Recent Clif High interview by Sarah Westall
Here are a few of his point if you don’t have time to watch. (54 minutes)
The RV’s aren’t some much afraid of freaking people out, but are beginning to understand that
“emotionally per-loading” a mass of people can affect the out come of an event. Anticipation can change the future.
He sees a very dark future coming to the US. Pockets of war all over the country. “Real” law-less-ness.
How many of the recent US invaders are up to no good?
High profile assassinations are coming to the US.
NO LOVE AND LIGHT! Steven Greer is an asshole! The aliens are BAD GUYS, and they are going to war against us.
There are aliens on the moon (inside). They are all over the place. Much more the we think. Explains the moon as a type of spaceship.
We may be housing aliens from a planet that was destroyed in the past. (Kuiper belt)
Flat-earth is funded by the DoD.
If the matrix movies exist as movies here, they must exist in reality somewhere, because you can’t think it if it doesn’t exist somewhere. Sarah adds that the writer of the series said he didn’t write it he downloaded it.
Clone a body…sure, but replicating “you” into that body. Both CH and SW think that’s not possible.
Last point: if the body completely replaces every cell every 7 years…then why do scars remain with you?
Part one here: Use your discernment. There are many things that we have been lied to about or that have been left out of our history and education. There are many things that I don't agree with Cliff on, however he can make you think. Many cannot...