Clif High-

What i find unfair is to treat someone RAT BASTARD for 10$. He needs money yes, but his epidermic reaction is obsessive. He's maybe in a black and white mood: all sharing is criminal. And it is excessive. He's a smart guy by here it is a basic emotional response he has.
mkrnhr said:
What i find unfair is to treat someone RAT BASTARD for 10$. He needs money yes, but his epidermic reaction is obsessive. He's maybe in a black and white mood: all sharing is criminal. And it is excessive. He's a smart guy by here it is a basic emotional response he has.

Sharing information is WHY he does interviews, most of which are free.

As for his work, there must be a 'balance of energies', as the C's have stated on more than one occasion.

Of course he will have an emotional response --- his work is being stolen. If you recall, when redpillpress toyed with making available ebooks, sales plummeted. Laura's work was being 'pilfered'.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch"

Laura and team did not insult people :)
It's not all black and all white, but there is some balance, and his response is not balanced. I could be mistaken of course :)
mkrnhr said:
Laura and team did not insult people :)

Yes, but he might not be doing the work. So we can understand his reaction and give him a bit of slack.

It's not all black and all white, but there is some balance, and his response is not balanced. I could be mistaken of course :)

I think he over reacted by including the word rat. ;) Although I wouldn't have used the B word either.
Seems the universe gave him a sign. I wonder if he will learn something about Rense from all this?
My guess is that nobody "hacked" the Rense site. When he put up that defamation piece about me a few days before he was supposed to interview me, his excuse for the reason he couldn't/didn't remove it immediately was that someone had "hacked" his server. Well, I knew for a fact that wasn't so. (Long story, I've posted about it elsewhere). So, my guess is he - or one of his people - did that just to increase his stats.

As for Clif charging for what he does: I can understand it. He obviously must use technology to get the data with which to generate the reports and that can't be cheap. He simply charges for his reports and I'm sure he knows that a lot of people are going to share them with others, so he probably only gets one fifth of the money he would get if they were selling hardcopy.

We, on the other hand, publish everything for free AND sell books AND ask for and receive donations. Our work is slightly different too. Our books aren't out of date one month or two after they are published. Clif's reports are time sensitive and very dynamic.

I don't fault him for charging, and he was just expressing his emotional reaction to what happened. Sure, it demonstrates that he is not in control of his machine, but how many people really are?

The most interesting thing to learn from this is what a nasty site Rense's is.
There seems to be considerable misunderstanding here.

Clif's concern is less about revenue than it is about pollution of internet data with his own work, which he must then take pains to filter out on his next bot run. He has spent a significant percentage of his programming time in recent years devising algorithms to keep his spiders away from his own words and predictions as they survey the net. Whenever his reports get put up on other, unauthorized sites, it makes his job much more difficult.

He is assuming, probably correctly, that those who make these unauthorized posts have connections to TPTB or their minions. It is these minions whom he is calling "rat bastards." I believe Laura would call them psychopaths, and probably worse. TPTB would no doubt like to see Clif's work shut down, since being aware and able to prepare for what they have in store for us would certainly be viewed by them as highly undesirable.

Anyone who has followed Clif's interviews for any length of time knows he is not out to make a "fast buck." As RflctnOfU stated, his server costs are significant, and once the spiders bring back the data, he burns a lot of midnight oil pushing himself to correlate and assemble it all into a cohesive narrative as quickly as he can. For what goes into it, $10 per report is a very low price by any standard.

In regard to my email exchange with Clif, posted on 6/17, I found no hint of sarcasm in any of his replies. He was polite even when he mistakenly thought I was referring to a New Age ascension/savior meme which he knows to be pure BS. I find it curious how several here reacted with "sarcasm" and "jerk" labels.

It occurred to me after I posted that each of his replies came back to me in plain text format with my hyperlinks disabled. So I don't think he ever saw, much less clicked on, any of the links to the Cassiopaea glossary that I reproduced in my 6/17 post.

Due to previous run-ins with would-be saboteurs, he has no doubt set his email server to convert all incoming email to plain text. So I seriously doubt he even knew what body of work I was referring to.

As to the credibility he gives to Jay Weidner, this seems to be based primarily on Clif's belief in Patrick Geryl's work concerning the likelihood of a huge CME event, which also correlates with "sun disease" linguistics he has been seeing for a number of years. Of course, Weidner gives lip service to that, even claiming the movie "Knowing" is based on his work (Is it?). Beyond that, Weidner evinces a hatred for TPTB, whether real or faked, which also gives Clif common ground with him. Hard to say if there's anything more to their association, or not.

Clif HAS done his research on Bill Deagle and Dan Burisch, whom he outed last year (which is why he is now personna non grata with Kerry Cassidy and, especially, Bill Ryan), so maybe he'll get around to Jay after a while.

Clif's statements concerning not living long and "my challenge is knowing" may relate to his seeing via the bot runs his own death by assassination in the near future. This possibility was much discussed a few months ago on the webbot discussions forum.

In any case it is clear that he withholds certain forecasts from his reports in an attempt not to give TPTB any chance to benefit from them. Occasionally a bit more is revealed in interviews, but his intention for his information to benefit "us little guys" as opposed to TPTB is always starkly evident.
Very reasonable analysis of the situation, rawtruth. Re: Jay Weidner, he is actually a "useful idiot" for the PTB if not a conscious agent provocateur. His wife is Jewish and he's totally into the black/sex/magic thing that all the Elite are into.
I have bought many books from Red Pill Press, even though much of the information in the books was pre-published on the web, and I read it all on the web. [I have even read many of the books... :D]

I have also been buying Clif's HPH reports since the new price became a more reasonable $10. I am not advocating HPH or attempting to market them, but I did download the article from Rense, believing that it was legitimate. I have since given Clif his $10.

Maybe Clif is a seer, maybe he is a nut-job. I do know that I read his reports with the jaundiced eye he recommends, and frankly doing so has colored my analysis of current events. [Reading SOTT and this forum also colors my analysis, to even a more extreme degree...] Clif should probably buy the same software that GEAB has which "uniquifies" each PDF download so it becomes traceable for all but the most serious hacker.

I would ask that any members of this forum who have downloaded the Rense link and read the misappropriated HPH report consider that they are, in essence, the recipient of stolen property and should consider paying him, regardless of whether or not they would have paid for it to begin with. I just think it is the "right" thing to do.

Just my $.02.
rs said:
Clif should probably buy the same software that GEAB has which "uniquifies" each PDF download so it becomes traceable for all but the most serious hacker.

That seems to me to be a common sense observation, especially for someone who reportedly pays $15k a month for servers and bandwith (for the record, I find that sum very hard to believe - it's exorbitant by any stretch of the imagination).

rflctnofu said:
This comment is not very fair. Especially "money, money, money". 10 bucks a pop really ain't that bad. Especially when one considers the amount of time put into creating these 'flights of fancy'. On top of the time aspect, Clif had mentioned at some point that the costs involved for the servers and bandwidth, is in excess of $15,000 a MONTH.

Just some "fat" to chew on

However, if the man is actually paying that, per month, then buying software to secure his PDFs is chicken feed, comparatively speaking.
The thought crossed my mind as well , that rense put up the
report ,, (its getting too popular and maybe this would stop any further reports ?)
He's ( rense ) been hacked so much you would think they would be better at stopping it.
(and it seemed to have been up for awhile.. not just minutes ? )

I think its good to see a human side from people when things go sour
it was partly the money I'm sure ,, but it screws up the work as well ...
LQB said:
Edit: Its also worth noting that George Ure (Clif's psuedo-partner) has made no reference to Weidner that I know of.


Just thought I'd mention that George Ure has mentioned/promoted Weidner at least a few times in the past couple months in his daily "economic" report which is disappointing. But his take on reality has never been infallible so it is what it is I guess...
Quinault said:
LQB said:
Edit: Its also worth noting that George Ure (Clif's psuedo-partner) has made no reference to Weidner that I know of.


Just thought I'd mention that George Ure has mentioned/promoted Weidner at least a few times in the past couple months in his daily "economic" report which is disappointing. But his take on reality has never been infallible so it is what it is I guess...

Thanks for the correction Quinalt - I missed those. And disappointing, yes.
the C's long ago said Israel could be turned to glass
well I know some of you are on the fence about Clif
(myself included ) ,,,,
( and I'm not gonna post the link )

but here is an excerpt from new article from Clif

So without regard as to how long it may take, or the many other ramifications, the data streaming in now suggests that the [israeli mistake] that leads to so much planetary misery is on, and likely soon

also did anyone post the recent article from Fidel Castro ? ( he thinks its on too ! )
I recently bought the latest report, and interestingly, there is quite a bit in it that mirrors what Laura and others have suggested about the dangers of the methane outgassing and use of dispersants in the Gulf. Using the bracketed terms of the report, the [ill winds] meme that has been talked about in past reports, and which Clif previously attributed to the [Israeli mistake], is now being attached to the [oil volcano] meme, and the forecast is that by August public attention will have shifted dramatically from [oil in the water] to [poisoning (of the) air]. There is also a related forecast about a [diaspora][fleeing north] (away from the Gulf, presumably).

Oh, and some stuff about things being swallowed by "hungry sinkholes" too, FWIW, among other things.
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