Clif High-

un chien anadolu said:
Cliff finally started to build his unsinkable boat for "2012 cataclysmic pole shift".


Here's a picture of the sailboat Cliff is planning to use.


I hope it's comet proof :halo:
Having listened to some of Clifs interviews, it strikes me that he has very possibly read the Cs transcripts.
Perceval said:
Having listened to some of Clifs interviews, it strikes me that he has very possibly read the Cs transcripts.

Yup, I would say that too. Or at least reads the Sott. Especially in the last report. Or maybe our reality is changing and some ideas getting closer to the C’s. ;D
Perceval said:
Having listened to some of Clifs interviews, it strikes me that he has very possibly read the Cs transcripts.

Its interesting that you say that, since I just noticed this the other day from one of his more recent articles (_

C14, Pole Shift, Noodle Soup

It is not a matter of interpretation. Unlike such things as encoded information within ancient Mayan or Egyptian or Hindu monuments, heiroglyphs, and stellae, the Carbon 14 ratio is not an interpreted bit of knowledge.

The basic idea is that most elements have more than a single form. These alternate forms are called isotopes, and there may be a plethora of them for any given element. As an aside, I have often thought that a very instructive view of chemistry emerges when the 'periodic table' of elements is re-ordered. Rather than the electron shells as the key to the order, the number of isotopes of the element found in nature would be employed. This would remove Hydrogen as the numero uno element, and replace it with Tungsten/W which has Zero/0 naturally occurring isotopes. Then Gold/AU would be number 2/two as it has a single isotopic form, followed by Silver/AG with 2/two natural forms, and then the rest of the elements. In such an arrangement, Carbon would be way down near the bottom of the pyramid chart as it has bunches of isotopes, though it is Carbon 14 which is of interest.

Actually it is the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12 (the 'nomative natural state of carbon') that is the point. As is noted in the explanation at this link (_

Carbon dating is a variety of radioactive dating which is applicable only to matter which was once living and presumed to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere, taking in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis.

Cosmic ray protons blast nuclei in the upper atmosphere, producing neutrons which in turn bombard nitrogen, the major constituent of the atmosphere . This neutron bombardment produces the radioactive isotope carbon-14. The radioactive carbon-14 combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and is incorporated into the cycle of living things.

The carbon-14 forms at a rate which appears to be constant, so that by measuring the radioactive emissions from once-living matter and comparing its activity with the equilibrium level of living things, a measurement of the time elapsed can be made.

We need to note that even in this article the word 'appears' is used as the nature and notion of Carbon 14 ratios are now changing. It had been presumed by scientist that a 'steady' production of solar activity produced a known level of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere. This idea has taken some hits recently with new discoveries about both Carbon 14 production patterns here on earth, as well as solar sciences. Suffice it to say that the current thinking is that Carbon 14 *is* and *can* be used for precise measurement of the age of formerly living things, but only within a given 11,000 year period.

That is correct. Science has discovered that there is a pattern of Carbon 14 creation here on earth that is ONLY constant within an 11,000 year frame work due to a 'suspected solar outburst' that is postulated to occur every 11,000 years that blasts out vast quantities of Carbon 14 (among other isotopes of note including Berrylium) in a very very very short period.

In an ironic twist of fate, the 'old understanding' of a 'constant Carbon 14 accumulation and decay rate' is being used by creationists 'thinkers' who are *only* looking at the current 11,000 year period and thus conclude that earth is less than 6,000 years old. So, an old, academic, and now defunct understanding of Carbon 14 accretion and decay is being used to support a new, and decidedly dumb view of reality. The positions taken in support of this view are only valid if the Carbon 14 rate was ever a case of progressive accumulation. It is not. As noted in the link on the 'young earth' argument page, many sub sets of science have noted the variations of Carbon 14 since the late 1930s, and it was firmly established in the 1960s as an operating concept. Advances in both solar cycle science, as well as the 'earth sciences' have provided even further support for the variations in the Carbon 14 cycle. In performing age/time calculations using C14 ratio and decay patterns it is now necessary to apply 'fudge factors' which account for the 11,000 year periods of Carbon 14 creation variations.

So the current thinking now being accepted by mainstream science (and its thought police, academia) is that, for some reason not quite clear at the moment, every 11,000 (more or less) years, the sun chooses to send out an energetic burst that creates a veritable flood of carbon 14 around the planet. That this pulse of new Carbon 14 is discernable to earth sciences, and space sciences has renewed the ability of the C14 to C12 ratio to be used for reasonably accurate timing.

Obviously, the 11,000 year timing of the carbon isotope ratio is a cycle of some interest to us here at HPH (and on planet Terra/Earth as well). There are so many other physical signs on earth of a cataclysmic past, indeed, a past of cycles of cataclysms, all revolving around or near the 11,000 year cycle that whole books are devoted to the subject....see Hapgood, Hancock, Velikovsky and others for details of all of the evidence that earth is an unstable planet. But it is the carbon 14 cycle, and its intimate association with solar activity that provides yet again, more and definitive evidence that a large solar cycle is responsible for the cataclysms that visit earth with such regularity. Just about every 11,000 years, more or less.

Against the understanding of the mega solar sun spot cycle, and its importance to ancient history, and modern secret societies, the variations of the carbon 14 ratio point to a need for very careful attention to the current rates of discharge of the sun. There are some earth sciences evidence for a period of quiescence within solar activity *just* prior to the *energetic burst*. As may be noted, the sun is currently in such a period of quiescence. The levels of solar activity in terms of energetic output have never, in human history of measurement, been lower. Hmmmmm....probably NOT a good sign.

Unfortunately for all of the humans who would prefer to ignore the potential for a near term yet-another-cataclysm-here-on-earth, the Carbon 14 ratio is not a human created message that can be interpreted this way or that. Unlike reading a series of Mayan glyphs and deciding that what they really meant was 'ascension into the next density' rather than 'worlds in upheaval', the carbon (and other isotopic elemental dispersion/decay patterns) ratios are either accepted or denied.

The recent earth changes continue with the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The location of this earthquake is within 1.47 degrees of a significant hyper dimensional point at 19.47 degrees of latitude. Like many of the other recent changes to planet earth, the earthquake in Haiti *is* related to the solar cycle. There is a direct correlation between undersea's volcanoes and earthquakes here on earth, and the energetic output both in type and quantity of the sun. Thus the current solar activity levels do NOT offer a prognosis for stability here on earth.

An opinion that our solar system is in the 'quiet before the storm' period is seemingly justified by the increased rates of earth changes, let alone all the other evidence within the solar system. A conclusion that when the quietude of the sun 'breaks', it will do so catastrophically and probably produce a pole and crustal shift here on earth is also likely justified.

Since the reliablility of C-14 dating has come up before in the transcripts, and Laura has mentioned it herself on more than one occasion if I remember correctly, I couldn't help but notice this.

By the way, Perceval, are you thinking that Clif is plagiarizing the transcripts (or using topics in them for hook and bait) or merely drawing on them for inspiration?
Shijing said:
By the way, Perceval, are you thinking that Clif is plagiarizing the transcripts (or using topics in them for hook and bait) or merely drawing on them for inspiration?

I would go with the last option, which of course shows he has excellent taste!
Perceval said:
Shijing said:
By the way, Perceval, are you thinking that Clif is plagiarizing the transcripts (or using topics in them for hook and bait) or merely drawing on them for inspiration?

I would go with the last option, which of course shows he has excellent taste!

OK, just curious -- since our discussion about HPH last fall, I am continuously looking for ways to try to figure out if they are on the up-and-up or not, so I'm definitely interested in your opinion. I remember last summer when I emailed Clif to ask his permission to quote part of his ALTA report here, he got back to me and said yes, but when I emailed him later with the link to the session where the question was asked about him, I didn't get a reply. So if he read my email, then he should at least be aware of the forum site and the transcripts.
Here is a piece from the last ALTA report. It is possible that I may be interpreting it not correctly but the term 'ancient arts' brought
Eíriú-Eolas to my mind.

[quote author=The Shape of Things to Come (2010/2011) - Issue Three]

Also directly connected to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, but discussed here, are the sub sets that go to the [secret societies] and their [agenda]. Not only with the [coup d’colonels’] interrupt their [plots and plans], but other [impacts] or[strikes against] the [control system agenda] of the [secret societies] are indicated to come from personalities that can best be described as [frequency masters (of the gnosine)].

These [frequency masters] are described by the data as [awake individuals] who are [skilled] in [ancient arts] {ed note: curiously also able to be described as ‘future arts’.}. These [gnosine] who [are masters (of the) symbols (and) frequencies (of universe)] are forecast to be [emerging] into [problem status] for the TPTB and the [secret societies’agenda] over 2010 and 2012. The aware observer should be able to catch the first hints of rising [visibility] around the [problems (created by)] the [gnosine frequency masters] from July 7th onward through 2010.

Much of the data sets that describe the [gnosine] are within the SpaceGoatFarts entity, however the real manifestations will emerging around [all things related to TPTB through their secret societies structure].
I do NOT think Clif has read any of the C's & Laura's work.
I have listened to nearly every podcast he has done for well over a year
( except for the subscription sites ) But he does often sound like he has.
Clif has of late had personal family health issues and there have been No
interviews. With Joe's permission I have been trying to send Clif some
of Laura's work ( it gets bounced back E-mail full so he's not reading any of late/
will keep trying.. )

I was gonna send another E-mail to Joe but I'll ramble here ...
Clif sounds really smart and knows History,The programming and manipulation
Then he'll go into Pole shift etc,, and say many of us are leaving.
and he's building a boat. I say the Sott team is building many boats
(small Spiritual boats that will turn into an ARK )

I would like to see and or get CLIF'S ATTENTION ON THIS ?
i have been reading Laura and the C's since maybe 95 , there are some things
that really stick to my mind, One is the C's say quit thinking 3rd density
and I think the SOTT team does that, Yea they point out the stuff going on
but they DO NOT go into physical survival . ( I am on one of halfpasthuman forums/ I'll call
it FAN forum and half of it is physical survival. )
If Clif says most of us are leaving, lets work on that, I get disappointed
that he does not address this.... more later crazycharlie
well, as I see it there is no need to try too hard to get Clifs attention on anything in particular. He is doing pretty well IMO. Sott doesn't go into physical survival in terms of surviving in a post apocalyptic world because, well, how in jebus' name can any of us reasonably expect to be able to budget for something like that?

I mean, if you read about the types of cataclysms that have hit this planet in the past and that may well be scheduled in our near future, you realise that the chances of surviving something of that magnitude are slim, to say the least. And even if you do survive, the planet you will inherit won't be much to write home about. You'll probably have a few years living in a cave before you succumb to the elements, or the elephants. So what point is there in spending much time and effort attempting to prepare for such an event?

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't prepare for the interim period, because it really looks like things can and will get pretty hairy around here long before any final denouement. So by all means stock up on beans and rice or whatever you think is necessary, but do so only in terms of due diligence so that you can maintain your ability to spread the word and act as a vehicle for truth in these dark times and the even darker times ahead. Above all else, the lighthouse must remain lit for as long as it stands. When it is gone, our job is done, and it's not up to us to decide (or even know right now) what happens after that.
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