Clif High-

Hi rawtruth,

I apologize for not getting back to you to answer you replies, but I am not able to read the whole forum every day and get to the parts I can when I can.

rawtruth said:
Nienna Eluch said:
[Added:] Just wanted to add that this type of propaganda is what could really make comet bombardment look like something else - say a nuclear attack. fwiw
What??? That's quite a stretch, Nienna. I think we will be quite able to distinguish between radioactive fallout circling the globe vs. a comet bombardment.

You say that this is quite a stretch? Not really.

First, I would like to say that those who are in control of this planet do not want a nuclear war, according to Fletcher Prouty, in his books The Secret Team and JKF, as it would put quite the crimp in their arms dealing, you know, like the end of the world sort of thing. ;) So from what I have read, the PTB or "power elite" just want to keep the non-nuclear type of wars going because it is very profitable for them. They are making loads of money off of the many, many wars going on around the globe. If you haven't read Prouty's books, they are really an eye-opener to what is going on in the world and has been for a very long time.

But, as I mentioned, Israel is a loose cannon and will do what it wants to do so there could very well be a case of Israel finding a very real reason for using it's nuclear weapons.

This is where the comets come in. There is every reason to believe that those in control of the governments of the world are very aware of the fact that we are due for a comet bombardment as cited all over this forum. And it is a very real fact that a comet explosion, either overhead or on the ground, could very well be mistaken by those who are primed and ready, to be a nuclear bomb launched by those evil terrorists in Iran. You can see that they can be mistaken for atomic bombs in this article.

An hysterical population already groomed and primed to believe that any explosion could be a nuclear weapon from those evil Muslims would not even think about whether or not it could be something else and would then allow Israel to launch its own nuclear weapons in a "defensive" maneuver. This is my understanding of these events at this time, and I could certainly be wrong about any of it. But this is how it is looking to me at this point in time. :)

If you haven't yet read Laura's comet series articles, they start here, you may want to take a look at them. They are very informative.
Well, when the out-and-out psychopaths took over... maybe all bets are off?
Nienna Eluch said:
...You can see that they can be mistaken for atomic bombs in this article.

Actually, no, Nienna, the article states the asteroid was mistaken for an earthquake, not a bomb. And, yes, I am familiar with Laura's very thorough comet research.

However, there is this aspect of nuclear explosions called "radioactivity," and there are these instruments called "geiger counters," readily available to the public, which can surely register the difference between nuclear fallout and a comet or meteor explosion. It is also doubtful, despite their black-ops technology, that TPTB could control where the comet lands and how much damage it does. So I think it rather unlikely that they would plan to use that as some kind of false-flag event.

A few months ago Clif stated the following about meteors:
We have no meaningful data for or about meteors. Never have, and likely never will. It is our thinking that such things as meteors likely cannot be 'sensed' by consciousness here until just the last second....unlike earthquakes which build tension into the world energy of consciousness.

Didn't the C's say the comets would arrive along with the Wave and the 36 million Nephilim? It is my working hypothesis at present that it is the approach of the Wave that is primarily responsible for Clif's lack of "meaningful data" about meteors and his "Data Gap" between March of 2012 and May of 2013 (discussed in some detail in my post on page 9 of this topic).

Prior to that time period it appears TPTB are ramping up their population reduction and control tactics, which could very well include Clif's predicted WWIII and 1.28 billion dead by the end of this year. That would also mark a significant step toward the re-use of 94% of us as "containers."
rawtruth said:
Nienna Eluch said:
...You can see that they can be mistaken for atomic bombs in this article.

Actually, no, Nienna, the article states the asteroid was mistaken for an earthquake, not a bomb. And, yes, I am familiar with Laura's very thorough comet research.

However, there is this aspect of nuclear explosions called "radioactivity," and there are these instruments called "geiger counters," readily available to the public, which can surely register the difference between nuclear fallout and a comet or meteor explosion. It is also doubtful, despite their black-ops technology, that TPTB could control where the comet lands and how much damage it does. So I think it rather unlikely that they would plan to use that as some kind of false-flag event.

rawtruth, is there a reason you're being so snide and sarcastic? It would be appreciated if you could refrain from such behavior. It is contrary to the spirit and rules of this forum.
anart said:
rawtruth, is there a reason you're being so snide and sarcastic? It would be appreciated if you could refrain from such behavior. It is contrary to the spirit and rules of this forum.

Excuse me, anart, but I did not realize my comment would be perceived that way. I was emphasizing "radioactivity" and "geiger counter" since it seemed that Nienna was missing this rather obvious point by his repeated insistence that a cometary explosion could be readily mistaken by the populace for a nuclear bomb.

In any case, if I have offended anyone, I offer my apologies.

Anart, I had been hoping for a response from you on this thread, after requesting further explanation for some of your statements, but this response was rather unexpected!
rawtruth said:
anart said:
rawtruth, is there a reason you're being so snide and sarcastic? It would be appreciated if you could refrain from such behavior. It is contrary to the spirit and rules of this forum.

Excuse me, anart, but I did not realize my comment would be perceived that way. I was emphasizing "radioactivity" and "geiger counter" since it seemed that Nienna was missing this rather obvious point by his repeated insistence that a cometary explosion could be readily mistaken by the populace for a nuclear bomb.

Okay, it just seemed to come off a little snide, but if you didn't intend for it to, then it's no problem.

I think the fact that information is so controlled - and that a bolide or an impact does produce, to my understanding, an electromagnetic pulse - that a populace that was so easily convinced that Saddam had anything to do with 911 could also be easily convinced that an impact is a bomb. Never underestimate the ability of this populace to be misled. One need look no further than 911 to realize that to the vast majority of people, 'reality' is whatever they print in the paper and broadcast on the television. To use your examples, all that matters is who is holding the Geiger counter and who reports the findings. Any independent person who points out the lie will be labeled as a conspiracy theorist or neutralized.

I think your other question to me regarded my statement that predictions tied to specific dates are never accurate. It is my understanding that the vast majority of Clif's predictions occur over date ranges and those predictions that you mention as being 'true' are 'interpretive' - meaning that, after the fact, he fits the events to what he says he saw in the data.

That's not unusual for predictions, it's just that - without exception - when I see someone predict anything on a specific date or time, I tend to think 'horse hockey' - though I tend to think 'horse hockey' in general with predictions. Predictions aren't really necessary when all one has to do is pay attention to what is going on, on and around this planet, to see very, very clearly that we are all in for a very, very rough time. As I stated from the beginning of the discussion on Clif, while I think his data mining project is very interesting and, conceptually, hits on the reality of global conscious awareness, I am consistently underwhelmed by his interpretation of said data and his tendency to 'hype it up'. But, that's just my take, with which you most likely disagree, since you appear to be a bit of a Clif fan.
rawtruth said:
anart said:
rawtruth, is there a reason you're being so snide and sarcastic? It would be appreciated if you could refrain from such behavior. It is contrary to the spirit and rules of this forum.

Excuse me, anart, but I did not realize my comment would be perceived that way. I was emphasizing "radioactivity" and "geiger counter" since it seemed that Nienna was missing this rather obvious point by his repeated insistence that a cometary explosion could be readily mistaken by the populace for a nuclear bomb.

In any case, if I have offended anyone, I offer my apologies.

For the record, I also perceived the sarcasm, specifically in the use of the phrases "there is this aspect of nuclear explosions called..." and "there are these instruments called..." I can understand if you didn't realize that you were coming across like that, because there was a time in my life (teenage years and part of my young adulthood) in which I hanged out with a bunch of 'smart-bottoms', who regularly communicated sarcastically and made a sport of it, to the point that I would be 'infected' and not notice that I was being sarcastic to other people that were not part of this group and did not share this aggressive language. So yes, it can be semi or subconscious, but I think it is fair to say that those phrases do sound patronizing/sarcastic.

As for the lack of radioactivity, somebody correct me if I'm wrong as I'm no physicist nor astronomer, but it is my understanding that a big enough cometary explosion will produce some sort of radioactivity. See here, for example:


Your other point about having no control of where a comet will land is more solid, in my opinion. I had thought about that too. That doesn't exclude the possibility that if a comet does happen to hit an urban area, somebody will take the opportunity to point fingers to some real or imaginary nuclear power.

Then again last week we were told that there was a dangerous cloud of ash over half of Europe, which turned out to be basically wrong, yet most people believed it. Like anart says, we must not underestimate the reality-creating capabilities of tv and papers.
In one of the books I have, a collection of scholarly papers on the topic of how to manage comet/asteroid impacts, there is actually quite a bit of discussion about mistaking a cometary explosion for nukes. The scientists admit that they really have no way of telling the difference and a Tunguska-like event could trigger an all-out nuclear war.
It should be noted, that the time aspect here is really important. If a comet impact occur, the PTB would not wait a few days to cry for revenge on a imaginary or real enemy and take actions before any data can say what it really was. A big boom and heavy damage is probably all what it needs to justify any actions, no matter in what direction they want to go. Imagine the 'breaking news': "Alert! Alert! A few minutes ago a devastating blast wiped out half of chicago, the president did not exclude a nuclear attack either, strike forces are in the air and waiting for order". There were not enough time even for us to figure out what it really was before things get out of control and people would believe what they first saw on TV, no doubt. If a few days later the truth comes up, who really cares about when the war has already started?

So, a comet impact could appear as a nuclear explosion very well, especially in the first couple of hours!
anart said:
It is my understanding that the vast majority of Clif's predictions occur over date ranges and those predictions that you mention as being 'true' are 'interpretive' - meaning that, after the fact, he fits the events to what he says he saw in the data.
That's true for many of his predictions, and Clif admits to an overall accuracy of no better than 50%. Where he has been stunningly precise, however, is in his forecasts of major "tipping points," the most recent being 9/11 and the 10/07/2008 market crash, both of which he nailed almost to the hour. That's why I am paying attention to his latest Nov. 2010 prediction, which he terms another major "tipping point" with release language extending for 4 days after the event, far longer than what was observed after 9/11.
anart said:
I am consistently underwhelmed by his interpretation of said data and his tendency to 'hype it up'. But, that's just my take, with which you most likely disagree, since you appear to be a bit of a Clif fan.
I have likewise been underwhelmed over the past months, particularly with his forecast "death of the dollar" which clearly did NOT happen on his predicted date of Oct. 25 last year.

And I don't consider myself a "Clif fan" although I do follow his work and give it perhaps more weight than you do. I must admit to being a "fan" of predictions in general, however, which constitutes a significant part of my attraction to the C's and Laura's work. I find it especially interesting to explore how Clif's "data gap" and the C's "Wave"may intersect and inter-relate with each other, although it seems so far I'm somewhat alone in this curiosity.

But my questions to you, anart, in previous posts were as follows:

anart said:
The rest of the post sounds like Weidner (and his pathological cohorts) has Clif's ear and has been feeding him C's predictions from the last 15 years, without accreditation, of course.
rawtruth said:
The only prediction I see is the Israeli attack on Iran triggering World War III. I haven't heard Weidner talking about this. Do you have a reference for that?

For that matter, though I'm still working my way through the (massive) amount of material on this site and in Laura's books (I've read 3 so far), I haven't run across any WWIII predictions by the C's. Could you point me to instances where they talk about that?
anart said:
For the record, upon initially reading it, this: "‘terrible choice’ that our ‘leaders’ will say they are forced to make to ‘safe guard our homeland’. " also read as Israel to me - however, I'm well versed in the role Israel is likely (certain?) to play in our possible future. Where Clif goes from there is quite disturbing, not for the real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind.
rawtruth said:
And, Anart, I would like to know (in addition to my previous questions) what it is about Clif's prediction that you find "disturbing, not for real world ramifications, per se, but as a reflection of his current state of mind."

Are you both aware that the U.S. House voted 400-11 yesterday to pass sanctions against Iran, which Ron Paul has appropriately labeled an act of war?
House Overwhelmingly Votes to Advance Iran Sanctions ((for AIPAC on behalf of Israel))
rawtruth said:
But my questions to you, anart, in previous posts were as follows:

It was my understanding that all of those questions were adequately addressed by others in the thread. When other members of the network answer questions, I usually don't step in to repeat anything since there's no need, plus I'm very, very busy. No offense was intended by my lack of response.
rawtruth said:
A few months ago Clif stated the following about meteors:
We have no meaningful data for or about meteors. Never have, and likely never will. It is our thinking that such things as meteors likely cannot be 'sensed' by consciousness here until just the last second....unlike earthquakes which build tension into the world energy of consciousness.

rawtruth, are you sure about this ? I am asking because in his latest ALTA report he makes some prediction about bolides and meteor showers :

The idea coming from the detail layers are that [bolides (collections of debris more or less glued together)] will be [raining down] on large areas of planet earth as a result of some bespoke [unknown circumstances] in near space. Some of these [bolides] will [flame out], and resemble [strange meteor showers], and others will continue to [burn] for [weeks] after impact.

I can not quote more due to permission issues but he even mentions about some dangerous radioactivity caused by these bolides.
un chien anadolu said:
rawtruth said:
A few months ago Clif stated the following about meteors:
We have no meaningful data for or about meteors. Never have, and likely never will. It is our thinking that such things as meteors likely cannot be 'sensed' by consciousness here until just the last second....unlike earthquakes which build tension into the world energy of consciousness.
rawtruth, are you sure about this ?

Yes, that was a direct quote from an email from Clif posted to the WebBot Discussions forum. See page 9 of this topic for the full email text.

un chien anadolu said:
I am asking because in his latest ALTA report he makes some prediction about bolides and meteor showers :
The idea coming from the detail layers are that [bolides (collections of debris more or less glued together)] will be [raining down] on large areas of planet earth as a result of some bespoke [unknown circumstances] in near space. Some of these [bolides] will [flame out], and resemble [strange meteor showers], and others will continue to [burn] for [weeks] after impact.
I can not quote more due to permission issues but he even mentions about some dangerous radioactivity caused by these bolides.
Yes, but he prefaced these remarks by calling this the destruction of the "inter-stellar space ship Rama" (a reference to an Arthur C. Clarke story). And the radioactivity will be due specifically to "encapsulated radioactive energy sources."

So this prediction has to do with the break-up and raining debris from nuclear-powered space vehicles, not interplanetary bodies. Notice that he used the words "resemble strange meteor showers," implying that the debris was NOT meteors but rather something else. Clif is most often rather precise in his use of language, as one would expect.
I just wanted to mention thatt in Cliffs latest interview, Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas - [Episode 73 #02] 10-04-23_Veritas_ClifHigh-P2, he gets on the topic of sweeteners such as aspartame etc. He states that Xylitol is the latest of the industires neurotoxins and should be avoided. It did not fit with my understanding and research of Xylitol.

I just thought It was a bit weird.
Wow this is some info I knew and some I didn't. Very interesting. Correct me if I am wrong in my interpretation but what I hear you saying is that TPTB know a major, cyclical cataclysm is inevitably coming, not known in what form, but coming none-the-less. Is that accurate? I also hear that this article is saying is that most alien life does not favor us. Is that accurate to? If I am not accurate can you please explain what he was trying to say. Thanks!
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