Cometary Encounters - Now available!


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
[The book has now been published! See this post.]

Six years after Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic connection, I'm glad to announce that I finished writing a second book. The title is:

Cometary Encounters.
Flash Frozen mammoths, Mars-Earth discharge, Comet Venus and the 3,600-year cometary cycle

Here is the introduction that should give you a rough idea of the content (please forgive the broken English, an English still has to proofread the whole book):

I finalized writing Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection in 2014[1]. It was my very first book and I believed it was my last one. However, during the research pertaining to this book, in particular the chapters related to cometary impacts and global cooling, a question kept nagging me: How could massive and robust creatures like woolly mammoths become frozen in a matter of minutes?

I began researching this topic in 2015. Initially it was supposed to be just an article to provide some tentative explanations for the peculiar demise of the woolly mammoths. Nothing more.

But, as is often the case, the writing this first article titled Of Flash Frozen Mammoths and Cosmic Catastrophes[2], which constitutes the first part of this book brought more questions than answers. In particular it revealed an oddity: the sudden death of the mammoths happened during a severe cooling episode known as the Younger Dryas. Such a cooling should increase the volume of polar ice and, as a result, reduce sea level. However, during the Younger Dryas, sea levels rose 17 meters over more than a millennium.

What could explain this apparent paradox? That is this central question that led to a second article titled Did Earth 'Steal' Martian Water?[3] which constitutes the second part of this book.

The rabbit hole kept getting deeper. The demise of the mammoth (ca. 12,900 BP) and the Earth Mars interaction (ca. 12,600 BP) were only two of the three major cooling events that led to the Younger Dryas. There was a third sudden cooling ca. 14,400 BP. What could be its cause?

It happens that events similar to the 14,400 BP one seem to have also occurred in 10,800 BP, 7,200 BP and 3,600 BP leading to an hypothesized 3,600 cometary cycle hence the title of the article Volcanoes, Earthquakes And The 3,600 Year Comet Cycle[4] which is the third part of this book.

While writing the second article about Mars close encounter with Earth, I suggested - in line with some of Velikovsky’s theories - that actually Mars was knocked close to Earth by Venus which, at the time, was a cometary body. While I focused on Earth-Mars interaction, a central question was left unanswered: “What happened to Venus after it knocked off Mars?”. The answers to the question were given in an article titled The Seven Destructive Earth Passes of Comet Venus[5] which constitutes the fourth part of the present book.

So, here we are, five years after the first questioning about the demise of the woolly mammoths, addressing information that have little if nothing to do with mammoths any more but which shows the frequency and severity of cometary events and, raises a question, that in a roundabout way, brings us back to the initial topic: “will living creatures in general and humans in particular have the same tragic fate as the woolly mammoths?”

This book is not the mere compilation of four existing articles. It offers enriched footnotes, more than 750 in total, improved illustrations, almost 200 in total, some of them featuring extra details, updated and augmented text including extra chapters –and an extensive bibliography listing more than 300 papers and books. All in all the content has increased by more than 50% but the above only deal with quantitative factors. What really matter are the qualitative ones and they are for you to judge. So, let’s get started!

[1] Written in English and published in May 2014 by Red Pill Press. Translated in French, German and Russian. Available on Amazon: Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World - Book 3: Lescaudron, Pierre, Knight-Jadczyk, Laura: 9781897244975: Books
[2] Published in 2017 on
[3] Published in 2019 on
[4] Published in 2019 on
[5] Published in 2020 on
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To give you an idea of the structure of the book, here is the table of content:

Table of content​

Acknowledgements. 5

Introduction. 6

Part I: Of Flash Frozen Mammoths and Cosmic Catastrophes. 8

The Woolly Mammoths. 11

The Younger Dryas. 15

The crime scene. 18

The ‘Event’ 24

What is flash-freezing?. 28

Recorded cases of sudden cooling on our planet. 31

Atmospheric ablation induced by a cometary impact. 35

Wandering Geographic Poles. 42

Location of Geographic North Pole before Impact. 45

Crustal slippage. 49

The Coroner's Verdict. 52

The Tragic Fate of the Woolly Mammoths. 55

Mega Tsunamis. 60

No human remains but archeological evidence. 63

Conclusion. 66

Part II: Did Earth 'Steal' Martian Water?. 67

Sea Levels on Earth. 69

Water on Mars?. 70

How Could Mars Lose its Water?. 72

Interplanetary Electric Discharge. 75

Relative Polarity of Mars and Earth. 81

Signs of electric discharge on Mars. 82

Evidence of Material Transfer from Mars to Earth. 86

Any Sign of Electric Discharge on Earth?. 89

How Could Mars Get so Close to Earth?. 94

Was Venus a Comet?. 97

When Did The Water Transfer Occur?. 103

Conclusion. 111

Part III: Volcanoes, Earthquakes And the 3,600 Year Comet Cycle. 114

The 14,400 BP (12,400 BC) event. 116

Cometary Cycle?. 125

The 3600 BP (1600 BC) Event. 130

The 7200 BP (5200 BC) Event. 138

The 10,800 BP (8,800 BC) Event. 145

Mystery Eruptions. 153

Correlation between Cometary Activity and Volcanic Activity. 164

Conclusion. 172

Part IV: The Seven Destructive Earth Passes of Comet Venus. 174

Venus Markers. 177

Looking for a Date. 182

Methane Spike and Temperature Drop. 183

Deuterium.. 188

Sulfur Dioxide. 191

Carbon Dioxide. 193

Increased Atmospheric Dust. 195

Increased Wetness. 198

Impact On Human Populations. 203

Cometary Venus In Myth. 210

Zooming in 5,200 - 4,600 BP. 218

Conclusion. 227

Epilogue. 229
Here is the epilogue of Cometary Encounters which might constitute the backbone of a third book. In a nutshell, the line of force is centered the two following questions: do new viruses enable in their host enhanced connection to the information field? Are major cometary events the window of opportunity that 'intelligent design' uses to remove obsolete life forms through mass extinction and to introduce more elaborate life-forms via the new DNA carried by viruses?

N.B.: Like the epilogue below, all the illustration in Cometary Encounters are in black and white, it allows a better reading experience on Kindle-like support and cheaper selling price for the printed book.


In Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic connection, we saw that life on Earth is punctuated by mass extinctions, most them being due to cyclical cometary bombardments[1] as illustrated in the graph below showing that out of 19 events (black circled dots), 11 (grey circled dot) lie on the vertical lines showing a 27-million year interval:

cyclical mass extinction.jpg
© adapted from Melottt & Bambach
Plot of extinction intensity and cyclicity from the Sepkoski data.

For years, I considered those cometary encounters as solely agents of mass destruction. But while writing this second book, I made some extra research about the Tunguska event and stumbled upon this excerpt:

It was found that the genotypic dispersion has sharply increased in the Tunguska trees. The effect is prominent, has a patchy character and concentrates toward the epicenter area, as well as toward of the TSB [Tunguska Space Body] trajectory projection (Vasilyev 1999, 2000, 1998). At maximums the genotypic dispersion shows about 12-fold increment (Vasilyev 2000). One of the maximums coincides again with the Mount Chirvinskii, another - with the calculated center of the light flash.[2]

Well, increased mutations are compatible with cometary encounters being exclusively agents of destruction. But Tunguska trees revealed another peculiarity:

The cause of the anomalous growth of tree rings after 1909 is more controversial. We collected tree ring data for 9 spruces, 1 larch and 1 Siberian pine. A comparison of the average tree ring width over about 30 years before 1907 and exactly the same period after 1909 has confirmed the width increase for all the 11 trees examined.
From these data no correlation with the tree position has been found. The trees were divided into two groups: 5 trees with an average ring width before 1907 equal to about 0.4 mm and a second group with a ring width of about 1 mm. After 1909 both groups reach approximately the same ring width of about 1.2-1.5 mm with an increase for the first group by a factor 3-4, as against a factor 1.2-1.5 for the second group.[3]

An increased growth doesn’t sound like a random detrimental mutation but like a beneficial one. Could cometary mass extinction improve life forms? Maybe Tunguska was an isolated case, so I had a look at other documented cometary induced mass extinction, in particular the well-documented K/T boundary[4] when 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub impact wiped out the dinosaurs along with 75%[5] of all species on the planet as shown by the black arrow in the cyclical cometary extinction diagram above.

The K/T boundary is a geological term referring to a very thin strata[6] of clay - shown by the white arrow in the picture below - sandwiched between the sediments of the tertiary above and the sediments of the Cretaceous below:

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© Creative Commons
The K/T boundary

Right below the K/T boundary lie the fossils of the dinosaurs and right above the K/T boundary – meaning right after the mass extinction – lie the fossils of fully developed new species with no known ancestors:

Immediately following the end-Cretaceous, primitive birds enjoyed a surge of development, and large flightless birds like today's ostrich suddenly appeared. Tree sloths, armadillos and anteaters saw dramatic development, as did egg-laying mammals such as the platypus and the echidnor. Other mammals, until then not much bigger than a house cat, took off in a rapid and spectacular diversification, all with no known ancestors.
Sea-dwellers enjoyed the same fate. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven species of lampshells (brachiopods) were completely obliterated at the K-T boundary, only to be suddenly replaced by twenty-four entirely new species.[7]

The K/T boundary is not an oddity. Virtually each geological period exhibits the same pattern. It starts with a mass extinction quickly followed by new fully developed life forms appearing out thin air:

Look at the Ordovician, when jawless fish with no known ancestors suddenly appeared; or the Silurian, when algae crawled out of the sea and onto the barren ground; or the Devonian, when coniferous trees suddenly appeared, as did ferns, seemingly out of thin air […] So many new kinds of fish appeared in the Devonian that it's called the "Age of the Fishes." Sharks appeared suddenly, and the first amphibian, Ichthyostega, crawled out of the water and onto the land.[8]

The correlation between the aftermath of mass extinction and new life-forms is stunning. In fact almost all major living branches of life appeared right after a mass extinction:

mass exctinctions and new phylum bw.jpg

© Eisenberg
Mass extinctions and new forms of life.

The above clearly suggests that major cometary impacts are not only acts of destruction through the removal of obsolete life forms during mass extinctions but also creative acts through the introduction of more elaborate life-forms.

Then the main question became “How can cometary impact infuse new and more complex life-forms?” This question lingered in my mind until the COVID hysteria, about which I wrote an article[9]. During this process I learnt a lot about viruses, including their pervasive presence in the genetic code of all life-forms, including humans:

"One of the most earth-shaking papers of this century was the publication of the human genome sequence. About half, possibly even two-thirds of the sequence are composed of more or less complete endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) and related retroelements (REs) [...]. The origin of REs is being discussed as remnants of ancient retroviral germline infections that became evolutionarily fixed in the genome.
About 450,000 human ERV (HERV) elements constitute about 8% of the human genome consisting of hallmark retroviral elements like the gag, pol, env genes and flanking long terminal repeats (LTR) that act as promoters. Howard Temin, one of the discoverers of the reverse transcriptase, in 1985 already described endogenous retrovirus-like elements, which he estimated to about 10% of the human and mouse genome sequence.
The actual number is about 45% as estimated today. In some genes such as the Protein Kinase Inhibitor B (PKIB) gene we determined about 70% retrovirus-related sequences. Is there a limit? Could it have been 100%?[10]

Not only viral DNA constitutes a large part of our genetic code but it has been demonstrated that this “foreign” DNA offers new beneficial functions to the host:

In 1996, Roy J Britten, of the California Institute of Technology, was able to list ten examples in which endogenous retroviral sequences helped regulate the expression of a useful gene. Seven of the ten examples were human.[11]

Actually, the role played by viral DNA is so critical that hosts’ reproductions would be simply impossible without it:

[...] when Corrado Spadafora, the Italian researcher who has produced such pioneering work in cancer research, applied an anti-reverse transcriptase drug in this very early stage of embryogenesis in the mouse, all development ceased at the four-cell stage. It would appear that endogenous retroviruses are playing a very profound, if completely unknown, role at this early stage in mammalian embryogenesis.[12]

In the light of the quote above, viruses seem more fundamental than even life itself; they are the information carriers -genetic codes- from which biological life stems. Viruses are more than life: they are the very source of life; they are the informational precursors, the initiators of life forms.

Knowing the central role played by virus in the genetic code of life-forms, could it be the infusion of new virus that triggered the evolutionary leap that marks the aftermath of cometary-induced mass extinction?

The fact is that cometary material is unexpectedly rich in organic material. 52 amino acids have been found in Murchison meteorites[13] while there are only 19 of them naturally occurring on our planet. More than that, several researchers including NASA’s head of astrobiology research Richard Hoover[14] have published a number of papers about the presence of bacteria in meteoritic material:

bacteria murchison meteorite.jpg

Cyanobacterial filaments in the Murchison CM2 meteorite

Not only meteorites carry microbes but the Earth’s upper atmosphere is also laden by microorganisms. Dozens of types of microorganisms, including three species[15] –two bacterial and one fungal- that are unknown on Earth have been found as high as 41 km[16], where no air from lower down would normally be transported[17]

From the above, meteorites directly carrying new virus and meteorites puncturing the atmosphere and enabling the entrance of new viruses are the two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain the infusion of new virus on Earth.

At this point one last question remained. How does viral DNA shape the new complex life forms? Mainstream science postulates that DNA is the code that controls the synthesis of proteins – the building blocks of life. Different DNA = different code = different proteins = different morphology. It’s a simple and neat explanation, but is it true?

How to explain that in one host every single cell carries the same DNA, but those cells follow different developmental paths. One becomes muscle cell, another one a neuron, a third one a bone cell. How to explain that when a salamander loses a limb, it grows a perfect replica of it? Where is template, where is the blueprint of the whole limb? [18].

steps in limb regeneration.jpg
© Whited
Steps in salamander limb regeneration

I dedicated the last part[19] of Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic connection to demonstrating the existence of a non-local information field. I won’t transcribe here this 100-page part, but one excerpt case might suffice to convey the main idea:

There’s a young student at this university who has an IQ of 126, has gained a first-class honors degree in mathematics, and is socially completely normal. And yet the boy has virtually no brain [...]When we did a brain scan on him, we saw that instead of the normal 4.5-centimeter thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimeter or so. His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid.[20]

image239.jpg© Lorber
(Left) A horizontal scan shows the brain ventricles in a normal individual
(Right) Large cavities in a hydrocephalic patient

An individual virtually devoid of any brain and being fully functional intellectually and socially suggest that our ideas, thoughts, memories might be non-local instead of being stored/created in our brain as usually assumed.

That’s the main premise of the concept of information field that contains all information including the ones relating to life-forms morphology.

So, if information, including morphic information is non-local, and the acquisition of new viral DNA enable morphologically more complex life forms, so viral DNA must be able somehow to modulate the connection of life forms to the information field.

Could viruses act like some antenna? Viruses are DNA and DNA recently revealed all the feature of a fractal antenna when exposed to electromagnetic fields:

The wide frequency range of interaction with EMF is the functional characteristic of a fractal antenna, and DNA appears to possess the two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self-symmetry. These properties contribute to greater reactivity of DNA with EMF in the environment,[21]

So, do new viruses enable in their host enhanced connection to the information field? Are major cometary events the window of opportunity that 'intelligent design' uses to remove obsolete life forms through mass extinction and to introduce more elaborate life-forms via the new DNA carried by viruses?

The answer to those two questions and the general content of this epilogue might very well be the topic of a next book.

[1] Lescaudron, 2014. Chapter 15 “Enter Nemesis“.
[2] Vasilyev, N. V. (1999). “Ecological consequences of the Tunguska catastrophe”, in Problemi radioekologii i pogranichnikh discipline, 89
[3] See: . Longo, G. et al. (1994). “Search for microremnants of the Tunguska cosmic body”. Planetary and Space Science. n. 2, 163--177.
Serra, R. et al.(1994). “Experimental hints on the fragmentation of the Tunguska cosmic body”. Planetary and Space Science, n. 9, 777--783.
[4] Cretaceous/Tertiary
[5] Kaiho, K. et al. (2016). “Global climate change driven by soot at the K-Pg boundary as the cause of the mass extinction”. Sci Rep 6, 28427
[6] About 1,2 cm (half an inch).
[7] Felix, Robert. (2008). “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps: The True Origin of Species”. Sugarhouse Publications. P. 33.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Lescaudron, Pierre. (2020). “Compelling evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade”.
[10] Moelling, K. & Broecker, F. (2019). “Viruses and Evolution - Viruses First? A Personal Perspective”. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 523.
[11] Ryan, Frank. (2013). “Virolution“. Harper Collins UK.
[12] Ibid
[13] Cronin, J.R. et al. (1983). “Amino acids in meteorites”. Advances in Space Research. Volume 3, Issue 9, Pages 5-18.
[14] See chapter “Impact On Human Populations”.
[15] Shivaji, S. et al. (2009). "Janibacter hoylei sp. nov., Bacillus isronensis sp. nov. and Bacillus aryabhattai sp. nov., isolated from cryotubes used for collecting air from upper atmosphere". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 59 (Pt 12): 2977–86.
[16] 25 Mile
[17] Narlikar, JV. et al. (2003). "Balloon experiment to detect micro-organisms in the outer space". Astrophys Space Sci. 285 (2): 555–62
[18] See for example: Sheldrake, Rupert. (2009). “Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation”. Inner Traditions/Bear.
[19] “Part IV: Role of the elites, the human-cosmic connection” pp.192-290.
[20] Lewin, Roger. (1980). ‘Is your brain really necessary?’, Science, Dec 12, , Vol.210, p.1232(3)
[21] Blank M., Goodman R. (2011). “DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields”. Int J Radiat Biol. 87(4):409-15.
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Can't wait to read it Pierre! And yes it sounds like a third book is in order with even more interesting stuff. I do remember Randall Carlson talking about peculiar lifeforms (plants and animals) that only developed withing the circles of the Carolina Bays. For example: I think he talked about the peculiar fact that the carnivorous plant called the Venus Flytrap only exist naturally in nature within the swampy Carolina bays! Nowhere else in the world! Implying that they only developed there by Cometary means maybe? Would also be interesting to find out why that plant still can only develop naturally in those bays? Why? I think he also mentioned other lifeforms including animals that seem quite different within those bays.
carnivorous plant called the Venus Flytrap only exist naturally in nature within the swampy Carolina bays! Nowhere else in the world! Implying that they only developed there by Cometary means maybe? Would also be interesting to find out why that plant still can only develop naturally in those bays? Why? I think he also mentioned other lifeforms including animals that seem quite different within those bays.
That is a very interesting information. If you have time, I would like to know in which Carlson's intervention you found the reference to life forms which are specific to the Carolina Bays.
In the epilogue I mentioned the example of the beneficial mutations found in various Tunguska trees. Absent from the epilogue but already present in the draft of the 3rd book is this case of mutation in humans:

A very interesting genetic mutation, possibly related to the Tunguska event, was discovered by Rychkov (2000).Rhesus negative persons among the Mongoloid inhabitants of Siberia are exceptionally rare. During 1959 field studies, Rychkov discovered an Evenk woman lacking the Rh-D antigen. Genetic examinations of her family enabled to conclude that a very rare mutation of the Rh-D gene happened in 1912. This mutation may have affected the women’s parents, who in 1908 lived at some 100 km distance from the epicenter and were eyewitnesses of the Tunguska explosion
Of course these cases are not proof of cometary-borne new virus triggering mutations, lest more complex life forms. But these are good circumstancial evidence, especially if the mutation is beneficial. We know that cometary events generate ionizing radiations which are mutagenic. However, "random" mutations like the ones induced by radiations exhibit minute probabilities of being beneficial.
I've brought up some of it already, but will dig deeper into the specifics the coming days:

- He has as a very fascinating series about the Carolina Bays, with a lot of stuff I heard for the first time

- He talked about possible mutations/evolutions through Comet-Bombardments

[...]It also makes you seriously rethink how much of an effect cosmic induced cataclysms really had on life on the planet constantly, also biologically speaking. In Randall's Carolina Bays lecture (that we will discuss soon as well) he brings up a number of things in that regard, that are also highly fascinating and which I never heard before. Like the strange fauna and flora that developed right in and around those bays (and only there and nowhere else on the planet) which look and behave quite alien compared to the rest of the planet. For example, the Venus flytraps (a meat eating plant) developed only in those Carolina Bays; they are native to that area alone, and nowhere else on the planet.

Venus' flytraps and Carolina Bays
Much to everyone's amazement, Venus' flytraps are not some strange, exotic plant. It is native only to the Carolinas, and, according to Wikipedia, probably within a 60-mile radius of Wilmington, North Carolina. They are found mostly around crater-like formations known as Carolina Bays, which are located mostly in the same area. Connections to these bays, which are thought to be caused by meteors, only help theories of their alien origins.
What makes this even more interesting is that many of those bays could have been created by atmospheric explosions of fireballs, similarly to the Tunguska event. So what effects might those atmospheric explosions have on living things, besides radiation type changes in the DNA? Incredibly interesting!
That's great, I've just read the epilogue you shared and I want to read the book as soon as possible! Do you know when, more or less, the book will be available?
I have no idea about when this third book is going to be available. It might be quicker than the two previous books because I've been mulling over those ideas for a while and collecting relevant quotes for months. I recently started a Word document which has already a structure (5 parts and about 20 chapters) and content (about 30,000 words).
Can't wait to read it Pierre! And yes it sounds like a third book is in order with even more interesting stuff. I do remember Randall Carlson talking about peculiar lifeforms (plants and animals) that only developed withing the circles of the Carolina Bays. For example: I think he talked about the peculiar fact that the carnivorous plant called the Venus Flytrap only exist naturally in nature within the swampy Carolina bays! Nowhere else in the world! Implying that they only developed there by Cometary means maybe? Would also be interesting to find out why that plant still can only develop naturally in those bays? Why? I think he also mentioned other lifeforms including animals that seem quite different within those bays.
Congratulations Pierre on the occasion of another achievement. Regarding the Carolina Bays, I wonder if they in any way had something to do with a cometary Venus. This may be very unlikely, but in the spirit of pun on words, I can't help it.
I have no idea about when this third book is going to be available. It might be quicker than the two previous books because I've been mulling over those ideas for a while and collecting relevant quotes for months. I recently started a Word document which has already a structure (5 parts and about 20 chapters) and content (about 30,000 words).
And about the second book, do you think after the proofreading takes place, it will take long to be published?
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