Clif High-

My reaction was that "his cup was full".

That, for whatever reason, he thinks he knows what is going on and what will happen to him. Therefore, he cannot hear other information especially if it contradicts what he "already knows".

I did not get any feel of sarcasm or that he was being a jerk from his answers, just someone who already thinks they know the truth and is writing off everything else as "noise" or irrelevant.
FireShadow said:
I did not get any feel of sarcasm or that he was being a jerk from his answers, just someone who already thinks they know the truth and is writing off everything else as "noise" or irrelevant.

Guess I'm not all that familiar with Clif's way with words. Had no idea that SpaceGoatsFarts was a category that Clif uses as Shijing pointed out. It sure sounded sarcastic and jerky...especially in response to RawTruth's polite, reasoned manner.

Persons who think they know the truth and write off everything else as noise or irrelevant tend to be arrogant or flip when presented with new data. Either they twist the new data to fit their preconceived notion/theory or respond in a less than polite manner. Of course, I could be wrong about Clif's manner since I can only comment on what has been presented in this thread.

What is Clif's real aim in all of this? "Every person's destiny is their own. My challenge is knowing." Okay. What about helping others? Clif appears to be living in fear and reacting through it. No hope. No solutions...let alone networking with others who sincerely want to solve some of the problems and are open to new possibilities.

Again, I could be off in my observations.
I'm just sort of guessing but he seems to me to be depressed. Like he is trying to shoulder the total burden of waking people up with his technique he believes whole heartedly in. I just get this picture of a guy feverishly working over a desk with no outlet and it is overwhelming him. Just my impression.
That's what happens when you don't have a Network. The job's too big for any one person.

It happened to Dave McGowan a while back. Lots of others, too.

aaron r said:
I'm just sort of guessing but he seems to me to be depressed. Like he is trying to shoulder the total burden of waking people up with his technique he believes whole heartedly in. I just get this picture of a guy feverishly working over a desk with no outlet and it is overwhelming him. Just my impression.
NormaRegula said:
FireShadow said:
I did not get any feel of sarcasm or that he was being a jerk from his answers, just someone who already thinks they know the truth and is writing off everything else as "noise" or irrelevant.

Guess I'm not all that familiar with Clif's way with words. Had no idea that SpaceGoatsFarts was a category that Clif uses as Shijing pointed out. It sure sounded sarcastic and jerky...especially in response to RawTruth's polite, reasoned manner.

Persons who think they know the truth and write off everything else as noise or irrelevant tend to be arrogant or flip when presented with new data. Either they twist the new data to fit their preconceived notion/theory or respond in a less than polite manner. Of course, I could be wrong about Clif's manner since I can only comment on what has been presented in this thread.

What is Clif's real aim in all of this? "Every person's destiny is their own. My challenge is knowing." Okay. What about helping others? Clif appears to be living in fear and reacting through it. No hope. No solutions...let alone networking with others who sincerely want to solve some of the problems and are open to new possibilities.

Again, I could be off in my observations.

For what it's worth, I think Clif has been 'compromised'...or rather 'vectored' (I might have written that elsewhere). He seems to have quite an (sincere) infatuation with Jay Wiedner's 'ideas' and conclusions. If I recall the 'timeline' correctly, Clif's pronouncement regarding all things channeled was very shortly after his first endorsement of Jay.....hmmmm. I think that confluence is important.

An interesting aside, I had had a few email exchanges with Clif before he 'discovered' Jay. His replies were brief, but he did reply. After he promoted Jay the first time, I sent him an email, the gist of which was: 'it is my understanding that Jay very well may be dis/misinfo/possibly are some links (to laura's expose and experiences)'

I never heard back from him on that one. If memory serves, I've sent him a couple since with no reply - which of course could be due to his caretaker duties, or rising popularity, or any other number of factors of which I am unaware.

I don't doubt that Jay has whispered 'sweet nothing's' into Clif's ear as regards the C's.

As regards Helping Others, Clif is doing that, in his own way. He presents the truth as he 'sees' it, with the caveat that the reports are "monkey-mind-interpretations".

Also, your comment "let alone networking with others..." - it needs to be mentioned, that this idea is expressed in the reports, starting in 2008 - I think, under the descriptor set [SOCs(Self Organizing Collectives)] - basically defined as: a spontaneous modular social network of people coming together with the aim of 'solving a problem', once the aim is completed, the group - or rather the temporary organization - 'disbands'.

While reading this in the reports, I immediately thought of THIS network, as an ideal model. Of course, the aim here is "T"ruth, and Everywhence completes that aim 'at once'

I still think Clif is sincere, however I take his 'monkey-mind-explorations-of-linguistic-data' with a couple grains since the introduction of the 'Wiedner-element' into his worldview.

Since I am speaking of Jay Wiedner, I would like to just say that I listened to the Project Camelot interview (well, the first third). All of what I listened to was proclamation after proclamation, as if it were self evident. After a while it was nauseating to listen anymore.

RflctnOfU said:
For what it's worth, I think Clif has been 'compromised'...or rather 'vectored' (I might have written that elsewhere). He seems to have quite an (sincere) infatuation with Jay Wiedner's 'ideas' and conclusions. If I recall the 'timeline' correctly, Clif's pronouncement regarding all things channeled was very shortly after his first endorsement of Jay.....hmmmm. I think that confluence is important.

An interesting aside, I had had a few email exchanges with Clif before he 'discovered' Jay. His replies were brief, but he did reply. After he promoted Jay the first time, I sent him an email, the gist of which was: 'it is my understanding that Jay very well may be dis/misinfo/possibly are some links (to laura's expose and experiences)'

I never heard back from him on that one. If memory serves, I've sent him a couple since with no reply - which of course could be due to his caretaker duties, or rising popularity, or any other number of factors of which I am unaware.

I don't doubt that Jay has whispered 'sweet nothing's' into Clif's ear as regards the C's.

Wouldn't be surprised to discover that Jay Weidner has been whispering 'sweet nothings' (more like 'frightful nothings') into Clif's ears so that Clif is unable to see or think clearly about the C's, channeling or anything else that might be beneficial for humanity. Psychopathic and/or ponerized individuals have that effect on people.

Weidner and his lying pal Vincent Bridges once tried to co-opt Laura about ten years ago and she finally saw through their lies - and has scads of documentation to prove it! Amazingly sad that Clif did not do the research on Weidner via the links you sent him. Once one carefully goes through those documents, anyone with half a brain could see that Weidner and his ilk were trying to co-opt or discredit Laura...and that their outrageous lies and pathological pursuit of her and Ark through the years points to Cointelpro.

RflctnOfU said:
Since I am speaking of Jay Wiedner, I would like to just say that I listened to the Project Camelot interview (well, the first third). All of what I listened to was proclamation after proclamation, as if it were self evident. After a while it was nauseating to listen anymore.

Same here. Wiedner's proclamations were nauseating to say the least...with a negative "there is nothing you can do about it" fear-mongering flavor. Well, if Clif has fallen for this spellbinder, it's a dang shame. All is lessons.
NormaRegula said:
Wouldn't be surprised to discover that Jay Weidner has been whispering 'sweet nothings' (more like 'frightful nothings') into Clif's ears so that Clif is unable to see or think clearly about the C's, channeling or anything else that might be beneficial for humanity. Psychopathic and/or ponerized individuals have that effect on people.

There is another possibility, although remote. In past interviews Clif has mentioned phone taps, surveillance, and anonymous dark contacts. Some of this may be a source of fear that others have sensed. He does seem to brush these off rather lightly (including his own possible demise). If this fear is strong enough, it might explain an error in association (with Weidner). There is also the possibility that this is a "chess move" - to appear to associate with disinfo/cointelpro. This might allow him to continue with his webbot passion and continue with his own interpretations of the data, hoping that folks will concentrate on his data and discount the association with Weidner. Just a thought.

Edit: Its also worth noting that George Ure (Clif's psuedo-partner) has made no reference to Weidner that I know of.
sorry about that link, will refrain in future ...

Clif was on Rense yesterday and somebody hacked into
the Rense site and put up the recent report in its entirety
( gone now )
Clif has a statement at his site calling them RAT BASTARDS

a short excerpt from Clif about Life & ART

Every one on this (and presumably all others) planet is here to learn to express their arts. Most never come close to realizing their potential. Most never get a chance to see their arts expressing themselves. Just too many rat bastards. But part of the art of life, is persevering, even bone weary tired, in pushing back against the rat bastards. And we must push back, not for our own sakes, but for the rat bastards. Just imagine how horrible a life it must be, if your expression of the art of life is rooted in theft, and rat bastard disharmony.

mods delete if needed ....
This guy clearly doesn't know what it is to share information. All he wants is money money money.
cicero said:
Finally, Cliff High on Rense, 6-24-10. I suggest right click and download MP3:

And Rense/Cliff have posted the 6-21-10 ALTA report FREE. This seems to me a totally selfless STO action on Cliff's part, whatever you may think of him. Right Click and save. Pdf

Learning is Fun: have at it.

Learning is fun, but intellectual property theft is not:

Half Past Human said:
The posting of the report on Jeff Rense's site was a hack into his site, and an illegal posting of our material. There was no permission given to post our report. To purchasers of our work who were offended, our apologies, we did NOT participate. There was no attempt to deceive you on our part. The nasty rat bastards are attempting to cause problems. I have not checked the illegally posted PDF to see if the rat bastards have messed with content, but be warned. If you did not get it from us, it is not warranted to be our work. Screw the rat bastards, we have better things to do, like rigging the umiak. Pictures coming of Q'oqi-oqi the Conversation as soon as the sails are sewn. Sorry about the problems on Rense. clif

Say what you will about STS vs. STO, but I think the moderators should remove the link. Clif deserves his $10.
Good find Half Past Human!!!
Indeed it should be taken off of the forum.

rs said:
cicero said:
Finally, Cliff High on Rense, 6-24-10. I suggest right click and download MP3:

And Rense/Cliff have posted the 6-21-10 ALTA report FREE. This seems to me a totally selfless STO action on Cliff's part, whatever you may think of him. Right Click and save. Pdf

Learning is Fun: have at it.

Learning is fun, but intellectual property theft is not:

Half Past Human said:
The posting of the report on Jeff Rense's site was a hack into his site, and an illegal posting of our material. There was no permission given to post our report. To purchasers of our work who were offended, our apologies, we did NOT participate. There was no attempt to deceive you on our part. The nasty rat bastards are attempting to cause problems. I have not checked the illegally posted PDF to see if the rat bastards have messed with content, but be warned. If you did not get it from us, it is not warranted to be our work. Screw the rat bastards, we have better things to do, like rigging the umiak. Pictures coming of Q'oqi-oqi the Conversation as soon as the sails are sewn. Sorry about the problems on Rense. clif

Say what you will about STS vs. STO, but I think the moderators should remove the link. Clif deserves his $10.
Dawn said:
Good find Half Past Human!!!
Indeed it should be taken off of the forum.

rs said:
cicero said:
Finally, Cliff High on Rense, 6-24-10. I suggest right click and download MP3:

And Rense/Cliff have posted the 6-21-10 ALTA report FREE. This seems to me a totally selfless STO action on Cliff's part, whatever you may think of him. Right Click and save. Pdf

Learning is Fun: have at it.

Learning is fun, but intellectual property theft is not:

Agreed. It's done. :)
mkrnhr said:
This guy clearly doesn't know what it is to share information. All he wants is money money money.

This comment is not very fair. Especially "money, money, money". 10 bucks a pop really ain't that bad. Especially when one considers the amount of time put into creating these 'flights of fancy'. On top of the time aspect, Clif had mentioned at some point that the costs involved for the servers and bandwidth, is in excess of $15,000 a MONTH.

Just some "fat" to chew on

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