Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Poroshenko Signs Law on the Status of NATO's Office in Ukraine

President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has signed a law that sets the status of the representative office of NATO in Ukraine. It will be responsible for the development of cooperation between official Kiev and the Alliance.

The agreement between the government of Ukraine and NATO on the status of the NATO mission in the country was signed on September 22nd 2015 during the visit of the Secretary General of the organization Jens Stoltenberg. Structurally, the new office will consist of the NATO liaison Office and the Center for information and documentation of NATO. It will be fully exempt from taxes and duties in conducting its activities.

"The mission of NATO will contribute to the strengthening and expansion of Ukraine's participation in all forms of cooperation agreed between Ukraine and NATO, including the provision of consulting assistance", — said a post on the official website of the President of Ukraine, explaining the function of representation.

Previously, the document was ratified by the Verkhovna Rada.

3 Ukrainian captives swapped for 6 militiamen in Lugansk region

The militiamen of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic (LNR) have swapped several captives with the Ukrainian side in the 3-by-6 format on the bridge in the area of the town of Schastya on Feb. 26, an Interfax correspondent reported.

The exchange has been conducted in the presence of monitors of the Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (SMM OSCE), representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross and journalists.

LNR representatives handed over three captives to the Ukrainian side, the Ukrainian side - six captives.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called this swapping good news.

"Good news from the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Hrytsak. Three more of our fellow citizens have just been released from captivity, they will return home soon. We are waiting for more good news in the next few days," Poroshenko on his page on Facebook on Feb. 26.

Euro-integration Devastated Ukraine Worse Than WWII

Originally appeared at Polit Russia. Translated by Julia Rakhmetova and Rhod Mackenzie. The author is a popular Ukrainian blogger who also has a big following in Russia.

If you experience it every day, you quickly get used to it; you no longer overreact. Figures turn into statistics and then into history. This history has become so familiar that it no longer surprises anyone, hardly affecting most people. But two years have passed since Ukraine’s Euromaidan. In retrospect you start to realize how low the country has fallen during this period.

What is the ‘European’ present, now?

Territory and population - The Ukraine lost 47,000 sq. km. or 7.2% of its territory.

The population officially amounts to 42.7 million people, about 35-36 million without the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics and citizens who emigrated to Russia. Taking into account whose who left for Europe, we get 33-34 million people.

About 35.2 million people lived in the territory of the modern Ukraine in 1913. In 1944, after liberation, there were 33.5 million.

More than twenty years of looking for ways to join the West cost the country 7 million people and about 3-4 million ‘temporary’ emigrants. The past two years cost the country 3 more million people and an extra 7 million emigrants and ‘separatists’. The country suffered such devastation only once, after the events of 1914-1920 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Economy - Macroeconomic indicators of 2014-15 (excluding territories which Kiev today does not control):

•GDP: -16.49%;
•Industry: -22.15%;
•Agriculture: - 2.7%;
•Goods transported: -19.63%, of
•Passengers transported: -16.95%;
•Construction: -32.26%;
•Wholesale trade: - 25.37%
•Retail; -27.52%;
•Exports: -38.84%
•Services: -34.34%;

Today’s hole is worse than the one in 2008. During the first year of the world economic crisis, Ukraine’s economy declined a little, but then it rebounded. Now, at a time of relative stability in the world economy, due to Maidan and the decisions taken by Ukraine’s current government in favor of its people, it has declined again, and there may not be another rebound since the world is in recession again.

Entire industries are destroyed, often on purpose. Metallurgy, a strategic industry of Ukraine, declined in 1995-1996: in 2015 a total of 22.9 million tons of steel were smelted, in 1995-1996 it was 22.3 million tons. Now, even a small drop will roll back this vital sector of Ukrainian industry of fro 1960, when the Ukraine was just straightening its industrial shoulders, as a star of the USSR, the one the Ukrainian nationalists fight hard for, for 25 years without success. The economy has virtually collapsed.

Standard of living - Did the population begin to live better?

Maybe some people did. But this absolute minority of the Ukrainian population are the ones who made business out of the blood of their citizens. Most people have been living less well, and most has fallen into poverty.

Aside from those who lost everything due to the war.

The hryvna declined against the dollar from 7.993 hryvna as of January 1, 2014 to 24.00 at the beginning of 2016. Today a dollar is equal to 27.23 UAH.

The hryvna declined against the dropping ruble from 0.25 hryvna per ruble as of January 1, 2014 to 0.33 hryvna as of January 1, 2016; today one hryvna is equal to 0.36 RUR.

But man shall not live by dollar alone. He draws a salary in hryvna and buys products in hryvna. What are the achievements of the pro-European government?

The average monthly wage per employee in 2013 was 3, 265 hryvnia. In 2014, it was 3, 480, in 2015, 4, 207. In two years, the average monthly wage increased by 28.85%. During the same period, the official price level increased by 78.98%. The population has officially become poorer by a third, but in fact – by much more.

The population became poorer twice as fast as the rate of GDP decline. This alone shows who the new Ukrainian ‘people’s’ power works for. That is why over the past two years, the government’s credibility has rapidly fallen...


The citizens of the Ukraine do not trust the government. A poll conducted in December 2015 put the President’s credibility at 25%. At the same time, only 4% supported him unconditionally. The rest supported him partially, apparently out of hopelessness since they trust no one.

The credibility to the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament is much lower - about 10%. The personal rating of the Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is 1%. There’s not much room left for him to get to zero. But maybe he’s already there, with sociologists having decided to factor in a small error.

One should keep in mind that former Ukrainian citizens do not take part in the polls, such as those living in areas not controlled by Kiev, who have extremely negative attitudes towards all the above mentioned.

The day before the collapse of the Yanukovich government, his rating was almost one and a half times higher than Poroshenko’s today. And it’s twice as high taking into account the opinion of all former residents of Ukraine. Yet the West is in no hurry to provide support for the population of the Ukraine by overthrowing the anti-people’s regime, as it did in 2013-2014. Apparently, the situation suits it, notwithstanding the opinions and the future of Ukraine's population.

EU. Currently, it does not make any sense to conduct polls about the Ukraine entering the EU. The question is not about the desire of Ukrainians to get out of the hell it was pushed into by the European Union itself. The point is that Europe does not want to consider the Ukraine part of it.

One could sum up the relationship between the Ukraine and the EU: used, abused and refused.

NATO. Fewer Ukrainians want to join the alliance. Desire to hide under the North Atlantic umbrella peaked at the end of 2014 when, according to polls, 51% of Ukrainian citizens under the control of Kiev, voted ‘for’ NATO, 25% voted ‘against’ it. Naturally, this did not take into account the opinion of the residents of most of the Donbas and Crimea. By the end of 2015, only 46% of Ukrainians were ‘for’ joining NATO, with 31% against .

Actually, before the war, 10% of the population lived in the part of the Donbass that is not independent of Kiev. And another 1.5 million people have been forced to flee to Russia over the past two years. All of them have expressed their attitude both to NATO and the EU. But to do that they didn’t need to speak to pollster: some expressed their opinions with weapons in their hands, others, using their feet.

It’s not just about the citizens of the Ukraine, yet the US and Europe do not believe their stooges. For the third time, Western colonialists are trying to seize the Ukraine, but they always face the same problem. Those they choose as the best turn out to be thieves and scum - even murderers.

Everybody in the West believes that the current leaders of the Ukraine are capable of building something sustainable, but not everybody works is helping. It’s clear that without constant infusions from the IMF, ‘pro-European’ Ukraine will collapse and ‘fall’ under the tutelage of Moscow. In the West, everyone understands this and tries to do something. But a significant part of the Ukrainian government consists of citizens of the USA and the EU, but this doesn’t work too well. They say that external financial flows should be placed under the control of the IMF and European institutions.

Ditmar Stuedemann, ex-Ambassador of Germany to the Ukraine:

“The Ukraine is trying to become a modern democratic state for the third time, but so far all the money that came to Kiev from the Wes, disappeared into a black hole. The Marshall Plan for reformation and development of the country will only be worth-while if all the financial assistance that Kiev has received is controlled by the IMF and European institutions. If we leave it entirely in the hands of the Ukraine, it will never work, as experience shows. Over 25 years of its (Ukrainian) independence, we have observed an uncontrolled struggle for power, serving private interests. If this repeats again, the current financial stabilization will never reach its goal”.

After two years of independence, there is no credibility in Kiev. The United States and Europe consider the Ukraine as a colony under direct foreign control. They do not see any other way to develop Ukrainian independence, because any real independence of Ukraine’s elites equals the destruction of the state. The end of the history that the West dedicated the last twenty-five years to building on the ruins of the Soviet Union, has been ‘the Ukraine, not Russia’.

Unfortunately this is not the end of our history. Only two ‘happy’ years have passed, becoming a frightful present for its people. Considering the determination of ‘Eurointegrators’, the experiment is likely to continue.

USA has acquired permission to build a military base in Poland (English translate)

US Department of Defense signed the first contract in the amount of $182 million in the framework of military bases and air defense complex near the village of Redzikowo in northern Poland. Americans are beginning to build new base in Poland.

On this base in Redzikowo village (5 km from the town of Slupsk) Americans will deploy several air defense systems: Aegis Ashore missile defense system, radar and launching system SM-3 and others.

Delivery of this specific "goods" ensure AMEC Programs Inc. based in the USA state of Georgia.

Polish daily Dziennik Bałtycki notes that construction work on the former military airport of the Polish Air Force, where they start to build the New American base, intending to be completed in April 2018.
Furthermore, US Army Master corpus preparing a separate tender in the amount of 25 to 100 million dollars to build the relevant infrastructure project in Redzikowo.

Americans are Planing construct office buildings, residential buildings, hangars, garages and other buildings.

On this base would be deployed at the beginning of some 300 members of the US Marine Corps.
Amnesty International: Ukraine Murdered Those Who Expressed Sympathy for Russia

Human rights advocates Amnesty International published a report on the observance of human rights in the world in 2015 – 2016. According to "Korrespondent", who references the study, Ukraine has become an extremely dangerous place to express pro-Russian views: In April, Oles Buzina was killed, and journalist Ruslan Kotsaba became the first Ukrainian prisoner of conscience in five years when in February he was placed in custody on charges of treason.

As was written by Korrespondent, in parts of the report about Ukraine emphasis is placed on aspects such as the armed conflict in the East of the country, the punishment of those responsible for war crimes, flagrant and violations of international humanitarian law, crimes committed during the "euromaidan", and freedom of expression and LGBT rights.

It is noted that at the end of the year the UN estimates the death toll in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine to have exceeded 9,000 persons, including 2,000 civilians, "many of whom were, apparently, killed by indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks".

"Despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities have initiated several criminal investigations into suspected violations committed by Ukrainian forces - mainly paramilitary groups - as of the end of the year there had been no convictions. Total impunity persisted in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions; the prevailing lawlessness in these areas has worsened everywhere ", – said the study.
In Ukraine detained the head of the civilian body "Azov-Crimea"

Moscow. February 29th. INTERFAX.RU - The head of the civil building "Azov-Crimea" Stanislav Krasnov was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine and is now in jail SBU, said at a briefing in Kiev, head of the special services Alexander Tkachuk apparatus.

According to the SBU, Krasnov gave the Russian side lists regiment "Azov", as well as from 10 to 13 February was in Belarus, where he met with his "supervisor".

The SBU also believe that Krasnov "set the task to prepare the murder of an activist" on the border with Crimea "in order to destabilize the situation."

According Tkachuk, "so that the Russian side would have had an excuse to invade the Kherson region." At the same time representative of the Security Service of Ukraine stressed that the responsibility for these actions would lay activists, and including the "Azov" regiment.

Killer in Maidan could not keep silent any longer, but nobody wants to hear

Two years after the Maidan has become increasingly clear who was the real inspirer and organizer of the "victory"

KYIV , February 29, 2016 , 21:14 - REGNUM informs recent victory in Ukraine euromaidan junta once again commemorate the "heroes heavenly hundred." Browser IA REGNUM Sergei Gurkin again remembered the bloody events of two years ago and called to extract from them the right lesson.

February 20, 2014 dozens of people were killed on the streets of Kiev, the majority of whom were protesters. Total for three days from 18 to 20 February, killing more than a hundred people, including one hundred protesters who later pathetically called "heavenly hundred."

Then, two years ago, killing of protesters on Independence attributed to the then government and the secret services, was acquitted in the eyes of the international community of its force to overthrow the government. Actually, for they were made, apparently - to justify the coup. Today it is announced publicly: not shot power, and "activists". But in the West, and for which it was played the bloody setting, it is no one else cares: Maidan victim did their job, you can forget about them.

Evidence that the murder was organized coup leaders lacked before. But now the recognition of the participants went to the Maidan security officials murders. West and does not notice it. What it speaks in favor of what many long suspected - that he, the West, and has been the main, if not the organizer, the inspirer and the Maidan, and shooting at protesters, and everything else.

While demagoguery about the unfortunate "heavenly hundred 'was at hand, and the junta, and the West, it has been honored. When the fog cleared a bit in their heads, and it became clear just whose victims were killed in the Maidan, their death and its investigation have stopped anyone was interested.

Well, snipers shooting at protesters back - this is the old tested method, known since the time of adjustment - then it was applied in Vilnius. It is a pity that at the time of the Maidan was not understood by the authorities of Ukraine and Russia - then the coup, perhaps, have been able to avoid.
sToRmR1dR said:
Killer in Maidan could not keep silent any longer, but nobody wants to hear

Two years after the Maidan has become increasingly clear who was the real inspirer and organizer of the "victory"

KYIV , February 29, 2016 , 21:14 - REGNUM informs recent victory in Ukraine euromaidan junta once again commemorate the "heroes heavenly hundred." Browser IA REGNUM Sergei Gurkin again remembered the bloody events of two years ago and called to extract from them the right lesson.

February 20, 2014 dozens of people were killed on the streets of Kiev, the majority of whom were protesters. Total for three days from 18 to 20 February, killing more than a hundred people, including one hundred protesters who later pathetically called "heavenly hundred."

Then, two years ago, killing of protesters on Independence attributed to the then government and the secret services, was acquitted in the eyes of the international community of its force to overthrow the government. Actually, for they were made, apparently - to justify the coup. Today it is announced publicly: not shot power, and "activists". But in the West, and for which it was played the bloody setting, it is no one else cares: Maidan victim did their job, you can forget about them.

Evidence that the murder was organized coup leaders lacked before. But now the recognition of the participants went to the Maidan security officials murders. West and does not notice it. What it speaks in favor of what many long suspected - that he, the West, and has been the main, if not the organizer, the inspirer and the Maidan, and shooting at protesters, and everything else.

While demagoguery about the unfortunate "heavenly hundred 'was at hand, and the junta, and the West, it has been honored. When the fog cleared a bit in their heads, and it became clear just whose victims were killed in the Maidan, their death and its investigation have stopped anyone was interested.

Well, snipers shooting at protesters back - this is the old tested method, known since the time of adjustment - then it was applied in Vilnius. It is a pity that at the time of the Maidan was not understood by the authorities of Ukraine and Russia - then the coup, perhaps, have been able to avoid.

The truth is eventually pushing its way through the lies, obfuscation and propaganda that was fed to the dupes on Maidan and the rest of the world.

On the Second Anniversary of Maidan, the Truth Starts to Come Out

During the month of February this year, marking the second anniversary of Maidan, the truth is starting to leak out. And it challenges the image of the coup as being a “revolution of dignity” conducted by peaceful protestors outraged by government corruption, united in a valiant struggle for a better European future in the face of a brutal police response, culminating in the deadly shooting of 100 protestors commemorated as the Heavenly Hundred.

That was a picture projected to the whole world, mesmerizing it for months. Whatever evidence was given by the opponents of Maidan, pointing to the aggression and violence of protestors against anyone who opposed them, including burning and torturing policemen, was ignored. Law-enforcement authorities were condemned as guilty of starting the massacre before there was any investigation. The investigation itself, launched under pressure from the West, has lasted two years and has failed to come across any evidence that favors police authorities.

But in what may seem like an ironic twist of fate, the original supporters and active participants of Maidan have been letting the cat out of the bag in spite of Kiev’s best efforts to hide the truth of what happened on Maidan. On the eve of the second anniversary of the massacre in the capital of Ukraine, the Bird In Flight portal published on 19 February 2016 an interview with Ivan Bubenchik who admitted without remorse to being one of the snipers who killed police officers during Maidan, helping escalate the confrontation to a deadly level.

The Maidan radicals’ intention to overthrow the legitimate authorities at any cost is also evidenced by Alexander Skubchenko, a Kiev businessman whose office was situated on the third floor of the Trade Union House in which the “revolutionaries” placed their headquarters. Every day he saw through his windows radicals on Maidan being trained to storm, using bats and chains, the barriers of policemen. He heard all those Russophobic slogans which sounded from the stage and were the core of Maidan. He realized why the radicals wore balaclavas outside the building: many of them were swarthy guys who didn’t even speak Ukrainian or Russian. He witnessed a coup d’etat being committed with the support of the minority and the unconstitutional violence in the center of the capital of his country.

The failure of the first ceasefire

Things only got worse from there, with the country subsequently plunged into civil war. Further truth emerged against the backdrop of Kiev’s constant accusations of the DPR and LPR violating the Minsk Agreement in an interview given by General Yuriy Dumansky to the “Cauldron of lies” project of the Strana internet news site.

General Yuriy Dumansky was a representative of Ukraine who signed the first Minsk Agreement on 5 September 2014. The document obliged both sides of the conflict to cease fire in Donbass and make some mutual territorial concessions.

According to Dumansky, the DPR and LPR fulfilled their part of the Minsk Agreement, the situation on the contact line stabilized, and the intensity of shelling significantly decreased.

However, in the middle of November, strange things happened. First, the OSCE mission withdrew its representative who was a member of the Contact Group and signed the plan of measures on resolving the conflict. Then a representative of the Presidential Administration came to the Ukrainian representatives in the Contact Group with an inspection.

Dumansky says that Poroshenko’s representative was very surprised to find out that the plan of measures on resolving the conflict had been signed. After Dumansky’s statement that the “separatists” were willing to negotiate, he left. A few days after the inspection, Dumansky received an order to withdraw his signature under the plan and return to Kiev.

“In January a big war started again in Donbass. In February there was the Debaltsevo pocket,” says the general.

Debaltsevo pocket

The battle at Debaltsevo is one of the most tragic events of the civil war in Ukraine. According to the militia, they surrounded eight to ten thousand Ukrainian troops. This is the only available information because Kiev classified all data about the number of personnel and military equipment trapped in the pocket.

Kiev would not admit that its troops were surrounded and on the verge of a crushing defeat until the very end. On 11 February 2015, when the DPR and LPR reported that they had blocked the last road connecting the surrounded troops and the rear, the Defense Minister of Ukraine, Stepan Poltorak, informed Ukrainian journalists that there was no pocket at Debaltsevo, that the units in the town received weapons and ammunition and that the commanding officer had a stable connection and interaction with them.

On 15 February the Head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, officially appealed to the surrounded troops and proposed to them “green corridors” out of the pocket on the condition that they leave their weapons and equipment behind. According to captured Ukrainian soldiers, the proposal never reached them. They were not even aware that they were surrounded. Many officers were the first to flee, and the commanding officer kept promising them reinforcements that were never to come. In panic they tried to break out of the pocket using byroads and all available vehicles. The militia considered this a violation of its conditions, and opened fire.

Then on 18 February, President Poroshenko suddenly announced the completion of ‘the planned, orderly withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Debaltsevo’. According to him, about 2,500 soldiers, or 80% of the personnel, had left the town with their weapons and almost 200 units of equipment, with casualties limited to six men killed and more than 100 wounded. Later the Ukrainian Defense Ministry officially announced the number of casualties during the whole Debaltsevo battle as being 136 killed and 331 wounded.

In August 2015 in an interview with the weekly Novoye Vremya (The New Time), the Chief of Staff, Viktor Muzhenko, said, ‘I personally believe that it was one of the most successful Ukrainian Army operations’.

When on 19 February the DPR Army made it public that in the battle at Debaltsevo the Ukrainian side had lost more than 3,000 men, Kiev called it propaganda.

When Ukrainian survivors wrote in social networks that ‘in one hospital in Artyomovsk alone there were more than 170 wounded and the dead were left in the street because morgues couldn’t take any more of them’, and volunteers quoted messages received from the pocket stating, ‘We’re running out of food, we’re running out of water, people are fighting for a place in a basement’, it was called by President Poroshenko ‘fabrications made outside Ukraine’.

And yet a year later on 19 February 19 2016, Yury Biryukov, a former adviser of the Ukrainian leader, wrote on his Facebook page that when the battle started, he had received a direct order from the President ‘to bring confusion and lie, lie and lie’.

‘A year has passed, so I can speak about it. I was called to Bankovaya Street (street where the Presidential Administration is based) at about 4pm. The President voiced a request, somewhat unusual…

We were to get the enemy confused for two days. At night we were to start a “All-good-we-stand” wave in Facebook and keep it going for at least two days. At any cost to reputation. We were just to straightforwardly lie and lie and lie.’

Buryukov added that the Defense Ministry coordinated all stages of information bursts and picked up suitable photographs. The official was also to persuade his friends, bloggers, to support the action.

The former adviser of the Ukrainian president does not say a word about responsibility for thousands of dead Ukrainians. He just complains that the action failed because the truth about what was going on in the pocket leaked into Facebook.
Gen. Breedlove: US Begins Training of Ukraine Defense Ministry Forces

The United States has started training of Ukrainian Ministry of Defense forces in the western part of the country, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen. Philip Breedlove told the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States has also recently completed training the "first generation" of Ukrainian special operations forces, Breedlove said. "We are just starting the second class," he added.

"We have just finished that iteration [of training for Ukrainian national guard forces] and now we are beginning to train the Ministry of Defense Forces in Yavoriv, and this is an incredibly successful program," Breedlove said.

As part of NATO partnership-building with Ukraine, Washington began providing additional military training to Ukraine in 2014.

The training and increased joint NATO-Ukrainian military exercises followed western allegations that Russia was meddling in Ukraine’s internal affairs. Moscow has repeatedly denied interfering militarily in Ukraine.
Kiev accused the militia of Donbass in 47 firings per day

Moscow. 2nd of March. INTERFAX.RU - Militiamen self-proclaimed republics of Donbass Tuesday from 6:00 to 6:00 the environment 47 times fired at positions of the Ukrainian military, said the press center of the headquarters of the military operation in south-eastern Ukraine.

"For the last day recorded 47 attacks on the Donetsk direction 29 attacks on Mariupol 15 and three in the Lugansk." - Said in a morning summary of the press center, located in facebook Wednesday.

According to staff at Svetlodarsk arc militia shelled strongholds Ukrainian military Mallorcan mortars caliber 82 mm, and Zaitsev and Novgorod - rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns. According to the report, the position of Ukrainian forces in the Experimental, Peski and Avdeyevka were fired "from different types of weapons."

Press center also notes that the situation in the region and Marinka Krasnogorovka was unstable. At positions in Talakovke, Chermalyk, Gnutova, Krasnogorovka Nevel and mortar fire was fought.

As the press-center headquarters at midnight militias have reduced activity.

For its part, Lugansk information center reported shelling of several districts of the region on the part of the Ukrainian military.

In particular, according to police self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, under fire hit the village of Krasny Liman, Yellow, Kalinovka and Logvinova. At the same time, as the militia say Ukrainian security forces were firing mortars caliber 82 mm, small arms and infantry fighting vehicles.

"No casualties", - said the police LC.
CENSORED! Facebook Boneheads Ban Reputable Donbass News Agency And Its Finnish Founder

Note: Originally appeared at Doninews

The DONi News Agency contributes a regular column to RI, called "Donetsk Blog", and RI knows the people who founded DONi well. They are totally legit. Looks like another Facebook screwup, or perhaps just run-of-the-mill deep state harassment.

Facebook has censored a popular, accreditated and officially supported DONi Donbass International News Agency main FB-site on Tuesday 1.3. evening. Banning of DONi was done in the midst of harsh escalation of the armed conflict in Donbass, and it happened just after the press conference which had been held in the Lugansk capital, where opening of the new DONi Lugansk branch was announced by the Director and Chief-Editor Janus Putkonen. Also Putkonen's personal FB-account was frozen for the coming three days.

FB closed the official DONi news page having accused DONi News Agency of breaking FB-rules and we are charged with "spreading hatespeech". DONi Director's personal FB-account was frozen under the same pretext. "I am amazed, I haven't heard before about any official news agency site banned from Facebook", said the Director of DONi News."Was this done only because we keep widening our news coverage from Donbass?"

"It's clear that we haven't broken any rules, so this means, that there are no rules left", commented Janus Putkonen on Facebook's sudden decision to close the rapidly growing DONi FB-site which had gathered almost 4,000 likes and kept collecting averagely 200 likes per week.

"We report the western audience the situation in Donbass and yes, we widely cover the facts and documents bearing evidence of the cruel reality - how the Ukrainian nazi-batallions are attacking the Donbass defenders, cities and civilian targets. It's clear that the bloody and Western backed military provocations, committed by the Kiev forces, don't suit the Western media narrative and the picture they want to show about Donbass. In fact, it's the truth about Donbass, what doesnt't fit at all the western agenda", continues Putkonen.

"Today's Facebook is not an objective internet platform for open and friendly discussions and sharing information. Just contrary to that, it has become a highly politized weapon of mass distortion to rule people's views and understanding. What had been presented as a friendly platform, silently turned into the dangerous media weapon and it's policies are taken over by the western geopolitical interest groups. We need to understand, that Facebook is controlled by the same international power structure, which promotes the western hegemony over the world. This hegemony of the western ideology has been implemented into people's daily discussions and everything challenging this corporate mainstream media supported narrative, gets cornered, banned and stamped as a threat", said Putkonen.

"What we can see, is that in FB there is no room for challenging discussions of the world's multipolarism, which is widely supported by the Russian world and its allies. Basically everything challenging the western rule and its interests, is today something what is called hatespeech", said Putkonen. "Fascism always needs sensorship".

"DONi News Agency and Press Center is a privately funded and non-profit making multiple language newsroom, which is based in Donetsk and Lugansk. Together with the local staff, we provide a daily outlook of the reality in Donbass. So it means that we give voice to the Donbass people and its defenders, who are fighting this very minute against the attacking Nazi-troops. It's a fact that we can hear the sound of battles in our offices right now, and that fact is a part of the information blockade in the West these days," says Putkonen and asks a serious question, "so what is the truth about the western "hatespeech?"

"Those telling the truth, are what they hate most. Every independent and alternative media is in great danger coming from the hegemonic facebook-policy. In blatant cover of hatespeech the elite rule is waging brutal aggression against people's freedom of speech", concludes Putkonen.
"Surgical Waste" in Odessa Cemetery - Who Is Buried in the Unknown Graves?

A Youtube clip made by a local resident from Odessa, posted on February 26th, literally blew up social networks. The author argues that Ukrainian TV channel TSN showed photographs taken at the Odessa cemetery, while on the Ukrainian TV channel they were presented as photos from a cemetery in Rostov-on-don.

To refute this misinformation, the author went, on February 23rd of this year, to the cemetery near Odessa, filming the entire journey, asking passers-by where it is, so there was no doubt that the recorded footage is in Odessa, and not in Rostov.

"Oh my God, how awful"

Whilst discussing this movie, only Ukrainian social media users maintain deep silence, with the rest of the comments resembling a roll call from around the world.

"Friends, this video does not display on phones and tablets".

"Everything indicates this is Odessa, confirmed..."

"Perm, everything is perfectly visible!"

"Laptop in Moscow works!"

"I myself have shown. Nizhny Novgorod".

"Kaliningrad is all shown".

"In Germany is not shown".

"They've watched it. Still silent. Hope, they think about it."

"OMG, how awful.. No name, no date of birth - people don't exist - just the remnants after organ harvesting". Anyone who watches the video will be terrified not only by the number of nameless graves, but also the cynical inscriptions on them - "Surgical waste". However, some of the graves have crosses already, apparently, placed by relatives, but the bulk of the graves and remains of the mounds have signs indicating that "waste" is buried from the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity.

After photos from the Odessa cemetery were published on social networks in 2014, many expressed doubts whether these photos were taken in Odessa. I then offered to make a report with reference to the terrain, to which the citizens answered saying that already tried, but stumbled upon members of the National guard. Imagine, there was an outpost of officers of law-enforcement bodies at the cemetery! By the way, one brave soul was even detained for trying to take photos.

I no longer began to work on the idea, to not expose people under the punitive machine of the new democracy. But as time passed, apparently, the authorities decided that we had forgotten about the site. This was in vain. We all remember.

And a big thank you to Odessites who agreed to provide us with proof of the existence of mass graves named "Surgical waste" in Odessa, and not in the mythical Rostov-on-don. Yes, the forgotten fallen soldiers is a stain on the reputation of the state. Yes, you can still find the remains of soldiers of WWII who were honorably buried dozens of years after their death, but this is a different story — forgotten graves hidden under the guise of mounds tagged as surgical waste.

In Odessa this field has already been called "bone field" or "field of the roasted", because many soldiers were burned in jets or tanks in the area ATO. It is clear that the authorities and their cronies did not like the disclosure of such information, but you cannot hide an awl in a sack. Sooner or later they will have to answer to the international community, how it could happen that people in Central Europe were turned into surgical waste.

Who are these people?

Now we move to the issues frequently discussed on social networks about the relationship of these burials with the events of May 2 in Odessa. Once again I want to remind you that the first photo of the graves in Odessa were made in the summer of 2014, after the Odessa tragedy. By the way, in the video we find confirmation of this — there are fixed parts of the graves that are already overgrown and different from the fresh graves of the soil subsidence that occurs, as you know, about a year after burial.

Thus, we can say for sure that this is not the Rostov cemetery, which was mentioned on TSN, but Odessa. The number of graves indicates that this is a mass grave of unknown people. In addition to these facts, a number of other issues arise.

Who's buried in the graves with signs saying "Surgical waste"? If the corpses are from the fields of the ATO, why did they have to be transported a hundred miles from the battlefield?

Are these the graves of the mass killings at Odessa House of Trade Unions on 2 May 2014?

Who set up the crosses and wreaths on individual graves, and if it is the relatives of the dead, how did they learn that it was here their relatives were buried in a nameless cemetery?

An investigation into the Odessa Khatyn tragedy, the mass executions on the Maidan, and the worthless losses during the armed conflict in Donbass - the currently active regime is unable to do it, and there is a need for an international investigation. Only a thorough investigation can answer the question of who is buried in Odessa cemetery, and why the current government hinders the investigation of mass deaths of their own people.

Lyashko Predicts Collapse of the European Union and NATO

Oleg Lyashko predicted the collapse of the EU in the near future. The scandalous Ukrainian politician wrote this on his Facebook page, responding to the statement by the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, about the impossibility of Ukraine's accession to the EU and NATO.

According to Lyashko, because of the policies of the current leadership, the EU will collapse in five years. There will be no Schengen zone and, maybe, no NATO.

"Ukraine will not become a member of the EU: because of such a policy pursued by the current leaders of the European Union the EU will not be here in five years. Like the Schengen visa-free regime, which we have aspirations of, but the Europeans will not give it to us under any pretext. There will be no EU, there will be no Schengen, and, maybe, there will be no NATO. And Ukraine will remain", — wrote Lyashko.

Earlier it was reported that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ruled out the possibility of Ukraine's accession to the EU in the next 20-25 years. According to the politician, it is unconditional and an obvious fact to all. Juncker also said that the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO is also excluded.
Kiev’s military fire on Lugansk republic from mortars - militia

"They used mortars and grenade launchers (58 and ten shots respectively)", the LuganskInformCenter quoted the authority

MOSCOW, March 6. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military for the past 24 hours opened fire from mortars on positions of the militia in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), the republic’s defense authority said on Monday.

"Over the past 24 hours, we fixed one case of violation - at 20:40 the Kiev military opened fire from positions in Luganskoye on the Kalinovka settlement," the LuganskInformCenter quoted the authority. "They used mortars and grenade launchers (58 and ten shots respectively)."

"No casualties," the militia said on Monday.

Press service of the Ukrainian punitive operation in war-torn Donbass - in their turn - accused the self-proclaimed republics of 38 violations of the ceasefire regime.

The military and militia of the self-proclaimed republics in Ukraine’s south-east have agreed several times a ceasefire regime in the conflict zone, but OSCE monitors are still fixing fire exchanges.

At the meeting of the Contact Group on January 13 the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This was the seventh attempt to observe fully the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s war-torn south-east.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine. The package of measures also envisages weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, said in a comment on the 13th report on Ukraine, the document shows that "the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine remains tenuous, with reported violations of the ceasefire, the continued occurrences of indiscriminate shelling and the presence of anti-personnel mines and remnants of war. Between 16 November 2015 and 15 February 2016, 78 conflict-related civilian casualties were recorded in eastern Ukraine, bringing the estimated casualty figures since the beginning of the conflict to more than 30,000 people, including at least 9,160 killed and 21,000 injured (figures include civilians as well as Ukrainian armed forces, and members of armed groups).

"The implementation of the Minsk Agreements is the only viable strategy for achieving a peaceful solution in certain areas of eastern Ukraine controlled by armed groups, which, in turn, is key for resolving the human rights crisis in Ukraine. This includes the restoration of effective control by the Government of Ukraine over the border with the Russian Federation and the withdrawal of foreign fighters, mercenaries and military equipment," the commissioner said.

AFU establish military hospital in Mariupol, preparing for war

The Ukrainian security officers make preparations for hostilities in the so-called zone "anti-terrorist operation" and turn city hospital in Mariupol to military hospital - DPR Ministry of Defense.

The Ukrainian command is getting ready for renewal of military operations in the zone of "anti-terrorist operation". In this connection the city hospital № 9 of Mariupol is turned to military hospital.

DONi News Agency
Russian journalists, including Ruptly stringer, come under shelling in eastern Ukraine

A group of Russian journalists, including a stringer for RT’s Ruptly video agency, have come under shelling by Kiev forces at a checkpoint near the town of Yasinovataya in eastern Ukraine.

No one was injured in the incident on Tuesday, but the journalists were forced to hide in a basement until the end of the bombardment.

The shelled reporters represent RT’s Ruptly video agency, Russia’s VGTRK, Channel One, Channel Five, and RIA-Novosti news agency, as well as local Donetsk News Agency.

The Ukrainian forces used mortars, grenade launchers, and fire arms in the attack, RIA-Novosti reported.

Kiev’s military open fire on Lugansk republic from IFV, SPAD

The fire was opened from IFV equipment, from self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon and from an automated grenade launcher

MOSCOW, March 8. /TASS/. Kiev’s military opened fire on militia’s positions in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), LuganskInformCenter said on Tuesday referring to the republic’s defense authority.

The fire was opened from IFV equipment, from anti-aircraft weapon and from an automated grenade launcher, the militia said.

"No casualties," the militia said on Tuesday.

The military and militia of the self-proclaimed republics in Ukraine’s south-east have agreed several times a ceasefire regime in the conflict zone, but OSCE monitors are still fixing fire exchanges.
At the meeting of the Contact Group on January 13 the sides supported the initiative of Russia’s envoy Boris Gryzlov on ensuring complete ceasefire on the territory of Donbass. This was the seventh attempt to observe fully the ceasefire regime in Ukraine’s war-torn south-east.

Ceasefire is envisaged by the Minsk accords signed on 12 February 2015, after negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine. The package of measures also envisages weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local election in Donbass, constitutional reform in Ukraine and establishing working sub-groups on security, political, economy and humanitarian components of the Minsk accords.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, said in a comment on the 13th report on Ukraine, the document shows that "the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine remains tenuous, with reported violations of the ceasefire, the continued occurrences of indiscriminate shelling and the presence of anti-personnel mines and remnants of war. Between 16 November 2015 and 15 February 2016, 78 conflict-related civilian casualties were recorded in eastern Ukraine, bringing the estimated casualty figures since the beginning of the conflict to more than 30,000 people, including at least 9,160 killed and 21,000 injured (figures include civilians as well as Ukrainian armed forces, and members of armed groups).

"The implementation of the Minsk Agreements is the only viable strategy for achieving a peaceful solution in certain areas of eastern Ukraine controlled by armed groups, which, in turn, is key for resolving the human rights crisis in Ukraine. This includes the restoration of effective control by the Government of Ukraine over the border with the Russian Federation and the withdrawal of foreign fighters, mercenaries and military equipment," the commissioner said.
Ukraine's Elite, the Ukrainian Constitution and Yanukovych's Future

Last month, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's lawyer announced that the ousted head of state intends to return to Ukraine, stressing that his removal from office was a violation of the country's constitution. Oleg Tsarev, a prominent former Ukrainian lawmaker, himself persona non grata in Ukraine, offers his thoughts.

In February 2014, violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement in Kiev culminated in the Maidan coup d'état which forced then-President Viktor Yanukovych, an unpopular but democratically elected president, to flee the country in fear for his life.

Late last month, Vitaliy Serdyuk, Yanukovych's lawyer, told Ukrainian news portal Glavcom that the ex-president has plans to return home.

"He has intentions to return to Ukraine, and legal steps will be made for this. Yanukovych has not relinquished his presidential powers and has not withdrawn from the country's leadership," Serdyuk said. The lawyer emphasized that the procedure for removing the former president from office was carried out in severe violation of the constitution.

Oleg Tsarev, a Ukrainian politician who served as one of the earliest and most virulent opponents of the events of Maidan, commented on Yanukovych's plans, saying that the ex-president may yet play a role in resolving Ukraine's dramatic political legitimacy crisis.

"For anyone with even the slightest knowledge of Ukrainian law, it is absolutely obvious that Yanukovych and the parliamentary MPs elected together with him, along with [Prime Minister] Mikola Azarov's cabinet, are the only legitimate authority in Ukraine. This is the conflict we face today: de jure, Yanukovych is the president, but de facto, it's [Petro] Poroshenko," Tsarev noted, in an op-ed for Russia's Svobodnaya Pressa online newspaper.

From the legal point of view, the politician continued, everything Yanukovych's lawyer said in his interview was correct. "As far as the Ukrainian Constitution is concerned, all the laws and appointments in Ukraine since the victory of the Maidan are illegal. Poroshenko's election is illegitimate, since the elections law, and the necessary procedures were not signed off on by Yanukovych."

"For the same reason, not only is Poroshenko the illegitimate president – so is the entire cabinet of ministers, and the current Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament]. Yanukovych did not sign off on the appointment of lower-ranking officials – the heads of regional and district administrations, ambassadors, the heads the security organs, either."

This, Tsarev suggests, means that "the entire vertical of power in Ukraine today is de jure illegitimate." In essence, this means, for instance, that "the foreign loans now being taken out by [Prime Minister Arseniy] Yatsenyuk will not have to be returned, because his signature on these documents has no legal authority."

The legal collision between pre-Maidan authorities and their successors, the politician notes, "will continue forever, or so long as they are not properly dismissed, and without Yanukovych's help, this is impossible."

"Did the leaders of Maidan understand that this kind of situation would develop? Of course they did. I question a lot of things Yanukovych now says about himself in retrospect, but I know for a fact that [in the aftermath of the coup] he was being hunted personally. Why? Because everyone understood perfectly well that only his death could disentangle the legal contradictions and conflicts that arose following the coup and the armed seizure of power in Ukraine."

This is not the first case in Ukraine's history when political figures violated basic laws, Tsarev recalled. "There are many questions about Ukraine's exit from the Soviet Union in 1991; in 2004, an illegal third round of presidential elections was organized under Leonid Kuchma; Yanukovych himself had introduced illegal changes to the Constitution, and it has been illegally changed since then as well."

"To summarize," the politician noted, "Ukraine today does not have legitimate authorities, and there is no legitimate Constitution."

Ultimately, Tsarev noted, "many countries in their infancy have had 'rough patches'. It happens; the sky hasn't fallen, and life goes on. A government can ignore the legality of its actions if it is strong, and has the support of its population and a strong international position."

"It would be this way in Ukraine as well, if things were going well. In spite of everything, I think that Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, and the other usurpers understand this perfectly well, and they should be reminded at every opportunity."

"Personally, I believe that sooner or later, the organizers of the Maidan and the war in the Donbass will be convicted, and Yanukovych will be able to fulfill his historic function – to return to Ukraine and designate new presidential and parliamentary elections," Tsarev concludes.

Ousted Ukrainian President Yanukovych Intends to Return to Country

Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych plans to return to the country, and the necessary legal preparations for it will be made soon, his lawyer Vitaliy Serdyuk said.

In February 2014, violent clashes with law enforcement broke out in Kiev, spreading across the country and leading to a government coup. The protest forced Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president at the time, to flee the country.

The lawyer stressed that the procedure of removing Yanukovych from the office was carried out with severe violation of the constitution.

"He has intentions to return to Ukraine, and legal steps will be made for this. Yanukovych has not relinquished his presidential powers and has not withdrawn from the country's leadership," Serdyuk told the Ukrainian Glavcom news portal in an interview.

Poroshenko Has Lower Ratings Than Yanukovych During Maidan Protests

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is standing firmly on a sinking ship – current ratings show that the current president is less popular among Ukrainians than his predecessor Viktor Yanukovych was before his government was overthrown, according to Ukrainian TV Channel Novin 24.

After more than a year in office, Poroshenko's current ratings stand at 17 percent. In contrast, in May 2014, almost half of Ukrainians approved of his leadership (47 percent), the Armenian News Agency Armenpress reported, citing data published by Gallup International.

Right before Yanukovych was ousted his rating was 20 percent, the Ukrainian channel said.

In 2013-2014, Kiev's central Independence Square, known as Maidan, witnessed months of pro-European protests sparked by Yanukovych's decision to reject the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement.

A number of prominent figures from the Maidan protests later formed the new Kiev government after Yanukovych was ousted by parliament in February 2014 and had to flee, fearing for his life.
Conflict Heats Up in Ukraine. Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) Versus the Donbass and Lugansk militias

South Front 8 March 2016

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released a statement this February regarding the casualties sustained in the conflict in the eastern Ukraine between the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and the Donbass and Lugansk militias.

According to the OHCHR there have been 9,167 killed and 21,044 injured since the conflict began in April of 2014. These figures include civilian casualties. There is some skepticism regarding the casualty figures reported by the Armed Forces, with most parties knowledgeable of the fierce fighting that took place prior to the signing of Minsk II believing that the government has hidden the extent of casualties suffered in the battles that led to the Debaltseve encirclement.

Artillery shelling and small arms fire originating from both sides of the Line of Contact has mired the cease-fire agreed upon under Minsk II on an almost daily basis. As recently as the end of February of this year, the OSCE has monitored and reported on the movement of heavy weapons out of storage on the part of the UAF at numerous times in clear violation of Minsk II, as well as the positioning of infantry fighting vehicles within the 15 kilometer exclusion zone on the part of the militias. Civilians of the Donbass have been subjected to indiscriminant artillery bombardment from the UAF on a continuous basis.

On February 23rd, the UAF attacked the DPR town of Spartak in force, with the support of tanks and artillery. They have also continued to bombard the Donetsk airport with artillery, including “Grad” mobile rocket units. The town of Gorlovka and surrounding neighborhoods have been the target of recent bombardment as well. DPR and LPR reconnaissance has noted the movement of artillery, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks in forward areas close to the contact line on the part of the UAF. This is corroborated by OSCE reports of discrepancies in serial numbers of T-64 and T-72 tanks in storage and the wholesale absence of tanks, artillery and other heavy equipment at UAF storage facilities that come under OSCE monitoring under the Minsk II agreement.

There is further evidence that the UFA is planning a possible offensive in the coming spring and summer months. The AFU “Lugansk” unit, as well as elements of the 24th and 28th mechanized brigades are preparing to conduct exercises simulating the capture and occupation of territories of the LPR. These exercises are to take place very close to the line of contact. The reinforcement and strengthening of defensive positions and the movement of ammunition and supplies to the front line has also been observed.

The tensions between Russia and Turkey that have come out of differing objectives in the Syrian conflict and the downing of the Russian SU-24 last year may now be manifesting in the Ukraine as well. Turkish militants have apparently been working with Crimean Tartars in acts of sabotage directed at the Crimean peninsula. Apparently, the Tartar nationalists that have allied with the Right Sector to enforce an illegal energy and food blockage of Crimea from the Kherson region are receiving material support from the Turkish government. Pictures have appeared that show members of the Turkish “Grey Wolves” with Tartar nationalists in the Kherson area, as well as comments from the Tartar nationalist leader Lenur Islyamov that Turkey has provided him with monetary and material support for the blockade. It is unknown how many Grey Wolves may be operating in Ukraine, but the internal security forces of Crimea are well aware of their presence.

As the government in Kiev continues to lose the support of the people, is mired in charges of corruption, and has proven totally incapable of improving the economic situation of the country, it will most likely resort to a renewal of hostilities in the east. The Poroshenko regime may see no other alternative than to raise the specter of another Russian invasion to retain their hold on power as the domestic situation continues to deteriorate. A renewed offensive against the DPR and LPR and military actions against Crimea, including terrorist operations by Tartar nationalist assisted by Turkish extremists, may well be planned for the summer months as the Ukraine continues to slide towards bankruptcy and the Ukrainian government continues to lose legitimacy in the eyes of a majority of its citizens.
UN concerned over Kiev’s suspension of social payments to internally displaced persons

The United Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has expressed concern over Ukrainian government’s decision to suspend social payments for 150,000 internally displaced persons (IPDs) from Donbass.

"A new source of concern in February was the government’s announcement to suspend social payments for a significant number of IDPs. On 21 February, Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk informed of suspension of social payments to 150,000 IDPs due to anecdotal occurrences of fraud," OCHA said in its "Humanitarian Bulletin: Ukraine Issue" for February 2016.

[...] Kiev’s refusal to make social payments triggered a strong reaction from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics (DPR and LPR). DPR people’s council speaker Denis Pushilin said that the official refusal of Ukrainian authorities to make social payments to IDPs from Donbass demonstrate that these people are no longer considered Ukrainian citizens.

OCHA said in its report that "a group of 16 Ukrainian civil society organizations involved in humanitarian aid issued an appeal to the Ukrainian government, asking the Ministry of Social Policy to immediately stop suspending IDPs certificates on the basis of data provided by the SSU and the SBGS as such practice is ‘clearly in violation of the Ukrainian law’."

"In February, the situation further deteriorated when the government temporarily closed the Mariinka and Zaytseve checkpoints in Donetsk Oblast for security reasons. This resulted in a backlog of vehicles and pedestrians attempting to cross the remaining two checkpoints, with some forced to wait as long as 36 hours on the road, in unbearable conditions," the report added. OCHA called on Ukrainian authorities to "limit closure of checkpoints to prevent hardship for civilians" reminding that "four civilians were killed on 10 February when their minivan drove over a landmine as they sought to avoid the long queue or vehicles near Mariinka checkpoint.".

Donetsk Blog Mar 09: Ukrainian Army Attacks - Mercenaries Revolting - Ukrainian Drunken Losses (Photos)

The Ukrainian army continues advancing in the buffer zone. Yesterday they seized the area near the strategically important road connecting Donetsk and Gorlovka, a city in the north of the DPR. However, this time the Ukrainian military did not limit themselves to occupying another part of no-man’s land. According to the DPR Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian military units shelled a civilian shuttle bus moving from Donetsk to Gorlovka, as well as several civilian cars. So far, no casualties have been reported.

About 1.5km of the road turned out to be within striking distance from the positions of the Ukrainian military. Due to the threat of the safety of its citizens, the DPR authorities were forced to stop traffic on this road.

At the same time the Ukrainian military attacked a nearby checkpoint of the DPR’s road police, using 82mm mortars, anti-aircraft artillery, large-caliber machine guns, and small arms. DONi reporters witnessed the fight and confirmed the use by the Ukrainian military of snipers in the attack. The fight lasted several hours.

Judging by the direction of the attack, Kiev was attempting to prod and test the DPR defenses at the strategic section of the front line. A breakthrough there might cut off the capital of the DPR northern region, leaving the latter without support, thereby leaving it easy to occupy. This attack, therefore, may serve as another indicator of Ukraine’s preparations for an offensive.

The Ukrainian military also continues to intensively shell the DPR territory along the contact line. Over the past two days the DPR Defense Ministry reported 416 incidents of shelling from the Ukrainian military positions, in which 82mm and 120mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles and anti-tank guided missiles were used. According to the Ministry, one soldier of the DPR Armed Forces was wounded. The Ministry, however, did not specify either civilian casualties or the extent of the damage.

The DPR Army was forced to return fire. Over the past two days, the Ukrainian military press service reported 54 incidents of shelling from the DPR positions from 82mm mortars, grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns and small arms, as well as six rounds from a tank. It should be noted that the Ukrainian military press service, for the first time this year, mentioned the return fire from its own forces in its report, perhaps because the intensity of Kiev’s shelling has reached a level that can no longer be concealed from international observers.

(Credibility - DONi closely follows the reports of the governments of the DPR and their Ukrainian counterparts and secures independent confirmation when possible. In our experience, the DPR’s claims are correct approximately 95% of the time, whereas official Ukrainian reports are almost never correct, and for all appearances, deliberately so.)

According to the Ukrainian military press service, over the past two days three Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in shelling by the DPR Army. However, volunteers in Kharkov repeatedly inform in social networks of dozens of wounded delivered from the conflict zone, which can only be explained as a sharp increase in non-combat losses in the Ukrainian army. According to the DPR Defense Ministry, the level of these losses has increased by 60% in comparison to the end of 2015. The LPR Defense Ministry specifies that Kiev loses on a daily basis more than 300 soldiers as a result of alcohol abuse, improper handling of weapons and clashes with nationalist battalions.

In particular, the DPR intelligence reported a clash in the Kiev-controlled southern part of the Donetsk region between Ukrainian Marines and mercenaries mostly from Georgia and Poland, which resulted in one Ukrainian soldier wounded. The clash stemmed from the mercenaries expressing displeasure at delays in receiving payment, upon which the Marines were called in to restore order. According to the DPR intelligence sources on the ground, the Marines have been placed on high alert since. It cannot be excluded that they may be used to disarm the mercenaries who have gotten out of control.

In the northern part of the Donetsk region, also controlled by Kiev, a few days ago a Ukrainian military vehicle hit a land mine, resulting in two Ukrainian soldiers being wounded. DPR intelligence sources on the ground believe that the mine had been recently placed by nationalists in order to cause the closure of a nearby checkpoint and further isolate the DPR. The OSCE observers also reported that on the Kiev-controlled territory of the Lugansk region, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two wounded in the explosion of a mine planted by the Ukrainian military a year ago.

Heavy drinking remains the main reason for non-combat losses in the Ukrainian army. According to DPR intelligence, over the past days, one intoxicated soldier was killed by his comrades while improperly handling weapons, three Marines were killed while playing with a grenade, and another two soldiers were run over by an armored personnel carrier. In the Kiev-controlled part of the Lugansk region, local residents reported that during the transportation of military equipment, a drunk tank driver crashed into a transmission tower, which left 20 residential houses without energy.

Kiev’s delivering of weapons and equipment to the contact line never stops, with the amount and caliber increasing. According to the DPR Defense Ministry, over the past two days the Ukrainian army received 22 self-propelled artillery systems, 50 tanks, two D-30 howitzers, 18 infantry fighting vehicles, 13 armored personnel carriers, seven “Grad” MLRS, and two Hummers (see below pictures of the weapons mentioned). Such amassing of offensive weapons cannot be explained by either rotation or exercises because, regarding the former, there is no available information of equipment withdrawal, and regarding the latter, the latest Minsk negotiations stipulated a ban on any military exercises within the 30km zone around the contact line.
Ukrainian militants used heavy artillery at night attempting breakthrough

During the night Donetsk city heard the loud cannonanade. Ukrainian militants attempted the breakthrough from Avdeevka's industrial zone using heavy artillery.

A big fight with the 120mm mortars and other heavy artillery usage from the Ukrainian side happened near Yasinovataya checkpoint.

The fights also happened near Spartak and Donetsk airport - the Ukrainian militants shelled the village from their positions in Opitnoe using the infantry combat vehicles and tripod-mounted man-portable antitank gun.

The information about casualties and destruction is not reported yet.

Kiev forces fire mortar shells at Lugansk republic’s territory

According to the local militia, the shelling was carried out with the use of 120-mm mortars that were banned under the Minsk agreements of February 2015 and were to be withdrawn from the contact line

MOSCOW, March 10. /TASS/. Ukraine’s forces opened fire on the territory of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic two times over the past 24 hours, local militias said on Thursday.

The shelling was carried out with the use of 120-mm mortars that were banned under the Minsk agreements of February 2015 and were to be withdrawn from the contact line.

"Besides the mortars with the caliber of 120 mm, fire was opened at the Kalinovka village from the direction of the Luganskoye village from infantry combat vehicle, automatic mounted grenade launcher and large-caliber machine gun," a militia member told the LuganskInformCenter.

No casualties have been reported.

The ceasefire in the war-torn Donbass has been into force since January 14. However, Kiev forces and the self-proclaimed republics continue accusing each other for violating the "silence regime."
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