Jedi Council Member
Approaching Infinity said:Thanks, LdC. Have you been able to find any numbers? For example, this article (_ says the Militia estimates 7400 dead Ukrainian military. I'd like to collect some sources dealing with this issue: the fact that the Militia is doing a lot better than the press reports, and the Ukrainian army is doing a lot worse.
Gleb Bazov of Slavyangrad just tweeted his estimates for the numbers dead: "Difficult to say. I would estimate the number of civilians dead at about 7,000. Militia - 2,500 - 3,000. Ukraine - 16,000." In the latest C's sessions, they gave the number of dead on both sides during the "ATO" as 8662.
I repeatedly saw such figures that the Ukrainian soldiers 16 thousand were lost already. the junta doesn't speak about losses AT ALL, on the contrary, just "the valorous Ukrainian army" almost daily "destroys 500 terrorists and Russians" is a complete nonsense. everything that Potroshenko (Potroshenko in Russian - distortion of word Eviscesator/Ripper. also, in Serbian "Poroshenko" means "Pigs") speaks and the Ukrainian smelly mass media are only ardent speeches for a soaping of eyes that Ukrainian morons continued to believe that they "fight for the world and the truth", they call it national liberation war (against the Russian occupation). tens mean fakes daily, and that filters or it is impossible to hide - it is instantly turned inside out and moves in light, necessary for junta.
I can tell that the called figures - the most untrue. as I often read stories and reports as from soldiers, their relatives, and from a militia - anti-terrorist operation management absolutely insolvent, they simply throw the whole divisions into self-destructive attacks, staff of armies - untrained recruits and retired military who passed military service tens years ago. both most important and terrible - the wounded in the Ukrainian army it to be much worse the death as the management of anti-terrorist operation and the General Staff of junta REALLY sell people on bodies, cut out them at LIVE people, not only at soldiers. I have an acquaintance in Novoshakhtinsk - the Russian city in the Rostov region on border with Ukraine - she often communicates with refugees who too tell how their relatives and acquaintances simply been SOLD. this practice proceeds from winter events on the Maidan.
the majority of bodies of the killed soldiers don't come back to relatives. nazi protecting groups simply bury them in holes - they there for this purpose have bulldozers. Simply there was a person - and everything, ceased to exist - he is simply erased, is absolute the same as in Orwell's book "1984".