Clif High-

Thanks guys, I was beginning to think people were taking a shot a me.

When do I get the title of being a Jedi Knight?
Spur said:
Wow, what is going on here. I just noticed that the tag under my 'handle' has now been changed to "a disturbance in the force".

Nope, but that's already been explained. ;) Perception is a fascinating thing, isn't it?

spur said:
Kris, it appears that your interpretion of my paragraphs is more related to your state of mind than it is mine.

I would disagree with this statement, because I picked up on the same thing Kris did and I doubt Kris and I are, at this precise moment in time, sharing the same state of mind.

spur said:
Where in that paragraph (or in any of my posts) have I even hinted at 'boxing' in Laura's work?

When you say this, "Clif's efforts could help reduce the amount of research. He has taken a very large and complex field of information and rendered it down into more bite-size bits. Essentially, he has tried to get a more objective analysis of the information that is out there by various techniques of catagorising and weighing the information. The reports are the end result of months of such work. To use a report as a basis of a question encompasses all that research in a condensed form."

This statement indicates that Clif's efforts are objectively correct. They may not be. His data may not be clean. His data may, in fact, be misleading due to his own biases or the company he keeps. So, for you to suggest that Laura use Clif's data to do her own research necessarily limits the signal ratio of Laura's research to that of Clif's. It's not good science. I likely would not have used the term 'boxing in' - but - I get Kris's point. Ultimately, data determines the objectivity of any research, so, if I were Laura, I wouldn't be keen to allow someone else to determine that data.

spur said:
As far as those four scenarios, please go back and read my paragraph. I thought I expained my logic adequately. However, if you are still confused as to my reasoning, then please indicate why the logic in that paragraph isn't more compelling that having a bunch of people without access to the report or the considerable amount of work and data that went into the report, speculate as to what it all means.

You are pinning your entire perception of what may and may not happen on Clif's report. This isn't good science. In short, opening one's theories up to all available objective data is a much wiser and more accurate why of formulating possible future outcomes.

spur said:
Nobody is 'demanding the Cs collaborate with Clif', the notion that the Cs would collaborate with Clif is absurd on its face.

I don't think you were demanding. I think you were assuming. That's not unusual and no reason to become offended.

spur said:
I don't identify with Clif's work. I am a pensioner in Australia that looks at lots of different information to try and get a handle on what is going on in the world.

Lots of different information is always a fantastic idea!

spur said:
Yes, I suppose a filter of this forum could be requested. However, it isn't even necessary for the single question I proposed.

This 'filter' notion is interesting, because I can guarantee you that Clif can't filter every internet site, blog post, forum, comment section of news sites, etc., etc., etc. that brings up his reports. So, this introduces a level of considerable noise into his data harvesting to begin with. There is no way it couldn't because he absolutley cannot know every site that discusses his reports. I would posit, very tentatively, that this might be part of the problem with Clif's reports and data in the past year or so - ever increasing noise.

I don't think that's the only issue, however, but it's a factor that should likely be taken into account.
Laura said:
Regarding Clif, there is something definitely off there but I hesitate at this point to speculate on what it might be - whether conscious or whether he's just a useful idiot. Because of his associations with certain individuals, and their known agendas, it puts his agenda into question.

Spur, I don’t know how much you know about the work done on this forum, as well as by Laura. We have noticed, and I have noticed even in my own life, that spending time with certain people can dramatically affect my ability to think clearly. When that happens, it is like I become a completely different person.

So although Clif has been doing this work since 1997, and perhaps because of it, -- especially if he was onto something -- it is very likely that people would have been introduced into his life to take him off course, to affect his ability to think and reason.

One person can’t see it all. One person alone can’t be objective. On the forum, we can compare notes. We get to know each other. We can see each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We can factor these into our assessment of our messages. Because of this work, as a group we can arrive at a better and more objective understanding of what is going on in the world. When it comes down to it, what Clif says can be interesting, but it will only be one more data point in all the material that we assess. It can never replace our own work, because it is our own efforts at analyzing the world that help us become more objective. It helps us to see our own filters and biases.
Well, one thing we could do is make a forum to discuss Clif's reports and make it private so that google and other bots do not pick it up at all.

Spur, I could not use Clif's work as research at all unless I understood exactly what he is doing and how. It's like archaeology: I don't use any single interpretation of the archaeologists alone, but rather try to read the excavation reports and get the views of several experts before I assign probabilities. Clif is sort of doing "archaeology" and his report is his opinion of what he is finding. There would need to be others doing the same thing for it to have any real value. Otherwise, it amounts to just somebody trying to "read" the "Akashic record" which emerges from the subconscious of the masses in their speech. The Cs made a remark about this once:

14 Sept 2002

Q: (A) I want really to know what kind of mechanism is behind this 911 number coming up in the NY lottery. (V) Yeah, me too, and it wasn't only that it was something with the...
A: Warning. It ain't over!!!
Q: (A) Who was warning?
A: Mass consciousness signals to self about clear and present danger.
Spur said:
Thanks guys, I was beginning to think people were taking a shot a me.

When do I get the title of being a Jedi Knight?

100 posts.

The reason your "post rank" changed was because somehow, the lowest rank magically changed itself to "The Force is Strong with This One", which is the second rank. We simply couldn't have two "The Force is Strong..." ranks!

So, it changed for everyone who is relatively new to the forum.

I'd also like to point out that, according to Star Wars lore, feeling a disturbance in the force doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's a "bad" disturbance. I mean, the emperor felt "a great disturbance in the force", and that was just because the good guys were doing good stuff. So, ya know, it's all relative! ;)
wow , I am not gonna get into this discussion ok maybe a little ...
but some more ramble ( caution I'm one of the worst posters
only cause I can't get my ideas across too well )

but my interest in Clifs work is about a number of things ( and more ramble )
1) the data he comes up with imo he does not skew ( timing yes )
2) he has alot of ideas about related stuff... the sun / magnetic s etc
that is outside the changing internet language work
3) some of it seems to point out stuff the C's have said years ago
( I am trying to show the C's accuracy ,, there is forecasting thru out the sessions
but again timing is open )
4) after Laura asked the C's about Clifs work that upped my interest
but again timing is open .. ( last October Clif kinda went nuts and sent out
warning E-mails that there could be a big bank failure/holiday
it never happened then but I think its still coming soon , , his timing was off )
5) Clif slammed channeling saying it is part of the problem especially cause
nobody does any analysis of the received info ,, well I begged to differ with
him and finally in an e-mail he said bug off , he simply will NOT read any channeling
( thats cool by me and I will leave him alone on that ! )
6) if any one reading this thread can't afford Clifs reports you can still find many archived
radio interviews and glean alot of the reports there for free )
try or search webbots etc .....
7) it does bother me that Clif has all this doom and gloom and NO
spiritual answers ( that I have heard anyway) and the guy is building a boat

thanks Crazycharlie
Mr. Scott said:
I'd also like to point out that, according to Star Wars lore, feeling a disturbance in the force doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's a "bad" disturbance. I mean, the emperor felt "a great disturbance in the force", and that was just because the good guys were doing good stuff. So, ya know, it's all relative!

I guess it depends what side of the force you align yourself with. Since emperor is aligned with dark side of the force, doing a good thing is a disturbance for his side. And vice versa. In this context, a disturbance in the force implies someone trying to break away from Matrix by coming into the forum. It is a disturbance for STS. I really like the names given here. :)
Yep! I was commenting the "tag" system on the forum depending on your number of posts to my wife. And she said something like: "No wonder why you like that forum". It is interesting to note that movies like star wars and series like Star Trek seem to be very attractive to people that think "out of the box" and just want to build a better future.
Over the past week I have had an unusual email exchange with Clif. I say "unusual" because I have written to him several times in the past but never got a reply, much less carried on a discussion. Since there is nothing of a personal nature revealed, I don't think Clif would mind me reproducing the exchange here. It offers some insight into his thinking but, unfortunately, ends on a rather ambiguous note.

After learning that Clif suffered from arthritis, I sent the first email, which refers to the same therapy I discussed in my first post on this forum
[quote author=rawtruth]
Dr. Greg Blaney presents 3 cases of arthritis and advanced autoimmune disease reversal at the 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity in Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 5-9, 2010:

10:35 minute video _

4-page transcript w/slides _

Rethinking autoimmunity _

Chronic Illness Recovery _

Bacteriality: Exploring Chronic Disease _

Clif, I have personally been on inflammation therapy for over 2 years. I am making slow but steady progress in overcoming my inflammatory conditions, which include osteoarthritis, Raynaud’s, paresthesia, tinnitus and osteoporosis. I would be pleased to discuss my experience with you anytime.
[quote author=clif]
Thanks. Trying fruit pectin now. My arthritis is connected to the lumps in my ears (likely cholesterol). This fruit pectin thing is working so far. clif
[quote author=rawtruth]
Yes, pectin can provide some relief, but it does not address the CAUSE. To achieve a permanent CURE for many inflammatory conditions, please check out those links.
[quote author=clif]
i wont live long enough to care about addressing the cause....
[quote author=rawtruth]
Then who will guide the boat containing your loved ones when the Great Wave comes?

When TPTB fall, will you not be counted among those manifesting their gifts to bring a New Creation out of the chaos?

Will you not contribute to the critical mass of STO consciousness needed for this unprecedented transition
[quote author=clif]
you are referring to all that ascension stuff that is out and about. The rabbit
hole goes much deeper than is covered in that simple yet-again-external-
savior meme being promugated as 'true'.

every person's destiny is their own. My challenge is knowing.
[quote author=rawtruth]
Actually, no. The Wave refers, not to “ascension stuff” but rather to a 309,000-year cycle wherein “natural processes cause the veil between these levels to periodically be thinned or breached, creating a sort of crossroads or conduit.”

“Levels” in this context refers to “densities” or hyperdimensional realities as spoken of by Lord Pakal in your recent essay:

“Universe bares its hyperdimensional form as the action (of colliding universes) is completed.”

There is no “savior meme” in this body of work. Participation in the next density is by no means a given. It requires a planetary shift, which in turn depends on development of consciousness, as outlined, for example, in Gurdjieff’s “Fourth Way” teachings, in order to create a self that is “solid and consistent enough to bridge the transition between densities:”

“Polarization to either service to others (STO) or service to self (STS) is usually seen as the central requirement for the passage. Polarization to a sufficient purity of STS or STO is not possible without knowledge of the world and a capacity for long term, unambiguous work. Still further, a group is needed to bring the requisite scope and consistency to the observation.

“Failing to achieve a critical mass of STO-oriented consciousness in time for the Wave will likely cause the planet as a whole to remain in the hands of the present STS-oriented control system, divided in a 3rd density and 4th density group, the latter feeding on the former, as has been the case throughout history. Essentially, this amounts to a re-run of Earth history, from the dawn of man up to present, until the next cyclic coming of the Wave.”

It occurs to me that your puzzling “Data Gap” may be due to a frequency fence and/or represent a signal of the approaching Wave.

As for my own destiny, what I feel is most important now is to grow beyond victim consciousness and become a more conscious and dedicated STO being, regardless of whether the planet can make this transition, or not. I do not look outside of myself for the power to do this.

All comes from within.
[quote author=clif]
Sorry, my mistake. The STO is a label identifier for the ascension meme stuff within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Just fell into the labeled context trap.
My apologies.
clif said:
i wont live long enough to care about addressing the cause....

Well, if suspicions about Clif being co-opted are correct, this about sums it up. The guy appears to be more concerned about saving his skin and/or making a quick buck before things go boom than finding answers. Doesn't sound like someone who wants to carefully sift through the data and hopefully find a real solution to the problem(s). He appears to want to find an easy escape clause or he's just given up. Or maybe he's just being flip. Either way, it's unscientific jerk behavior.

clif said:
Sorry, my mistake. The STO is a label identifier for the ascension meme stuff within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Just fell into the labeled context trap.
My apologies.

Well, Clif's sarcastic response to your thoughtful advice and replies makes him out to be a jerk - a scared jerk since sarcasm is rooted in fear and insecurity. It's sad since in the beginning he might have been on to something that could have helped put more pieces to the puzzle in place. Then perhaps he met up with Jay Weidner and his lying, fear-mongering ilk...or worse. Maybe deep down he is too frightened to deal in a rational manner with whatever it is he thinks is going to happen.

Stressful interesting times bring all kinds of stuff to the surface in some folks. Some can deal with it. Some can't. Some fly off the handle.
rawtruth said:
Over the past week I have had an unusual email exchange with Clif. I say "unusual" because I have written to him several times in the past but never got a reply, much less carried on a discussion. Since there is nothing of a personal nature revealed, I don't think Clif would mind me reproducing the exchange here. It offers some insight into his thinking but, unfortunately, ends on a rather ambiguous note.

I'm curious about what your take is on it, rawtruth. I thought your responses to him were well put. I'm having a bit of trouble really following him or getting a read on where he's coming from. I do pick up on the 'jerk' factor NormaRegula mentions, but I might not be reading it right, it could just be hopelessness/fear/anger on his part? It's difficult to tell, but it sure doesn't seem positive. What's your take?
[quote author=clif]
i wont live long enough to care about addressing the cause....

[quote author=clif]
you are referring to all that ascension stuff that is out and about. The rabbit
hole goes much deeper than is covered in that simple yet-again-external-
savior meme being promugated as 'true'.

every person's destiny is their own. My challenge is knowing.

[quote author=clif]
Sorry, my mistake. The STO is a label identifier for the ascension meme stuff within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Just fell into the labeled context trap.
My apologies.

I get the sense that Clif sees ideas in a much too relative way. He seems to equate every word or phrase with a particular meme as if all memes were created equal - at least that is my impression of him from this exchange. I'm not a reader of his, so I'm not sure if this fits with what else he's written and said. I get the feeling he would be one to say, "'psychopath', that's just the SOTT-ponero meme, nothing to see here folks" :rolleyes:

Then again, maybe he is just being a "jerk"?
I think he is reacting like that simply because he doesn't want to hear. He is set in his belief that no channeling is worth looking into, apparently. But as the Cs would say "that's his prerogative". Free will and all that.
RawTruth, I thought you handled your email exchange with Clif well too, and congrats on having an actual dialogue.

clif] Sorry said:
I get the sense that Clif sees ideas in a much too relative way. He seems to equate every word or phrase with a particular meme as if all memes were created equal - at least that is my impression of him from this exchange. I'm not a reader of his, so I'm not sure if this fits with what else he's written and said. I get the feeling he would be one to say, "'psychopath', that's just the SOTT-ponero meme, nothing to see here folks" :rolleyes:

This may be close to the truth. It might be Clif's way of being objective with his data -- to give all memes equal weight -- while, ironically, being blind to his lack of objectivity when it comes to things like a blanket shut-out of all channeled material. Based on what he says in interviews, he definitely shines in the 3D domain, but it seems as though it would be really hard to pry his thinking loose and get it outside of that box.
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