenko will gain more political power since Groysman is his close ally.

As of recent, things between Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk have been strained. In February, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc (the political party led by the president) said the work of the Yatsenyuk government was unsatisfactory and he supported a vote to dissolve the government. As a result, a no-confidence vote was called, which the Yatsenyuk government survived.

Besides Poroshenko's own man, Groysman, Finance Minister Natalia Jaresko, born and raised in the United States, has also announced her willingness to become prime minister.

The intrigue for the prime minister's post is expected to be hot in the coming days and weeks. However, according to Schedrivy, there is little hope that things in the country will get better with a new prime minister.

"Whatever happens won't change things for better for common Ukrainians," Schedrivy told Sputnik.

Ukrainian forces shell Donetsk’s outskirts and checkpoint at Yasinovataya — DPR

DPR defense ministry said earlier that Ukrainian forces shelled the DPR territory 225 times over the last 24 hours

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Ukrainian Armed Forces have shelled the checkpoint at Yasinovataya on the Donetsk-Gorlovka highway and outskirts of Donetsk, a source in law enforcement agencies of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Monday.

"The enemy shelled at night the settlements of Spartak, Mineralnoye, Yakovlevka and the checkpoint at Yasinovataya from mortars of 82mm and 120mm caliber. Moreover, the settlement of Trudovskiye and the Volvo Center came under fire," Donetsk News Agency quoted the source as saying.

He noted that Ukrainian forces opened fire around 11pm and stopped after midnight. Kiev forces fired a total of 14 mines.

DPR defense ministry said earlier that Ukrainian forces shelled the DPR territory 225 times over the last 24 hours.

At the meeting of the Contact Group at the start of January the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This is the seventh attempt to fully observe the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s south-east. At recent meetings of the Contact Group in Minsk the participants expressed regret over continuing violations of ceasefire regime in Donbass.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. The package of measures also envisages weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.

APU reported 64 shootings Ukrainian positions in the Donbas

Moscow. 11 April. INTERFAX.RU - militia fired 64 times APU position on Sunday, applying, including 82 mortars and 120 caliber, the press center of Staff of the military operation.

"All in all controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine's territory was recorded 16 attacks with mortars," - said in a statement released by the press center at the headquarters of Facebook page.

According to the report, the militia have caused fire strikes using 120mm mortars on positions in areas of the APU Trinity settlements and Lugano (Donetsk region), and using a 82mm mortar, - the positions of APU near Talakovki, Shirokino, Mallorcan and Novoselovka. Also, the APU position in the industrial Avdeevka were fired by militants from both of these calibers of mortars.

Also on the fortifications APU near Berdyansk militia fired from cannon artillery caliber 122mm. Press Center Staff reports raid fixing of 35 shots from weapons in the specified area. In addition, using anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, machine guns, small arms and militia sniper fire were long strong points in areas APU Expert, Marinka, village Lugansk, Pavlopolya Zaitseva, Novotroitsk, Sands, Novgorod and Verhnetoretskogo.

According to the summary, the APU on Sunday 7 times returned fire.
A little something out of Odessa:

Odessa commemorates WW2 liberation from Nazi Germany

Several thousand residents of Odessa, Ukraine held a march and ceremony in central Odessa on April 10, 2016 to commemorate the 1944 liberation of the city from Nazi Germany occupation by the Soviet Red Army.

The march gathered at the monument to the city’s liberation. Other commemorations took place in the city on the same day.

Following the central ceremony (pictured), many participants gathered at Kulikovo Field in the center of the city to honour the victims of the arson attack by neo-Nazis on May 2, 2014. Dozens of protesters opposing the coup government in Ukraine were killed that day. Kulikovo Field lies adjacent to the Trade Union House where the murderous arson attack took place.

Right-wing gangs attacked the gatherings at the war memorial and at Kulikovo Field. They also attacked a commemoration march by anarchist groups in the city. A well known leader of anarchists in Odesssa, Vyacheslav Azarov, was injured and hospitalized. His attackers were briefly detained by police and then released.

A report on the day’s events, with several videos, is published here on the website of the UK-based Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine (UK).

Here is the link to videos -
voyageur said:
A little something out of Odessa:

Odessa commemorates WW2 liberation from Nazi Germany

Several thousand residents of Odessa, Ukraine held a march and ceremony in central Odessa on April 10, 2016 to commemorate the 1944 liberation of the city from Nazi Germany occupation by the Soviet Red Army.

The march gathered at the monument to the city’s liberation. Other commemorations took place in the city on the same day.

Following the central ceremony (pictured), many participants gathered at Kulikovo Field in the center of the city to honour the victims of the arson attack by neo-Nazis on May 2, 2014. Dozens of protesters opposing the coup government in Ukraine were killed that day. Kulikovo Field lies adjacent to the Trade Union House where the murderous arson attack took place.

Right-wing gangs attacked the gatherings at the war memorial and at Kulikovo Field. They also attacked a commemoration march by anarchist groups in the city. A well known leader of anarchists in Odesssa, Vyacheslav Azarov, was injured and hospitalized. His attackers were briefly detained by police and then released.

A report on the day’s events, with several videos, is published here on the website of the UK-based Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine (UK).

Here is the link to videos -

It's who you are and "what you see". How about how you feel? :( :curse: :mad:
The European Union will keep on palming off Ukraine with membership promises for at least 20 years, having no intention of making Ukraine a part of the bloc, leader of Ukraine’s Communist party Petro Symonenko told Sputnik on Tuesday.

EU to 'Palm Off' Ukraine With Membership Promises for at Least 20 Years

In March, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ruled out the possibility of Ukraine's membership of the European Union and NATO in the coming 20-25 years.

He added that many European politicians had recognized that the European Union did not need Ukraine within its ranks.

"I have repeatedly met various European politicians. I can say that many sober-minded politicians – not those who are biased to perform for American interests — have already recognized that Europe does not need Ukraine," Symonenko stated, citing corruption and political turmoil among major problems facing the country.

It is hardly surprising that Europeans are growing angry with their leaders who blindly follow Washington; it seems that neither Brussels, nor Washington is bothered by the fact that it is the citizens of the EU member states who pay the price for the US’s political adventurism, Ron Paul writes.

Ukraine in Ruins: Catastrophe or One More of Washington's 'Success Stories'?

Anger is rising in the EU, and with reason, former US Republican congressman Dr. Ron Paul notes in his article for Ron Paul Liberty Report website.

"On Sunday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk resigned, just four days after the Dutch voted against Ukraine joining the European Union. Taken together, these two events are clear signals that the US-backed coup in Ukraine has not given that country freedom and democracy. They also suggest a deeper dissatisfaction among Europeans over Washington's addiction to interventionism," Dr. Paul emphasizes.

The former Republican congressman calls attention to the fact that it was the Obama administration that fomented the coup in Ukraine back in February 2014.

Although the story of Washington's involvement in toppling the Ukrainian democratically elected government remains a taboo issue, it is well documented that Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and other US officials were part of the regime change cabal.

But what is the result of the US intervention in Ukrainian domestic affairs? According to Transparency International, the new Ukrainian government is no less corrupted than the previous one. In addition, however, the country is now teetering on the balance of economic and social catastrophe.

In a similar vein Washington has stirred a hornet's nest in the Middle East and North Africa. The US-led interventions in the regions have resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees seeking shelter in Europe.

"The people [Europeans] are told they must be taxed even more to pay for the victims of Washington's foreign policy," Paul underscores.

In light of this, the Dutch vote has demonstrated "the deep level of frustration and anger in Europe over EU leadership following Washington's interventionist foreign policy at the expense of European security and prosperity."

The US politician adds that the other EU member countries did not even dare hold popular referenda on the EU association deal with Ukraine — "their parliaments rubber-stamped the agreement."

Will Brussels lend its sympathetic ear to the Dutch voters' stance?

According to Wolfgang Münchau, a co-founder and director of Eurointelligence think tank, the Dutch government should notify the European Council that the association agreement "should lapse."

"Personally, I am strongly in favor of the agreement as it binds Ukraine closer to the EU and keeps Russia at bay. But to ratify it despite a democratic vote against in one of the EU's founding member states is asking for trouble," Münchau wrote in his Op-Ed for Financial Times on April 10.

However, on the same very day, Reuters reported that "the European Commission will propose this month granting visa-free travel to Ukrainians despite a Dutch referendum vote," citing a senior EU source.

To enter into force the proposal must be approved by a qualified majority of EU members and by European Parliament.

"It may look as if we're ignoring the Dutch voters, but we have to keep our word to Ukraine, which has met the conditions," the EU source said, as quoted by the media outlet.

The people of the Netherlands have expressed their will, but who cares? Brussels and Washington continue to push ahead with their plans despite growing dissatisfaction in Europe.

"Brussels bureaucrats have strongly indicated they will simply ride roughshod over the voice of an entire nation in their grasping bid to secure further power in Eastern Europe," Nick Gutteridge of the Daily Express, a British daily national newspaper, wrote on April, 11.

"The despotic move will further fuel claims that the EU has no respect for democracy, and comes just weeks before Britons decide on whether or not to quit the 28-nation bloc," Gutteridge underscored.

Ron Paul points to the fact that Brussels' policies make Europeans sick at heart.

"Europeans are tired of their unelected leaders in Brussels pushing them around and destroying their financial and personal security by following Washington's foolish interventionism," Dr. Paul stresses, adding that it is clear to the Europeans that none of the American interventions were a success.

"One way or the other, the US empire is coming to an end. Either the money will go or the allies will go, but it cannot be sustained," the former US congressman emphasizes.

Ukraine has refused to take part in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly session on the settlement of frozen conflicts, deputy head of the Russian delegation at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Nikolay Kovalev said on Monday.

Ukraine refuses to attend OSCE Parliamentary Assembly session on conflicts

According to Kovalev, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Ilkka Kanerva emphasized the importance of the ssession, due to be held in Germany.

In Kanerva’s words, 14 states will take part in the session on “the experience of the settlement of frozen conflicts.”

“Unfortunately, Ukraine refused to participate,” he said.

Last November Ukraine also refused to take part in the similar OSCE Parliamentary Assembly session one day before the event.
Yatsenyuk’s resignation postponed — lawmaker

Members of Petro Poroshenko Bloc say that the voting for Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s dismissal, the appointment of a new prime minister and government will take place on Thursday

KIEV, April 12. /TASS/. The negotiations on the composition of the new Ukrainian government of Vladimir Groysman have been deadlocked, member of the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) from Pyotr Poroshenko Bloc Sergei Leshchenko has said.

"Nothing is going to happen today. Groysman and the presidential administration argue over who will appoint the loyal ministers, "Leshchenko said.

Members of Petro Poroshenko Bloc say that the voting for Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s dismissal, the appointment of a new prime minister and government will take place on Thursday.

Lawmakers earlier said that the parliament would dismiss incumbent Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Tuesday and appoint Vladimir Groysman head of the government. Groysman is to be replaced by Andrei Parubiy (the People’s Front party), while Irina Gerashchenko (Pyotr Poroshenko Bloc) is to be appointed first vice speaker. The People’s Front agreed to vote to Yatsenyuk’s resignation only in a package with the appointment of a new prime minister, the coalition and the composition of the Cabinet.

The political crisis in Ukraine erupted after the Verkhovna Rada recognized the work of the current government unsatisfactory but failed to send Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to resignation. It actually provoked a split in the ruling coalition fraught with early parliamentary elections. The only remedy, according to the lawmakers, is to form a new coalition, overhaul the government and elect a new prime minister. After several months of debate and uncertainly, Yatsenyuk announced his resignation on April 10. On Monday leader of the Pyotr Poroshenko Bloc faction confirmed that a new coalition would be formed by the bloc involving only members of Yatsenyuk’s People Front and the unaffiliated parliamentarians who joined them.

Hired By Nuland, Fired By Nuland

When he was selected by the neocon U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, Yats is the guy, the expectations were that Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be capable to do whatever the U.S. would order him to do in Ukraine.

But as Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk was just a too small figure in a big game. The oligarchs still rule Ukraine and the great power politics overshadow any local politics. Even there Yatsenyuk was in way over his head. He never had real power in the parliament and the people of Ukraine hated him.

He was finally told to go by the same people who put him into his position:

KIEV, Ukraine — Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, the prime minister of Ukraine, announced his resignation on Sunday in a surprise move that opened a new period of political uncertainty here.
Mr. Yatsenyuk and Petro O. Poroshenko, who became president, emerged as the nation’s most prominent political figures. But the revolution’s leaders soon turned on each other. [..]
Ukraine’s Western allies eventually sided with Mr. Poroshenko and pushed Mr. Yatsenyuk to step aside.

Get hired by Nuland, get fired by Nuland.

The "good-bye" phone call Vice President Biden had with Yatsenyuk was lukewarm:

The Vice President thanked Prime Minister Yatsenyuk for his partnership during a historic time for Ukraine. He congratulated the government of Ukraine on its accomplishments over the past two years ..
"Partnership", "accomplishments" - I could think of greater words to express gratitude for the well paid, cushy job Biden junior was given in Ukraine. An abbreviated readout of the Biden-Yatsenyuk phone call would just say: "Don't dare to call me again".

Yatsenyuk is a good example of those who hope to ride to power on the back of U.S. regime change shenanigans. Such people are just expendable puppets to be put in the trash whenever their usefulness ends.
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