Clif High-

NormaRegula said:
RflctnOfU said:
One other thing to keep in mind, is that, apparently, Jay Wiedner 'has Clif's ear'....Clif seems to think quite highly of Jay as of about 4-5 months ago.

Jeff Rense and Jay Weidner. Having those two cointelpro con-artists chumming up with Clif makes me wonder if is indeed on to something and needs to be vectored in a different direction.

Too bad Cliff doesn't investigate Jeff and Jay more thoroughly. Just reading Weidner's deceptive email exchanges with Laura and Ark years ago would make anyone with a few neurons firing understand that Weidner (and his creepy, dishonest associates) are playing games.

Oh, well, all is lessons.

Just after Cliff Started 'plugging' Jay Wiedner, I did send him a link to those archived email exchanges. I never heard back, but I suspect he did not look into it.

There is a new post by Cliff High on the Half Past Human website - _

This is a post that is very explicit about what he foresees through the rest of the year - WWIII. He gives dates, especially the 8th of November. Perhaps this information could be brought up in a session with the Cs to see if there is some corroboration.
Hi Spur.

First off, specific date predictions are 'never' correct (I'm tempted to use rarely here, but, the fact is that 'never' is just more accurate). Even for Clif and his 'bot' - so that's the first red flag. The rest of the post sounds like Weidner (and his pathological cohorts) has Clif's ear and has been feeding him C's predictions from the last 15 years, without accreditation, of course. Since Clif "won't look at any channeling ever", he's likely completely unaware that this is pretty much the scenario the C's outlined years and years ago - so no big surprise.

Quite frankly, the theatrics he uses, and the graphic sexual description, indicate he's gone off his rocker - but that's just my take. (and being completely vectored can do that to a person...)

After reading that, I find myself quite concerned - for Clif. fwiw.

For the record, upon initially reading it, this: "‘terrible choice’ that our ‘leaders’ will say they are forced to make to ‘safe guard our homeland’. " also read as Israel to me - however, I'm well versed in the role Israel is likely (certain?) to play in our possible future. Where Clif goes from there is quite disturbing, not for the real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind. Just my take, of course...
To be honest, it doesn't even really sound like Clif -- at least not the way he usually writes. Compare it with this article, for example, on hyperchronism:


It's not just the content, but the style as well -- there's something just different about it (but perhaps that's underscoring the obvious). I also don't remember him ever using the reptile reference specifically before this, either. I don't know if it points to a ghost-writer, but if not, then I agree with anart that Clif is in some serious trouble. This seems to confirm a trend with Clif that has been becoming more and more visible over the past several months, unfortunately.
anart said:
First off, specific date predictions are 'never' correct (I'm tempted to use rarely here, but, the fact is that 'never' is just more accurate). Even for Clif and his 'bot' - so that's the first red flag.

Hi Anart,

On the contrary, SOME of Clif's specific predictions have been quite accurate. Along with 9/11 the Dec. 2004 tsunami and the Oct. 7, 2008 market crash come to mind. This past Oct. 25 date was mainly a miss IMO, but Clif is seeing a huge tipping point more prominent than 9/11 in the linguistics data for Nov. 2010.

anart said:
The rest of the post sounds like Weidner (and his pathological cohorts) has Clif's ear and has been feeding him C's predictions from the last 15 years, without accreditation, of course.

The only prediction I see is the Israeli attack on Iran triggering World War III. I haven't heard Weidner talking about this. Do you have a reference for that?

For that matter, though I'm still working my way through the (massive) amount of material on this site and in Laura's books (I've read 3 so far), I haven't run across any WWIII predictions by the C's. Could you point me to instances where they talk about that?
rawtruth said:
For that matter, though I'm still working my way through the (massive) amount of material on this site and in Laura's books (I've read 3 so far), I haven't run across any WWIII predictions by the C's. Could you point me to instances where they talk about that?

no time to look up links right now, but I think there are quite a few references from different angles, maybe not calling it WWIII but certainly addressing the currently developing global war, one being that WWII was something like a 'practice run' for what is unfolding at present.
rawtruth said:
For that matter, though I'm still working my way through the (massive) amount of material on this site and in Laura's books (I've read 3 so far), I haven't run across any WWIII predictions by the C's. Could you point me to instances where they talk about that?

As Nomad indicated C's made many predictions for an oncoming war planned by PTB. But I think anart's main reference is for the "planned ‘sacrifice’ of the ‘nation of israel " (quoted from Clif's post).

[quote author= Session September 24, 2001]

Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middleastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine
fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country
for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have
ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.

anart said:
Hi Spur.

First off, specific date predictions are 'never' correct (I'm tempted to use rarely here, but, the fact is that 'never' is just more accurate). Even for Clif and his 'bot' - so that's the first red flag. The rest of the post sounds like Weidner (and his pathological cohorts) has Clif's ear and has been feeding him C's predictions from the last 15 years, without accreditation, of course. Since Clif "won't look at any channeling ever", he's likely completely unaware that this is pretty much the scenario the C's outlined years and years ago - so no big surprise.

Quite frankly, the theatrics he uses, and the graphic sexual description, indicate he's gone off his rocker - but that's just my take. (and being completely vectored can do that to a person...)

After reading that, I find myself quite concerned - for Clif. fwiw.

For the record, upon initially reading it, this: "‘terrible choice’ that our ‘leaders’ will say they are forced to make to ‘safe guard our homeland’. " also read as Israel to me - however, I'm well versed in the role Israel is likely (certain?) to play in our possible future. Where Clif goes from there is quite disturbing, not for the real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind. Just my take, of course...

Uhm, yeah! :shock:

From what Fletcher Prouty has written about the "power elite" this is not something that will be let happen. Although, Israel is a loose cannon at the best of times.

But this looks very much like the hysteria-causing horse-hockey that was put out after 9/11 and afterwards to keep people in a shock and awe type of mental turmoil. More of the same moves by the PTB - highly propagandized, and rather off the deep end.

My 2 cents.

[Added:] Just wanted to add that this type of propaganda is what could really make comet bombardment look like something else - say a nuclear attack. fwiw
Nienna Eluch said:
[...] But this looks very much like the hysteria-causing horse-hockey that was put out after 9/11 and afterwards to keep people in a shock and awe type of mental turmoil. More of the same moves by the PTB - highly propagandized, and rather off the deep end.

My 2 cents.


Nienna Eluch said:
[Added:] Just wanted to add that this type of propaganda is what could really make comet bombardment look like something else - say a nuclear attack. fwiw

My! I hadn't conceive that possibility, a Nuclear War used as a cover up, that would be easy with the manipulative media and also some meteor explosions look like nuclear explosions. This reminded me the Victor Clube's Cosmic Winter Intro - that an asteroid impact was confused as a nuke from Russia -.
From the WebBot Discussions group, here's a further clarification from Clif as of 4/17 on what his linguistics data indicate for the Nov. 2010-Jan. 2011 timeframe:

The ill winds data set is spread out in both the terra entity and the globalpop entity. So far the Terra entity linguistics are being fulfilled [Iceland volcano]. It is within the globalpop entity that we have the terrible ill winds that kill people and go around the planet 9 times. Separate events. The ill winds that kill people are directly tied to the israeli attack on Iran.

As of this moment, the israeli attack on iran has the highest level of probability for 11-8 through 11-11 with the 9 times ill wind continuing from then through to 1-23-2011. If this is slated to occur at that point (i.e. planned by illuminati), then we can expect a single day's attack by israel on iran followed by 3 days of global thermonuclear war followed by nearly 2.4 months of radioactive fallout that will kill about 1.28 billion people over the subsequent 2 months.

Note that we do not specifically have israeli attack references for Nov tipping point. We are too far out from that event horizon to be able to have meaningful archetypes. We will likely be able to better position events for November by Fall as we will then be into immediacy and very short term data sets which bring back our most reliable types of data.

Best we can do with the linguistics at the moment.

But to be clear, the ill winds that kill lots of people are caused by the israeli's and it leads first to the total destruction of israel (including the glazing over of
jerusulem - so much for prophecy), followed by global mass deaths.

Clif reiterated on 4/20 during his interview at that the Nov. event could be something different than the Israeli attack, although he has had "ill winds" and "Israeli mistake" in the linguistics data for a long time, which gives it more weight, in his opinion.

Clif has mentioned more than once that he is being very careful these days not to provide "clues" to TPTB and to tailor his reports such that he won't create self-fulfilling prophecies for certain events by fueling the rumor mill across the internet. Accordingly, it may just be that Clif put out his "Wolf and other Blitzers" essay in a rather atypical sensationalistic style in order for it to gain maximum attention in hopes of alerting enough people to prevent this appalling scenario from occurring.

In any case IMO the essay well describes the psychopathic personalities who are working to make it happen.
anart said:
For the record, upon initially reading it, this: "‘terrible choice’ that our ‘leaders’ will say they are forced to make to ‘safe guard our homeland’. " also read as Israel to me - however, I'm well versed in the role Israel is likely (certain?) to play in our possible future. Where Clif goes from there is quite disturbing, not for the real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind. Just my take, of course...
Nienna Eluch said:
Uhm, yeah! :shock:

From what Fletcher Prouty has written about the "power elite" this is not something that will be let happen. Although, Israel is a loose cannon at the best of times.

But this looks very much like the hysteria-causing horse-hockey that was put out after 9/11 and afterwards to keep people in a shock and awe type of mental turmoil. More of the same moves by the PTB - highly propagandized, and rather off the deep end.

My 2 cents.
On the contrary, Nienna, "this looks very much like the hysteria-causing horse-hockey" that was put out in 2002 prior to the Iraq invasion.

Nienna Eluch said:
[Added:] Just wanted to add that this type of propaganda is what could really make comet bombardment look like something else - say a nuclear attack. fwiw
What??? That's quite a stretch, Nienna. I think we will be quite able to distinguish between radioactive fallout circling the globe vs. a comet bombardment.

And, Anart, I would like to know (in addition to my previous questions) what it is about Clif's prediction that you find "disturbing, not for real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind."

Are you both aware that the U.S. House voted 400-11 yesterday to pass sanctions against Iran, which Ron Paul has appropriately labeled an act of war?
House Overwhelmingly Votes to Advance Iran Sanctions ((for AIPAC on behalf of Israel))

The drumbeat for war with Iran is everywhere you look. These articles have all appeared in just the past week:

Obama Threatens Iran with Nuclear War

Demonizing Iran: US Media Continue Beating War Drums

Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran

US top military official says strike against Iran would halt nuclear programme

It may be too late to stop Iran getting nuclear bomb, says former US defence official

Pentagon chief raises threat of attack as Iran taunts US with missile display

US considering military alternatives for Iran

Israel Weighs Merits of Solo Attack on Iran

The silence here on this topic is becoming deafening.
rawtruth said:
The silence here on this topic is becoming deafening.

To me, anyway, the ramp-up in MSM rhetoric against Iran has the same flavor as that before the Iraq invasion. The takeaway in Clif's piece (for me) is to watch for this "ramp-up" to intensify (maybe a good time for a false flag attack) the drum beat. There is little doubt (to me) that plans/designs on Iraq/Iran have been in place for a very long time - and they are very coherent. Many years ago I spoke with an enlisted Navy-man who insisted that his ship (in the vicinity of Iran) took on and readied nuclear weapons against Iran during the Reagan Admin. He was very insistent and expressed some fear during the conversation - and almost like he was getting something "off his chest".

But I find constant reminders that the PTB "tool box" is very large and that they can change plans, alter timing, and employ a wide range of "weapons" depending on their own "weather" measurements. Watching carefully here ...
Rawtruth, I have been paying more attention to Cliff's comments ever since the Sept/Oct market crash. I remember prior to the event that I heard on another webpage about the data mining and that there was a threshold event on 15 Sept 2008. I was scheduled to go overseas on that day and thought it may be related to some of the other comments about Israel, etc. It took me two days to recover from jet lag before I turned on the news and found out that Lehman Brothers had gone belly up. By the time I got back to Australia more than two weeks later I had lost a considerable amount of my retirement funds. After that, I started paying for the updates to see if there was something I could glean from them.

I do agree with Anart about specific dates, however the Sept 15 2008 date still impresses me. I also feel that Cliff's interpretations of the information is often clouded by his own thoughts. I remember an important event in my life that I knew would occur on a certain date during the night. I woke to meet the challenge that evening only to find that the event occurred in the early morning darkness. My vision was correct (the date, night darkness, type of aircraft, death, the cause), but my interpretation was off. I expect that Cliff is having the same difficulties with the incomplete information he is dealing with.

There have been some other 'hits' that he may have interpreted incorrectly. The 'whistle blower' data appears to have been related to the information that has surfaced though Climategate. The 'sacking of the Vatican' appears to be related to the sexual escapades of the Catholic Church. The 'sacking' may be the loss of credibility or moral authority of the Church rather than a loss of physical items (the mind control of the Church being of far more value than physical items).

It would be interesting to get the views of the Cs on this latest post by Cliff.
rawtruth said:
The silence here on this topic is becoming deafening.

Steady on there young'un! has been saying for a long time that shock and awe is coming to Iran. Do browse through the Connecting the Dots Series and you'll learn that WWIII as you call it is already underway.
Kniall said:
rawtruth said:
The silence here on this topic is becoming deafening.

Steady on there young'un! has been saying for a long time that shock and awe is coming to Iran. Do browse through the Connecting the Dots Series and you'll learn that WWIII as you call it is already underway.

Yeah, there's nothing really new in the recent warmongering against Iran that would mark it out as something imminent. We have been watching the game since it began, and there have been several similar upping of the rhetoric in that time. The point being that they could attack Iran at any time, for all the public knows, because the public does not have the inside details. So yeah, there is an upping of rhetoric recently, but that is nothing new, but it also does not mean that they won't choose this time to launch an attack. We just have to wait and see.
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