Cold wave over Europe

Here's a blurb that anyone can use to describe what's happening on blogs, sites, email etc

1. The gulf stream / current has gone haywire. 2. All the recent volcanic activity has spewn TONS of radiation repellent dust into the atmosphere, the suns energy is mirrored away from us. 3. The sun has recently gone to sleep (low sunspot activity). All this equals a HARSH WINTER ahead. PLUS, because of the "lag effect" this will continue or get worse for the next subsequent winters. This is all hard science.It has all happened before. (eg 1650-1850 "little ice age")
Rain at minus temperature.

On eastern frontier of Europe, Russia, around Ural Mountains, in several regions have passed rains at minus temperature.

Note about incident in one of several areas.

Overnight townsmen Perm could observe the rare natural phenomenon — a sleet. At air temperature-9 С there was a rain, the part of drops of water froze hurriedly. The southern cyclone became the rain reason, because of it in an upper atmosphere the temperature became плюсовой.

"These warm weights of air of a tropical origin have led to that clouds were formed of the overcooled droplets. As a result, when the front approached, these droplets dropped out in the form of a rain and such phenomenon as ice" was formed.

And also ice on the cars, which owners have left in the street. Cars have appeared completely are covered by an ice crust. Such phenomenon as a rain at minus to temperature becomes more and more frequent, experts speak. It can be not always appreciable, but on a local meteorological station a sleet fixed also in the last winter, at temperature a minus 21С. Now in the winter rains in Perm are possible each time when over a city will take place warm southern cyclones.
Another Cold Snap hits UK

I know this goes without saying, but since it on my mind I will say it.

Remember and look out for your neighbours especially elderly during these days of snow, check their curtains are open in the daytime, might be closed to keep heat in, check anyway. A lot of fuel supply disruption for those reliant on oil/fuel make sure your neighbours arent freeezing, and eldery fear shopping due to ice. make sure they have supplies.

Over and out, safe Winter and good festive season to all!
There are some who can see what is going on. Officialdom is apparently deliberately ignoring the obvious fact that it is the sun that is driving the weather on our planet, and the sun is doing some pretty strange things lately. Our jet stream is literally "broken" and northern climes are now exposed to arctic weather patterns. In this article, Pier Corbyn of is referenced as having beaten the UK's Met office predictions hands down over and over again.
Rain at minus temperature-2.

Now in Moscow

It seems that the mechanism of a coming nearer "glacial rebound" which can begin since Eurasia is already visible.

It only my opinion, or at someone the Kassiopean's phrase "sheets of rain" somehow associated with a coming glacial rebound?
Not comfortably, when there is no possibility of editing of post. :cry:


It only my opinion, or at someone else Cassiopean's phrase "sheets of rain" associated with a coming glacial rebound?
Windmill knight said:
I'd like to add that during today's arrival of the new arctic wave in the UK, we saw the temperature drop 5 degrees in the lapse of three hours only - during the day.

But its not so interesting like a drop of 20 degrees in Celsius in half hour, with the strong wind. Its change like you are dropped in different world all of a sudden. We have that during the summers in every week or two. Between is raising temperature in 3-4 degrees every day, until its become very hard, and then dropping with the wind and sometimes with the storm in half our.

Its cold in Serbia, where I live now also. Its minus 4 and snowing, the last week we had short spring with some 17 degrees, and two week ago it was snow with minus 6-7. One must have all sorts of clothes at the hand.
Axxel said:
Not comfortably, when there is no possibility of editing of post. :cry:


It only my opinion, or at someone else Cassiopean's phrase "sheets of rain" associated with a coming glacial rebound?

Hi Axxel, you can edit your posts as soon as you have posted 50 times. ;)
On eastern frontier of Europe, Russia, around Ural Mountains, in several regions have passed rains at minus temperature.

It actually happened on a broader scale.
Whole northern Poland , probably Lithuania and Belarus had the very same weather. Can someone from Lithuania or Belarus confirm that ?

Temperature was not that low (-1 maybe -2) but it was literally raining during winter time.
It covered LITERALLY everything with 5 mm thick ice layer.

I tell ya one thing :D these are my favorite driving conditions ......... driving bobsleigh of course ;P
Here in Germany the winter is still pretty tough in what I can tell, specially central Germany gets hit with heavy snowfalls and also power failures (about 80 communities suffered from this condition from last Thursday on and the longest power failure lasted about 30hrs), nonetheless the reason for this power failure is not known yet.

And I heard also in the radio, that this winter is normal under global warming. :-[
nonetheless the reason for this power failure is not known yet.

Well , it is already known here why.
Freezing rain sticks to grid air wires so it makes it very heavy. As a result poles holding that wires are breaking.

It looks similar to these photos:



Gandalf said:
Hi Shijing,
Don't feel embarrassed about that, we do have quite the same weather here, except that instead of going from 27 degrees C to 18, it goes from minus 18 degrees C to minus 27.

See almost the same thing. It is just the sign that is different. :lol:

And WHAT do you do with that kind of horrorific weather?? Stay all day home?

We are also jumping between degrees fom 5° C to 20 C° in one day (Mexico), I guess depends on what you are used to, of curse we do not have snow …yet? …snow is a too strong word … I once lived in Cleveland and to me it was like if I had arrived on winter (october) and I left on winter (beginning of may) …
mabar said:
Gandalf said:
Hi Shijing,
Don't feel embarrassed about that, we do have quite the same weather here, except that instead of going from 27 degrees C to 18, it goes from minus 18 degrees C to minus 27.

See almost the same thing. It is just the sign that is different. :lol:

And WHAT do you do with that kind of horrorific weather?? Stay all day home?

No, to most locals that kind of weather is normal and after time becomes part of life. I see people walking around with no jackets in -20 degrees C like it's balmy. It's the darndest thing!
Heimdallr said:
mabar said:
Gandalf said:
Hi Shijing,
Don't feel embarrassed about that, we do have quite the same weather here, except that instead of going from 27 degrees C to 18, it goes from minus 18 degrees C to minus 27.

See almost the same thing. It is just the sign that is different. :lol:

And WHAT do you do with that kind of horrorific weather?? Stay all day home?

No, to most locals that kind of weather is normal and after time becomes part of life. I see people walking around with no jackets in -20 degrees C like it's balmy. It's the darndest thing!

What about cross country skiing (skating). A lovely way of playing outside. :D

Seems like the Big Cold won't come this year in Norway after all - the last 2 weeks we've had temperatures over 0 degrees C several times, and this is highly unusual this time of year. Today it was almost 10 degrees with snow melting like it usually does 3 months later. Weird.

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