Clif High-

LQB said:
Agreed - the context for the change in thinking has been very slow to arrive in this rural area so its very refreshing to see some serious questioning. The "revolution" I'm referring to is in thought for the majority of these folk here - not a kind of overt resistance. Much greater interest in food, toxins, health, and what they can do about it. We are getting more and more interest and questions - a very good sign imo.

And I should have said that I don't think this kind of "revolution" is consistent with Clif's interpretation of his data.


Have you thought about participating in this project? It sound like your area is more than ready for EE. Even if you just put up posters at the coop and other public places directing them to the site that would help. If you could get in on the whole CD thing for the financially distressed, that would be wonderful. Stress relief, detox, a great prayer, what's not to like? :)

herondancer said:
LQB said:
Agreed - the context for the change in thinking has been very slow to arrive in this rural area so its very refreshing to see some serious questioning. The "revolution" I'm referring to is in thought for the majority of these folk here - not a kind of overt resistance. Much greater interest in food, toxins, health, and what they can do about it. We are getting more and more interest and questions - a very good sign imo.

And I should have said that I don't think this kind of "revolution" is consistent with Clif's interpretation of his data.


Have you thought about participating in this project? It sound like your area is more than ready for EE. Even if you just put up posters at the coop and other public places directing them to the site that would help. If you could get in on the whole CD thing for the financially distressed, that would be wonderful. Stress relief, detox, a great prayer, what's not to like? :)


Hi Herondancer,

Thanks for the link - I hadn't seen the thread. And yes, this would be great for the area. I can prob get some local help as well. I recently bought the EE package just so I could lend it out in the right circumstance. I need to go finish the thread, and I'll post over there.

Thanks Herondancer
I think that though this experiment is supposed to be a way to predict I read it taking into account that the future is open. Also consider that he is talking about archetypes and that is very difficult to interpret.

Have you read about the subset "Hyperchroniacs"? It appears in Issue 2 in the shape of... Let me paraphrase a bit this part, but is better to read the original:

The principal attribute is "time Shifts" and" time distortions" and apparently is a group of persons. Military envolved with health organizations will accuse them of mental madness. It is related to "aura" and "human energy field" This group will be important in the manifestation of the revolution. This "hyperchronic experience" gives understanding and fast learning. This experience needs mental preparation and experience. Some persons come out of this experince with a new perception while others are left confused. This group will be involved in deciphering hidden secrets (related to underground facilities) etc ....There are a lot of interesting details.

I Do not know if it would be much boldness to said that resembles me to EE and what's happening with this program and this group :/

If I'm violating copyright please remove this, but I don't find another way to let you know this.
Galaxia2002 said:
Have you read about the subset "Hyperchroniacs"? It appears in Issue 2 in the shape of... Let me paraphrase a bit this part, but is better to read the original:

"Hyperchroniacs?" As in:

3 Dec 94

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?
A: Feeling.
Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?
A: Hyperkinetic sensate.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: All.

Either Cliff is a fan of Cass or his bots are picking some 'heavy thoughts' from this forum. Hmm...
Windmill knight said:
Galaxia2002 said:
Have you read about the subset "Hyperchroniacs"? It appears in Issue 2 in the shape of... Let me paraphrase a bit this part, but is better to read the original:

"Hyperchroniacs?" As in:

3 Dec 94

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?
A: Feeling.
Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?
A: Hyperkinetic sensate.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: All.

Either Cliff is a fan of Cass or his bots are picking some 'heavy thoughts' from this forum. Hmm...

I'm not sure I understand your connection between 'hyperchroniacs' (a word that appears to be related to time (chronos) in some way) - and hyper (a heightened energetic state) and 'hyperkinetic' which is related to 'kinetic' - (energy in motion, active energy) and hyper (a heightened energetic state) related to a sensate experience. The only connection I see is 'hyper' which is not that unusual a word. 'Chroniac' and 'kinetic sensate' don't appear - to me - to be related at all. Just my take, though, and I could be missing something.
This "hyperchronic experience" gives understanding and fast learning. This experience needs mental preparation and experience.

Funny, this "hyperchronic experience" sounds like a "zone out" - "contact" with your future self - this could explain the "time shift"/"time distortion" factor mentioned in the excerpt, but of course, is just my interpretation.
anart said:
I'm not sure I understand your connection between 'hyperchroniacs' (a word that appears to be related to time (chronos) in some way) - and hyper (a heightened energetic state) and 'hyperkinetic' which is related to 'kinetic' - (energy in motion, active energy) and hyper (a heightened energetic state) related to a sensate experience. The only connection I see is 'hyper' which is not that unusual a word. 'Chroniac' and 'kinetic sensate' don't appear - to me - to be related at all. Just my take, though, and I could be missing something.

The way I thought of it, hyperkinetic can mean hyper-movement, and time is an abstraction to measure movement, as in time = distance / speed. So hyperchronic sounded close enough to me.
When Clif had mentioned Channeling without analysis, I thought of
Cass being 10% channeled 90% analysis/research/sweat ...(more or less)
So i recently e-mailed him to ask if he would look at some of the
material at .. I asked for an honest answer....
Can't give you that,, ( it was brief)
but I will say what I got out of it .

I refuse to read any channeling period !
crazycharlie said:
When Clif had mentioned Channeling without analysis, I thought of
Cass being 10% channeled 90% analysis/research/sweat ...(more or less)
So i recently e-mailed him to ask if he would look at some of the
material at .. I asked for an honest answer....
Can't give you that,, ( it was brief)
but I will say what I got out of it .

I refuse to read any channeling period !

So you're saying that you received an answer from Clif but are not willing to share it with us?
crazycharlie said:
I refuse to read any channeling period !

His loss -- I understand how a lot of the channeling out there could put one off, but that's too bad for him. Maybe it will sneak up on him one day, when the Cassiopaea entity starts to show up in his metadata :)
crazycharlie said:
When Clif had mentioned Channeling without analysis, I thought of
Cass being 10% channeled 90% analysis/research/sweat ...(more or less)
So i recently e-mailed him to ask if he would look at some of the
material at .. I asked for an honest answer....
Can't give you that,, ( it was brief)
but I will say what I got out of it .

I refuse to read any channeling period !

That doesn't seem an unreasonable stance, when you consider the context of Cliff High's project/experiment. Although it's interesting to analyze the crossovers with the Cass material, with particular focus on the esoteric references which crop up in his work; at heart, Cliff High is still a linguist. Although his experiment throws up some conventionally inexplicable memes, it is still centered purely around the analysis of anomalous verbiage, with the supposition that low level psychic ability is at the root of these anomalies.

Accepting that's the context of Cliff High's project, there is no reason for him to entertain channelled dialogue as an aspect of his work, any more than there is a reason for him to entertain horticulture or philately. Of course, it can be argued that Cliff must have his reasons for embarking on this project in the first place, and it's reasonable to assume those reasons include 'enlightenment' on some level. That being the case, on the face of it, shutting out channelled work would seem counter productive to such an ambition, however consider this: On our respective paths, all of us shave away what we consider to be irrelevant noise, and the filters we use to do this, are almost universally built around preconceived generalisations on all our parts. However, even in full knowledge of that fact, as 3D mortals, we have to carry out this process regardless, or we simply couldn't function. You could spend the entire day arguing with yourself over the futility or otherwise of simply getting out of bed, and the entire night wondering what lunatic preconception led you to believe that getting in to bed was a worthwhile persuit in the first place. At some point, Cliff has obviously classified channelled material as 'irrelevant noise', which from our perspective seems a grave injustice however, if you go out on the big bad inter-web and read other channelled work, the vast majority of it is exactly that: irrelevant noise. Cliff High is almost entirely correct, assuming this is his assertion.

You have to also consider that taking channelled material seriously, would almost certainly lead to expectation on Cliff's part, of what the results of his web-bots data gathering should be indicating .. Pollution and destruction of his own project in effect. So it could be argued also, that this negation of all channelled work is not based upon preconceived generalisations at all, but is more a necessary block, ironically in order to preserve the integrity of his project

It's entirely possible of course, that paths with Cliff High will cross in a more substantial way in the future, but there's no reason to assume that they should, or that they need to. I personally feel his project does have some value though it's difficult to quantify to what degree. On the face of it, the obvious criteria would seem to be accuracy but as Cliff has often iterated, he's not in the business of predicting the future, and I've heard him voice some incredulity and frustration with people who insist on referring to him as some sort of modern day prophet. His experiment simply takes anomalous language, and within the framework of the project and the accepted psychic supposition, presents in a digestable form, what that data indicates. But to voice a favoured techie cliche: garbage in=garbage out. Somewhere in there is psychic ability mixed in with nonsense but maybe there is no realistic way of filtering further without introducing even greater margins of error. Maybe 50% accuracy is the best you can expect here. In which case Cliff's project is 100% accurate.

I have to say, despite my earlier misgivings regarding Cliff High, I'm still listening to the bloke with some interest. I'm almost sorry that I wrote what I did because the project is really quite remarkable
Doesn't surprise me that Cliff refuses to read "any channeling period".

This attitude may come from Cliff's association with cointelpro operator/vector Jeff Rense (who is very outspoken about channeling), not necessarily Cliff's wanting to keep his research/data pure, OSIT.

And let's not forget that there is plenty of channeled material out there whose sources appear to be from negative STS beings and imaginative whackos who think-up stuff in order to make a buck, and/or copy other channeler's material to possibly confuse the issue. Whether these sort of channelers do so consciously or unconsciously is debatable. The negativity or falsehoods (think Nancy Leider) that often result from such channeled noise is not.

Cliff has an interesting theory. However, it seems he identifies too closely with it and is closing his mind to other possibilities/confirmations by his refusal to consider channeled material (both negative and positive) separately from his linguistic/psychic experiment. This attitude reminds me of the scientists/researchers/historians who have a pet theory and refuse to consider any other source that might independently confirm or negate that theory if it doesn't fit into their pre-conceived assumptions.
One other thing to keep in mind, is that, apparently, Jay Wiedner 'has Clif's ear'....Clif seems to think quite highly of Jay as of about 4-5 months ago.

That is an unfortunate development, imho.

RflctnOfU said:
One other thing to keep in mind, is that, apparently, Jay Wiedner 'has Clif's ear'....Clif seems to think quite highly of Jay as of about 4-5 months ago.

Jeff Rense and Jay Weidner. Having those two cointelpro con-artists chumming up with Clif makes me wonder if is indeed on to something and needs to be vectored in a different direction.

Too bad Cliff doesn't investigate Jeff and Jay more thoroughly. Just reading Weidner's deceptive email exchanges with Laura and Ark years ago would make anyone with a few neurons firing understand that Weidner (and his creepy, dishonest associates) are playing games.

Oh, well, all is lessons.
When Clif had mentioned Channeling without analysis, I thought of
Cass being 10% channeled 90% analysis/research/sweat ...(more or less)
So i recently e-mailed him to ask if he would look at some of the
material at .. I asked for an honest answer....
Can't give you that,, ( it was brief)
but I will say what I got out of it .

I refuse to read any channeling period !

This is interesting becaouse if Cliff think quite highly of Jay and if he is in contact with him than this statement from him that he refused to read any channeling make sense.
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