Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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From "WAR IN UKRAINE - THE UNREPORTED TRUTH" there is a perspective on how imbalanced the reactions are depending on who is made to suffer, and how hypocrtical Western leaders are. AND MEDIA WON'T SHOW YOU - Brussels: Terror VS Civilization
As the famous virtuoso pianist, Valentina Lisitsa of the Ukraine has been discussed here on the Forum and in SoTT articles like this one, there is kind of twist of things going on in Toronto, Canada, as she has been re booked for a new concert at the Royal Conservatory of Music (good for them). The twist involves the guy who made her life difficult for a while, the president of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Jeff Melanson.

This is rather a long article with sub articles that link the story

The concert will take place one year after two concert performances featuring Lisitsa with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra were outrageously cancelled by TSO President Jeff Melanson.

Melanson came under intense pressure to ban Lisitsa’s performances by the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Canadian Congress. The extreme-right group was upset with Lisitsa’s outspoken opposition to the civil war in eastern Ukraine being prosecuted by the governing regime in Kyiv. The regime came to power in a violent coup against Ukraine’s elected president in February 2014.
Coincidentally, Lisitsa’s return to Toronto finds TSO President Jeff Melanson mired in a bitter divorce with Eleanor McCain, a talented and successful singer and a member of one of Canada’s wealthiest families. McCain has filed for an annulment of her nine-month marriage to Melanson in the spring of 2014, saying that he married her for her money and influence and to escape sexual harassment allegations from his time as director of the Banff Centre, a prominent arts institution in Canada located west of Calgary in the Rocky Mountains.

Melanson informed McCain via email in January 2015 that he wanted out of the marriage. Below are two lengthy articles from earlier this month in the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail reporting on the marital dispute. The Star reports, “In her application for annulment, Eleanor McCain describes Jeff Melanson as a remorseless manipulator who fired employees unjustly, boozed during business hours and provided jobs for his romantic partners.”

Of course an "annulment" is different than divorce and would leave Melanson in a different fiscal situation than perhaps what he was thinking by the tone of McCain's statements. Well he certainly caved to the pressures of the Ukraine/Canadian ultra-nationalists, so these other things, if true, perhaps are not a surprise - interesting how Lisitsa has come full circle. Big cheers for her!
Quiet Bombshell Russia Already Questioned 100,000 Witnesses for Ukrainian 'Nuremberg'

Russian Investigative Committee is hard at work. Working stubbornly, gently, persistently, collecting information about all the crimes of Ukrainian military and punitive volunteer battalions.

It turns out that quietly, without much noise, a giant amount of evidence about the crimes of Ukrainian armed forces and volunteer battalions is being compiled. The evidence, which sooner or later will come in handy.

This was confirmed by Savchenko's lawyer, Ilya Novikov.

Savchenko's lawyer Ilya Novikov was struck by the volume of documents collected from interviewing the residents of Donbass and told Ukrainian media.

"There is the so-called "big Ukrainian case" under number 201/837072–14. It was called the "big Ukrainian case" among the lawyers, but during the trial against Savchenko suddenly it became clear that the investigators call it the same," - he said, adding that as of fall 2015 more than 100 thousand witnesses have been questioned, 15 thousand were recognized as victims.

"Several rooms at the Investigative Committee are filled with cabinets with volumes of this case, more than 20 investigators are working on it. And from this case, in principle, you can "pinch off" a piece and send it to court," - he said.

What does it mean? That Russia without much fanfare is gathering evidence of crimes. For what? I am sure that this is not done in vain. And that the perpetrators and punishers will appear before our court. And that these tons of evidence will be a good argument to prove the genocide of Donbass population, and at the right time to finally resolve the Donbass issue.

How much more is going on behind the scenes that we don't know about? You can, of course, laugh at "Putin's cunning plans" and other things. But de facto LDPR [Lugansk and Donetsk Republics] are already fully dependent and controlled from Russia. The laws of the republics are being adjusted to ours. Management system, education, etc. - everything is being changed to our standards. Do you think this is all coincidence ..... I don't believe in such coincidences...

All 18 higher educational institutions of the DPR signed agreements on cooperation with educational institutions of RF

All higher educational institutions of the DPR of 3 and 4 level of accreditation in the Donetsk People’s Republic found partners in Russia and they concluded an agreement on cooperation. It was reported to DAN by the press-service of the Eduсation and Science Ministry.

‘All the universities without exclusion found partners in RF, Education Ministry of the DPR made a big work. Agreements were concluded with 31 higher educational institutions of RF, we plan to extend this list’, it was told in the educational department.

DPR came into contact with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kursk, Krasnodar, Smolensk, Cheboksary, Izhevsk, Sochi, etc.

DPR found understanding on elections in Donbass with RF, France, Germany, only Ukraine does not understand, Pushilin

Policy of Ukraine remains the only obstacle for holding elections in Donbass. It was reported to DAN by the chairman of the People’s Council, head of the DPR delegation at the negotiations in Minsk Denis Pushilin.

‘We found touch points in such a coalition of DPR, LPR with France, Germany, only Kiev falls out of it’, he pointed out.
How Ukraine Cheated Croatia out of Its MiG Fighters

In 2013 Croatia sent its MiG-21 fighters for an overhaul to Ukraine but now fears it may not have gotten the same planes back

A big scandal is shaking up Croatia these days. Here's the low-down. In 2013 Croatia paid $20 million to Ukraine to refurbish its seven MiG-21 fighters and to purchase a further five which would likewise be overhauled.

Ukraine finished deliveries of the 12 fighters one year behind the schedule in July 2015.

However, eight months after receiving the refurbished planes Croatia says that of the twelve planes only three remain flight-worthy and five have been pulled out of service altogether.

Now the Croatian media is revealing that entire deal was shady from the start.

Firstly the Ukrainians offered a price that was a whooping 40% better than that of their Romanian competitors.

Next, when examining the five newly-purchased planes the Croats discovered that the serial numbers have been stamped over and do not correspond to the identification numbers of the aircraft that Ukraine originally offered.

The planes that Croatia actually received are far older, and either correspond to Yemeni MiG-21s that Yemen sent to Ukraine for an overhaul but then refused to accept delivery of on the account of shoddy work, or else planes that have been cobbled together from parts purchased from all over the world.

Moreover, Croatian media is now reporting that Croatian military police investigators believe the documentation on the overhaul of the seven Croatian MiGs was faked and that no overhaul work has been done on those planes at all.

In fact, Croats now fear they may not have even received the same seven planes they sent to Ukraine back but different, older planes.

This is all the more critical for the Croats since the twelve MiG-21s represent the entire supersonic fleet of the Croatian Air Force. Due to the failed overhaul Croatia is now without a flight-worthy fighter force of any kind.

The most scandalous aspect of the story for the local media is that the Croatian defense ministry kept the true state of affairs of its fighter force under wraps for so long.

The inescapable conclusion is that this was done because shedding light on the irresponsible conduct of the Ukrainians would have raised questions as to why they were awarded the job in the first place.

Actually the first allegations that Croat defense chiefs had made an underhanded deal were made in mid 2014, after a crash of one of the Croatian MiG-21s, but were ignored at the time.

Regardless of the integrity of the Croat officials here, the Ukraine defense industry isn't exactly making a name for itself here, either.

Bribing foreign functionaries to win contracts is one thing. But doing such shoddy work afterwards as to leave your partners in crime hanging like this is another. As they say: No honor among thieves.
Donbass militia report casualties in shelling — media

One militia fighter was killed and seven more were injured

MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. One militia fighter was killed and seven more were injured in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past 24 hours in shellings by Ukrainian forces, a source in DPR law enforcement agencies said on Friday.

"Over the last 24 hours, one person was killed and seven more were injured in DPR security agencies as a result of shellings by Ukrainian forces," Donetsk News Agency quoted the source as saying.
Militia fighters sustained shrapnel wounds, the source said adding that they received necessary medical help.
Ukrainian army shells Donetsk Republic over 120 times in 24 hours - DPR Defense Ministry

The Ukrainian army used mortars, the armament of infantry fighting vehicles, various types of grenade launchers and other small arms to shell the DPR territory

MOSCOW, March 27. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military have shelled the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) 122 times over the past twenty-four hours, the DPR Defense Ministry told the Donetsk News Agency on Sunday.

‘Over the last twenty-four hours, the Ukrainian military have shelled the republic’s territory 122 times as a result of 23 breaches of the ceasefire regime," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army used mortars, the armament of infantry fighting vehicles, various types of grenade launchers and other small arms to shell the DPR territory. Overall, 65 82mm and 120mm mines were fired, the ministry said.

The Ukrainian military shelled the villages of Zaitsevo in the northern suburbs of Gorlovka, Kominternovo in the south of the Donbass region, the populated areas of Dokuchayevsk, Yasinovataya, Zhabichevo, Spartak and Veseloye, and also the areas of the airport and Volvo-Center.

A meeting of the Contact Group on the settlement of the crisis in east Ukraine agreed on January 13 to introduce a ceasefire regime from 00:00 Moscow time on January 14. However, the Donetsk and Lugansk militia and the Ukrainian army continue accusing each other of breaching the truce.

Meanwhile, the command of the Ukrainian army’s operation in the Donbass region has accused Donetsk and Lugansk militia of 44 truce breaches.

AFU continue to deliver tanks and motorised artillery to Stanichno-Lugansky region

In violation of the Minsk Agreements the Kiev military continue to deliver the heavy military equipment to the contact line. This was announced today by the spokesman of the LPR People's Militia, Major Andrey Marochko.

‘The AFU continue to violate the conditions of the equipment presence along the contact line, provided by the Minsk Agreements, and also use the ceasefire for the military build-up of their units in the area of ​​so-called ATO,’ he said.

According to Marochko, on March 25 from the locality of Sizoye of the Stanichno Lugansky region to the area of Sharov Kut there came up to two tank platoons of 6 tanks of the tank battalion of the 28th separate motorized brigade of the AFU, which were placed along the Derkul River in the immediate vicinity of the contact line.

‘The equipment is masked and the area is guarded,’ he pointed out.

‘On March 26 there arrived a train with heavy tracked vehicles, presumably tanks and self-propelled artillery, at the railway station of the locality of Olkhovoye of the Stanichno-Lugansky region, located in the zone of responsibility of the 28th separate motorized brigade of the AFU and in the close proximity to the contact line. After unloading the vehicles were placed on the eastern outskirts of Olkhovoye,’ said the representative of the LPR Defense Ministry.

At the same time Marochko emphasised that the People's Militia stayed in compliance with the Agreements reached in Minsk, despite repeated provocations from the Ukrainian military.

LPR: two Ukrainian tank platoons arrived to the contact line

Two tank platoons of the Ukrainian security officers have arrived to the line of contact in Donbass, reported the official representative of the LPR People's Militia Andrey Marochko.

According to him, six tanks of the AFU 28th separate motorized brigade have arrived from the settlement of Sizoye to the area of Sharov Kut. The tanks are placed along the river of Derkul in immediate proximity to the contact line. The equipment is disguised, this area is outposted, added Marochko.

Kiev concentrated up to 50 battalions and more than 1,000 pieces of military equipment in buffer zone

The AFU Command has deployed to the demilitarized zone up to 50 battalions in number of up to 40 thousand personnel and more than 1,000 pieces of military equipment, reported the Vice-Commander of the DPR Defense Ministry Corps Eduard Basurin.

Drawing the certain balance of deployment of equipment and units of the Ukro-Nazi bandits it is safe to say that in violation of the Minsk Agreements the AFU have concentrated in the buffer zone up to 50 battalions up to 40 thousand personnel strong, up to 700 units of artillery and mortars, up to 300 units of tanks, and up to 100 units of MRLS. Consequently, the Ukrainian military and political leadership is not going to settle the conflict in Donbass peacefully, and to the contrary is making every effort to escalate the situation in order to wage another stage of the deadly war in the middle of Europe.
Found a video from Belorussia which raises the question if a Ukrainian style Maidan is possible: To understand what this video shows the following may help: said:
2015.09.14 13:27
A ‘rising tide of Russophobia in Belarus’ is a new boogieman for Russians. The allegation has powerful influence on public opinion and is skillfully fuelled by a number of news media.

“Youth radical groups – nationalists and football ‘ultras’ may call up no less that 15 hundreds for a maidan that is possible in Belarus. Of course, it is unlikely to happen under Lukashenka’s rule, but they are carefully preparing now. It is obvious that the authorities are having difficulty holding them back,” Andrey Herashchanka, Chairman of Vitsebsk-based public association ‘Russian House’ told news agency Regnum.

He recalled the recent qualifying match Belarus-Ukraine in Lviv: “They [fans] were shouting insults at the President of Russia, they demonstratively donated their blood to help fighters of the ATO. It was an orgy of nationalism.”

According to Нerashchanka, Belarusian volunteer fighter Ales Charkashyn’s funeral in Brest was a ‘similar action’.

Andrey Нerashchanka is a former Belarusian official, who was fired for denying the Belarusian nation.
Donetsk Defense: Situation Report, 30.03.2016

The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic tends to deteriorate. The Ukrainian side continues its attempts to escalate the conflict.

Over the past day the Ukrainian military violated the ceasefire forty-three times and shelled the territory of the Republic five hundred fifteen times. Altogether the enemy launched thirty-five 122mm and 152mm artillery projectiles, two hundred twenty-two 82mm and 120mm mortar shells and made six rounds from tanks. The enemy also used infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers of different types and small arms. The Republics were shelled on orders of Klochkov, the commander of the 93rd brigade, Melnik, the commander of the 56th brigade, Sokolov, the commander of the 72nd brigade, Krasilnikov, the commander of the 57th brigade, and Zabolotny, the commander of the 58th brigade.

The most intense shellings from heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were applied to such localities as Zaytsevo, Yasinovataya, Dokuchaevsk, Spartak, Vesyoloye, Zhabunky, Sakhanka, Kominternovo, the area of the airport and the Petrovsky district of Donetsk city.

As a result of the heaviest shelling on the part of the AFU there was one DPR military killed and one wounded.

The DPR intelligence continues to register the relocation and amassing of the military equipment along the entire contact line.

- In Zaytsevo (1.5 km away from the contact line) there were registered five 152mm motorised artillery systems;
- In Mayorsk (1.5 km away from the contact line) there was registered the arrival of five “KAMAZ” trucks with personnel of the nationalist units;
- In Novgorodskoye (6 km away from the contact line) there were registered three MLRS BM-21 “Grad”;
- In Mirnoye (11 km away from the contact line) there were registered three tanks, six infantry fighting vehicles and three “URAL” trucks with ammunition.

All the data about violations of the Minsk Agreements by the Ukrainian side were passed to representatives of the JCCC and the OSCE mission.

We have repeatedly pointed out that the military of the Ukrainian punitive units deliver chaotic fire at localities of the Republic day and night, without any fear or regret. They don’t already pay attention to representatives of the international organisations sent to us to document such inhumane actions. In particular, yesterday in the locality of Zaytsevo representatives of the OSCE mission and the JCCC, as well as journalists, got under the Ukrainian Nazi’s fire once again.

Our sources also report that in the area of the coke plant if Avdeevka the Ukrainian punitors opened artillery fire at the residential areas of Donetsk city. It should be mentioned that in that area there is situated an observation point of the JCCC that preferred to not to report this fact.

We are deeply concerned by the fact that the OSCE mission presence has stopped influencing the political and military authorities of Ukraine. In their report of March 29 the OSCE representatives noted the fact that they had detected beyond the lines of heavy weapons withdrawal twenty 152mm howitzers “Msta-B”, thirty 152mm motorised artillery systems “Akatsia”, seventeen 122mm motorised artillery systems “Gvozdika” and six anti-tank cannons “Rapira”.

All efforts made by the leaders and representatives of the JCCC on the Russian side to restore peace on our land are ignored by killer and sneaker Taran.

We are forced to conclude that the political and military authorities of Ukraine intend to resolve the conflict by force, namely to seize the territory of free Donbass, using weapons.

We call on the world community to respond to the chaos created by the Ukrainian authorities and stop the destruction of the population of the People's Republic!

AFU delivered tanks to Stanitsa Luganskaya for second time in a week

The Kiev military, in violation of the Minsk Agreements, for the second time since the beginning of this week have delivered tanks to the contact line at the railway station Olkhovaya in the area of Stanitsa Luganskaya. It was announced today by the spokesman of the LPR People's Militia Major Andrew Marochko.

‘Our intelligence continues to report the facts of amassing forces and means along the contact line. Yesterday there was registered unloading a tank column up to a company at the railway station Olkhovaya,’ he said.

The Defense Ministry spokesman reminded that it is already the second time this week that there has been registered the fact of the unloading of tanks at this railway station.

'In addition, yesterday (March 29) near the locality of Nizhneteploe in the direction of the locality Malinovoye there was moving a column of military equipment, consisting of eight trucks KrAZ, two tanks and two armored personnel carriers,’ said Marochko.

Earlier, representatives of the LPR People's Militia repeatedly stated that Kiev, in violation of the Minsk Agreements, delivered military equipment and personnel to the contact line.
The Latvian Sputnik site was suddenly blocked by the Latvian authorities, I thought that was interesting and below is a Google translate of the reason given said:
[...]Yesterday Sputnik Latvia received official information about the closure of the resource domain zone. en. Referring to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting domain registrar informed them of the fact that the "domain name registration infringes European Council decision on restrictive measures in relation to Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the risk."[...]
Amazing, but also a pointer to the future, where websites accross Europe could be closed with the reason that it interferes with the implementation of some EU law.

In Estonia amteur divers are no longer allowed to dive and look for old sunken ships, the reason given is that it can be dangerous due to unexploded WW2 mines. A diver with 30 years of experience has never heard of anyone suffering on this account. Apparently the ministry of defence is involved in this decision. Source: Condidering that Estonia is bordering the Baltic Sea where it leads into St. Petersburg, this makes me think the reason has little to do with the danger og investigating old sunken ships. At least if there is a chance of something exploding near the Estonian coast it must be from newly placed equipment and not from old ones.
The situation in the Caucasus is not stable: said:
09:17 02.04.2016(updated 10:51 02.04.2016) [...]
Armenia and Azerbaijan reported that the Karabakh conflict is turning violent and accused each other of conducting offensive warfare.

"The Armed Forces of Armenia violated the truce along the line of contact 127 times over the past 24 hours," Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said in a statement Saturday.

It added that Armenian military used mortars and heavy machine-guns.

The Armenian Defense Ministry issued a statement reporting about "active offensive combat waged by the opposing side on the night of April 1" with the use of "battle tanks, artillery and aviation".

"Active combat is currently underway. The Armenian Army has launched a counterattack… There are victims on both sides but the opposing side has sustained huge losses in manpower and equipment, a [Azerbaijani] helicopter has been shot down," the Armenian Defense Ministry's spokesperson Artsrun Hovhannisyan said on Facebook.
From Aljazeera there was this in April 2014: said:
[...]The sudden surge in tensions in a region that has been on a knife-edge for years comes as Armenia's ally Russia is locked in a confrontation with the West over the future of Ukraine.

Armenian-backed separatists seized Nagorno Karabakh from Azerbaijan in a 1990s war that claimed 30,000 lives.

A leading Azeri military expert said earlier this week that Baku has not suffered such losses in a single bout of hostilities since 1994, when a ceasefire was agreed.[...]
This was two years ago, and in the meantime Turkey has become less of a partner:
From March 2015 said:
Tensions reignite in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
An escalation in attacks on civilians in the South Caucasus region is stoking fears of a return to all-out war.

Anna Nigmatulina | 09 Mar 2015 14:32 GMT |
More troubling is both Armenia, and by proxy Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as Azerbaijan have been amassing an unprecedented presence of weaponry, with Azerbaijan's annual military budget reaching $3bn by 2011, exceeding Armenia's entire gross domestic product.
Russia has taken Armenia under its wing, while Azerbaijan, with its abundant oil resources and strong cultural bonds with Turkey, has forged alliances with NATO and the West.[...]
Again the issue of NATO and Turkey
From December 2015 said:
Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of all-out 'war'
Defence ministry says ceasefire doesn't exist as hostilities over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region escalate.

22 Dec 2015 17:25 GMT
It seems that was has happened now is just the latest escalation. With a downed helicopter, it is unlikely that the parties could get away with only 5 people killed.

An article that goes into some details of the conflict can be found here It is from April 9, 2015
One wonders if the rabid nationalism in Ukraine has moved to Poland, as some people in Poland apparently do not mind the demolishion or destruction of 500 Sovjet monuments, and
"Polish authorities by removing Soviet memorials are trying to create a society hostile image of Russia and in the interest of NATO - says the scientific director of the Russian Association of Military History Mikhail Miagkow.

"Poland has pursued an aggressive propaganda against Russia, where the Polish side is portrayed as a victim. Miagkow called the dismantling of monuments to great injustice, which sooner or later will hit the self-consciousness of the Polish nation."

It will take som time for Poland to find balance. said:
Odd Man Out? Poland Fears Becoming 'Third-Ranking Country' in NATO, EU
20:14 02.04.2016
The Polish Foreign Minister had to defend its government’s policy record after President Andrzej Duda could not meet one-on-one with American leader Barack Obama.

Witold Waszczykowski said the country has abandoned its "servile attitude" when it comes to relations with Washington. At the same time, Polish opposition figures insist that the US is decreasing contacts with Warsaw due to its latest political moves, an article in Politico read.
Is the reason Poland is not so popular in the US, besides the apparent disappointment with the level of democracy in Poland, because Poland has not been quick to say yes to letting the US put up nuclear weapons on Polish soil?
Donetsk Blog April 4: Dozens of Homes Destroyed - Mass Grave Detected - Civilians Driven to Mine Field

This is a new, and, we hope, not long-lived feature on Russia Insider. Ukraine’s civil war is still very much ongoing. Both sides are exchanging fire. Civilians and soldiers continue to die on both sides.

DONi was recently founded by a Finnish journalist and Russian businessman whom we know, and we have every reason to believe that their reporting can be relied on as truthful. More information about the agency follows below this report.

Due to its slow, simmering nature, events in Novorossiya rarely make headlines, so people forget there is a real war going on.

Donetsk, Monday, Apr 04, 16.30 pm. Exclusive to Russia Insider

(Attn readers: this is frequent feature - if you would like to have clarification of facts mentioned here, additional information, more explanation of why certain events are happening, please ask us in the comments section, or email the author at: This will help us provide you with information you want to have.)

Donbass has survived another hard week. The Ukrainian military shelled the territory of the Republics day and night.

The areas of most intense bombardment were Gorlovka, the second-largest city in the north of the DPR; the northern and western suburbs of Donetsk; and the area of the Yasinovatsky checkpoint, situated between the two cities. Shelling was less intense to the south of Donetsk. Each subsequent bombardment involves heavier weapons, commencing with mortars and then escalating to various forms of heavy artillery.

If the previous week it was Makeevka, a satellite town of Donetsk, which was shelled indiscriminately. This week the northern suburb of Gorlovka received the same treatment, in spite of the DPR army never having been situated there.

On March 31 the Ukrainian military shelled Gorlovka using mortars and artillery. Eight civilians were wounded as a result and more than 30 residential houses destroyed. A children’s playground, a culture center and a boiler house were also destroyed. The next day, representatives of the DPR Defense Ministry, the OSCE mission, and journalists came to inspect the area. Almost all windows in the nearby houses had been shattered, fallen trees were strewn everywhere, and a number of gas pipes were seriously damaged.

The OSCE observers inspected the shelled area without engaging with the local residents, who were unfriendly to them. Residents instead informed journalists that the shells had been coming from two or three different directions, knowing the Ukrainian positions from which the shelling they were accustomed to emanated. The DPR Defense Ministry stated that the mortar shelling from one of the directions had been carried out as a cover for the artillery shelling. The OSCE representatives documented only the fact of shelling and the approximate direction from which it came.

The Ukrainian military press service stated that the shelling of this suburb of Gorlovka had been carried out by the DPR Army. The next day the same suburb was shelled again.

The Ukrainian military storming units have apparently not stopped attempts to break through the DPR defenses in the north of Donetsk and the area of the Yasinovatsky checkpoint. In spite of the intense artillery preparation beforehand, according to DPR soldiers, all attempts of a breakthrough have been unsuccessful, with both sides suffering losses. The DPR Army report four men dead and five wounded. The exact number of losses of the Ukrainian side remain unknown, as the Ukrainian military press service has made no such mention in their reports. DPR soldiers, however, claim to have found up to 10 Ukrainian soldiers killed and left behind.

One possible explanation for the discrepancy between what the Ukrainian military press service says and what the DPR Army claims is that the Ukrainian side may be burying their dead in mass graves to conceal their losses. A mass grave containing several dozen bodies of Ukrainian soldiers was found yesterday near Debaltsevo, which may suggest that these dead soldiers were buried in such a manner a year ago to conceal Ukrainian losses.

The location of this mass grave lies within the area of the authorities of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), who ordered the exhumation of the bodies for further identification at the morgue Debaltsevo. The exhumation, however, was interrupted by Ukrainian military shelling. The OSCE observers neither visited the mass grave nor the morgue.

In the LPR sphere of responsibility on the front, hostilities have also increased. LPR Army positions were shelled by Ukrainian artillery on April 2.

The authorities of the Republics talk of provocations carried out by the Ukrainian side on civilians in order to force them to respond. They point in particular to the Ukrainian military, on March 28, opening fire on two civilians crossing the contact line at a checkpoint in Kiev-controlled Stanitsa Luganskaya, where OSCE observers were present nearby.

On March 31 in Kiev-controlled Volnovakha, the Ukrainian military are reported to have shot dead, in broad daylight, three locals who were outraged by the boorish behaviour of Ukrainian soldiers.

On April 1 the Ukrainian side unilaterally opened a checkpoint in the area of Zolotoye in the Lugansk region. Because this checkpoint had not been agreed upon with the LPR, the part of the road in the buffer zone lying between the new checkpoint and the LPR checkpoint had not been checked for mines. Local residents coming from Kiev-controlled territory to the LPR were allowed to cross the contact line only at the new checkpoint, which placed the lives of several dozen people in danger.

For several months now Kiev has been observed delivering heavy weapons to the front line. Lately their number has even increased. According to the DPR intelligence, self-propelled artillery systems, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers, “Grad” MLRS, and anti-tank systems are now delivered to the front in the dozens, with ammunition delivered by trains and trucks (see below pictures of weapons mentioned). Yesterday the DPR intelligence sources on the ground provided a video of a train carrying tanks, self-propelled artillery systems and "Grad" MLRS via Kiev-controlled Slavyansk towards Donetsk.

Kiev, it can be observed, is already using all weapons previously delivered to the front to shell towns and villages of the Republics, including armoured vehicles withdrawn from the designated sites of storage. The sharp increase in the amount of weapons delivered to Donbass, the constant delivery of the new Ukrainian military units there, together with the growing intensity of shelling, leaves little doubt that Kiev is determined to resolve the conflict in the Donbas not through negotiation but through force.

AFU units shelled western outskirts of Donetsk from tank

In the afternoon the Ukrainian units tank shelled the locality of Trudovskoy in the Petrovsky district in the west of Donetsk. It was reported by a source in the DPR security agencies.

‘At about noon, the Ukrainian military opened fire from a tank at the locality of Trudovskoy. On the whole, they made about 20 rounds,’ he said.

According to the source, during the shelling the enemy also launched eight 82mm mortar shells and used infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and small arms.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian military had shelled the near front territory of the Republic 125 times. Over the past day a DPR soldier was killed.

Ukrainian military shelled northern and western outskirts of Gorlovka from tanks

Last night the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using tanks shelled the localities of Shyrokaya Balka and the mine 6/7 located in the outskirts of Gorlovka.

‘The Ukrainian military have started shelling the locality of Shyrokaya Balka and the Mine 6/7 at about 23:30. Altogether there were carried out 12 shots from tanks,’ informed the Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

He added that the shelling was carried out from the positions in such localities as Novgorodskoye and Leninskoye occupied by Kiev. The information about the injured people and destruction is made more exact.

Kiev announced shelling positions of the APU in the Donbas

Moscow. 5th of April. INTERFAX.RU - Media center power Ukrainian military operations in the south-east of the country published Tuesday on its Facebook page message, which states that the alleged on Monday on the positions of the Ukrainian military 61 times opened fire with mortars of various calibres along the line differentiation.

"Using mortars of various calibers ... caused fire strikes on the positions of our forces along almost the entire line of demarcation", - stated in the message.

It also states that allegedly at the direction of the Donetsk Ukrainian military positions were attacked four times in Avdeevka area three times in the direction of Novgorod, and two - in the area Zaitsev. In Mariupol direction of fire from 120-mm mortars allegedly underwent military positions near the Ukrainian Talakovki. The report argues that using a caliber 82 mm mortars were allegedly fired Ukrainian military positions near Shirokino.

In this area in Granite District was allegedly an attempt to storm one of the positions of the Ukrainian military.

"To reflect and prevent the penetration of the enemy on the stronghold of the personnel was opened concentrated fire from machine guns and small arms It made sabotage and intelligence group to retreat.", - Stated in the message.

At the direction of Lugansk headquarters military operation allegedly gave the Ukrainian military bombardment on the positions at Novozvanovki.

The press center of the Ukrainian military power operation states that the situation in the Donbass "has a tendency to aggravate."
DPR: Kiev troops getting prepared for offensive, move headquarters closer to contact line

The DPR defense ministry said earlier that the situation in the republic has deteriorated, with a total of 442 episodes of shelling by Ukrainian troops reported in the past day

MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. The command of Ukraine’s armed forces are moving their headquarters and control centers closer to the line of engagement in Donbass as part of preparations for an offensive, Eduard Basurin, a spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), said on Tuesday.

"According to our reconnaissance, the headquarters and control centers of the 72nd and 128th brigades of the Ukrainian army are being moved from the rear of the Kiev’s force operation in Donbass closer to the line of engagement. This fact testifies that Ukraine’s military political command is getting prepared for further large-scale provocations," the Donetsk News Agency quoted him as saying.

The DPR defense ministry said earlier that the situation in the republic has deteriorated, with a total of 442 episodes of shelling by Ukrainian troops reported in the past day.

The Package of Measures to fulfil the September 2014 Minsk agreements, known as Minsk-2, that was signed in Minsk on February 12, 2015 envisaged a ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and people’s militias in the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk starting from February 15, 2015 and subsequent withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of engagement. The deal also laid out a roadmap for a lasting settlement in Ukraine, including local elections and constitutional reform to give more autonomy to the war-torn eastern regions.

On January 13, 2016, the Trilateral Contact Group meeting in the Belarusian capital city Minsk agreed on yet another, the seventh, ceasefire in Donbass from January 14. The sides however continue to accuse each other of ceasefire violation.
The Ukraine Salvation Committee has compiled the Grabovsky list that comprises persons complicit in the murder of Ukrainian lawyer Yuri Grabovsky. Ukraine’s President Petr Poroshenko comes first on the list.

Poroshenko may be recognized as a murderer

The Ukraine Salvation Committee has drawn up its Grabovsky list where we have included those who are responsible in one way or another for the brutal and demonstrative murder of the lawyer, the humiliation and tortures of political prisoners in the torture chambers of Ukraine’s Security Council and the Interior Ministry, in the secret prisons of punitive battalions,” the committee said in a statement.

The Grabovsky list comprises 22 persons. Aside from Poroshenko, it includes Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Alexander Turchinov, former Prosecutors-General Viktor Shokin and Vitaly Yareyoma, Verkhovna Rada Vice-Speaker Andrei Parubiy, Ukrainian Security Council Secretary Vasily Gritsak, Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and other staffers of the Ukrainian Security Council, the Interior Ministry’s Prosecutor’s Office, as well as Head of the Lugansk military and civilian administration Georgy Tuka, founder of the Aidar volunteer battalion Sergei Melnichuk and commander of the Azov battalion Andrei Biletsky.

“All of them are complicit in creating the atmosphere of terror and violence, fear and intimidation in the country. The Ukraine Salvation Committee offers just several names to start this list and Ukrainians will write down the other names. Everyone will be heard. Let the persons complicit in this crime be named until there is a possibility to put an end to terror in Ukraine. We’ll be extending this list,” the Ukraine Salvation Committee’s statement said.

Lawyer Grabovsky who defended the interests of Russian national Alexander Aleksandrov detained by the Ukrainian army disappeared in early March.

It is known that he was in Odessa on March 5 and returned to his Kiev office the following day. After that, no one saw him.

Grabovsky’s body with a gunshot wound was found in the Cherkasy Region in central Ukraine on March 25. Two suspects have been detained. The Ukrainian police consider “mercenary, domestic” motives among the versions for the causes of the lawyer’s murder. However, “a deliberate action” remains the basic version.

The Ukraine Salvation Committee was established on August 3, 2015.

“We know those who made a coup d’etat in Ukraine, who rejected a dialog with their people,” Ukraine Salvation Committee Head and former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said at the founding press conference in Moscow.

“The Salvation Committee now believes that accord can’t be restored without a change of the country’s political leadership.
The Salvation Committee is, unfortunately, being established outside Ukraine but I’m confident that we will return. We’re addressing the Ukrainian people: we‘re ready to assume responsibility for restoring Ukraine’s development,” Azarov said.
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