Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Local administration says Donetsk was shelled last night

The self-proclaimed Donetsk republic defense ministry said earlier that Ukrainian forces shelled the settlement of Zhabichevo and Donetsk airport on Monday

MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/. Two residential houses were destroyed in the night shelling of the western outskirts of Donetsk, local administration head Maxim Zhukovsky said on Tuesday.

"Two residential houses were completely destroyed at night near the Trudovkskaya mine. Fortunately, no one was injured as people managed to go down to the basement in time," Donetsk News Agency quoted Zhukovsky as saying.

The self-proclaimed Donetsk republic (DPR) defense ministry said earlier that Ukrainian forces shelled the settlement of Zhabichevo and Donetsk airport on Monday.

The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics said that Ukrainian forces violated ceasefire regime 120 times and shelled DPR and LPR territory more than 320 times since December 23 last year.

At the meeting of the Contact Group on January 13 the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This is the seventh attempt to fully observe the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s south-east. At the recent meeting of the Contact Group in Minsk the participants expressed regret over continuing violations of ceasefire regime in Donbass.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The Minsk also accords envisage weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.
The Threat of an Armed Coup in Kiev Is Stronger Than Ever

In Ukraine, there is a real threat of armed revolution as never before, there will not be a third peaceful Maidan, and this is related to the suspension of IMF lending to the Republic.

This was stated by the former Deputy Minister of Finance Igor Umansky in an interview with the Internet-newspaper "Country,"

"The IMF saw and assessed the situation approximately as a political explosion, which in the short term may lead to the collapse of Executive power, the collapse of the coalition, the resignation of the government and as a result - early parliamentary elections. Perhaps, and not only... I'm talking about the possibility of an armed seizure of power. There will not be a third Maidan in the next few years. But you probably realize how much today's people are aggressive, armed and very radicalized in Ukraine. For many of them there are no shades of grey. The probability of a military scenario, an armed seizure of power with all the consequences, is as high as ever. No one will rise to defend the authority, neither the army nor the police. Implications – another Makhno, civil war, looting and the collapse of the country", — said Umansky.
Russia Insider
Ukraine blocks Russian trucks from crossing Ukraine's border
Published on Feb 16, 2016
More daily reality snacks at:
Pro-Western Kiev regime gives blessing to yet another crime by extremists

Ukraine Today (Propaganda Central) Videos
Blockade of Russian trucks in Ukraine continues (updates)
12:44 Feb. 15, 2016

(updated 17:02 16.02.2016)
Russia Suspends Ukrainian Truck Traffic in Symmetrical Move
"Due to the continued obstruction to the transit of Russian trucks through Ukrainian territory, from 12 p.m. Moscow time [09:00 GMT] on February 16, 2016, the transit of Ukrainian trucks through Russian territory is fully suspended. Cargo transit to the Republic of Kazakhstan will continue as per presidential decree No.1 of January 1, 2006, but with carriers from other countries," the ministry's statement reads.

Ukraine Set for Political Standoff as Bid to Oust Premier Fails
February 16, 2016 — 9:26 PM WAT

Production Moves to Iran Video
February 17, 2016 — 6:32 AM WAT
Saudi Arabia and Russia said their commitment to cap output at January levels depends on the cooperation of other producers. While an Iraqi official said his country was prepared to back the plan, Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh signaled some reluctance. Freed just last month to fully restore international oil exports after three years of sanctions, Tehran will bolster supply to recoup badly needed revenues, Commerzbank AG say
Circles of Hell: Shocking Film of Ukraine War Crimes, Sadistic Torture (Video)

Torturing for the fun of it - a new film by a Russian NGO documents heinous crimes in eastern Ukraine.

A new human rights NGO, Information Group IGCP has been established in Russia to document some of the horrific crimes committed against the people of Eastern Ukraine.

To raise much needed awareness absent from HR organizations in the West, they produced an English-language film ‘Circles of Hell’ documenting the gut wrenching stories of a few ordinary people from Donbass, who suffered heinous crimes under the hands of terrorist battalions and the Ukrainian military after the orchestrated coup in Kiev.

The interviewees are just a few victims of marauding militants, who tortured innocent civilians, turning their activities into a witch hunt against anyone suspected of collaborating with the Donbass people’s militia.

Around 25 minutes long, with facts that western media dare not be show lest they expose what they deliberately tried to obscure.

Published on: 16/01/2016

Great Documentary - War in Donbass: Circles of hell (1st part)

Great Documentary - War in Donbass: Circles of hell (2nd part)
Ukraine's Donbass shelled overnight

The positions of militias in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic were reportedly shelled two times over the past 24 hours

MOSCOW, February 19. /TASS/. The shelling of the western outskirts of the city of Donetsk overnight to Friday damaged the local natural gas supply system, the Donbassgaz gas utility told the Donetsk news agency on Friday.

"A gas pipeline in the Trudovskiye settlement was damaged and the roof of a private house was destroyed as a result of artillery shelling on the night to February 19," said a company representative.

According to him, three branches of the low pressure gas distribution pipelines with the diameter of 108 mm were damaged in the private sector.

"The emergency service "104" contained the accident," the company said. "With the onset of dawn the repair and restoration team started the work to replace the damaged pipeline sections."

Lugansk republic’s militia positions shelled two times

According to the local LuganskInformCenter news agency, the positions of militias in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic were shelled two times over the past 24 hours.

"Kiev forces opened fire on the Nizhneye Lozovoye village from the direction of the Mironovsky village late on Thursday using an infantry fighting vehicle," a defense ministry official told the LuganskInformCenter.

The shelling also targeted the neighboring Kalinovka village and the fire was opened from the positions in the Luganskoye village. No casualties have been reported.

At the meeting of the Contact Group on January 13 the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This is the seventh attempt to fully observe the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s south-east. At the recent meeting of the Contact Group in Minsk the participants expressed regret over continuing violations of ceasefire regime in Donbass

Ukrainian TV documents conditions of life in the Ukrainian army (video with English subtitles)

The youtube description:
"Ukraine: deterioration and alcoholism under the banners

Another report from the “Fed Up” team of the Ukrainian network ICTV presented by Vitaly Kovatch. This time on the living conditions, or rather the surviving conditions, of soldiers in the Ukrainian Army. Broadcast February 8, 2016"
This article has taken me by surprise ... when I think "of Dutch involvement with Ukraine" .... first thought is the MH17 criminal investigation? According to this article, the Dutch Government is involved in an April 6 Ukraine referendum ? And to add more confusion and nullify any neutral position in the MH17 investigation - as of January first, 2016 - the Netherlands is the president of the European Union. Is this one of the factors - why the Dutch have ignored Putin and Russia's investigation and analysis on MH17?

Dutch strategy to influence Ukraine “yes” vote leaks out

Thursday Feb 18, 2016 - The Dutch government recruited dozens of Dutch celebrities and opinion leaders to convince the public to vote “yes” in the so-called Ukraine referendum, according to a comprehensive communication strategy around the referendum that RTL Nieuws managed to get hold of.

The Ukraine referendum takes place on April 6th. In the referendum, the Dutch public can vote whether or not to accept an association agreement between the European Union and the Ukraine.

The strategy calls these Dutch celebrities “support channels”. Their goal is to talk about the referendum in a positive light, so that the Dutch are more inclined to vote in favor of the referendum. The list includes actress Victoria Koblenko, former soccer player Evgeniy Levchenko, Hilversum mayor Pieter Broertjies, publicist and D66 senator Petra Stienen, gay interest group COC and the Clingendael Institute.

All ministers will be given a copy of this communication strategy and it will be discussed in the council of ministers on Friday.

The communication strategy advises the politicians not to call the agreement with the Ukraine an “association agreement”, but a “cooperation agreement” instead. The team who drew up the strategy sees association agreement as a far too complicated word which is difficult to understand.

Politicians should also emphasize that the referendum is not about the quarrel with Vladimir Putin and Russia, or about the European Union’s management. It is only about the cooperation agreement with the Ukraine, and how it will be good for the Dutch market and for “ordinary Ukrainians”. It is simply a trade agreement with a country neighboring the EU which will open the door to “a market of 45 million people”, which will be good for the Dutch economy.

The document also contains answers to a number of questions. On the question of what the government will do if the public votes no, for example, the answer is: “At a valid no the government will reflect on the next steps and also discuss it with the parliament. The content of the public debate about the agreement will play an important role in that.”

The strategy finally also outlines what the cabinet should absolutely not do. The intention is to keep the discussion away from the geopolitical struggle between Russia and Europe for more influence in the Ukraine. The government does not want to give the “security argument” for or against Russia and Putin too much weight. The strategy team thinks that this will feel too much like “power games” and “scaremongering” to the public.

Published Jan. 1, 2016:

Netherlands takes over EU presidency as asylum issue looms

Starting today the Netherlands is the president of the European Union. And with divided politicians, critical citizens and international tensions putting the Union under pressure, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his ministers are set to have a difficult term, according to broadcaster NOS.

The main cause of the so-called refugee problem is the war in Syria – as long as the war continues, people will flee from it. The first tentative negotiations with involved parties may start late in January, but so far the international community have been unable to contain, much less resolve the conflict.

Another contribution to this problem is division in the EU. Despite numerous crisis talks and summits, most of the agreements made regarding the reception of asylum seekers, the asylum procedures, hotspots on the borders of Greece and Italy and guarding the borders better are yet to be implemented.

The Netherlands will also have to deal with the so-called Brexit during its term as EU president in the first six months of this year. The United Kingdom government plans to hold a referendum on whether the UK will remain in the EU before the end of this year. British Prime Minister David Cameron made a number of demands and thinks that his country will only stay part of Europe if they are granted.

Then there is the Ukraine. In addition to dealing with the aftermath of the MH17 disaster and war in the east, there is also the association agreement to deal with. The EU and Ukraine agreed on closer political and economic cooperation in 2014, but the Netherlands will hold a referendum on the matter on April 8th. While the results are by no means binding, a “no” will put the Dutch government in a difficult position. Disappoint their own people? Or go back on the “yes” they already gave in 2014.

And that is not even most of it. The bulk of the work the Dutch officials have to do happens behind the scenes. The EU President takes part in every EU meeting, draws up agendas, prepares decisions and formulate compromises. And while most meetings will be held in Brussels, the Netherlands will have to accommodate many ministers and officials during its term as president.

Published on Nov 26, 2015:
Ukraine president: Voting no on referendum is a “yes” vote for Putin

Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko is very hopeful that the Netherlands will vote for the association agreement with Ukraine in the referendum in April next year. He stresses the importance of Dutch people’s right to express themselves in a referendum, though he calls the voting “corn on Putin’s mill”, in an interview with NRC on Thursday.

In the referendum next year, Dutch citizens will vote on the Association Agreement that the European Union closed with Ukraine. The agreement hasn’t been ratified by the Netherlands yet. A majority in the Tweede Kamer, lower house of parliament, believes that the outcome of the referendum should be adopted as the Netherlands’ stance, if the outcome is valid, the Telegraaf reported on Wednesday. The validity of the outcome is determined by a number of factors, including that a minimum of 30 percent of Dutch citizens should cast their vote.

President Poroshenko issued a cautious warning in the interview with NRC. “Everyone in the Netherlands needs to know that a vote in the referendum is a vote for or against the Ukrainians who gave their lives for European dignity and values”, he said. He added that the MH17 disaster improved the relationship between the Netherlands and Ukraine. “You can’t arrange it. It just happened. Within three hours there was an ocean of flowers at the embassy in Kiev, from people who had never been in the Netherlands. Pain unities peoples.”
"European Ukraine" Ceases to Exist

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

18th February, 2016 - The ruling coalition created in the Verkhovna Rada, "European Ukraine", has ceased to exist. Included in the composition of the party, "Self-help", announced on Thursday their exit from the alliance, which lasted just over a year, thereby depriving it of a majority in Parliament. As was announced at a press conference in Kiev by the leader of the faction Oleh Berezyuk, all the representatives of the parties have also withdrawn from the coalition government and the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada.

The Revolt Of "Self-Help"
The reason for this manoeuvre by "Self-help" became a scandalous event when, in the Parliament on February 16th, deputies first found the work of the coalition government led by Arseniy Yatsenyuk unsatisfactory, but then refused to vote for his resignation.

"The Ukrainian people have witnessed an overt collusion between the leadership of the state, on the one hand, and the oligarchs and the forces in Parliament they control, on the other, Oleh Berezyuk said at a press conference. It was a final attempt at cementing the power of kleptocracy and oligarchy in Ukraine. It became obvious there was a powerful Alliance, which included part of the faction "Bloc of Petro Poroshenko", "popular front" and the remnants of the Party of regions controlled by a number of oligarchs. Such actions to delegitimised the government of Ukraine are an attack on the state system and have completely destroyed the parliamentary coalition "European Ukraine".

How it all began
Initially a majority coalition in the eighth convocation Verkhovna Rada was to be elected after the elections on October 26th, 2014, by forming five parties - "Bloc Poroshenko" (BPP), "Samopomich", "Batkivschyna", the Radical party and the popular front.

However, on 1st September 2015 the leader of Radical party, Oleh Lyashko, announced the exit of their political forces from the coalition and the transition into opposition after the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada, in the first reading, of amendments to the Constitution of the country in terms of decentralization.

After the Ukrainian Parliament on 16th February failed to remove the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the faction "Batkivshchyna" and several deputies of the BPP also left the coalition.

As a result of the exit of the faction "Self-help", the coalition lost its mandatory 226 Deputy seats. Now, according to the regulations, the current Parliament has a month to form a new coalition that will have the required minimum of votes. If this does not happen, Parliament will be dissolved and new elections be announced.

Yatsenyuk is stubborn
Yatsenyuk himself has already made it clear that he is not going to leave his post after with the collapse of the ruling coalition, which at one time formed his Cabinet.

Commenting on "Samopomich's" decision, he said, "forgetting about political blackmail and changing the rules of Ukrainian politics." "I can only sympathize with them, but they need to be able to bear political responsibility, he said, adding, "We don't want to throw the country into a pool of instability and chaos."

"My hand is stretched to the President and his faction," the Prime Minister stressed. "And not only mine, but all of the faction "popular front" which, together with the presidential coalition, is the basis of a coalition and the basis for change in the country... It must become European".

"I will hold consultations with the Radical party, and will once again talk to the President and leader of his faction," said Yatsenyuk.

Possible "reset"
Representatives of the "Bloc of Petro Poroshenko" also hope that they will be able to negotiate with other political forces in the Parliament, in particular to return the Radical party of Oleh Lyashko.

"If we are offered a clear plan and execute the plan, I do not exclude that the majority may include the Radical party", - said the leader of the faction PPO, Yuriy Lutsenko.

The new format of the coalition was also declared by representatives of Radical party.

"Now they (the ruling party) agree on almost all of our conditions. First of all, to our program's principles, which we have repeatedly stated," the MP's said.

The leader of the radicals Oleg Lyashko, on 18th February, from the rostrum of the Rada said that the Radical party is ready to participate in the formation of a new coalition. "If those who are in power are not able to find a common solution, are not able to build the country, we will offer a plan of action. We are ready to participate in the formation of a new coalition, in the new programme of action for the formation of a new government," he said.

The Cabinet will have to change
But even if the three factions will again be able to agree on a coalition, the government, most likely, will have to change. As was stated by the leader of the faction PPO, Yuriy Lutsenko, they would not cooperate with the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Lutsenko believes that Yatsenyuk should "reformat his government and present a concrete plan of action, or he must voluntarily resign". "If this does not happen, the Verkhovna Rada may express no confidence in the Prime Minister. Not the government, namely the Prime Minister," - said Lutsenko. "The ball is on the side of Yatsenyuk," - said the leader of the faction.

However, a number of Ministers, according to Lutsenko, should continue working. "We respect roughly eight Ministers, and believe that they should remain in any case. We are satisfied with the work of the Ministers-technocrats, for example, the Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure, Ministers of agriculture, social policy, energy," he said.
From said:
Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 16:42

The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic has sharply deteriorated.

Over the past week the Ukrainian side violated the ceasefire 138 times. The punitors shelled the territory of the Republic 839 times, including 729 times from heavy weapons.

The most intensive shellings from the heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were applied to such localities as Zaytsevo, Spartak, Staromikhaylovka, Zhabunky, Alexandrovka, Kominternovo, Dokuchaevsk, Lozovoye, Naberezhnoye, the area of the airport, the Petrovsky district and the Volvo Centre of the city of Donetsk.

As a result of the shellings, in the locality of Zaytsevo there were destroyed 16 private houses in the Karbyshev, Obruchev, Muravyov, Lisyansky streets and the Torgovy lane. The people there were left without a shelter.

In Donetsk there were destroyed five houses in the Zelyony Gay, Boky, Urozhaynaya, Mark Ozyorny and Bazhkirskaya streets. There were also damaged such objects of the social infrastructure as a gas pipeline in the Finalnaya street, a boiler house in the Vagner and Boky street, as well as 20 heating lines.

In Alexandrovka there was destroyed a private house N9 in the Shkolnaya street. In Naberezhnoye there were damaged four private houses and in Staromikhaylovka there was damaged a school.

Besides, the shellings keep bringing suffering to civilians, including children. According to the Republican Ministry of Emergencies, four civilians were wounded, two children aged of 11 and 2 got concussion.

Since long ago the Ukrainian commandment has adopted a practice of open terror against civilians of Donbass. Not only is Kiev closing checkpoints, creating a social and humanitarian tension for local residents, but it also gives orders to mine the busiest segments of roads and paths. Such actions bring suffering only to civilians. You already know the case of the explosion of a civilian minibus on a land mine at the AFU checkpoint near Mariinka, resulted in the death of four people, and that of a deliberate undermining of the railway, which caused eight train cars to go off the rail.

We call on Russia, Germany, France and the OSCE, as guarantors of peace in Donbass, to assist in solving the matter of a full ceasefire by the Ukrainian authorities and their implementation of the agreements reached in Minsk.

Now I would like to draw your attention to the development of the situation in Donbass.

Recently, there have become more frequent cases of stovepiping to the media from the Ukrainian side about the alleged ongoing shellings of checkpoints, in particular, the checkpoint "Mariinka". Besides, we are accused of preparing some offensive. This topic was even raised by the president of Ukraine in a telephone conversation with the US Vice President Biden and then was highlighted by the mainstream Ukrainian media for more publicity. I responsibly state that it is nothing but an attempt to discredit the Donetsk People's Republic in the eyes of the world community. We strictly observe the Minsk agreements. We can request the evidence of it from the Joint Center for Coordination and Control over the observance of the cease-fire and make it public.

On the contrary, according to our intelligence, by spreading false information the AFU commandment creates favorable conditions in the information environment to justify its aggressive actions. Only through the efforts of the Russian representatives in the OSCE and JCCC Kiev has not yet realized its bloody plans.

Besides, according to our intelligence, during the night from 22 to 23 February, on the eve of Defender of Motherland Day, there can be expected major provocations on the part of the AFU along the whole contact line in the Donetsk direction, which threaten to turn into large-scale fighting.

To prove the seriousness of the situation I want to draw your attention to a map that shows movements of the enemy’s personnel and weapons, as well as areas of ceasefire violations.

During the week the enemy was intensively amassing the forces and means of its groups:

In the Gorlovka direction:
The Ukrainian military have concentrated 16 artillery cannons, two tanks, three armored personnel carriers and five vehicles with up to 150 personnel in the area of localities Konstantinovka, Dzerzhinsk and Zhovanka.

In the Donetsk direction:
The Ukrainian military have strengthened their group with up to 30 MLRS “Uragan”, 12 MLRS “Grad”, 17 artillery cannons, two motorised artillery systems, 24 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, up to 50 vehicles with personnel and ammunition in the area of localities Krasnogorovka, Novogradovka, Vesyoloye, Pesky and Novomikhaylovka. Besides, according to our intelligence’s data just received, in the area of the locality of Mariinka there was registered the arrival of 11 tanks and three motorised artillery systems.

In the Mariupol direction:
The Ukrainian military have increased the number of heavy weapons to six tanks, one MLRS “Grad”, as well as 20 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, 22 vehicles with personnel and ammunition, sniper squads comprising foreign mercenaries and up to 60 personnel of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps “Right Sector” in the area of localities Volnovakha, Gnutovo, Myrnoye and Talakovka.

This information suggests that the Ukrainian military, supported by the US, are preparing a large-scale offensive but the DPR Army is in constant combat readiness and able to protect the people of Donbass.

Besides, according to our intelligence, in accordance with the recommendations of American advisers to the ATO headquarters, at the contact line there intensified the activity of sniper squads comprising both military from the AFU structural units and mercenaries from Poland and the Baltic states.

Particular attention should be paid to activities of nationalist battalions. Because of their patriotic exclusivity and lack of control over them from the official authorities they continue to sow terror against the civilian population. In particular, about 200 local residents of Vodyanoye and Shirokino, most of them elderly women, disadvantaged in their rights and disgruntled at actions of the Ukrainian punitors from the volunteer battalions, gathered in Mariupol and demanded the termination of the Nazis seizing their houses by force for accommodating their personnel. Apparently, the population of Mariupol is so weary of Ukrainianization imposed on them that they ceased to fear the armed Nazi bandits. We also cannot exclude armed provocation from their side against both the DPR and the AFU, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

At the end of the briefing I would like to sum up. As you can see, we openly state that the falsity, indifference and desire of Kiev to destabilize the situation in the south-east of the country becomes an obstacle in resolving the conflict peacefully. So, once again I call on the international organizations, including the authoritative OSCE mission and the JCCC representatives, to draw attention to the difficult situation in the Republic which is daily shelled by the Ukrainian military with the tacit consent of the world community. I urge the Ukrainian side not to play with fire and not to bring the situation to a bloodshed, but rather focus on the peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Vice-Commander Eduard Basurin, official translation by DONi News Agency
Where will it go from here? If one takes a lesson from WW2 the chaos will move away from the East of Ukraine although it does not look good just yet. As a sign of things to come there is now a Maidan 3, but not much will be heard about it because: said:
The only TV channel broadcasting Maidan-3 destroyed in Kiev
The news agency also carried this one although not related to Donetsk directly, one may guess that if the Dollar collapses, then the mercenaries in the UA will get less.
"Revolution of Dignity" fails to meet Ukrainians’ expectations
World February 22, 6:49 UTC+3

Drone footage captures one of Ukraine's bloodiest battlefield at Debaltsevo, 1 year later
Published on Feb 21, 2016

Ukraine: Kiev violated ceasefire 138 times in last week - DPR's Basurin
Published on Feb 21, 2016
The Deputy Defence Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR/DNR) Eduard Basurin stated that the Ukrainian side has violated the agreed ceasefire 138 times in the last week at a press conference in Donetsk on Sunday.

He said that they
"shelled the territory of the Republic 839 times, including 729 times using heavy armament."SOT, Eduard Basurin, Deputy Defence Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.

"The situation in the Donetsk People's Republic has sharply deteriorated. During the week, the Ukrainian side has violated the ceasefire agreement 138 times. They shelled the territory of the Republic 839 times, including 729 times using heavy weapons." SOT, Eduard Basurin, Deputy Defence Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (Russian): "As a result of the shelling, the civilian population including children have been affected. According to emergency ministry data, four civilians are injured, two children: an 11-year-old and a 2-year-old are shell shocked.

The Ukrainian command practices tactics of open terror towards the civilians of Donbass. For that, Kiev is not only closing checkpoints, creating social and humanitarian tension towards civilians, but also orders to deploy mines on the most active parts of the road and pedestrian paths. Only civilians are affected by that." SOT, Eduard Basurin, Deputy Defence Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (Russian):

"We are calling on Russia, Germany, France, the OSCE to be guarantors of peace in Donbass to help with the ceasefire and the Ukrainian command to implement the Minsk agreements.

Ukraine: Anti-govt. protest on Maidan Square set to enter third day
Published on Feb 21, 2016
Right-wing protesters continued to rally on Independence Square (Maidan Square) in central Kiev on Sunday. Calls were made for the immediate resignation of the government as several hundred demonstrators marked the two year anniversary of the Maidan coup

A summary of the events of February 21, 2016 .Eng
Published on Feb 21, 2016
Сегодня вечером украинские борцы не обстреливать территорию Донецкой Народной Республики вблизи контактной линии. Главы районных администраций сообщили агентству Донецкой сегодня.
В результате обстрела были повреждены 2 дома в селе Trekhizbenka из Славяносербского района. Глава администрации Андрей Загороднюк сообщили в Информационном центре Луганска сегодня. Украинские борцы используется гранатометы и стрелковое оружие.

Украинские батальоны обстреляли позиции LPR Народного Ополчения 4 раза. Министерство обороны LPR сообщили сегодня. Киев истребители открыли огонь в Калиновке от Луганское, Первомайске из Золотое и Trekhizbenka. Они использовали БМП, минометы калибра 82 мм, гранатометы и стрелковое оружие. Там никто не пострадал - отметил LPR Народного Ополчения.
За неделю DPR разведки команды зарегистрировано 35 артиллерийских систем, 19 танков, 47 бронетранспортеров и БМП, 30 реактивных систем залпового огня "Ураган", 13 реактивных систем залпового огня "Град", 5 самоходных орудий, 77 грузовиков с украинские борцы, 60 боевиков "правый сектор" и иностранных снайперов. Заместитель командующего Корпусом ДПР Министерство обороны Басурин сообщили агентству Донецкой в ​​пресс-центре сегодня.

Украинские борцы обстреляли территорию Донецкой Народной Республики 839 раз в течение недели. Басурин сообщили агентству Донецкой сегодня. 4 гражданских лиц были ранены. Зайцево на севере Горловке, Staromikhaylovka, Александровка, Спартак, Zhabunki, в районе аэропорта и Volvo-центра подвергались огню. Кроме того, Киев истребители открыли огонь по деревням Коминтерновский, Набережное на юге Донбасса и Lozovoe от Ясиноватского района. В результате обстрела 22 домов были разрушены, повреждены 4 дома на западе Донецке и школы на севере Горловке. Линия газопровода и 20 систем горячего водоснабжения были повреждены в Донецке - Basurin добавил
Ukraine removes anti-govt. protest camp in Maidan Square

Ukrainian authorities have started removing protesters' tents from the iconic Maidan Square in Kiev amid calls for government change.

Most of the tents were removed on Monday by municipal workers who also cleaned the square.

Anti-government activists set up camp at the famous location on Saturday during protests against the Ukrainian government.

The protesters who had gathered for the mass rally expressed their discontent with the current policies of Ukrainian authorities, denouncing them as “traitors” and blaming them for the ongoing crisis. They called for the creation of a “popular government” and demanded the immediate ouster of President Petro Poroshenko, as well as the dissolution of the parliament and the resignation of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Saturday’s protests marked the second anniversary of the bloody Euromaidan riots that led to the overthrow of the government of Viktor Yanukovich in 2014, and major unrest in the southern and eastern parts of the country where pro-Russia sentiments prevail.

The protesters also called for the imposition of martial law in the eastern regions of the country, as well as in Crimea, which separated from Ukraine and re-joined Russia following the 2014 referendum.

The Saturday rally ended peacefully with police reporting no major incidents or clashes with the protesters. However, some activists set up tents and lit fires in trash bins claiming they would stay on the square until their demands are met.

More than 100 people are believed to have died during violence in the Ukrainian capital between February 19-21, 2014.
Ukrainian forces shelling Donetsk airport for second time over last 24 hours - media

According to the source, Kiev forces are using mortars of 82mm caliber

MOSCOW, February 23. /TASS/. Ukrainian forces are again shelling the Donetsk airport, a source in security agencies of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Tuesday.

"At 2pm Ukrainian forces started shelling the Donetsk airport," the source told Donetsk News Agency.

According to the source, Kiev forces are using mortars of 82mm caliber. "They have already fired more than five mines. They are also using rocket-propelled grenades, automatic grenade launchers and small arms," the source added.

DPR defense ministry previously said that Ukrainian forces shelled DPR territory 19 times over last 24 hours.

At the meeting of the Contact Group on January 13 the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This is the seventh attempt to fully observe the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s south-east. At the recent meeting of the Contact Group in Minsk the participants expressed regret over continuing violations of ceasefire regime in Donbass.

The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics said that Ukrainian forces violated ceasefire regime more than 120 times and shelled DPR and LPR territory more than 320 times since December 23 last year.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. The Minsk also accords envisage weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.

Expert: Ukrainian Nuclear Energy Could Lead to "Chernobyl Disaster"

The refusal of Russian fuel cells and the use of American equivalents at the Ukrainian atomic power stations has already led to an accident at the South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).

An expert on atomic energy, Alexander Igonin, commented on this on the website "". "The technological inconsistencies of American nuclear fuel and Soviet reactors has already led to accidents at nuclear power plants in Finland, Czech Republic and Ukraine. Despite the official statement that the South-Ukrainian NPP "is all within the normal range", an unscheduled stop of the reactor is a serious incident, describing the technical state of the station" — he said.

Igonin also noted that the Kiev regime has significantly increased the risks of accidents at Ukrainian nuclear power plants. "The Zaporozhye and South-Ukrainian NPP are the first stations where the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers, before the end of the year, decided to start using exclusively American nuclear fuel. According to experts, such a move significantly increases the risk of incidents similar to Chernobyl", — stated the expert.

He reminded us that in future the Ukrainian authorities intend to make a transition to American nuclear fuel across all operated nuclear power station, with more than a dozen working reactors.

Earlier it was reported that the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant (NPP) disconnected its third turbine due to technical problems.
Very interesting article up on SOTT concerning a Canadian researcher's findings both on the Maidan sniper massacre and the sham of an investigation carried out by official parties. It's pretty long so I'll just post a snippet, but it's definitely worth reading in full.

Top expert on Maidan's sniper massacre explains fundamental differences between his & Kiev's investigations

The Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine simply ignored their own investigation findings and last month announced that their investigation found that this police unit killed not 39 but 48 out of 49 protesters during the Maidan massacre on February 20, 2014. The sole exception apparently is a Georgian protester, exact circumstances and location of whose death are still not confirmed. The GPU charged a commander and two other arrested members of the special Berkut company with the killing of these 48 protesters and even with a terrorist act because of the Maidan massacre. The fact that policemen, equipped with Kalashnikov assault rifles and positioned in a plain view of the protesters and hundreds of foreign and Ukrainian journalists, do not fit any definition of snipers, or concealed sharpshooters whom the protesters and journalists at the time of the massacre identified as killers, is also ignored.
Basurin Sitrep - 25th February, 2016
thorbiorn said:
From said:
Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 16:42

The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic has sharply deteriorated.

Thanks for the link. dninews looks like an excellent website. The author also reports on US snipers and other mercenaries augmenting Ukraine's morally bankrupt army:

Ukraine war update: Kiev breaks Minsk agreement with mercenaries, sabotage, & heavy shelling of civilian areas

Kiev previously always insisted that foreign mercenaries were merely being used as instructors for Ukrainian forces. However, two days ago it was officially announced that US snipers are to take part in the hostilities in Donbass on the Ukrainian side. At a press conference of the Georgian National Legion, which became a part of the nationalist battalion Kievan Rus, one of these snipers was introduced as already a member, with ten more to follow.

The Ukrainian authorities need mercenaries because their own army is collapsing. DPR intelligence has repeatedly reported of extremely low morale in the regular-army units, demonstrated by their constant drinking, marauding, and fighting of each other. Two days ago in the south of Donbass there was a fire at a local market that partially destroyed the main source of provision for the locals. According to Ukrainian media a probable cause of fire was violation of fire safety rules in using electrical appliances. The town residents, however, informed that the market had been set alight by Ukrainian soldiers after they plundered it while searching mostly for alcohol.
Kiev forces fire mortar shells at northern suburb of Donetsk overnight

Kiev forces also used grenade launchers and small arms

MOSOW, February 27. /TASS/. Ukraine’s forces shelled from mortars the territory of the airport and Volvo Center in the northern suburb of Donetsk overnight, a source in law enforcement agencies of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said on Saturday.

"At around 10.30 p.m. Ukrainian forces opened fire from mortars with the calibers of 82 and 120 mm on the territory of the airport. Simultaneously, the forces began shelling the area of Volvo Center," the source said.

The shelling was carried out from the positions in the villages Pesky and Opytnoye. Kiev forces also used grenade launchers and small arms, he added.

Last night, two militia members from the DPR were injured in the shellings of the western suburbs of Donetsk.
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