Clif High-

Here's another example of a report which has started to manifest - as it's still within the early stages it will be fun to see how it turns out. As most known the miscarriage rate was about 80%+/- --- so it's literally been a slaughter of the unborn using the eugenics shots (not that anyone should be surprised). [fertility] issues is not unexpected as the eugenics shots are designed or known to cause sterility issues. The [mutations] may be STS changes gone wrong, or even, STO changes happening instead! Then again the [proper breeding stock] may be those whereby the changes in DNA they wanted manifested - the homoborggenesis.

There's different factions even within the [PTB]. The [hidden civilization 1.1] in the reports are slightly higher vibrational frequency and many seem to be based within the oceans (at the bottom) consisting of both 'humans' (hybrids) and 'ET's. In the last report (Shape #16) some are visible as it appears our (or at least some of us) frequencies have increased enough that they are no longer unseen to us. The final 2012 Shape reports have a-lot on increasing/changing [vibration]s (frequencies) which I take as 4D.

So what I think happens is one faction on the eugenics shots {PTB] is not what the [hidden civilization 1.1] desires or requires and it puts them into a panic. Perhaps a future adreno-chrome shortage. Note - they are after [breeding stock]. The [obsessions][chinese officialdom] has partially manifested as they did go to universities in China not too long ago abducting all of the younger women and taking them away, and in 2022 events, they did separate parents from children in large buildings and took the children all away.

Perhaps part of the [got it wrong][new information][new manifesting circumstances][fertility rates crash][mutations][birth problems] are STO changes the CASS seem to have hinted on in regards to the CV (endosome) changes (the starts and stops in one transcript).

This is STARTING to manifest and will increase over what's left of 2023 and all of 2024 (and beyond IMO). So it will be fun/exciting to see exactly how it manifests in the months and years ahead.


Shape # 08, Page # 43 to $ 44, 01/25/2011

[public awareness] starts in 2023, webbotters of course, will have observed it much sooner as were looking for it.
[obsession] starts fall of 2023, perhaps near [shocktober] events

Bot Words:

Page # 43
[fertility problems]
[solar flux][unknown energies from space]
[mutation problems]

[hidden civilization]
[proper breeding stock]

[obsession][ripples][social behavioral trends] <- Over 2023, 2024
[ripples][global populace][proper breeding stock]

[genetics] <- Transhumanism?, or, the equivalent of 'heirloom' seeds?
[loving/nurturing language] <- .. or slick sales job/marketing?, perhaps with the [subliminal messages] to accept the mRNA mutations?

[subliminal messages]
[popular culture]
[producing global baby boom] <- .. attempt at.

Page # 44
[mutation problem][public awareness] <- 2023
[space alien abduction][surfacing][seriousness]
[push for en mass pregnancy]

[officialdom minions]

[hidden civilization][obsession for breeding women]
[appearance][cause for concern][reshuffle officialdom]
[respond][dissatisfaction minions]
[minion deaths][reassessment of usefulness]

[fear][power elite][got it wrong]
[new information][new manifesting circumstances]
[fertility rates crash][mutations][birth problems]
^-- Sounds like they fucked-up and the supply of adrenochrome, babies to eat and workers is in trouble.

[fertile young women][pregnant women]
[hidden civilization]

[obsessions][unknown energies from space]
[chinese officialdom]
[obsessions][visibility] <- Fall 2023

[alien wars][mass visibility]
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The last is trickier. The R and D parties in the US are BOTH controlled by the [PTB], China and so forth. That came up in a Shape report as well. Q came about when JFK was assassinated in a successful coup (likely Bush Sr and so forth). Q was started there, at least, the modern version. The Babylonian Black Majick Banking System (compound interest, fiat, usury..) the Kazarians use likely has been in use for about 6,000 years so Q may have been around much longer as well.
Wait, so he's a Q adherent or believer? because it came up on his bot search as "dog something"? so he removed them from the reports in order to protect Q? that's kind of a red flag. Would you agree?

And the rest of the claims, about Q being around for maybe 6k years, his.. or your... only reference is the reports themselves? That is, self validation? So, he's certain of something because his reports confirm his assertions? That sounds very uncritical, and almost like blind belief.
Wait, so he's a Q adherent or believer? because it came up on his bot search as "dog something"? so he removed them from the reports in order to protect Q? that's kind of a red flag. Would you agree?

And the rest of the claims, about Q being around for maybe 6k years, his.. or your... only reference is the reports themselves? That is, self validation? So, he's certain of something because his reports confirm his assertions? That sounds very uncritical, and almost like blind belief.
With the original Shape reports (2009 to 2012) I would not see clif 01 as either.

The [dog poet] (Q) had not yet manifested into the materium (3D) in a public way. That occurred much later in Fall 2017 nearly a decade later and really got going publicly in 2020. I think clif 01 did that as not to endanger a then future group for whatever reasons he saw necessary as gleaned from the 2009 bot data. As the bot data was not released anything beyond this would be speculation. The brief descriptions which were left in the reports were accurate in hindsight and rather funny considering the MSM and the Trump election.

As for clif 02 he does cover the [dog poet] more but I wouldn't use rather loaded terms such as "believer', sounds rather cult-ish. Even 'adherent' is a bit strong. He has, no doubt, non-bot information.

The modern [dog poet] started after the coup in the US when JFK was assassinated. I think there's about 300-400 flag officers involved (general rank..). You'll see this come up in events from time to time such as when I think it was Bush Sr. that had many generals killed in a plane crash when they moved to impeach him for selling many military secrets including nuclear to China.

Many are in the NAVY which makes sense. Americans know how and why the NAVY was formed and whom they report to, the Barbary Wars and Barbary Coast Pirates of the Ottoman Empire. It's usually mon-Americans whom of course wouldn't know this as it's American history and wonder, "why?".

The 6K years is more-so for the Homo-Capensis and other types whom run the Babylonian Black Majick Banking system (the long running con job of usury, compound interest and fiat) - the hybrids like the Rothschild's. That time frame is approximate, it could be much longer or shorter. They even make fun of the public never catching on in things like older SNL skits. I would imagine that groups formed at some point after this occurred, perhaps, earlier versions of the Q-group.

That would place it in late stages the Holoscene Climate Optimum of this current interglacial (within the current Quaternary period). That said, history goes back a whole lot further then this.

The last paragraph you wrote was a straw man argument, btw..
a.The Shape/ALTA reports are FORWARD looking in the timeline. So anything from the past within a timeline is not covered. The [dog poet] was picked up in 2009 in the Shape reports, the events manifested starting in/after mid-2021. The ALTA report series might cover a greater range of dates but I have not looked into this. It won't pick up on the history of the [dog poet]/Q-Group. The bots also focus on the emotional tones/values often with 'placeholder' names for future events.

Below is an early 1976 script of the 1977 movie "Star Wars: A New Hope". Doesn't look too much like the movie. I suspect this is along the lines of the webbot reports, but, we work with what we got.


b. clif removed most [dog poet] items due to ethical and moral considerations. He's covered this in a past video several years ago which can be looked up. He won't put something in if it risks lives. What it was only cliff knows, I won't speculate further upon it. There's very little left within the reports on it.

That said, there's a few sections coming up with sure sound like Q-group items sans the [dog poet] tag. They are major events. I won't post them here.

The Q-Group and JFK coup and it's history is well documented, you can read up on it. That is not part of Shape/ALTA reports as again they are forward looking. Likewise the history of the US NAVY and especially the marines is well known and documented.

The El, Homo-Capensis (hybrids) and other types whom run the Babylonian Black Majick Banking system are the result of clif (a linguist and many other talents) and a team working on translations of materials with origins way back in the Holocene. He has had many discussions on this topic in his various audio recordings. The bots are forward looking. That said they will pick up on events the Homo-Capensis are involved with IF they were in then future-time frame the bots were targeting.

c. The [dog poet] is a minor point at this time. For instance, I'm was more curious as to what methods (if any) were being used in our future to counter the nano-technology devices within the eugenics shots. It seems clear someone intends to use a semi-sythetic parasitic technology/life to slowly consume 'containers' (people) from the inside out into a new species. Very interesting.

In over 1,000 patents for the injections on it's clear DEVICES or ELECTRICAL DEVICES refers not only to the nano-tech in the 'vaccine' but mostly to the injected and therefore altered life-forms (no longer regarded as 'homo-sapian' but 'trans-human' or 'homoborggenesis'). Even teh 'Good manufacturing Practices' lookups are those chapter for 'DEVICES'. The eugenics shots are all produced by Sino Biologicals located in Beijing/Peking, China and shipped worldwide - they have 280+ variants which can be ordered. So Pfizer/Bio-N-tech, ModeRNA, Astrazeneca, Sinoharm, Sputnik and more all come from this ONE source in China although some 'assembly' may be made elsewhere). Not surprising as Rev. Fredrick Taylor Gates setup the CHB back around 1908 on behalf of the Rockefeller's (in today's currency a 8-Billion dollar project).

This is why ECG voltages (heart) and EEG (brain) and other measurements have been dropping by up to 50% in people (read as a 50% drop in life-force) and pictures of the auras are going blackish/brownish. It explains why electron-donors like my SSKI are effective. Even words like 'Lipids' (fats) are now nothing more then weaponized wording to hide what they really are - Lipid Nano-Particle Technology Bio-weapons. The persons cells are literally hijacked to permanently create semi-synthetic technology as an outside source directs - and the programs can be downloaded from outside the host body. The mRNA and vaccines tag does not refer to anything biological but to an 'operating system' being put into the cells and the body. The clots are DARPA fluids which is a programmable plastic polymer technology. The devices are catatonic as well, no wonder it's fu**ing everyone up inside.

Which is why the bots were picking up on:
[not dead] [the body [wounded)][crippled][ill][fatigued] <- Fatigued as it's a parasitic tech.

.. and why it hints at possible countermeasures. Some of them come up in the late 2024 time-frame. The tech/situation is along the lines of 8th Sphere aka R. Steiner. Q-dots and Luciferase, or is it, Lucife-race? Even the Teslaphoresis is telling with phoresis meaning: ".. Phoresis or phoresy is a non-permanent, commensalistic interaction in which one organism (a phoront or phoretic) attaches itself to another (the host) solely for the purpose of travel. ..". Hmm.

This is more interesting to me, I'm not sure why there is so much interest in the [dog poet], but I guess to each their own. If you're further interested in the [dog poet] dig into the reports or other material and have fun.
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The last paragraph you wrote was a straw man argument, btw..
Not really, you wrote.. Q was created with JFK was assassinated.. no evidence was provided of this other than the reports themselves, and then you said.. but chances are that it has been around for 6k years, evidence? the reports themselves.

You also said the R and D parties in the US are controlled by the PTB and China... the evidence for this claim? the reports themselves.

And now you say you're not interested in dog poet.. but you just made huge claims.. only to make all the other results of the reports sound amazing.

So, it's a self referential obsession, "this is the way things are? How do I know? because I said that this is the way things are.. that's your evidence" And I ask, doesn't that make you a bit skeptical at least?

Q is rather evidently a psyop, why would anyone with such awareness about the world defend it?

And may I ask you again, can you not bracket your posts?
CLIF HIGH Walk without rhythm SUBSTACK JULY 16
Aether Pirates of the Matterium!

Walk without rhythm.
It explains a lot.

JUL 15, 2023
Walk without rhythm.

It explains a lot.

Postulate #1: UAPs are controlled by T2M (Thought to Machine) interface.

This is a form of connection between individual consciousness and an interface into the control circuitry of the UAP/UFO.

Corollary 1: The individual consciousness must be aware of its own capacity.

Corollary 2: The individual consciousness must be capable, and aware, of its own directed thoughts.

Corollary 3: The individual consciousness must have nuanced control, and be self-monitoring of its internal control state in real time.

Corollary 4: The individual consciousness must have a manifest physical field (aka ‘body’) pathways to support directed thought capacity.

The Postulate about the UAPs/UFOs requiring T2M (thought to machine) connection in order to be controlled dates back before the 1947 UFO crash reports. There are ancient UFO contact reports in which the human contactees provide descriptions of ‘vessels’ in which there is no apparent control mechanism, excepting a ‘hand shaped depression’ in the surface next to some form of a chair. There are examples in many different languages of ancient discussions of ‘visitors’ including Japanese, Aramaic, Greek, and Sumerian among others.

This theme is still much in evidence in modern UFO discussions. From the 1947 Roswell incident to the present, all the rumors, leaks, hints of leaks, and whispers of rumors all point to the same description of a ‘machine’ that is controlled by sending Directed Thought into an interface to the circuitry.

In examinations of ancient texts, we find that even those starting off as a purely ‘mechanistic’ description of the devices will inevitably land back on Directed Thought, and explorations in “local consciousness’. Nowhere is this more evident than the many discussions of the Vimana in Sanskrit. Almost all references at a technical level will rapidly branch out into consciousness inclusions.

In a way, as a technical social order, we are heading in this direction already. We see that Tesla and other computer controlled vehicles have the capacity to monitor the operator. It is only a short hop from that to using the operator’s body as the control mechanism. Even now @Elon is exploring the insertion of chips-into-the-brain as the first such interface.

The benefits of this goal are readily apparent, and rise from the ‘speed of thought’, though it is really doubtful that any form of insertion and physical tie into the brain matter will suffice. The issue will come down to the actual conversion of brain electricity to influencing the electrical activity on the chip will fail. It is far too crude an approach, the in intrusion of ‘hard’ electricity (not bio-chemical) will disrupt so much brain activity as to become its own obstacle.

Elon’s ambitions aside, we have ancient texts that may be speaking directly to this issue. We find themes of ‘engineering man’ in all the social order histories from those groups of humans who had been enslaved by the space aliens who invaded Earth in the last Golden age, some 12,000 years back.

These ancient texts, if read with the idea of actual beings, boots-on-the-ground reporting by their unknown authors, do show that the Space Alien Invaders, once settled into to their newly conquered homesteads, set about with genetic modification experiments on the local human populations.

These genetic engineering efforts arise from the social order dynamic of the Space Alien Invaders in which, they modified members of their own species. There is much to suggest that this was done to fulfill needs within their society.

As an instance, we find that the beings that are called ‘arch angels’, in several languages, were engineered to provide specific services to the social order. These included acting as interpreters to the conquered native human populations, as well as acting as a social dynamic enforcer both for the captives, as well as the society of the Space Aliens. It is from the arch-angels that both the ‘schools of scribes’ who were the first intermediaries chosen from the native populations, and the ‘judges’ with their court system derive. In the Torah/Old Testament we see these arch-angels in trials acting as the ‘satan’ (prosecutor) on behalf of the ruling clan (El-Yon’s group) (Book of Job).

This theme is repeated throughout human history in all the groups that had contact with these genetically engineered enforcers. These arch-angel beings were made with great strength, and, apparently, a single minded focus on their work, and an in-built bias against corrupting their purpose. This point needs to be reinforced; that the engineered arch-angel beings, had specific forms of minds that were common to all who filled those roles, and that were part of their creation process.

The conclusion can be reached that the Khazarian people were abandoned by their Space Alien controllers after only a very brief period, perhaps as few as 600 years. Note that this is less than the individual lifespans of Moses, Lazarus, and others of Torah/Old Testament fame. These, on average were of the order of 900 years. The Elohim, the Space Invaders of the Khazarians, and the claimed ‘gods’ of the Judeans (12 Essene tribes in S. Yemen who were conquered and force marched to the NW along the Red Sea until they reached Judea), may have been forced from their center of activity in what is now Ukraine by war with other factions of the Space Invaders, however, there are hints in some other, ancient, records, that the abandonment may have been the result of the failure to achieve their GMO goals with the human ‘stock’ that the Khazarian tribes provided.

Some interpretation of parts of the discussion in the Talmud, in both the Mishnah, and the Gemara, though more in the Gemara of the Talmud Bevli (the Talmud of Babylonia), as well as references in the Zohar (13th century Jewish mystic’s manual), that speak directly to the ‘abandonment’ issues within the Khazarian ruling ‘elites’ over this specific, perceived, ‘failure’ on the part of the Khazarians, as a group, to fulfill the genetic needs of the Elohim. Countering these, are few, isolated, instances of genetic modification ‘success’ being claimed by the Khazarian ruling elites, to their own peoples. These references are seemingly contrived claims of the self-serving elites, without individual personal references of the ‘successes’ by name as we see in the Torah, and the translations into the Bible. In these, the names of the successful GMO humans are presented as well as their lineage of successful breeding of the desired characteristics. Thus we know of the names of Adam, Eve, Moses, Noah, Job, Enoch, Jesus, Lazarus, and others. These individuals were specifically noted by the scribes under the control of the arch-angels within the Elohim organization as it was vital to the plans of these space aliens to create a GMO stock of humans, for their own purposes, mostly hidden from us. We do not find such lists maintained of the individual ‘successes’ nor their lineage, within the Khazarians. There are rumors and hints within the many, Khazarian created, Judaism based, “secret societies” such as Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and others, that lists of the lineage of the Khazarian ‘successes’ in being GMO’d do exist, albeit as very seriously guarded secrets.

The Judean scribes, under the control of Michael, the primary arch-angel of the Elohim, recorded the material that we find in the Torah, which is also translated into the Old Testament. These Judean scribes did NOT write, nor participate in any of the Jewish literature. They did not write, nor edit, any of the several Talmuds. These originate with, and were completed by Khazarian peoples (some of whom became the Ashkenazi).

In this current era of the Great Awakening, in which all of the world’s religions will be opened up, along with all human history, for a deep examination, we are exposed to the idea, leaking out from the many actions, and the few words, of the UFO/UAP Officialdom, that not all peoples, are equally psychically enabled.

Rumors, as well as facts, going back over 120 years, point to our current ruling Khazarian elites, hunting all over humanity for PsyEn (psychically enabled) people. The historical record is replete with examples from the Nazi UFO programs including the Bell, and the psychic channeling by the Vril women, all leading to searches through German, and captured peoples, for ‘psychics’. Of most interest to the Nazi UFO program were psychic twins as children. While there are many reasons for this preference, chief among them is the known telepathy of twins, as well as the proof of psychic ability being tied to genetics.

Our historical record also includes the CIA fascination with the recruitment of PsyEn twins in the 1950s and 1960s. Even Russian (actually Soviet) work on psychic ability focused on twins through the late 1960s before becoming completely opaque.

The reason that all these groups, including our own CIA, and other Dark-and-Denied DAD) projects around the UFO have concentrated on children is due to the ‘psychic ability bloom’ that first hits when certain hormones are produced as a result of the onset of puberty. These early pubescent hormones, in most people including psychics, will be soon moderated by the second tier of hormone production as the body moves closer toward adulthood.

It would appear from their recruiting goals, that the Khazarian created, and controlled CIA, as well as the corporations controlling the DAD projects, are aware of the moderating hormones impact on psychic ability. There are some historical literature references to attempts to control this aspect of the onset of adulthood by various groups, the latest among them, the DAD corporations. All of these in the past have produced disastrous results to the individuals involved, as well as destroying any psychic ability through the induced onset of acute mental illness.

Much of the ‘trans’ industry owes its current state of advancement to the past decades of efforts to chemically/hormonally ‘freeze’ these psychic children by their controllers.

It is possible to conclude that Khazarian controllers are aware of their own genetic limitations in this area. This is to say that the Khazars/Ashkenazi stand out as NOT being subjects for these recruitment programs. The human subject populations that have been ‘worked over’ by our DAD corporations include all the ethnic groups that may be isolated, and examined, even to including some in Amazonian jungles, but the Khazarians are excluded.

Mostly, all these corporations, and Officialdom, investigating the UFO/UAP reverse engineering issues, are trying to find psychics among white peoples. There are some indications that there are successful recruits who are not white, being mostly Japanese, and Korean, and some of indigenous sub sets of the Chinese population. There have also been, limited, successes with Native American tribal people, however, these were isolated. Apparently, in these instances, it was not psychic ability that was the issue, but rather interface to human control of the test subjects breaking down over the longer term that was the point of failure. But, in the main, it is white people that appear to provide the best PsyEn candidates for the DAD projects.

This may be the ultimate, deep root cause, for the Khazarian hatred, and jealousy, of the lineage of Adam, and Eve, that the Elohim, having abandoned the Khazars as not worth pursuing genetically, then found success with the Essene peoples of S. Yemen. Many aspects of Jewish mysticism become cohesive over time in this light. The longing for the deep psychic experience is inculcated into the Khazarian/Jewish mystic traditions, yet also there emerges the abhorrence of, and revulsion at, taking the first steps, which all involve some aspect of personality dissolution.

This may also explain why LSD (invented in a Khazarian lab) is available, but mescaline is not. For psychic use, LSD is cold, mechanical, and always stops short of achievement, whereas mescaline is embracing, warm, and begins by destroying the personality and mind so completely as to take one across the Life-Death Barrier never to return the same.

It is the use of humans as sources for Adenochrome that propels much of the global pedophile industry here on our planet. It would be a mistake to think that Adrenochrome is ONLY seen as an ‘anti-aging’ drug by the Khazarian elites. As with all their agendas, there are many facets in play.

The Khazarian Mafia produces, and exploits, Adrenochrome at many different levels. These include the more prosaic layers such as anti-aging drug, the ‘ultimate high’ drug, as an entree for blackmail, for political exploitation, for export. Hidden among the purely criminal aspects of Adrenochrome is the real secret that it may, under certain circumstances, be used as a ‘Psy Drug’ for interfacing with UFO/UAP style DT (Directed Thought) devices. Apparently even with Adrenochrome, the Khazarians can’t do the PsyEn device control worth a damn. This may add to their generally pissy attitude.

The Khazarian mafia attitude is also influenced by their masters, the Elohim, and the thought of their imminent return. Without regard to their fears being manifest, we can nonetheless observe the effects of their fears on their actions. Here we see that Adrenochrome production has never been higher. Yet, the population of users, if anything, given covid et al, is diminishing. Is the Khazarian Mafia stockpiling? For what? For whom?

As this Apocalypse progresses, all of this material, and much more will be emerging. Over the coming years, we will be building a much more complete understanding of the complexities of our world, our history, and our future. Very likely, this new understanding of our actual history will seriously alter everyone’s frame of reference on reality.

You see, human’s are the SPICE.


clif 02 has pretty interesting articles/videos/audios -- this gets into the [secrets revealed] and [hidden civilization 1.1] aspects of the older ALTA and Shape reports as well.

The 12,000 years would be near the start of the Holocene Epoch (the Holocene being latest interglacial period within the Quaternary Period which started when the Arctic started to get year-round ice/snow). It would actually be in the tail end of the last glaciation period. I have not had time to listen to clif 02's latest but I suspect it going to get into the Younger Dryas event which itself I suspect gets into a war or at least some major cataclysm.

I'm curious as to the media which he is translating from. If clif 02 and group are translating information from that time-frame of 12,000+ years ago it could be he has access media in whatever format it was preserved which is part of the last glaciation period (very likely) or even the previous inter-glacial period. Very cool.

Some groups go way back. For example, I was asked to join one group (more then once) - the Freemasons (a friend of the 33rd degree, very interesting person but with many alters and I suspect a bloodline). They go back possibly to the last inter-glacial period (definitely the last glacial), perhaps, a way of carrying over knowledge and agendas.

It could be the [dog poet] Q-group is similar, perhaps like the Freemasons changing names, going underground and reappearing elsewhere in various eras. Or, perhaps they are a modern post-JFK coup group which has been setup as a 'front' by a much older group. Perhaps one of these groups or another has supplied clif 02 with those media sources?, as well as some background information? Not something I've looked into or was interested in before as the [dog poet] only appears in the Shape reports a few times. That said, perhaps I'll refocus some time off of reprogramming and/or dissembling the nano-tech into this at some point.

I'm not sure I quite agree with clif's 02's hypothesis on Elon's chip but it would take a while to explain so I'll skip it for now.

One note on the "Adrenochrome and the Khazarians". Another item in great demand is chroma-chrome which is far more potent and being pituitary gland secretions harvested over a much, much longer period of time.

clif 02 wrote, ".. Yet, the population of users, if anything, given covid et al, is diminishing. Is the Khazarian Mafia stockpiling? For what? For whom? ..". I wonder if this gets into either the [nasty bastard mother f*cker space aliens] which they greatly fear, and/or, the [hidden civilization 1.1] which is not part of the [PTB].

I won't get into it too much but I have a few thoughts on this. The DWave quantum computer which Dr. Gordie Rose calls a 'temple to the Gods' is based upon ancient temple designs such as Solomon's Temple ( some even Alister Crowley's divination board) - just smaller. It appears they are using this for an information portal to another dimension and/or density. I bet they are using quantum entanglement to the Q-dots and Luciferase (similar tech, Lucifer-race?) in the injections. Basically a form of a IP or MAC address only using quantum entanglement which would allow them to hack bodies - repurpose them as avatars or containers for others aka The Kindred Spirits. Perhaps this is what the CASS were taking about? I also suspect they are playing around with the various subtle bodies - alive enough for a host to a parasitic entity, be a source of loosh and provide a connection to Source but not in control enough to for free-will or independent thought/actions.
* I have some books by "Anthony Patch" on this, he has a magazine titled "Entagled". One in particular is "God's Temple Designs Mirrored in Quantum Chipsets"which gets into this.

clif 02 is working no doubt with the Torah including original or older versions. The ancient Torah is a symbolic language (the original) which is made by projecting a modified sine-wave over a torroid at specific, set angles. So I think that it's a information portal - frequencies manifest into resonance patterns which create our reality from the information side 'writers'. You'll note the vibration (at least how I feel the information field) of bibles in 2023 verses say in the 80s has shifted as Mandela effects have manifested (timeline changes, loops and edits). So I bet we should be able to hack into that and backdoor into 'their' stuff.
* Some books I have on this subject are by author "Douglas Vogt" which you may enjoy.

Really, really interesting!, thanks for posting it - I'm realy going to have to give this much further thought.
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clif 02's audio's, a bit different from his earlier 2005 to 2017 ALTA reports and 2009 to 2012 Shape report series.

clif's initial work was from 1994 to 1998, his first public interview was with Alex Merklinger in 2004 and that's where I first heard him. It was in the early 1994 to 1998 bot runs where he was hoping to get future information on stock market moves, in particular Sun Microsystems, but instead he got the first reference to the [sun disease]. So the the infamous square brackets [ ] has been in use for nearly 19-years now.:-D

He does at times do immediacy and short term data runs but the Shape/ALTA type runs ended in 2012 and 2017 just before his first death.

Worth a listen if you enjoy clif's work...

Dynamic Dayz Ahead
^-- Interesting to hear what's occurring in communist-Canukistan. Are global airline operation capabilities now down 60% due to the eugenics shots?, I wouldn't be surprised if that is true. The African to Australia to Canada migrant flows (UN/WEF Open Borders BS) have greatly-slowed/stopped to clif may be on to something.

Aggressive Cancers
^-- Time to start the die off is this fall 2023, similar to the Polish Prophet in another thread in this site. In mid-2020 the timeframe I got was 2 to 8 years, were moving into the turbo-cancers, rapid tumors, and auto-immune diseases phase. This audio is not just about the turbo-cancers but the eugenics shots as well. On the military aspect (USA) they may not have a working military within 5-years, this was in Edward Dowd's latest.
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JUL 20 • 29M
Immediacy Data Summer/Fall
going to be ever so interesting.
( Clif makes some predictions as well as full disclosure coming soon..)

mp3 link
JUL 20 • 39M
Hidden Space Aliens
This we did to ourselves....i think.

mp3 link
clif high space bonds july 27
JUL 27 • 36M
Space Bonds...
There's gold out yonder....

mp3 audio down load link ..

This report is mostly about kefir and negative ions in the air, particularly pilots who encountered UFOs and the people who work in contaminated areas for clean up operations. Companies who employ those people are on to something about this. They are actively trying to get a product based on their discoveries with their own employees to become available on the market for any organizations that works in environments with negative ions in the air.
Fascinating stuff.

Then he states that the banks will increase interest rates come September. Banks will try to stay afloat but won't succeed as the interest rates on the loans and the loans themselves are not salvageable.

This report is mostly about kefir and negative ions in the air, particularly pilots who encountered UFOs and the people who work in contaminated areas for clean up operations. Companies who employ those people are on to something about this. They are actively trying to get a product based on their discoveries with their own employees to become available on the market for any organizations that works in environments with negative ions in the air.
Fascinating stuff.

Then he states that the banks will increase interest rates come September. Banks will try to stay afloat but won't succeed as the interest rates on the loans and the loans themselves are not salvageable.
clif 02's current short term runs are mirroring the older ALTA and Shape reports from up to 20 years ago. The event in the 2011 Shape reports was labeled [shocktober]. The "Crack Up Boom" is the term used in the Austrian school of economics (Mises). It starts in the EU as I seem to recall, not in the reports, I think Canada might loose it's banks/financial system near the start of this.

It's part of the [duality play] - reserve currencies (central bank fiat) scams last about 80-110 years. usually they start up a war and move it to another nation. While China was setup in the eary 70s (and late 60s) to replace the US Dollar at this point they are going for a complete reboot of the species this time 'round. The [PTB] need to kill the old financial system to replace it with the new 'Great Reset' - the [duality play] is that while they need to do it they also loose all control and power at the moment of transition due to the loss of currency and bribes.

Also in there is the end of all [entitlements] which starts once the [food stamps] (EBT)s stop. This leads to [PTB] controlled [riots] as part of the color [revolution]. The loss of the [entitlements], [social contract] is part of a communist/technocratic 'color revolution'. This in the 2011 and 2012 Shape reports takes up all of 2024, the [crescendo] when the [PTB] quietly go to thier DUMBs is fall of 2024. Threre's always a 'free wll' aspect in the reports - do enough people 'wake up' creating a beautiful [SCI-FI] world, or, do we head into a dystopian, nightmare [SCI-FI] world?

On the Kefir aspect it's much superior to Yoguart's (especially using raw milk). Pasteurization of yoguart basically kills anything beneficial inside, it becomes a 'dead food'. Pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur, the bloodline (above the Rothenschild banking family) creator of the BS "Germ Theory" scam used to justify 'vaccines'.

There's about 300+ methods to fementaiton, most items sold in western FAUX-foods stores are fake immitaitons of real foods. For example: ketchup, salsa, mustard, relish, sauerkraught, pickles, mayonayse, dressing, soda pop and much more are supposed to be FERMENTATED foods. To have real fermentated foods these days you need to make them yourself. This along with Kefir and so forth replenishes your gut biome. btw, Kefir has over 70 bacterial strains along with many beneficial yeasts and Yoguart about 1-7 bacterial strains and no benefical yeasts (and all of that dies if it's pasteaurized).

There's tons more to Kefir but it would take me a few pages to write it all. It's similar to (say) Orgenano - basically a miracle item with many, many uses.

Another fermented food item pretty handy if you've been exposed to radiation is organic 3 to 5-year old MISO - and great in soup (add it afterwards, never boil it).

I bring this up as the 2011 Shape reports indicated issues with the fermentation process. At the time I thought perhaps due to the [strange energies from space] - IMO, it's due to the eugenics bio-weapon shots taking out the gut biome especially in the colon along with the [strange energies from space] which include the 5G death towers. While the small/large intestines absorb various minerals and so forth the colon is actually a fermentation 'tank'.

I'll include below a cut and paste of two updates I did on this some time ago in the webbot forum.


Here's a thought, a different way of looking at one Shape report from another perspective. Harald Kautz-Vella also discussed something similar.

".. Fermentation is defined as the breakdown of substances in the absence of oxygen and occurs in the colon, an oxygen-free environment where most of the gut bugs reside.

The substances fermented are compounds of the food you consume that are not digested in the small intestine, which happens simply because the body has no mechanism to break them down, or in the case of poor digestion or excess consumption. These substances are predominantly dietary fiber and protein, but also include other compounds such as fat and polyphenols. .."

Gut Fermentation: The Key to a Healthy Microbiome

Shape # 11, Page # 35, 07/01/2011

July 2023 On-wards

Bot Words:

[breakdown][thought inviolate/constant]
[biologic process]
[feces/waste][fail] <- Colon!?!

[communities][accidental mass poisonings]
[breakdown of biologic process]

[discover][basic solar light spectrum]
[cause][biologic process change]

[accepted biological processes][fail]
[breweries][bakeries][sewer treatment plants]

^-- Is this related to to the CV shots and 5G rather then what we normally consider with fermentation. Either way by July or later 2023 more should be coming out.

Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons!!! Globalist Plan for Nanotech Revealed.
* 1H50M, long but good interview




The Shape had this manifesting July 2023 (2011). Could it refer to the link above?

It does fulfill:

[breakdown][thought inviolate/constant]
[biologic process]
[feces/waste][fail] <- Colon!?!

[communities][accidental mass poisonings]
[breakdown of biologic process]

^-- With the bio-weapon injections, [bad foods], [bad meat] could it be destroying already damaged gut bacteria? The latest Cassiopaean transcript also covered this (I posted on this over there as well in response to a post there).

* April 8/23 transcript, around page #17.


The second half of that previous post I did gets into an area I've been researching, Somatids. Basically the "Midichlorian" of Star Wars - reality disguised as Science Fiction.

Several Shape reports seem to reference it, in the one above, it would be:

[discover][basic solar light spectrum]
[cause][biologic process change]

[accepted biological processes][fail]
[breweries][bakeries][sewer treatment plants]

^-- and in later reports the [new Light] gets into the [new medicines]. Somatids are bio-photons which make up all life - from minerals to animals to people (just like the "Midichlorian" in the Star Wars franchise).

Part of the nano-tech (think: Morgellons) targets the bio-photons which is how our bodies operate. I'll post 3/three links below but no excerpts as they really need to be read.



e Hidden Science: Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs but Terrain | Of Pleomorphism and Microzymas–Educative Panel on Terrain with Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman

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