Clif High-

Thanks @Freya Stewart & @lindrie.

From what I have recently read in X

Woo (objective reality only understood through the continuous search for knowledge.)
Woo people (not normies but awakened people, who chose the red pill)

OverWoo (Reality altered by a big event)
HyperNovelty (Symptoms of the Wave, hyperkinetic sensations expressed in continuous technological, social and economic novelties)

I find the term HyperNovelty coined by Clif High very interesting. Possibly what is described as HyperNovelty is another symptom of the Wave.​

So, Laura says that hyperkinetic sensations is like life on steroids while Clif says Hypernovelty will be like doing DMT with @joerogan. It'll be a real trip & but it won't end 4 the rest of your life.​

Clif High tells us about HyperNovelty as points or periods of change. Here are some things he has said about it:​

Clif tells us that the Maui Event was in fact a HyperNovelty event where many people around the world became aware of TPTB's real technological capabilities.

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Satellite image

On other occasions Clif has spoken of this Universe of Science and Fiction. I remember him saying that newly discovered energies would make technological miracles like flying cars possible. Previously these technologies were not available. Also the Cs told us that the Solar System was entering another zone of space. Conjugating these two ideas one could say that the new types of energies are due to these changes in the space environment which helps the HyperNovelty​
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The latter seems evident in recent days. Zionist propaganda wanted the world to believe the story of the 40 beheaded babies, but the advance of technology and social media brought that narrative down. HyperNovelty. Merely a hypernovelty induced transformation.
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HyperNovelty is REAL

We begin to see things as layered in concentric circles
and we CHOOSE which layers to react to
(can be multiple or none)

How to react, Why to react and Where to react
The Big Ugly, the conflict between Khazarian Mafia & Self-Organizing Collective

This morning Clif High posted a message on X which tells us that not many people will be able to navigate the upcoming events.

Clif High via X

And, so what part of The Big Ugly was unclear to you back then... it's not going to let up, and will become incredibly fucking worse.

You are not able to prepare yourself emotionally for what is coming. When it happens, & the realization hits you, don't think that you can drink away that image. Not even your death will dim it.

What is the Big Ugly?

In July 2022, Clif spoke of a period when the Big Ugly would be exposed and this exposure would be in charge of what he called Self-Organizing Collective.

The Big Ugly is the conflict between the Khazarian Mafia and the Self-Organizing Collective. This conflict is in the nature of an information war whose ultimate goal is revolution.

Clif said
“So it’s in the interest of the Self-Organizing Collective – the SOC, that is opposing the Khazarian Mafia – it is in their interest that we become very much exposed to all of the evilness that is within that Khazarian Mafia and within that organization and everything that they do."

Already in the past, the Cs told us that there are "several complex factors at play," but that exposure would cause them to fail
(L) Okay, so is one of these factors that it was seen that this was a good opportunity to reset the economy?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they think that they're going to reset the economy and just put everything back together when they decide to?

A: Yes. Wishful thinking.

Q: (L) Is another factor to reinforce their power to be able to lock down, impose restrictions, control people... Is that another part of it?

A: Yes but that too will backfire due to exposure.

Exposure. This is precisely what we are witnessing and it is possible thanks to the power of the blessed social networks, no doubt, without them the Israeli narrative about the alleged Hamas attack without inside help would not have been questioned, as well as other events that have been happening such as the 40 beheaded children or the destruction of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza by a Hamas missile.

Clif pointed out that we are in an information war and that the SOC would try to influence people's minds and hearts through the release of information.
So the SOC is going to go ahead and introduce this information, in such a way as to have the maximum emotional impact that will carry forward through the rest of the year, as they pile on more and more stuff and we get to a greater and greater exposure level of the Big Ugly that is the Khazarian Mafia.

The revolution begins when you start getting rid of the ugly inside you..

Clif has also said that the Big Ugly is a condition created in the minds of the "normies," a condition they will have to clean up in themselves.
“And see, basically, what it’s going to come down to is we have revolution now, revolution around the world; Sri Lanka, Holland – anywhere that there is economic stress is now a spark point of new social action; new public actions, populist actions that will continue and then, ultimately be successful and be called a ‘revolution’.​
“This breakdown phase of the financial system is the trigger for all of the populace, globally to become active and to become active and to participate in these public actions and to take on the Khazarian Mafia, which has the World Economic Forum, basically as its public face.​
“So we’re gonna get into the Big Ugly now. So, the war’s broken out, we’re going to see more and more of the evil that is the Khazarian Mafia and what they’ve done and we will see an escalation of the fear porn, on the part of the Khazarian Mafia against the SOC, trying to overwhelm it.​
“And so, we’ll see a lot of negative stories. ‘Well, the human race is doomed! We’re gonna have a social collapse! It’s gonna be worse than the collapse of civilization for thousands of years! We’re all going to be swept away in a giant tide of history!’​
It’s gonna be really damned negative. That’s their whole thing. They need to get everybody set up in their minds, in this battle for the hearts and minds to accept negativity, because these guys are coming at us and they want us to just keel over and die, basically.​
“So they’re just gonna pour this sh!t out like mad. You’re gonna see World Economic Forum people out there, spouting out their ass about Climate Change, about the horrific aspects of life on this Earth, about how all life is gonna perish and it’s all humans’ fault, and so on and so on and so on.​
“The SOC, on the other hand is also doing everything it can to remove any barriers to the populace seeing that Big Ugly so that they will recognize the Big Ugly for what it is. And this is necessary, because we have to confront the Big Ugly to overcome it. We have to confront that ugliness within ourselves and then go on out and confront it in the Khazarian Mafia.
“The reason we have to confront it within ourselves is because they put it there. So first, we must cleanse ourselves of these thoughts, to understand that we are part of a giant, magnificent Universe-created Biosphere.​

Having said the above, I would like to respond to Dekel to the extent possible. Possibly we can get some new ideas and answers.​
How to react, Why to react and Where to react

I think that is why we are in esoteric work, in self-knowledge, we are not reacting, we have been following international events for a long time and we certainly have some advantage over average people who might be horrified or paralyzed by current events and futures. Already in the past the Cs have told us to be the light to help others. I think by now we should be physically, mentally and emotionally able to help others in the times to come...To face and above all understand HyperNovelty​
If anyone needs additional context for the Khazarian Mafia, here's an article from Veteran's Today:

Within the article, they also cite one of their archived articles where VT discussed the crime syndicate in 2014 (!!) which I thought was quite interesting. It definitely gave me a different perspective on how to view conflicts popping up all over the world.
puma said:
“The reason we have to confront it within ourselves is because they put it there. So first, we must cleanse ourselves of these thoughts, to understand that we are part of a giant, magnificent Universe-created Biosphere.

Completely agreed

We are then called upon, each of us, to clean our conscience

this "time", it seems, it is less of a suggestion and more mandatory for us, in order to be able to help by Being and doing

I think most of us here understand that the more your personal configuration is clean, the more it becomes effective

In planes, each person is supposed to secure their oxygen first

Basically how Zen can one be ?
Not in the sense of sitting idly by, but being Aware
Back to the subject of HyperNovelty.

HyperNovelty is real? Of course, we are living it. There is a novelty affecting the information field every second and to stay sane we have to be aware that there is an information war on par with the spiritual and military.

Reading the responses from fellow forum members in the War in Israel thread on how information is moving so fast and with so many versions that it is somewhat difficult to discern what is real and what is propaganda. I was reminded of something written on Twitter/X by Clif High yesterday.

He responded to some tweets where people made mention of how fast, horrible, confusing and unreliable the information has become.


Clif High via X
It's the Peak of the OverWoo leading us into HyperNovelty in early 2024. As stated waaay back a couple of years ago, in the OverWoo, you would not be able to trust much more than gravity. Everything else is going to be open to interpretation.

Alexander Dugin realizes also that there is a war and something is going on with the information

Alexander Dugin via X
"The global information war is now in full swing. Several versions of reality are clashing with each other more and more openly. Societies and individuals choose for themselves which reality to believe in. And then they live in it.​
If we consider the "old way" in the spirit of classical materialism, there is only one reality. Only its descriptions and interpretations differ. That's why they presume that some people lie and others tell the truth. The roles can change. The whole question is whom we believe in such or such circumstances.​
But that's not the case. Reality itself - as phenomenologists and structuralists know - is a product of human consciousness. There is no reality outside of it, and the residual purely external elements are not charged anymore with being or meaning. Therefore, in the information war, it is not just interpretations that collide, but the facts themselves.
There is more than one reality - as many structures of consciousness (collective, of course) as there are realities. Not only evaluations of the facts, but the facts themselves. Materialists and people staying far from philosophy are not ready to accept this. Their belief in a reality independent of consciousness is unshakable. And as long as it is so, they will remain victims of information warfare, not those who are its masters.​
Consciousness creates reality.​

I think that a way to navigate this HyperNovelty is through the collective consciousness created by the activities of an STO-oriented group, in this case the forum.​

Just a note to everyone reading: members of FOTCM who have access to the private board, not only participate in sessions, but we have other activities one of which is a fairly regular group meditation practice that involves building a hyperdimensional network. We do this via Zoom, live, and includes members from all around the world.

We cannot deny that this hyperdimensional network has come to our aid in the past. Recently helping us navigate the madness created by COVID. Being involved with this forum, I think, took the stress away and that information helped many of us make the choice not to vaccinate and face the consequences of it.​

you can deliberately expose yourself to certain things in order to build up your will, your strength, whatever. Choose the activities you engage in to strengthen a certain FRV or refuse other activities. Interact with certain people. It's kinda like that book about where they were talking about the pendulums... Getting involved with a group or getting certain things going on will increase or enhance your FRV and the strength of it

The question would be, is FOTCM part of this Self-Organized Consciousness that opposes the Khazaria Mafia?
I think that a way to navigate this HyperNovelty is through the collective consciousness created by the activities of an STO-oriented group, in this case the forum.
To add to this, I believe it propagates out too. People like me, who don't have a group, are still able to benefit just from the exposure of the discussions in the public threads. On top of this, it seems to me a lot of what the forum has working on towards for The Work is timed well for the HyperNovelty. I always think back to what Laura said :lol: Thinking with a hammer!

The question would be, is FOTCM part of this Self-Organized Consciousness that opposes the Khazaria Mafia?
I'm not sure if this is the right question per say? STO orientation was not meant to be in opposition to another, I thought. Like the difference between "I fight you because I see you as an enemy" versus "I fight you to defend my family". One implies fighting is a first choice while the other may have been a last choice, but either way a conflict ensues.
Could you give a brief description of the contents?
The first ~15mins Clif and Dick talk about electrical discharge as the main cause of the creation of the Grand Canyon. After that they touch on a couple different topics but the bigger one is remote viewing and how the brain/mind can potentially skew results.

Hi, i see this: 20181014 INTERVIEW CLIF HIGH Answers In Time Analysis
And i remembar that CS say about that too. Comment please.
The biggest chunk seems to be the Grand Canyon part, is that what you're looking for? The Thunderbolt Project is a good starting place and you can branch off from there. As for the other topics Clif and Dick discussed, I'm not familiar with so I dont have any pointers for those.
I'm not sure if this is the right question per say? STO orientation was not meant to be in opposition to another, I thought. Like the difference between "I fight you because I see you as an enemy" versus "I fight you to defend my family". One implies fighting is a first choice while the other may have been a last choice, but either way a conflict ensues.

The Cs have said that at this time we are all STS and that we are experiencing this reality by choice. By orienting ourselves to an STO experience implies that rather than sinking deeper into being STS we will occupy, distribute and apply the knowledge to achieve STO and this is how we oppose the Khazarian Mafia, obviously not by violence but by bringing their activities to light and allowing others to make their choice of what vibration their next experience will be for the next cycle.

This reminds me of what Laura said about Paul's work, which was one of distributing information "to those who have ears let them hear".
Pauline Christianity if it's understood and followed correctly, is probably a good thing. We're Paleochristians. We believe in the original way that was taught by Paul based on Caesar and his own visions, but there are other Christians who have variations which can be better or worse depending on the interpreters. What Paul did to oppose those murdering apocalyptic Dead Sea Scrolls types, and to change Roman and Greek perceptions, was nothing short of a miracle in and of itself. He must have had help. So anyway, that was just my musing.

Opposition certainly has a positive aspect which is to bring to light (which is knowledge, which is love) We, as STS beings with the orientation to graduate to 4D STO, oppose deception, psychopathy and the plans of the hyperdimensional overlords. Like Paul wrote
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers, against the powers of this dark world, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Clif High via X

Fundamentally, the OverWoo was created by the break down of the traditional information control structure.

The Big Ugly was the revealing of the evil as a result of the OverWoo being in place such that the MSM + minions of the [KM] were losing their ability to control minds with words & social shaming rituals.

The Hypernovelty will be the result of humanity realizing that the control structure is breaking/broken, and leaving/gone, never to return, thus creating a new global mental attitude without the [KM] linguistic restrictions in place such that a dominating ethos of 'anything i can conceive, i can achieve' will emerge.

Quidquid concepere possum, possum efficere.
كل ما يمكنني تصوّره، يمكنني تحقيقه.
Todo lo que puedo concebir, puedo lograr.

IInteresting Clif's idea that with HyperNovelty ruling the world, an era of (creative) freedom without the intervention of The Big Ugly (Khazarian Mafia) is possible. We can step by step approach a fourth density reality of service to others because "anything WE can conceive, WE can achieve" will emerge.

By the end of 1994, Laura and the Cs were already discussing this possibility, how cataclysms would only occur for those left behind in Third density, because they somehow did not adapt to the energy/information changes, that they did not anchor themselves to a frequency...Or in Clif's concepts to embrace this HyperNovelty that for some will be overwhelming. They will be unable to break the traditional structure of information control that was controlled by the Dark T-shirts or The Ugly (antichrist and all that implies).
Q: (T) Okay. So, we are anchoring this. So, when they talk about 90 per cent of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about?

A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.
Q: (T) Okay, what you are saying, then, is that we are anchoring the frequency, so that when the wave comes, we move to 4th level density as many people as possible, in order to break the hold the "Dark T-shirts" have got on this planet, those who remain behind will not have enough energy left for the "Dark T-shirts" to bother with the planet any longer. There will be less of them so the planet will be able to refresh and they will be able to move on in their lessons without interference?

A: Close.
Q: (L) At this point of dimensional transition, is what we are doing, anchoring a frequency, are we creating a sort of "super string" network that will literally create another earth in 4th density, which will then exist in 4th density, and the old 3rd density earth -- almost like the splitting of a one celled organism, only in this splitting one half of it moves into another dimension and is energized and quite literally created by the anchoring frequency, while the old one remains and experiences 3rd density reality?

A: Step by step.

As the Beatles sang "All you need is love/light/information/knowledge.
Clif also tweeted something of a very ugly nature that I hesitated to post here, especially since someone might take "predictions" for granted and be in a bad mood afterward. But it kind of fits that 50% statistic that C's gave regarding psychopaths in society in Israel.
And when the world realizes Israel played a big part in 9/11, it's going to be the 'end of the end.'
This is also interesting in the context of Israel. Is this a part of some psyop or maybe Clif's "white hats" in action?
(...) Hackers have compiled a giant apparent list of people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry after taking that information from the genetic testing service 23andMe, which is now being shared on the internet.

A database that has been shared on dark web forums and viewed by NBC News has a list of 999,999 people who allegedly have used the service. It includes their first and last name, sex, and 23andMe’s evaluation of where their ancestors came from. The database is titled “ashkenazi DNA Data of Celebrities,” though most of the people on it aren’t famous, and it appears to have been sorted to only include people with Ashkenazi heritage.

NBC News was able to verify the data of two 23andMe users in the breach as authentic.

“Crazy, this could be used by Nazis,” one person who appears in the database said.

The company is still investigating the incident, but is treating the leak as authentic. In an emailed statement, a 23andMe spokesperson said the company believes it wasn’t hacked per se. Instead, it believes that the hackers simply gained some users’ passwords that had been hacked and leaked from other sites, then exploited the fact that 23andMe can give users vast access to each others’ genetic information.

Relevant session fragments:
December 1 2018 said:
Q: (Pierre) What’s the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?

A: 53
August 10 2019 said:
Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile?

A: Yes, but it isn’t Semitic.

Q: (Pierre) Yes! What are the origins of this genetic profile?

A: Ask another time after doing homework. Goodbye.
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