Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Donetsk Defense: Situation Report, 11.03.2016

The situation on the contact line remains complicated.

Over the past day the Ukrainian military violated the ceasefire thirty-seven times and shelled the territory on the Republic a hundred and one times. In the shellings the enemy made two rounds from tanks, fourteen rounds from 120mm mortars and thirty-eight rounds from 82mm mortars. The enemy also used infantry fighting vehicles five times, as well as grenade launchers of different types, anti-aircraft systems and small arms.

The most intensive shellings from heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were applied to such localities as Zaytsevo, Zhabichevo, Vesyoloye, Spartak, Yasinovataya, Sakhanka, the area of the airport and the Volvo Centre of the city of Donetsk.

Over the past day our intelligence registered the presence and arrival of weapons and military equipment of the AFU units to the contact line:

- In Mayorsk there was registered the presence of two tanks and one infantry fighting vehicle;
- In Orlovka (13 km away from the contact line) there was registered the arrival of six tanks;
- In Memrik (18 km away from the contact line) there was registered the presence of four tanks;
- In Novolaspa there was registered the presence of five disguised tanks;
- In Svobodnoye (21 km away from the contact line) there was registered the concentration of forty motorised artillery systems and two 120mm motorised artillery cannons 2C9 “Nona-C”;
- In Andreevka (17 km away from the contact line) there was registered the arrival of a train with field artillery;
- In Kalchik (17 km away from the contact line) there was registered the arrival of twelve tanks.

As we can see, the Ukrainian military and political authorities keep playing into two hands, pretending to try to resolve the conflict in Donbass peacefully, while continuing, behind the back of the whole world community, to escalate the situation in the buffer zone and, apparently, to prepare to intensify the hostilities. All these facts take place against the background of the meeting of the Contact group in Minsk.

The situation in the area of the Yasinovatsky checkpoint, on the highway Donetsk - Gorlovka also remains tense. The AFU units have been trying to seize this checkpoint for six days. The DPR units have been forced to open return fire, using only small arms and successfully repelling all the attacks of the invaders. During the attacks the units of the 58th separate mechanised infantry brigade suffered significant losses, such as more than thirty killed and more than seventy wounded.

We will keep defending our land, freedom and independence! We will make every possible effort to do it.

In conclusion I would like to draw the public attention to the fact that, unlike the AFU punitors, our Armed Forces do not occupy schools, hospitals and industrial buildings to place there heavy weapons and do not hide in the private sector to shell the positions of the DPR Army from there. The proof of it is the regular work of schools and hospitals on the DPR territory. Unfortunately, on the occupied territories the punitors turn such buildings into barracks and garages for the military equipment. We defend our land, not occupy it like the Ukrainian military. We do not hide behind civilians and we do not use them as a living shield as the occupation troops of Ukraine do. In addition, I would like to report one specific fact.

In the area of the locality of Sakhanka there was registered a subversive group of the 501st separate Marine brigade, involved in marauding. According to local residents, the Ukrainian scouts penetrated into private houses, temporarily abandoned by their owners, in order to steal their property. Fortunately, while returning with their loot, in the area of the locality of Vodyanoye, the Ukrainian scouts got ambushed by the 1st separate Marine brigade, which caused a gunfight between the units of the 1st and 501st Marine battalions located in the area of the localities Talakovka and Shirokino. The clash between the Ukrainian units resulted in one AFU soldier wounded.

According to our data, losses are also registered in the 16th separate mechanised infantry battalion of the 58th separate mechanised infantry brigade. In particular, four Ukrainian military got undermined on their own land mine in the area of the locality of Avdeevka.

Vice Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry Eduard Basurin, official translation by DONi News Agency

Bloody Turkish aid to Ukraine to continue killing civilians in Donbass

Ankara and Kiev agreed to resume free trade area negotiations in mid-February, two years after talks became deadlocked nearing final stages, reports Sputnik.

I hope that the agreement on the free trade area will be signed later this year. To accomplish this, we need to solve a number of issues related to the protection of investments and taxes, Erdogan said.
He noted that the goal was to reach $20 billion in mutual trade turnover by 2023.

The Turkish president further pledged to continue providing aid to Ukraine "in all areas."

Ankara provided $50 million aid to Kiev, with another $10 million planned to address Ukraine’s humanitarian needs, he added.
Ukraine brings military equipment to the frontline and lies about attack by LPR

The AFU continue fortifying the positions by bringing the military equipment to the frontline. At the same time, Kiev distributes false information on that the LPR prepares for a war- reported the official representative of the LPR People's Militia, the Major Andrey Marochko.

According to our intelligence information the military of the 28th separate mechanized brigade of the AFU spread the information on the soon prepared large-scale attack, the planned redeployment of a large number of engineering equipment and pontoons to the area of the locality of Stanitsa Luganskaya.

At the same time in the areas of the localities of Katerinovka, Kamieva, Boguslavskoye, Popasnaya, Pilipchatino, Rozovka, Stepnoye, Novozvanovka of the Popasnyansky district, at the positions of the 59th separate motorized infantry AFU brigade there are registered engineering works, equipping the systems of trenches with shooting cells, caponiers, preparation of the artillery firing positions.

And in the area of the locality of Vyskriva of the Popasnyansky district, at a distance of 10 km from the frontline there was registered concentration of four units of MRLS "Uragan".

According to Major, it gives the reason to the leadership of the Republic and the People's Militia to pay special attention to the issues of the LPR's protection and security within which the program of the units' combat-training will be increased and their fighting power improved.

Ukrainian military responsible for ceasefire violations — DPR ministry

"Over the past day, the Ukrainian military 384 times opened fire on territory of the republic, thus being responsible for 75 violations of the ceasefire regime," the source said

MOSCOW, March 12. /TASS/. The pro-Kiev military over the past 24 hours almost 400 times opened fire on territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), a representative of the republic’s defense ministry told the Donetsk News Agency on Saturday.

"Over the past day, the Ukrainian military 384 times opened fire on territory of the republic, thus being responsible for 75 violations of the ceasefire regime," the source said.

The Ukrainian side used four times 152-mm artillery. Besides, the republic fixed eight shots from a tank, 89 - from 120-mm mortars and 118 from 82-mm mortars. The military also used different kinds of small arms.

Most intensive fire was registered in Zaitsevo, Shirokaya Balka, Zhabichevo, Spartak, Yasinovataya, Kominternovo, Sahanka, Mineralnoye, Zhdanovo, and the area of the Donetsk airport and the Volvo Center.

Earlier on Saturday, a source at the republic’s defense authorities said at night to March 12 the military shelled the road near the Yasinovataya checkpoint from 152-mm artillery, thus violating clearly the Minsk agreements.

Ukrainian military evacuate civilians in Donbass

The Ukrainian military began evacuation of Maryinka settlement in preparations for breaking through defense line of the DPR west of Donetsk, the republic’s defense ministry said.

"With the purpose of preparing an attack on positions of the DPR, the Ukrainian military have begun evacuation of civilians from Maryinka," the source said, adding thus the DPR was relocating reserves to the engagement line west of Donetsk.

A peace deal struck on February 12, 2015, in Minsk, Belarus, by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France envisaged a ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and people’s militias starting from February 15, followed by withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of military engagement and prisoner release. The package of measures envisages the pullback of all heavy weapons by both parties to locations equidistant from the disengagement line in order to create a security zone at least 50 kilometers wide for artillery systems with a caliber of 100 mm or more, a zone of security 70 kilometers wide for multiple rocket launchers and a zone 140 kilometers wide for multiple rocket launchers Tornado-S, Uragan and Smerch and the tactical rocket systems Tochka-U. The final document says that the Ukrainian troops are to be pulled back away from the current line of engagement and the militias of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, from the engagement line set by the Minsk Memorandum of September 19, 2014.

Despite the agreements, the DPR is being shelled regularly from the banned weapons, and the republic’s reconnaissance fixes positions of the Ukrainian equipment close to the engagement line.
The translation is somewhat confusing but apparently, illegal mining of Amber is being carried out near Kuchitsu, in Ukraine. There's four photos that give a better view of the operation.

Pro-Maidan Activists Release Pictures of Large Scale Illegal Extraction of Amber

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

12th March, 2016 - (The reader should note that "Automaidan" is a group that, although pro-Junta, is disillusioned with Poroshenko)

On the border between the Rivne and Volyn regions, near the village in Kuchitsu, hundreds, if not thousands of people are illegally simultaneously mining amber.

This was reported on a social network by the social organization 'Automaidan'. With the help of a drone, activists were able to reveal the extent of the illegal mining of amber. "We are now near Kuhitska Volya, Rivne region. Here there is genuine tin: hundreds, if not thousands of people simultaneously mining amber. Of course, absolutely illegal," - said the message of the organization.

The images show a variety of machinery: tractors, excavators, pumps, with the help of which they extract amber, "including dozens of military trucks that organize the transport of the pumps together with the "diggers". Do you remember, that our guys, during their visit to ATO zone, said that there were not enough trucks. It wasn't without difficulties, but we found some and repaired them. But here there are dozens of them, almost all in good condition".

The report said that the "amber workers" are not afraid of anyone, are not hiding, there are even no checkpoints, which were present during our raid last year on Zhytomyr. People just come on motorcycles, cars, vans, and literally after leaving the road they begin to "work".

"It is simply not possible for the police and authorities in general to not see all this horror. Therefore all will be shared, as we simply cannot see another option", - noted the organization.

The message also reminded that the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko promised, in just two weeks, he would bring order to the illegal extraction of amber in July last year after activists posted a video of the catastrophic consequences of large-scale illegal amber mining in Olevsk district, Zhytomyr region.
More Desertions And Humiliation As Ukraine Military Go AWOL

Eighty-seven naval officers have deserted to Crimea since January and a total of 559 went AWOL last year, news portal wrote.

Only 135 people have been returned, while the command did not look for the deserters, and even covered up the desertions, the report said.

“According to the Defense Ministry working group, the unit commanders are not looking for the deserters and even try to keep these cases under wraps. No information about 286 deserters could be found in… the Navy files,” added.

Moreover, 155 officers of the Ukrainian Naval Forces visited Crimea allegedly for family reasons.

On March 11, 2014, following a coup in Kiev, Crimea adopted a declaration of independence from Ukraine, asking for reunification with Russia.

On March 16, 2014, some 96 percent of Crimean voters chose to rejoin Russia in a referendum.

The UAF Surpasses the Gestapo in Cruelty

The TV channel "Zvezda" has published excerpts from the report "War crimes of the Ukrainian Security & Armed Forces: torture and inhumane treatment," prepared by a non-governmental organization "Foundation for the Study of Democracy" and the "Russian Public Council for International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy", with the support of the "Russian Peace Foundation". The "Foundation for the study of democracy" is chaired by a member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation - Maksim Grigoriev.

The experts recorded the testimonies of those who were transferred to the Ukrainian side during the exchange of prisoners. The report used the results of a survey of more than 200 prisoners released by the Ukrainian side. The survey was conducted by the experts of the Foundation during the period from 25th August 2014 to 20th January 2015.

A representative of public organization "Planeta Detey", Tatiana Zemlenuhina, testifies: "Our office was in Kiev on 4b Grushevskogo street, behind the "Dnipro" hotel. During the events in January-February of 2014, I actively helped "Berkut" and the internal military forces as a volunteer in the Ivan Protsenko group. At the same time I was a member of the movement "Clean Kiev" and the national liberation movements. I participated in the rallies against the events in Maidan in front of the U.S. Embassy, the court of justice, and on the Bessarabia Square. I contacted Russian TV channel Russia-1, about this. I also participated in the program "Ukraine is on fire. No crossing point" on Crimean television.

My associates told me that I was on the "Right Sector's" lists. For this reason, I decided to leave Kiev and go to Crimea. Then I decided to come back. On the 9th of July, I went on the train from Sevastopol. After crossing the border I was taken off the train. All my personal belongings were put in the car, which drove away in an unknown direction. I later learned that it was the building of the security service of Ukraine in Zaporozhye. I was put under psychological pressure and was threatened with the death of my family".

Injured Igor Lyamin, detained on 14th September by the staff of the "Dnepr" battalion, describes in detail how he was tortured: He was hung up on a rack, on a "swing", and was struck with electric shocks; his wife was grabbed and tortured also. In addition, he gives the code names of those who subjected him to torture at the Dnepr-1 base: "I was captured by battalion "Dnepr". I went fishing, I was captured, brought to the local police station and immediately from the start, was beaten. They used everything that they could - sticks, feet, and they hit me on the head with their pistol. My head was swollen. Then they put me on the rack: this means my hands behind my back, hands in handcuffs.

They twisted my arms mercilessly. Then they made something they called the "swing". It's a long hexagon-shaped crowbar. My hands were in handcuffs and under my feet, and were pulled over the bar. Then I was left hovering over the bar. My bones were almost pushed through my skin. My hands still do not work in these parts. Last time they left me there for 20 minutes, then they took me off and began to pour water over me and zap me with electric. This lasted until I started to lose consciousness.

They did not allow me to sleep. If I started to fall asleep, the torments were repeated. It turns out that my wife was tortured. They took her and kept in the next cell. They broke all of her toes on her left foot. I signed all the papers, in which I was accused, and I was taken to the SBU. I still do not know what they were trying to figure out. I don't know why they did all these things. I've studied history and not even the Germans would torture people like this.

After the detention we were sent to Dneprodzerzhinsk, to the base of Dnepr-1. Callsigns of those who served there are X, Albina, and Max. They tormented us however they wanted, they fired shots over our heads. Nearly everyone had broken limbs, but they were forced to do push-ups. One person was actually almost buried in a pit. They wanted to kill me. It lasted for four days, and then we were taken to the Kharkov SBU.

There I had an ulceration. I was taken to the emergency room in Kharkov. The doctors gave me an endoscopy and did all the tests: I had a severe bleeding ulcer. But they had taken me under a false name. They said, just give any name or address. The doctors wanted to put me in the hospital. But they were forbidden, and i was sent back to the SBU, and until I was exchanged I had to suffer unbearable pain. The ulcer was in addition to the bruises all over my body."

Another victim of torture by the Ukrainian security forces, Dmitry Ermakov, was a member of "Anti-maidan" movement in Mariupol. On the 18th September 2014, near his home, he was captured by the Ukrainian National Guard. He testifies: "In the yard there was a foreign car without a registration number. When I passed it by, four men in camouflage uniforms and masks, armed with machine guns, came out. I was taken to the territory of Mariupol airport, where the bases of the national guard were. After arriving I spent an hour and a half on my knees.

For negative or evasive answers, I was threatened with torture, maiming, and death. From 20th to 23th September I was locked in a fridge. On the 21st of September they brought a severely beaten young man, whose surname was Makarenko, into the refrigerator. He was detained whilst working in the "Azovstal" facility in the middle of the day because he let his friend and his friend ,who are in the "Vostok" battalion, stay at his place.

Late in the evening of the 21st September, they brought two more guys. According to them, they were detained for approaching the APU checkpoint in the dark. They did not stop at the roadblock, and turned around and went back to their village. Their actions were explained by the fact that they were intoxicated and decided to check out a recently purchased car. They reported that they were approaching their village, when the military personnel of APU caught up with and fired at the car without warning, forcing them to stop. They were beaten up, and they shot at the ground near their heads.

After some time, they brought some young people detained because they were fishing near the fence of the Azov sea port. They told other detainees that they were on their way to the airport then they were beaten and tortured with a Taser".

The victim, Pavel, testifies that the reason for his detention and torture was his telephone conversation with the Deputy of the Donetsk People's Republic: "First, I had a conversation politely, then a man came in and started kicking me in the ribs. I felt sick, so they gave me a pill. I had cramps, and my body went numb. They wanted me to confess that I was a gun spotter. It is not true. They listened to my phone, but I had just talked to the Deputy of the Donetsk People's Republic, nothing more. They drove me to the Dnepr-1 practice ground, and there they simply threw people into three meter deep pits, and forced us to dig the graves."

Denis Gavrilin, who was detained by the Ukrainian National guard on 31st July 2014 at a checkpoint and handed over to the Azov battalion, says: "Every two or three hours they would interrogate us. There were a lot of things. They drowned me, covered my eyes, put a towel or cloth over my face. I could not see. My hands were tied behind my back. Also, holding my head from behind, putting the cloth on my face, they poured water on top of me. I don't know if it was from a bottle or from a kettle... I didn't see, but it felt like drowning. Then I brought to life. And so on.

Since I already had a broken knee, but they saw the girdle on my leg, on my knee, and broke it again. This happened on the first day. Then they put nails under my toenails.. This sensation felt like veins were popping out of my neck. Like my whole life was being sapped from me, the pain leaving me numb. They threw me into a pit with dead bodies. There were firing squad executions. They would push me into the pit, into a peculiar smell – the effect of the execution. There were many other things. I know a guy who got four of his front teeth pulled out with flat-nose pliers. I also saw many guys on the crowbar "swing".

Valery Borzov from Krasnoarmeysk speaks how he was tortured by officers of the security service of Ukraine: "On November 7th 2014, I was detained by SBU officers and taken away into a basement in Krasnoarmeysk. In the basement I was beaten on the head, legs, back, and kidneys. In the process I lost consciousness twice, but I was doused with water and I regained consciousness. During the torture I was beaten with hands and feet to my head and in the stomach, and I again lost consciousness.

Having seated me on my knees, they beat me on my legs, and then hanged me by my hands, tied behind my back ("swallow"), on some kind of chain or rope and severely beat me. Afterwards they put me down from the "swallow" and beat me several times on the head with some bars. Later I was sat down in a chair and was forced to read a text to a camera. I was threatened with violence against my family if I didn't do it, so I did".

The rebel Pavel Borisov speaks about how he was beaten by the National Guard, who tore his wounds open, "On July 19th 2014, I was captured. I was ambushed from three sides and captured in a serious condition. In captivity we were brutalized. They beat us on the head and pressed on the wound to make it bleed. I have six bullet wounds and a shrapnel wound. I was dragged, tortured, insulted, and taken outside to be shot.

The SBU sent us to the city of Kramatorsk, where we were in the hospital for a day, then moved to the Kharkov SBU, which did not let us in, so we were again admitted to the hospital.

I lost a lot of blood, my wounds attacked, pressed on my shrapnel and bullet wounds, poked their fingers in the bullet holes, twisted in different directions and laughed. They watched me bleed out. They filmed the torture and abuse. It was the National Guard. And the next day they came and wanted to take us away to be shot, but the other guards did not allow them.

The doctors did not even try and get the shrapnel out. One bullet stuck in my arm, breaking the bone in half, the doctors did not do anything about because they didn't care. They just applied the cream and injected painkillers. They tried to stop me from bothering them by saying, "it will heal", "it will be irritated for some time and will eventually heal, it's okay". The bullets are still in my body.

Then the doctors took me to the SBU again even though I still had wounds. In the hospital there were people who had been beaten, burned with swastikas and the the words "SS". Other people had broken bodies and faces beyond recognition, like pears. Every part of their bodies was beaten and had flesh hanging from their bones".

Militiaman Andrei Panchenko was captured on 14th January 2015. He says: "My friends asked me to drive them to the city of Dokuchayevsk. We stopped at the Ukrainian checkpoint. We were thrown on the floor, our hands and legs tied, occasionally were beaten, pulling a hat over my head, wrapping it with tape so that it was difficult to breathe. They loaded us into their car and drove away. When we arrived, we were all thrown in some dark room. And one by one they began to carry us out whilst we were still completely tied up. They put me on a chair, holding my feet under it, and put my hands behind the back of the chair.

Then they hit me on the legs and on shoulders with a hammer, an ordinary hammer. They went on until I lost consciousness. This procedure occurred for three days. Three times I was put up against a wall, fire a gun close to me and said that one day they will not miss. On the 13th day, towards the evening, a car drove up and took us all away, saying that civilians should be killed. And the two of us who had ID cards were supposed to be taken to the police and to jail. We drove for a long time, and when we finally arrived, were tied up, with hats covering our eyes. After the first day we did not make contact with the SBU. Then they started questioning us.

After I told them what I had already told the military, they hit me in the groin with a stun gun and added voltage, it kept getting more and more painful. The shock was very painful. It got to the point where, after screaming, I said: "Just shoot me, why are you torturing me? I don't know anything". Then the investigator came in and said that I was in the legal field".

The data received by the 'Foundation for the study of democracy' allows us to assert that the Ukrainian Armed Forces, National Guard, and other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) systematically and deliberately violated article 3 of the European Convention on human rights: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." The scale and systematic torture also allows us to draw a reasonable conclusion that their use is a deliberate policy of those structures that mandated their leadership.
An article by Alexander Mercouris about the overall situation with Ukraine.

Europeans Staring at Total Failure in Ukraine

Russia Insiderby Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider

Increasingly frantic diplomatic efforts by European leaders show growing desperation to settle Ukrainian crisis before failure of sanctions policy becomes obvious.

As the political situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate – with the government paralysed as a result of the power struggle between Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk – the Europeans are becoming increasingly desperate.

They are also becoming increasingly frustrated with the Ukrainians whose intransigence is prolonging the crisis.

However the Europeans have no exit strategy and are staring at total failure.

The reason is the growing anger across Europe with the sanctions policy, and a growing sense that the diplomatic window for finding a face saving way to end the sanctions before European leverage completely runs out is closing fast.

The problem the Europeans have is that they have committed themselves to maintaining the sanctions against until the terms of Minsk II are carried out.

When they did this the Europeans however failed to take the basic precaution of linking the lifting of the sanctions not just to Russian adherence to Minsk II but to Ukrainian adherence as well.

Since the provisions of Minsk II actually require most of the action to be taken by the Ukrainians, this failure has not only denied the Europeans leverage over the Ukrainians. It has given the Ukrainians a perverse incentive to renege on their commitments to carry out Minsk II, since that way they can oblige the Europeans to continue the sanctions.

In the meantime opposition to the sanctions policy is growing, both in northern Europe and in southern Europe.

In northern Europe opposition to sanctions is concentrated in small but very powerful constituencies. In southern Europe it is however well nigh universal.

Southern Europe has never been much interested in Ukraine or in the conflict there and does not support or understand the geopolitical play there.

The political culture of southern Europe also makes southern Europeans largely immune to the self-interested moralising that the US and northern Europeans are given to and which has been used to mobilise support for the Maidan movement in Ukraine.

People of neocon views are nowhere near as influential in southern Europe as they are in northern Europe, and southern Europeans do not feel as obsessively hostile to Russia as many northern Europeans do.

Southern Europeans see themselves as having been dragooned into a sanctions policy they fundamentally don’t agree with, and which they consider counterproductive and irrational.

The most powerful southern European leader, Renzi of Italy, is barely bothering to hide his disagreement with the policy, and most other southern European leaders privately agree with him.

Southern Europe does not however by itself have the strength to change a policy agreed on by the most powerful European states – Germany and France.

The policy is however now also being increasingly questioned in Germany and France, in Germany by a large part of the German business community, and in France by the French farmers.

The latter are a powerful political lobby, which no French government can ignore, especially with elections pending.

With a Presidential election pending in France in 2017 the French government has been forced to reassure the farmers that it is “doing all it can” to get the Russian counter sanctions banning EU food exports to Russia lifted.

As the French government however knows that cannot happen unless the EU sanctions are lifted first.

That gives the French government a strong incentive to have the sanctions lifted, which in turn means that it has a strong incentive to achieve a settlement of the Ukrainian conflict.

Even more important than the steadily growing opposition to the sanctions policy is the feeling that the window for European diplomatic influence is closing fast.

It is difficult to know to what extent European leaders are informed about the state of the Russian economy. However even the most complacent amongst them must by now know that it is not going to collapse under the weight of the sanctions, and that Russian policy towards Ukraine is not going to change because of them.

Expectations that the sanctions would provoke Russia’s oligarchs to force Putin out unless he changed course – which is what the German intelligence service the BND apparently told Merkel would happen before the EU imposed the sanctions – have turned out to be completely wrong.

As for the popular revolution in Russia against Putin that some expected, with Putin’s popularity above 80% even the most delusional European leaders can no longer believe it will happen.

It is even possible that the better informed of the European leaders – including possibly German Foreign Minister Steinmeier – know the dreadful truth – that the Russian economy has not only survived the sanctions but that its recession will shortly end.

This points to the paradox of the sanctions. Whilst for the Russians their cost was front loaded and is now diminishing with each month that passes – with their overall effect proving actually beneficial – for the Europeans the hurt is growing – both economically and politically.

For the Europeans an economic recovery – or worse still a boom – in Russia whilst the sanctions are in place would be a humiliating disaster.

It would show that Russia is fundamentally immune to sanctions, exposing the total bankruptcy of the whole sanctions policy.

It would also expose European leaders like Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande to criticism for imposing a sanctions policy that had ended up hurting Europe and their own countries more than Russia.

German businesses and French farmers who had lost business because of the sanctions would be – rightly – furious.

It would also strip away remaining illusions about the Europeans and their power.

In diplomacy maintaining an appearance of power is at least as important as power itself. A state or group of states which lose the appearance of power risk no longer being taken seriously.

What that means in this case is that the Europeans have to be in a position where they can at least pretend that the sanctions still matter to Russia when they are lifted and that the Russians are giving something back in return.

Obviously the Europeans cannot credibly claim this if when they lift the sanctions if Russia is in the midst of a boom .

It is because the Europeans also need to show that the Russians are giving something in return for the sanctions being lifted that they have linked the lifting of the sanctions to Minsk II.

The successful implementation of Minsk II would enable the Europeans to pretend it was brought about through their efforts. They could then lift the sanctions and claim victory.

Since it was the Russians who drafted Minsk II this would have seemed like a low risk strategy. The Russians after all would be expected to want to implement an agreement whose terms they themselves drafted.

What the Europeans overlooked – or never considered – was that it might be their own Ukrainian proteges – not the Russians – who would fail to implement Minsk II. That however is precisely the position the Europeans are now in.

This is not because the Ukrainian government is being held hostage by right wing militias.

It is because Minsk II contradicts the whole ethos and purpose of the Maidan “revolution” whose overriding objective is to create a unitary, monolingual and monocultural Ukraine as distanced from Russia as possible.

I discussed all this in an article Russia Insider published in January 2015 on the eve of the battle of Debaltsevo. Here is what I said there:

“The basic truth about the crisis in Ukraine and why there is a war there – the one that many people especially in the West refuse to acknowledge – is that the faction that seized power in Ukraine through the February 2014 coup is structurally incapable of negotiation or compromise with those it considers its opponents.

…….Briefly, the whole purpose of the February coup was so that the faction in Ukraine that holds power now could achieve the unrestricted dominance of Ukrainian society which is its only way of making true its vision of a unitary, monolingual, monocultural Ukraine that is forever distanced from Russia.

Given the diversity of Ukrainian society, it cannot compromise with its opponents since were it to do so that would jeopardise the entire project that is the reason for its existence and the justification for its hold on power.

That is why it acted in February to eliminate from Ukrainian political life the faction that had held power in Ukraine before and why it remains committed to eliminating its opponents in the Donbass now.”

All this remains as true now as it was then.

It will continue to be true whichever Maidan leader holds power in Ukraine. It doesn’t matter whether that leader is Poroshenko, Tymosheko, Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, Tyagnibok, Paruby, Lyashko, Klitschko, Yarosh or someone else. No Ukrainian politician who owes allegiance to Maidan is capable of the sort of compromise that Minsk II requires, and it is a fundamental error to think that because Ukraine’s Maidan politicians engage in constant factional infighting with each other that some of them are more “moderate” on these questions than others.

Up to now the Europeans have closed their eyes to this reality. It is now hitting them square in the face.

This is why – confronted by total Ukrainian intransigence but wanting an end to the conflict before their leverage and credibility vanishes – German Foreign Minister Steinmeier and French Foreign Minister Ayrault are said to travel to Kiev “completement exacerbés.”

The Europeans have landed themselves in the same trap in which Yanukovych found himself during the Maidan protests.

Like the Europeans Yanukovych tried to cut deals with the Maidan leaders as if they were reasonable people.

What Yanukovych discovered whenever he thought he had sealed a deal was that the Maidan leaders simply reneged on it, pocketing his concessions, continuing their protests, and coming back with more demands.

Ukraine’s Maidan leaders have behaved in exactly the same throughout the Ukrainian conflict.

In April 2014 they agreed to constitutional changes granting more autonomy to Ukraine’s regions.

They reneged on that agreement and over the course of the next few months they sought to crush opposition in Ukraine’s eastern regions by force.

Following their defeat in August 2014 they agreed to grant special status to the Donbass, with negotiations to follow to achieve a political settlement (Minsk I).

They failed to honour these commitments and in January 2015 they attacked the Donbass again.

In February 2015 – after they had been defeated once more – they again agreed to grant special status to the Donbass. They also agreed to negotiate directly with the Donbass leaders, to agree the terms of elections in the Donbass with them, and to agree with them changes to Ukraine’s constitution, which were to be followed by fresh elections held before the end of December 2015. (Minsk II).

They again failed to honour these commitments. In August 2015 they tried to attack Donbass again only to be warned off doing so by the Europeans.

In October 2015 at the summit in Paris they renewed their promise to carry out the provisions of Minsk II, this time in accordance with a new timetable drawn up by the French, which would have resulted in the Donbass being granted special status and holding elections this March.

They have again failed to carry out any one of these commitments. It is now March and not one of the commitments they made in October has been honoured. Instead reports from the Donbass speak of renewed fighting.

It is not surprising therefore if Steinmeier and Ayraut are “completement exacerbés.”

Confronted by Ukrainian intransigence, the Europeans have tried to achieve what they can pretend is “progress” by asking the Russians to water down the terms of Minsk II so as to at least allow elections to be held in the Donbass on Ukrainian terms in the first half of this year.

Juncker’s recent comment that Ukraine would not join NATO or the EU for 20-25 years (which in practice means never) should be seen in that context.

It was intended as a sop to the Russians, making public what had already been agreed privately in February 2015 in Moscow and Minsk, in order to get the Russians to soften their stance on Minsk II.

The Russians however are having none of it. As their public statements make clear on the subject of Minsk II they are implacable. They have rejected all attempts to water down Minsk II. They insist Ukraine carry out its terms to the letter.

It is impossible to avoid the feeling that through their blind support for the Maidan movement the Europeans have manoeuvred themselves into a trap.

An escalation of support for Ukraine is becoming politically impossible especially given Ukraine’s intransigence and its growing political crisis.

Retreat – which would involve finally taking a strong public stand against Kiev by demanding that it implement Minsk II in full with a threat of sanctions if it fails to do so – is however politically extremely difficult, and is probably impossible whilst Merkel remains Germany’s Chancellor given how much political capital she has invested in Ukraine.

The alternative however is total humiliation when whatever appearance of leverage still left is lost, which is the prospect that is now staring the Europeans in the face.

It is probably now only a question of months before economic recovery in Russia exposes the Europeans’ sanctions policy – and with it their whole Ukrainian policy – as a bluff which has been called.

That this is starting to be understood in Western capitals has been confirmed in the most unlikely of places – in the comments of US President Obama – the ultimate author of the sanctions policy – in the recent interviews he has given to The Atlantic magazine. Here is what he said:

“Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one, so Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there.

“The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-Nato country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do,” he said.

I asked Obama whether his position on Ukraine was realistic or fatalistic.

“It’s realistic,” he said. “But this is an example of where we have to be very clear about what our core interests are and what we are willing to go to war for.””

In other words Ukraine matters to the Russians but doesn’t to the West, and it is the Russians who hold there the high cards (“escalatory dominance”).

That is what Russia Insider has been saying all along.

It has taken two years, a civil war, thousands of deaths, an economic collapse, a government crisis, a now inevitable default, and the coming failure of the sanctions policy for Western leaders to start to see it.

That is far too late to avoid the humiliation which all too evidently is now coming.
Ukraine’s presidential administration expects PM’s resignation next week

Over the past several weeks, teams of the president and the premier have been holding talks behind closed doors on replacing Yatsenyuk and forming a new cabinet of ministers.

Lawmakers may consider the issue of Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s resignation at an extraordinary session of the parliament next week, a source in the presidential administration told the Ukrayinska Pravda newspaper on Thursday.

The discussion in the Verkhovna Rada is unlikely to be held this week as President Pyotr Poroshenko is paying a working visit to Brussels, the source said, adding that chances that the session could take place on Saturday were also slim.

"Most likely, such a meeting be held already next week," the source told the newspaper.

Over the past several weeks, teams of the president and the premier have been holding talks behind closed doors on replacing Yatsenyuk and forming a new cabinet of ministers. Poroshenko has already had a number of meetings with leaders of parliamentary factions to overcome the political crisis in the country.

Ukraine’s presidential spokesman Svyatoslav Tsegolko said three scenarios were possible. First, a technocratic government led by American-born Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko could be set up if all pro-European factions support such a cabinet. Second, a government headed by Lvov Mayor Andrei Sadovy could be formed. Third, other candidates could be also suggested by the parliamentary forces if there is necessary support in the Rada.

Ukraine’s parliament failed to oust Yatsenyuk and his embattled government after holding a heated debate on February 16 on the government’s performance in 2015. A no-confidence vote was supported by 194 lawmakers whereas at least 226 votes are needed to pass a resolution. At the last moment, the MPs changed their mind in a surprise move.

The situation in Ukraine’s parliament looked quite awkward as the MPs recognized the government’s work as unsatisfactory but they still failed to oust the cabinet. These events sparked a deep political crisis in the country.

Following the parliament’s failure to oust the Yatsenyuk government, the Batkivshchina faction, several MPs of the pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc and Samopomoshch withdrew from the coalition stripping it of the majority of votes needed to pass decisions.
AFU Corps ordered Ukrainian military to hide equipment before OSCE’s inspection

The Armed forces of Ukraine have hidden military equipment near Yasinovataya by the OSCE Mission’s arrival. It was stated today by the Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry Corps Ruslan Yakubov in conversation with the Deputy Head of SMM OSCE Alexander Hug.

Today’s night it was hot here, and we have the radio interception information that by your arrival the AFU command had issued the order to withdraw all the equipment. Today I will give my best to present these data in the documentary form.

Donetsk Defense: Situation Report, 17.03.2016 (Video)

Over the past day the Ukrainian military violated the ceasefire 43 times and shelled the territory of the Republic 279 times. Altogether the enemy launched 241 shells from 120mm and 82mm mortars and four times opened fire from tanks. The enemy also used grenade launchers of different types, anti-aircraft systems and small arms. The orders to shell residential areas of the localities of the DPR were given by such war criminals as the commander of the 58th brigade Zabolotny, the commander of the 56th brigade Mel’nik and the commander of the 93rd brigade Klotchkov.

The most intense shellings from heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were applied to such localities as the residential neighbourhood Trudovskiye, the Volvo Centre, the area of the airport of the city of Donetsk, Spartak, Zhabichevo, Sakhanka, Vesyoloye, Zhdanovo, Kashtanovoye, Yasinovataya, and Zaitsevo.

As a result of the yesterday’s mortar attack by the AFU on the locality of Zaitsevo there got wounded two civilian residents of the Republic (Gadzhiyeva Lyubov’ Gennadiyevna born in 06.02.1964 received a shrapnel wound in the right and left forearm, and Golovatenko Vasiliy Ivanovitch born in 07.09.1962 received a shrapnel wound in the right thigh joint, lower leg and right foot).

Over the past day our intelligence registered the presence and arrival of the weapons and military equipment of the AFU units to the contact line:

- In Luganskoye (7,5 km away from the contact line) there was registered concentration of 30 IFVs;

- Near the locality of Nikolayevka (1 km away from the contact line) there was registered a tank platoon in protective shelters;

- Near the localities of Novotroitskoye, Novomikhailovka, Vodyanoye, Avdeyevka and Kamenka the enemy keeps conducting engineering equipment.

The Donetsk People's Republic follows all the articles of the Minsk agreements and supports the efforts of the international diplomats and observers. Once again we draw attention of the OSCE Monitoring Mission and other human rights organisations to the facts of outrageous treatment of the civilian population of Donbass.

We propose to settle all our contradictions at the negotiating table, but not to force the Donbass people by weapons to make a choice in favour of the rotten values of the West. We stand for justice and freedom! Our power is in truth, and the truth is on our side! Taking into account the low moral and psychological condition of the military and the commanders being incapable of solving the tasks on the frontline, the AFU command made a decision to pull out the units of the 93rd separate mechanised brigade from the ‘ATO’ zone to the permanent location point in the locality of Cherkasskoye of the Dnepropetrovsk region. They will be soon followed by the units of the 72th separate mechanized brigade of the AFU, deployed in the area of the locality of Andreyevka. It is noted that the commanders of the abovementioned brigade haven't coped with the set objectives, during their stay they have received unreasonably big losses among the personnel. Besides, there was registered the fact of utilization by the units of the 72nd brigade of the unspent ammunition in a reservoir near the locality of Anadol. These actions create danger to the local residents. It should be noted that the part of the written-off arms the Ukrainian units plan to take out to the western regions of Ukraine. In particular, it is established that the military personnel of the 23th separate motorised infantry battalion of the 56th separate motorised infantry brigade Laktunov, Lesnyak and Gubry have sent several units of firearms with ammunition by public transport to other regions of Ukraine. The use of the bus transportations’ channel guarantees anonymity of the military personnel, considers the commander of the 23rd battalion of the 56th brigade Yevdokimov with whose approval there is carried out the outflow of the weapons.

Our intelligence keeps recording the considerable losses of the AFU near Yasinovataya, so to the east from the locality of Khimik the Ukrainian command finally set down to equipping the helipad for evacuation of the badly wounded military personnel of the 16th separate motorised infantry battalion of the 58th separate mechanized brigade. Only owing to our remarks which are followed by the Ukrainian command, the maimed AFU military were more urgently admitted to the medical institutions for rendering the qualified medical care to them. Before that the AFU command treated the fighters of the Ukrainian army, to put it mildly, as the food for powder what is pointed by the facts of creation of burial grounds near the locality of Opytnoye for concealment of their losses.

It is important to note that our intelligence registered a clash between the units of the AFU with losses among the Ukrainian military personnel. In particular, on March 16 near the locality of Novotroitsk the units of the 36th marine brigade went into combat with mercenaries because of temporary loss of control by the commanders. According to our data, the firefight was provoked by up to seven foreign mercenaries who were moving in a group forward from the advanced positions deep into the defense line. The marines have taken the foreign mercenaries to be a prospecting group and opened fire on them. The situation was similarly sized up by the foreigners who called the backup from the rear. As a result of the hour-long shelling from two directions, the marines lost up to ten servicemen, among them four killed. The losses among the foreign mercenaries are being specified. According to our data, the commander of the 36th brigade reported to the higher headquarters on the fight with the reconnaissance group of the enemy, however, the brigade’s commander hadn't considered the treacherous firing from the homefront.

Besides, our units registered the fact of shelling by the punishers of the 14th separate mechanized brigade of the AFU from the antitank grenade machinegun of the civil vehicles moving on the route Elenovka-Dokuchayevsk to the north from the town of Dokuchayevsk. The sadism of the Ukrainian military goes beyond the bound of reason. Most likely, because of the long stay in the ‘anti-terrorist operation’ zone the Ukrainian military go mad and turn into monsters. All this will sooner or later concern the common Ukrainians who will face the ‘ATO-murderers’ on the streets of the cities after their demobilization.
Moscow concerned about threat of armed actions escalation in Donbass — envoy

The continuing steps of the Ukrainian military to seize the ‘neutral zone’ along the line of engagement cause a dangerous approach of the sides’ positions, Russia's Ambassador to the OSCE says.

Moscow is concerned greatly by the threat of escalation of military actions in Donbass, Russia’s Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Alexander Lukashevich told a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on Crimea and situation in Ukraine.

"We are concerned about the threat of escalation of the military actions in Donbass," he said. "The continuing steps of the Ukrainian military to seize the ‘neutral zone’ along the line of engagement cause a dangerous approach of the sides’ positions, and provokes more intensive collisions."

"Not to mention it contradicts absolutely the Minsk Complex of Measures (to settle the crisis in Ukraine)," he said.

"The most volatile situation develops near Yasinovataya," he continued. "During a recent briefing of deputy head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) Alexander Hug demonstrated to delegations how the Ukrainian military had concentrated their forces in Avdeyevka, the shelling of Yasinovataya, the damage to civil infrastructures in Kashtanovo."

"We support efforts of the OSCE SMM and the Joint Coordination Center for Ceasefire Monitoring aimed at lowering the tension along the line of engagement," the Russian diplomat said. "We expect, the Ukrainian military will receive orders to retreat to initial positions. The shelling threatens work of the Donetsk water filtering station, which supplies water to the entire region on either side of the engagement line."

"On March 14, during a shelling of the Zaitsevo settlement, in the sight of the Ukrainian military were reporters of the Russian television channels and of China’s Xinhua."

"It cannot be justified to be self-fire, and we are expecting adequate reaction from the counterparts concerned about observation of reporters’ rights," the Russian ambassador said.

Over the past week, he said, were registered big numbers of violations of the Minsk Complex of Measures by Ukraine’s armed forces.

UK Doubles Military Assistance to Ukraine

Minister for the Armed Forces of Great Britain Penny Mordaunt said that the country has decided to double their military assistance to Ukraine, according to the press service of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

"We will continue to help. The UK agreed to double the aid," said Mordaunt. In addition, she said, Britain will continue to provide advisory assistance. It is provided by the Memorandum signed today in the field of defense, which opens up a number of new opportunities and projects.

Kremlin says no comment on reported visit of ex-Swedish PM to presidential administration

Media reports said Bildt, an influential European politician with ties in Kiev, held talks with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov.

The Kremlin has made no comments on mass media reports that former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt visited the Russian presidential administration during his visit to Moscow.

"I leave this without comments here," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Media reports said Bildt, an influential European politician with ties in Kiev, held talks with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov.

Bildt, who served as Sweden’s premier in the 1990s and also foreign minister from 2006-14, was named one of the possible candidates for the post of Ukraine’s PM.
About 30% of Heavy Weapons Withdrawn From Contact Line in Ukraine Disappear

The OSCE monitors have not discovered 30 percent of heavy weapons, withdrawn from the line of contact in Ukraine's southeast by both sides of the conflict, Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Kiev and the Donbass militias reached a deal to withdraw arms of a caliber of less than 100mm from the line of contact in late September 2015. On November 12, 2015, the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) in the country’s southeast have submitted documents verifying the completion of the weapons withdrawal.

"We are watching a disturbing trend: 30 percent of the heavy weapons that were withdrawn from the contact line, have disappeared from the storage facilities both from the Ukrainian and separatists' side," Hug told the Spiegel Online Saturday.

In April 2014, Kiev launched a military operation against pro-independence supporters in eastern Ukraine. In February, the sides to the conflict developed a set of measures on Ukrainian reconciliation, including a ceasefire and a weapons withdrawal from the contact line. However, the ceasefire only began to hold on September 1, 2015. Despite the fact that the agreement was reached a year ago, both sides have been repeatedly reporting violations of the deal.

According to Hug, the OSCE monitors have detected that during violations of the ceasefire, the use of multiple launch rocket systems, tanks and howitzers has increased.
sToRmR1dR said:
About 30% of Heavy Weapons Withdrawn From Contact Line in Ukraine Disappear

The OSCE monitors have not discovered 30 percent of heavy weapons, withdrawn from the line of contact in Ukraine's southeast by both sides of the conflict, Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Kiev and the Donbass militias reached a deal to withdraw arms of a caliber of less than 100mm from the line of contact in late September 2015. On November 12, 2015, the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) in the country’s southeast have submitted documents verifying the completion of the weapons withdrawal.

"We are watching a disturbing trend: 30 percent of the heavy weapons that were withdrawn from the contact line, have disappeared from the storage facilities both from the Ukrainian and separatists' side," Hug told the Spiegel Online Saturday.

[...] Despite the fact that the agreement was reached a year ago, both sides have been repeatedly reporting violations of the deal.

According to Hug, the OSCE monitors have detected that during violations of the ceasefire, the use of multiple launch rocket systems, tanks and howitzers has increased.

I'm having difficulty trying to understand - exactly - how OSCE operates? I understand that they are "monitors" to detect violations on "agreed upon ceasefire" but how do they operate, what kind of set-up are they working with? My impression - they just drive around in a truck and if they see something, they just report it back to their command center? In almost every report I have come across, it states "things disappear" like tanks, howitzers and rocket launch systems and they haven't been detected in storage facilities?
They give the impression, "they are clueless" and don't know where anything is but rely on submitted documents? They "have detected" violations, by both sides but fail to pin-point the weapon and direction it originated from? They sound like a two-bit firm, who haven't a clue on what's going on or what their main function is?

Considering the OSCE are working under the auspices of the UN, I would think they would have a Command Center with the latest technology at their disposal, like satellite monitoring (24/7) to watch movement on the ground and drones to monitor activity? Yet, I see none of this in their reports? Why?

Gee ..... but they have a job vacancy in Ukraine ..... maybe, one of their truck drivers got lost "monitoring operations?"

Vacancies at OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine
angelburst29 said:
Ukraine’s presidential administration expects PM’s resignation next week

Over the past several weeks, teams of the president and the premier have been holding talks behind closed doors on replacing Yatsenyuk and forming a new cabinet of ministers.

Ukraine Junta Parliament Plan To Oust Yatsenyuk By Thursday

Leader of the pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction in Ukraine’s parliament Yuri Lutsenko said on Sunday he hopes the parliament will hold an extraordinary session on March 24 to send Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s government to resignation

“I hope next week, probably on Thursday [March 24], we will be able to hold an extraordinary session to vote for a new prime minister, a new government and a new program of actions,” he said in an interview with the Inter television channel.

He ruled out a third office term for the current prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. “Consultations are currently underway on the format of a future cabinet,” he said.

Earlier, the chief of the presidential staff Boris Lozhkin said that Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko and Verkhovna Rada (parliament) speaker Vladimir Groisman are the key candidates for Ukraine’s prime minister. “Active talks are underway on the formation of a new coalition or keeping the old one in the Rada. The question is not in whether Yatsenyuk is going to step down, the question is whether we will have a new coalition and whom it will back. The key candidates now are Jaresko and Groisman. The choice will depend on who will be supported by three parliamentary factions,” Lozhkin told Eadio Vesti.

He said consultations will be continued next week and it is highly unlikely that another candidate could be nominated.

Jaresko however said she was not planning to leave her post to take the premier’s office. “I don’t have premiership ambitions. My goal is to help the Ukrainian people as the finance minister, in my case. Let things happen as they will,” she told journalists on Sunday.

The ruling coalition in the Ukrainian parliament initially comprised five parties, namely the pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Samopomoshch, Batkivshchina, the Radical Party and the prime minister’s Popular Front. The Radical Party quitted the coalition in the autumn of 2015. Following the Verkhovna Rada’s failure to send the Yatsenyuk government to resignation on February 16, another faction, Batkivshchina, and a number of lawmakers with the pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc and Samopomoshch also withdrew from the coalition stripping it of the majority of 226 votes needed to pass decisions.
sToRmR1dR said:
angelburst29 said:
They sound like a two-bit firm, who haven't a clue on what's going on or what their main function is?

Exactly! :)

This was reported a week ago and highlights some of OSCE's "official" activities. One activity the OSCE has been turning a blind eye to, Kiev has sent a Ukrainian medical squad to Yasinovataya with the task of burying dead Ukrainian soldiers, then reporting those soldiers as missing to keep the "death count numbers" down! Evidence continues to surface that OSCE is working in Kiev's interests.

Donetsk Blog Mar 14: Fighting Along Whole Front - OSCE Twisting Facts - Civilians Evacuated

The situation on the front line has sharply deteriorated. According to the DPR Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian Army over the weekend shelled the territory of the Republic 584 times, with four shells coming from 152mm artillery and 21 from tanks, 134 bombs from 120mm mortars and 222 from 82mm mortars, and 31 rounds from infantry fighting vehicles.

DPR soldiers report that shelling is growing in intensity along the whole frontline. It does not appear to be separate incidents of provocation but rather a well-planned attempt by the Ukrainian military to break through the DPR defenses at several points simultaneously. According to local residents, confirmed by DONi reporters, this shelling can be heard in the south, west and north of Donetsk, with windows and walls shaking in some localities.

(Credibility - DONi closely follows the reports of the governments of the DPR and their Ukrainian counterparts and secures independent confirmation when possible. In our experience, the DPR’s claims are correct approximately 95% of the time, whereas official Ukrainian reports are almost never correct, and for all appearances, deliberately so.)

The DPR Defense Ministry reported four soldiers wounded. During the night-time shelling in a suburb of Donetsk, local authorities reported that a 15-year-old boy had been wounded by shrapnel. The boy’s mother had reportedly been earlier shot dead by a Ukrainian sniper. The DPR authorities also reported that as a result of the intense shelling, the Donetsk filter station, supplying the capital with water, had in the morning stopped working again.

The area near the town of Yasinovataya remains the most intense area of fighting. For six straight days Kiev has been trying to seize the town and the strategically important road connecting Donetsk to Gorlovka in the north of the DPR. According to local residents, there are heavy mortars and artillery at work. The DPR soldiers fighting on this part of the front also report constant attempts to break through the frontline by Ukrainian subversive groups consisting of seven to ten people with the support of highly intense sniper fire. A DPR reconnaissance group managed to capture one of the snipers, who turned out to be a black-skinned man whose spotter or flanker was equipped with a Colt M4 carbine of US production.

Kiev has suffered heavy losses in the area of Yasinovataya. Only over the past day, 14 Ukrainian soldiers were confirmed killed and seven wounded. According to the DPR intelligence, in reality the number of unconfirmed casualties is much higher, but this information is suppressed by Kiev. Moreover,DPR sources on the ground report of a Ukrainian medical squad tasked with burying Ukrainian soldiers. The medical squad revealed that the soldiers had been killed near Yasinovataya, as well as that they had been ordered to file these dead soldiers as missing instead.

To avoid the disclosure of casualties, the Ukrainian military press service does not even mention the clashes near Yasinovataya in their daily reports. According to them, the tensest situation over the past day was the one in the northern suburbs of Donetsk, where the DPR shelled Ukrainian positions 20 times with an unspecified number of shells and bombs from 82mm and 120mm mortars and 122mm artillery. The Ukrainian military press service reported that in some cases the Ukrainians returned fire, though confining themselves only to small arms. It seems as if Kiev is mocking both the people of Donbass as well as the international observers, or maybe at least does not expect the international observers to contradict them.

The position of the OSCE mission in Donbass remains highly questionable. The DPR Defense Ministry openly places the blame for the heavy fighting in the area of Yasinovataya both on the Ukrainian commander responsible for this segment of the frontline and on
Alexander Hug, the deputy chief of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the clashes, Hug has not once visited the area. Instead, he went directly to Kramatorsk, where the Ukrainian operational headquarters is situated,
and made a statement about the DPR having withdrawn weapons and equipment prohibited by the Minsk agreement from their storage sites. At the same time, Hug made no mention in his report of Kiev having seized a significant part of the buffer zone.

The OSCE observers also refused to visit the DPR side of the frontline in the area of Yasinovataya due to safety concerns. This explanation sounds rather strange if, according to Hug, it is the DPR that is using weapons recently withdrawn from storage sites to delivery heavy fire on Ukrainian positions, with the Ukrainians only responding with small arms. Given such a rendering of the facts, the DPR side would be the safer one to be in the exchange of fire as reported. In addition, the OSCE mission yesterday announced the temporary closure, due to the danger posed to international observers, of its base in Stanitsa Luganskaya, a town in the LPR where the situation is the most tense on the Lugansk front.

It looks like the OSCE mission assesses the development of the situation on the frontline in Donbass much better than they state in their official reports. Kiev continues amassing weapons and equipment along the whole frontline. DPR intelligence reported that the Ukrainian side over the weekend delivered to the front 32 tanks, up to 40 self-propelled artillery systems, about 10 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, two self-propelled “Nona” 120mm mortars, three mortars, and a train carrying field artillery (see below pictures of weapons mentioned). The DPR sources on the ground in Kiev-controlled territory inform of columns of Ukrainian equipment heading for Donetsk and Gorlovka.

The LPR Defense Ministry also reported the arrival of five self-propelled artillery systems and an unspecified number of tanks to the frontline over the weekend. In addition, according to LPR intelligence, dark-skinned soldiers speaking English exclusively and wearing Ukrainian military uniforms also arrived.

DPR intelligence discovered an even more alarming fact. According to sources on the ground, Kiev has started evacuating residents of a locality in the south of Donetsk. In an effort to cut off Donetsk from the northern center of the DPR, there appears to be a sharp increase in the delivery and use of heavy weapons together with the evacuation of locals from areas near the front. It therefore appears that Kiev is at the final stages of preparing for a full-scale offensive. said:
Ukrainian Nuclear Engineers Protest the Criminal Order of the Ministry of Energy March 19, 2016

Journalistic Truth

Alexander Rogers

Translated by Kristina Kharlova

The world must not allow a second Chernobyl in the former Ukraine

Troops with a UN mandate must, at a minimum, take control of particularly dangerous objects, from nuclear power plants and to hydropower plants

It's time to admit that Ukraine is a failed state. None of the functions of the state described in any textbook is working, monopoly on violence is lost, the economy continues to disintegrate. Instead of properly operating state institutions – cargo-cult, imitation, formal picture of activity without essential content.

Two years after the "Euro-coup" the population of Ukraine has decreased from 45 million to around 32-33 million. Two million "sailed away" together with Crimea, and about six million with Donbass, and a few million simply fled to other countries. As a result the post-Maidan Ukraine beat the world records for depopulation.

Over 80% of population according to the norms of the UN are below the poverty line (living on less than 2.5 dollars a day, not counting utilities). In two years more than 2.5 million jobs have been destroyed.

March 17, 2016

Nuclear engineers refuse to follow the order of the Minister of Energy

Nuclear engineers argue that reactors of Ukrainian nuclear power plants constructed during the Soviet era can't be constantly used for daily adjustment of power.

Trade union of workers of nuclear energy and industry of Ukraine is strongly against the order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry about adjusting of nuclear units with daily decrease to 75% of power, the Central committee of Nuclear Trade Union has written to Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"On behalf of the staff of "Energoatom", which consists of highly qualified specialists in the field of nuclear energy, we warn: experiment with the use of power units of Ukrainian NPPs for leveling power of the integrated power system can lead to a catastrophe", - stated the document signed by the Chairman of Nuclear Trade Union, Valery Matov.

Nuclear engineers argue that reactors of Ukrainian nuclear power plants were constructed during the Soviet era and technically can't be constantly used for daily power adjustment.

"To reduce and increase the capacity of nuclear reactors several times a day, as suggested by the Ministry - is a crime," insist the authors of the appeal and call to abandon a potentially dangerous decision.

"Please remember about the experiment 30 years ago in Chernobyl. Nuclear engineers and people remember it" - they reminded.

As reported, in its action plan, the Cabinet plans to begin maneuvering units of nuclear power plants for the daily regulation of capacity of the integrated energy system before December 31. This will lead to accelerated wear of NPP equipment and may result in a disaster, energy experts believe.

About Ukrainian refugees to Europe there is this update: said:
Eurodream fail: Ukrainian refugees flood EU, threaten next migrant wave
March 21, 2016 -
Mateusz Piskorski, Izvestiya -
Translated by J. Arnoldski said:
Ukrainian politician says economy thrown 20 years back by Association agreement with EU
Business & Economy
March 21, 16:56 UTC+3
According to Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian Choice public movement, the country’s GDP slumped by more than ten percent in 2015, with inflation reaching 43.3%


The free trade zone with the European Union, according to Medvedchuk, has not lived up to the expectations of the Ukrainians either. "By mid-March 2016, Ukraine has completely filled its quotas for tax-free exports to Europe of the bulk of its commodity," he said. "The quotas have proved to be so miserably small that even supporters of the idea of a free trade zone with the European Union call Brussels’ handouts of quotas as ‘humiliating and miserable’ and admit that Ukraine has turned into a mere supplier of raw materials."
If it will be as hard for the EU to throw off the yokes from the US/NATO alliance as it is for the UA to realize where they are going then an awful lot of suffering is in store for the EU.
Donetsk republic urges OSCE to monitor military hardware in Ukraine’s central regions

Activities of Ukrainian armed units have been a matter of growing concern in recent weeks

MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has proposed that members of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine should include into their monitoring two Ukrainian regions, Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk, where movement of Ukrainian military hardware had been registered recently, DPR Special Envoy at the Minsk talks Denis Pushilin’s press secretary said on Facebook on Wednesday.

"A proposal of Denis Pushilin to expand the area of OSCE SMM monitoring has become rather significant," Viktoriya Talakina wrote, noting that "recently the intelligence of the Donetsk People’s Republic has been registering movement of a great number of military hardware in the Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions, neighboring the Donetsk and Lugansk regions."

"In Denis Pushilin’s opinion, the presence of OSCE SMM members in the Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions will allow to register such combat movements as well as to ask the Ukrainian leadership questions," she said.

"That is why, DPR envoy suggested that Mr (Martin) Sajdik should consider a possibility of expanding borders of the Special Monitoring Group’s activities," Talakina said.

Activities of Ukrainian armed units have been a matter of growing concern in recent weeks, she said.

"Ukraine’s Armed Forces have come unilaterally into ‘grey zones’, reducing the distance between the sides in certain areas to 70 meters," Pushilin’s press secretary said. "This proximity to the enemy provokes constant combat clashes practically along the whole contact line. Besides, Ukrainian military’s advance has caused a tense situation around the Donetsk filter plant."

Talakina said that the DPR envoy had raised the issues at the Wednesday meeting of the Contact Group resolving the Ukraine conflict.

Pushilin noted that Ukraine was ignoring the Contact Group’s decisions to ban firing exercises. DPR militiamen had been reporting about these exercises conducted in banned zones, she said.

"If Ukraine wants to find a peaceful solution to the conflict at least in the distant future, its representatives must implement the Minsk agreements and corresponding documents," she said in conclusion

Donetsk Defense: Situation Report, 23.03.2016

Over the past day the situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic has not changed and remains extremely tense.

The Ukrainian military violated the ceasefire forty-eight times over the past day and shelled the territory of the Republic three hundred thirty-five times. Altogether the enemy launched a hundred and seventeen mortar shells of 120mm and 82mm caliber and also used tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers of different types and small arms. The orders to shell the civilian population of the Republic were given by war criminals Klochkov, the commander of the 93rd brigade, Melnik, the commander of the 56th brigade, Zabolotny, the commander of the 58th brigade, and Sokolov, the commander of the 72nd brigade.

The most intense shellings from heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were applied to such localities as Zaytsevo, Zhabichevo, Vesyoloye, Dokuchaevsk, Kominternovo, Yasinovataya, Staromarievka, the area of the airport, the Volvo Centre and the Petrovsky district of the Donetsk city.

As a result of a mortar shelling by the AFU there were killed two soldiers of the DPR Armed Forces.

All data about violations of the Minsk Agreements were passed to representatives of the JCCC and the OSCE mission.

Our intelligence registered works on the equipment of the territory in engineering terms being carried out in the area of the locality of Novoluganskoye, near a feed mill.

The adviser of the President of Ukraine on security V.Gorbulin worked out a scenario, according to which events are developing along the contact line. The scenario envisages carrying out harassing shellings of the territory of the DPR, tightening the economic and social blockade of the territory uncontrolled by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as seizing the Republic by force and eradicating and destroying the population of Donbass. This scenario is fully adopted by the political and military authorities of Ukraine and is being precisely executed, which causes further suffering of the civil population and death of the military. The main goal of this scenario is to cancel the Minsk Agreements and propose their own plan which will lead to more bloodshed in the heart of Europe. This suggestion is confirmed by the fact of our registering a significant increase in provocations on the AFU side, especially after the departure of Alexander Hug, the deputy head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine. In particular, the situation is seriously deteriorating in the area of the Yasinovatsky checkpoint.

Our intelligence found out that from the headquarters of the “Donetsk” operative and tactic group there has arrived a commission with an inspection of the units in the ATO zone on the facts of understating losses by the AFU commanders and crimes against local civilians. The inspectors will travel in a Gazel vehicle, then in a reanimation vehicle usually used by the military of the 58th separate mechanised infantry brigade for delivery of ammunition to their positions to shell the DPR territory. The route of the inspection is scheduled first to the positions of the 16 separate mechanised infantry battalion of the 58th separate mechanised infantry brigade in the area of the industrial zone of Avdeevka, then to the area of the responsibility of the 128th separate mountain infantry brigade in the area of Vodyanoye. According to our sources, the military of the 16 separate mechanised infantry battalion of the 58th separate mechanised infantry brigade are preparing a terrorist attack at the members of the commission in order to conceal the fact of their crimes. It is found out that the organisers of the terrorist attack will know any change of the route or a vehicle the commission is going to make. We are interested in saving the lives of the members of the commission who have come to investigate the facts of war crimes committed by the AFU military. We hope that the evidence being collected now will be passed, after the change of the criminal political regime, to international courts.

Our intelligence keep registering the facts of abuse of the local population by the Ukrainian military on the territory occupied by the AFU. In particular, it is found out that the military from the MIA regiment “Dnepr-1”, while on duty at checkpoints in the zone of responsibility of the 54th separate mechanised brigade near Artyomovsk, commit bandit robberies, seizing the personal property of people. Moreover, the defenders of Ukraine's integrity are not shy about throwing their fighting positions to get enriched in nearby localities, leaving only a part of the personnel at positions.

We also keep registering facts of the Ukrainian soldiers running AWOL. In particular, after the abuse by the commanders, the senior private of the 54th separate reconnaissance battalion Dranishnikov deserted from the battalion. He is known to have weapons with him. Before leaving the private promised his comrades to find and shoot his commander. At present, in the area of the locality of Krasnoye there are being taken measures to search for the fugitive. Our intelligence has evidence that when the military personnel are detained in such cases, they are eliminated on the spot to hide the facts of their commanders’ crimes.

Our intelligence received credible information from a source in the headquarters of the 72nd separate mechanised infantry brigade that between the military of the brigade and foreign mercenaries (from Georgia) there was a skirmish which resulted in one Ukrainian officer wounded. The circumstances of the incident are being specified. It is known that this fact is carefully concealed from the higher command of the AFU.

Thus, the command of the AFU continues to hide the true losses to demonstrate a high level of combat readiness and to prevent the disruption of the next wave of mobilization.
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