Clif High-

crazycharlie said:
I do NOT think Clif has read any of the C's & Laura's work.
I have listened to nearly every podcast he has done for well over a year
( except for the subscription sites ) But he does often sound like he has.
Clif has of late had personal family health issues and there have been No
interviews. With Joe's permission I have been trying to send Clif some
of Laura's work ( it gets bounced back E-mail full so he's not reading any of late/
will keep trying.. )

I was gonna send another E-mail to Joe but I'll ramble here ...
Clif sounds really smart and knows History,The programming and manipulation
Then he'll go into Pole shift etc,, and say many of us are leaving.
and he's building a boat. I say the Sott team is building many boats
(small Spiritual boats that will turn into an ARK )

I would like to see and or get CLIF'S ATTENTION ON THIS ?
i have been reading Laura and the C's since maybe 95 , there are some things
that really stick to my mind, One is the C's say quit thinking 3rd density
and I think the SOTT team does that, Yea they point out the stuff going on
but they DO NOT go into physical survival . ( I am on one of halfpasthuman forums/ I'll call
it FAN forum and half of it is physical survival. )
If Clif says most of us are leaving, lets work on that, I get disappointed
that he does not address this.... more later crazycharlie

Hi crazycharlie,

For the most part I agree with you, but I don't think that Clif hasn't read any of the C's & Laura's work or at least that he has not a clue. I think this is an absolute differentiation in seeing things (we discussed it here before but i'll quote this part again) :

Further the meme has the ascension based on personal work, is self judged (at least at this level), and also follows with corollaries that include a percentage of the populace being 'left behind' because they did not 'get it' at a sufficiently high enough level to qualify. Nice meme, but worth betting your life on? And as i am frequently willing to point out, ascention to another level of vibratory density would require that the 3d body be left here,
and we call that process death. No thanks. I would rather be betting on my skills as a boat builder and small craft sailor, and then new world explorer.'

As I said I agree with you, including that I too think that Clif sounds really smart and knows History etc., so I don't think that he hasn't so far come across any information except physical survival. What I think is, this is his choice of thinking, free will, whatever you name it, since he has more resources , intelligence etc. than the average person on the planet.
crazycharlie said:
Clif has of late had personal family health issues and there have been No
interviews. With Joe's permission I have been trying to send Clif some
of Laura's work ( it gets bounced back E-mail full so he's not reading any of late/
will keep trying.. )

One other thing -- if the bolded part above is true, then now might not be a great time to be trying to get his attention anyway. If the family health issues are at all serious, then checking his email may be the furthest thing from his mind right now, and it might be better strategy to wait to send more until he makes a note on his website that these issues have been resolved.
un chien anadolu said:
Here is a piece from the last ALTA report. It is possible that I may be interpreting it not correctly but the term 'ancient arts' brought
Eíriú-Eolas to my mind.

[quote author=The Shape of Things to Come (2010/2011) - Issue Three]

Also directly connected to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, but discussed here, are the sub sets that go to the [secret societies] and their [agenda]. Not only with the [coup d’colonels’] interrupt their [plots and plans], but other [impacts] or[strikes against] the [control system agenda] of the [secret societies] are indicated to come from personalities that can best be described as [frequency masters (of the gnosine)].

These [frequency masters] are described by the data as [awake individuals] who are [skilled] in [ancient arts] {ed note: curiously also able to be described as ‘future arts’.}. These [gnosine] who [are masters (of the) symbols (and) frequencies (of universe)] are forecast to be [emerging] into [problem status] for the TPTB and the [secret societies’agenda] over 2010 and 2012. The aware observer should be able to catch the first hints of rising [visibility] around the [problems (created by)] the [gnosine frequency masters] from July 7th onward through 2010.

Much of the data sets that describe the [gnosine] are within the SpaceGoatFarts entity, however the real manifestations will emerging around [all things related to TPTB through their secret societies structure].

Besides that "gnosines" he has also interesting words in passages names like "TBTB . . . Nervus Vagus" "Love That Wave" and similar points.
I am admittedly taking a 'devils advocate' position here, but since no one else has gone here yet, a couple observations-

1) there has been a high degree of scrutiny and skepticism toward the HPH reports here on the forum, yet the mention within the last report which was seen to validate and predict the FOTCM was more or less celebrated as a success and a kind of validation for our efforts in this regard. Doesn't accepting this also mean that all the rest of the HPH report should be accorded the same degree of acceptance and possibly validation? If not, what are the criteria with which to make this judgment?

2) Clif has made an enterprise of searching the web for information in incredible detail, and is far above the average in terms of intelligent searching for data. It seems more likely than not, based simply upon that, that he has read at least the material on this forum which includes his name and mention of HPH, since any search of the web about himself or HPH would turn this up. Trying to reverse-engineer any information he has gotten from reading here out of his interviews seems a less reliable indicator. Maybe he doesn't know what to think about it, but it seems likely he at least is aware of it, especially since people have emailed him about it also.
thevenusian said:
1) there has been a high degree of scrutiny and skepticism toward the HPH reports here on the forum, yet the mention within the last report which was seen to validate and predict the FOTCM was more or less celebrated as a success and a kind of validation for our efforts in this regard. Doesn't accepting this also mean that all the rest of the HPH report should be accorded the same degree of acceptance and possibly validation? If not, what are the criteria with which to make this judgment?

This occurred to me as well, thevenusian, and I'm not sure what the best answer is to your question. Previous posts by Laura and anart indicate that they consider Clif's methodology to be potentially valid, but that his interpretations of the data require critical analysis and should not be accepted unquestioningly (I hope I am not misrepresenting their views with that summary). I suppose that is a good place to sit for the time being if one is not able to personally verify Clif's motives. The part of the last ALTA report which was discussed in relation to FOTCM is interpreted data (as is the entire ALTA report), so the decision to accept it also implies acceptance of a certain potential for error I suppose.

In regard to your second point, I agree with you and would be rather surprised if Clif had not come across Cassiopaea. The better question may be whether or not he stayed and browsed long enough to really get acquainted with the material here. This also assumes that he is who he says he is and that his motives are pure. At present, I don't feel like I have really discovered a way to answer that question, so for now I am continuing to pay attention and look for tell-tale signs one way or the other.
crazycharlie said:
I do NOT think Clif has read any of the C's & Laura's work.
I have listened to nearly every podcast he has done for well over a year
( except for the subscription sites ) But he does often sound like he has.
Clif has of late had personal family health issues and there have been No
interviews. With Joe's permission I have been trying to send Clif some
of Laura's work ( it gets bounced back E-mail full so he's not reading any of late/
will keep trying.. )

that really stick to my mind, One is the C's say quit thinking 3rd density
and I think the SOTT team does that, Yea they point out the stuff going on
but they DO NOT go into physical survival . ( I am on one of halfpasthuman forums/ I'll call
it FAN forum and half of it is physical survival. )
If Clif says most of us are leaving, lets work on that, I get disappointed
that he does not address this.... more later crazycharlie

Clif HAS responded to emails from at least 4 of the webbotdiscussions forum members concerning the forum topic "Data Gap." His latest (Dec. 5) report mentions the gap as follows:
The data sets have accrued,since 2001, in a pattern that has a very sharp, distinct gap that extends from March of 2012 through May of 2013. This gap is not total, in that there are some data sets that accrete within that period, however the rate drops to something less than 1/one per cent of what we laughingly call 'normal' here at HPH. This gap is likely significant and just may represent the near total inability for humans to communicate globally past some point in 2012. At the extreme level of events, this could be caused by a [CME, magnetic pole flip, and crust slip/flip] resulting in mass die off, on the other, much more mild end, the data loss gap could be explained by a CME alone that is strong enough to take out the electronic infrastructure of modern life, thus crippling the communications planet wide

Here's extracts from 2 of Clif's email responses re the gap:
Yes, we should, linguistically speakng, be able to 'see into' the gap. That no data is accruing there since at least 2005 (i did not really pay any attention to it back then) really has me unsettled. Can find no artifact of processing to account for the gap.

As i explained in someone elses email, i do think that the linguistics around the gap 'sliding' through the data types is signiificant, just not sure why.

As we noodle this here, all the explanations are now resolving down to conditions on the ground.

There are other issues relative to the Calleman Oct 2011 end date for the long count. Calleman has reasons to think that Oct 2011 is the actuall end date of the long count. The worrisome part is that we have a late 2011 (oct/nov period) tipping point. Followed by the gap in early 2012. So if we all 'tip' into something, and the impacts take a few months to seriously manifest, then the gap becomes more a bad way of course.
So this is not a simple problem at all, and does NOT appear to be an artifact of processing. I have spent the last 46 days working this issue from the SQL and lexicon side and can find no reason whatsoever for it to occur from our processing point of view. Very strange...this 'sliding gap'....

Note though that there is NOTHING in the data sets which goes against a 98 percent die off. That is to say, the mere instances of linguistic sets with ties out several years beyond 2012 is meaningless that way. That truly *is* an artifact of processing in the sense that the last data in 2009 has *some* small number of longer term values in it that have temporal associations past June of 2013, but note, the data comes from the longer term sets which are very low granularity so no details. Also the existence of data sets post 2013 relates to thoughts leaking out now which bring up those lexicon linked sets. So not in any way a 'measurement' against any objective data stream.

In other words the longer term values that are showing up, and which the lexicon places post 2013 are in direct relation to today....and the thoughts/emotions of humans today. Not any measure of what may happen to humans then. This is also true of the lack of data. So in a sense, it could be the anxiety and perhaps lack of a global consensus about 2012 that produces the gap which runs basically from March of 2012 through to late May of 2013....noting that this is a scatter graph display and the data 'trails off' from March 2012, and then there are a few, very few data points for post June 2013.

The 'sliding' nature of the gap relative to the data types (immediacy, shorter term, and longer term) is truly ****ing weird. Not at all expected. But i have over a month's worth of examining the code line by line that may affect this and can locate no artifact of design or processing that would account for it.

Further there are seemingly a few deeper patterns from the 2005 data onward that i had not seen until now that may be pertinent. Given some time, Igor and I will regen the system to take a larger view and examine these. However, at the moment the data gap appears to be a real occurrence that may be meaningful, or at the minimum may represent the deep levels of uncertainty that is felt by the populace as a global whole. We had postulated that 'gaps' in general should exist if there were not a consensus or knowledge at a broad emotional level. The thinking is that the lack of emotional underpinning for certain knowledge sets mean that we will always have gaps there. This is seen in archetypes like [meteors]. We have no meaningful data for or about meteors. Never have, and likely never will. It is our thinking that such things as meteors likely cannot be 'sensed' by consciousness here until just the last second....unlike earthquakes which build tension into the world energy of consciousness. Make sense?

At this point there are waaay too many historical pointers toward cataclysmic past with a specific 11000 to 12000 year cycle to ignore. Further to note that we are 11000+ years in since the last cataclysm means the time is short. Then there is all the sun data and strange behavior, as well as the mega sun spot cycle. Then there is the strange behavior from TPTB. Then there is the alignment with galactic center. All of these i take into account in that order *before* putting any credence into the gap in data.

That said, the gap in the data, now examined makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I contemplate it.

And then there is the tapping of our phones, and other clues to awareness by TPTB minions. So it all adds up, and does not come out to a pretty picture.

Clif has also been discussing the gap with his buddy George Ure, who presented the following analysis in his Thursday report this past week at
The Gap
Since I got up early this morning, I thought it would be interesting to draw a quick sketch of how 'the gap' in the linguistic structures around 2012 has changed over the past several years. While not perfect, hopefully this visual will help:

A number of interesting ideas about 'the gap' when (blue) linguistic structures fall to a small fraction of current levels (4-5%?) and then come back to 18% of their values out in 2015 or much later. That's structures, not bit-counts. Some of the contenders:
Have you heard that internet activity is down in places. In china there is a region with 'bad citizens'( a revolution). So China just turned off their internet. Biggest effect is business can't be done.
This is a really interesting possibility: Could we be seeing information warfare breaking out and this is just what it looks like in advance? Think about it: What if there was some kind of revolt globally or in the U.S. against 'authority'. Could this be what accounts for a sharp decline in 'net use? Why sure...but the problem with that theory is it would arise mainly in model space's GlobalPop entity. It doesn't. It arises from the Terra Entity (meta set). Which gets us to this idea:
I find your discussion of the 'October 2011 - December 21, 2012' event stream very interesting! Unbeknown to most, the Mayan calendar actually ends on October 28, 2011, NOT on 12/21/2012! You *must* read this article: The risks of believing that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012!_

I am certain it will assist you in placing "October 2011" linguistic data into context.--
"...the October 28, 2011 date is based on massive scientific evidence that the Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens known from ancient Mayan sources indeed describe cosmic evolution in all of its aspects."
"...In the years ahead we are in for a confusing mixture of seemingly conflicting developments. A critical aspect of preparation for this is the knowledge that the evidence-based Mayan calendar ends October 28, 2011, which at least gives people a benchmark for the rhythms with which things will evolve even though it will take a certain time for things to settle also after this."
Yeah, we're not unaware of Calleman's work. While we don't endorse that view, it's certainly a uncomfortably good fit with the data.
Think about this: If one were to be really Machiavellian and wanted to come up with a way to ensure the majority of earth's population would keep working for you as a member of the PTB right up through 'the event' - if there is one - what better way than put the nominal threat date out 13-months after the real threat date?

But the PTB and their not-so-secret orders wouldn't do such a thing to trim down world population so they could 'own the backside' of coming events...would they?

In his Friday report, Ure found similarities in Clif's data gap with the predictions from Terence McKenna's "Timewave Zero:"
Down At the Wujo: Timewave Zero, Redux

Reader sent in this little gem to be tossed about our mental dojo on the mat where masters of reality/science face off with masters of reality/esoteric:
Hi George,

I believe I do like charts and figures as much as you like :). I've come across McKenna's Timewave Zero theory. He cracked the code behind the I-Ching and developed a mathematical model in which time as a wave can be calculated. No surprise that this wave cease to exist at 12-21-2012. It is very clearly explained by himself: _

Peter Meyer made a computer model (Fractal Time) based on this theory which draws great graphics. _

I've been playing around with this software lately and discovered convergence between this calculated timewave and the predictions in Linguistics. Let me show you, by looking back at 2009 and then forward to 2010.

The theory in short describes how closer the graph is to zero how much more change is experienced in the universe. When the graph goes up tension is released a bit. Sharp bends indicate events.
From the license agreement: "images of the timewave produced by this software may be used on websites (or in other media) only if the source is acknowledged with (at least) a link to the Fractal Time website: _ . Any rights not specifically granted by the licensor are reserved. _

In the 2009 graph you can clearly see that the timewave goes down to exactly: 25th October 2009 and then goes up again ("building up pressure"). In the 2009 q4 graph two specific bends are indicated that match exactly with date mentioned by yourself at Urbansurvival: 19th of December and 29th of December.

Looking to 2010 the first sharp bend is January 12th, the quake in Haiti. March 1st until May 8th we will experience lots of change, followed by the entire second half of 2010 from July 7th onwards, exactly as described in Linguistics. Tipping points on short notice will be the 24th/25th of January, thats coming Sunday/Monday, followed by 2nd/3rd of February as can clearly be seen in the graph. To grasp the increase of change we will experience the coming year I've included a graph from 2008 until the end of 2012.

Am curious what your read on these Timewave graphs is. we get into a really interesting discussion. But first, in answer to your question my reaction is "Dire, huh?"

I actual bought the software a while back with the intention of putting company-specific information into it - along with market information - to see if there would be anything tradable out of it. Haven't gotten to that yet.

Second observation is that the chart is of what McKenna calls "Novelty" and while the technique of software spiders and massive processing of language off the internet is different than the numeric/computational outputs from the TimeWaveZero software, you'll see that in terms of our discussion this week of "The Gap" that there's a significant decline from the March 2011 high to the November 2011 low.

In Cliff's work, we bounce along the bottom of linguistic structures' from that March 2011 high period which gets me to thinking "You know, that 'high' in novelty may not be good novelty..."

And closer to today, remember I told you that the astro-economic guys like my friend Arch Crawford have star charts that point to a really ugly period developing from late July of 2010 through early 2011 and guess what? TWZero agrees!

The problem with a computational engine like this is that while it quantifies something I-Ching'ish, there's a lot of personal projection possible. In other words, objectively speaking, if I put in my birth date, does the software show major incidents/development along my life-path? Does it show the 'right ending'? (Not going to spoil that for you, LOL).

But like Tarot, Astrology, I Ching and other methods of skrying (e.g. divining the future) - and let's not forget Nostradamus stoking up and staring for hours into a pot (sic) of black oil to get his visions of the future which may have been anything from stream-slipping to automatic writing - who knows, right?

Point is that even a reality/science type (who runs a Wujo on the side) acknowledges that when the astrologers, Tarotists, skyers, TimeWavers and time monks all show up at the same place on the calendar, you have to sit back and go "WTF?"

Or (looping back to article #1 in the Coping section today) "What are you 'hobbying on" this weekend which will make you smarter/more prepared/resilient for the coming anarchy?"

I agree that it's difficult to say whether or not Clif has seriously looked at Laura's work, but his comments about meteors above (no meaningful data) and his take on the "Planet X" scenario (likewise, no meaningful data) indicate to me that in any event he would be rather skeptical of a comet catastrophe. FWIW.
Shijing said:
In regard to your second point, I agree with you and would be rather surprised if Clif had not come across Cassiopaea.

FWIW, In one of Clif's older reports, had to be a couple years, he mentioned and provided a link to Cassiopaea Glossary entry for Green Language. I forget what was said in the report.
I agree, I am not going to lose sleep over the fact Clif has or has not read cass
nor worry about getting his attention . Never the less I have enjoyed listening
to the many interviews he has done ...
So I wanted to ask for some feedback from fellow forumites about Clif and HalfPastHuman. I am asking this partly out of curiosity and partly out of frustration with my own reading instrument, since I feel that participating on the forum has helped me to develop it fairly well (much better than before, certainly), but Clif et al. continue to be difficult for me to figure out. In addition to this, I feel that the opinion of Clif's work here is evolving, but in a non-obvious way that leaves me a bit confused.

So here is the story so far. After the question at the beginning of this thread was asked last summer, Laura's initial response was the following:

Laura said:
My impression was that "data mining" is a valid method of extracting trends since the "mass mind" has a certain awareness and even if this is not conscious, it expresses itself nonetheless. Whether the guy doing this interprets correctly is another matter.

Further discussion involved how Clif had rightfully discerned the COINTELPRO nature of Dan Burisch and Bill Deagle in his modelspace (implicating Project Camelot by association), but by all accounts either failed to capture or chose not to acknowledge the same about Rense, Weidner, and Tsarion (Michael St Clair might be added more recently), and the question was posed about why he seemed to be selective about the disinfo agents that he either called out or otherwise associated with. anart had this to say:

anart said:
Just for what it's worth, it's been my impression that the aspect of Clif's work that is interesting is the idea that human consciousness, as evidenced in language, can and does tap into 'something' and does have some subtle awareness of what is in the 'future', as well as the past and present. In short, the web bot project - as it regards raw data - is very interesting in concept and execution, in so much as gathering linguistic impressions that may or may not reflect subconscious awareness of the future of this time line.

That is where it stops. The interpretations and conclusions drawn from this raw data tend to (from what I have been exposed to and I am not a subscriber) lean toward the alarmist and fear mongering mindset.

I could be completely mistaken, but it has long been my impression that the value in Clif's project lies in the concept itself, and, perhaps even the raw data - and the conclusions leave much to be desired.

I'm also always fascinated by how we tend to assume that others cannot see obvious disinformation artists for what they are - like Rense and Weidner, for instance, and we tend to create benevolent reasons why this is. What is it about our thinking that consistently fills in the blanks for others and comes up with reasons why they can't see the disinformation undercurrent while we can? Oh, yes - I forgot for a moment - it's classic Critical Correction; filling in what is missing in others cognition and behavior with what we would think or do because we assume they are motivated to think and act as we are (when they often are not).

And, although some additional discussion went on, that's where things lay until the most recent ALTA report was published, including the portion around which a short FOTCM article was written, prompting this valid (IMO) question from thevenusian:

thevenusian said:
[T]here has been a high degree of scrutiny and skepticism toward the HPH reports here on the forum, yet the mention within the last report which was seen to validate and predict the FOTCM was more or less celebrated as a success and a kind of validation for our efforts in this regard. Doesn't accepting this also mean that all the rest of the HPH report should be accorded the same degree of acceptance and possibly validation? If not, what are the criteria with which to make this judgment?

Perceval was also prompted to say:

Perceval said:
Having listened to some of Clifs interviews, it strikes me that he has very possibly read the Cs transcripts.

...a conclusion that is difficult to avoid, particularly when the most recent ALTA report contains phrases in its subheadings such as Love the wave and nervus vagus (as another forumite pointed out), the latter of which seems completely unrelated to the text beneath it, making one wonder 'why the obscure reference to the vagus nerve?'

Finally, there is Laura's more recent assessment:

Laura said:
[Clif High]'s a sharp guy and only wants some widening of his parameters.

This in reference to a recent article by Clif in which he skillfully deconstructs another Project Camelot personality, Aaron McCollum.

Since I am having difficulty with figuring this out, I though I'd take a networking approach and just see what people think. I know this topic has been discussed extensively on both this as well as this thread, but I'm interested in seeing if anyone has anything new to add to this topic that hasn't already been gone over.
Yeah, it's kinda confusing to me, too. Right now, I'm just staying open and observing. I don't think we have enough data to make a call. Sometimes you have to live with ambiguity until some piece of the puzzle comes along that makes everything clear. With Clif, I'm waiting for that piece. Even if he turns out to fall on the side of disinfo, we have to remember that disinfo only works because of the info it carries.
OK, it's late and I need to go to bed, but I want to throw this in and it will be incomplete as I'm not currently prepared to adequately explain my thoughts on the whole situation. But, could this discussion on Clif High also look into the other cast of characters that seem to have common links? From the last post re David Icke:

So freemasons enshrining Germain for hundreds of years. Wow.

EDIT: And David Icke claims to be "exposing the freemasons" ?!?

And there's that Freeman guy that I can't get out of my head. He also is connected with the likes of Bill Deagle, Jay Weidner, and Alex Jones (although he publicly disagrees with what AJ seems to be doing) and an association with Project Camelot. Freeman seems to have a wealth of knowledge re Freemasonry. And he has such a bizarre story as to how he set upon his path of discovery re what he thinks is going on with the planet. He shows a picture that he spontaneously drew I believe at 9 years of age, a picture of rocket ships with a strange 2 curved lined symbols doing battle with dragons. Earlier in the week I was waiting at a stoplight and realized the vehicle in front of me (some foreign car I guess as it wasn't identifiable to me as a Ford, Chevy, or whatever), this silver car had this same two line symbol on its center back - silver lines on a red background. And it wasn't small either - it was quite large! Why did I see that large symbol like that? Just some weird coincidence?

Freeman has a series of videos available (I'll try to provide links later) that conveys his personal story from his childhood beginnings onto his 'out there' belief that the Obamas are Egyptian clones. I, myself, think the information he talks about within this story seems to have a lot of correlations with topics that have been explored on the forum and Laura's research. I think the last video had another picture of the white horse, the one with the blazing eyes, the horse of the apocalypse - Mohammed's horse Burak. And, again, it looks like the Denver Airport horse. Are these all just random coincidences?

If I'm remembering correctly, the 2 line symbol has to do with Sirius and an earth population that worshiped the alien beings. I think the mer-people were involved too. (Think of the Starbucks merwoman symbol). What about the dome, the obelisk, and the pentagram? Freeman just keeps making these connections that are indeed all around us! How can they be just random occurrences? And what's the deal with the replica of the parthenon in Nashville? And, again, another coincidence. I'm currently rereading Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols and wouldn't you know? A parthenon was a part of the original labyrinth - a parthenon that had a solid stone ceiling? The history channel just featured a story on the restoration of the parthenon that I was half watching while doing something else and yeah, there was that fact, the solid stone ceiling! Why I am running into all these synchronicities?

Freeman has a radio show and there are archives. I listened to a couple which was tough going as they are over an hour long, mostly due to numerous comercials (for things like hemp, solar water purifiers, etc) and musical interludes, not to mention when he takes listener calls which are a total waste of air time! The last one I listened to, he said how he was on the same page with Weidner! Well, I don't really know what Weidner is on about at the present time, but I know he's a despicable character. So, why is Freeman worth listening to? Although I think he is an illegitimate source, I also think there are some good truths lurking in among the garbage. I also found it fascinating that he was saying the next step in the scenario has to be . . .now get this. . . asteroids! He's basing that on something that Werner Von Braun said.

Sorry this post is lacking - I didn't check spelling and no links right now. But I still think that these guys seem to have a lot in common, especially in regards to shady characters, and it's worth the trouble to figure it out.

Laura posted while I was composing:
Even if he turns out to fall on the side of disinfo, we have to remember that disinfo only works because of the info it carries.

I couldn't agree more.
Clif is amassing a tremendous amount of data. But as we know, our own programs influence how we interpret the data in the world around us, so it is logical to assume that Clif's programs are at work in his interpretations of the data he is collecting. Even if he has the best of intentions and is not a conscious disinfo artist, if he isn't doing the kind of work we are doing here to clean his reading machine, then his suggestions on what the data means will be tainted. Heck, look at the noise in the Cs transmissions over the years and depending upon who was involved in the sessions!

As things heat up over the next few months and years and people move more openly towards one or the other of the two poles, we'll see what happens to Clif.

So we need to remain open. Even his apparent mention of the FOCTC needs to be held at arm's length so to speak. Maybe he picked up on something, but maybe it is a lure.
I would guess he has some familiarity with Laura's work since he collaborates with George Ure who has quoted Laura on at least one occasion.
Laura said:
Yeah, it's kinda confusing to me, too. Right now, I'm just staying open and observing. I don't think we have enough data to make a call. Sometimes you have to live with ambiguity until some piece of the puzzle comes along that makes everything clear. With Clif, I'm waiting for that piece. Even if he turns out to fall on the side of disinfo, we have to remember that disinfo only works because of the info it carries.

Galahad said:
Even if he has the best of intentions and is not a conscious disinfo artist, if he isn't doing the kind of work we are doing here to clean his reading machine, then his suggestions on what the data means will be tainted.

As things heat up over the next few months and years and people move more openly towards one or the other of the two poles, we'll see what happens to Clif.

So we need to remain open. Even his apparent mention of the FOCTC needs to be held at arm's length so to speak. Maybe he picked up on something, but maybe it is a lure.

OK, this all sounds reasonable -- and its nice to know that I'm not alone, so thanks for your viewpoints! Clif isn't the kind of person that y'all at the chateau would choose to do a podcast interview with, is he? I assume you reserve those for people that you don't have lingering doubts about...

Mr. Premise said:
I would guess he has some familiarity with Laura's work since he collaborates with George Ure who has quoted Laura on at least one occasion.

Yes, I think we've at least established that Clif and George are aware of Cassiopaea. Who knows how much attention they've paid, but it was nice waking up one morning to see George Ure give High Strangeness a plug on his website.

By the way, I have to get one thing that occasionally bugs me about Clif off my chest. He is obviously smart, well-read, and can think on his feet quite admirably, but every now and then he either says or writes something like this (from the beginning of _

Within the samskrta (sanskrit) based linguistic traditions which are just about half of the languages on planet earth, 'time' is actually a collection of individual aspect/attributes of the manifestation of reality.

Its just appallingly inaccurate to say that Sanskrit-based linguistic traditions (however you choose to define that category) equal "just about half the languages on planet earth". They are a very, very small percentage of the total languages spoken on the planet. It just niggles me, because several years ago, when I was impressed with David Icke, the very first thing that stood out to me as an indication of sloppy research was his etymological work (which I now realize was probably stolen from Jordan Maxwell and others), where he would go into some etymological explanation of something in an attempt to connect the dots, and it sounded great until you looked it up and found out it was completely false, and it made him look like an idiot who couldn't do research (which, as it turns out, was true). End of rant.
Laura said:
Yeah, it's kinda confusing to me, too. Right now, I'm just staying open and observing. I don't think we have enough data to make a call. Sometimes you have to live with ambiguity until some piece of the puzzle comes along that makes everything clear. With Clif, I'm waiting for that piece. Even if he turns out to fall on the side of disinfo, we have to remember that disinfo only works because of the info it carries.

Well said, Laura.
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